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The Tourism Destroyed by The Tourist - Task 2 for IELTS

Clark Kent 20 / 23 6  
Oct 5, 2015   #1
Some people say that tourism has many negative effects on the countries that people travel to. How true is this statement? what can tourists do reduce the harmful effects of tourism on local cultures and environments?

Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience.

Many people argue that the drawbacks of the tourism destination country are much more than the benefits, especially the negative impact of the environment. I strongly agree that the tourist snatch the harmony of the historical sites which has long guarded by the local residents. The guests should take an action to decrease this matter.

The popularity of the tourist place brings a lot of benefits to the country, especially the government and the local inhabitant. The government gets much additional income by the visitors. For instance, France is a country with the highest wages from the tourism sector, and the government is able to allocate this money to improve the supporting facility of tourist area, such as airport, train, bus and multiply the number of public facilities to the holiday maker spot. In addition, the citizen also helpfully by this trend, they are able to be a guide or offer some traditional diet to the visitors and provide a home stay or hotel for them. For example, most of the human being in Borobudur Temple in Indonesia were a guide, they help foreign people to know about the history of the temple and they get paid by it.

However, the drawbacks are more dangerous than the benefits. The big number of the tourism places are damaged by the visitors nowadays. To illustrate, according to the Beijing Times, 30% of Chinese wall has been wrecked by the irresponsible tourists. Furthermore, the increase of the number of tourists can also create a local culture become not sacred anymore like further back. There are a particular statue and traditional dance that in many years ago can only see by the local people and forbidden for the others. In contrast to the present, after becoming a tourist destination many of the conventional ceremonies or conventional heritage have shown by the inhabitant thanks to the satisfaction of the visitors. A case of point, according to writer, Ian Coleman report that in Guatemala there is a village with statue of a man called Maximon, who has a special spiritual meaning for the local tribe and visitors can not to see it, but now visitors pay money for them to bring the statue out and carry it around. As a result, Maximon has lost his original meaning, and now just another tourist attraction.

All in all, tourism not only give benefits to the government and the country who has a tourist place, but also they reduce the sacred value of the traditional heritage. In my opinion, the tourist should respect the local culture. In other words, they have to keep all the traditional heritage safe and do not exploit it for the individual need.
aniani 20 / 20 13  
Oct 5, 2015   #2
Hi Mr. Clark Kent, let me try to give a feedback on your writing

Many people argue that the drawbacks of the tourism (tourist) destination country are much more than the benefits, especially the negative impact of the environment. I strongly agree that the tourist snatch the harmony of the historical sites which has (have)(had) long guarded by the local residents. The guests should take an action to decrease this matter.

1. I strongly agree that the tourist snatch the harmony of the historical sites which has (have)(had) long guarded by the local residents. => It is a passive voice, so the pattern is S + has/have + V3

For instance, France is a country with the highest wages from the tourism sector, and the government is able to allocate this money to improve the supporting (support) facility (facilities) of tourist area, such as airport, train, bus and multiply the number of public facilities to the holiday maker spot. In addition, the citizen also (support) helpfully by this trend, they are able to be a guide or offer some traditional diet to the visitors and provide a home stay or hotel for them. For example, most of the human being(s) in Borobudur Temple in Indonesia were a guide, they help foreign people to know about the history of the temple and they get(are) paid by it.

1. In addition, the citizen also (support) helpfully by this trend.(In every sentence, there must be S + V, I help you to add the verb before adverb).

There are a particular statue and traditional dance that in many years ago can (could) only see (be seen) by the local people and forbidden for the others. In contrast to the present, after becoming a tourist destination(,) many of the conventional ceremonies or conventional heritage have shown by the inhabitant thanks to the satisfaction of the visitors.

All in all, tourism not only give(s) benefits to the government and the country who (which) has a tourist place, but also they reduce the sacred value of the traditional heritage. In my opinion, the tourist should respect (to) the local culture.
irfan727 49 / 68 29  
Oct 5, 2015   #3
Hello Clark Kent , i'll try to give some suggestions on your passage.
you had a good introduction i guess.
By the way,you have to know that on writing task 2, you just need to write min 250 words and max under 300, yet in yours, you have written more than 400 words. That is too much. you should to try reducing the waste words.

most of the human being in Borobudur Temple in Indonesia were was a guide
you have to aware with using singular or plural subject.

the local tribe and visitors can not to see it
u can use directly verb after modal.

Thaks, hope it can helps.
Pramudita 14 / 11 6  
Oct 10, 2015   #4
... much more than the benefits, especially the negative impact offor the environments and cultures .

... benefits to the country, especially for the government and the local inhabitant. Firstly, The government gets much additional income by the visitors. For instance, France is a country with the highest wages from the tourism sector, and the government is able to allocate ...You just explain about the government expenditure, not the revenue. You should give more explanation about income of government. Taxes which are collected from tourism, for instance, it will increase earnings of government.

In addition, the citizen also helpfully by this trend, because they will gain much money. they are able to be a guide

... human being in Borobudur Temple in Indonesia werewas a guide, they help foreign people ...

The big number of the tourism places areis damaged by the visitors nowadays.

... many of the conventional ceremonies or conventional heritages have shown ...

All in all, tourism not only gives benefits to the government ...

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