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Is it true, that in order to understand the culture of a country, we must speak the local language?

Yonathan 46 / 65 5  
Oct 27, 2016   #1
Some people think that a person can never understand the culture of a country unless they speak the language
Do you agree with this opinion?

the importance of speaking a local language

Recently, some people argue that in order to understand the culture of a country, we must speak the language. But, I strongly believe that way is not suitable for every people.

On the other hand, there are several reasons why we do not have to speak the language in order to learn the culture of a country. The first reason is the literature give us much information than verbal knowledge. For instance, nowadays the college students learn a lot of cultural information about a country in literature sources such as books, journal, and encyclopaedia. Learn their language also give a lot of information for academic purposes but language skill much useful in order to communicate with a foreigner. Another reason, most of the people now learn the culture of a country which informed in another language. Finally, the manifestation of culture can be found in many ways such as cultural dance, festival, food, statue and more.

However, I have a reason why an ability to speak the language also gives advantages in order to understand the culture of a country. In specific isolated tribes which are no information about their culture an ability to speak their language is the most important ability. For example, in recent centuries, European explorers travel around the world and visited several unknown countries. In order to learn their culture, European explorers have learned their language in order to learn about their culture because at this time there is no information about that country.

In conclusion, I believe that an ability to speak the language is not an essential part in order to learn the culture of a country. Nowadays there are several literature sources such as books and journal and available in several languages. However, in the past, an ability to speak is very important to understand the culture of a country. For recommendation, it would be better if every people learn the culture and also learn their language.
alfa7 19 / 26 1  
Oct 27, 2016   #2
Hi Yonathan, I want you to obtain some suggestions from me

here we go

For instance, nowadays["nowadays" should in initial of sentence.] the college students ...
Anothe rOther reason, the most of the people now ...
... food, statue and more over .

... language is the most important of ability.
... the world and visited several unknownunfamiliar countries.
... language is not an essential part inofin order to learn the culture of another country. Nowadays [insert coma in here] there are several (...) as books and journal and available ...

note: keep writing and go ahead
Dioba 68 / 104 7  
Oct 27, 2016   #3
Hi Yonathan, let me give some advice, perhaps useful for you.
1. For instance, nowadays the college students learn a lot (...), and encyclopaedia. ---> you should put "Nowadays" in the beginning of the sentence.

2. On the other hand, there are several reasons why ...----> In my standpoint, position of the "on the other hand" is inappropriate. There are several reasons why we do not have to speak the language in order to learn the culture of a country is appropriate to support your statement in the above.

3.Nowadays there are several literature ...----> you should be put comma after nowadays

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