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TOEFL;universities require students to studymany subjects or specialize in one subject

pppanta 3 / 9 1  
Oct 23, 2013   #1
Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Others universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

University is the place that provides people knowledge and skills to use in their real life. Some universities require students to study in one subject. On the contrary, others require students to study in several subjects. In my point of view, studying many subjects is better that one because students can study in subjects that they interested in, they can gain knowledge more than one field and they will have more chance to choose their future.

First of all, when students finished their high schools, they are confused about subjects that they are going to choose to study in universities. This is because they interested in many subjects and they want to try them all. For example, pupil who want to study science are also like to learn music. Therefore, requiring students to study in many subjects is good for them.

In addition, people who know a wide range of is better than people who know just one. Students can gain more knowledge in every different subjects thy study. For instance, university students who study business are also know history of the world. Furthermore, students not only gain knowledge but they also have more experience because they will meet new friends and teachers. Hence, they all can share opinion and knowledge to one another.

Finally, students who graduated with a variety of courses during university and lots of experience are definitely have more opportunity to choose their future or career. This is because graduates can work in various kind of works which they can select a job they prefer. For example, students will choose a career that they want including the job with high salary include. Moreover, bachelors can earn lots of money by working in other fields due to their knowledge.

In concluding, learning several subjects in universities is better than specialize in one subject because it makes students have more chance to gain knowledge to use in their lives and opportunity to choose their own future.

Thanks a lot for your feedback!!
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Oct 23, 2013   #2
University is the place that provides people with knowledge and skills to use in their real life. .... good hook :)

Some universities require students to studyin one subject.

Some universities require students to major in one subject.

On the contrary, others require students to study in several subjects.

In my point of view, studying many subjects is better thatthan one because students can study in subjects that they interested in, they can gain knowledge more than one field and they will have more chance to choose their future.

In my view, I believe studying many subjects together is a better option because it helps students to study in the subjects they are keen on and gain knowledge without limiting themselves to acquiring knowledge in one particular discipline.
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Oct 23, 2013   #3
This is because they interested in many subjects and they want to try them all.

This is because they are interested in a variety of subjects and lack enough knowledge about what stream they should really pursue.

For example, pupils who want to study science aremay also like to learn music.

.... you have to pay attention to grammar. I find many grammar mistakes throughout your essay.

In addition, people who know a wide range of (what?????) is better than people who know just one

In addition, people with multi-task skills stand better chances against others when it comes to career opportunities.
MisterWandering 18 / 321 130  
Oct 23, 2013   #4
are definitely have more better employment opportunity to choose their future or career

work in various kind of works

perform various tasks

which they can select a job they prefer.

This is not clear. I think that thanks to the accumulated knowledge and experience, they can impress recruiters and be a strong candidate for the position they apply for.

For example, students will choose a career that they want including the job with high salary include. Moreover, bachelors can earn lots of money by working in other fields due to their knowledge.

These sentences are not clear too. You could give example of how a specific skill such as leadership skill could help a student secure a position.

In concluding

In conclusion/To conclude

better than specialize specializing in

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