Many people say that the only way to guarantee getting a good job is to complete a course of university education. Others claim that it is better to start work after school and gain experience in the world of work.
How far do you agree or disagree with the above views?
hi guys, this is another IELTS essay that I've written. please correct it and if you can, give me a mark from 1 to 9. thank you so much!
More and more people decide to graduate from university, because they believe that the skills and knowledge they gain will help them get a good job. However, there are still people who do not agree with this view, mainly because universities do not offer enough experience in the world of work. I personally agree that going to university is a proper choice for a young.
One argument in favor of attending university courses would be the certificate that one gets after graduation. The most important part of a CV is the education that one followed and the proof of it - the certificate. For instance, there is no question that a young who shows his Harvard graduation certificate would find a good job. An employer is aware of the fact that universities prepare a young for their academic and professional life. As a result, youngsters with no qualification and no proof of their capabilities are not taken into consideration when talking about well-paid and good jobs.
Another strong argument is the experience that a student gains during his university life. Many people claim that students are just taught complicated theories and memorize long essays. This way, they do not have the ability to put into practice what they have been taught. It is not the case, because many students have the opportunity to attend workshops, find a part-time job or even sign a short-term contract with a top company. A quick survey published in the Times newspaper proves that more than 70% of the current students have worked part-time or have done significant researches in their field.
To conclude, there is no doubt that graduating from university is the backbone of a successful career. I agree with this opinion, because universities are responsible for both the education of a young and the work experience that he gains.
How far do you agree or disagree with the above views?
hi guys, this is another IELTS essay that I've written. please correct it and if you can, give me a mark from 1 to 9. thank you so much!
More and more people decide to graduate from university, because they believe that the skills and knowledge they gain will help them get a good job. However, there are still people who do not agree with this view, mainly because universities do not offer enough experience in the world of work. I personally agree that going to university is a proper choice for a young.
One argument in favor of attending university courses would be the certificate that one gets after graduation. The most important part of a CV is the education that one followed and the proof of it - the certificate. For instance, there is no question that a young who shows his Harvard graduation certificate would find a good job. An employer is aware of the fact that universities prepare a young for their academic and professional life. As a result, youngsters with no qualification and no proof of their capabilities are not taken into consideration when talking about well-paid and good jobs.
Another strong argument is the experience that a student gains during his university life. Many people claim that students are just taught complicated theories and memorize long essays. This way, they do not have the ability to put into practice what they have been taught. It is not the case, because many students have the opportunity to attend workshops, find a part-time job or even sign a short-term contract with a top company. A quick survey published in the Times newspaper proves that more than 70% of the current students have worked part-time or have done significant researches in their field.
To conclude, there is no doubt that graduating from university is the backbone of a successful career. I agree with this opinion, because universities are responsible for both the education of a young and the work experience that he gains.