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'various viewpoints' Extreme sports should be banned or not?

digitalidea 10 / 11 8  
Mar 29, 2014   #1
There is a phenomenon that ultimate sports are more and more popular around the world, such as jumping in sky, racing car, climbing skyscraper and so on, which are specially played by some young people who like to do different kinds of exciting activities.

There are various viewpoints about ultimate sports. Some people think that we should prohibit all ultimate sports, because they are very dangerous and could make a threat to public security. On the contrary, others insist that ultimate sports could not be forbidden, for those people have rights to perform ultimate sports and they love challenges. Admittedly, both sides are reasonable to some extent.

As far as I am concerned, we could not absolutely prohibit ultimate sports or freely release them. However, we should build some appropriate rules and policies to administrate and organize them.

There are several reasons that extreme sports should be not only advocated but also controlled by proper ways. Firstly, as one kind of sports, ultimate sports represent human beings' spirit of challenge, which can urge the development of whole sport activity. Besides, ultimate sports have a great deal of value of performance and commercial effects. For example, many people like watching TV programs of racing sport car, which is exactly dangerous. A variety of famous companies have needs to sponsor racing car, which includes engine oil brands, car brands, wheel brands and so on. It could gain plenty of commercial profits to sponsor ultimate sports for some companies, and the players also could get only fortune but also their fame and career achievements. Most important, some limitations should be applied to ultimate sports. We should not advocate teenager participate these sports, and it is crucial to guarantee their security under supervision of parents or related institutions.

Based on the above discussions, if the related departments can manage extreme sports effectively, many people will benefit from them.
collegebound28 13 / 22  
Mar 29, 2014   #2
As far as people who are against ultimate sports I think you can expand a little on that idea; while I'm sure there are some sports that are a threat to public security there is another element to this. What does it say about our society that we enjoy watching people perform actions that could leave them severely injured or even dead? Think about the Roman coliseums; today we think its abhorrent that the Romans participated in blood sports ( I.e. watching people killed/ injured for entertainment). But are extreme sports today very different? I also think it might be a good idea to expand on this idea of limitations for extreme sports; how can this be done- through lawmakers? Encouraging sports organizations to put in place safety measures voluntarily? Another idea you could discuss is how do we define an extreme sport. Football has important health implications for people who participate even with safety equipment; you might want to do some research on brain injuries in football.
Mowonight 9 / 19 3  
Mar 29, 2014   #3
college is right.

If money generated by ads is replacing the spectators during the Romain age, then this is just a shame. But I agree with some sports such as catch american since they are just faking and making violence funny as the sole purpose (imo).
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Mar 30, 2014   #4
There is a phenomenon that ultimate sports are more and more popular around the world

In your prompt it says "extreme sports" and you replace the word "extreme" with "ultimate" which is not quite appropriate :( This is the danger in using synonyms;

Here are 3 definitions for the word "ultimate";
1. being or happening at the end of a process; final. - "their ultimate aim was to force his resignation"
2. being the best or most extreme example of its kind. - "the ultimate accolade"
3. the best achievable or imaginable of its kind. - "the ultimate in decorative luxury"
So, none of these definitions do not give the idea of extreme sports.
eddies [Contributor] 25 / 1207 476  
Apr 22, 2014   #5
The topic of extreme sports is too broad. Why? sports are considered 'extreme' is debatable. Lead your reader by giving limitation of this idea: a high level of physical exertion.

As far as I am concerned, we could not absolutely prohibit ultimate sports or freely release them. However, we should build some appropriate rules and policies to administrate and organize them.

This paragraph is too weak. This needs in-depth discussion why should "freely release and/or organize them".

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