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working experience;Every student should travel or work being going to university

Va_lencia 2 / 2  
Oct 7, 2011   #1
Hi all, Please help.. Here is the question.

Do you agree or disagree every student should travel or work for a year being going to university or college. Support your argument using examples and reasons.

Higher education is very important for all people nowadays. It is the modal for someone's future. By studying in a university or a college, someone can get higher knowledge that they haven't received it before. In addition, a degree is a requirement for somebody to get better position in a company. Some people believe that students should travel or work for a year while they are being going to the university or college. In my opinion, I totally agree with it.

First of all, working while studying can give a lots of benefits to the students. They can get both knowledge from the books and also experience from practical life. Experience is the most important thing. If students only study from the books, they only get a narrow knowledge. They should use the their knowledge in the real practice. Lets say it in my experience. While I was studying my bachelor degree in a college, I was also working in a company. I felt very tired at that time. But by doing the same thing in one time, it made me easier to understand what I was studying. By practicing it directly, I could remember the knowledge that my lecturers had thought me.

Furthermore, if students want to continue their study to master degree, some universities or colleges will require working experience. Without any working experience, they will reject their applications. For example, my friend is not accepted in one of the state universities in Medan because he never works before. He should work at least two years. It is the prerequisite to enter a graduate schools.

Traveling while studying is the best thing to refresh students' mind. After being stress with the examinations and assignments, students may go traveling to relax themselves. Students also need some entertainments in their life. By having such fun activities, their mind will become refresh again, will able to accept new knowledge, and will not feel depressed. It is very dangerous if a student feels depress.

In conculsion, to get better future, the most important thing is by getting the experience. After have it, you can continue to master degree. And the last thing is that do not too stress with your study. It is dangerous!
Sophya 3 / 10  
Oct 7, 2011   #2
Higher education is very important for all people nowadays. It is the modal for someone's future. By studying in a university or a college, someone can get higher knowledge that they haven't received it before. In addition, a degree is a requirement for somebody to get better position in a company. Some people believe that students should travel or work for a year while they are being going to the university or college. In my opinion, I totally agree with it.

First of all, working while studying can give a lot of benefits to the students. They can get both knowledge from the books and also experience from practical life. Experience is the most important thing. If students only study from the books, they only get a narrow knowledge. They should use the their knowledge in the real practice. Lets say it in my experience. While I was studying my bachelor degree in a college, I was also working in a company. I felt very tired at that time. But doing both things in one time made it easier for me to understand what I was studying. By practicing it directly, I could remember the knowledge that my lecturers had thought me.

Furthermore, if students want to continue their study to master degree, some universities or colleges will require working experience. Without any working experience, colleges will reject their applications. For example, my friend is not accepted into one of the state universities in Medan because he has never worked before. He should work at least two years. It is the prerequisite to enter graduate schools .

Traveling while studying is the best thing to refresh students' mind. After being stressed with the examinations and assignments, students may go traveling to relax themselves. Students also need some entertainments in their life. By having such fun activities, their mind will become refreshed again, will able to accept new knowledge, and will not feel depressed. It is very dangerous if a student feels depress.

In conculsion, to get better future, the most important thing is by getting the experience. After having it, you can continue to master degree. And the last thing is that do not get too stressed with your study. It can be dangerous!
argentum 3 / 9  
Oct 9, 2011   #3
they haven't received it before ---> they have not received it before (never abbreviate in formal writings, except it is mandatory)
working while studying can give a lot of benefits to the students ---> working while studying can give a lot of benefits to students (

I suppose we do not need THE here because it is not clear about which students we are talking)
They can get both knowledge from the books ---> They can get both knowledge from books (the same reason as above)
Lets say it in my experience ---> It doesn't seem right, may be you could change it with for example, in my experience ...

He should work at least two years. It is the prerequisite to enter graduate schools. ---> may be will be better if it is : He should work at least two years because it is the prerequisite to enter the graduate course offered by the university .

After being stressed with the examinations and assignments ---> after being stressed with examinations and assignments
will able to accept new ---> will be able to accept new
It is very dangerous if a student feels depress ---> It is very dangerous if a student feel depressed .
In conculsion ---> in conclusion
to get better future, the most important thing is by getting the experience ---> the most important thing in pursuing a better future is getting the experience

And the last thing is that do not get too stressed with your study ---> ???

Hello Valencia, based on your writing, I can say that we are from the same country.
When you will take TOEFL? Mine is in a week.

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