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Posts by dcarreno1
Joined: Nov 25, 2009
Last Post: Nov 28, 2009
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Nov 25, 2009
Undergraduate / "a typical Hispanic family from Mexican descent" -UC Prompt #1 were I came from? [11]

Please tell me if I am on the right tract? I am not sure if I am responding to the rompt correctly?
I truely appreciative of any constructive criticism.

Throughout generations society has characterized intelligence based on professions, outlooks, academic backgrounds, and the capability to seek advantages to gain a personal benefit from. In my eyes society has always been wrong, because intelligence originates from the drive, risks taken, courage, and compassion an individual has to hold. The catch, as my father says, is finding that motivation that can inspire dreams, and turn them into reality. The past two years have not only been stressful, but an emotional ride as well. I have gone through tremendous struggles from witnessing my parents loose the place we called home to selling recycled bottles to help my family economically. Being influenced by personal financial struggles, generated a gap in my education, but the one thing I am most proud of is not letting myself fall. I worked hard during the summer to catch up, and challenged myself further by taking Advanced placement classes. Even though I was sometimes the only one or one of the three Hispanics in such classes, I felt comfortable. I felt proud, because I knew that I was enhancing my academic career to better my life. All my life I have challenged myself; never felt satisfied until I knew I reached my limit. This way of life came from my parent's interpretations of what really brings success. I come from a proud Hispanic family of Mexican descent. One that learns that the sweat of every day allows the guarantee of survival, and the food on our plate only originates from the labor we have to offer. I come from a family that taught me that nothing is impossible as long as you hold on to hope. Hope is the main force that has driven me to continue to apply despite the odds. I don't believe that I can be judged by just my preliminary GPA, and my grades in high school. The best way to know who I really am is by taking notice of my evolution from an insecure teenage girl to a women with a purpose in life. My dream, as long as I can remember, is to use my skills to help others needed of my service. I have always admired my parent's generosity to give to those less fortunate, even when we were in a similar position. I never questioned their motif of why they did this, but admired them. This made me realize that the best way to pursue my dream is to become a pediatrician. By taking the career to become a pediatrician, I can further enhance my attentiveness to detail, patience, and verbal skills to help our youth continue to live a healthier life by helping parents cope with their children's different stages of development. In order to set my dream into a reality I must take the risk to apply. I am aware that by taking this chance, I take the risk of pain. I know that by trying, I take the risk of failure. But I would rather take the pain of failing than living a life questioning how different the outcome would have been if I had taking that chance. All these adversities, gaps in my education, and obstacles in my life are scenes of occurrences that make the women I am today.

Just the beginning, planning on working more on it.
Nov 25, 2009
Undergraduate / UC Prompt 1- Living with one foot in two worlds [4]

I think you are doing fantastic job. I like the use of language included in your essay. Keep it up. Can you please check mine out it is on this forum
Nov 27, 2009
Undergraduate / UC Prompt 2-Family Death [10]

I remember vividly that thick black casket being carried up to the front of the pulpit. dont need that comma

I remember feeling the hard smooth texture,of it as I approached in fear.

I could feelfelt shivers run down my hands and up my spine sending messages of fear into my mind. Written past tense

As I peered into that black box, it felt as if I was being sucked into a vortex of abyss-what could make a black box so fearful? As I peered over the crimson edges of the box, I saw what I least wanted to see-the body of my uncle. Make this sentence more clear. Maybe separate it into three different sentences to make it more clear.

A sad smile seemed to brush across his face as I closed my eyes in fear . repeating the concept of fear too much

It was not a who, but a what-that ruthless disease which took the lives of thousands of coal miners during the Industrial Revolution, took my uncle as well . I like this sentence because it is the transition of what is your impact, but make it more clear.Maybe if you change it to:The cause of my uncle's death was not physically a person, but that ruthless disease that took the lives of thousands if coal miners during the Industrial Revolution.or something of that sort..

It was that last expression that seemed to continually probe me, whenever I thought of my uncle, I could only see that sad smile on his face.

Little did I know that his death would be a milestone in my life, an experience that has shaped my dreams and aspirations. This sentence is good because again it is a transition, but try making it more clear.How did it become a milestone? What impact had this uncle had in your life when he was alive? Explain.

I learned that he passed away from Lung Cancer, as he was a heavy, chronic smoker. I thought he died from a disease make more clear.

I remember my family would visit the hospital on a monthly basis as he went through treatment for about a year and a half.I dont think you need this sentence, although the sentence ater that is good but make it more clear.

I realized through my high school years, as I would go on medical mission trips to Mexico, that the true purpose of medicine is the purpose of life: to show the willingness to show compassion and the will to help others. I love this sentence :)Although break the sentence up.I think you should expand on the your wish to go to trips in Mexico. Is it to help those less fortunate? Is it to give those people a chance that your Uncle did not have? I see were you are going but make it more personal. Ommit all useless information and delve into the experiences that delve with what you want to become.

I realized then, that the roots of medicine stems from human relationships.T hat medicine, is somewhat like another language; conveying our affection for someone other than oneself. Love this sentence. Superb. :)

Maybe Change these two sentences to this:
Sigmund Freud, a famous psychologist, once said that all human beings by nature are selfish beings, but I realized that we can show compassion to others, fulfilling our roles life.

This discovery is what I take pride, which continues to fuel my dreams of medicine today and will continue to do so.

My goal in life is to become a Pharmacist, and eventually use my knowledge to help others around the world through a re-owned organization known as compassion . Love this sentence too.

I think you are doing a fantastic job so far. Dont worry this topic really fits the prompt just make your declarations more clear. Dont be afraid to make your decalaration exajerated and personal cause remember colleges want to know the person you are and the your ability to show it. It can be stressfull to portray yourself when there are imposed limitiations, but just take it easy and let your statement flowDont worry you are doing a fine job.

I also posted a personal statement just if you want to check it out. Thanks!
Nov 27, 2009
Undergraduate / UC Prompt #1: Planting the Seed [2]

When I was young, I used to sever saplings at their trunk, and
re- plant them in the soil assuming that they would keep growing as if nothing had disrupted their life.

When I came back the next day to find my baby withered, I thought nothing of it but to plant another using the same method. Try using another word than baby, sounds more formal.

It wasn'twas not until years later, that my mother taught explained me ofthe concept of the seed, the body that gives rise to a new individual. Like this sentence :)

I was born and raised in __________, California, which holds a population of 3,600.

The barriers this small town presents me with, often close my options.

Maybe this sentence would sound better like this:
Unlike most college bound students, the options given to me are limited. Virtually there was nothing I could do about it, because it is the only public high school in my town.

My seed consists of everything that I am: a determination to be successful in everything that crosses my path, an aspiration to be involved in those extramural activities that will fill the gap of my limited educational options, and an ultimate dream to have the freedom of choice in my future. Love this sentence Too. :)

The seed I have planted for myself will guarantee numerous branches of option and opportunity so that my years ahead will not be restricted to the ordinary, but open to the optimum. Good conclusion

I loved how you used the interpretation of the seed. It gaves a uniqueness to your paper. One thing that was missing or maybe I did not catch it is your aspirations and dreams. If you dont have this included in your paper make sure to include it. Other than that your essay was great it truely has personality.

If you dont mind I also posted a final draft of my personal statement. Check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks!
Nov 27, 2009
Undergraduate / UC Prompt 2-Family Death [10]

No, because here you are talking about an experience. Prompt 1 wants to know how your world shaped the person you are today and aspirations not how an event in life shaped who you are. I think it fits better with the secon. Then again, thats just me.
Nov 28, 2009
Undergraduate / UC prompt 1: Gunn High [2]

The focus of school has slowly been shiftinghas been shifted from getting a good education now to getting a good education in the future by receiving exceptional grades now. Might want to break this into two sentences.

I have foundrealized that one can not just act as a ball of clay waiting to be molded by society's hands. Instead, each one of us must be the sculptor of our lives, absorbing the advice of those around us, while putting our own creative twist on it. LOVE THIS SENTENCE :)

I like the way you flow your essay. Eventhough you though you yet to find your passion in life you described how you strive to find that passion I like that. Although one advice, it seems that you have many focus in just one sentence. Try splitting every heavy sentence into two this will make your essay flow better.
Nov 28, 2009
Undergraduate / UC Irvine Personal Statement Supplement Nursing Program: Time with Su Ping [9]

She gave a mere groan, and mumbled in Cantonese that she was in pain in Cantonese .

The first time I saw Su-Ping, I was reluctant to approach this fragile woman, because as she was extremely ill, I knew I would receive no response from her. Re-write this sentence. Structure seem kind of odd.

I immediately called the nurses, and stayed there for an hour, translating to her every phrase the doctors said.

Thus,The enjoyment I had with her in the two months has brought me to an interest in nursing.An interest to provide care for an individual, but even more importantly, to provide companionship and hope to that personindividuals in her/hertheir greatest time of need.

Your essay is good but lacks personality. Make your essay more personal and intimate. If you try hard to add your personal voice it would not sound to cliche. Is this for prompt one or two.

And OH by the way I applied to UC Irvine as well. Hope to join KABA MODERN Legacy if I enter.
Nov 28, 2009
Undergraduate / UC Prompt 2 "My left hand lay cramped as a deformed claw" Cons. Criticism wanted [5]

Even if I had no experience in that position, whatsoever. Try putting this at the beginning.

It was the most foolish decision that I have ever made and, yet, the most gratifying. No comma after yet.

There were plenty of problems with my solution: I had never fingered a guitar before, and the thought of performing in front of an audience petrified me.

I attempted to learn the basics of guitar in a monthmonth's time .

I would cultivate my confidence and overcome my glossophobia, while demonstrating leadership all at once.

Then, as I see my battle scars, calloused fingertips and a hunched back, I know that I am walking away from this experience with fulfillment.

At first I was confused with your position try making it more clear. Your essay's flow would be much better if you live out the useless information.
Nov 28, 2009
Undergraduate / "my dream and aspiration to become Doctor" - UC prompt #1 [8]

Instead of was determined replace with evolve. Much easy and straight to the point.

Throughout the months that followed whether at the Dentist for a cleaning, at the pediatrician for a routine checkup, or dinner with my family who have a rich tradition as physicians, medicine was all around me. Make this more clear are you trying to state that this are experiences that also made your realize you want to become a doctor.

When I turned sixteen, I was fortunate enough to become a volunteer at ..., and work with my father.

Is this for prompt one or two, because it seems it fits more to prompt two? Although it seems your father forms part of the medical field or works at a hospital. If so you can write the prompt about him, and how is work and determination made you strive to become a doctor. The points you have made are really good but are experiences that impacted your life. This information does not give any insight in the world you originated, your background, your personality, or your determination to apply. If you just let your brain flow instead of stressing to much you will come up with some great ideas.

Oh by the way, you dont have to check mine I already submit it.

Nov 28, 2009
Undergraduate / UC Irvine Personal Statement Supplement Nursing Program: Time with Su Ping [9]

She was pale, yellow, and I was just basically scared. Um, this sentence does not really tell me anything seems to childish. Here is a great oppurtunity to add your PERSONAL VOICE.[/ b]

Yet, I entered the room and asked her in English: "You have your menu ready?" No response. "Would you like me to help you decide?" [b]This is a little confusing, althought the first wrote it was better. Here is also another chance to enter your PERSONAL VOICE .

This following sentence is great, because it adds your personal voice, style, and the person you are evolving into:

The enjoyment I had with her in the two months has brought me to an interest in nursing, an interest to provide care for individuals, but even more importantly, to provide companionship and hope to others like Su-Ping in their greatest time of need.

Instead on focusing your essay on the situation try focusing on how this impacted your life. Dont be afraod to be out there. Be personal. If you were scared at first describe your fear.
Nov 28, 2009
Undergraduate / "my dream and aspiration to become Doctor" - UC prompt #1 [8]

Not exactly what I said. If your father is in some in the medical field you can write a way he inspired you to become a doctor. Also the what you mentioned in the beginning, that experience can be expanded, and you can make it more personal. Remeber universities want to know the person you are, and how your background, family, and obstacles helped you form your purpose and inspirations in life.

By the way if you dont mind, what UCs are you applying to?
Nov 28, 2009
Undergraduate / UC2: Falling in love with Fictional Men [4]

"No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it." check UC format on the UC website, because I read that you cant use quotes. Just go back and double check.

Most would argue that almost all of Orlando Bloom's fans would share my sentiments due to his good looks and popularity.

Yet, I was never drawn to his physical attraction before, albeit being handsome is an excellent quality to have, there are more pressing attributes I prefer to engage. I dont know if albeit is a word. Double-Check on that.

I was not infatuated Orlando Bloom; I was taken with his character... THis first part make it more clear, the use of grammer is not correct.

Being human is to vividly feel our passions, while mediating them with reasoning. LOve this sentence :)

A healthy balance of both, results in the creation and value of morals, commonly expressed...

Instead of I've write the whole word makes it more mature.

I speak the truth during the Lincoln Douglas debates, which deals with arguing the true meaning of morals and how they properly apply to any given scenario. This idea would be great and serve as an experience if you expand to it. Just a suggestion.

I like how your love for Orland Bloom went to your passion in life pretty unique. He is pretty cute, but the guy I am throbbing for right now is Taylor Lautner.
Nov 28, 2009
Undergraduate / "My Family" - USC: WHAT MATTERS TO ME AND WHY [6]

When you use words like could'nt did'nt I've, etc, it is better to write it's full form it would give a more mature vibe to your essay.

I got out of bed at 6:50 AM, and wandered around the house to see what was going on.

The house was empty and cold and very unusual, since I always get a ride from my mom, as she leaves for work.

There was a moment of silence... and she said that our mom went to the Emergency Room and they do not know the cause of her illness yet. Try breaking this sentence into two

I thought of the possibilities my life without my mom. Improper grammer structure.

We were maturing day by day. Instead of sticking this sentence in your essay try relating to how your family was ableviouse to such disaster occuring in your guy's life.

My sister had midterms, while she stayed next to my mom every single night at the hospital.

Our desires and passions had to be put aside for the greater good. Define the greater good, I know what it is, but it would be much personal if you defined it.

But I realizedThis experience made me realize how vulnerable, and easily broken we are as human beings and. I realized that I cannotcan not afford to feel depressed, and hurt in times of trouble.... EXPAND: WHY?

Consequently, I learned to cherish every moment, and smile that comes from the people that I love.

Even in the midst of all this chaos, my family opened their eyes to something that was really important to us, being a family. LOVE THIS SENTENCE :)


By the way, what college do plan on attending?
Nov 28, 2009
Undergraduate / UC Prompt 2-Family Death [10]

No I think it sounds good. I just have a question? Is the UC system going to take an essay as copied if we post it on this web?
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