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Posts by KhanhZ
Joined: Jul 9, 2012
Last Post: Jul 30, 2014
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From: Viet Nam

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Jul 9, 2012
Undergraduate / "Hitting Walls" - my comm app essay for question # 3 for 2013 admission [17]

So this is my essay for question #3:Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence.
I feel it doesn't have a good word flow, maybe I need better transitions. And does it answer well the question? Any help much appreciated!

"Hitting Walls"

For the record, punching walls is a quite healthy exercise for your knuckles. May hurt a lot, though. But the benefits such activity brings along could not be ignored. Punching walls is good for improving pain tolerance, hardening knuckle bones, as well as alleviating rage. Especially the latter. That's actually how I first got acquainted with the Wall. To be specific, my mother caused me to befriend it. She, while being strong and diligent, is a rather impulsive and self-righteous woman, who enjoys mocking others for their flaws and mistakes, but chronically never admits her own. As you can guess, I am one of the subjects that get a portion of that caustic criticism... A big portion. That constant barrage of unpleasant remarks or just plain high pitched notes, often undeserved and absurdly exaggerated, infuriated me unfathomably. The dosage progressively increased as I grew up.

When I really got enraged for the first time the preceding argument was approximately like this:

"Hey that girl should run away with her beloved." I said, peeking at some Korean TV series my mother watched, "Her parents are too cruel to absolutely forbid her to marry a man she loves. And really, there is no apparent reason."

"So that's how you think?" my mother suddenly barked, "You think it's OK to oppose your parents' opinion?!"
"But what if their opinion is flawed? You can't look only from one point of view."

"I've raised you, so you must listen to and follow my advice!" she snapped with a cracked voice.

"Why do you make yourself so authoritative over me? Am I not equal to you?" I shot, swallowing saliva nervously in anticipation of imminent tempest.

"What?! I earn money to provide for the family, and you do not! If you are equal to me then go and work!"

"I mean equal as humans. Not financially or social duty-wise. Can't I have my own opinion to be considered too? And by the way, isn't this the 21st century we are living in?" I restated, trying clear the confusion.

"You, ungrateful brat! ... " and then she went on ranting.

My head was filled with thoughts, which you might find familiar: "I hate her so much! Why?! Why is she treating me like that? I'll kill her, that's for sure!" My body was consumed with boiling hatred that gnawed me from the inside. I didn't know what to do: I thrust on chair, clenching my teeth with smothering anger; I didn't know how to suppress that overflowing feeling. But then I just rushed into my room, closed the door and started punching walls relentlessly. And punched, and punched, and punched until I started feeling acute pain in my knuckles. I stopped. I looked at my knuckles: they were bruised, violet with congealed blood underneath; skin was scratched in some areas-- luckily nothing was bleeding. I calmed down and a burdening feeling slowly subsided from my body and mind. Rage evaporated. Pain ceased. I told myself: "Hey that actually helped, but it hurts a great deal," then turned and addressed the concrete entity, "Thanks, Wall."

There were so many instances that I can't bother you with cataloging them all. So I'll dissect them. The influence of my mother that manifested through all those occurrences wasn't and still isn't pleasant to me so to say. It could have gone one way: I could've become self-conscious and more reserved; all that could have ruined me as a person. But instead I shuffled a bad hand to my favor. I have considered that as a test of my fortitude, a necessary hardship to overcome in order to become stronger. I have come to fully learn how to suppress my emotions and to calm down during fits of rage. I accepted only the criticism that seemed most objective, the other I neglected, for I know who I am, I know my flaws -- no need to remind me of that. A phlegmatic and introvert by nature, I mastered the best that comes from those personality types: patience, perseverance, emotional stability. But I have to admit without my mother's influence, even though hardly bearable, I could've been different. For that I'm reluctantly grateful. Perhaps, the most important thing I learned myself is that hatred and anger is not the way to go: they strain your nerves and exhaust your existence. Order and Composure -that is strength. But Fury and Grief - weakness.

Anyway, now I punch walls for practice.
Jul 9, 2012
Undergraduate / 'dependant on computers and technology' - past circumstances and major choice [7]

Overall not bad for limited amount of words essay.))
I'm not a native speaker, but I found some mistakes and unevenness.

A large majority of my childhood was spent on the computer

I think you should write something like this: ...was spent with my arms around the computer..

I had become accustomed to being around

accustomed with

many other new technologies

maybe " with new gadgets" would be better

help me fulfill this goal

help me to fulfill

each one more powerful, faster, and easier to obtain

confusing, I understand that you meant powerful and faster that the preceding gadget, but in this sentence those adjectives will relate to "to obtain", so revise the sentence.

and use italics for names like Scratch and Moore's Law

Hope I was helpful)
Jul 9, 2012
Scholarship / 'Things happen to teach something' - persanal statement essay [7]

Is there a topic for the personal statement? and what university are you applying for?
I think the first paragraph contains unnecessary information and the whole essay is filled with repetitive sentence structures and very basic grammatical errors like

My personality make me have a lots of friends When I be freshmen in university I was be cheerleader and rugby manager for economics team I would like to play rugby but not have any girl interest in it

No offense, but with mistakes like that, you better take some courses in English before you think of studying abroad.
Jul 10, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'smiling at my own face' - AN ESSAY ABOUT MYSELF...WHAT MAKES ME 'ME' [6]

follow the forum rules and don't write your thread title using only capitals, OK?

morning. It was 10 in the morning

repetition of "morning"

It was december -- a bright frozen day in the early morning. It was 10 in the morning
and I was still in my bed.

don't forget to write months in capitals( December)

I revised a lot of words and some sentences, I didn't mark all of them.

whoof! that was a long essay. The start was good, but the last parts got worse in quality: too much repetitiveness and sloppiness. yeah, and biggest problem in your essay is the tone. I revised and fixed as much as I could, but you still need to invest more time in your work, especially the other half.
Jul 10, 2012
Book Reports / a question concerning the american literature thesis [2]

If what, I'm just a high school student.
and, hey, you are a graduate student and you don't know how to develop ideas. that's not good.
Try to explore something like "the American Dream and how it changed over the course of the history of American literature"
1. Introduction + some thesis
-introduce why did you choose the topic, tell what tangled you in this area
then just divide all chapters by centuries like
2. 18 century
and explore each period of American literature...explore the social backgrounds of every period and how they impacted the writers of that time and the notion of American Dream .

Then you conclude somehow.
Jul 10, 2012
Student Talk / The aim of life [56]

H, Ahmad.
How old are you?
You are tired of what exactly?
You and I are on this world to live. Yeah, that's obvious. Different people have different reason to live and different "meanings" of life. personally, I live for the sake of human reproduction...he he...
Jul 10, 2012
Student Talk / The aim of life [56]

Are you planning to study abroad but do not have enough money? or what? Tell me more.)
You are talking about destiny and the inability to change it. You sound like a fatalist; snap all the worst thoughts in your mind. I don't know exact circumstances that made you to think so, but you must struggle against odds, believe and hope, not in God, but yourself.

I might not know all difficulties that you are experiencing, but i know the feeling when everything seems so cr*py, when future seems uncertain.

Know this, i'll hope for you.)
Jul 10, 2012
Undergraduate / "Hitting Walls" - my comm app essay for question # 3 for 2013 admission [17]

Ok thanks). At least I'll rest assured that there are no silly mistakes.
And I want to ask you this: my essay is about 740 words but the limit set by most colleges is 500 max. In your opinion, will admission officers tolerate difference in 240 words or should I chop something out?
Jul 10, 2012
Student Talk / The aim of life [56]

Be more specific. what is your exact aim?
You are 27 and had "a life full of difficulties". You know, there people with the same problems, but they wind up even in worse situations, they become alcoholics, drug addicts etc, But look at yourself: (as I read from your profile) you study in a university. I think that is worth some of your pride. Don't diminish your efforts, please.)) (If you told me more, maybe I would be able to persuade you better.)
Jul 10, 2012
Student Talk / The aim of life [56]

Maybe that could be the case. Do you do any sports? I practice karate and that helps very well to ease the tension, I get home tired but relaxed. So yeah relax a bit. And please never ever think of your life that way.))

And I see you are a contributor on this forum, helping others, while ,as you say, working like a madman. Another point to be proud off.
Jul 10, 2012
Student Talk / The aim of life [56]

Always glad to help )
Jul 10, 2012
Student Talk / The aim of life [56]

ah 'chuckle'...I'm just 16. and I'm planning to take psychology as a major, but eventually I want to become an attorney.
You're flattering me.)
Jul 10, 2012
Student Talk / The aim of life [56]

Thanks, I haven't experienced the need to earn money desperately like you( probably from a young age), but i have other "intolerable" issue.

Anyway, good luck with letting steam off))
Jul 10, 2012
Student Talk / Exam passing tips - its my final year [71]

I don't know about you guys, but before any exam -- be it a final or a semester one -- I always take a rest and relax during the day before the exam.(of course before that day I have to study thoroughly). Helps a lot for me, I don't get overloaded and hold pretty much all the learned material in my head.
Jul 11, 2012
Student Talk / The aim of life [56]

No, you are still too pessimistic. i have heard so much of this "money rules the world". Yeah, there is some truth to it. But NEVER use such idea as an excuse to surrender.

What you buy with money is not true friendship, but loyalty based on obligation; not love, but an self-suggested feeling thrust on expected benefit.
Are you kidding me? Do you think that all successful people were born with large heritages? Damn, NO! Quite many of them had troubled backgrounds. Take Oprah Winfrey. She was so poor she even made clothes from potato sacks when she was a kid; she was sexually abused and even born a child at the age of 14. I don't need to tell you who she is now.

Will rotates earth. Remember.
If you were an old man that fought relentlessly for a better life and yet couldn't achieve it, you would have a right to complain. But you are 27 and you still have your life. Quit whining and keep working. I believe you will succeed))
Jul 11, 2012
Student Talk / The aim of life [56]

I don't want to sound harsh. I'm young and I never experienced the same problems as you are facing -- I just want you to believe in your abilities and not allow yourself to indulge in pathetic thoughts).

and could you read my essay and give me some feedback?:) especially I don't know what to do with the over-limit problem.
Jul 11, 2012
Student Talk / The aim of life [56]

Why didn't you pursue M. Sc degree? And if you have such talent and affinity for doing research and other scientific stuff, why don't you try emigrating. There is a high job outlook for scientific researchers in developed countries.
Jul 11, 2012
Student Talk / The aim of life [56]

Of course USA might be out of reach, but I think New Zealand , Japan , South Korea are some of the options available for you. If you are good enough you may earn decently in those countries
Jul 12, 2012
Writing Feedback / Where do communal responsibility and individual responsibility begin and end? [6]

greetings, Denzel

Are stydying psychology?

So in order to find where communal responsibility begin, one must first find out where individual responsibility and selfishness ends.

I like this sentence, BUT it doesn't work with the previous one

We occasionally want to help our neighbors but because of skepticism we are afraid that they might not honestly need the help.

in this sentence you don't really talk about our selfishness, but rather our hesitation. and the sentence itself is messy in the end "but because of skepticism we are afraid that they might not honestly need the help "

but the criticism we are afraid to receive from those who we help restrains us from helping.

my opinion on this topic is that individual and communal responsibilities are often set by both family and cultural traditions.Those responsibilities might look different at first glance, while actually being tied to each other firmly. Individual responsibility starts with not escaping judgement and .accepting your social duties and the responsibility for the consequences of your actions. But this is directly tied to communal responsibility, because your actions quite often affect others and your duty is not to make harm. So it's really hard to define where is all starts,

I think you should explore the hidden connections of individual choices that eventually affect other people and etc.
Jul 12, 2012
Undergraduate / "Hitting Walls" - my comm app essay for question # 3 for 2013 admission [17]

There were so many instances that I can't bother you with cataloging them all. So I'll dissect them . However , the influence of my mother that manifested through all those occurrences wasn't pleasant to me. It could have gone one way: I could've become self-conscious and more reserved. But instead I shuffled a bad hand to my favor.

however wouldn't make sense, because the influence was unpleasant

except for that, I really appreciate your help, Dumi))

Kinda hard to reconsider your own essay objectively, when you get attached to it.
Jul 14, 2012
Student Talk / The aim of life [56]

THE ANSWER: Don't be fixated on your failures. You learn from them, you carry on.( how much do I need to tell you it?)

Ahmad, there is nothing left to talk about in this thread. You either do what we suggested or do whatever you want. The choice is ultimately yours.
Jul 14, 2012
Undergraduate / 'bustling city life - piano' - Questbrdge National College Match [3]

Hi again, Laura)
Please next time, make some indentation between paragraphs, because the text kinda fuses, making it hard to follow.

From the very first moment I satof sitting on the piano bench and toucheding the black-and-white keys

Having grown up in a city, I enjoy the irresistible

If this essay is for the same university you better replace some words, because they kinda echo from the previous one

My parents were forced to start their lives from scratch . My once amicable dad grew grumpy as he struggled to find a job ; my parents' once happy union became anything but united as they argued more frequently

I wentmoved without the piano

I missed it desperately and struggled withto let go of my depression of not having it


Being selected into Women's Ensemble helped me to regain self-esteem

Serious progression (progression is a term from math) in singing didn't happen overnight,

I soon enlisted in my own choir training boot camp(boot camp?A training camp for military recruits? )

I shouldered at home such as helping my parents to pay bills

accompanying Dad to the auto-shop as an interpreter did not

if this essay is not for the same uni then it will be confusing

music has transported me to another realm(maybe elevated me to another level of existence ) in which I am filled with enthusiasm and positive energy.

as with the your previous essay, I think this one is good.
Jul 15, 2012
Undergraduate / 'bustling city life - piano' - Questbrdge National College Match [3]

I reread your essay and found some issues I haven't noticed before

But as luck would have it, I would havehad to fight for my passion.

Due to our tight budget, I left for the United States without the piano that had accompanied me for over ten years; missing it desperately,I struggled to let go of my depression without it

(If you didn't use my correction ,then you mean you used music as means of letting go depression?)
But yet you write" missing it desperately", so it means the depression is caused by not having piano. Can you make it clear to me?

my parents' once happy union became anything but united as they argued more frequently.

union being united is redundant

Nobody said that moving to the United States would be easy

this sentence is kinda out of place

Having grown up in a city, I enjoy the ...

this part feels disconnected with the preceding. Try to throw some transitional sentence

Wait, I'm confused. In previous essay you wrote that you moved from China to US, now you write you moved from a city to town in US

Attending choir was expensive. How could I turn to my parents who were also struggling to earn a living for the family?

attending choir required money and so I faced a monetary dilemma: How could I turn to my parents who were also struggling to earn a living for the family?Although I meticulously counted the money that I earned from tutoring and the cafeteria job, the sum stayed the same-one hundred dollars and fifty cents total, no moreThe answer was obvious -- I had to work myself .[/quote]

My nice neighbors, Auntie Aida and Rose, realizing my concerns, aided me with money by offering me a kitchen-cleaning job despite havingthe tight budget themselvesto tighten the stomachs themselves .

The pace was grueling; my leg muscles screamed out for rest, but I promised myself not toshall not give way.

The latter paragraphs are better with added direct speech, but the first paragraph now is more messy. . I've noticed more mistakes with articles and tenses. Don't rush, try to revise meticulously. And you don't need to say "please", I'll help you.

For now, invest more time in your first para, take notice of my comments and make the sentences flow with each other more smoothly, OK?))

Jul 15, 2012
Undergraduate / 'finding delight in activities I endeavor' -How would you benefit the community? [17]

So hello again, users of EssayForum. I need some feedback on my essay, and if there are any mistakes feel free to correct them. And I would be pleased to see some suggestions of how to conclude better.)

How would you benefit the community? I've got 524 words. the limit is 500.

Four Pillars.

Being very considerate naturaly, I don't undertake numerous activities at the same time - I choose wisely and responsibly. People who rely on me can always be rest assured a priori - if I take up something, I finish it. My contribution to the richness of community lies within my interests and my approach to them.

I don't have an expansive array of hobbies; I rather make each hobby I engage in count. I consider my 4 main hobbies to be a square base, because all act as a support to my 4 traits, 4 pillars that my personality thrust on.

The first pillar is perseverance. My devotion to Karate, tempered by 8 years of practice, represents that. My training was full of pain: splitting ups, being punched in the face, straining muscles. But even this isn't the most important thing. Had I left Russia for Vietnam a bit latter, I could have had a brown belt, but time was pressing and I had to go. It was hard to find a good karate section in my homeland -- even now I'm not fully satisfied with my current master. I changed sections a lot. And for 3 years I have borne a blue belt, instead of a brown. Yet I still kept training. For me karate was more substantial than for many other practitioners, to whom getting a black belt as soon as possible is the main goal.

The second pillar - patience. Origami represents it. I don't even want to tell you how frustrating is refolding repeatedly a 500 hundred step figure, having paper torn just before you complete or realizing that the paper you used was too small when it is too late. At first the aforementioned made me crazy - I thought often that I would never fold the same figure again. But I did. Patiently... until the figure was finished.

The third pillar - creativity. Drawing was my obsession from an early age. I started with just copying robots I saw in cartoons, pictures of warriors from books I read. Gradually, I got a hang of it. My sister, a designer, taught me some basics of setting up compositions and body construction as well. Having never studied in any art school, I read graphic novels, followed sites like deviantart.com to see how different artists apply various techniques in their works. With my abilities being recognized, in both schools I was tasked with making banners and placards which received credit.

And the final pillar - risk taking. May sound hilarious to you, but, yes, cooking, one of my late endeavors, is risk taking for me. I admit, not everything that my hands concoct could be labeled "Bellissimo, Molto Gustoso!", but I try to improve my skills anyway. The main problem you face when acquainting yourself with cooking is fear - fear of messing things up. However, when I overcame that feeling, cooking has become a bliss: when I succeed, I feel overly self-satisfied with seeing people devouring my food - I realize the risk was justified.

I believe my life within community would bring some diversity to it; maybe, even help others to find delight in activities I endeavor.
Jul 15, 2012
Undergraduate / 'finding delight in activities I endeavor' -How would you benefit the community? [17]

Thanks Ahmad)
But the thing I don't agree with you is:
"Had I left Russia for Vietnam a bit latter, I could have had a brown belt," "Had" standing before a sentence that is not a question is OK in this kind of structure

I left Russia, because my parents faced some financial problems so they decided to return to Vietnam.

the question was actually :How would you contribute the community of "XXX university "?
Jul 15, 2012
Undergraduate / 'finding delight in activities I endeavor' -How would you benefit the community? [17]

thanks again for your attention, Ahmad)

my emphasis was that I could've had a brown belt, but I had to leave. Do I really need to add in my essay why I had to leave?(its not that important, I just wrote "Had i left Russia for Vietnam a bit earlier" to provide the reason I didn't have time to pass the exam for brown belt)the colors won't confuse the reader, because i think it's understandable from context that brown is above blue .( and I think for most people it has already become a preconception that in any martial art a black belt is the highest in rank)

I revised the last part of karate paragraph to show what I exactly mean:
It was hard to find a good karate section in my homeland, so I changed sections a lot and even now I'm not fully satisfied with my master. And for three years I have borne a blue belt, instead of a brown. And yet for three years I kept training, while many, to whom getting a black belt is the main priority, could've stopped, discouraged by the delay.

I wanted to sound confident by writing " absolutely" so I maybe i;ll write " I will"; and that is not my whole conclusion, just don't know what to add

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