Sep 13, 2015
Writing Feedback / Children face up unhealthy lifestyle - youngers tend to do severe modus vivendi [5]
I will help with your essay.
"to do severe modus vivendi which it is a must from guardians and college institutions for finding solutions for this issue. " I would consider rewording this sentence. It is a little confusing.
"Although both of them have an obligation to protect their children. I strongly believe that environment is the main factors influence, so the older have to practice better habit to them." The first period should be changed to a comma. The noun following this comma should be whatever you are addressing has an obligation to protect their children. I would reword the statement you have following your comma. Perhaps this could read, "I believe that although guardians and colleges have obligations to protect their children, the environment is the most influential factor. In order to be a have healthy children, their environment should be modeled for them."
"The main cause of this problem is a poor habit like littering rubbish everywhere, children do not brush the teeth, and they do not wash hands with soap." Keep all your verbs, "poor habit like littering rubbish everywhere, children do not brush the teeth, and they do not wash hands with soap." in the same verb tense. For example, you use "littering, do not brush, and do not wash." Instead use, "litter, do not brush, and do not wash" OR "littering, not brushing, and not washing"
You have multiple habits listed. Therefore, say instead, "the main causes of this problem are poor habits such as..."
" For example, youngsters know there is a bin front of their class, yet they prefer to litter inside one or they are lazy to clean their teeth before sleeping and their hands before eating." You are restating the previous sentence in greater detail. Either delete this sentence, or replace your descriptions in the previous sentence with these.
"Furthermore, they will have a bad attitude if they do that." Do what? You listed three different bad habits in the last sentence, and the reader doesn't know what they do to have a bad attitude. I would replace "if they do that" with a more specific phrase, such as, "if they keep these bad habits." or something along those lines.
"As an education institute, it has to provide hygiene canteens which the food uncontain additive substance than can be dangerous for students." Again, "it" is nonspecific. Do you mean college? High school? Replace the word "it" with whatever "it" is referencing.
"uncontain" is not the word you are trying to use. Perhaps you mean, "contain"
"In result, schoolchild eats unknown content of meal which can affect stomachache and feel dizzy after consuming it. Actually, this can be solved with side of schools suggest the peddlers to sell up nutrition diet." In result is a strange phrase. Instead, try, "as a result,"
"schoolchild" is singular. You mean, "schoolchildren eat meals with unknown content that can give them stomachaches and dizziness."
I do not understand the last sentence. You may want to consider rewording it.
"In conclusion, it must be there is a responsibility from all aspects particularly from parents as the prime someone's responsible and that is supported by better circumstance in school. " the words, "there is a responsibility from all aspects particularly from parents" should simply be "the parents' responsibility"I would consider rewording this sentence to say, "though this is the parents' responsibility, the school should be involved in giving children proper health."
I will help with your essay.
"to do severe modus vivendi which it is a must from guardians and college institutions for finding solutions for this issue. " I would consider rewording this sentence. It is a little confusing.
"Although both of them have an obligation to protect their children. I strongly believe that environment is the main factors influence, so the older have to practice better habit to them." The first period should be changed to a comma. The noun following this comma should be whatever you are addressing has an obligation to protect their children. I would reword the statement you have following your comma. Perhaps this could read, "I believe that although guardians and colleges have obligations to protect their children, the environment is the most influential factor. In order to be a have healthy children, their environment should be modeled for them."
"The main cause of this problem is a poor habit like littering rubbish everywhere, children do not brush the teeth, and they do not wash hands with soap." Keep all your verbs, "poor habit like littering rubbish everywhere, children do not brush the teeth, and they do not wash hands with soap." in the same verb tense. For example, you use "littering, do not brush, and do not wash." Instead use, "litter, do not brush, and do not wash" OR "littering, not brushing, and not washing"
You have multiple habits listed. Therefore, say instead, "the main causes of this problem are poor habits such as..."
" For example, youngsters know there is a bin front of their class, yet they prefer to litter inside one or they are lazy to clean their teeth before sleeping and their hands before eating." You are restating the previous sentence in greater detail. Either delete this sentence, or replace your descriptions in the previous sentence with these.
"Furthermore, they will have a bad attitude if they do that." Do what? You listed three different bad habits in the last sentence, and the reader doesn't know what they do to have a bad attitude. I would replace "if they do that" with a more specific phrase, such as, "if they keep these bad habits." or something along those lines.
"As an education institute, it has to provide hygiene canteens which the food uncontain additive substance than can be dangerous for students." Again, "it" is nonspecific. Do you mean college? High school? Replace the word "it" with whatever "it" is referencing.
"uncontain" is not the word you are trying to use. Perhaps you mean, "contain"
"In result, schoolchild eats unknown content of meal which can affect stomachache and feel dizzy after consuming it. Actually, this can be solved with side of schools suggest the peddlers to sell up nutrition diet." In result is a strange phrase. Instead, try, "as a result,"
"schoolchild" is singular. You mean, "schoolchildren eat meals with unknown content that can give them stomachaches and dizziness."
I do not understand the last sentence. You may want to consider rewording it.
"In conclusion, it must be there is a responsibility from all aspects particularly from parents as the prime someone's responsible and that is supported by better circumstance in school. " the words, "there is a responsibility from all aspects particularly from parents" should simply be "the parents' responsibility"I would consider rewording this sentence to say, "though this is the parents' responsibility, the school should be involved in giving children proper health."