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Posts by orlando
Joined: Jul 7, 2009
Last Post: Nov 25, 2009
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Aug 21, 2009
Writing Feedback / Offering Incentives - IELTS Essay [14]

Many companies have started to offer their employees cash bonuses [omit comma] as an incentives for their contribution to the company.

Why not just 'started' ? It might sound a stupid question but it seemed right when I was reading the essay.
Aug 22, 2009
Writing Feedback / Offering Incentives - IELTS Essay [14]

Thanks a lot Simone. I just noted down your explanation. : ) I thought I knew the difference but in some cases I get confused.
Aug 29, 2009
Writing Feedback / Access to information about the defendant criminal record - Ielts writing task [8]

Question: Under British and Australia laws a jury in a criminal case has no access to information about the defendant's past criminal record. This protects the person who is being accused of the crime.

Some lawyers have suggested that this practice should be changed and that a jury should be given all the past facts before they reach their decision about the case.

Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.

It is juries duty to judge whether an accused one is guilty or not in a criminal case. In order to reach the right decision, they have to collect as much information as possible in the trial. However, in British and Australia laws it is not possible for jury to reach defendant's past criminal record. I believe that knowing this information may lead juries to have the wrong decision in a trial.

First, a jury has to give an impartial judgment. Knowing (about?) defendant's past criminal record, a jury may have bias against the defendant. If the defendant has committed a crime before, then jury might believe that he/she is more likely to commit the same or another crime again. Therefore they may reach a wrong decision about the trial because of the impact of the defendant's past criminal record on the jury.

Second, for juries, there is no benefit of having access to defendant's past criminal record. It is not possible to judge someone according to his/her past criminal records. Juries has to reach their decisions by the aid of evidences. Therefore, defendant's criminal records cannot be considered as an evidence. There has to be concrete evidences that shows whether the accused one committed the crime or not.

On the other hand, in some cases the accused one has committed the same crime s/he is accused of in the recent trial. In this case, the sanction should be severer. If the jury cannot reach defendant's past criminal records, then they will not know whether the accused one has commited the same crime before or not. Thus, the sanction will not be severer even though the defendant has committed the same crime before.

In conclusion, I believe that a jury should be able to access every information about the case, except the defendant's past criminal records. If they access to this information they might consider this information as an evidence itself and this might effect the decision they will reach.

333 words
Aug 30, 2009
Writing Feedback / Access to information about the defendant criminal record - Ielts writing task [8]

Your point about bias is your strongest argument. It would be even stronger if you provided evidence that juries may be easily influenced by bias. Hint: look at civil suits and the damages awarded against large corporations.

Yes, this would be a perfect evidence. Thanks.

You say there is no benefit to the jury of knowing the defendant's past record. But by far the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. This therefore makes the information quite relevant and useful to have.

If you were a member of a jury, and you are not sure whether the defendant is guilty or not because the evidence is not satisfying. Then you find out that the defendant has committed number of crimes before. What would you do ?
Oct 6, 2009
Student Talk / Exam passing tips - its my final year [71]

Some of you guys will recall me from my essays I posted here. Hopefully I will be studying postgraduate(law) at an overseas university in 2010. I have 5 subjects to pass and I am planning to study part time ( 1 subject in 1st year and the rest in 2nd year) It may not sound rational but I think I should concentrate on this one subject first year so I can improve my English at the same time and get used to the terms etc. I just took a look at exam papers of previous years. I understand the question and I know what the answer should be. However, I do not know how to write it properly on the answer sheet. Do you think I can improve this skill during my study ? Of course it is up to me but you guys know a lot about these study issues. How should I plan my study ?

Oct 7, 2009
Essays / Compare and Contrast Essay Topic (driving/flying or my sisters) [10]

I think you better not talk about planes in this paragrah. You can tell the whole story about this driving vacation in 2 paragraphs and tell another story about a plane vacation in the rest. It now seems like you already compared those 2 different type of vacations in only few sentences. I think you should do that in the conclusion.

Do not take my comment very serious coz I am not very good at writing essays. : )
Oct 9, 2009
Writing Feedback / Food has become easier to prepare now , do you agree or not? [13]

In modern life, people must work very hard to get a good job and to achieve a higher position in their company or their organization.

achieve higher position did not seem right to me. You can say ' reach higher position ' instead.

nowadays women have more successful, they play important role in many big companies and corporations.

I think you mean 'women has become' or 'women are'.

In stead

Instead ?

People have more time to work when they only use a little bit time to prepare food. People can not spend much time on the meal preparation, if they must work at least eight hours per day.

These 2 sentences will flow better if you avoid starting 2nd sentece with the same subject.

I am assuming this is for IELTS exam. I think you did a good job in content. In my opinion, to get a higher grade than 6 you should be more creative expanding your main arguments.

I know it is not as easy as it looks coz I am in the process of improving my writing skills as well.

I hope it helps. Good luck
Oct 12, 2009
Writing Feedback / Ielts---whether the pros of multi-cultured societies are more than the cons [5]

I agree with aroundtheworld. I think you just tried to use as many strong words as you can instead of giving strong arguments. You can do both at the same time of course. What I know about Ielts is that you should focus more on the arguments you are giving. If you search examiners' opinions about candidates' writings on the internet(I can copy paste the website here if you cant find online), you will see that they care more about the content than the vocabulary and the structer.. If your writing is clear without big gramatical mistakes, then you will more likely to get a good score.
Oct 13, 2009
Writing Feedback / Food has become easier to prepare now , do you agree or not? [13]

I recommend you to write those sentences down and try to figure out what the meaning is. You should keep doing this for each structure you are not familiar with. And then you can start making different sentences using those structures till you get used to it. It will take time but I think it is a good way to learn it efficiently.

Good luck
Oct 14, 2009
Writing Feedback / government should spend as much money as possible on developing technology [3]

..., so governments should spend more money on improving education system.

Moreover, pollution is an urgent problem needs to be solved.

although development in technology helps people have better lives,...

Just a few I noticed but moderators will do a better job than me.

Good luck
Oct 17, 2009
Writing Feedback / Should nations maintain old buildings. Ielts [3]

Many old buildings are protected by law because they are part of a nation's history. However, some people think old buildings should be knocked down to make way for new ones because people need houses and offices.

How important is it to maintain old buildings? Should history stand in the way of progress?

Almost in every country, there are some buildings which reflect the history of the nation through its age or outlook. However, in some countries buildings like those are not well looked after. Because of this, some people claim that they should be replaced by new ones in order to fulfil the inhabitants' needs of house and office. In my opinion, every nation should protect those buildings by law and maintain them.

First, those historical buildings cannot be treated as simple structures. No matter how useless they are, they symbolise the identity of the nation they belong to. Those which are protected by law are mostly the ones who has been through wars and seen through centuries. They can bring the visitors back to those years they were built. Morever, sometimes they are the reason why the country is visited by a large number of tourists. In Germany, there are numerous buildings that is protected by the government although they are located in an area where the population is high, nevertheless, they are used neither as housing nor business operation.

Second, there are many examples of historical buildings that are converted into offices or residential housing after restoration. There is no logical reason to replace those buildings by new ones as long as restoration is possible. Also those buldings can be used as museums by the aid of government funding.

Governments should not let those buildings be knocked down by private individuals or companies. As it is mentioned before, those buildings reflect the history of the nation, the wars they have stood through, regardless of victories or loses. Replacing those buildings with new ones may be a temporary solution for inhabitants but will certainly be the loss of a part of history permanently.

In conclusion, I believe that governments should look for new areas to provide housing and office for people, instead of knocking down buildings that reflect the history of a nation.
Oct 17, 2009
Writing Feedback / Should nations maintain old buildings. Ielts [3]

Thanks Sean specifally for the examples you gave. I can see how weak the first structure is. I will definitely try to avoid using such structures.
Oct 19, 2009
Undergraduate / quantum mechanics - Why does Brown interest me? [14]

I have no experience in admission essays so forgive me for making this comment.
You say the char limit is 1000, but you haven't even used a quarter of it so far.
It is obvious that you were amazed of what you saw but you sound like you have decided to apply in few mins after seeing those books and the empty room.. Is it just 200 years old books and the empty room influenced you ? There must be plenty of students have been dreaming to study at Brown for a long time and I bet most of them have more to tell about Brown.

Maybe this essay has a depth which I did not get while reading.

Good luck
Nov 6, 2009
Writing Feedback / [TOEFL] 'unforgettable time' - Childhood is the happiest time of people's life [4]

You copied the statement in the opening. You may lose points because of that in the real exam. I think the point of not being allowed to copy anything from the statement is that there is a word limit in the exam and that may help you to reach that limit without using your own words which will not have a good influence on the examiner.

I like the second argument you gave but I think that para is a bit short. You can extend it with an example of an experience you had just to make your point clearer. The easier they get your point the more point you will get.

Do you agree with me? Let's share your points of view.

I do not know why you did this at the end of essay. If it is part of the essay then it does not seem right to me.
Nov 8, 2009
Writing Feedback / Higher education should open free to all students or only excellent students? [4]

That is not a bad essay at all. What I can recommend you for this type exams is that you should focus on the content of the essay more than writing it in a very formal way. You should make your points as clear as possible. As I have read some comments of examiners on others' essays (you can find those online, it will give you an idea of how they grade toefl/ielts essays), what I noticed is that they give more points to essays that has depth. I did not count the words but you kept your paras a bit short. You can extend your arguments.
Nov 9, 2009
Undergraduate / Essay about my superhero in my childhood, which was my mother [13]

Sometimes in life youwe meet people that could change all lifeour lives . A movie star, a famous poet, a teacher or a friend can make difference. The person who had beenhas influenced my life wasn't is not even a movie star wasn't famous.S he simply had(She does not have that job anymore? If she does then you should use present tense) the most important job in the world, she was(is?) a mother.She is my mother. When I first met her she welcomed me with a big hug.

To me she is the most beautiful woma n,I have ever seen.

She is a very strong woman who is a wonderful mother, wife and doctor at the same time.

And in the evening she cares of us and home. (You should change this sentence. It sounds awkward)
She is very stubborn and ambitious but it affects her life. She damages herself.and I must admit she is very successful.(There is no connection between sentences)

The reason why I make good choices is because of her.

In conclusion, I am very blessed to have an amazing, wonderful mother because everybody cantnot many people have that kind of mother.I am the lucky one.

I also agree with Teddi about the content of the essay

Bol sans : )
Nov 9, 2009
Undergraduate / "the challenges of life plus my condition" - my pizazz on college apps [6]

This essay is very strong and so are you. The only thing I would recommend is to describe the disease clearly for whom are not familiar with medical terms. I tried to find out from the rest of your essay. Good job tho.

Maybe I am wrong. I will leave it to the experts : ) I rather not to comment on admission essays but I could not help
Nov 9, 2009
Undergraduate / Essay about my superhero in my childhood, which was my mother [13]

You mention same things about your mother in almost every para. You can write about some experiences you had with your mother as well. ( Genel olarak cumlelerin birbirine benziyo. Kucukken annenle yasadigin seylerden bahsedebilirsin. Ayni dogrultuda gidiyo cumlelerin. Ingilicenin agirlikli olmadigi bi okul icin gayet basarili ama daha kapsamli bi yazi yazman bekleniyosa biraz daha genisletebilirsin )
Nov 9, 2009
Undergraduate / Essay about my superhero in my childhood, which was my mother [13]

You write whatever you can think of, and there will be people help you to edit ( Sen aklina geldigi gibi yaz sorun degil hata cok olsa da duzeltmeye calisiriz. Zamanin yoksa yeni bi essay yazmak icin yine de bu sitede bir suru kisi yazi stilini gelistirmene yardimci olabilir. Odev icin olmasa da zevk icin yazip hatalarini gorursun )
Nov 10, 2009
Undergraduate / "the challenges of life plus my condition" - my pizazz on college apps [6]

I was thinking that maybe your essay does not match with the prompt if you should write about your family, school or community as it was pointed in the prompt and considered as the world you come from. It is because you based your points on your condition and things you have learnt through. I mean maybe it doesn't tell much about the world you come from. This essay is mostly about you and your condition. If so then you can use this essay for another prompt which you should tell about yourself and experiences shaped you. What do you think ?
Nov 25, 2009
Grammar, Usage / Was vs. Were for some sentences [19]

This is a good point Jonathan. I actually wonder why 'I' is used with 'were' in some particular sentences. I would like to sort it out in this thread.

I am straying towards "The majority were..."

Isn't it supposed to be 'was' ?
Nov 25, 2009
Grammar, Usage / Was vs. Were for some sentences [19]

btw, how do you quote other people? I know there's a button on the side, but does that really quote anything?

Use 'select all' button (know what I mean? click right on the mouse and select all) after you pasted the piece you are going to quote and keep it that way. Then use 'quote' button.

You should do it if you are gonna do any corrections on the piece as well.

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