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Name: Louisa, EssayForum Contributor
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Dec 21, 2014
Undergraduate / Intramurals. Amateur Astronomers Association. Theater. The question is, what can't NYU offer me? [3]

Your essay sounds more like the brochure for the university than a well thought out response essay. Here is what I think you should do. Actually think of the course offerings and extra curricular activities that you look forward to attending and participating in. Discuss those for the "What does NYU have to offer you" part of the essay. After that, analyze yourself on a separate piece of paper. Think of the extra special qualities and traits as a student, friend, and possible mentor that you have which you can share with the academic and student resident community of NYU. These will be your responses to the "What can you offer NYU" portion of the prompt. Combine the two in a new essay and you should have developed a proper response to the essay prompt :-)
Dec 21, 2014
Graduate / Why I Choose Georgia Tech to study chemical Engineering essay [12]

This is a very good start for a revision. I would omit the internet based search for a university though. It is not really necessary nor does it help move the essay forward. Save the character count for more important thoughts that require it. Build up the fact that you are a woman trying to make it in a man's world and then elaborate on the school program that you feel will best help you achieve that goal. That would make the essay respond to the prompt directly and with more substance.
Dec 21, 2014
Undergraduate / 'serious familial event that occurred in my life' - I am writing a "what I overcame" essay. [5]

John, the essay topic that you chose is more of a common open theme prompt instead of a "What I overcame essay". You should not use this story as the theme of your essay because it shows you off in a negative light. The fact that losing out on something you expected and free falling into a negative mindset is not the kind of image that you want to portray with the admissions officers.Perhaps you should pick another topic for the essay? One that shows more of a "things were out of my control but through sheer perseverance, I managed to overcome it" type of story. It is never in your best interest to show a negative aspect of your character as a student, this essay will not help your application, but it could damage it because of the way you discuss the way you handle failure.

Now, having given my opinion about your possible essay without having read single draft, I would like you to consider the following. You are asking us to base our assumptions about your essay content solely on your brainstorming idea. We cannot accurately base our comments and reviews of your potential essay on that simple idea. Write down the essay and post it here. After we read it, we can then offer more solid reviews and opinions as to whether the essay will or will not work to your benefit. The opinion I gave above is one that is knee-jerk in reaction and does not consider what the actual essay may read as. Keep in mind that I may change my opinion after I read your first draft.
Dec 21, 2014
Undergraduate / "He who stays near vermilion gets stained red; he who stays near ink gets stained black" - My Story [5]

Sakif, there is nothing about this essay that shows me the development of your central identity. You have only managed to give us an overview of how you grew up, which is by moving from country to country for your father's work. A central identity essay is developed by choosing a pivotal point in your life where you had to make a significant adjustment to the way you conduct your life or adjust your character or trait in order to become more capable of handling specific situations. It is somewhat similar to a coming of age essay but with one huge difference. A coming of age essay asks you to show a sense of responsibility and maturity, while a central identity essay needs to show your development as a person and how these life events have helped you become the person you are today.
Dec 21, 2014
Writing Feedback / Meat: Mystery and History - Pomona College Supplemental Essay [6]

I think you have written a very good essay about a subject close to your heart. However, since it covers 2 semesters, it is no longer just a special or elective college course, which was the main intention of this essay. Since you have it covering a full school term, you should find a college major to connect it to. That way the unique class that you developed will have a real reason for being a part of the curriculum. It is a very serious topic that needs to be studied with a keen interest instead of just a passing fancy such as the examples given by the university prompt. I believe you need to do that in order to create a solid foundation for the essay and show precisely the kind of students who may be enrolling in such a concept class at the university. I believe that by connecting this to some sort of agricultural major, you will be able to wisely and fully utilize your classroom and exposure immersion ideas for the school year.
Dec 21, 2014
Undergraduate / "It's rare for someone so young to contract shingles, but it's still possible" - I stuck in there... [14]

This essay sounds more like a transition to adulthood or memorable experience not covered by the other common prompts response instead of a central identity essay. A central identity essay is one that has to to define who you are now based upon who you were before, your life experiences, and how you responded to those changes in your life. There has a to be a clear visualization of how your character changed for the better because of the event that happened to you. That does not really happen in this particular essay. I have a suggestion, if you can't find a personal experience that best fits in with this prompt, why not try to find a common prompt that best fits with either the first essay or this essay that you wrote instead?
Dec 21, 2014
Undergraduate / I have searched for schools with programs which reflect some of my personal experiences. I found you [14]

Regina, we know all about what you expect to learn in college and other points of personal, academic, and social development that you hope to gain during this period. But you have not gotten into the specifics of how UChicago will be able to help you achieve these goals. You need to show the admissions officer a sense of familiarity with the academic offerings, notable internship programs, etc., that UChicago offers in line with your expectations. I believe your failure to answer the prompt properly lies in the fact that you seem to be undecided about what your major actually will be. You are dancing around between the medical and business field. Pick a major and discuss the relation of UChicago to it. You can't serve two masters in one essay. If you want to be a double major, then try to get into one college first. You can apply for your secondary major next semester. Try to clarify which major you are really applying to and develop that discussion alone. Don't confuse yourself and the reader. That is the only way that you will be able to properly respond to the prompt. Clear your thoughts, think about what it is you really want to say and then write the essay. Don't confuse yourself. Analyze what you want to say, what your final decision about the major you are applying to will be and then write the essay in response to the prompt accordingly.
Dec 21, 2014
Undergraduate / "Hey, grandma, I've got something to tell you. I'm going to apply to US universities." Common App. [3]

Ok, the first problem with your essay is not the grammar, but the response that you wrote to the prompt. You should have chosen to write about just one single time when you challenged your grandmother's inability to change and then related the outcome of that situation. In this particular essay, you recounted quite a number of times you may have challenged her mindset and yet failed to show us an effective outcome of the event from your perspective. Simply saying she was worried about nothing, or that you did not meet any difficulties when she said you would is not the same as challenging her belief or idea. Neither does it show why you felt compelled to challenge her belief and whether you would make the same decision again.

You cannot use your story about applying to U.S. universities for this prompt because that is still an ongoing activity for you and hence, has no resolution yet. You cannot say you have succeeded despite her mindset, nor can you say that you will make the same decision again if placed in the same scenario because the scenario has not completely played itself out yet.

I suggest that you choose one of the stories you told about challenging the mindset of your grandmother. Maybe the one about boxing that you did not finish. Expand upon her worries and her mindset and then tell us how it played out for you and if you would make the same decision if you had to do that scenario over again in the future.

After you revise your essay to properly address the prompt requirements, we will be able to concentrate on cleaning up the grammatical and sentence structure problems of the essay. Don't worry about the word count for now, go ahead and write more than 650 words. We can revise and edit the essay to meet the word count as soon as the theme has been properly established in the essay :-)
Dec 21, 2014
Letters / INVITATION - we have arranged a meeting - a google hang out. [9]

Helia, the only advice that I can give you at this point is to practice. Practice writing in English and speaking in English. Immersing yourself in the English world on practically a 24/7 basis will be of great benefit to you. You can even try to practice writing in English by doing creative writing exercises wherein you make up stories in English. Then you can post it here for us to review and correct. Remember, practice without correction will be useless. So if you can keep practicing the written English by having us guide you, there may be a great improvement in your work in the span of a week or two. As for speaking, you need to find some English speakers or other English students to practice speaking with as often and as long as possible. You can only learn to properly speak the language if you eliminate the use of your native tongue and use English as your major mode of communication with others. It sounds extreme but it is something that actually works :-)
Dec 21, 2014
Letters / INVITATION - we have arranged a meeting - a google hang out. [9]

Let me try to clean up this letter for you :-)

Dear friends,
Over the past few weeks we have been communicating with each other in the hopes of better exchanging our ideas using official channels of communication. Some of us feel however, that our relationship as co-workers will also be better helped if we have an out of the box place to hang out and bond with one another. We now have a Google Hangout spot where we can meet on Fridays at 12:00 for more discussion and bonding time. If the schedule will be problem for some of you, please send me an email so that we can coordinate a better time with the other members of the group.

Till then,

Feel free to use this version if you like it :-)
Dec 21, 2014
Undergraduate / Extra-curricular activity of being a listener and petition writer - inspirational life experience [9]

since serendipitously she lived near me (does this work?),

- Just simply say that by coincidence, you happened to live nearby. There is no need to get too flowery with your words. Just be direct to the point.

She possesses (or possessed?)

- Speak in past tense since this is an activity that already happened. So say "possessed".

Good idea with deleting that last line. Removing it really helped the essay in my opinion. Actually, I think the essay is ready for use now. Is there anything else in relation to this essay that you may want us to divert our attention to at this point?
Dec 21, 2014
Undergraduate / 'stop thinking unrealistically' If it's still on your mind, then it's worth taking the risk; Barnard [3]

Sania, while your essay deals with the abstract idea of "unafraid' the essay needs to be a bit more specific and descriptive. What was this hyperbolic goal that you had set for yourself that had everyone asking you to give up? When you talk about being "unafraid" you need to let us into the discussion that you had with these people. What is it about you that made them think you would not be able to accomplish this goal? Why do you feel that you can accomplish it? Describe to use why you feel "unafraid" in undertaking this task and why you know you will succeed. Being abstract in your discussion is helpful to a certain degree. You just need to balance it with the reality of your situation and allow us into that world as well.
Dec 21, 2014
Writing Feedback / It is not easy to describe what happiness is. IELTS essay topic. [3]

Azeez, where is the essay? You need to write the essay so that we can offer our review and opinion regarding how you can improve your writing. We are not tasked to write the essay for you. It is great that you provided the essay prompt for us but without your original work, I don't see how we can help you. Please work on the essay and post it to this thread so that we can help you improve your writing style and other related work. I look forward to reading your essay.
Dec 21, 2014
Undergraduate / "Why Odd Numbers are Odd?" - Odd is sublime! [7]

In my opinion, the new conclusion you came up with works very well with the rest of the essay. I found some portions that needed to be edited though so I took the liberty of doing so. I hope you don't mind inserting the corrections I indicated :-)

The atypical elements present in odd makes it

- ... present in odd numbers makes it...

There would be an imbalance as there was no neutral side :

- The world would be imbalanced as there would be no neutral side.
Dec 21, 2014
Undergraduate / I have searched for schools with programs which reflect some of my personal experiences. I found you [14]

Regina, there is a tremendously huge problem with your essay. Instead of providing the admissions officers with an insight as to how University of Chicago can help broaden your horizons by allowing you to become a part of their university, you took them instead on a central identity preview of who you are as a hyphenated citizen of the world. Nowhere in your essay do you answer the essence of the prompt which is:

How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future?

It is my opinion that you should save this essay for a central identity common app prompt and develop a new essay instead for this particular prompt. One that addresses the requirements of the essay with specificity and truly portrays how UChicago can satisfy your desire to become a part of their academic and student world. You can do this by addressing their specific programs, as related to your major, and describing how you would be enlightened by these courses. Make reference to the student community and how you plan to become an active part of it, addressing perhaps some unique activities that you look forward to spearheading as a member of the student town. Finally, explain how UChicago fits into your idea of a well rounded future where you will become a leader of the business or whatever community you look forward to becoming a part of in the future in terms of your chosen profession.
Dec 21, 2014
Graduate / Mahatma Gandhi - favourite statue of the person you wanted to make [4]

Kumar, a statue is normally used to inspire people to action or consider certain aspects of the country's history or social struggles. You have chosen a highly inspiring figure in Mahatma Ghandi. However, instead of just describing why a statue featuring him will work, I would suggest that you present Ghandi in the sense of one of his more historical peaceful sit-ins. Try to think of which part of Indian history your country recollects the most about Ghandi and explain why portraying not just the iconic person, but the overall setting of the event, in the form of a statue will be most significant and inspiring for your people to see and understand. It should be Ghandi in a setting that allows the people to somehow make a connection between the past of India with the present struggles of India. That would make the discussion for this essay quite effective and visually stimulating as the reader can envision the essay in his mind as he reads your explanation. Overall though, I would give this essay a score of 8. Mostly because you spent too much time introducing the topic instead of discussing the point of the essay.
Dec 21, 2014
Writing Feedback / Advertising - there are many advantages side of it which is changing our lives to positive side [3]

There are grammatical errors that can be corrected within the essay. However, it has always been my policy to first have the student revise the essay using the instructions provided for the revision in order to limit the number of revision movements in the essay. Once an essay is revised, the overall content is affected and therefore, needs to be re-edited. That is why I always ask the student to revise the essay first and then I work with the student on revising the grammar content and tightening the essay. I will be more than happy to do the same with you once you have provided the revision I recommended you do in the essay :-)
Dec 21, 2014
Undergraduate / Glitter (Dance and Culture) - Princeton Supplement Essay [2]

Sheridan, your essay is quite informative and effective. I am just at a loss as to what cultural value you maker reference to in the essay. Also, which part is most important as the central theme, the glitter or the dance? I suggest that you choose to center your introduction around the topic that best illustrates the cultural value that you are trying to highlight in your essay. Make it clear from the start. Tell us what the value you are connecting it to is and then show us the connection by narrating your development as a person involved in the world of dance. That should require just some simple revisions regarding paragraphs and sentences :-)
Dec 21, 2014
Undergraduate / "Why Odd Numbers are Odd?" - Odd is sublime! [7]

I think that this is supposed to be a fun filled, tongue-in-cheek essay that pokes fun at the odd number concept. If we take that into consideration, perhaps the essay will benefit tremendously from a simple reference to real life as opposed to the number concepts behind the Math. The revision you worked in works well. Referring to the significance of Odd numbers in everyday life, religious connotations, etc., shows that the concept of Odd Numbers is not limited in importance to only Math concepts. Try to see if you can further expand upon these everyday references makes the Odd number odd(ly) important to our daily lives and why we have to understand certain concepts behind it. Why is the odd number important? That is the concept we have to properly explain here :-)
Dec 20, 2014
Undergraduate / Converting the Obstacles into Fuel for Success [13]

Yes, I believe that this essay works better now. It has reached a point where, if you feel that you have no information to add or revise, that you can already finalize the paper for submission and use. It already answers the prompt quite well and has offered good insight into who you are as a person and where you might be headed in the future. Your central identity has clearly been established as one who has come to realize that the lack of parental guidance does not mean the success or failure or a person. It all lies within yourself and your desire to succeed in life. Excellent work.
Dec 20, 2014
Letters / INVITATION - we have arranged a meeting - a google hang out. [9]

I need to know that information because that is the kind of information that is normally found in an invitation letter. Whether electronic or paper, the requirements of an invitation letter are all the same. You are asking us to help you revise or edit your letter right? We cannot help you if you do not give us complete instructions and access to necessary information. I hope my explanation helps :-)
Dec 20, 2014
Undergraduate / One particular incident changed me from being self-centered to being sensitive to others. [10]

Rhea, any of the essays can work for you. I cannot and should not choose the essay version that you should be using for your application. That decision is up to you. Pick the one that you feel best represents the kind of thoughts and emotions that you wish to convey in the written work and submit that version. As far as I am concerned, all of these essays convey your emotions and thoughts. I am not privy to the actual message and sentiment you want to reflect so you will have to make that final decision yourself. Sorry I could not be of more help. When it comes to choosing the final version, I can only tell you when the essay is ready, not which version to use :-)
Dec 20, 2014
Undergraduate / An odd group of friends- Brown University Supplement Essay [3]

Instead of this general description of who the members of the group are, you have to talk about why this group is important to you and your development as a person. Don't waste your time setting up the lunch scenario. Just tell us who your friends are and why they are important to you. Develop the learning and growth that happens within the group and the kind of influence you have over one another. What makes this eclectic group work? That is what we want to know about :-) So tell us more about how this group works and why it works for you in particular.
Dec 20, 2014

Daja, this is a very straightforward answer the an essay prompt that does not really tell us much about how and why you identify with the song. What I am trying to tell you, is that it would be best if you first offered a glimpse into your background as a person up to the point in your life when you heard this song. Then you can go on to explain how it changed your life and we, as the readers of this essay, will have a better idea as to why you are responding to the song in that manner. For example, you speak of new parents in your essay. Now we have no idea why you have new parents and how that might have influenced your feelings about the song. So letting us in in how you lost your original parents might help us better understand where your responses are coming from.
Dec 20, 2014
Undergraduate / Journalism is not an easy career in Vietnam - E.W SCRIPPS SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM/OHIO UNIVERSITY [11]

Uyen, here is a tip for this essay. Show the admissions reader the reason that you want to return to Vietnam after having completing your Journalism degree at E.W. Scripps. Rather than telling him / her what is already commonly known about the lack of freedom in Vietnam, let the reader know that you plan on trying to become a game changer in the journalism world in your country. That you want to push the envelop of journalistic integrity in Vietnam and see if you can bring about subtle but important changes to the way that journalism is used in your country. Of course it will not be an easy career but, explain that with the proper training and know how, you are convinced that you will be able to succeed as a journalist in Vietnam. All because you equipped yourself for what you deem to be the "battle of my life". or something to that dramatic effect.
Dec 20, 2014
Undergraduate / No one had taught me how to reach out to others when in need of help - MSU Application Essay [8]

in return for acquiring knowledge I will do my very best to give back to the community by getting involved as much as possible. I

- How do you plan on doing this? Expand the discussion to include some activities you look forward to attending or perhaps starting your own activities that will help the student population further reach out to one another.

The new version works well. It just needs to be further developed. Take note of the advice I gave you above and work on improving it. We can continue to edit the essay until it best answers the prompt :-)
Dec 20, 2014
Undergraduate / "How I spent $1000 making a fire starter" Common APP essay [7]

Richard, this is a very interesting essay in response to the prompt. the only problem I see is that you spent so much time discussing how you built the computer that you were not able to fully develop the idea that you learned a number of lessons along the way, most specifically after the failed presentation. It would be in your best interest to better discuss how the failure truly affected you. If it was in this lighthearted manner, then explain why you think you took it so lightly. What were the first thoughts that crossed your mind after the failure? Did you immediately want to try again? There was no need to tell us about how you waited to settle the claim with RMA. That is irrelevant. What we want to learn about in this essay is how the failed experiment affected your mindset and influenced your outlook for your future. Build and develop that part of the essay response.
Dec 20, 2014
Undergraduate / "It's rare for someone so young to contract shingles, but it's still possible" - I stuck in there... [14]

Tecjoon, that sounds like an essay that I can help you spin into becoming a response to the essay prompt. Why don't you write a draft version of it and then post it here for review. There might be a way that we can spin it to present a central identity development for you. Just remember, the activity needs to show that you grew as a person and gained a sense of maturity and a deeper understanding of yourself and your capabilities as the events unfolded. That is how your central identity is developed.
Dec 20, 2014
Undergraduate / "Attention to Detail" - the little things make up the picture - UW Madison [2]

Gabriela, you have written an essay response that would have worked if the prompt asked you to "Write an essay about something that people notice about you." You are fully cognizant of the fact that your attention to detail exists. other people are also aware of that fact and have even told you about it. That is therefore, the incorrect answer to this prompt. It has to be an aspect of your personality or trait that exists within you that, until the moment you had to analyze yourself and write about this essay prompt, you and other people never noticed before. If you prefer, you may choose to write about a trait of yours that you know you have but that other people do not notice or just take for granted. That is the kind of response that works best for this prompt.
Dec 20, 2014
Undergraduate / "For every force there is a reaction force that is equal in size but opposite in direction" [2]

Udensi, you have not answered the prompt in the correct manner. You are supposed to specifically mention the subjects you excelled in and how you managed to build your know-how in that field to your advantage. If you excel in Math, explain which particular field of Math you excel in. Why have you excelled in it from the start? What activities did you undertake to make sure you would develop this skill further? Perhaps you took tutorials? Special math classes? How did you manage to become better than the others in this class? Those are the questions that your essay is supposed to answer. Right now, all you have is a general answer to a specific question. That does not make your response effective at all.
Dec 20, 2014
Scholarship / Some drastic changes in my life: moving from Mexico to North Carolina, preparing for a college [9]

Sinai, your story is quite generic in the sense that almost everyone who is applying for a scholarship will have the same sob story as you do. Almost all of you will be children of immigrant parents who came to the United States, sacrificed, and hope that their children will have a better life than in Mexico. All of you are hoping that the government or private institutions will pay your way through college because your family cannot afford to pay for it. That is something that does not matter to scholarship committees. In the light of college expenses rising every semester, you need a better reason than this to gain the sympathy of the screening officer.

Rather than portraying the common story, why not play up your vital assets as a potential scholar instead? Sell them on your grades, show them you are an exemplary student who should be given a chance to attend college in order to give back to the country that adopted your family. Sell them on what sets you apart from the other applicants. A dream, an ambition, a goal in life.. anything that can tell them that they should take the chance on your application. Right now, you are just one of the many candidates with the same financial sad story, hoping to appeal to for financial aid. Give them a reason to want to support your studies other than, "My family migrated, we are poor and I cannot go to college because we cannot afford it." Give them a reason to root for you, your studies, and your future. Will their helping you make you a successful student? Why? Strive to stand out and be different from the other applicants.
Dec 20, 2014
Undergraduate / 'Delightful, tranquil, pleasant' - Maya in Nepali means love. [5]

Sonam, the essay itself is already quite good. It is nice that you are able to share many different learning experiences from your brief stay at the academy. However, I feel like you need to point out more than just what you have learned from the academy, there needs to be a point in the story where your contentment becomes very evident. From that contentment, you can explain what you experience there and how it has helped you learn more about yourself. That gives the reason as to why that place has become very meaningful to you. For example, you could talk about the sense of family or camaraderie among the students living on campus that you have never experienced before. Then explain why and how that is specially meaningful to you. The essay just needs a little bit of adjusting. The content is alright. It just needs to address the prompt requirements more specifically.
Dec 20, 2014
Undergraduate / Extra-curricular activity of being a listener and petition writer - inspirational life experience [9]

I started my volunteering duties in January 2012, with my mentor being Sally.

- There is no need to mention this. Your activities are more important than the date that you started.

(While attending to residents, I always bring to mind the session attended by our family, so I can remember how I want the residents to feel at the end of the session: supported and understood.)

- Do not keep this in a parenthesis. Create a sense of affinity and empathy with the people by explaining how you are trying to repay the organization by helping the others in need in the same way that they helped your family. By listening and offering help without being judgmental or condescending. This is an important aspect of this activity so do not enclose it in a parenthesis.

Once, I attended to an elderly woman who sought assistance [...]

- How does this relate to your job as a volunteer at the organization? Is this something sanctioned by the organization? If not then you have deviated from your original topic and need to bring it back by relating it to your topic sentence. Say something about how this volunteer activity has even inspired you to work with the deserving members of the community even after official volunteer hours or something like that.
Dec 20, 2014
Undergraduate / "Why Odd Numbers are Odd?" - Odd is sublime! [7]

Regina, would it be possible for you to explain about the odd numbers being out using real life scenarios instead of concentrating so much on the mathematical aspect of its difference? The reason I am asking if you can do this is because I believe that by describing "odd" numbers in a real life scenario, you will be able o direct the essay to describe something unique and important about your own personality traits. Doing so will allow the admissions officers to see the humor in your essay while also learning something deeper about yourself that may not have been touched on in the other common app prompts.
Dec 20, 2014
Undergraduate / Converting the Obstacles into Fuel for Success [13]

See if my suggested revisions will further help your paper :-)

startled the very temple of a young Jesus Luis-Mejia as I consider,

- Revise the sentence. Always speak in first person since this is a first person experience essay. It will also help add clarity to the fact that you are the one telling the story in the whole essay. You don't need to mention your name in the essay.

she raised me (virtually unassisted) for the first six years of my life.

- Remove the parenthesis and change it to a comma for more impact in the sentence.

my own efforts can make up for any contributions that I lack .

- my own efforts can make up for the absence of parental presence and guidance in my life.
Dec 20, 2014
Undergraduate / Contributing to Macalester community, personally and academically [5]

Your wish is my command :-)

With regards to the academic aspect of your personality, try not to concentrate on just Economics as you will be encountering various professors and classes in the academic setting that will lead to your beliefs and ideas being constantly challenged and questioned. Rather than showing an argumentative of debate driven side of your personality, try to present yourself as someone open to all aspects of learning. Each question being an enlightening experience rather than considering these something you need to discuss for hours on end with your professor. Be an absorbing sponge that analyzes all of the lessons you will be learning and trying to compile all of these lessons into a unique learning experience. I think it would be helpful if you also present your social / tutoring side in relation with your academic drive. Those two traits actually go hand in hand so you could use the tutoring to segue into your academic contributions if you wish.

I don't really see any problems with your social aspect at this point. There are some points in the essay that we can actually tighten to make it faster for the admissions officers to read and consider the important points. We can look into that after you have performed any revisions that I and the others in this thread have suggested :-)
Dec 20, 2014
Undergraduate / Converting the Obstacles into Fuel for Success [13]

- Eliminating this flowery introduction that does not help you present the central story will help to not only lower your word count, but offer the admissions officers a chance to immediately find the subject of your essay and get to the specifics of your essay.

It is my opinion that the minute your overly long introduction is eliminated from the essay, the whole piece actually falls into place and offers a direct insight into the central story that has helped create the personality and traits that have helped you become the person you are today.
Dec 19, 2014
Graduate / Why I Choose Georgia Tech to study chemical Engineering essay [12]

Unlike most of my friends who have a high interest [...] has finally found its place to bloom .

- When writing a character sensitive essay, try to omit flowery words and introductions. State your case immediately and utilize every character towards the expression of your response. There is no need to introductions in these types of statements.

I amstrived even more by Professor Yulin Deng's research

I am driven even more...

Going for Chemical Engineering major

-As a chemical ...

Please note the sentences for correction above. I also freed up word characters for you to use in further building your statement to its strongest potential. I advice you to use it wisely.
Dec 19, 2014
Undergraduate / Cultural shock in Dubai; teach myself a new skill or concept [7]

Hi Cheung, well, I already offered you some guide questions in my previous response that should help you better develop the theme of the essay and discuss the important points. Try to develop those suggestions into paragraphs and then incorporate it into your current essay. After you do that, you can post the revised essay here so that I can review it for you and continue to guide you towards the proper essay answer and correct certain portions whenever necessary. Show me what you have come up with and we will work together towards improving it :-)
Dec 19, 2014
Graduate / Why I Choose Georgia Tech to study chemical Engineering essay [12]

Ngoc, do you have a specific essay prompt to answer for this essay it will help me review your essay if I know what it is. Actually, this is extremely short for a statement of intent for college admission. You need to expand it to at least 3 paragraphs long. Consider answering the following questions in your essay:

1. What is it about Georgia Tech that attracted you to the school? How does this support your academic goals and ideas?
2. What are the classes of particular interest to you in terms of your major?
3. Do you have any specific research projects or thesis that you wish to undertake while studying there?
4. What particular laboratories, student research facilities, etc. will help you complete or develop your research?

By answering these questions, you will be able to properly express the reasons as to why you chose to study NYU. Showing how you plan to fully utilize their student offerings for the benefit of your degree.

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