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Posts by ssaallaamm
Joined: Aug 28, 2013
Last Post: Jan 10, 2015
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Aug 28, 2013
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2 (a letter)- Request for a one-day leave [5]

Write a letter to you supervisor asking for a one-day leave, so that you could help your friend. In your letter -Describe the problem of your friend. - Say how you are going to help him/her. - Suggest how you will complete work tasks on the requested date.

Dear Prof. Kaufman,

I am writing to request for one day off on the coming Monday, 13th of June, to do a work in favourite of my friend on the mentioned day.

My friend is an employee of a steel company and he is going to write a report on the failure analysis of a pipe connected to a direct reduction furnace. As I did my master thesis on this area and could achieve good experiences in fracture characterization, he asked me to help him find the failure modes and complete his report. He must hand in the results of his investigation on 14th of June. Accordingly, he does not have enough time to finish the task on time.

To finish the tasks that I am required to do on Monday, I can work over time on Tuesday and Wednesday to compensate for the time that I lose due to the leave.

I was wondering if you would assist in this case and I would be grateful if you would announce your agreement with my request for one day leave.

Thank you in advance for your help and consideration,
Sincerely yours,
Reza Rezaie
Aug 28, 2013
Undergraduate / These three adventures... High School Senior English Class [2]

Do not repeat the word "identify". Replace it with a synonym.

Another reoccurring plot that appears is the idea of money

--> what do you mean by the "idea of mony"? It looks odd to me. Suggestion: "Throughout the stroy the writer tried to show that thirst for money can overshadow everything"

the reason the step-father is stopping the daughter from marrying is so that he can retain his share in the inheritance

--> I changed the structure of the sentence as the same structure was used for the previous sentence. Use various structures.

What is the central plot, and how does it manifest in each story?

You mentioned some plots and to show how they manifest through the stroy, u used some examples. That is a good way, but I think you should not have used the phrases like "for example". In my opinion, you should say something general to show these plots do not belong to specific exsamples, while they are what the reader can feel at every sentence of the story.

Hope this helps,
Aug 29, 2013
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2 (a letter)- Request for a one-day leave [5]

Thanks dumi for the useful comments.

ssaallaamm: To finish the tasks that I am required to do on Monday need a fulday off on next Monday

I could not get what you meant by the correction. Would you please clarify it for me?
Sep 9, 2013
Writing Feedback / [TOEFL] Changing something in time from the past [4]

FirstlyTo begin with , I want to fix some mistakes

you said "some mistakes" while you only wrote about one mistake in the rest of the paragraph.

I was six year old. When I was six year old

There are lots of repetitions like this throughout your essay.

theAnother reasonswhich sometimes makes me to think about turining back in time is to do the tasks that I should have done in the paset.that I want to go back in the time in the past because I would like to do something in best effort for getting the best result

Sep 9, 2013
Writing Feedback / IELTS (Letter)- Invite your friend for a vacation [3]

Invite a friend to join you for your next vacation. Please say
- What are your plans?
- Why do you want to travel with him/her?
- Why do you think he/she will like it?

Dear Michael,

How are you? Hope everything goes well with you and have a great time with your family.
The reason that I am writing to you is that I am going to take a one-week leave and I am planning for a vacation. I heard that you have recently taken a course for becoming a tour leader. Therefore, I think you definitely have much information about different attractive places that I can choose. As a result, I would be grateful if you could accompany me in this vacation. I am sure you do not reject my request because a person who is a tour leader undoubtedly likes travelling.

In my opinion Roodsar Forest is a perfect option to spend one-week vacation there. We can set up tents and spend days and nights in the heart of the nature. I thought you may also be interested in camping, since the last time that we went to Damavand National Park you suggested to do the same. In term of date I should say that I am planning to start the vacation on coming Friday. We could meet each other at Qaemshahr Bus Station at 7:00 AM .

The place for going to vacation, date and time to meet all are suggestions though. If they are not suitable for you, please let me know to reach an agreement in them.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best wishes,
Jan 6, 2015
Writing Feedback / Human being inherently tends to experience different things in their entire life. Changing job [NEW]

Hey guys, after a long time I started preparing myself for the IELTS test again. Here is my first essay. I know it is not good at all, but I need your help to improve my writing skills.

Topic: Some people prefer to be in the same kind of job their entire life, but others like to change their jobs frequently. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Human being inherently tends to experience different things in their entire life. However, when it comes to a matter like job different viewpoints are appeared, so that some people become cautious and less likely to try different careers throughout their lives and the other group think in the opposite way. The question that goes through the mind is that what encourages a group of individuals to choose different professions, while others only stick to one job for a lifetime period.

The viewpoint of the people who prefer to have one career in life can be examined in terms of job security and professional skills. A person who spends years of his life on one job becomes highly skilful at that work undoubtedly. As a consequence, that person can secure his position, since he would be a reliable person for doing that specific job. As an example, an accountant who has a 30 year job experience can offer much higher quality jobs compared to a novice one.

Another group of people, however, have a high tendency to experience a wide range of professions. These people, who usually are adventurous, enjoy a life with changes and they cannot tolerate a monotonous lifestyle. Besides personality, broadening skills can be the other factor that plays a pivotal role in leading people to this path. For instance, a person who works as both electrical and computer engineers would have more job opportunities in comparison with an engineer who is expert in only one of these fields.

In conclusion, job security, personality and widening occupational abilities are the main elements that produce two split viewpoints of changing or not changing job throughout our life. In my personal opinion, trying different jobs would help us to discover our talents and potentials. Thus, I believe, a world where everyone could flourish his/her own instinctive talents would be much more advanced than the one where only cautious people with a routine lifestyle live.

Thanks in advance :)
Jan 7, 2015
Undergraduate / I had few matchpoints. How I met a failure in my tennis career [3]

the first paragraph is the introduction and the most important part of a text. It shows what you are going to talk about in the body and somehow leads the reader to the direction that the writer wants. This intorduction says that you love tennis, and you are a professional tennis player, but it does not say anything about the aim of this piece of writing. I suggest to add one or two sentences to make the later point clear

the country

what country?

I think you should directly get to the point and avoid talking about all matches you participated.

hope this helps
Jan 7, 2015
Undergraduate / 'plethora of times where I thought that I couldn't go any further' - UCF application, influences? [2]

My family environmentThe atmosphere in my family was XXX, so that it shaped/moldedimpacted my nature and personality in a way that I can confidently say that I fight hard to achieve my goals no matter howby providing me with the confidence to succeed in an onerous environmentthe situation is . Through all of the difficulties my parents have overcomerough experiences ,

I am in the top 15% of my class, my GPA is above average, and have played 4 years of volleyball. They are the reason why I am the young woman that I am.

You didn't talk about your successes and why you know yourself a successful person till this last sentence. I think you should state this earlier and listing these points one after another is not a good way for presenting your strong points, you should mention them more creatively. Maybe it is a good idea to say how the difficult situations you have experienced could help you to become successful in studies or sport. Talk about your motivations and the role of your parents more clearly.
Jan 8, 2015
Writing Feedback / Do you believe that elderly people used to live in a better world? IELTS-task2 [3]

Hey guys, please have a look at my new work, Any suggestions are welcomed :)

Topic: Elderly people think that the way they spent their life was simpler and better than today. Do you agree or disagree? Provide you reasons and real life example

Changes are inseparable parts of this world which normally humans are responsible for by manipulating the environment they live in. Sometimes these changes adversely affect our lives that make elderly people think they used to live in a better world than the modern world the younger generation are experiencing. I utterly disagree with this opinion due to technological and medical reasons.

We live in an era that technology is developing in the speed of light, steering the world toward a much more convenient place. A clear-cut example that supports this idea is the invention of smart phones. The strong navigation system installed on the phones has been rescued lives of many who left alone in remote areas like forests or deserts. Moreover, some people criticize social networks as tools that have ruined true relationships and friendships by reducing face-to-face communication. In my opinion though, social networks such as Facebook could foster the ties between friends and family members who are obligatorily far away from each other by keeping them in touch, the thing that was impossible less than 20 years ago.

The phenomenal progress in medical science in the last decade was a huge achievement for human being to make the world a healthier and, thus, a happier place to live in. Today, even some disabled people with serious vertebral injuries can start doing physical activities like walking again thanks to the continuingly efforts of biomechanical engineers and neurologists. The advancement in drug delivery systems is another example that could save lives. To be specific, scientists could invent ways to lead drugs directly to the damaged organs of the body, which is a miraculous breakthrough. In general, the increase in the average age of human from 50 to around 75 years through last decades is a strong evidence to show how successful human was in medicine.

In conclusion, even though the people from older generation may claim they had better life as there were stronger bonds between family members and friends, I think they are wrong, since they judge the contemporary age through a personal prejudice. In light of the above-mentioned facts, one can easily conclude that in the current world living standards stand in a much higher level and people are in better conditions socially and physically.

Thank you in advance everyone :)
Jan 9, 2015
Writing Feedback / Have you ever play 'Rock paper scissors' with your relatives when you were little? [3]

Have you ever play 'Rock paper scissors'with you relatives when you were little?As people grow up,they may move or work geographical therefore they spend less time with their cousin,grandparents etc.Some people believe that extended family members are indispensable in life.However,I believe that people nowadays are independent hence no necessary to have relatives.My reasons are given as follows.

I think the topic is asking about the role of extended family in two different generations. For example the importance of relatives for the families lived 70 years ago and modern families, don't think it talks about two periods of our lives. So, I think you need to revise the thesis statement.

we all know that more people today are independent.

the opening sentence of a paragraph is supposed to be a topic sentence that includes general and precise ideas. Unfortunately, this topic sentence is not clear and does not show what you are going to argue in this paragraph


remember that "America" is a continent not a country, so it is better to say "the US"

Especially in America,when you are eighteen,you are considered as an adult and have to move out of parents house.Furthermore ,when you start a new family,you might have your own kids.When this happened,you extended family members become less important tha n your husband,kids in your life because you have your own family who you need to focus on and take care of.

this could be true in the past too, but why they were important at that time? Again, I think the topic asks to compare the traditional and modern families.

try to use different structures for the sentences you write. Don't use "you" too much. It is better to use a mixture of active and passive voices in your essay to make the essay more dynamic and interesting. To learn how to write a complex sentence I suggest you to read as many texts as possible. One of the easiest complex structures that you can use is "not only ... but also", or "on the one hand ... and on the other hand". I recommend you to read the book "focus on vocabulary" to study more sophisticated words and see how professional writers organize a text.

hope this helps
Jan 10, 2015
Writing Feedback / I desire a farm house and natural atmosphere - "upside and downside of living in countryside" [3]

The vast majority of rural areas have been rapidly replaced bywith cites, industrial parks, etc (OR and the like)this has causedcausing (OR contributing to)thea dramatic increases in the number of people migrating to cities

--> never use "..." in writing

In today's world, life in countryside, without honking, air pollution,... is considered as the greatest way to live by some people, while some other people claim that living in countryside does have drawbacks.

is this an agree or disagree topic? if so, please add your opinion at the end of the intrduction. btw, the phrase "in the today's world" is not appropriate to be used in this sentence cause it is usually used when you are trying to talk about a worldwide FACT not two different viewpoints of two groups of people.

Open spaces, fresh air and less pollution are some benefits of living in countryside.

This cannot be a topic sentence. In a topic sentence u need to mention a general idea and a precise idea. General idea could be "living in countryside", and precise idea "some advantages". Talking about advantages must be included in the following supporting sentence.

In my opinion, I prefer living in countryside to living in cities despite it'sits disadvantages. Should I get older, I desiremight choose to live in a farm house in a countryside; however, when young, I must try my best in my career, may be in a big city.

Conclusion structure--> reword thesis statement/topic+your opinion if the topic is not agree or disagree; if it is, you need to write your opinion in the introduction+a clincher

hope this helps
Jan 10, 2015
Writing Feedback / What age group do you prefer to spend your time with? Your own age group or other ones? [2]

Hi again guys,
Please please have a look at my work and let me know how you feel about this essay. Point out my grammar errors, the words I used inappropriately and structure and organization issues. I know the essay is a bit long for an IELTS writing test, but I could write this essay in 35 minutes, which is ok I think, even though I'm not sure if there is a restriction that urges students to write in a specific range of words (I only know that I have to write more than 250 words, not sure about the maximum limit)

Anyway, here is my work:
Topic: There are people who like to spend time with their own age group and people that spend their time with different age groups. What approach is better in your opinion? Give relevant examples from your own experience.

One of the significant influences that play a pivotal role in the socialization process of a person is the people he/she interacts with. A group of people prefer to choose their friends among those who are at their age, while others enjoy hanging out with either younger or elder individuals. The question that goes through the mind is that what criteria are deemed important by each group for choosing their friends. This essay is targeting to address these criteria and come to a conclusion that which group would be more successful in socialization and life.

We select our friends in the basis of the things we have in common. This simple rule in our social lives would steer people to communicate more with their peer groups, since they have more thing to share. For instance, a person at the age of 20, who is a university student, would like to talk about the university life, as the university occupies a large portion of his life at 20. Experiences, interests and difficulties of this person would somehow be related to the university and he/she cannot share all these matters with a younger or elder person, since they have different thoughts and attitudes toward life. In short, having things in common can be the main reason why some people like to spend their time with the people at their age.

Another group of people, on the other hand, choose to be with younger or elder friends due to psychological and social reasons. To be precise, it is proven that some people are younger or older in mind and spirit, thus, their behaviour does not match with their ages. As an example, a person at the age of 30 might speak, wear, and spend his/her time like an adolescent. Accordingly, these people would not be accepted by their own age groups, forcing them to lean toward an age group that fits them.

To sum up, people can be classified to two categories in terms of their friends' ages; those who interact with their own peer groups, and those who prefer to be with elder or younger people. In my point of view, the former group can see the world a happier place as they can live in the present. In fact, these people do not get involved in other age groups problems, since they live in a completely different world. They enjoy every period of their lives by sharing it with people who are at their ages with similar thoughts, interests and hobbies.
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