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Posts by Utau4928
Name: B.
Joined: Dec 10, 2013
Last Post: Jan 14, 2014
Threads: 5
Posts: 17  
From: Costa Rica
School: SFC

Displayed posts: 22
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Dec 10, 2013
Undergraduate / What is your favorite word and why? - Honesty [6]

What is your favorite word and why? Answer the question in a half page or roughly 250 words

Any feedback, critics and correction will be needed. Thank you

Disappointed face, vexed expressions. These are reactions of people who just discovered that someone had lie to them. Since I was little, my family has always taught me to be an honest person, a person with values. Still, there were some times that I lied because I was afraid that my family would reprimand me, but my family always ended angrier due to my dishonesty. When I became more matured I set a goal: become a completely honest person. While ostensibly it sounds impossible, actually it is viable. This is not only viable, but necessary. Nowadays, honesty is one of the many values that we have lost. There are deceivers and counterfeit object everywhere. Just as Noel Coward said: "It is discouraging how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit" This is really sad because you can't trust anyone. You don't know if you are facing with a liar or an honest person. Honesty is crucial in this world. With this value, we can avoid a lot of conflict. Moreover, we can overcome obstacles. The time has come, we should rescue the values that we have left behind and hence build a better world.

Did you already know my favorite word?
Yes, you're right! My favorite word is honesty.
Dec 13, 2013
Undergraduate / What is your favorite word and why? - Honesty [6]

Thank you for the corrections. Can you tell me what do you think about the whole essay? is it good? or should I write another one?
Dec 14, 2013
Undergraduate / "What are the three types of rocks?"; Common App Essay. [2]

These are just suggestions.

I'm unsure as to why I lost my affinity for it.

I'm unsure why I lost my affinity for it.

Either way, my humble collection was rather, well, small

Either way, my humble collection was rather small.

I soon found myself rummaging through books, striving to find at least a picture that could guide me to what it was.

I soon found myself rummaging through books, striving to find at least a picture that could help me to identify it.

I feel that this trait of child-like curiosity has survived in me.

Since then, the child-like curiosity has survived in me.

Those little things that may seem ordinary are what attract me the most. There is a complexity inherent to them that I endeavor to comprehend.

Those little things that seem ordinary attract me because behind that simplicity there is a complexity that I endeavor to comprehend.

The small degree of intelligence that I have is worthless to me if I don't use it for the benefit of others

In my opinion, this sentence sounds jumpy because you didn't mention about using intelligence for the benefit of other people in the previous paragraphs.

The small degree of intelligence that I have is worthless to me if I don't use it for the benefit of others, and I hope that my child-like curiosity helps me augment my knowledge so that I am enabled to do so.

If you really want to write about helping others, maybe you can write in this way: I hope that my child-like curiosity helps me augment my knowledge, so that I am enabled to use it for the benefit of other people.

I like the last three sentences!!!! but I think it will be better if you can figure out a way to avoid writing three times "I'm that child".
Dec 28, 2013
Undergraduate / Rice University - Why Rice? - GATEWAY and WHO [3]

I think the content is ok, but you should write more about the unique features that the Rice has and others Universities don't have. You wrote about neuroscience and diversity, these two aspects you can also find in other universities. You should research in the Rice University website. For example, Rice is No.1 in best quality of student life and maybe you can write about that (Just an example, you don't have to write it if you consider a bad example). Some information about the University:

Dec 28, 2013
Writing Feedback / SAT essay - TELEVISION [5]

Assignment: What are your thoughts on the idea that television has turned out to isolate people instead of bringing them together?

I'm not a native English speaker, and I don't have good writing skills, so tell me if I have good reasons and examples, what aspects should I improve, and grammar errors.

Thanks in advance

While ostensibly the television has turned out to isolate people, actually it depends on how the uses manage it. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, to have a positive, the owner should use it wisely.

Most of the objects are created to have a useful usage, but sometimes we are the ones who create negative consequence. Many people think that now the television has made people to enclose themselves in the house and stop having contacts with friends and family. In my case, my parents are always busy. However, there is a time when all the family comes together and it is television time. Therefore, the television doesn't isolate my family, but make us come together.

I have a friend who doesn't talk to anyone when she is watching television, and she tends to watch it alone. Nevertheless, she doesn't watch television for a long time, so she also spends a lot of time with her friends and family.

Some people think that when the neighbourhood only had few television sets, people tend to have closer relationships. If we think in the same way, should we have few fridges in the community, so we can spend more time with our neighbour?

In conclusion, determining if the television has turned out to isolate people or not, it depends on how the owner use it. The television set is a tool for us. Therefore, we should use it wisely in order to have positive influences such as bring the family or the neighbourhood together.
Dec 28, 2013
Undergraduate / I'm a hoarder - Yale Supplemental essay [6]

All these seemingly random articles of paper are not only the gateway between my past and present but also a way into my future.

I think you should explain more about why is that a way into your future.

Also, write more about your personality. How does the collection shaped you or does it change your perspective or something like that.
Dec 29, 2013
Undergraduate / "Reason over emotion"; Programme preference - City University, why? [8]

Explain why you wish to study the programme and how the qualification is relevant to your career aspirations, as well as your expectation of the programme. (no more than 300 words)

Tell me how to improve it, correct grammar errors. Any feedback is needed.

"Reason over emotion" These three simple words explain why I want to study a major related to Sciences, especially Chemistry. I am the type of person that prefers numbers, data and graphics than poems and other abstract things. This aspect makes me embrace the Science. This subject is closely related to our lives, from molecules to metabolism to gravity.

By envolving in Chemistry Olympiad, biology field trips, and others activities, I developed some characters relevant to my future career. These include a careful personality and a perseverant character. For example, assisting in laboratory lessons I became more careful, and by participating in Tournament I fortified my perseverance. Also, by taking part in Field trips I develop

Now, I look forward to enter to the College o Science and Engineering, and later study Applied Chemistry. I hope that the programme can help me to acquire my knowledge and skills that will broaden my experiences and perspectives. Also, I expect to use my knowledge to benefit other people. This is extremely important since I wouldn't be able to do my best in the community services without the help of the little knowledge that I have. For instance, one of the services was to tutor students from a poor community. Without the things that I have learned in school, I wouldn't be able to help those students. Therefore, I really want to use my knowledge that I will acquire in the future for the benefits of others, and be able to contribute to the society.

thanks in advance
Dec 31, 2013
Essays / william college supplement; 'being on stage' [3]

All my life, I had considered myself give up too easily when I face problems

I think you should also write about your qualities, not only your weakness. Do you still give up too easily? Did that speech change you?

And I think you didn't answer the part of "why it is meaningful to you."

Good luck!!
Dec 31, 2013
Undergraduate / "Tin soldiers" Common App Esssay [3]

Hi, thank you for your response on my essay.

Now, about your essay I can't give you good advices because I'm really bad in essays, but I can tell you that I agree with Marzmarz, it is hard to follow except the part from "Dear my weapon, I quit." to """Dear Diem, a weapon for tin soldiers. Fight!"

Also, I really got lost when you mentioned about "terrorist number 21"

Sorry if I didn't help you.
Dec 31, 2013
Writing Feedback / IELTS; Disparities in earnings of different professionals [5]

Every profession has its one value and that why their salary differ.

Every profession has its own value and that is why their salaries differ.

Professional workers (doctors, nurses, teachers)

If I were you, I wouldn't write between parenthesis. I would use "such as". Professional workers such as doctors, nurses, and teachers

With the time they got frustrated

Over time they got frustrated.
they got frustrated with that fact and started to do protest around the country.

They claim that their salary could not even

They claimed.

In addition to this less and less students where enrolling to the medical universities.

In addition to this less and less students were enrolling

I opine with ones opinion that they are a big contribution to the society

They voyages should not rise only because of the number of followers on instagram and twitter are going up.
Dec 31, 2013
Writing Feedback / Better to be underrated by people or to be overrated by them? [4]

Hi, this is a SAT essay prompt:
It is better to be underrated by people than to be overrated by them.
Do you agree or disagree with the statement above?

Can you tell me if I have STRONG reasons and examples, and correct my grammar mistakes. Thank you

All of us have been underrated and overrated by others sometimes. Being overrated makes we feel uncomfortable and nervous, but it is better than being underrated for two reasons. First, we can have more opportunities such as having a good job, or be chosen to participate in a tournament. Second, it makes us reflect and ameliorate our situation.

Frequently, people lost their jobs' opportunities or the chance of being accepted to a university because the evaluators underestimate them, and do not know their real potential. However, if the evaluators consider us with good characteristics that we actually do not have, we can access to more opportunities.

Now, you may wonder what happens if over time people start to know the real us. Here comes the second advantage of being overrated. If people associate us with qualities that we lack, it means that there is a huge possibility that we actually can achieve it. Therefore, with this thought, we will be looking forward to gain the qualities that people overrated. For instance, I have a friend who was viewed as a diligent student by her teachers. Nevertheless, the reality is that she is not so industry. This attribution makes her think about her personality. Afterwards, she became a diligent student just as her teacher considered.

There is a story about a boy whose mother was called to meet his teacher. The teacher told the mom about the bad grade of her son and doubted about his ability. When the mother came home, the boy asked her mom what did the teacher said. His mother replied: "The teacher said you're an intelligent student and do very well in class." Since then, the boy has been working very hard to achieve good grades.

After a careful analysis about the real life experience and the story, indeed being overrated has advantages such as having more chances to perform and to improve. We should not be underrated by others.
Jan 1, 2014
Undergraduate / The cars salesman - common app essay [5]

I think that the first essay is good, but maybe you should write more about how or why you and your friend drift apart since the prompt is asking you to write a story.
Jan 6, 2014
Writing Feedback / People should scrutinize the ideas and actions of people in positions of authority - Napoleon story [2]

Please correct my grammar errors, and tell me if I have strong reasons and specify examples. Thank you.

Is it important to question the ideas and the decisions of people in position of authority?

There are many people who entirely believe and trust the ideas of authorities because most of them have received a good education and most are elites of the country, company or group. However, it is important to question them if we consider some of their ideas or actions impotent as they are also humans and are prone to mistakes. Also, being in a position of authority doesn't mean that he or she is the only member of the country or group.

People trust in dignitaries mainly because they think that dignitaries are the most intelligent in a country or group and will do their best. That said, upper classmen are also humans; they are not perfect, and so can make mistakes. A first example to draw upon is historical. When Napoleon Bonaparte wanted to conquer Europe, and was so close to success. He decided to attack Russia in winter, but it was a very bad idea since it was difficult for the soldiers to assimilate such cold and snow. However, nobody grilled Napoleon about his plan because he was in position of authority. This decision of not questioning Napoleon had a great impact on his militia. They lose the battle and many soldiers died from the cold.

Abraham Lincoln once said, "A government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth." This quote emphasized the importance of questioning the authority. The people with political power are chosen by the folk, but the government is of everyone. Therefore, everyone has the right to doubt the authority because we are all part of the government. If people do not question those in authority, power figures will do what they want and not what the majority wants.

In conclusion, we can see via the history of Napoleon and many others that people should scrutinize the ideas and actions of people in positions of authority. In this way, we can prevent future conflicts and failures.
Jan 9, 2014
Undergraduate / Cornell Suppliment - Physics, Philosophy, Experimental Theatre [2]

These are just suggestions. You don't have to take them if you do not agree.

Physics is the only science that involve the whole natural world

...hmm and what about Biology?

It seems to be more than enough reason to dedicate ones life to its exploration.

If I were you, I would write "This is the reason why I want to dedicate my life to its exploration".

If I would have to point out one event that influenced my interest the most it ...

One event that influenced my interest in Physics was ...

Among the courses for Physics major

Among the courses of Physics

Since I am going to continue my education with graduate studies in physics, undergraduate research opportunities provided by CURB couldcan help me to involve myself in various projects and prepare for the graduate program. I had the opportunity to read about resea rch project, with the participation of undergraduates, on investigating (this sounds weird ) and trying out methods for transferring power optically across a high voltage gap. I do not need anything more to knowI strongly believe that Cornell will provide me with all education and personal development necessary for my professional career in science.

According to the words of the funny-hair physician Einstein: "This independence created by philosophical insight is - in my opinion - the mark of distinction between a mere artisan or specialist and a real seeker after truth." I believe that accurate understanding of the most basic concepts of philosophy is obligatory for any scientist interested in elementary particle physics.

Despite the fact, (the comma is not needed) that at present Cornell does not offer Philosophy minor, I can still pursue my interests thanks to Philosophy of Physics (PHYS 2202) course. In addition, I can do this as a part of diverse, active and inspiring community characterizingthat characterizes the College of Arts and Sciences.

Specific for Cornell approval for non-traditional approach to the field of study gives me a hope for working in my philosophy-physics way without the necessity of hiding in the storeroom at the back of the lab. What do you mean by "specific for Cornell approval"?

The other area of my interest is theater. I watched some recordings of the performances The Flexible Theatre and Red Shadow, and I was impressed by their quality.

I think you should add a conclusion
Jan 9, 2014
Undergraduate / Writing, music, film... - influence on person I became. Virginia Tech Applicant Statement [2]

Focus on your goal/objective in life

I think that slash (/) should not be used in formal writing. Focus on your goal and objective in life

their goal in life.

their goals

My life was influenced by this song in that I don't focus on things I can't control

This song influenced my life by telling me that I should not focus on things that I can't control.

You used hatred many times. try to find a synonym.

Not neither to bring you down nor to make you feel guilty BUT to open your eyes.

This is not to bring you down or make you feel guilty, but to open your eyes.


boyfriend or girlfriend



After writing a Bible verse you don't have to write from which passage you took it?
Jan 9, 2014
Undergraduate / 'I want to develop Apparatus' CCNY app - Grove School [2]

These are just suggestions. you do not have to take them if you do not agree.

The reason why I want to become a mechanical engineer is becausethat I wanthope (try not to repeat several times the same word) to develop a pparatus that will further the advancement of human civilization. By obtaining a degree in engineering I can get the permission and knowledge to develop Apparatus(try to find a synonym for apparatus, maybe equipment) that can defend our country. This has been my long held dream ever since I was born. The year that I was born in was the century which Automations, from the First Cell phone that came out during the 1977 and the first Macintosh that was built during 1984 to the latest laser weapons that looked like sci-fi, started to develop and is being used by usnow we are using them in our daily life. Ever since I held my own Apparatus, which was a laptop, I wanted to learn more about it and looked up for everything on it. After my middle school year, I was able to put my own computer together using parts and built a computer which inspired me and assured me that I will be an engineer when I grow up.

I think you should write more. Explain more about experiences that you had and had influenced in your choice. or people that have influenced you.
Jan 14, 2014
Undergraduate / "Reason over emotion"; Programme preference - City University, why? [8]

I only wrote about Science because in the first year, all the students get into a College, eg. College of Science and Engineering or College of Business. Students choose their major until the second year of university, so I suppose that I can only write about Science because I want to enter the College of Science and Engineering.
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