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Posts by mihirmj
Joined: Sep 19, 2008
Last Post: Jan 2, 2009
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From: United States of America

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Dec 28, 2008
Undergraduate / Gain hands on experience, gain a greater appreciation for the NASA mission; NASA INSPIRE PROGRAM [3]

Prompt: What would you like to achieve through your experience? (this is an internship through NASA)

For a student interested in pursuing a career in aerospace engineering, I believed there to be few ways to gain information until I discovered the NASA INSPIRE program. It took some searching but once I found it, I was disappointed I had not found it earlier. I took no chances and began working on the application in order to finish it before the deadline.

By participating in the NASA INSPIRE program, I hope to gain hands on experience, gain a greater appreciation for the NASA mission, and become a part of the NASA network. For as long as I can remember, I have always had an intrinsic curiosity for space and the notion of becoming a NASA scientist would cause shivers to go down my spine. As a participant in the NASA INSPIRE program, I will be able to gain hands on experience in many of the areas that NASA studies and be able to answer my infinite questions of what a NASA scientist does. I also hope to gain a greater appreciation for the NASA mission by seeing how much work and effort goes into each project. As a participant in the NASA INSPIRE program, I will get to see what goes on behind the scenes to make each space shuttle launch successful or how the smallest error can cause catastrophic effects.

Another goal I hope to achieve by being a participant in the NASA INSPIRE program is to establish a strong social network comprised of NASA workers along with peers who share the same values in science and technology as I do. The one advantage of an internship that goes most unnoticed is the network that you establish by being an active participant. As a NASA INSPIRE intern, I will meet many NASA workers who have been in the same position as me, and will be able to give me guidance that will help me achieve my dream of one day being in their position. Through my participation in the NASA INSPIRE program I will be one step closer in my quest of becoming a NASA scientist, and in the future may be able to aid others students like me through the NASA INSPIRE program.
Dec 20, 2008
Undergraduate / 5 aspects ("life experiences, perspectives, talents, commitments and/or interests") [2]

i think the essay definetly answers the prompt and its very well written the only suggestion i have is to re-word this sentence:

We talked about almost everything under the sun, from their daily activities to the countless types of Chinese cuisines from the different regions of China.

its just a little wordy with all the from's

and also:

I believe that by joining the University of Wisconsin, I have much to contribute and learn among the student body because of its great cultural diversity.
Dec 19, 2008
Undergraduate / Cornell University - intellectual interests and their evolution [3]

Describe your intellectual interests, their evolution, and what makes them exciting to you. Tell us how you will utilize the academic programs in the College of Arts and Sciences to further explore your interests, intended major, or field of study.

From the moment I took my first intro to chemistry class with Mr. Sawan, notoriously known as the most intellectually challenging teacher at my school, I knew I had a love for the subject. From acid-base equilibrium and stoichiometry to atomic theory and bonding, I learned more in chemistry than any other class. Chemistry taught me not only general facts and concepts but also gave me a deeper understanding of the world I live in. It instilled skills in me that will help me for many years to come and from the hours of memorization and dedication to the subject, I not only learned the material but also gained a greater understanding of education as a whole, which helped me in all my classes.

As my interest in chemistry grew, I continued to find my teacher giving me the same answer to many of my questions, "that's beyond the scope of this class." I grew accustomed to that answer but never gave up in my relentless quest to ascertain all the knowledge I could. My best friend soon became my chemistry book and Google and then I slowly began connecting the concepts I learned with everyday occurrences in my life. I learned how cooking was really just a chemical change of substances and mixtures, why a can of pop bursts if left in a car, and why the tar on roads becomes soft in the summer but never truly melts. This unique characteristic of chemistry is what initially piqued my interest in the subject and continues to hold my attention today. I hope that by attending Cornell University I will be able to fuel my desire to learn from the numerous knowledgeable faculty members and will be able to obtain a wealth of knowledge on the subject.

One of the best features that Cornell offers its students is the wealth of job placement services. With access to an extensive alumni network, the students of Cornell become acquainted with executives of world-renowned companies and are able to establish themselves at companies that look for Cornell graduates. According to Princeton Review, Cornell University is ranked 14th in the nation for the best job placement services. Once students graduate from college, one of the biggest issues they face is finding a job. With a degree from Cornell University, that task is much easier and the students are able to easily achieve that goal with the network of notable alumni who have started their own successful businesses or are very influential in their careers.

By taking advantage of the remarkable education environment at Cornell University, I will be able to achieve much more than I would anywhere else. The extensive alumni network will also help me set-up job interviews, internships, or admission into medical school. By combining my love of chemistry with my will to succeed, Cornell will help me establish myself and foster my future medical career. Because of the numerous advantages of Cornell University, I have made it my number one college choice, and if accepted I hope to join the ranks notable alumni who are a part of the career placement network to help assist future students.
Dec 19, 2008
Undergraduate / "Now you even brag in English" - ComApp short answer on Activity [7]

its a good start i think your essay answers the prompt really good but im also pretty sure that the limit is 150 so i would take that first sentence out but i think your essay would sound better with that last change that you menioned
Dec 6, 2008
Undergraduate / 'Chicago grandfather who passed away' - Umich setback essay [5]

alright i revised it to include a paragraph about all that stuff and i was wondering if you could read this one instead of the first one same things with this one just check grammer commas etc. and let me know what you think of the piece as a whole. thanks.

everything is basically the same except the second to last paragraph thats the one i added so if you already proof read the first essay could you just proofread that one paragapah thanks.
Dec 5, 2008
Undergraduate / 'Chicago grandfather who passed away' - Umich setback essay [5]

Hi, I was wondering if you could read this through for me and just edit it. I was having a lot of trouble with the small grammer issues like commas and stuff and would appreciate it if you could go through and esp check for those. I was also wondering if you think this is an overall good response to the prompt or if i should re-think my topic. Thanks

Prompt: Describe a setback that you have faced. How did you resolve it? How did the outcome affect you? If something similar happened in the future, how would you react?

As I lay in bed cramming for the next day's test, I heard the phone ring. It was one o'clock AM and far too late for anyone to be calling my house, but as thoughts raced through my head only one thought prevailed, someone had died. Just one week earlier, we had received the same call notifying us that my aunt in India had died in a car accident. As I waited and listened for my parents to answer the phone my stomach was overcome with butterflies, and I sat up and listened for any news. Moments later, I heard the lights in the hall turn on and my dad walked to my room to break the news that changed my life forever; my grandfather had just experienced a massive heart attack and was close to dying.

After a few minutes of me laying in bed and trying to comprehend what I had just discovered, my dad told me that he and my mother were taking the next flight to Chicago. After my parents left, I woke my sister and told her the news. We sat and talked for a few minutes before we also decided to try to get tickets. Once we got to the airport, we found that it was impossible to get tickets until the next day so we began driving at three o' clock in the morning and made it to Chicago by nine o' clock the following day.

Once we got to Chicago, my grandfather had already passed away. We went to see him at the hospital and with all the emotions I could not contain myself and broke down. The person who had raised me and taught me to never give up lay in front of me, cold and helpless. Once I regained my composure, I was asked by my father and uncles to give a speech at my grandfather's funeral.

For weeks after the funeral, I could not concentrate on anything to do with education. I could not stand to look at my college applications any longer because they only reminded me of my grandfather, and how he had stood alongside me to help me pursue the educational opportunity he once sought for himself. Soon my grades dropped and my teachers and peers started to notice and asked me if there was anything they could do. At first, I moped around and did nothing, but after reading the speech I gave at his funeral, I realized that there was no point in sulking around and giving up the dream that my grandfather and I had. It was too late for me to change my trimester grades but college still had a chance and I started full force on my college applications.

By experiencing the traumatizing effects of losing a loved one, I became more relentless in the pursuit of my hopes and dreams of going to the best college. I believe that from this event I have become a stronger person, and when I experience a most unfortunate event as this in the future, I will be better prepared to handle the situation, as those who were so strong for me.
Nov 24, 2008
Undergraduate / "Gained social, intellectual, or cultural differences" - UM Diversity [4]

once again sorry about that same thing with this essay i just wanted to know what you thought of the piece overall and weather i should stick with this or make any changes talk about soemthing different weather you had any suggesstions etc. thanks
Nov 24, 2008
Undergraduate / my first intro to chemistry class - UM Major [3]

yea sorry i forgot to answer what exactly i wanted advice on but I just wanted to know if you thought it was an overall good piece and if it answered the prompt well. but you basically answered that if you have anything else to say then feel free to let me know thanks.
Nov 23, 2008
Undergraduate / my first intro to chemistry class - UM Major [3]

Prompt: What led you to
choose the area(s) of academic interest that you have listed in your
application to the University of Michigan? If you are undecided, what
areas are you most interested in, and why?

From the moment I took my first intro to chemistry class with Mr. Sawan, notoriously known as the toughest teacher at my school, I knew I had a love for the subject. From acid-base equilibrium and stoichiometry to atomic theory and bonding, I learned more in chemistry than any other class. Chemistry taught me not only general facts and concepts but also gave me a deeper understanding of the world I live in. It instilled skills in me that will help me for many years to come and from the hours of memorization and dedication to the subject, I not only learned the material but also gained a greater understand of education as a whole, which helped me in all my classes.

Few words can explain my love for chemistry but dedication is as close as it gets. Throughout my high school career, I have dedicated myself to this science and have spent hours to master the skills needed to succeed in this subject. The skills I have honed in myself from chemistry will never be lost and my love for this subject will never diminish.

Given the extreme enjoyment I get from chemistry it is no surprise I chose it as my major at the University of Michigan. In an institution where the sciences are such an intricate part of the campus I could chose no other major then the one that makes me the happiest.
Nov 23, 2008
Undergraduate / "Gained social, intellectual, or cultural differences" - UM Diversity [4]

Prompt: Share an experience through which you have gained respect for intellectual, social, or cultural differences. Comment
on how your personal experiences and achievements would contribute to the diversity of the University of Michigan.

As I felt the sweat drench my palms and the quiver in my legs, I prepared myself to give a seventy-six minute presentation on the immune system to my AP Biology class. Although I had been rehearsing for days, I still made last minute scans over my PowerPoint and thought about how my teacher had told me that the immune system was the hardest chapter and I had to do an exceptional job of teaching it to the class. As I finished my presentation, I was surprised to learn that most of my classmates had achieved a strong grasp of the material and I had done a great job of teaching it. I had taken my teachers advice and presented the material in a concise and easy to understand format so all the students would be able to understand the difficult concepts.

As my teacher called me up to congratulate me on my difficult feat, I thanked him for his helpful advice and realized the unforgettable lesson I had learned regarding intellectual diversity. Through the help of my teacher, I learned that not everyone speaks, writes, or even talks the same way I do, and many times, it takes simple terms and concepts to convey a concept theory. Because of the many experiences I have had, I have achieved a greater appreciation of intellectual diversity and will therefore be able to strengthen the diversity at the University of Michigan.
Nov 14, 2008
Undergraduate / Carnegie Mellon University admission essay [2]

Prompt: Please submit a one-page, single-spaced essay that explains why you have chosen Carnegie Mellon your particular major(s), department(s) or program(s). This essay should include the reasons why you've chosen the major(s), any goals or relevant work plans and any other information you would like us to know. If you are applying to more than one college or program, please mention each college or program you are applying to. Because our admission committees review applicants by college and programs, your essay can impact our final decision. Please do not exceed one page for this essay.

Although the aesthetic beauties first caught my eye and piqued my interest in Carnegie Mellon, it was the wealth of research opportunities and esteemed undergraduate programs that fueled my desire to one day become a CMU Tartan. Ever since I was a child, I have always been interested in how things worked. When I was younger I simply took things apart and then put them back together, but as I grew older, the internet aided me in my quest to gain knowledge and by attending Carnegie Mellon I will be able to take advantage of their numerous research opportunities.

Involving 85% of the chemistry undergrads, Carnegie Mellon research projects provide opportunities to their students that are not available at most other schools. The research opportunities provided by Carnegie Mellon will help me achieve hands on experience of cutting edge technology in my chosen field of study and will provide me with skills that will better assist me in my future in medicine. I believe that by taking advantage of the numerous research opportunities offered by Carnegie Mellon I will be better prepared for my goal of gaining admission into a MD/PhD program. The research projects that I undertake will also help me demonstrate my eagerness to learn and love for medicine, which I believe, is one of the strongest qualities that I would be able to show on a medical school application.

Of all the schools at Carnegie Mellon, I am specifically interested in attending the Mellon College of Science. The rationale behind my choice is that, in conjunction with a degree in chemistry, I will be able to participate in the Health Professions Program. By participating in the Health Professions Program, I will have access to academic advising that will aid me in my quest to gain admission into medical school and will provide me with various volunteer opportunities. Although I could participate in the Health Professions Program through any of the other schools, I believe that a degree in chemistry will prepare me most efficiently for medical school.

The single fact that had the greatest influence on my decision of attending Carnegie Mellon University was that they have an 85% acceptance into medical school, which is much higher than the national average of 50%, and proved to me the dedication and rigor provided by Carnegie Mellon classes. Another major benefit of attending Carnegie Mellon is the plethora of internships available to students to help prepare them for their future careers. I wish to be involved in various internships throughout my undergraduate years, and with the connections that I will establish through Carnegie Mellon, I will be able to make my dream of attending medical school come true.

The renowned academic prestige of Carnegie Mellon University is the paramount quality it has to offer. From my first visit to the campus, my heart has always been set on Carnegie Mellon for its magnificent college setting and various programs and opportunities it has to offer. With the unsurpassed research opportunities and quality of academic advising provided by the Mellon College of Science, I will be able to make the most of my time as an undergraduate and fulfill all my goals ranging from internships to research and make myself a stronger candidate for a future in medicine.
Oct 4, 2008
Undergraduate / Boston University Essay - I have always dreamed abou this school [2]

Students consider many different factors when applying to college. Briefly discuss who or what influenced your decision to apply to Boston University

The intro and conclusion are similar to what i posted for my carnegie essay so you can skip over those parts if you want. thanks.

For as long as I can remember, I have always dreamed of an education at Boston University. Ranked among the nation's top schools Boston University could make all my dreams as aspirations come true. Through its prestigious history, Boston University has educated some of the finest minds in American History and learning alongside the leaders of tomorrow and the best educators in the field creates an experience that is unachievable anywhere else. Boston University is my number one school for its scholastic excellence, remarkable atmosphere and college town.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said "to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived - that is to have succeeded."By attending Boston University's 7-year BA/MD program, I wish to add my name the list of individuals who have graduated from Boston University and have had unimaginable success in their field. By receiving my MD degree from the Boston University School of Medicine, I will be able to help a countless number of individuals and, according to Ralph Waldo Emerson, be able to achieve true success. Boston University educated some of the brightest minds of our time from Edward Zander (CEO Motorola) to John F. Smith, Jr. (former CEO of General Motors) which represent the extensive knowledge and support of the faculty at Boston University. From the wealth of research opportunities and internships available at Boston University, every one of their students is able to leave a lasting impression on the world.

The city of Boston is known to be one of the greatest cities in the United States for its wealth of opportunities. Home to the Celtics, Patriots, and Red Sox's weekend pastimes would be plentiful any time of the year. Home to some of the best medical institutions in the country, Boston also has made its impression on the medical industry. By being located within minutes of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Brigham and Women's Hospital the students of Boston University have unlimited medical opportunities, internships and a future in medicine available to them.

The legacy and prestige associated with Boston University are the greatest qualities that set Boston University apart from all other schools. With the wealth of research opportunities and the amazing faculty available at Boston University, anything is possible. Because of its educational experience and the Boston environment, Boston University is my number one college choice.
Oct 4, 2008
Undergraduate / Top Rank, Medicine, Infrastructure; why I have chosen Carnegie Mellon? [2]

Please submit a one-page, single-spaced essay that explains why you have chosen Carnegie Mellon your particular major(s), department(s) or program(s). This essay should include the reasons why you've chosen the major(s), any goals or relevant work plans and any other information you would like us to know. If you are applying to more than one college or program, please mention each college or program you are applying to. Because our admission committees review applicants by college and programs, your essay can impact our final decision. Please do not exceed one page for this essay.

From the first time I saw the campus, I have always dreamt of an education at Carnegie Mellon University. Ranked among the nation's top schools, Carnegie Mellon University could make all my dreams as aspirations come true. Through its prestigious history, Carnegie Mellon has educated some of the finest minds in American History and learning alongside the leaders of tomorrow and the best educators in the field creates an experience that is unachievable anywhere else. Carnegie Mellon University is my number one school for its scholastic excellence, remarkable atmosphere and college town.

Ever since I can remember, I have always dreamt of a career in medicine and the reason is not for something petty like money or prestige. The reason that I want to become a doctor is the satisfaction that I would get from knowing that I made a difference in someone's life. When one is a doctor, people look up to that individual when they are at their weakest point and when they have no one else because a doctor helps maintain a sense of hope for the patient and his or her family. Knowing that I will be the person people turn to on their most unforgettable days, when there is no other hope, and it will be my responsibility to solve their problem and possibly save a life gives me a sense of satisfaction that is greater than any amount of money.

From my first visit to Carnegie Mellon University, I knew it was the school for me. Before I arrived at the University, I thought that it would be very boring and there would be nothing to do but my cousin, a student at University of Pittsburgh, and one of my good friend, Nick Wolff, who is a student at Carnegie, assured me that it was a very good campus. After touring the campus and spending some time with students, I instantly fell in love with Carnegie for its very friendly and hospitable student body and knew that it was the school for me.

There are many advantages of going to school at Carnegie Mellon. For one, a student will never not have anything to do considering the fact that there is the city of Pittsburgh within minutes, an amazing bus system, and other college campuses within walking distance. Above all the social advantages of Carnegie Mellon is the level of education provided by the institution. Carnegie Mellon University educated some of the brightest minds of our time from Charles Wilson (former CEO of GM) to James Gosling (creator of JAVA programming) which represent the extensive knowledge and support of the faculty at Carnegie Mellon. From the wealth of research opportunities and internships available at Carnegie Mellon, every one of their students is able to leave a lasting impression on the world.

The legacy and prestige associated with Carnegie Mellon are the greatest qualities that set Carnegie Mellon apart from all other schools. With the wealth of research opportunities and the amazing faculty available at Carnegie Mellon University, anything is possible. Because of its educational experience and the Pittsburgh environment, Carnegie Mellon University is my number one college choice.
Sep 25, 2008
Undergraduate / Accomplishment essay (skiing Tiger the most difficult slope @ Boston Mills) [NEW]

Hi, I would appreciate it if you could give me some feedback on this and let me know how its going or if I need to make soem changes. Thanks

topic: In the college application process, you are constantly prompted for a list of your achievements, awards, and accomplishments. While this information is useful to us, we are interested in hearing more about you. Describe an event, achievement, or experience of which you are particularly proud but that will not show up on a resume, may not garner any recognition, and does not appear anywhere else on your admission application. This essay should not exceed 1,000 words in length.

By: Mihir Shah

At 871 feet high, an 80-degree incline, 240-foot drop, 300 feet long, and 5 seconds of a pure adrenaline rush, Tiger at Boston Mills is the black diamond slope everyone is afraid of. Tiger, the only slope that even the most talented skiers avoid and can get the heart of the best instructors racing, was the slope I dreamt of accomplishing and sailing down in the cold December air. In order to accomplish my feat it was going to take practice, failure, perseverance, and dedication but I was up to any challenge in order to reach the goal I had set for myself.

It started when I was a sophomore in high school and my cousin and I decided to join our school's ski club in order to learn how to ski and have a good time. Our first few weeks were spent in learning how to go down the beginner hills and going to our ski lessons to earn levels of certification, black diamond being the highest. From our first lesson, my instructor noticed the fire in my eyes and my desire to be one of the select few who could make it down Tiger. On our first lesson, he told me not to worry about Tiger and that I would eventually get there but that was the only thing that my mind focused on.

Every Saturday I would show up at eight o' clock to have a warm up session, take a lesson for two hours, and then practice for another three hours. By the time I got home, I would be exhausted and just pass out in my bed. As the weeks wore on my desire to make it down Tiger grew to the point where I would ski to its peak, take a look down the eighty degree drop, and feel the adrenalin rushing through my veins only to turn around without accomplishing my goal. After 3 weeks, our instructor told us that he would be choosing four students to accompany him in the black diamond level training. At our next session, he informed us that my cousin, two other skiers, and I would be accompanying him on the black diamond training lesson and everyone else was done with their training.

We met the following morning on the easiest of the black diamond hills, North Bowl, on which he taught us how to carve and perform an abrupt stop. After two weeks of practicing these techniques as well as others, we decided to move one level up to Croyle, the race slope, and make it down the hill while practicing all the techniques we learned and still maintaining good form. According to our instructor, we were all worthy of receiving the black diamond certification and therefore, after 2 more days of practice and perfection we were all awarded the black diamond certification. There was only one more thing for me to do and there was no way I could turn away after reaching the top once I had already been black diamond certified.

I skied to the top of Tiger one last time, looked down at the sharp eighty-degree drop, and once again felt the adrenaline rush through me. I watched three to four instructors make a run down the slope before I got the courage to look down the steep slope again. I looked forward, could see miles away, and felt my legs get weak with the thought of what was ahead of me. As the cold January air brushed through my hair and dried out my eyes, I lowered my goggles and felt the cold pierce through every layer of clothing. As my heart pounded loud enough for me to hear it in my brain I made my way over to the edge of the slope and took one last look down before I pushed off with my poles and felt one large gust of wind as I began my decent down the slope.

As I flew down the hill, I tried to maintain my balance while still following all the techniques I had learned in all my lessons. With the wind blowing in my face and my hands frozen in the position they started in I hit a bump and almost lost balance but I quickly regained my balance and my heart was racing with fear. As I came down the slope with blazing fast speed, my only thought was to quickly slow down, and try not to harm anyone that was not quick enough to move out of my way. Fortunately, in one of our black diamond lessons, we had learned how to perform a quick stop and it may have been the only reason no one was harmed that day.

As I came to an abrupt stop, my mind came racing back to reality and I fully comprehended what I had just done. Overcome with joy and happiness I could not wait to tell everyone that I had finally conquered Tiger, the most difficult and challenging slope at Boston Mills. The goal I had worked so hard and long for was finally accomplished and it was the greatest feeling in the world. I had never worked so hard for a goal in my life but the reward that I received was greater than any I have ever received and will always be remembered.

Tiger is still the most difficult slope at Boston Mills and each year hundreds dream the same dream that I once dreamt but only a select few in that group are able to accomplish what I have accomplished. Through hard work, perseverance, and practice anything can be achieved and the reward from a cause that you have worked so hard for is better than any award that is won with ease. 871 feet high, 300 feet long, a 240-foot drop, an eighty-degree incline, and the 5 seconds of pure adrenaline rush make Tiger the jewel in my list of accomplishments.

By: Mihir Shah
Sep 24, 2008
Undergraduate / FOGANA, Indian cultural dance competition - common app activities essay [NEW]

Hi, I was wondering if you could give me some feedback on this and tell me if i should make any changes I kind of did it quickly so it might need some work. Thanks.

By: Mihir Shah

For the past 8 years, I have been participating in an annual Indian cultural dance competition called FOGANA. In order to compete we must practice every day and must be very dedicated. We first practice for about 4 months and then go to a regional competition where we usually compete against four or five other teams and the winner gets to move on to the national competition. After the regional competition, we practice for another month and then travel to a bigger city to compete on a national level against another four or five teams that each won their regional competition. I have been the team captain for the past 7 years and we have been national champions for the past 6 years. This competition requires lots of dedication and hard work on behalf of the team especially since we are all very good friends and must focus while practicing.

By: Mihir Shah
Sep 19, 2008
Undergraduate / 'more than trained physician, dentist or veterinarian' - essay about being a doctor [6]

PLEASE review and tell me how it is if i should change certain things or just scratch the whole essay and start over.

What is a doctor? What exactly do they do and why is there so much prestige associated with that profession? Well, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, a doctor is "a person, especially a physician, dentist, or veterinarian, trained in the healing arts and licensed to practice". According to me, a doctor is much more than that.

Ever since I can remember, I have always dreamt of a career in medicine and the reason is not for something small like money or prestige. The reason that I want to become a doctor is the satisfaction that I would get from knowing that I made a difference in someone's life. When one is a doctor, people look up to that individual when they are at their weakest point, and when they have no one else because a doctor helps maintain a sense of hope for the patient and his or her family. Knowing that I will be the person people turn to on their most unforgettable days, when there is no other hope and it will be my responsibility to solve their problem and possibly save a life gives me satisfaction that has much more value than any amount of money.

From the day I was born, I have never accepted failure. My parents would always tell me how when I was younger and did not know how to tie my shoes I would sit on the couch for hours trying to teach myself how to do it and ask my mom why I could not do it but everyone else could. I believe that the three most important qualities, which I possess and can make a great doctor, are having empathy, being a good listener, and being compassionate. Doctors must be able to listen to their patients problems and fully understand them by putting themselves into the patient's position. Many instances in my life have reiterated my decision to become a doctor. Of all the instances, the one that profoundly sticks out and has had the greatest influence on me is when I traveled to a remote village in India. Many of the people there were sick and malnourished but could not receive the help that they desperately sought from any type of medical professional.

By seeing these people the one thing that I always wanted to do was return there with
some sort of help and possibly educate them or at least solve a few of their problems because they are the people from which I have gained my true love of medicine and what it can do for people.

Being a doctor has much more meaning than what it is defined as. A doctor is able to guide a person through their most difficult times and provide any necessary assistance to the patient and his or her family. By possessing the qualities of perseverance, empathy, compassion, and good listening skills, I would be able to be a great doctor and help many people.

would this essay also work for this prompt: What would you, as an individual, contribute to the B.S./M.D. program at NEOUCOM? In other words, how would your participation enhance the class and the College of Medicine?

Thanks for the proofreading
Sep 19, 2008
Undergraduate / "A painful truth" - SIGNIFICANT EXPERIENCE [NEW]

Hi. I was wondering if someone could read this and just let me know if there is anything i should change or if im going the right way with this essay. Its for the common app but I will be sending it to NYU, Columbia, Cornell, Northwester, Miami University, University of Dayton, Carnegie Mellon University, Case Western Reserve, and University of Pennslyvania

also i gave it a title called a painful truth but idk if i should put a title on there becuase it is an essay and not a story?

Prompt: Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.

A Painful Truth

All my life my parents have told me to appreciate how lucky I am to live in this country. They would always tell me that the things I do and the way we live can only be done in this country and people could only wish to live the way we live. I used to just laugh it off and say that everyone is this lucky and we are just like every other country. My parents would also tell me numerous stories of their life in India and the problems that the people there had, but I thought they were making it up and embellishing their story to make me appreciate my situation. I never really thought much of all this until I truly experienced how fortunate I am.

I was born in America, but my parents have taken me to India every 4 years. When I was younger, I loved going there; however, as the years passed, it became less of an enjoyable trip, in part because I found very few activities interest me. Then, at the age of sixteen, my eyes were opened to a painful truth by an unforgettable experience.

The trip began just like any other with visiting family, eating ethnic food, and sightseeing. I was actually enjoying myself because of all the wonderful food and tastes that were not available back home. After a couple weeks, my parents decided to visit a more rural village to show me another side of India that I had never seen before. The people I met, and the experiences I had will always remain with me from the day I traveled to the tiny village in India.

When we first drove into the village, I noticed little children anywhere from infancy to six years old running around with no clothes. Their bodies, covered in dirt, made it seem as though they had not showered in weeks. Clean water was something hard to come by and I saw children drinking water out of puddles. This was disturbing since I had been warned every visit to not drink tap water much less muddy puddles. The moment the children saw our car pulling up it was as if they had been trained to rush at any foreigner and begin to beg for money. I rolled my window down and handed the first kid a dollar and then ten more came running at our car. My parents yelled at me to put the window up and I quickly obliged.

When we stepped out of our car, they swarmed around us like bees around their nest begging us to give them money. I pictured all the clothes sitting in my closet that I never wore or just threw away. I thought of the water I wasted every day by taking a thirty-minute shower or just leaving the water running while brushing my teeth. These kids would do anything for even the most simple of necessities yet we waste things as if they mean nothing to anyone in the world.

My mom always took our old clothes to give to those who needed them and I would tell her that no one would want to wear those old clothes. When we returned home, the memory I had from the village never left my mind and I decided to pack all my clothes that I did not wear or did not fit me and send them to India. I started taking shorter showers, wasting less food, and thinking about everything that I could do to help those kids in India and soon I came up with a plan to help them out.

It began with small things like, saving clothes, using less water, and trying to see what I could do from here to help them out. With the help of my uncle, I started a fund that would send money to India each month to sponsor a child by giving them clean water, clothes, schooling, and food to eat. At first just my parents and close family supported me, but after a few months word spread and we were sending almost five hundred dollars a month to India. All I could think about was how far that money would go and how much more it would mean to them than it does to us.

Right now, we have ten families each of which sends fifty dollars a month to help the children in India. Once I began working, I also started sending twenty dollars from my own money to the numerous children in need. I will never forget that day that I went to the village and saw how needy those children were. The things I saw and the feelings I felt that day triggered a profound change in me, which will last a lifetime. I will always be more conservative with the things I use and truly appreciate what I have by living in this country. One thing I would like to do is go back to India one more time and see how the money that we have sent for almost one year has made a difference in the lives of all those children.
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