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Posts by dnx2000
Joined: Dec 24, 2012
Last Post: Dec 28, 2012
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From: Greece

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Dec 28, 2012
Undergraduate / At five I learned Chinese; Princeton supplement essay: Role of Culture in Life [2]

When I was five, my parents drove me and my brother and I to an old high school that taught Chinese on Sundays.

My best friends were Ben, Jake, and Ryan, and we liked playing football.

This sentence doesn't fit in very well. What is it about Ben, Jake and Ryan that you had to mention them? Either delete it, or explain yourself better.

Upon ecstatically joined the first Chinese class offered in middle school, I found that it was all but foreign.

Did you mean "joining" ?

Overall I liked the essay, especially the conclusion. It is not a "load of pretentious fluff", however it seems like an overview of your life rather than an "insight". Instead of having 2-3 sentences

about each change in your life, maybe you could focus on 1-2 occasions, to make the essay insightful, Perhaps you could combine your moving to a "white" suburb and entering high school as one big event and elaborate on its impact on you.

This is just an opinion though so if I were you I'd try to get advice from more than one person.
GO.od luck!
Dec 26, 2012
Undergraduate / 'Telekinesis' ; MIT short essay [6]

Thanks! I did my best and added a bit to the conclusion. However, due to severe lack of space I still didn't elaborate much on the impact and I fear that if I starting cutting on the description it will make the essay even more confusing and awkward. I don't know how much more I will be able to add to this essay, unless you have any specific suggestions for shortening some of the description.
Dec 26, 2012
Undergraduate / "Dune"; Princeton supp- favorite quotation [4]

Using a favorite quotation from an essay or book you have read in the last three years as a starting point, tell us about an event or experience that helped you define one of your values or changed how you approach the world. Please write the quotation, title, and author at the beginning of your essay.

This essay is a bit of an extended version of my MIT essay (for whoever read it) I am still wondering if this works and whether it answers the question. All opinions are welcome!


"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

- Frank Herbert, "Dune"

Although this statement may sound fatalistic, I always interpreted it as an encouragement to think outside the box. In 1900 Lord Kelvin said that there is nothing new to be discovered in physics and all that remains is more precise measurement. However, in the 1920's quantum mechanics became the standard formulation for atomic physics, opening a door to unexplored territory. What this showed me is that we often confine our judgment to what is already well known and understood, often forgetting that there may be so much more yet undiscovered out there.

Two summers ago I was sitting in my room with nothing to do, other than read a few books in my proximity or surf the internet for interesting ideas. So I decided to move a piece of paper with my mind.

At this point you may be thinking "Oh, here we go...". I had recently read books and articles on the wonders of the human mind beyond the current grasp of science and was truly fascinated. However, I approached my endeavor with guarded skepticism. First I began searching for evidence of such practice and soon came across an online society of like-minded people who shared their opinions on extrasensory abilities.

I carefully selected practical information and decided to setup a personal experiment. It consisted of some controlled variables and improvised apparatus: a fixated needle with a small piece of paper balanced on top, free to rotate at the slightest disturbance in the air. After two weeks of systematic attempts I actually had significant results, with the funny piece of paper rotating at my will. I was excited and bewildered at the same time. I, an average bloke, managed to do something that I always considered to be a cheap trick up a magician's sleeve, and yet there was no explanation. The truth of the matter was "one step beyond logic" as we know it. This experience, however, changed the way I approach the world and taught me to look at problems from more than one perspective.

I still remember how I contemplated measuring the kinetic energy of the system and the force that was applied on it. However, summer soon came to its end and I abandoned my experiment for better or worse. Nevertheless, I am still proud of the open-mindedness I practice when approaching or confronting various concepts, knowing that such an attitude is what allows us to progress, especially in science and engineering, disciplines in which serendipity has afforded significant leaps.
Dec 26, 2012
Undergraduate / Housework; MIT App /Pleasure Activity [5]

I really liked the second one. Are you actually going to have the * as a reference?
Perhaps you could say: "This is Pepakura - (a) Japanese papercraft." so that you don't interrupt the flow of you response, although it doesn't really matter.

(Btw I thought it was called Origami)
Good luck with your application, oh and if you're interested, I have one MIT essay uploaded as well.
Dec 26, 2012
Undergraduate / "The Boy didn't know......." Princeton/ Quote that define you [6]

Hi! This is an essay with a lot of emotion conveyed, and I really liked it. I really don't know how detailed you should keep your personal experiences and abuse, you should ask for advice on that one. As a whole this is a great essay and I liked the conclusion. I'll just throw in a few details for you to consider.

I will fight for freedom of us, students,

This sentence sounds awkward, maybe you could find a better way to phrase it.

I made a resolution - that no more will our dreams becomebe a pre-packaged set of workload imposed on us by the society.

This is just an opinion.
Btw I am have written an essay on the same prompt but haven't uploaded it yet. If you had any spare time I would appreciate it if you took a glimpse at it when I upload it, since I chose a slightly less standard topic, and I wonder if it works.

Thanks, and good luck!
Dec 26, 2012
Undergraduate / Chinese poetry; Stanford Supp - intellectual vitality and Chinese [8]

Thanks again!
It is great to get an opinion from a native speaker. I will definitely try to elaborate on how Chinese helped my "intellectual development'. The only problem is that I am a the word limit, so if I was to add something I would have to first delete some of the description and I always struggle with that. Perhaps you could advise me on which parts are unnecessary or redundant.

Do you think I should keep the paragraph about poetry, or such an example could be replaced with explanation?
Dec 25, 2012
Undergraduate / Chinese poetry; Stanford Supp - intellectual vitality and Chinese [8]

Stanford students possess an intellectual vitality. Reflect on an idea or experience that has been important to your intellectual development.

Please tell me if this answers the question, indicate any glaring mistakes, or just give some advice.

When I became a 7th grader our high school introduced a new subject to the curriculum - Mandarin Chinese. We were the first class to be offered this subject and the few curious ones, including me, decided to study this new and seemingly bizarre language.

Our teacher was from China. He had moved to Greece recently and was a true carrier of his culture. In fact, in the first two years not only were we struggling with the language, but also struggling to overcome a subtle cultural barrier between teacher and students. However, as time went by I got a better taste of this previously unknown to me language and culture. I began to understand the different approach to language in China as opposed to that of most western languages. For instance, if in English we depend on the structure of the word, the different syllables to discern between meanings, in Chinese it is the actual intonation of a syllable that determines the meaning. So a syllable like "san" could have 5 different meanings depending on the intonation with which it is pronounced.

Something that also amazed me was Chinese poetry. If the poems in English and similar languages rhyme by having words with similar syllable endings, Chinese poetry does not necessarily require this to rhyme. Instead, two seemingly different word endings which have the same intonation in the end could be considered as rhyming.

Overall, studying Chinese up to IGCSE level was an amazing experience. I had the chance to submerge myself into a different world, and I think I can now reflect back on these lessons and say that I view the world from a more global perspective.

Interestingly, my Chinese teacher ended up telling me that he had worked in a team on a project for CERN a few years ago, which I found exciting and I guess this was one of the many factors that contributed to my growing interest in science over the years. This 5 year long experience has therefore had an immense impact on me as a person, and my intellectual development.
Dec 25, 2012
Undergraduate / Happiness matters to me; Stanford supplement [5]

I know exactly how you feel, and feel the same although I didn't write about it. Personally, (and it's kind of biased) I think this is a wonderful response.

From the point of view of a college, I don't know how well they will respond to your idea of liking one thing now and then another another time, the way you stressed that. (does that mean he cannot be expected to be passionate about his studies for long enough?). But that's just an opinion, perhaps you could just take a little bit of emphasis off that idea and focus on something else.
Dec 25, 2012
Undergraduate / SCARS; YALE Supp / say more about you [8]

I liked your essay overall. My main common app essay is actually about Impromptu as well, except I live in Greece. Too bad mine's not uploaded, it would've been interesting to share opinions.

As for constructive criticism, I was a bit confused about the sentence in the last paragraph:

Many other experiences, but the same kind, remain within myself as well.

It took me a few tries to get what you're saying. Personally, I don't think you need the "but"
Good luck fellow Impromptu speaker!
Dec 24, 2012
Undergraduate / 'Telekinesis' ; MIT short essay [6]

I see what you mean. Problem is I am at my word limit so I can't elaborate on the impact of this experience unless I cut out some of the description, which I fear will lead to further confusion. Perhaps you could give some advice on that.

As for daydreaming, I will try and replace the verb. I was referring to the further investigations I wanted to carry out. The whole experience was quite real.

In general though, If I run into a prompt with a bit more of space available for a stronger conclusion, do you think this idea could work?

Dec 24, 2012
Undergraduate / 'Telekinesis' ; MIT short essay [6]

What attribute of your personality are you most proud of, and how has it impacted your life so far? This could be your creativity, effective leadership, sense of humor, integrity, or anything else you'd like to tell us about.

I tried something out-of-the-box and was wondering whether it works, or is just terrible. This was originally a short essay response to an MIT prompt I plan to submit. I'm not sure how risky this is and whether I could keep the idea for future essays. Any criticism or opinion would be greatly appreciated!

Two summers ago I was sitting in my room with nothing to do, other than read a few books in my proximity or surf the internet for interesting ideas. So I decided to move a piece of paper with my mind.

At this point you may be thinking "Oh, god here we go...". In my defense, I had recently read books and articles on the wonders of the human mind beyond the current grasp of science and was truly fascinated. However, I approached my endeavor with cautious realism. First I began searching for evidence of such practice and soon bumped into an online society of like-minded people who shared their opinions on extrasensory abilities.

I carefully picked out practical information and decided to setup a personal "investigation". It consisted of some controlled variables and an improvised apparatus: a fixated needle with a small piece of paper balanced on top, free to rotate at the slightest disturbance in the air. After two weeks of systematic attempts I actually had significant results, with the funny piece of paper rotating at my will. I still remember myself daydreaming about measuring the kinetic energy of the system and the force that was applied on it.

However, summer was soon over and I abandoned my experiment for the better or worse. Nevertheless, I am still proud of the open-mindedness I tend to show when coming across various concepts, knowing that such an attitude is what allows us to progress, especially in science and engineering.

P.S this is the word limit so I couldn't elaborate much
Dec 24, 2012
Undergraduate / Excellent academics/ Interests & aspirations/ collaboration; Carnegie App/ Why Carnegie? [2]

Ok, overall this is a great essay and answers the questions. Since you say you are above the limit I'll just make a few suggestions (again that's just my opinion)

I like the first paragraph, "It was so difficult, in fact, that all of my classmates had already given up hours ago, but I saw this assignment as a challenge..." Maybe, have a full stop before "but" or try another way of connecting the sentences.

"Though the Mellon College of Science may seem most suitable for my desire to discover and understand the scientific processes of the world, I believe that the Carnegie Institute of Technology would in fact be more favorable."

I think this is an important issue to talk about. However, you would probably have to back up this statement as a 'science vs engineering' which should take more space. So I would either not mention it at all, or dedicate more of the space to explaining it and talking about engineering. Also, overall I would personally talk a bit more about engineering and why engineering rather than the other activities. If not, maybe you should change the order of the paragraphs, because as it is the engineering paragraph is between the 'newspaper article' and 'computer science' paragraphs. I would personally put the two together and move on to engineering later so it stands out: "Engineering to me, however, is more than just dealing with numbers..."

"I must keep track of the word count of each article and how many columns each translate into..." Maybe "...and the number of columns.."?

"Photos also require space and their dimensions must be adjusted accordingly without the loss of photo clarity."

"Other details such as the title, photo credit, and font also play a part in the decisions I must make." You have 3 sentences which give detailed examples of the difficulties of placing articles. I think you could save up space by getting rid of some. Maybe you could find something to cut in the computer science paragraph as well

I hope my suggestions make sense and I was of some help. I also have a similar essay uploaded about engineering and I'm also above word limit, if you care to have a look whenever.
Dec 24, 2012
Undergraduate / Music is a big part of my life; Stanford supp- future roommate [4]

Thanks! I appreciate the small details you corrected.
I would love to talk about some of these examples in more detail but I am at the very word limit. Perhaps you can see some phrases that are quite unnecessary. I know I have a few but I left those because of the flow. Now I'm not sure which would be more important, the style or content in this case.

Thanks again, I'll definitely read your essay.
Dec 24, 2012
Undergraduate / Bio-inspiration - Stanford supplement/ what matters to you and why? [4]

What matters to you and why?

I'd love your opinions on this, as I am not sure whether this answers the questions. Also, I am above the limit by about 80 characters. Perhaps you could suggest which parts are unnecessary.


For the past few years I have been searching for the field of study that would capture me the most. First it was science - I was fascinated by the intricate world of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Soon, however, I turned to engineering. I realized that science studies the natural world around us, what already exists and can be observed. Engineering on the other hand uses that knowledge and applies it to create something new, something that may have been previously unimaginable. After further research I discovered a field of bio-inspiration.

One book that particularly inspired me was "The Gecko's Foot" by Peter Forbes. I learnt how only recently, with our ability to look into the nano scale, we have begun to realize the complexity and ingenuity of nature in many aspects. Moreover, we have the chance to study some of nature's technologies, such as the self-assembling properties of certain organisms, and design our own technologies adapted to humans, such as self-assembling circuits guided by artificial proteins. What fascinates me the most, however, is the brain. The complexity of the brain that allows us to learn, think and feel intrigues me, and I believe this in itself should serve as an inspiration for future engineering.

Studying these phenomena would be a pleasure, but what really matters to me is the impact that my research could make on the world around me. That is why I turn back to engineering. I would love to see my work, dedication and imagination make a difference to the lives of those around me, whether it is the knowledge of a gecko's astonishing foot clinging to the walls by sheer Van der Waals forces or intelligent systems which would help improve the quality of our lives, regardless of whether the implications are as grand as tackling Global Warming issues or as specific as a local irrigation system.

After years of searching I am still unsure of what exactly I want to dedicate myself to. I am certain that the environment in Stanford will be a source of infinite inspiration and will guide me to what I will truly love.
Dec 24, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'Guitar is my friend' - Essay on my hobby of playing guitar [4]

I really liked it, especially since I know exactly how you feel. I'd say keep "Guitar is my friend" or maybe change it to "The Guitar"

Also, you probably intended this, but as I was reading this I was slightly disorientated by the change of tense to past tense in "my mind sifted through all the complication of life"

(probably due to my poor reading skills) I would say "my mind sifts..."
Dec 24, 2012
Undergraduate / "I am a Cupcake" - Stanford Application "Letter to Your Future Roommate" Essay [3]

I am struggling with this essay as well right now (in fact all of them). Overall I think this works quite wonderfully, although I'm just like you and my opinion is hardly constructive.

Perhaps you could rearange the first sentence of the third paragraph e.g "I come in many flavors, just like a cupcake as I have varying interests" and maybe replace one of the "as I.." with

"since I.." to make it less repetitive.
Once again, this is just an opinion.
Dec 24, 2012
Undergraduate / Music is a big part of my life; Stanford supp- future roommate [4]

Prompt: Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate - and us - know you better.

Hi! I am currently in the middle of nowhere with a laptop, writing essays. I would love to hear any opinions and criticisms of this draft. Thanks in advance!

... ... ... ... ....

I find it quite challenging to start describing myself as it seems that I don't know myself very well either. Instead I will try to describe some of the things you might expect of me in this short note. I will probably seem to you like a mix of different passions, but I guess for a Russian who has lived his whole life in Greece, studied Chinese and met people from all over the world I am bound to be.

First of all, I would like to start with music because I honestly find it hard to start anywhere else. Music is a big part of my life. I listen to music, I play music and I make music. I have played the guitar for longer than I care to remember (I think 10 years by now) and you can expect to see me hugging my guitar quite often. Now don't worry, I am not a fanatical metalhead so your eardrums will be sound and safe, although I listen to all kinds of music and you might find some of the sounds I spawn unusual. However, if you have any interest in music you are most welcome to join in!

I will also probably try out some sort of theatrical activity in college. I've been part of my school's drama club for the past 4 years and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I had the chance to act and was responsible for the music productions of our plays. This year a friend and I will represent our school for duet acting in the national speaking competition. Speaking of the speaking competition (no pun intended), I am quite a passionate speaker when it comes to events such as debating and have dedicated a lot of time to these practices as well.

You may be picturing me as an active person right now and to top that up, I'd like to throw in a few words about sports. I am nowhere close to a professional athlete but I enjoy outdoor activities. Last year I used to run 5km to the closest Aikido center for training and 5km back, and as tiring and challenging it was, it was a pleasure.

I am very keen to meet you and find out about your peculiar interests that perhaps some day we will share.
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