Apr 12, 2015
Writing Feedback / Information about the number of entries on a two new music websites [2]
The graph below compares the number of visits to two new music sites on the web.
The line graph gives information about the number of visitor of two new music websites include Music Choice and Pop Parade in fifteen days period of time. At first glance it is evident that, the number of people visiting the sites fluctuated during that period of time with a slight increase of each sites in the fifteenth day. With the exception of the 12nd and 13rd day, pop parade site gained more visitors than music choice.
With regards to music choice website, the number of visitor was thrice less than the visitors of pop parade site in the first day. Starting the period with 40,000 visitors, music choice net lost half of its visitor in the next day. Even though there were some fluctuations, the number of music choice visitors remained stable during nine following days, which was followed by a slight increase in the next three days with about 120,000. It then decrease to just over 70,000 visitors in the last day.
Turning to pop parade net, the number of its visitor remained stable for the first three days with 120,000 people. The site then experienced a gradual decrease and reached a trough of approximately 20 in the seventh day. The number of visitor increased steadily to about 150,000 during 11st day. However, it decreased sharply in the 12nd and 13rd day at about 85,000 and 80,000 visitors respectively. Thereafter, pop parade peaked and ended the period at 170,000 visitors.
The graph below compares the number of visits to two new music sites on the web.
The line graph gives information about the number of visitor of two new music websites include Music Choice and Pop Parade in fifteen days period of time. At first glance it is evident that, the number of people visiting the sites fluctuated during that period of time with a slight increase of each sites in the fifteenth day. With the exception of the 12nd and 13rd day, pop parade site gained more visitors than music choice.
With regards to music choice website, the number of visitor was thrice less than the visitors of pop parade site in the first day. Starting the period with 40,000 visitors, music choice net lost half of its visitor in the next day. Even though there were some fluctuations, the number of music choice visitors remained stable during nine following days, which was followed by a slight increase in the next three days with about 120,000. It then decrease to just over 70,000 visitors in the last day.
Turning to pop parade net, the number of its visitor remained stable for the first three days with 120,000 people. The site then experienced a gradual decrease and reached a trough of approximately 20 in the seventh day. The number of visitor increased steadily to about 150,000 during 11st day. However, it decreased sharply in the 12nd and 13rd day at about 85,000 and 80,000 visitors respectively. Thereafter, pop parade peaked and ended the period at 170,000 visitors.