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Posts by qomoco
Joined: Oct 20, 2009
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Nov 3, 2009
Undergraduate / Infinities of Chess, 150 word common application short answer. [10]

thank you very much.

As a thinker, I've always enjoyed games with the potential to exercise the infinite possibilities of the mind. Yet, chess is among the best. Not only does it challenge the brain, but also builds sportsmanship and friendship. Perhaps it's a universe of its own, with pieces called blacks and whites, battle for the titles of good and evil. But which side is which? Or is it a universe of phenomenon with laws called the rules of game. Nevertheless every game played teaches a lesson. The key to success lies not only in intelligence but also in persistence. Each mistake made serves as a stepping stone toward future success. Even though it's a game, I do take it seriously. But perhaps I'm wrong? Is chess merely a game for fun? Though it matters not, because chess is a part of my soul that I can't live without. Checkmate!

please tell me what you think, and if you see any errors tell me. Thank you.
Nov 1, 2009
Undergraduate / Think.Transform.Thrive. From University of Chicago-my desired place to study. [10]

don't feel weird, I didn't change anything at all except one sentence in the ending. I thought one of the point you made was good. Your reply was in quotation " " and followed by my response to you. I was attempted to put your name but instead I put "one" because college would think who the heck is this guy lol. Maybe someday you will become famous, then they will know but until then they don't you. Oh shortanswer, aren't these the grammar you fixed? It's all my idea, and I even changed some of my idea I showed you, and took some of your suggestion of deleting something, and put checkmate at the end. But nevertheless they are all my idea, so don't feel weird. I'm just going to use the one I wrote before you made suggestions, but will take your suggestion to move checkmate to the end, and will fix my grammars.

As a thinker, I have always enjoyed games ( chess, checkers, puzzles, and riddles) that exercises the infinite possibilities of mind. Chess is among the bests, it not only challenges one's mind but also builds sportsmanship and friendship. Perhaps it is a universe of its own, with pieces called blacks and whites, battle for the titles of good and evil. But which side is which? Or is it universe of phenomenon with laws called the rules of game. Nevertheless every game played teaches a lesson. The key to success is not only intelligence but also persistence. Each mistake made will be a stepping stone to success. Even though it's a game, I do take it seriously. But perhaps all these are wrong? Is chess merely a game for fun? Though it matters not, because chess is a part of my soul that I can't live without. Checkmate!

And thank you for everything. I have spent "soooo much time" on this and I don't really expect that I can into UChicago. But at least I have to try before I give up. I'm not the kind of person give up without trying.
Oct 31, 2009
Undergraduate / Why (or why not)? Perhaps the key question is "Why in between?" [22]

yes please, can you just just take a look at my two short ones(#2 and #4) and ummm maybe fix my grammars(my grammar sucks) and tell me if there is anything you can't understand that needs rephrase etc...

no need to look at my longer ones, thank you.

and deadline for early action is nov. 1st, which means I can turn in tomorrow right? I don't want to be too obessed with my essays and miss the deadline lol...

and what college are you in right now? just wondering.

and the answer to your question, honestly I don't know anything or read anything about philosphy. Everything I wrote came from my head lol. It's my own view of the world or human action or whatever. I'm not reffering to anything but simply presenting my thoughts.
Oct 31, 2009
Undergraduate / Think.Transform.Thrive. From University of Chicago-my desired place to study. [10]

it's not too late, I can submit them tomorrow too. I just want a last check, I still have over 24+ hours.

tell me what you think and how can I improve it.


and edit my grammars... if you can

thank you in advance.

oh, and nothing of my current writings can be good enough in my eye sadly...

I have tried to improve, and will always looking for improvement till the last minute, or rather last sec.
Oct 31, 2009
Undergraduate / Why (or why not)? Perhaps the key question is "Why in between?" [22]

Your essay is pretty original and it was fun discussing it. Best of luck to you!

oh yea wondering if you have thought of another question after finishing reading my essay? like anything can argue about.

one might ask what happen to "why not in between"

My counter argument: I didn't write anything about that because why in between and why not in between could essentialy be the same thing. Imagine it's a strong with two end bended together to form a circle. The point the two ends make will esstiantlly be on the same line as the original mid point of the string. (lol not sure if that made any sense) :)

oh and can you read all my 4 essays(I know that's a lot to ask... but you are very helpful). kind of gave u some credit on the why or why not and why in between paper lol.

one might ask "blah blah blah"
Oct 30, 2009
Undergraduate / Infinities of Chess, 150 word common application short answer. [10]

oh, I guess I got confused by other essays lol.

and anyway do you need to have titles for all the main essays?

I changed the essay a bit.

Checkmate! As a thinker, I have always enjoyed games ( chess, checkers, puzzles, and riddles) that exercises the infinite possibilities of mind. Chess is among the bests, it not only challenges one's mind but also builds sportsmanship and friendship. Perhaps it is a universe of its own, with pieces called blacks and whites, battle for the titles of good and evil. But which side is which? Or is it universe of phenomenon with laws called the rules of game. Nevertheless every game played teaches a lesson. The key to success is not only intelligence but also persistence. Each mistake made will be a stepping stone to success. Even though it's a game, I do take it seriously. But perhaps all these are wrong? Is chess merely a game for fun? But I'm too ignorance to find out, since it matters not because chess is a part of my soul.
Oct 30, 2009
Undergraduate / Why (or why not)? Perhaps the key question is "Why in between?" [22]

Thank you, do you know what DF_Stephen meant by "forst"

and do you think you can read my 150 words essay for common application, it's one of first ones I attempted to write, but it ends up to be the last. I only have 2 days left...

Thank You.
Oct 30, 2009
Undergraduate / Infinities of Chess, 150 word common application short answer. [10]

Prompt: In the space provided below, please elaborate on one of you activities (extracurricular, personal activities, or work experience)(150 words or fewer)

Please be harsh, and tell me what you think.

Thank You in advance.

Infinities of Chess

Checkmate! As a thinker, I have always enjoyed games (chess, checkers, puzzles, riddles, and math problems) that exercises the infinite possibilities of mind. Chess is among the bests, it not only challenges one's brain but also built sportsmanship and friendship. Perhaps it is a universe of its own, with pieces that create phenomenon, and has its own universals laws called the rules of game. It's also a war on the board but can be thought as art, science and sport. Every game played teaches a lesson. The key to success is not only intelligence but also through persistence. Each mistake made will be a stepping stone to success. Even though it's a game, I do take it seriously. Chess is the game of mind and soul, enhances problem solving that we can use in real life every day. It's a war creates harmony and FUN!
Oct 30, 2009
Undergraduate / Why (or why not)? Perhaps the key question is "Why in between?" [22]

I can't say I agree with everything, since it is so abstract, none can be right.
But yes, you are a great help.

what we have discussed can be used to write another essay or two lol. I don't think the admission person want to read that much. :)

My purpose is just to use my essay to spark the UChicago peoples' "thoughts."
And what I like about it is that it's 100% original. :)
Oct 30, 2009
Undergraduate / Why (or why not)? Perhaps the key question is "Why in between?" [22]

First thank you for all your comments, and I do have more thoughts but it isn't easy for me to express them clearly yet, since I'm lacking grammar and vocab.

Yet I think when you're dealing with human action, which is what I'm assuming your essay is focused on

Yes, the essay is dealing with human action. I thought of writing something like this when I saw the UChicago prompts a few months ago, or perhaps I have been thinking about human actions for years. I like to argue, even argue with myself.

Or seekers of truth?

When I first see this line, I thought "nice! you don't mind if I use it?" Then another thought: "ummm perhaps we seek cause we want to escape? Or perhaps it is not truth that we "seek" but "ideas" we create. Even though we created the idea, but it was too much for us to control. So we remain slaves of idea or "truth" one might say.

a base 10 number

honestly departure from base 10 is not that "original" since someone came up with it... lol But it sure is an interesting topic if one wants to write about.
Oct 30, 2009
Undergraduate / Think.Transform.Thrive. From University of Chicago-my desired place to study. [10]

E=MC squared

Thank you very much,
and I do not get the hint(j/king). :)

#4 How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to Chicago.

Think. Transform. Thrive. These words grace the booklet sent to prospective students. "The university of Chicago was founded to challenge accepted ideas," said Theodore A. O'Neill, Dean of Admissions. As a person who approaches problems, tasks, and ideas in illogical ways, I was drawn to this sentence. I was tempted to challenge the accepted ideas, though more tempted to challenge the ideas of University of Chicago or perhaps challenged by its ideas. This is it, the ideal place for my ideas to come to life.

With the University's focus on Socratic teaching, I will be more engaged to think with others, rather than wander off in my little world. This along with its core curriculum would provide me with a broad academic experiences I never had before. With the rigorous academic works of the university, not only will I be engaged in the life of mind, but also better prepared for the future. I like its study abroad program and on campus hospital, but I would choose University of Chicago for its creativity. University of Chicago, as I know it now, satisfy my desire of a learning environment engaged in ideas; ideas will change the world. I'm sure the Chicago education will be a life-changing experience. Also with its perfect campus location, I can easily visit Chinatown and once again experience my Chinese Culture.

Do you mind read my philosophy essay? Only got two comments.
Oct 28, 2009
Poetry / Sonnet help-I need to write two sonnets for my english class... [3]

Ok, I was never good with poetry(or I don't even understand poetry!), let alone writing two.

Any suggestion how I can start? I read some sample sonnets, they don't make any sense to me but apprently they do to others. I just totally don't get it...
Oct 28, 2009
Undergraduate / Describe a meaningful event...UF application essay...Missions trip to Honduras. [5]

I have been given musical talents, a strong academic mind, and a compassion for others that so quickly becomes passion, so I feel that it is my responsibility to share my gifts with others and to use them to their separate and full potentials, both on campus and around the world.

too long

that just made it all too real for me.

I don't really get it.

because, even though

doesn't make sense, revise.
Oct 28, 2009
Undergraduate / A Conversation with Myself: Our Life. Common Application Main Essay. [18]

Thank Youl Very Much.

Yes, I agree with you that I should reword that sentence now. I guess I'm not very creative by just using the word stupid.

And about the "Sex,smoking,drinking..."

I was trying to tie the fact that I didn't go to a very good school for 6 years(most people might not think any good student would come out of that school I suppose so...), but I managed to stay away from the bad stuff such as the most common thing(smoking). I even hate smoking and would yell at anyone who smokes near me lol, including my dad. :)

Does that not work? I thought that would make my "case" of first generation(something don't really need to state, but you know from the essay right? lol) student stronger. As most people had assumed I came from a family whose parents are like professors or something and thought I had great amount of help from parents. But that's not true, my resources were simply myself and textbook and teachers.
Oct 28, 2009
Undergraduate / Why (or why not)? Perhaps the key question is "Why in between?" [22]

Why? This was probably the most common question. But do you know it has a wife(husband), who is perhaps the most gorgeous "answer" in existence? "I don't know." Indeed, you are right. It could be the only one who is capable of stopping "why" going into a rampage of questions.

Does this make sense to anyone? It seems my teacher don't get what I meant, I need to better rephrase this so people can understand...
Oct 27, 2009
Undergraduate / Why (or why not)? Perhaps the key question is "Why in between?" [22]


Thank you, I have been thinking about writing something relate to philosophy for months now, almost gave up because I saw none of the university essay wrote things like that(that's conformity there). You make me more confident now!

and umm what's forst... I can't find it on google.

I'm not sure about the exact details. In China, students took a difficult science test. One of the questions was a free response that asked why a phenomenon occurred. the students who wrote pages and pages of an explanation failed; those who wrote "why not?" passed

I have heard of that too, but not in China.
An ivy school has an adimission essay with questions like "Why would you belong to the University?" and there were people wrote "Why not" and got accepted.

I think that's a myth though, maybe not the first one who thought of that. I was really tempted to do that lol. but too much risk. :)

and thanks for all the advices, I will surely use them. :)

oh and without "..." how would show that I had paused to think about the question for a sec?
Oct 27, 2009
Undergraduate / Why (or why not)? Perhaps the key question is "Why in between?" [22]

Prompt: Why (or why not)? Perhaps the key question is "Why in between?"

"Crescat scientia; vita excolatur"

"1 plus 1 equal to two"
"Why what"
"Why is 1 plus 1 equal to two, not 11?" my seven-year old cousin asked me with both her index fingers up.
"Good question. I can't answer you."
"Why not?"

I chose not to answer my cousin, but then I was absorbed into my own thoughts. Indeed, it's just a simple word composed of three letters. Coincidentally it formed three unanswerable question in my head: Why? Why not? Why in between? These questions have shaped the foundation of my life and possibly the foundation of humanity.

Why? This was probably the most common question. But do you know it has a sibling, who is perhaps the most gorgeous "answer" in existence? "I don't know." Indeed, you are right. It could be the only one who is capable of stopping "why" without going into a rampage of questions. For centuries, we had constantly asked about "why" things happened, things were already in existence, and anything the human mind can possibly imagine- IDEAS, ideas that had transformed the world, shaped who we are today.

"Why not?" A loner by itself, can be both a question and an answer. Why did John Wilkes Booth assassinate President Lincoln? Why not? Most people would approach the question by asking why? By asking "why not," it might sound as if President Lincoln deserved to die, but an in-depth thinking might allow historians to stand in John Wilkes Booth's shoes, allowing them to figure out more about the motivation (another form of idea) behind the assassination. "Why not" can also be think of as an ambitious beast. Most people would do what the statistic shows. But often by just asking "why not," you are on your way to create the life of your dreams. When people chose to ask why to do certain things when the success rate is low, I realized I should have ask "why not?" Robert F. Kennedy quoted George Bernard Shaw said "Some men see things as they are and say, why? I dream of things the way they never were and say, why not?" - the inspiration to Yale Professor Barry Nalebuff's book of "Why Not." The "why not" approach might be illogical but, nevertheless, it could work wonders.

"Why in between?" Perhaps it's the most uncommon question or maybe not a question at all, but to me it's the question that has the most potential of discovering the "truth" of humanity, if it's even possible to comprehend humanity fully. It could be the key (or lock) to most questions of our civilization. Throughout history, both extremes of ideas, thoughts, and decisions were taken care of by "why" and "why not," but these were the small portion of humanity. The larger portion was clouded to the human eyes since most of us could only see the beauty or the grotesque. They were as obscure as the idea of good and evil. What is good? What is evil? Only a small portion of humanity was categorized by these two terms, so why are we so obsessed by them? Have we looked between? Indeed, we have. For centuries we have sought compromises, peaces, anything that could come in between the things we don't like. But why were we not used to questioning ourselves of the "in between" decision. Perhaps we did subconsciously?

There is a saying by Socrates that goes "true knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing." Then does true knowledge exist? Is it possible to obtain the state of true knowledge? Could it be that everything we understood was merely an illusion of knowledge? Perhaps by asking the "right" question we could make the world into a better place. To me, how did I get caught was not a question. We had always been caught in the whirlpool of ideas. But one might ask "are we slaves to ideas? Or seekers of truth?" Perhaps we seek because we want to escape. Even though we created the idea, but it was too much for us to control. So we remain slaves to idea or "truth" one might say.

please tell me what you think.
Oct 27, 2009
Undergraduate / Why UChicago: Hogwarts in the Muggle world [4]

"Hogwarts in the Muggle world" really got my attention, your idea is really nice.

I don't see any problem with yours(unlike mine, tons of problems) except "During my childhood" and

Their stories about the "Math Pirate" and disagreements about the myth that "fun comes to die" at UChicago cast a greater spell on me.

1) I don't think teen years could be consider childhood but I don't know.

2) I don't see how that sentence relates to the previous sentence.
Oct 27, 2009
Undergraduate / A Conversation with Myself: Our Life. Common Application Main Essay. [18]

can you tell me what's the

superfluous information


with a lot of useless informatiuon

"For the love of God, don't volunteer examples of your own stupidity!!!
-"I was stupid enough to download vocabularies to my cell phone..." NO! " I thought this would show I'm hard working like sean suggested?
Oct 26, 2009
Undergraduate / Think.Transform.Thrive. From University of Chicago-my desired place to study. [10]

How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to Chicago.

Think. Transform. Thrive. "The University of Chicago was founded to challenge accepted ideas" said Theodore A. O'Neill, Dean of Admissions. As a person who approaches things-problems, tasks, and ideas- in illogical ways, I was drawn to this sentence. I was tempted to challenge the accepted ideas; though, more tempted to challenge the ideas of University of Chicago or perhaps challenged by its ideas. This is it, the ideal place for my ideas to come to life.

With the University's focus on Socratic teaching, I will be more engaged in think with others and share my thoughts, rather than wonder off in my little world. This along with its core curriculum would provide me with broad academic experiences I never had before. With the rigorous academic works of the university, not only will I be engaged in the life of the mind, but I will be much better prepared for the future no matter where I end up be. I like its study abroad program, on campus hospital, though I was not satisfied by those. University of Chicago, as I know it now, satisfy my desire of a learning environment engaged in ideas; ideas will change the world. I'm sure the Chicago education will be a life-changing experience. Also with its perfect campus location, I can easily visit Chinatown and once again experience my Chinese culture.
Oct 26, 2009
Undergraduate / A Conversation with Myself: Our Life. Common Application Main Essay. [18]

This is my latest copy, can someone please read it. Any grammar or construction or punctuation help is appreciated. And please tell me what you think about the essay(any thing I should add or delete? Does the essay flow? Anything need rewording?). Thank You.

My Scattered Thoughts: Our Life.
"I fight, I drink, I smoke, I went to first grade for three years but still didn't know how to write my name." What future can this man have? Or is there even a future for him? What can a man like him possibly contribute to his family? But this man gave his family more than anything a family could ever ask for. He was not only a great son, but also a great brother, a great husband and a great dad. He gave me everything, including a great life-that's my dad.

At age one through seven, I lived in a house no larger than the size of an ordinary classroom. But we were still happy; there was my mom, my brother, and there was my dad. My dad was always busy with his business, so we rarely saw him. But he would always be there for us when we needed him. If my brother and I did something wrong, he would always be there to protect us from my mother's wooden whip.

At age seven, my father succeeded. He became one of the most successful businessman in our little island. He paid all the debt my grandparents owed, even though he knew he might never get this money back; he loaned money at no interest to all relatives asking for help. But my mother was not there to share the success for long, she died soon after. My father didn't start a new family when he could have, but kept working hard to support my mother's family and us.

Age eight we were sent to a school with great reputation, but the school didn't live up to its reputation. Sex, smoking, drinking, and fighting(even teachers got injured) were weekly occurrences.

Age thirteen, we emigrated to America to pursue an education. The first stop was Pennsylvania, then New York, then we finally settled down in Virginia, a place with less than one percent Chinese, so we would be forced to learn English. My dad rented an house, registered for the school, then he had to go back to China for business. An empty house, some money, and us, that was it for our first three years in U.S. We went to school, sat in the classes, waited until the day ended. After school, we would walk to Farm Fresh and buy some food. Then I would spend an hour attempting to make dinner; my brother would do the dishes afterwards. After that we would study on our own, learn English from T.V. That was the first year, no homework, nothing since we didn't know any English. Somehow after a year, we learned some English and made a few friends. Things slowly got better.

Age sixteen, we were on the move again, this time the destination was New Jersey. Again, a new house, but he had to go.
Age seventeen, I went to (school name). With two more years until college, I was desperate to improve my English. I was stupid enough to download vocabularies to my cell phone and listen to them like music. I even thought I might subconsciously learn some vocabulary while asleep. Of course, it didn't work that well, but at least I tried, I thought. Then I came up with another crazy idea. It was to study in the car to avoid distractions, no T.V, no computer, nothing. But that didn't work well either.

Now, I'm a senior. I will graduate from (school name). Another rigorous self-improvement plan was constructed. This time the place is Barnes and Noble. I thought even if I got distracted; I would be distracted by books. No matter what books I ended up reading, I would improve.

Some might not see a great future for the children who were constantly on the move and lived on their own. They might have thought the kids would stray from the right path. But I see a great future lay ahead of me if I'm willing to work hard for it. There were times I got tired and gave up pursuing the knowledge we longed for; but in spite of the difficulties, I have met the challenges. Even though my dad was rarely with us, he would always be an important part of our lives. A famous Chinese proverb says "Poor is the student who does not exceed his teacher." My ambitious goal is to exceed even the greatness of my teacher-my father.

Next year, I hope to have the honor of studying at a top tier university.
Oct 24, 2009
Undergraduate / Welcome to My world.. [4]

It doesn't say anything about you except you were born, you went to school and you decided to come to America.

Sorry had to be harsh, just trying to help.
Oct 24, 2009
Undergraduate / Extracurricular activity elaboration--"Project Green" [5]

While cleaning up local parks with my fellow Project Green members, I was astounded at how vastly a small group of people could make a difference; I was motivated to do more. The following year, I became Vice President of Project Green and was more involved than ever

maybe somehow reverse the sentence order? what astounded you and what motivated

I don't really know how to though

for example

like umm... "x was killed by y" to "y killed x". that shortens the sentence.
Oct 24, 2009
Undergraduate / Ideas for How did you get caught? [11]

45% no, 55% yes lol. Maybe how that influenced you or shaped who you are today. There must be a reason why you remeber that and wants to write about it.

If there is no way you can relate it to you, just try to write it for now, ideas will come when you start writing.
Oct 24, 2009
Writing Feedback / Win is always your if you do fight from your deep heart. A success does not depend from luck. [8]

I agree with Sean, and your idea might be too "extreme": "When people succeed, it is because of hard work . Luck has nothing to do with"

You can't really prove that, it's your opinion and there is no right or no with one's opinion but it's like saying

"ALL(EVERYONE) people will succeed if they work hard." That is simply not true... Try use most instead. maybe like 90% hard work 10% luck or something like that.
Oct 24, 2009
Undergraduate / Ideas for How did you get caught? [11]


I thought you were only doing the first part of the prompt.

It's a nice idea.

Maybe you can do something like that in the end?
You thought you didn't get caught, but you did. They didn't find you, but they still got you in the end. If that make sense at all lol. Sorry my logic is off a bit. haha
Oct 24, 2009
Undergraduate / Ideas for How did you get caught? [11]

Since it's a prompt from University of Chicago, would it be that plain and simple? I'm not sure, I think I have been overanaylyzing. But my first thought about the prompt was that maybe just maybe it somehow relate to philosphy? That's what I think, but from a lot people chose that prompt and wrote about something like that. There was one about a kid lied about fasting and go caught.

Oh, just a suggestion: Maybe you can choose something else. Then you will be separate from others just by the prompt.

I'm going to write the last prompt, choose an idea of my own and take RISK and have some fun. I would never call writing for admission essay fun though. :)
Oct 24, 2009
Undergraduate / A Conversation with Myself: Our Life. Common Application Main Essay. [18]

ok, thank you very much.

I'm trying to tell the college I'm hard working, independent, and "smart"(maybe) since I have lived by myself for almost all my life. And I have adanced from someone who didn't speak any English to someone who took/taking 7 AP classes and several honors classes in total with no help from other people. I didn't talk about classes and school at all because people say the admission officers can see them on the transcript. And my friend told me I should definitly write about I live by myself since age 13, since it's basiclly college life. I will try if I can clarify these points.

yea, after I read it again, I think only the second part talks about me...
Oct 23, 2009
Undergraduate / University of Chicago satisfy my desire of a particular kind of learning. [4]

well "where fun comes to die" is the famous saying for university of chicago.
google it, you should find tons of stuff.
They don't have a particular kind of idea, but think all kinds of idea. I guess.

I guess I have to reword them somehow, sigh, why does my writing never express what I meant...

University of Chicago is known for its ummm "weird" ideas, not sure if the right word there. But anyway, everything they sent to me was about ideas and that's what made me want go there.

and about the hospital and stuff, I didn't mean I don't need it. what I meant was umm hospital and study abroad programs are common in a lot of universities. So won't it be ummm "stupid" to say I want go there for those stuff? Since it's the only place(there could be other place, I'm not sure) focus on idea, so I thought I would present that.

Yea, I guess I was too negative, of course there will fun time. But it's just what I heard about the university of chicago that they never/rarely have parties... They focus more on study, I guess I will do more research and find out.
Oct 23, 2009
Undergraduate / University of Chicago satisfy my desire of a particular kind of learning. [4]

How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to Chicago.

"Where fun comes to die." Whether it is a myth or not, it depends on the students. That is the University of Chicago, the ideal learning community for me, where students aren't known for party, but known for their ideas and intense work.

Another reason I think why University of Chicago is the perfect place to study is the acceptance of ideas, as it focuses on the importance of the idea not the source of the idea. I did not choose University of Chicago for its campus hospital, I did not choose University of Chicago for its study abroad program, but as a thinker, I chose University of Chicago for its ideas of the (netherworld)-trying to be creative here, not sure if they make sense to you guys at all, since I have always been told my logic is off...). I'm sure other universities has study abroad program and hospital. What separate University of Chicago from others is the idea.

Thank You, please be harsh.

And there is Chinatown for me, but I don't know where I can add that in there, any suggestion?

and maybe a suggestion to describe the idea of University of Chicago?
Oct 23, 2009
Undergraduate / 'timid about my Filipino nationality' University of Michigan application essay [2]

At the young age of four I was thrust into the American world.

I moved to America when I was four.(or something like that) No need to add young there, concise is the key for adimission essay. But I can never do that lol, hope you can.

I grew up with a mind set that every family throughout the entire world lived as everyone did in America.

sorry I don't get it

As we went back to the Philippines since the first time we had left,

When we went back for the first time. Concise

who you and

you are, not is

and I'm not sure for the perfect present tense, you should change to past perfect. I think you should.

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