Writing Feedback /
"There are no challenges so difficult, no goals so impossibe" - the english comp [3]
Please write what you disagree clearly. You came up with good examples, if you present it in a nice way with a flow, it would become a great essay. Do give some importance to punctuation and spelling.
Good luck.
I disagree with this statement . I feel that people do not set high goals for themselves or challenge themselves with difficult tasks. This may be due to
lazyneslaziness or low self confidence in what they can achieve. When others set goals for you or when put into a situation, those are goals that may be difficult and cause you to work harder then ever and achieve more then you would have ever expected of yourself.
A homemaker is an example of where a women is put into a situation and expected to fulfill the needs of the household even if she may not think that she can accomplish all the tasks . The lady of the household is expected to have dinner served every evening. Therefore she must learn to shop for all the necessary
ingrdientsingredients come up with a
recieperecipe and then cook the dish for dinner. A mother must take care of dressing
, feeding and educating the children
the children . The women must also take care of cleaning the house and paying the bills. When a girl gets married she never dreamt of all the tasks she must accomplish and she never thought that she would ever be able to overcome these challenges but when put into the situation she can accomplish more then she would have ever expected of herself.
Another example is a student in high school. Teachers have expectations of what students can achieve at each grade level. Exams and school projects are all based on the grade level . In order for a student to go on to the next grade he must study and take these tests even when he or she think that they can not accomplish these tasks. Punctuality plays a major role in school a student by nature may always be a late person and think he can never change but when given no choice he must overcome this negative trait.
When a person is hired to work for an executive firm he or she is required to dress and conduct themselves according to office guidelines this may be a challenge if one is not used to ever dressing or conducting themselves this way. As well knowledge of current ideas is expected of you, therefore you must always be researching and keeping up with the latest and the greatest in your field of work. A high level of education is necessary so one may findd him or herself back in college to earn additional degrees
All in all if a person was not put into a situation he or she may never know what they can accomplish . An individual may never set high goals for themselves but when others expect it of them they can overcome difficult challenges.