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Posts by rockprincess
Name: Dana Haddadin
Joined: Oct 16, 2015
Last Post: Nov 22, 2018
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From: Jordan

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Nov 22, 2018
Writing Feedback / Ielts task 2: parents encourage their children to be involved in group activities rather than alone [2]

I would like an opinion of the quality of the essay:

engaging kids in organized group activities

People are always looking at improving their children abilities and having the best in their lives. While some people think that it is essential for children to invest time on their own, I tend to agree with the argument that parents support their children to be involved in arranged group activities in their spare time.

I would argue that children should learn how to spend time on their own in their free time is wrong. This is because children lack knowledge on how to manage their time. They would think that videos games, for example, are only the way to pass the time, which some parents have the same thought. This is not right also that spending time alone can isolate the child from activities happens around and increasing the feeling of being alone. The result of this is transforming to introvert personalities that have consequences of not joining some jobs in future such as marketing.

On the other hand, I support the argument that parents encourage their children to engage in arranged activities that has many teens. The reason for this is that organized activities reinforce teamwork, which can be an important skill in the child's future. In addition, organized activities have an explorer that regularly looks for new talents that would be a serious matter for parents that their child can get a scholarship. For example, football is one of the means to learn how a goal is an effort of the whole team from the goalkeeper to striker which also important because explorers are always looking for talented players in younger ages. Therefore, football and other arranged group activities in the development of the child.

In conclusion, although some people think that their children should learn to occupy themselves on their own, I believe engaging them in organized group activities in their spare time is better because it is an important aspect of the child development and turns away the feeling of isolation that can cause problems in the child's future.
Oct 25, 2018
Scholarship / An essay for Chevening scholarship about my networking experience at DFM and Zain initiative [3]

building and maintaining relationships

Networking is exchanging contact with people who have interests in similar areas. Networking may also have other meaning, but this statement is the closest example to my experiences. I will illustrate two examples from my expertise.

While at the digital filmmaking workshop, I participated as a learner for three consecutive weeks. As a student, I communicate to other students and share my interest in cinematography and video editing with them. I then chose the role of editor and assistant director in one of the four projects to produce four short films. At the end of the workshop, I saved the contact information of all students, even I add some of them on Facebook and we have our Whats app group. Because I stayed connected with the Digital Filmmaking group, I shared job opportunities with the group to work for a TV producer who asked me for if I knew cinematographers and editors. Also, our lecturer Dina ..., the producer of "..." feature film, shared recently a job vacancy with a film producer from Seattle.

A good example of building relationship with people was when I applied for "...", Zain Initiative, as a business starter. I spent two weeks in a boot camp to learn how to start a business and prepare for the pitching day. During the camp, I met lots of talented entrepreneurs who I exchange and gather information on how to develop our businesses in future. I connected also with leaders and mentors who have expertise in Accounting, legal and marketing for starters. By using these connections and information I was able to step forward into my business and set the first workshop to teach IELTS tips and tricks and lately finished the second one.

This kind of networking I could use it to communicate to the Chevening community. In case alumni needed to produce a video of any style, I have contact with the film crew and the equipment to implement the video idea and with my masters' studies; I could edit and produce an exceptional piece. Also, if someone needed to produce to a film in ... I could be his line producer. In Addition, I could assist the Chevening candidates with advices to pass the English Exam IETLS.

In conclusion, I will use the techniques of keeping contact through Facebook and what app and collecting contact and information of professional people as part of networking.
Oct 24, 2018
Writing Feedback / Prison may be a good solution for criminals, but there are also some alternative methods [3]

Hello, you need to write more than 216 words, try to aim 260 in your mind. I could not see the reason or discussion on what you partial agree that prison is the best solution. I see you are against the topic. this would affect your task achievement. the third paragraph can be used if your position is opposing, disagree but it needs a rephrase. try to follow the structure for a paragraph using a topic sentence, support sentence and then elaborate or give an example. good luck.
Oct 23, 2018
Scholarship / A description essay of leading and influencing for ... scholarship [2]

Commitment, communication, creativity and organization

...is looking for individuals who will be future leaders or influencers in their home countries. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your own leadership and influencing skills to support your answer.

Commitment, communication, creativity and organization are essential qualities of being a leader. I will show some examples of my experience that shows my leadership.
Being a postgraduate student at .... I have been through an experience to finish a short film for the video production module. There was inaction from the producer and director to fulfil their tasks that pushed me to take over these roles. As a producer, I prepared for the shooting days and looked for actors. As a director, I visualize the story script and direct the actors. All team members were very collaborative when I was in charge and finished the film with success.

As an assistant director for "Mastorah" short film, I prepared the schedule for the shooting day, I even made sure to pack the extra equipment from home that we might need on-set. I looked partial business forward the success of this film. On-set everything ran as planned and the crew was ahead of the defined schedule. In this project, I was not the leader, but an excellent team player to assist the crew members.

Currently, I am running a partial business to support my family with expenses in addition to my main job. I teach IELTS tips and tricks for potential students and individuals who desire to processed with their postgraduate studies and immigration process, named "...". In this way, I provide with pieces of advice, guiding them, I developed from previous experiences in passing the IELTS. These tips save money, time and efforts in attending courses that only reasons for profits. The responses were positives from students.

With the ... Scholarship, I will be able to broaden the scope of my influence to proffer the organization skills, creative solutions to challenges before a greater number of ...
Oct 23, 2018
Letters / Informal email to a proposed PhD supervisor [3]

As a regular reader, the terminology is related to communication engineering which I rarely understand. however, you need to write the reason for writing at the beginning of the letter. also, I could not understand this sentence, it might be so long and need punctuation. try to divide it in simple sentences.

And now with having an increased ...

good luck, be aware of spelling
Aug 14, 2016
Writing Feedback / 'put limitations on the internet' - IELTS task 2: solutions for reducing internet potential risks [2]

I wish to review my writing and give me some comments. Thank you in advance.

With the development of social media, more and more youngsters are being allowed unsupervised access to the internet in order to meet and chat with friends which can lead to potentially dangerous situations. What solutions can you suggest to deal with this problem?

Social media has developed at a fast pace in the last 15 years and many social networks offer unsupervised access to them. Many teenagers use them to text their friends and play games. This becomes a problem that can lead to possible risk situations. In this essay, I will list some solutions which may mitigate the problem.

To begin with, restricting access to the internet at home and at school can secure the safety of the children. Firstly, many security software offers parenting features. These features allow children's folks to put limitations to enter certain websites such as Facebook, Instagram, and others. Secondly, nowadays many schools have IT experts who can be asked to prevent access to chatting sites as well as the social networks during computer classes and computers labs. In these ways, it can guarantee to reduce the potential hazards.

Furthermore, local communities should seek to increase their activities to involve youth to be pro-active outside their homes. Part of these activities is creating playing areas such as parks that suit youngsters ages. For example, building cycling tracks which encourage young people to spend their time learning to cycle and meet others. As a result, their social skills will increase and they will be away from the internet and its potential risks.

To conclude, I believe there are two ways to reduce the potential hazards. One is to put limitations on the internet with the use of safety software and with the help of computer experts. Another solution is including youngsters in society action list for developing.
Aug 14, 2016
Research Papers / Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. SIDS research paper, needing proofreading or general comments [2]

... to have sparked this spike in case of studies, seeing the...
... infants born preterm than those born at the term"(Thompson & Mitchell).

Some of these deaths are from entrapment, suffocation, and strangulation.
... and common causes of SIDS including: physical factors like (...) sleeping on one's stomach, a soft surface or with parents.

This is again reiterating that infants must sleep on a flat surface...
... doctor recommendations will ensure the health of the infant.
... but can be easily overlooked when the stress of raising ...

... issue to consider when discussing risk factors for SIDS.
Jan 2, 2016
Graduate / "Goodbye" - SOP for Masters of Public Administration for the University of Colorado [10]

you need to change the structure of this sentence. Besides the fact that your program in Public Administration is National Ranked the program would provide me with a better grasp of what goes into the decision-making process when policies are created, and I can extend my public service career to a new level.

I became actively involved in my university's ...
Jan 2, 2016
Graduate / "Goodbye" - SOP for Masters of Public Administration for the University of Colorado [10]

Sometimes, in the end, we realize the significance of the journey.
... majoring in Criminal Justice and Environmental Science, I gained a broad understanding ...
Through these experiences, I obtained the strong fundamental skills of teamwork, organization, and communication that would ...
... opportunity to be exposed to and work directly inwith a variety of different areas ...
From AmeriCorps, I took a step further into the public ...
... of the issues facing not only our country, but also the world.
... me with the stark environments, for instance, lack of assessing to clean water and that many individuals have to still live still with.
I am pursu ing the Masters of Public Administration at the University ...
... and with your program, I can further ...
With your core curriculum, I will obtain that.
... a better grasp of what goes into the decision- making process when policies are created, and I can extend my ...

There were a number of missing commas. I added them for you. The essay is much better than before.
Jan 2, 2016
Graduate / "Goodbye" - SOP for Masters of Public Administration for the University of Colorado [10]

... came up one by one to embrace and to thank me for my service. It was in the middle of goodbyes, which solidified ...

... as well as, holding two jobs as a Library Assistant and a Front Desk Assistant at the school Gym. I had a professor who saw my leadership qualities, urge ...

... and empowered me where I could"could" means uncertainty

saw that I could play can play a vital role in shaping my world.
... and communication that would develop my future career in public service supply the foundation of my public service caree r. Thisconsider changing the subject was furthered by my central part in bringing the first-ever American Cancer Society Relay for Life to my undergraduate university. being a apart of something from the ...

After I had got my bachelor degree , I joined AmeriCorps National ...
I took my first steps into public service through a real life experience in the field . It provided me with opportunitiES to be exposed to and worked directly with a variety of different areas ...

It was then in the tiny community of Santa Rosa de Líma i decidedmy decision to continue a career in public service was solidified .

I change the last paragraph.

I choose the Masters of Public Administration at the University of Colorado because I need to obtain a more in-depth background on management and administration. I believe that I possess a significant work experience and an educational background that would make me an effective leader in the public sector. With the core curriculum that consisted of the Introduction to Public Administration, Organization Management and Behavior, Research, and Analytic Methods, as well as many others, it will help me to achieve my goal. Besides the fact that your program in Public Administration is nationally ranked, it would provide me with a better understanding of what goes into the decision-making process when policies are created, and I am keen to extend my public service career to a new level.

I hope that my adjustments will help you.
Dec 26, 2015
Graduate / My passion. Statement for master degree in Filmmaking [3]

Please review my statement for master degree in Filmmaking at Goldsmith. I would like to make sure that I answered these questions generally:

Section 1 - Intellectual rationale for choosing your programme:
Section 2 - Previous academic background in relation to your programme choice:
Section 3 - Other experience that contributes to your programme choice:
Section 4 - What are your long term academic goals and how will this programme help you achieve these?
Section 5 - Any other information you feel to be relevant:

My passion for movies had begun from my childhood. I used to watch movies of Golden ERA (the black and white), which broadcasts from Egypt. They had a great plot, the cast performance was professional, and most importantly the directing was unbelievable with one camera at that period. The world of movies is a way to take out the fantasy into reality. I believe that I possessed that imagination.

In high school and the beginning of the university, I start to use a camera to photograph and capture videos. I used 2 megapixels Canon Camera to portray in trips and birthdays. Then, I owned my first compact camera; I used it in family celebrations, conferences and Youth Exchange programs. At that time, I began to use movie maker for video editing and creating output.

While completing my university education in the field of Computer Graphics and Animation, I learned how to make an animating movie. At the end of each semester, we were asked to produce a short film to show what we have learned. I produced a two-dimensional short film using Toon Boom Animate program for the 2D animation class. The story talked about the benefit of smiling and the positive impact it has on those around us. And my performance is better highlighted by my graduation project in the three-dimensional short film. The programs used were Maya, Adobe Photoshop, UV mapping, After Effects, and Final Cut Pro. I learned from that, the arrangements of events in a particular series to deliver correct message to the audience. I would like at Goldsmith, University of London to develop these skills and master them.

In my professional life, I try to practice the profession of editing and directing besides my work, as I am working hard to incorporate it one way or another. I've edited and directed some educational videos. Also, I am working as a volunteer in East-West Initiative (EWI). EWI builds relationships of understanding, trust and love between people of different cultures and faiths. It equips young people to be agents of positive change in today's world. I documented moments of their training courses. Through my work in social media networks, I realize that the best way to deliver messages is by videos. Taken out an example from my job with Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organization, I created a Testimonial video; a student expresses his opinion about the courses in TAG-Confucius Center for teaching the Chinese language. I used to portray it, my Canon 600D camera and a lens 50 mm to give luster to the image and LED light in flash 320EX for production, and for editing Adobe Premiere and Adobe Audition to adjust the sound.

Currently, I am working in a studio that provides photography and videography services. I developed my skills in the field of still images. But, I always keep my eyes on editors work, where most of the time I sit and learn how they edit in general from several cameras and the Go Pro. Thus, I am waiting for the moment to be accepted in Goldsmith University to enroll in the master of filmmaking to boost my knowledge.

In the next five years after graduation, I will be working as a video editor in one of the network channels to gain experience, and then I will apply to one of the big production companies in the city of Vancouver or California state.

In the long run, I would have made an informed decision of either continue my post graduates studies to gain a doctoral certificate or open my own business in Amman to contribute to creating opportunities to next generation who are passionate about filmmaking.
Dec 26, 2015
Graduate / Facilitate education to foster aspirations and goals. Environmental Science and Management SOP [6]

... leading green FRESH root based petrochemical company ...
At first, I got acquainted with the operations and present MODERN OR CONTEMPORARY environmental management practices ...
... CDM project activity towards carbon foot- printing to achieve sustainable development where I am.
... a layout to devise an economical way to minimize effluent water generation.

Moreover, I was also in the sponsorship team SIDE of our annual cultural festival ...
I have been a national level Baseball player as a catcher in FOR the junior team.

... one of the most prestigious instituteS in the field of Environmental Management, arises from the researchers I was involved during my undergraduates. I really look forward to plumb ...

... MESM program would entail my knowledge to address the imposing EXCITING challenges posed by ...
... Climate & Economics and Policy of the Environment in order to TO plumb into the abstruse PROFOUND impacts of Energy, Environment and Economics on climate change in order to TO further work towards the climate and energy planning.

... as I believe the field of environmental management to be most effective USEFUL and gratifying ...

... technological variables and to strengthen further strengthen the significant important concepts.
Dec 26, 2015
Graduate / Facilitate education to foster aspirations and goals. Environmental Science and Management SOP [6]

This intern gave me iexposure to understand the practical ...

In my junior year, I was fascinated with the growing ... .
This sentence is very long. Cinsider break it into multiple sentences.

I have concluded that the fly ash has had permissible heavy metal concentration and based on the analysis, ; the ash ...

In summers of 2014, I had undergone a vocational training in Ecorestoration of BCCL ...
... the field work of "Soil carbon storage in wetlands of Hong Kong". ."

.., moisture and CO2 fluxthat was later presented in Use of Isotopic Analysis...
Dec 26, 2015
Graduate / Facilitate education to foster aspirations and goals. Environmental Science and Management SOP [6]

I tried to change few words into better ones.

... its unprecedented ramification has brought forth a strict requirement of professionals ...
... I believe the XXX would be a simple augmentation to my UG course.

... the Methyl Isocyanide sufferers that marked an impression and substantially ...

Having appreciated management subjects, including ...
This sentence is very long. try to break it into multiple sentences.
Nov 22, 2015

The Internet contains a lot of information...

It is irrefutable that the internet has many much information that can be incorrect.

To begin with, some academic onlineonline academic journals have published valid e-articles and e-books.
... known among academic staffs and students, because these journals have ...
For example, I have seen professors accepted many final theses were by in different universities, when students just use the materials of e-journals.
Nov 16, 2015
Graduate / Digital Media Production Master Degree at the University of Brighton - Personal Statement essay [3]

I would appreciate your help with my personal statement. Thank you in advance.

Personal statement

I have chosen Digital Media Production Master Degree at the University of Brighton because I want to pursue a career as a manager for web development and design in a leading company. The course is very rich with different modules that I would like to master to achieve my goal. It was during the time working at Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) that I was inspired to consider this course after having been exposed to the work duties of my manager. He has a wide knowledge of every aspect of building a website that he acquired through online articles, workshops, and his university education. I was impressed by his leadership skills in running a web project from designing to programming. As a result, I have decided on a career that emulates my supervisor's career path of leading a team of web developers, web designers, and social network coordinators.

I acquired different skills and experiences in digital media that would shape the future digital media manager. I earned designing skills in 3D through my graduation project and 2D through my work as a designer in Software Company. I can design icons and web graphics that are essentials for interface design module. I also grasped the creation of a website from designing to programming while I was working in the web development and design at TAG-Org. My Undergraduate studies covered a wide of basics subject regarding human-computer interaction. Working in photography studio is also helping to choose best pictures that show moments of events, Retouch photos and capture great images. I am looking forward to learning more about research methods, management and other digital media subjects such as data visualization.

I have taken further steps toward getting my master degree. I gained a Certificate of Completion for attending "study and work" program in Canada. In this program, I took an intensive English Course to improve my language skills. I also worked as a cashier to enable practicing the language and to enhance my speaking skills. The experience had advanced my language and had taught me about customer service. I now can deal with clients that are an asset to my studies in the course.

There also a common thing between the companies that I worked for them before traveling to Canada. There was no foundation of an art department and a social media communications department in any of them. In this case, I had to develop strategies that built a base for these departments. I discovered that I have the ability to initiate plans and work on them. For example, I successfully led the strategy to develop and involve all TAG-Org branches and departments in social media networks. I would like to enhance my skill through modules in the program.

For my plans, I will work at a huge multimedia company and hold a digital media specialist position. I have already worked in media production previously, so I plan for combining these experiences with master studies to qualify for this position. My aim after working there for two years is to become a digital media manager.

After five years working for media companies, I see myself finally combining everything that I have learned to become a successful entrepreneur. I will start my own business. I have always wanted to have a company that saw the customers' real need and responding to it by developing relevant media products. Besides, Jordan suffers from high unemployment, so I will contribute to my country by providing job opportunities to new graduates.

My ultimate goal is to earn a Ph.D., but enrolling first in a master's program will enable me to explore my various interests and make a more informed decision about which specific discipline I will want to study in depth

As far as long-term plans, I hope to get a position as a university professor in association with managing my business. I feel that I have a responsibility to pass on my experience and knowledge to next generation.
Oct 29, 2015
Scholarship / [Chevening Essays] Building networks was essential for me to get my first internship [9]

Mayara, It is consistency essay and shows your clear plans, I have fix few things.

par #1
Throughout my career, I have looked for opportunities ...

par #2
There I intend to gain hands- on experience on the challenges the government faceD when implementing public ...

In 2 years, I see myself becoming ...

par #6

The next step in my career plan definitely relies on the unevaluable unvaluable education the UK can provide me.

I wish you the best in your application.
Oct 25, 2015
Scholarship / Multimedia Artist and programmer. Career Plan essay for scholarship [2]

Hello, I would appreciate if you can help me to check my essay of my future career plan.

Write your clear post-study career plan.Outline your immediate plans upon returning home and your longer term career goals.

Young ?? have the right to learn skills that go with new technology and graduates need an incubator to use their talents and develop them to pass knowledge to next generations.

My immediate plan upon returning to ?? is to hold a Multimedia Artist and programmer position at Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organization and climb the ladder to be an executive manager.

I would, in parallel with my work at the company, create an association to gather talented professional and freelancers in the media industry to share the knowledge and help develop the media companies where there are working. It would be a station to connect students who are in need to have an internship with those parties.

In the long term, I am planning to start a business with my future friends from the association. My goal is to produce outputs that will be known with its creativity and quality. Such production will need cutting edge technologies. In this term, I would use my Chevening network that is a powerful tool to achieve this goal.

In addition, I will go from an expert in the new media field to teaching at a leading university in technology in ??. I will work on providing students with an excellent education such as engaging them with workshops taught by specialists and arming them with profession secrets.

I would arrange the university workshops with the media professional from Chevening alumni. It will be a chance for students to learn from their experiences. It may get them great opportunities to begin their careers.

These are my plans. However, I would intend to get employed as IT consultant in one of the big 5 companies in ??, if I got my third choice to study Web Science and Data analytics. I will tackle business problems and build a new system that can beneficial for both companies and customers.

In the end, I believe it is essential to keep the track of new media, get trained people to teach our students, and provide jobs.
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