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Posts by Strawberry78
Joined: Dec 28, 2011
Last Post: Jun 25, 2012
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Posts: 52  

From: United States of America

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Dec 30, 2011
Undergraduate / 'where professors cared' - Why UChicago? [4]

Your anecdote is much too long. You might want to shrink that to one or two sentences. Answer the prompt "How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future" Do some research and pick out specific attributes that you specifically like and will help you excel as an individual. What are your dreams, your aspirations. How is UChicago going to fulfill them. Hope this helps. Help on my revised UPenn essay. Thanks
Dec 30, 2011
Undergraduate / 'I had a dream: get into NYU' - NYU Supplement [15]

1- Try condensing that whole thing and add certain qualities of NYU that will help you achieve your dream

2-Why are those attributes of important to you.

Help on my UPENN essay please.
Dec 31, 2011
Undergraduate / 'valuable individual identity' - COMMON AP ESSAY [2]

This essay has potential, but your anecdote and analysis of yourself is negative in the beginning to the middle. Try to liven it. Talk positively about yourself.

Check out my Upenn revision please. Thank you.
Dec 31, 2011
Undergraduate / 'Dancers are the luckiest people' - NYU Supplement- What intrigues you? [4]

I really like your essay. You did an amazing job. I felt the same way about tennis.

My eyes cannot stray from the leg extensions, the pirouettes, the flexibility of dancers, young and old, ballet, jazz, lyrical, tap---I love it all. There are a lot of commas going on in this sentence. Consider revising. Also try not to include contractions in formal writing.
Dec 31, 2011
Undergraduate / "True learning" - Why UPenn essay [6]

I was extremely sad. It was December 31, 2010 and I had finally decided to tell my Dutch host parents everything: I hadn't made friends since being there and I hated my school. Tears were coming down from my eyes while my words fully expressed my unhappiness. They told me to keep trying. Conclusion: I wasn't allowed to change school. Three weeks later I was exhausted and they told me that I may switch schools. Since then, my year went perfectly.

Later on, I realized that I epically(Try using a different word) failed. I was frightened by the new, by the answer that would have been if I asked a girl in my class to go shopping together. I feared a failure.

I now strongly believe that despair leaves room for discoveries to be made, brings into question our in securities, carrying the only real satisfaction, which comprises of both failures and accomplishments.

Consider condensing your anecdote and adding why this matters to you and what you have done to better your future. Also try using elevated diction to have more meaning in what you are saying.
Jun 25, 2012
Scholarship / 'alleviating the financial burden' - How will this scholarship help you? [3]

Hi, I am currently applying for a scholarship that requires a loaded response to a prompt which is "Describe (in 300 words or less) how the scholarship would help you achieve your goals and describe the major you plan to pursue at our university, as well as your activities and interests." Any suggestions on how to improve it or make it more emotional. Your help is deeply appreciated. Thank you.

Ever since I was a little girl, I have been intrigued with the processes of the brain and how they manifested in each individual. I questioned what was happening within someone's mind that drove him or her to act in a certain way. I propelled myself into researching anything from disorders to optical illusions to grasp an understanding of this unique organ, the brain, and how I could influence, in a positive manner, how people interact with reality. After learning so much, I felt compelled to help others by changing the way they perceive the world. Through painstaking research, I discovered the benefits of psychiatry. I yearn to one day become one because it contains the best of both worlds: using past research to efficiently assist a client and using, or doing, current research to further understand the complexities of the brain. Going to your university and majoring in biology will expose me to on-the-job situations I will face during my career as a psychiatrist.

By alleviating the financial burden in my life, my energy will be focused on assuring my education and extracurricular activities are geared towards the success of my future career which is helping others change their perception of the world. I hope to discover activities that I will not only enjoy, but also strengthen my leadership and communication skills to ensure the success of my future career. I am currently looking for community service opportunities, like working with kids because I am interested in continuing the tutoring and leadership activities I did at All Children Excel in School (ACES). I also want to be involved in intramural tennis as well as a program like Forensics which will provide strong building blocks for my communication skills.

All of these activities I plan on participating in are leading me down a path to becoming a successful individual during my stay at your university and in the future. With the help of this scholarship, my possibilities are endless.

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