Undergraduate /
"From the Philippines to Texas to New Mexico: I stayed in Taos" UNC-Chapel Hill Essay [9]
From the Philippines to Texas to New Mexico; I have covered quite some air and successfully at that. Yet, compared to my parents' travel repertoire, it's not very impressive.
They would be moving again, about seventy miles away to Santa Fe.(Here I would say something about being young and dependent on others around you to provide morally what a parent does)I stayed in Taos
in order to finish junior year at Taos High. For two months, I stayed with my best friend's family. It would not be the first time I would be apart from my parents for a
lengthly period of time. Until I was nearly fourteen, I lived in the Philippines with my cousins while they were
overseas__tell us where thy were _.
To me, my parents were just
really good roommates-who
also happened to pay for my lodging, food and incidentals.
For thirteen years, my parents sent money every year to the Philippines for
my schooling and other necessities. I was very grateful for it,
and still am, but I never
really felt anything other than gratitude for them. My grandparents
were the ones who disciplined me; my neighbors
who drilled street smarts into me; my aunts and uncles
who taught me the alphabet. My parents really had no impact on my character. However, during
the two month separation after I have spent significant time with them, I realized
how much their absence has contributed to who I am today. I learned to be independent but still recognize the importance of support.