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Posts by Rich Monte
Name: Student
Joined: Nov 15, 2008
Last Post: Aug 8, 2020
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Posts: 91  
From: USA
School: College School

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Rich Monte   
Nov 15, 2008
Dissertations / A completed literature review with a thesis proposal? [8]

Why is it necessary or required to submit a completed literature review with a proposal? I realize that this is expected to be included...typically Chapter 2 of the first three chapters that make up a proposal...but why? Wouldn't it make more sense to simply do a basic lit review at the proposal stage and then a thorough one once the final thesis is written?
Rich Monte   
Nov 29, 2008
Dissertations / A completed literature review with a thesis proposal? [8]

Thank you, that helps a lot. I'll post more questions soon. I wanted to let you know my instructor appreciated my plan to do the literature review (and I followed your hints :).
Rich Monte   
Nov 30, 2008
Undergraduate / "right now is my second chance" - UC Prompt #2 [3]

I think you should state more clearly in the first two paragraphs what you're trying to get accross; after reading the first 2 paragraphs I still didn't know what you were up to. State in one clear sentence what you're going to focus on later in the text. Other than that, it reads nicely, I like the flow.
Rich Monte   
Dec 12, 2008
Dissertations / Using electronic sources in a dissertation [2]

I have a question. Is using electronic sources in a dissertation considered a good thing or not? Most of my sources are online and I prefer that than going to a library and seek published works. Would it decrease the value of my dissertation?
Rich Monte   
Jan 20, 2009
Undergraduate / SUNY or Common App which is better ? [9]

Most students are lazy so they would choose the easiest way -- you choose the harder way and your chances will be better :).
Rich Monte   
Jan 21, 2009
Research Papers / GLOBAL WARMING and natural disasters essay [10]

Don't buy what politicians and other semi-experts tell you about global warming. The 'global warming' issue is a ploy by the government and other 'organizations' that want to get tax money for nothing. Global warming is something that happens NATURALLY every X thousand of years (between 20 and 40 thousands).

They try to sell you ice on Antarctica. No matter what you do there is NO WAY to stop global warming. It's like you tried to stop wind from blowing, or rain from raining, or sun from shining.

If I tell you there's too much wind on earth and that could cause flu bacteria to move quickly between the continents, you would also buy it (as most of the society would). Then I would get money for "research" etc. which would be like throwing money into a garbage bin. But people like to waste money (or rather the media and politicians know how to make them do so).

You are young and you should think for yourself.
Rich Monte   
Jan 23, 2009
Undergraduate / Immigration reform in the United States during the economic crysis period. Issue of Importance essay [16]

At the same time the economic crisis reduces tax revenue. So as government spending grows and tax revenue decreases, the effect of 38 million undocumented immigrants in America becomes more and more severe. The Center For Immigration Studies found that the net deficit of illegal immigrants using more in services then paying in taxes totaled $10 billion at the federal level in 2002. It's clear now that the federal government does not have $10 billion to waste.

You are young but already brain-washed by the "independent" (wink) media. The media want to blame the immigrants for the government failures. The government controls the media in one way or another. Same story has been going on for decades now. But they don't mention most of the immigrants take the menial or low-paid jobs that an average US-born citizen would not touch with a 10-foot pole AND they pay taxes. Not to mention HALF of the "US" army soldiers ARE IMMIGRANTS (did you know the US government give US citizenship to immigrants who go to war as US soldiers?).

$10 billion is nothing compared to what the US governments has WASTED for nothing in the past 60 years. Just check the facts: propublica.org/special/government-bailouts

If you remember your ancestors have also been immigrants at one point (unless you are a Native Indian) then you should realize your statements are ignorant to say at least. $10 billion spent on HUMANS (immigrants are humans if you didn't know) versus $1000billion spent 2008 YEAR ALONE on institutions that still have no idea about a recovery plan - what would you choose?
Rich Monte   
Jan 23, 2009
Undergraduate / Immigration reform in the United States during the economic crysis period. Issue of Importance essay [16]

That the government may have wasted trillions of dollars on non-immigration related projects that failed is absolutely no reason why they should spend ten billion dollars, or for that matter one cent, on illegal immigrants who, by the very nature of being illegal, are presumably ineligible by law for most, if not all, government services.

Then can you explain why MY TAX MONEY is spent on immigrants who may be eligible to become US citizens once they served in the army? Technically and logically when they serve the US army they are still immigrants and the US citizens pay their money for their training, gear, food, armor.

I imagine that many U.S.-born American citizens would take menial jobs if they found themselves facing starvation and homelessness as an alternative. Besides, if the labor market were so small that there were far more menial jobs than people willing to take them, then employers would be forced to pay higher wages for those jobs, making them more attractive. Basic market forces at work.

Would customers be happy to go tomorrow to a store and find out the prices of their foods or services went up overnight (because the employers were forced to hire 'legal' workers and pay them more)? I don't think so. But then there would be nobody to blame (the media won't blame employers for hiring legal workers) except for the government and that would be unacceptable situation for them. So the government plays the devil's advocate and everybody is 'happy' (ie. brain-washed).

I don't see how illegal immigrants could possibly pay taxes without risking deportation.

The financial departament has nothing to do with the citizenship department. By default people who pay taxes are not being recorded or checked by the citizenship department.

Feel free to read this article:

washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/04/AR20060 60400965.html
Rich Monte   
Jan 23, 2009
Undergraduate / Immigration reform in the United States during the economic crysis period. Issue of Importance essay [16]

I am not young. You know what they say about assumptions.

Then that's even worse, your young age might have excused you... Anyway, I didn't want to focus on your age.

I am making the point that during economic slides, immigration reform is difficult because local workers see immigration reform as something that adds more competition to their shrinking job market.

Well, so do you believe in the free market and capitalism or do you prefer socialism? Or maybe to combine both (and make everything as relevant as possible - then life becomes as simple as eating in McDonald's).

It appears you suggest the US to become a socialism in the times of the economic crisis (so that the government PROTECTS its workers from free market and competition) and when everything is well, let there be capitalism to spend borrowed money and hire the illegal immigrants to cut your grass or do your construction job? How lawyer-slick style is that? You were in the army and you have probably believed or was told that the US is capitalism and it's the greatest system in the world - but now you try to suggest the Russia was right in the previous century and their system should have prevailed?

You need to understand that without competition and free market there is no progress. Look what has happened to the US auto industry and compare the American cars with the Japanese or European ones. The US auto lobbysts and auto unions made sure people working in the US auto industry are 'protected' and the bad news is they were also protected from introducting advanced technology and improving their skills. These companies existed like in socialism, they were just producing junk in the hopes someone will buy it anyway. You want more job protection to build more junk cars? I thought the point was to build a BETTER product and to promote MORE COMPETITIVE working skills. Not to protect jobs at all costs like in socialism.

So my point is that immigrants (both legal and illegal) actually make the country more competitive and efficient in the long run. And it is a blessing - not a problem - that immigrants actually still want to live in the US (even though the more skillful ones now prefer to go to European Union countries).
Rich Monte   
Feb 4, 2009
Research Papers / Thesis Statement for global warming research paper [17]

You may check my previous responses on the global warming "issue". It has been a big issue in the media only and among the politicians. Other than that, it is NOT POSSIBLE to stop it, like it is not possible to stop wind from blowing. The bigger concern would be to stop the freezing era that will come in about 20K years and then I guess people will only laugh at the statements of their fathers about the 'global warming' issues.

But other than that, if you want to go with the flow of the false mainstream media, your thesis is good.
Rich Monte   
Mar 13, 2009
Writing Feedback / "The Right To Have an Abortion" - my argumentative paper [20]

First, women have the right to control their own bodies.

It seems you are trying to say that pregnancy is a desease? And a woman can just 'catch' pregnancy like a flu? If woman got pregnant and this is an 'unwanted pregnancy' and this was not a rape --->>> that means she CANNOT CONTROL HER OWN BODY! She FAILED to control her body once and that's why she proved she is not capable of making such serious decisions! Do you think a flight traffic controller would be given another chance if by his own mistake he failed to notice two airplanes to crash and warn them ahead of time? Why do you propose to give a woman 'the right' to control her body if she in fact PROVED she cannot control her body?

If we know the child will be born with defects then there is no point in having the mother keep the baby if she chooses not to.

You sound like adolf hitler and his theory about 'master race'! Let's see, through general testing of the fetus mother is told her baby may have hearing problem. Is this enough to kill the baby? Going further, once genetic testing advance, mother will be told her baby probably won't be a professional basketball player because his bones won't be able to last through a professional athlete training. But mother has always wanted her son to be a great basketball player, just like her grandfather was. Will it be enough reason to kill the baby??? From your way of thinking it will be because mother will get stressed and her life will be ruined because her child won't be able to fulfill her dreams.

Now think what kind of problem YOU have - are you a math genius? Hmm, you aren't..? Then you may want to ask your mother (who is your legal guardian and you are her child, she lives and feeds you so she should have THE RIGHT to do what is BEST for you). Ask her if she doesn't want to kill you because she may be depressed because you are not what she wanted you to be!

Also advocates of abortion believe that abortion is seriously wrong but women should do what is best for them and their babies.

"BEST for their babies"? Is woman God to decide what is best for another human being? Read my sentence above - maybe your mother is thinking that you are not good enough and saying goodbye to this world will be best for you?

Also, you talk about 'pregnancy risks'? Give me a break - when mother eats junk food or smokes cigarettes then there are more risks for her health. Why don't you care about woman's health when she is not pregnant?

I'm shocked to hear your opinions on the subject. When you are an adult and will be deciding about the laws of this society.. some people will be glad they didn't have a chance to live long enough to have anything to do with people like you.
Rich Monte   
Mar 13, 2009
Writing Feedback / "The Right To Have an Abortion" - my argumentative paper [20]

My message was strong, but you shouldn't take it personally indeed. I think nowadays most teachers are PU**IES and they are in fact useless! Instead of teaching they just 'listen' and agree with everything a young and inexperienced person says.

Today you go to school and will be praised by your teacher just because you have your own opinion (too many times distorted by the media which only care about their profits, not your psyche). But teacher won't tell you that you are on the wrong track because they are useless humans without guts and their own opinions! That's why more and more anomalous behaviours grow in our societies. Everything is RELATIVE. You kill someone, teacher will tell you 'that's OK, you had the right to do it because you were stressed out' etc. etc. It is NOT normal in my book.

You know what you should do? Go to your teacher and ask him/her straight: "Teacher, will you please tell me what is YOUR OPINION on abortion?" Then report the response you get (if you get any) here.
Rich Monte   
Mar 15, 2009
Writing Feedback / "The Right To Have an Abortion" - my argumentative paper [20]

Ignore any of the posts made by people who are making the argument personal.

Sure, it's always best to listen to lawyer-style talk (relative, impersonal, and impartial). Those who dare to go over the borders with different ideas should be punished or ignored like in perfect communism.

And from the logical point of view all argumentative subject ARE personal; otherwise there would be nothing to discuss.
Rich Monte   
Mar 26, 2009
Writing Feedback / If you can interview any living person, who would it be and why? [6]

I watched documentary film

Every time you watch a "documentary film" you should ask yourself: WHO and WHY did this film? These days 90% of all "documentary films" have a hidden agenda and they are in fact PROPAGANDA. In this case it is to prepare and persuade thougtless and naive people that a possible US attack on North Korea would be "justified." Such socio-techniques were started by Hitler and from then on they were used widely by many governments.

Your reaction to the "documentary" was EXACTLY what they wanted to achieve.

Whenever you see on TV a 'panel of experts' a RED LIGHT should switch on in your brain; otherwise, you will be hypnotysed by these experts of MANIPULATION.

You should read this article (and I'm surprised they wrote about it in the mainstream media): nytimes.com/2008/04/20/washington/20generals.html ?_r=3
Rich Monte   
Mar 31, 2009
Writing Feedback / Essay on Obama's Stimulus Plan [8]

The Federal Reserve Banks [The Fed] is a group of PRIVATE CORPORATIONS:

Below are excerpts from a court case proving the Federal Reserve system's status. As you will see, the court ruled that the Federal Reserve Banks [The Fed] are "independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations", and there is not sufficient "federal government control over 'detailed physical performance' and 'day to day operation'" of the Federal Reserve Bank for it to be considered a federal agency:


When you understand this fact you should realize what kind of scam and slave system we (the regular tax payers) have to live in.
Rich Monte   
Apr 27, 2009
Research Papers / Thesis Statement with 3 points (global warming) [15]

Global warming is SCAM! The ONLY possible result of this scam will be raised taxes (raising taxes is the major goal of this "global warming" agenda). Another result would be outsourcing jobs to countries who will not sign any agreement in this matter because they are no longer willing to sponsor life on credit of the American system.

Fighting with "global warming" is the same as fighting with "world terrorism" or "weapons of mass distructions" -- there is no actual enemy, but fraud possibilities against the tax payers are endless.

Do not buy what the mainstream media tells you about "global warming" - THEY ARE BEING PAID to brain-wash people about this "issue." "Global warming issue" will be the greatest scam of the XXI century.

Read what the Weather Channel founder has to say about global warming:

newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2007/11/07/weather-channel-founder -global-warming-greatest-scam-history
Rich Monte   
Apr 27, 2009
Research Papers / Thesis Statement with 3 points (global warming) [15]

If you look at the facts, not the popular opinion or stereotypes you will realize the world is more than a popularity contest. You have an opinion shaped by the propaganda machine, movies, ipods, and video games, but when I point you to the messenger you choose to ignore it. Oh well,

If you read this article that presents the global warming media hype you may understand what's going on. Then, you will have to rewrite your whole thesis statement:

Here is a headline from the New York Times reporting on fears of an approaching ice age: "Geologists Think the World May be Frozen Up Again."

That sentence appeared over 100 years ago in the February 24, 1895 edition of the New York Times.

Let me repeat. 1895, not 1995.

A front-page article in the October 7, 1912 New York Times, just a few months after the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank, declared that a prominent professor "Warns Us of an Encroaching Ice Age."

The very same day in 1912, the Los Angeles Times ran an article warning that the "Human race will have to fight for its existence against cold." An August 10, 1923 Washington Post article declared: "Ice Age Coming Here."

heartland.org/policybot/results/20641/Media_Hype_on_Climate_Change_Is_ Nothing_New_Inhofe.html
Rich Monte   
Apr 28, 2009
Research Papers / Problem and Solution essay- global warming [10]

This is ALL you need to know about the global warming SCAM. Here is a great article actually explaining how the global warming hype was created and why: gather.com/viewArticle.jsp?articleId=281474977583038
Rich Monte   
Jun 17, 2009
Grammar, Usage / Tasteful Thank You [11]

Thanking them for attending the party would be most tasteful imo.
Rich Monte   
Jul 9, 2009
Writing Feedback / Is Obama's stimulus package working? [15]

People need to realize that by the term 'stimulus package' hide the greatest robbery in the human kind.

What exactly is 'stimulus package'? It is PRINTING MONEY out of nothing. The only thing it can and will create is INFLATION. Now you can still buy a loaf of bread for $2, but after the 'stimulus packages' have been completed, the same loaf of bread will cost $5. It applies to each and every product or service. Those who have a job may get a raise of 10 or even 20%, but still if their loaf of bread will cost 250% more then they become poor.

Not to mention that if you plan to go abroad the only option will be Mexico or Cuba because if you plan to go to Europe or Asia you will have to save a few years due to worthless dollar.

Let's say 1000 jobs have been created followed by stimulus package, but within that time, 2000 people lost their jobs. In that case, do you see that as more jobs created?

That comparison makes you a genius (and there are few genius minds in Obama administration;). You got it exactly right, they will maniuplate the public with their stats but only 5-10% of the population will actually think and realize that what they say is untrue.
Rich Monte   
Jul 9, 2009
Writing Feedback / Is Obama's stimulus package working? [15]

Well, it *still* may make sense for the US to print money because they hold China hostage. They know China - that in fact sponsors the US economy - won't be willing to move away from the dollar quickly because when they do the inflation will sky-rocket and the Chinese economy would go down. China now holds most of their wealth in US dollars so they artificially 'care' for it not to go down too much. But the fact is that the US as a country is a bankrupt because the majority of their business model was providing banking and stock market services (ie. speculation) and there was few who actually did the job (because the real job was done by the Chinese).

Let's hope war will not have to be the only solution to this crisis.
Rich Monte   
Jul 9, 2009
Writing Feedback / Is Obama's stimulus package working? [15]

Basic Keynesian economics tells us that the economy goes through cycles of boom and bust, and that the government needs to provide stimulus in the bust cycles to keep them from getting too bad and destroying capitalism itself, as Marx predicted and as actually happened in Eastern Europe over a century ago.

But we have XXI century now. Let's assume all countries started to just print money, would that change anything?

The fact is that capitalism in the dead end now. Capitalism needs DEBT (and slaves to pay back debt throughout their lives) to survive. When the slaves lose their jobs as it's right now then the system gets broken.
Rich Monte   
Jul 10, 2009
Writing Feedback / Is Obama's stimulus package working? [15]

You don't get it..

Assume you are 20 and you've just finished college. You haven't even started working but you already have to pay your college debt. Then you start a job and take a 30-year mortgage (another debt). In the meantime you take a car loan (another debt). So basically until you retire you pay out your debts.

But you probably didn't know that the lobbysts have established the law that the banks have 'the legal right' to lend you 8 times more money than you gave them. So if you have a $1,000 saving account in CityBank (for example) then this bank can lend another client 8*$1,000=$8,000 rightaway! Out of nothing. They can lend money they do not have! On top of that, they *assume* (legally, again) that whoever had a mortgage loan with them has actually paid it to them in full so that they could give more 8-times-multiplied loans rightaway! So if someone had a mortgage for a 1 million dollar home, they could give a loan of 8 million dollars on the same date to another institution. That is the REAL problem and that's what caused the 'crisis' in the first place. Money for banks means nothing because they could virtually print it out of nothing and they are probably surprised what's all the fuss about their 'stimululs' proposal.
Rich Monte   
Sep 21, 2010
Undergraduate / "Google has been one of my closest friends" - Best piece of advice (Brown) [16]

Zakary, I can only say you are a tool. A lemming. How can you be fascinated with a company that's the only purpose is to find out as much information about you as possible and then sell it to other companies for profit. You are exactly what Google wanted you to be and you perfectly fit their scenario. You may check insidegoogle.com to open your eyes.
Rich Monte   
Sep 30, 2010

Therefore I conclude that space exploration cannot be considered as a wasteful activity.

Unfortunately, it's a wrong conclusion.

The only reason for space exploration is that the 'Elites' of this world could be saved and escape in case of natural or other disasters (like nuclear attack). So we, the tax payers, waste billions of dollars a year so that the 'Elites' could feel safe. How thoughtful of them. This money could be spent on finding a cure against cancer, AIDS, etc. and it would be much more human and productive.

Ask yourself - what you, a regular man, have in exchange of 'space exploration'? GPS, celluar phones? This is all to spy on you and control you. Soon we'll be paying to breathe air. Most of us are brainwashed, that's all.
Rich Monte   
Oct 27, 2010
Undergraduate / "Post 9/11 backlash violence" Local/national concern admissions essay [8]

They DID happen but what you saw on TV was produced in a certain way so that you should "get a certain point that the news media wanted you to get" - in other words the news was directed, not just happened.

The fact you noticed the post 911 backslash shows you can get the clue after you watch these documentaries.
Rich Monte   
Nov 25, 2010
Undergraduate / "I love to debate" - personal quality, my Personal statement [4]

So it means you are a liar and your dream job will be to lie and deceive other people? And you are proud of that? I noticed the word 'honesty' in your essay, but why do you use it if you don't really know the meaning of it?

The fact you manage to 'persuade' someone you are right won't change the truth. You should be ashamed of yourself that you are proud of the things that in the normal world should be deplorable.
Rich Monte   
Nov 25, 2010
Research Papers / Survey on whether or not homosexual couples should be allowed to adopt children [9]

I definitely DO NOT think that a couple's sexual orientation should be a deciding factor in whether or not they can adopt a child because someone's sexual orientation should not even matter. If people do use that as a factor then that's discrimination.[/quote]
That's not discrimination - that is common sense.

[quote=auds]Saying were not gonna let you adopt a child because your gay or lesbian is the same thing as saying you cant sit here cause your black, or you cant participate in sports cause your mentally challenged or disabled. I mean it's definitely not right.

If you're black you cannot become a ku klux klan member; if you're gay or lesbian you are not qualified to give the child a NORMAL family. Two men sticking their dic&s in their wholes is not right either, or is it.

Why are we scared of these people. I really don't understand it. Were treating them as if their a disease that will contaminate others. It's not fair.

But then is it fair to give a child a 'privilege' of having two male or two female parents? Would you like to be raised in such a family, how it would affect your world and psyche.

All you can do is provide a child a loving and healthy environment to live in.

Exactly, and two males sticking their d&cks into each other is not a loving and healthy environment to live in.

We go through experiences that shape who we are today and through that we get an understanding on what we like.

Exactly. So it's not a coincidence people of alcoholic parents are much more likely to have alcohol problems. Same applies to gay parents situation.

I think that because homosexuals are faced with so many discrimination and violence towards them, they have a more loving and caring personality.

A human is only 2% different from a monkey (ie. an animal). If a male monkey tried to copulate with another male, don't you think he would be discriminated and outed by others (ie. the society?). It's natural and normal instinct to defend from unnatural behaviors.

I guess I'm in tune with my sexuality and confident in myself.

You're not. You just want to manifest at any occasion you are different, that shows how insecure you really are.


Imagine a gay couple adopted a baby girl. She's now 13 and starts menstruating. Whom she should talk about it, who could help her understand what's going on, explain her how and what to do. A male?

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