Jul 20, 2019
Writing Feedback / IELTS writing task 1: Elaborate the changes of Queen Mary Hospital since its construction [3]
Please feel free to advise. Thank you!
The diagram demonstrates how Queen Mary hospital has developed over the three different time periods(1960,1980 and 2000).
In 1960, the hospital was located just along the main road with a shopping centre right next to it. The land sitting on the back of the hospital was used for car parking, while on the opposite side was a farmland.
By 1980, the shopping centre was demolished due to the extension of hospital buildings: cancer centre and pharmacy. Moreover, a nursing school was constructed to replace the farmland. All the while, the car park area stayed untouched until later.
In 2000, the cancer centre expanded to cover the entire nursing school. Meanwhile, the parking area was reduced into half so there was enough space for nursing school to be relocated next to it.
Throughout the period, the main hospital building remained the same. However, the parking lot was resized due to the extension of nursing school and cancer centre.(159 words)
Please feel free to advise. Thank you!
Hospital's development phases
The diagram demonstrates how Queen Mary hospital has developed over the three different time periods(1960,1980 and 2000).
In 1960, the hospital was located just along the main road with a shopping centre right next to it. The land sitting on the back of the hospital was used for car parking, while on the opposite side was a farmland.
By 1980, the shopping centre was demolished due to the extension of hospital buildings: cancer centre and pharmacy. Moreover, a nursing school was constructed to replace the farmland. All the while, the car park area stayed untouched until later.
In 2000, the cancer centre expanded to cover the entire nursing school. Meanwhile, the parking area was reduced into half so there was enough space for nursing school to be relocated next to it.
Throughout the period, the main hospital building remained the same. However, the parking lot was resized due to the extension of nursing school and cancer centre.(159 words)