Aug 26, 2009
Undergraduate / UCF Admissions Essay - Which topic does my essay suit best? [6]
At an early age, I learned to express myself in a way that was unique to me. At the age of seven, I won a poetry contest. I wouldn't start consecutive sentences with a similar phrase.ItAs written "it" is the poetry contest not your poem.was about how if I could be any animal I would want to be a bird so that I would be able to soar high through the sky with no limitations on where I went.Sounds conversational. Words were always an outlet for me.
My grandfather always encouraged me to write. He was also very talented in that area. We spent a lot of time together. He was a great father-figure to me. I lived with my biological father, but he was always busy working.I hold nothing against him though. He had to provide for our family and I respect him for that.Though my grandfather never saw me, due to the fact that he lost his sight the year before I was born, he always told me that I was beautiful. One day I asked him, "How do you know I'm beautiful if you can't see me?" And his response was "well for one you're a part of my family", and then we laughed. I adored his sense of humor. Perhaps, that's where I got mine from. But, then he explained to me that beauty shines from within.I think that your grandfathers loss of sight should be explained earlier. It sounds like you are putting stuff out there as you go. You don't have to change it though.
Which phrase? The one about beauty shining from within or his joke? It seems like your poem and your love for words doesn't really tie in with the rest of your essay.
You should end on a brighter note. Talk about how you got past your loss. Maybe you can use your poem as a metaphor for your revival. However, if you want this essay to fit the second essay prompt you should just eliminate your grandparents death all together unless their death has shaped your characteristics.
As written your essay would fit the second essay prompt better since you do not tell the reader how you got over your grandparents deaths.
At an early age, I learned to express myself in a way that was unique to me. At the age of seven, I won a poetry contest. I wouldn't start consecutive sentences with a similar phrase.ItAs written "it" is the poetry contest not your poem.was about how if I could be any animal I would want to be a bird so that I would be able to soar high through the sky with no limitations on where I went.Sounds conversational. Words were always an outlet for me.
My grandfather always encouraged me to write. He was also very talented in that area. We spent a lot of time together. He was a great father-figure to me. I lived with my biological father, but he was always busy working.
As I got older I was able to understand that phrase better.
Which phrase? The one about beauty shining from within or his joke? It seems like your poem and your love for words doesn't really tie in with the rest of your essay.
You should end on a brighter note. Talk about how you got past your loss. Maybe you can use your poem as a metaphor for your revival. However, if you want this essay to fit the second essay prompt you should just eliminate your grandparents death all together unless their death has shaped your characteristics.
As written your essay would fit the second essay prompt better since you do not tell the reader how you got over your grandparents deaths.