Undergraduate /
'hearing those silly questions' - Questbridge Essay (Critique) [4]
Hi, Mariana)
In the start essay you use both present and past tenses for narrative -- choose one( better present)
And you use words "question"," ask", "know" and some others too much. Try to replace them with synonyms instead)
One day at the end of French class, a girl came comes up to me with a map. I looked down at examine it and noticed that it was is a map of Mexico.
(like this)
I stare at her , thinking she was kidding
"But I heard it was in Mexico ..." she responded saying that she heard it was in Mexico , so I confirmed torefuted her false notion by showing her the actual map of Colombia.
This whole situationto me was completely shocking to me ; to know that this girl really, truly believed that Colombia is in Mexico was quite perturbing . If she believed that, who knows what other things she had "heard"?
Of course when I was asked this, I was dumbfounded, but then again, this wasn't the first time I have been asked something similar to this. I have been asked :
I think this person must be joking, but the majority of the time, they 're not.
not good
I felt slight annoyance for of the fact that people even asked those questions were even askedbut when I really thought about it, I knew that in certain areas, I was no better. ( this part is choppy and better write " while actually I was not that different from them"
We live in a world where if you can hop on a plane and fly across a body of water oceans and seas, you are and be sure to land in a place where the lifestyles are completely different from where you came from.
I am hoping e I will be able
Your feelings didn't fail you, your last para is kinda weak and I think you need to throw in some stronger sentences like "Only after being affected myself have I waked up from my own world of cultural ignorance and narrowed vision. I finally understood that the world doesn't rotate only around me, that blah blah... I won't tolerate that for myself anymore! ...blah blah blah.." you catch my drift, don't you?
Is there a word limit for this essay? The introduction is decent enough, but you could add more details of your embarrassments, annoyances, you know, make your essay more personal so it would attract the reader more.