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Name: Louisa, EssayForum Contributor
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Sep 7, 2014
Scholarship / Reference letter for scholarship; to whom want to study about international public health [5]

I was wondering if you were instructed to answer the questions in question and answer form? Are you sure that these questions are not to be answered in a continuously flowing paragraph format known as an essay? You did say this is supposed to be a reference letter right? Somehow the format that you used for the letter is all wrong. You need to change the format to letter format instead of question and answer. Until I find out if you should have this in essay form, I will consider the Q&A format to be the requirement and review / revise your answers in the same format. I trust that you know how to convert the Q&A answers into essay form if necessary :)

-I was the supervisor of XXX for one year. Under my supervision, she worked towards the improvement of health problems... Her approach to problem analysis... She has accumulated a vast amount of knowledge and clinical experience both in the field and in a hospital setting. I am sure that her advanced graduate school studies will assist her in gaining more knowledge regarding her chosen profession. I know that when combined with her already existing knowledge and experience, she will be one of the best in her field.

- The answer to this question should relate to your work experience and how the person referring you believes that you have the potential to succeed and acquit yourself well in your chosen profession in the near future. The answer that was provided does not totally answer the prompt.

- The question is asking how your past academic experience relates to your interest in graduate studies. It is not asking about your practical or hands on experience.

- If the reference writer is a person you closely worked with, then the answer to this should be reflected in his or her observations of you as a worker. The answer must highlight your accomplishments as a worker and leader. How do you treat the patients? Do you go out of your way to make sure they are comfortable? What example of leadership can she mention about you? That is what this letter requires as an answer.

I hope you can clarify the format requirement for this letter before you revise it. It will be best if you have the actual letter already written when you post it for review. That way the reasons behind the guide questions will become more evident and easy to identify within the letter.
Sep 7, 2014
Undergraduate / The art of learning- Stanford- What matters to you most and why [6]

I am very pleased to say that you did a very good job on this essay. You successfully answered the prompt. Not only that, but you also gave a very insightful explanation as to why you value art so much. The fact that you were able to explain it beyond contentment, drawing on the way you use art to connect with people is just something that makes your response very special. You should be very proud of the way you wrote this paper. Although there are some grammatical errors, your sentiments and desire to create art for your personal and other people's happiness shines through. If have not exceeded the word count limit and still have place to expand upon your explanation, I suggest you do so. There is truly more room to express your love for art in your paragraphs :-)
Sep 7, 2014
Undergraduate / The art of learning- Stanford- What matters to you most and why [6]

I can see from your response that you understand what is being asked and you answered as truthfully as possible. Don't judge your answer by the answers other people gave. Everyone has different answers to the same prompt. From what I can gather from what you wrote, what matters most to you is the contentment that you feel when creating art. That should be the focal point of your essay. What matters most to you? Your answer is "the content feeling I get from creating art." Now comes the next question, "Why do you feel that way about creating art?" Consider those your guide questions in answering the paper. Do not stray from the prompt and guide questions. Don't mention irrelevant topics such as your Breaking Bad sentence. Highlight the importance of art in your life instead. That will answer the essay prompt :-)
Sep 7, 2014
Writing Feedback / Going to other countries to work or study is a optimistic indicator about globalization. [2]

I would like to suggest that you mention globalization at the start of the essay as one of the factors that students and workers consider when going abroad for work or study. Then you can explain how globalization seems to be so enticing to these people and then they move to another country and realize that their decision has both advantages and disadvantages. Then in the next paragraphs, you can begin to discuss those specific reasons.

- You can build on your introduction using my suggestion above.
- ...an increase in groups of people who plan to study and ...
- Foreign countries are wonderful places where one can expand his horizons through learning new cultures and taking advantage of opportunities available to foreigners in the country. But such opportunities come with a degree of difficulty.

It is a common knowledge that.

- Use a transition statement to introduce this new topic.
- It is common knowledge that working abroad provides a rare experience and special opportunity that not everyone has. . Working abroad offers an opportunity to learn the latest trends in industrial and technological concepts. Staying in the modern countries ensures a work experience that will allow a transfer of information once the person returns to his homeland to work.

- Do not talk about education. The essay prompt specifically asks you about the advantages and disadvantages of working abroad.

- While there are benefits to working abroad. One will have to overcome homesickness, discrimination, language barriers,safety issues when working in security lax countries, and other work or socially related issues that could affect a person emotionally and mentally. These disadvantages cannot be helped because it is part of the work experience abroad and helps one to become a better person.

- You lack a paragraph that discusses the issue of globalization and its positive and negative effects on overseas workers. You need to have a paragraph discussing that in order to have your last paragraph about globalization make any sense or have any connection to the essay discussion.

I have offered some suggestions on how to improve your essay. I assume this is your first draft and you have time to revise it. You must discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working abroad more thoroughly. This will require you to do some simple research on the matter. This will help you make more solid arguments when discussing both sides. After you complete the second draft, and the review shows that the content of the essay has improved and met the essay prompt, we can move on to helping you clean up the grammatical problems the essay may contain :-)
Sep 7, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS : 'We should have choice to play' - dangerous sports should be banned? I disagree. [3]

You need to present a better introduction to the topic. You say that the opinion of the people about the ban on dangerous sports is debatable. Why do you see it as debatable? What are some points of concern on the side of those supporting the ban that seem valid to you? End the introduction with your thesis statement about presenting reasons that the sport should not be banned.

Aside from some punctuation and grammatical problems with your essay, you present very good, common sense reasons to support your stand. I understand that this essay probably has a word count which is why your explanations are so short and to the point. It will be good if you can review and revise the essay to strengthen you stance using additional information if possible. In the meantime, please allow me to point out some grammar problems with the essay that need to be corrected.

Some people love both doing and watching dangerous sports such as F-1 or boxing even though it sometimes take their lives away. Sometimes it is said that dangerous sports should be forbidden, and this is debatable.

- would strengthen this introduction this way: Even though dangerous sports can result in deaths, some people love to not only watch, but also engage in the sport. It is because of the high possibility of injury and death in sports such as boxing and mixed martial arts that some people support a ban on dangerous sports. I beg to differ. I do not believe dangerous sports should be banned.

It is true that players who do some sport like boxing have higher possibility to die than other sports. And because fans want to see more exciting fight, players are forced to show performances that are really dangerous. Even though they do not die, it definitely hurt their body.

- The rate of injuries in dangerous sports remains high but these injuries do not often lead to deaths. Only hurt bodies. These injuries often result from exciting fights that players put on for the entertainment of their audience.

However I believe that those sports should not be banned with some reasons. Firstly we should have right to choose. Player knows it has high risk if they play, but they are playing. It is their responsibility. My cousin played boxing, and he broke his leg, but he did blame nobody because he knows he is likely to get injury of he did, but he loved it. They are not forced to play but they choose. They love doing that.

- Remember that playing dangerous sports is covered by the human right to choose. That is the main reason why I do not support the ban on dangerous sports. Each player has the option to not play the dangerous sport and yet he chooses to. They know the risks involved and they play because they love the game.

Secondly, every sport has their rules that try to avoid too dangerous act so that no one die or cheat. Sometimes they die, but it is really rare. All players absolutely follow the rules. They are not trying to kill each other, they are competing under the rules. Moreover every sport has risks in some extent, and it is difficult to say which is okay and which is not.

- Dangerous sports are covered by rules and regulations that make the sport safe to play. But these rules cannot prevent injury or death. It is a calculated risk the players decide to take. Only on very rare occasions do dangerous sports result in deaths simply because the guidelines are there to protect the players. They compete but do not try to kill each other.

You have a very good closing statement there. You should try to develop it a little more if possible. I hope you won't mind that I almost rewrote the essay for you. I wanted you to see how the essay could flow better once you are able to present your evidence in a proper and coherent manner. I hope this helps :-)
Sep 7, 2014
Undergraduate / For me, life happened the same way you fall asleep... Slowly, then all at once. COMMON APP [6]

This is definitely a much better version.

In answer to your questions:
- Yes, it is alright to use the word "screwed up" in the essay. The word is used to describe certain things and is totally acceptable in non-formal essays such as this one.

- While the topic of sexual assault can be uncomfortable to read about, you did not launch into any graphic details that would put the reader in an uncomfortable position. In fact, you discussed it as part of a life changing event that produced offshoots which eventually helped you come to certain realizations about yourself.

- You answered the prompt. The essay asked you to tell the reader something about yourself that would not normally be found in your personal statement or statement of purpose. This essay shows your development as a person and the strength of your character. It is a very good, strong, and admirable essay in my opinion. I hope my extra edits and comments help you further perfect the next version of the paper. I believe you are still within the word count :-)

NOTE: I would like to suggest that you change the title of your essay though. It is still unclear how life happened slow and then all at once for you throughout the essay. I would rather title this something like "Lessons Learned by a Forgotten Child" or something more fitting towards the forgotten child discussion and the personal development you experience later on.
Sep 7, 2014
Undergraduate / I left my home country Venezuela when I was 10 and came to Illinois, United States [4]

Okay. To start off, this essay is quite confusing. You seem to be trying to talk about many topics all at once. If you want to talk about your difficulty in assimilating into American culture when you first arrived, then talk about that. Or talk about the difficulty of going back to school in Venezuela after spending years in the United States. You can't discuss both in disconnected sentences. You also have incomplete sentences that do not have any subject at all. I feel that you need to go back an revise the content of this paper. But I would be remiss if I did not point out the areas where you can improve upon the essay. Let me list it down for you with suggestions and comments:

As a person I am privilege to spend the first 17 years of my life learning and interacting with multi-cultural environments.

- ... I have been privileged to have spent the first...

Rather than noticing my potential I saw myself as an outcast of society, never truly fitting in any of them, individuals judging me for been different but never did they or I truly notice full potential of my fortunate life.

- This comment from you does not support your previous sentence. First you said you were privileged, now you are saying that it was a negative experience? Which is it? You cannot be both.

I left my home country Venezuela when I was 10 and came to Illinois, United States in hopes I would have a better education as well as a better life.

- I left my home country of Venezuela when I was 10... in the hope that I would...

I attended American school where I experience for the first time the melting pot

- ... where I experienced the...

With time I was Speaking English in school Spanish at home and span/English outdoors .

- Over time, I began to speak English in school and Spanish and English outdoors.

This interaction with languages and culture often lead me to think that as I learning a new culture an old one would eventually diminish

--- as I learned a new culture, the old one would eventually disappear.

Struggle every day was shown in school as well as home; eventually communicating came to be from something unorthodox to an everyday situation .

- I struggled to communicate in the correct language everyday in school and at home

Every now and then I would

- This is an incomplete sentence. What are you trying to say here? Complete it.

After many years every time I go to Venezuela I see my old friends, going to school with the typical Venezuelan uniform, talking Spanish in the plaza. Margin once again with my native society was difficult and almost impossible. Feeling unfamiliar and to an extreme an outcast,

- This is a very confused sentence. You cannot say after many years every time I go Venezuela. Those are 2 different sentences with 2 different meanings. Let me try to fix it for you.

- After many years. I began to go home to Venezuela again. I spent some time Venezuelan schools where I saw my old friends, wore the typical school uniform, and spoke Spanish wherever I went. But now I was more American than Venezuelan and I had to come to terms with dealing with a culture that I had already forgotten.

Feeling unfamiliar and to an extreme an outcast,

- Another incomplete sentence. You need to complete the thoughts as you write them.

Since my exposure to diverse culture, I've experienced a significant amount of identical crises. Being Venezuelan and yet feeling more comfortable with a foreign culture and the discomfort of an outcast when I visit Venezuela. Observing only at the optimistic side of so called 'fortunate' society baptized me as a lucky prodigy, who would shine academically. This approached a pronounced burden, which have bound me to push myself to meet their expectations. Having this sense of pressure continuously places me in a logjam in which im not able to give my 100% for the fear of failing myself as well as the others.

- I believe the essay would flow better if you merged the information in this sentence into your concluding paragraph. That is because you speak of the privilege that you feel at being able to attend American schools among other things.

However it was not long ago when I found out about how privileged I have been from the start. About two years ago I had the privilege of going to English course in Venezuela and talk about my transition to a new culture as well as knew language. I found myself in a very high alert, concerning myself weather they'll accept me or think of me as a haughty person.
I was shock to see the outcome, people accepted me for who I am. Blind by fear was I that I forgot what I am made of. I told them my story; they were charmed as if they have heard fantasy stories. It was then when I realize how much of a privilege child I was. A stage in my life is about to end and another one soon to begin, I will soon leave Illinois and explore more of what the melting pot has to offer

- It is really possible to merge the sentiments that you felt in the previous paragraph with this one. Concentrating on the talk that you had to give and how your past experiences made you fear giving the speech and then eventually realizing that you had nothing to fear at all. You can explain that having overcome that fear, you are not ready to learn more about your new culture and will accept that it has to blend with your old culture as well.

I did not make any grammar revisions to the last 2 paragraphs because I feel that you need to revise it in order to make the topic and the end result of the paragraph clearer. Instead of 2 more paragraphs, you should have only1 paragraph that successfully transitions its final sentences into a conclusion. I hope my advice helps you. Good luck with your revision :-)
Sep 6, 2014
Undergraduate / For me, life happened the same way you fall asleep... Slowly, then all at once. COMMON APP [6]

You say that life happened for you slowly then all at once. You need to further detail how that happened for you. What was life like before you turned 12? That is the "slow part", everything after that, is the" all at once" part.

-I think you can further develop this sentence. It is your introductory statement so this is your chance to define the topic that you will be discussing. Was your birthday forgotten by the family members? What occurred specifically to make you realize you were becoming forgotten? You should explain further about what the definition of a "forgotten" child is and why you feared becoming one.

Being brought up as the "forgotten" child I was forced to be an adult at the age of 12.

- How so? What did you have to do for yourself that only adults were supposed to go? This is your chance to explain how your life happened all at once.

-I am not sure how this relates to the effects of your being a forgotten child. I suggest you connect this experience or the reasons this occurred with the forgotten child image and the troubled family relationship you previously discussed.

I started back talking to my now best friend of 8 years .

- There was no reason or buildup that needed this sentence. You can skip it.

Personally, I feel that you did answer the prompt and provided a good example of how you grew up without parental guidance and the pitfalls that occurred related to that. My comments in green should help you develop the essence of the essay further. Towards the conclusion, you should show how you have either repaired or not repaired your broken family relationship. How has your current relationship with your parents affected your idea that you are a forgotten child? While the religious discussion and loving oneself is important to the theme of your paper, you need to let the reader know where you are on a family level as well. There are grammatical and punctuation errors that can be overlooked for now as I am sure you will want to revise this paper to become a better reflection of yourself and what happened to you. I believe you have a great story to tell and that others can learn from it. Please let us read your revision when you have done it :-)
Sep 6, 2014
Undergraduate / Travelling alone gave me the opportunity to explore the world in different aspects; UW-Madison essay [3]

This is a good essay. You responded in great detail to the prompt and showed a side of you that would not be seen or talked about in the personal statement or statement of purpose. However, you have some grammatical errors in the papers which are mostly related to your tense usage. You need to speak about everything that you did in past tense because you have already done the activities and learned about the cultures in the past. I have also noted some other corrections and suggestions for you:

Ever since I was a child, my parents love traveling with me. At those ages, I would define traveling as a way to have fun and enjoy a holiday. As I grow up and became a teenager, I began to travel alone. While traveling with family, friends or a significant other can be a lot of fun, traveling solo gave me an opportunity to learn a new definition for traveling.

- You could restate this statement more clearly this way: My parents loved traveling with me from an early age. It was because of my early travels with them that I learned about travel in a fun and enjoyable way. I continued to travel into my adulthood, sans my parents. While I continued to travel with other family members, friends, and loved ones, I associated a new meaning with travel, that of learning.

When I am on my own in the journey, I became eager to meet new people and make new friends

- When I travel alone, I am always eager to meet and make friends with new people.

Through talking to other travelers and locals, I learnt about different cultures which amazed me with their uniqueness.

- By traveling and dealing with the locals, I learned unique things about the culture of the people in the country I visited.

In countries like Germany and Switzerland, I really like their lifestyle and how they balance their daily lives. During weekdays, they would work hard to finish their work and during weekends, they would have activities, such as hiking or family gathering to relax themselves after a busy week. In countries like China and Japan, I admire their efficiency in work. After experiencing different cultures, I would try to learn the good perspectives of it and apply them to improve myself. Sometimes, it may be very different from my own cultures, but I am open to change.

- I enjoyed visiting Germany and Switzerland because I learned how to balance work and play from their people. These people work hard all week and enjoy the weekends through different activities such as hiking and having simple family gatherings where everyone can relax after a long week of work. In China and Japan, I learned about work efficiency. My exposure to these various cultures gave me deeper insights and perspectives into our world and how the culture and tradition of a nation helps to develop a person. These visits taught me that I need to be open to and accepting of change in order to blend well with the local culture.

Another big influence to me was to challenge my fears. Without my parents beside me, I needed to be independent and self-reliant. When I traveled alone in a place that I was unfamiliar with, I was terrified by the unknown. Therefore, I learnt that I must read and do research before I travel which made me understand that being well-prepared is really important. Moreover, I must be brave to start a conversation with strangers that may not share the same language as me in order to seek help. Now, I've developed a new interest, to learn different language

- Traveling alone made me face my fears. I became independent and self - reliant even in placed where I was unfamiliar with the culture and did not know anybody. I learned how to do research prior to my travel in a foreign land in order to ensure my safety and enjoyment. I had to better prepare for travel by learning important phrases in foreign tongues and I learned how to deal with the people I would be coming across by learning a little about their culture beforehand.

Traveling solo may seem lonely and frightening to others, but if I have not taken that step, I would never get to know the strong, adventurous and courageous side of me. Traveling alone gave me the opportunity to explore the world in different aspects, understand different cultures, challenge and overcome my own fears. It is more than just a regular vacation, it is an adventure.

- While I used to fear traveling alone like the others, I no longer do so. Traveling helped me develop a stronger personality, a sense of adventure, and courage to face the unknown. Traveling alone has allowed me to explore the world, understand different cultures, and overcome challenges or fears. Travel now means more to me than just a regular vacation, it means taking a learning adventure about life.

I noted my suggestions in green because I felt that your essay could have been better worded and edited instead of simply correcting your grammatical errors. I hope you will agree that the essay flows and reads better this way :-)
Sep 6, 2014
Graduate / 'I decided to study in Germany' - Motivation Letter for Master Aeronautical [15]

; to challenge the restraints of both modern pioneering and myself.

- I would suggest you change this to "challenge the restraints of modern space engineering and myself". You cannot challenge modern pioneering because to pioneer means to begin. You cannot challenge a beginning. You can only improve upon it. Perhaps it would be best if you had this later part of the sentence refer to your desire to create pioneering work in space engineering instead. That way you can present ideas as to how you plan to challenge yourself in order to achieve the status of a pioneer engineer in the field.
Sep 6, 2014
Undergraduate / "Following my dreams" - Stanford Supplemental #3: What matters to you and why? [2]

While you presented a well worded essay, you did not totally answer the prompt. Why is it important that you follow your dreams? You said you dreamed of becoming an astronaut as a child. Does that still hold true now? Why do you dream of that? You explained a lot of reasons as to why you hold on to your dreams. But you never explained why it is important to you that you follow your dream. More importantly, have you done anything in your life that will help you to achieve this dream of becoming an astronaut? You can't just say it is important to follow your dreams without explaining why. Has your dream inspired you to do something special? If so, what? There are a lot of undeveloped avenues in this essay pertaining to the importance of following your dream that you can discuss. I suggest that you think deeper about the meaning of the prompt and respond on a deeper level. Right now, the answer you have given is shallow and frankly, without a shred if supporting sentiments coming from you. Think about the guide questions I provided and see if it can help you develop a deeper meaning in answer to the essay prompt :-)
Sep 6, 2014
Undergraduate / '40 question paper' - describe an incident which led you to challenge yourself [8]

This is definitely a vast improvement over the first version. I advice that you correct a few minor errors though. Just to clean up the grammar and fix the sentence structure. I listed those below :-)

quiz books that attract me to try my best in writing abilities and general knowledge

- ... that attracted me to test my general knowledge

It comes along with answered key on the last page of book

- It came along with an answer key on the last page of the book.

Embarrassed me.!

- I was embarrassed !

These corrections ought to clean up the paper for you :-)
Sep 6, 2014
Writing Feedback / GRE Issue: Governments should focus to solve today problems rather future ones [5]

The problem I see with your essay is that you are disagreeing with the statement without looking into the history of the issues you presented. If you do some research on the Ebola outbreak, you will see that your reasoning is flawed. The reason that the disease reached pandemic levels at present is because the African nations failed to respond to the dangers of the illness when it was discovered. There was also a lack of reaction on the part of the World Health Organization (WHO) since the organization disregarded the seriousness of the illness. That is why the illness, when the future became the present, ran out of control and the government and international organizations ended up scrambling to address the problem. What I am saying is this, it would be wise for you to argue the paper from both points of view. The one that says immediate problems today, with the assertion that they need to anticipate the future problems in order to properly address the issues that will continue to have a mothball effect on their government. I believe you can do this because you are supposed to discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement. Therefore, you have room to discuss both sides of the issue before concentrating on your personal opinion.
Sep 6, 2014
Undergraduate / I sent a disinfectant package to fight bullying - Questbridge Nat'l College Match 2014 [7]

I will commend you on your creativity in editing your paper in terms of word count. I would advice you though to use the word "Then" rather than "8th Grade" in order to create a connection in your title headings. It won't make a difference because you still mention your grade level when the bullying happened and why. There are a few errors I caught such as:

her new notebook to trash bin

- ... notebook into the trash bin.

the others would only secretly rub it with tissue papers

- rub theirs ...

For Jane's blatant humiliation, I usually yelled at her .

I usually yelled at Jane for humiliating me.

It swept every ounce of courage and dignity I that used to have.

- It swept away every ounce...

dignity I that used to have

- I had...

When I felt rejected, I retreated from the society

The cycle repeated itself everyday until this day, two days before

I felt numb instead of becoming more depressed to the mistreatments and rejections

- ... depressed from the...

Gossips spread

Jane, and also the others, treated me better since then .

and take risk

- take risks .


I hope these corrections further help towards your word count and the smoothness of the story that you are telling :-)
Sep 6, 2014
Writing Feedback / "My Father" - Teachers day [4]

We are all here to help you reach a level of confidence in your writing. Go ahead and keep practicing how to write in the English language and come here to ask for help. We are all here to make sure that you gain confidence in your writing and speaking skills in English. Just remember, anything you write will pass through many versions before you come up with the best one. All because we will make sure to guide you in your efforts every step of the way. So if you will have the patience and drive to learn, we will also patiently guide you towards what you want to achieve :-) Good luck! We are here to help and support you. If you want to contact me privately, you can send me a private message using the email icon beside my name :-) Otherwise, we are all here to help ;-)
Sep 6, 2014
Graduate / 'inadvertent road' - Graduate admission essay for Master in Speech Language Pathology. [7]

Don't develop just the last paragraph. You need to develop the essay overall. Don't forget the I-B-C rule of writing an essay. The Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. Whatever it is that you need to say in terms of expanding your presentation of yourself, do it within the body. Don't over expand your conclusion. The conclusion should merely reiterate your desire to attend the school in order to pursue your future advocacy :-) Even with a limited word count, you should concentrate on the build up of the middle of the paper, the body. Say what you have to say in about 2 or3 paragraphs at the most, within the body of the essay. The body and the conclusion are the most important parts of the essay. The introduction only sets the tone for the paper :-) I hope this additional advice helps you out :-)
Sep 6, 2014
Undergraduate / Evaluate ethical dilemma you have faced & its impact to you - questbridge nat'l college match [7]

You seem to have double posted this essay so ended up answering it twice. I am not sure what the rules are about double posting in the forum but I am posting my answer again just in case you miss the first answer I posted.

What I can suggest is that you remove the title headings that you use to separate the story settings. Write it as one free flowing essay instead. Most importantly, be direct to the point. Less flowery words means you get your point across sooner with lesser words. That way, you can meet the word count and have a smooth flow and look to the essay. Here is a sample of what I did for this essay. You can use it as your guide Note that this is your original version and by removing certain elements and adding a few simple words, the word count became 464:

Jane, and most of my classmates, ostracized me for my sinusitis in 7th grade, which made me snot regularly. They seemed to believe that my hands still contained dangerous bacteria or something, regardless of the fact that my sinusitis was cured in the beginning of 8th grade.

But unlike the others, Jane blatanly showed her consideration of me by the way she treated me in daily life. She would throw her new notebook to trash bin because I touched it, while the others would only secretly rub it with tissue papers (but I knew).

For Jane's blatant humiliation, I usually yelled at her. But for the rest of the rejection I received, there was nothing I could do. The constant rejection made me feel unworthy, that I deserved the maltreatments. It swept every courage and dignity I used to have.

I became trapped in vicious circle of depression. When I felt rejected, I retracted myself from the society. The more I retracted myself, the more ostracized I became and the more I felt rejected.

The cycle repeated itself everyday until this day, when Jane yelled, "I want my dakon be washed with Dettol!!!" after I touched her dakon. A Dakon is a popular board game among Indian teens and Dettol is a brand of sanitizer.

My mouth was silent, but my mind was seething with anger. For the first time, I felt numb instead of becoming more depressed to the mistreatments and rejections I received. In my mind, I said, "OK, fine!" Challenge accepted.

After school, I bought a bottle of Dettol and several other cleansing products. I packed them in a box, along with a note :

'I'm sorry for contaminating your dakon with bacteria from my filthy hands. As my apology, please accept this gift from me to clean up your dakon. Melati.'

I put the box in front of Jane's house.

I was summoned by the discipline office of my school upon my return from semester break. Jane reported me. Gossip spread.
But it worth. The action succeed. Jane, and also the others, treated me better since then.

Now, I am first-ranker, debater, student government committee, programmer, tourism ambassador, and researcher. I am no longer the depressed kid in junior high school. I have many friends, no rejection.

Flashing back to that very moment, I realize that this event made me who I am today. The success of this event gave me the courage to try everything and take risk, to be bold and confident, and to demand what I deserve. The ending of the maltreatments I received returned my dignity and self-esteem. In the end, the dignity and courage I regained returned my confidence to reach my maximum potentials, to achieve far beyond my peers as I would normally do.

Does this work for you? You already know what corrections need to be made :-)
Sep 6, 2014
Undergraduate / I sent a disinfectant package to fight bullying - Questbridge Nat'l College Match 2014 [7]

What I can suggest is that you remove the title headings that you use to separate the story settings. Write it as one free flowing essay instead. Most importantly, be direct to the point. Less flowery words means you get your point across sooner with lesser words. That way, you can meet the word count and have a smooth flow and look to the essay. Here is a sample of what I did for this essay. You can use it as your guide Note that this is your original version and by removing certain elements and adding a few simple words, the word count became 464:

Jane, and most of my classmates, ostracized me for my sinusitis in 7th grade, which made me snot regularly. They seemed to believe that my hands still contained dangerous bacteria or something, regardless of the fact that my sinusitis was cured in the beginning of 8th grade.

But unlike the others, Jane blatanly showed her consideration of me by the way she treated me in daily life. She would throw her new notebook to trash bin because I touched it, while the others would only secretly rub it with tissue papers (but I knew).

For Jane's blatant humiliation, I usually yelled at her. But for the rest of the rejection I received, there was nothing I could do. The constant rejection made me feel unworthy, that I deserved the maltreatments. It swept every courage and dignity I used to have.

I became trapped in vicious circle of depression. When I felt rejected, I retracted myself from the society. The more I retracted myself, the more ostracized I became and the more I felt rejected.

The cycle repeated itself everyday until this day, when Jane yelled, "I want my dakon be washed with Dettol!!!" after I touched her dakon. A Dakon is a popular board game among Indian teens and Dettol is a brand of sanitizer.

My mouth was silent, but my mind was seething with anger. For the first time, I felt numb instead of becoming more depressed to the mistreatments and rejections I received. In my mind, I said, "OK, fine!" Challenge accepted.

After school, I bought a bottle of Dettol and several other cleansing products. I packed them in a box, along with a note :

'I'm sorry for contaminating your dakon with bacteria from my filthy hands. As my apology, please accept this gift from me to clean up your dakon. Melati.'

I put the box in front of Jane's house.

I was summoned by the discipline office of my school upon my return from semester break. Jane reported me. Gossip spread.
But it worth. The action succeed. Jane, and also the others, treated me better since then.

Now, I am first-ranker, debater, student government committee, programmer, tourism ambassador, and researcher. I am no longer the depressed kid in junior high school. I have many friends, no rejection.

Flashing back to that very moment, I realize that this event made me who I am today. The success of this event gave me the courage to try everything and take risk, to be bold and confident, and to demand what I deserve. The ending of the maltreatments I received returned my dignity and self-esteem. In the end, the dignity and courage I regained returned my confidence to reach my maximum potentials, to achieve far beyond my peers as I would normally do.

Does this work for you? You already know what corrections need to be made :-)
Sep 5, 2014
Graduate / Do artistic endeavours enhance our understanding of reality or provide escape from reality? [4]

You can include your personal point of view in the introduction of the essay. Make it the last part of the paragraph so that your point of view becomes the thesis statement of the essay. You can then continue to build on your point of view using the reasons that you stated in the succeeding paragraphs. Always remember to start your paragraphs with the word I ( I believe, I can say that,My point of view is, etc.) or "In my opinion...", "In my point of view" and variations thereof. That way you always make it clear that you are presenting a personal opinion to the reader. The current grade of this essay in my opinion, would be an 8 based upon the reasons that I indicated in my previous post. I hope to look forward to reading the revised essay :-) Good luck!
Sep 5, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: 'appropriate infrastructure to spur growth and prevent the damage caused to environment' [3]

The essay reflects the kind of research that you did prior to writing the essay. Although you used simple terms to describe your reasons as to why you agree with the statement, your reasons are quite compelling and easily verifiable. That is why your essay makes your stand on the issue clear and also, there is no question about the extent of your agreement with the essay prompt. While you did write a solid essay, I will suggest that you go back and review your use of capitalization, punctuation marks, and also look into the grammar problems present in your essay. Those are the only reasons that the high quality of your paper was diminished. You need to learn to separate the sentences in order to create a readable pause in the paragraph. Without which the reader will have a hard time understanding what you are trying to say. For example:

For instance, most of the cloth production and exports are manufactured in the developing countries, however, hardly people realize the harmful effects caused to the environment by this business

- ... in developing countries. However, people hardly realize the harmful effects...

A review and revision of the paper to clean up those kinds of mistakes will add to the authority and solid discussion of your paper :-)
Sep 5, 2014
Writing Feedback / [TOEFL] Children are rather free from most of regulations and obligations in this society [5]

While you did present good reasons to support your argument, you forgot to present the other side of the situation. The situation that dictates that although a child is free from obligation in society, a child is still expected to learn lessons from those around him. This is done when his mistakes, are corrected or when he is given a lecture in order to improve his attitude whenever necessary. While the obligation of a child is to enjoy his life, his age also dictates what regulations and obligations are slowly being expected of him in society. For example, a 6 year old child is already expected to be able to do simple household chores. You can also explain that children, although free from social responsibility for a long time, are given a very important task when they reach a certain age, He is given the responsibility of going to school and getting good grades while following the rules and obligations of a student.Society expects that of children more than any other regulations and obligations. So a child is only free of regulations and obligations in society to a certain degree.

Remember, in order to present an effective defense in your essay, you need to present both the pro and con side of the discussion. Or in this case, the side that sees the child as free from obligation, and the other side that sees children as having a totally different set of responsibilities in our society. I would suggest that you adjust your essay to reflect that as well before making your concluding statement :-)
Sep 5, 2014
Graduate / Do artistic endeavours enhance our understanding of reality or provide escape from reality? [4]

Artistic endeavours such as literature, painting and comedy provide a realistic view toward the world, its dreams, its concerns, its ambitions and its aspiration.

- You can skip this paragraph totally and jump to the next paragraph as your introduction. This comment does not contain any provide any information about your stance on the essay prompt. Unless this is supposed to be the title for the essay and you included it in your post?

While you wrote a solid essay that explains many of the artistic accomplishments over time, you failed to provide your own point of view for the essay. You did not explain why you believe that artistic endeavors "enhance our understanding of reality or provide escape from reality?". While you mentioned good and critical descriptions of the art works and literary accomplishments, you lacked a personal insight into the matter that the essay was asking for.

You needed to indicate something solid to represent your opinion on the matter a statement such as "Art imitates life. That is the reason why paintings and various artistic endeavors enhance our understanding of reality." Or, " The art of comedy allows people to see the lighter side of a serious situation, that is why it provides a person with an escape from reality". You could build further upon those two comments in order to represent your solid idea on the question being asked.

I suggest that you revise your paper to include your personal opinion on the matter in order to successfully answer the essay prompt. While you provided good information about the literary and artistic greats of the past era, it does not carry any weight unless you present your opinion on the matter using those samples.
Sep 5, 2014
Undergraduate / The Dirt Mound - Common App Essay [2]


You have certainly acquitted yourself quite well with this essay. You showed a clear understanding of the prompt and also delivered concrete reasons behind your choice of location. Your contentment and lessons learned at the flying field are certainly evident throughout the essay. The information you provided certainly helped to draw a narrative about the kind of person you are. Patient, inquisitive, and with a "never give up" attitude that will serve you well during your college years. The essay is long enough and does not suffer from redundancy or lack of passion. It is imaginative and highly vivid in its use of words and emotional descriptions. It is an essay that will make for interesting reading for an admissions officer. Be proud of your work. The whole month that it took you to write this definitely paid off :-)
Sep 5, 2014
Undergraduate / Evaluate ethical dilemma you have faced & its impact to you - questbridge nat'l college match [7]

Hi! I was wondering what the prompt is for this essay? I can't really give accurate feedback until I know what the prompt is. What I can do for you however, is provide you with a preliminary review of the content and grammar used in the essay. I hope that will do for now?

The essay itself provides an interesting sneak peek into your high school life and your experience with bullying. What you presented is a scenario that could happen to any student on any given day in any school across the world. I am most specially impressed with the way that you presented how you dealt with the situation and the fact that you managed to use what transpired as an inspiration for you to do better academically. This is a well thought out essay that you should be proud to present to anybody to read. After a few grammar corrections that is.

Now for the corrections which, I assure you, does not diminish the important message that your essay provides about how to successfully handle bullying and overcome this negative experience in your life.

I stared to the wrapped box in front of me, sticked with a paper written "To Jane".
Should I send it? Should I take the risk of more humiliation, more ostracism, and discipline sanction from school?

- I stared at the wrapped box... it had a piece of paper stuck to it upon which I had written "To Jane".
- ... from the school?

My class was free of lesson . Some classmates were playing dakon, an Indonesian traditional board game. I asked them to join , and they said, "Ask Jane". The dakon was hers.

- Class was out for the day . Some of my classmates were playing Dakon... I asked if I could join them ..

Jane, and most of my classmates, ostracized me for my sinusitis in 7th grade, which made me snot regularly . They seemed to believe that my hands still contained dangerous bacteria or something, regardless of the fact that my sinusitis was cured in the beginning of 8th grade.

- ostracized me because of my sinusitis... which made my nose drip regularly ... was cured at the beginning...
-Try not to use slang English terms when writing formal essays Snot = mucus / nose drippings.

Jane blatanly showed her consideration of me by the way she treated me in daily life

- ... what she thought of me...

She would throw her new notebook to trash bin

- ... throw her new notebook into the trash bin...

It swept every courage and dignity I used to have.

- It swept away every ounce of courage and dignity that I used to have.

vicious circle of depression

- vicious cycle of...

I retracted myself from the society.

- I retreated from society .

The more Iretracted myself ,

- The more I retreated ,

The cycle repeated itself everyday until this day, when Jane yelled

- ... the day when Jane...

I felt numb instead of becoming more depressed to the mistreatments and rejections I received.

- ... because of all the mistreatment and rejection I received.

But it worth.

- But it was worth it .

The action succeed

- succeeded
- Watch out for your tenses. This essay is being told in the past tense.

treated me better since then .

- ... better from then on .

I am first-ranker,

- I am a first ranker...

take risk

- risks

I hope you won't mind my suggestions for cleaning up the sentences and paragraphs. This is really a very solid essay. You should be proud of the way that you wrote this :-)
Sep 5, 2014
Writing Feedback / "My Father" - Teachers day [4]

It is difficult to provide you with feedback regarding your statement because you did not include the essay prompt. Kindly provide that so that comments can be made regarding the content of the paper. In the meantime, here are some grammatical corrections for you to consider:

On this Teachers day I want to thank my father who is not with us but his blessing are always with us

- Is your father dead? You need to clarify that point. Why is he no longer with your family?
- ... his blessings ...

he is watching from there and see our progress and happiness

- He is watching from afar and can see our progress and happiness.

whatever todayI'amjust because of him

- ... whatever I am today is because...

he was a great man with principal and dignity .

- He was a great man of principle and dignity.

he was my first mentor he always taught how to be a good person because that is very important.

- He was my first mentor and he taught me that it was very important to be a good person.

Make someone smile Be polite, friendly and treat people well, regardless of who they are or their position in life.

- Make someone smile, be polite, friendly, and treat people well. Regardless of who they are or their position in life.

I rememberhe always gave us best in our life .

- I remember how he always gave us the best in life .

Never stopped or doing any thing always stood beside us and gave freedom to take decission in our life.

- He never stopped supporting us and always stood by our side, giving us the freedom to make decisions in our lives.

I hope my corrections help you in some way :-)
Sep 5, 2014
Writing Feedback / Which is a more powerful force of social change: Power of patience? [3]

Hi, well that's just it. Religion is a very explosive thing to discuss as every religion has a specific version of the story. The reason why I thought that discussing a more modern story is because not everyone these days are raised in a religious setting so they may not be familiar with the story. However, everyone is familiar with current events and such events do not cause major religious discussions. It is alright if you want to keep the David and Goliath story. Mine was only a suggestion. You don't have to change it if you don't want to :-) No problem.
Sep 5, 2014
Writing Feedback / Experiences make people prepared for the future problems - valuable lessons [6]

Here is an example of how I would answer this prompt for the TOEFL test:

It is said that experience is the best teacher. Maybe because life lessons are learned as we continue to live our day to day life. We may not know it but every activity we engage in on a daily basis teaches us an indirect lesson that we remember and store in our memory for future use. We deal with problems and crises on a daily basis and we use our past experiences to deal with the problem at present.

Take for example the issue of managing our finances as adults. As children, we receive an allowance from our parents and we are tasked to manage that money on a weekly basis. Making it suffice for all our needs, whims, and caprices. As we get older, we learn that the money we receive from our parents no longer suffices for our needs. We learn how to work at part time jobs in order to make extra income. Which we then add to the allowance that we receive. We then learn the value of money and how it is an important necessity in our everyday life. As adults, we start to work in order to help us survive because our parents no longer financially support us. The experience we had in managing our allowance, working part-time, and properly spending the money we have helps us to manage our finances as adults.

Our experience with money as children and teenagers helped prepare us to handle our future finances and spending problems as adults. That is one of the most valuable lessons that we learned from our previous experience in handling money. And guess what? We never knew that we were learning a lesson that we could use in our future life.

I hope that my answer to the essay helps to give you an idea of how to approach answering a TOEFL essay. You need to be able to properly answer the prompt provided within 30 minutes. So it is not about the length of the essay, it is about the content, the essence of your statement. That is what will be graded because your answer shows your capacity to understand the English language and how well you can express yourself in the English language :-)
Sep 5, 2014
Graduate / Albert Einstein's and Sir Henry Royce's quotations enlightens cogently the scenario based on reality [3]

Field of Engineering: Construction Engineering and Management
"Scientists investigate that which already is; engineers create that which has never been."
- Albert Einstein
"Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and make it better. When it does not exist, design it."
- Sir Henry Royce

- While these 2 quotes are good references for your opening statement, I believe that you will do best to stick to only one quote to use within your essay. The more compelling quotation in relation to your chosen course is Einstein's so I suggest you go with that.It best connects to the reasons that you wish to become an engineer in my opinion.

- I believe that you should revise this paper to directly connect to your purpose for higher academic learning. Rather than talking about what you have accomplished in the past as much as you do in this current essay, you should talk about how your past experience directly connects to your plans for enhancing the world of construction engineering in the future. The admissions officer wants to know what your purpose is for higher study. He is not too interested in your past accomplishments unless you can connect it to your future visions of your career in construction engineering. Maybe you have a dream project you want to develop in the future, or perhaps there is a mentor at the university you are looking forward to working with. Mention those things. Those statements are what gives a sense of purpose to your application.

- There are actually sentence structure and grammar problems in your essay but I chose not to edit it for now because I believe that this draft is a work in progress. You have plenty of room to revise the paper and make it more direct to the point for the admissions officer so that he can immediately get an idea of what your purpose is for enrolling in their university. I hope my comments help you in the revision of your paper :-)
Sep 5, 2014
Writing Feedback / Issue Essay Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields [7]

- You should build upon this story as the most compelling reason in support of your argument. You specifically mention that your teacher helped you make the decision to take computer science. How did she or he do that? What kind of guidance did you receive that dissuaded you from taking journalism or economics? This will be a very solid example of how teachers can slowly dissuade a student from taking an interest in a course he is not suited for.

The above portion of your essay is actually the best discussion within the whole essay that delivers the essence of the prompt. I believe that you should rewrite the whole essay, using the aforementioned paragraph as your opening statement and then building your succeeding paragraphs around it. That way you can develop a cohesive and concise paper that discusses the prompt based on the strongest evidence possible, your personal experience.

If you like my suggestion and revise your essay, we can review the content of the new one and work on the grammar issues then :-) Good luck!
Sep 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / Ielts task II : Vegetarianism vs meat-containing diets. [4]

Before I launch into the grammatical errors contained in your essay, I have to tell you that the essay itself lacks any solid information that can help to support your own stance in support of vegetarianism. A quick Google search would have shown you a number of vegetarianism health benefits. I also would like to point out that you should have had a better discussion of the supporting and non supporting discussion. The reasons that you do have within your essay are all poorly developed and could use a lot more supporting information to give your argument some weight. Both pro and con sides should have been discussed more thoroughly. Is there a word count limit on the paper? If there is, then there is a way you can work around it to still deliver a solid essay.

Now for the grammatical corrections that I hope will help you out in the revision of your paper :-)

It is undeniable that at present time,a good health can be maintained without consuming meat products.

In clarifying, people can fulfill all their needs by means of meatless foods

- People can...

Many scientists hold an opinion that when it comes to vegetarianism, it can be considered as a healthy diet.

However, others tend to think that meat products can be beneficial when it comes to avoiding monotonous type of diet

- monotonous diets.

To the best of my opinion, it is more practical which is worthy of being paid attention, and it will be known within the scope of my essay.

- Revise this sentence. What is more practical? What stand are you making in this introduction? You should make it very clear to the reader as your thesis statement at the end of the introductory paragraph.

For a variety of reasons many people consider vegetarianism as a harmful trend.

- Rephrase this : Many people consider vegetarianism a harmful trend for a variety of reasons.

Firstly, people claim that vegetarians do not eat a balanced diet.

- People claim that...
- Why are you making this claim? Present supporting evidence.

As human organism is in need of organic food as well.

- This should be a separate paragraph in disagreement with vegetarianism. Present facts to support this claim.

Secondly, in many cultures, meat is the paramount ingredient in traditional meals. "Kebab", for instance, is one of the traditional foods of Uzbekistan, which consists of only meat. Finally, meat-eaters argue that animals are below humans in the food chain.

- What does this statement have to do with your argument? Are you saying meat containing diets are better?

A majority of people choose vegetarian diet for moral and health reasons. It can reduce the risk of disease like cancer.

- In what way? Always present supporting information when making a claim otherwise you are making an unsupported claim that will not strengthen the statement presented.

Given these evidences, it can be clearly said that both vegetarian and meat-containing diets are to be kept when it comes to maintaining a good and stable health.

- You totally missed the requirement of the prompt. You need to pick a stand either for or against the argument presented and then argue your stand.

Basically, you need to go back and revise this essay because right now, this essay cannot be submitted for a grade. You need to fix it and I hope the suggestions that I made will help you do that. I am looking forward to reading the improved 2nd draft :-)
Sep 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / [IELTS Task 2] Pollution and damage of environment are resulted from a country developing. [6]

For more factual information and data that you can present in your essay, you can use the readily available information at the ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety under the topic "Developing Countries and Pollution". You can also use the Stanford University report on "Mexico's Air: A Synopsis on Pollution" which was originally written by Brent Duke for the university under the title "Development, Pollution and the Environment in Developing Countries". You can find these well written academic essays using a simple Google search. Use the title's that I provided for the search and these should easily turn up. I will advice you to read both essays very well and note their important findings for use in your own paper. Since this is an IELTS paper, you will not need to cite sources but instead, make their statements of fact your own. Say the same information in an original way. The way you would say it. Using correct and accurate information always helps to make a paper not only interesting to read, but also builds up the writer as an intelligent person who has something worthwhile to say. You can achieve that by emulating other authors while you are still practicing.
Sep 4, 2014
Graduate / I hear-I forget. I do-I learn : evaluate SOP for graduate admission [3]

After graduating from one of the most reputed institutions in India, I had a spectrum of options available to pursue. By carefully evaluating my interests and strengths, I have decided to opt to go for graduate study in the field of "Embedded Systems" and "Robotics".

- This is not a very strong introduction for your statement of purpose. Your introduction should show an early build up of your interest in computers leading up to your college degree, culminating in an interest to attend graduate school. The content of this sentence should be the last part of your introductory statement

Since my boyhood days I was allured by object called a computer. Being pathologically curious, I tried to know as much as possible about it and down the line I got more and more interested in making of it. The scientific and technological advancements in the field of Electronics, aiding human progress fascinated me a lot. This affected my interests profoundly and decided that one day I would pursue a career in electronics.

- I developed an interest in computers early in my childhood... I tried tolearn ... .. and continued to delve deeper into the history of computers and what the world of computer technology had to offer... Electronics aidingin human progress...profoundly, which is why I decided that I would...

- This should become your introductory paragraph instead since it shows the progress of your interest in computers and electronics.

For this dream to fulfil I started working hard from my school days.

- I knew that I would have to work hard academically in order to gain acceptance into Birla Institute of Technological Science - Pilani.[/quote]
-... provided me with an opportunity... I came to understand the industry and the role...
- ... Laboratory underthe Defence... It was during this period that my interest
- These paragraphs should be merged into one because it speaks of your additional, non academic training experience. However, this should later in the statement. After you have discussed your academically involved training.

- Your essay has become too long because you included all of your training experience in great detail. You should choose only 2 or 3 of the most important ones and present them in the paper. Talking too much about all of your experience makes for tiresome reading. Remember, the Admissions Officer has more than a hundred SOPs to read in a day.

I was involved in various course related projects also. In accordance with the course "Microprocessors and Interfacing" , a project to design an "automated drink dispensing machine using an 8086 chip" was done.

- This should be above your previous paragraph about non academic related training. This portion directly discusses what you learned as a student should be highlighted.

I was briefly involved in a startup called Black Prop Tree which provides UAVs for aerial and surveillance & reconnaissance services for large industrial establishments. My tasks consisted of assembly and hardware of making Arduino based Quadcopters.

- Can you make this paragraph tighter? Use only the best experience from those you presented in order to cut down on your essay content. The rest of these information should be seen in great detail in your C.V. instead. The SOP is just an overview of the C.V.

So it is imperative that I do my graduate study in a stimulating and challenging academic environment such as that at your school .

- ... in the stimulating and challenging academic environment of your school.

I wish to be considered for admission with fully financial assistance to the M.S. program in Embedded Systems and Robotics; at your university and look forward to being part of your research community.

Right now it seems that your essay is suffering from too much information. You should whittle it down to 500 words maximum. Highlighting only your best assets, accomplishments, and characteristics as a student. I hope that you can revise the essay to make it more concise and therefore, interesting to read :-)
Sep 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / [IELTS Task 2] Pollution and damage of environment are resulted from a country developing. [6]

Many people regard that in a non-globalized country, a significant improvement in all sectors, results environmental damaging and air pollution. Personally, I strongly believe that this argument can be accepted.

- I am not sure what you are trying to say here. This is a very confusing sentence. Are you trying to tell us that in a non-globalized country, the environment is changed by the improving economy of the country?

In the one hand, the development in poverty country can effect environment.

- Again, this sentence does not make sense as an introduction or connecting statement.

In the one hand, the development in poverty country can effect environment. ..

- This sentence does not make any sense. All the sentences are disconnected and does not clearly display your thoughts or sentiments on the matter. You need to rewrite this.

On the other hand, pollution and damaged of environment are not only resulted by the development in a developing country...

- This paragraph tries to present evidence to support the prompt in a very bad and incoherent way.

Please consider writing a totally new essay after having done research and collecting information that will help you present your ideas and factual data in a more understandable way. At this point, the essay still needs a lot of work and does make sense to the reader. I am confident that you can do this rewrite quite well provided you research the material needed to make this a solid and informative essay. I look forward to reading the revised version :-)
Sep 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / IELTS: Should we ban combat sports which depend on violence for their entertainment [4]

The presentation of the reasons behind your support of the ban on violent sports is a bit confusing. I believe that most of the essence of your sentiments gets lost in translation. So let me help you clean up the essay :-)

With the pressures and bustles in modern life, sport is considered as one of the best form of entertainments .

-... pressuresof modern life...

Many people hold a strong view suggesting that combat sportscannot be existed in a civilized society.

- combat sports should not exist in...

due to the reasons presented in this essay.

- reasonsI will present in...

- Let me try to rephrase this for you :In a civilized society, ancient and barbaric sports should not be tolerated because violent sports such as boxing and wrestling are allowed to violate the laws of the land banning violent acts upon one another. Even if seen in terms of sports, these acts often cause life threatening injuries or death since these are extreme contact sports.

-Combat sports have been said to have health and security benefits for individuals. In a properly controlled environment, where the violent sport is played under strict supervision and without the intent to hurt one another, people can gain health benefits from the contact sport as a form of exercise. Men and women can also learn the contact sport to help protect themselves when they find themselves in dangerous situations.

- Since you are talking about these violent sports as having no place in modern society, you should not mention any benefits for the government. Rather, you should point out the rise in public violence due to these contact sports.

- There is no denying that violent sports have its benefits and drawbacks for a civilized society. Given the dangers of the violent sports to those participating in them for entertainment purposes, it is important that these sports be banned as a form of entertainment and only be allowed as a form of sport in a controlled environment.

Here's hoping that my suggestions help to further improve your essay :-)
Sep 4, 2014
Graduate / The Challenge: Why do you want to be a Physician Assistant? [4]

I have read your statement and I have to commend you for being able to transmit your vocation for physician care. It is a pretty solid essay but it needs some cleaning up. I have provided you with some suggestions on how to do that.

- Your answer does not answer the question directly. You need to speak of the challenge that you are looking forward to overcoming as a PA in the future. Your current answer does not provide any information about challenges.

- This should definitely be your opening statement. It connects directly to your challenge answer :-)

- This paragraph could use an introduction before presenting the story that influenced your decision to look into deeper into another health care career opportunity. Connect it to your experience with the death of your grandparents if you can. This will show that you have a deep vocation or a calling for patient care.

- You could rephrase this statement by explaining how you have seen medicine change over time. The seeming lack of interest in the actual care of the patient beyond charting vitals and doctors paying a visit once or twice a day is something that is eliminated in PA's. That is because the PA has a small practice and combines the best of being a doctor and a nurse. It is the new heart of medical care. Or something to that effect :-)

- I suggest that you totally eliminate this paragraph and close using my suggested statement instead. I believe that it will make your paper much stronger :-)

I hope that you consider my suggestions constructively and it finds its way into your next essay draft :-)
Sep 4, 2014
Undergraduate / By being a part of the Madison community I have the best chance to make a difference [3]

It is obvious that you have taken great pains to write this personal statement. You have successfully represented yourself based upon the supplied prompts and allowed the admissions officer a peek into who you are as a person, as a student, and a future engineer. There are just a few grammatical errors that need to be fixed in order to polish the paper further.

to name off some of the top engineering colleges

During my time in Madison, it is my goal to work with

- It has been my dream to pursue my college degree at UW Madison because of my goal to...

Doing this would jump start me into a future career in nuclear or chemical engineering.

- ... my career in...

while working on a team focused on that

- ... working with a team...

By being a part of the Madison community I have the best chance to make a difference,

- By becoming a part of... I will have the best...

I hope that you find my review and suggestions helpful in the finishing of your essay :-) Good luck with your application!
Sep 4, 2014
Writing Feedback / [GRE] ARGUE, changing radio station - memorandum from the manager of WWAC [3]

This is an excellent essay. You were able to convincingly present reasons for the radio station to reconsider its reformatting and also offered some food for thought regarding the pros and cons of the format change. There are some negligible grammatical errors that I need to point out in order to clean up the essay though.

To be properly substantiated to be considered convincing,

it is necessary to examine how big the newly arrived population

-... the size of the newly...

If the increased number of people is substantial comparatively , it makes sense to focus the attention to those after retirement ,

- ... to focus attention on the growing population of retirees ...

Moreover, how big is the population after retirement among the newly arrived population?

- This is a redundancy since you already mentioned considering the population size earlier in the statement.


as to how big portion of they

- as to what portion of their population ...

listen to radio

- listen to the radio

the listeners'

music on radio.

- on the radio

for previous prices for music CDs.

- prices of music...

changes of rate of people

- changes in the rate of people...

the format of radio.

- the format of the radio station .

Lastly , it is

- Finally ,

there is chance in breaking into this new market.

- a chance of breaking into...

Further evidence needs to be provided in terms of the number and proportion of new population and those after retirement, listener's interest in listening to music or news through radio, and customer loyalty of those who listen to news.

- ... listen to news before a solid, final decision about the change in radio station format is made.
I really hope that my suggestions can help you further improve your essay. It is a very well written piece of work that you should be proud of :-)
Sep 4, 2014
Undergraduate / Evaluate ethical dilemma you have faced & its impact to you - questbridge nat'l college match [7]

You have a major problem in this essay in the sense that this is not a major ethical dilemma that you had to overcome. The issue of the LGBT debate about gay marriage did not involve you directly nor affect you in any way. Therefore, you totally missed the point of the essay prompt. You need to write about an issue that direct affects you. Some topics you can discuss include any form of racial discrimination or intolerance that you may have experienced in your country. Or perhaps the issue about religious intolerance outside of your country that you might have experienced when you traveled overseas. Right now, the essay needs to be totally overhauled to respond to the prompt.

I will commend you on your grasp of the English language though. It is near a native speaker level but somehow you seem to have a problem analyzing the requirement of the prompt. Which came as a total surprise to me. Overall, this was an engaging and informative essay. But you need to discuss an ethical dilemma that directly impacted your life. A school test is not enough of an ethical dilemma. You need something heavier to impress the readers and examiners.

Here's hoping my comments help. I am truly looking forward to your next version of this essay :-)
Sep 4, 2014
Undergraduate / How to introduce yourself in your school or classroom. (Short Intro) [3]

As far as I am concerned, this is a very good introduction. While it contains a lot of grammatical errors that need to be corrected, you were successful in introducing yourself, a little about your family, and yourself. But I suggest that you remove the portion where you emphasize that you made the decision to major in your course. You sound almost angry in that portion. As if you had to fight for your choice of course. If there was any conflict between you and your family about your choice of major, I would suggest you leave it out of your introduction. Instead, concentrate on building up your positive points as a student and a classmate. Be friendly and open in your introduction. Remember, you will be working with these people the whole semester, so you should open yourself up to them by introducing your positive traits like being a team player, friendly, reliable, trustworthy, etc. Those are points that you can help you build a good working and academic relationship with your classmates and professor :-)
Sep 3, 2014
Undergraduate / '40 question paper' - describe an incident which led you to challenge yourself [8]

Well then, you did pretty well within 100 words. Although, there are a number of grammatical errors that affected the overall essence of the paper, you managed to let the reader know that you understood the prompt and provided a statement that, although cluttered, answered the requirements posed. The way you grammatically present yourself will improve over time and with regular practice. The incident that you chose was good in the sense that it showed a desire for you to learn and that lack of knowledge is something that you cannot accept. Hence, that will make you a very good and studious student in the future. Overall, it was a good first try. You should try to revise your answer. Now that you have written a first draft, you can try a second draft and see what improvements you were able to make using our previous comments on the first draft :-) I am sure you will notice the difference between the two.

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