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Posts by lfdz
Joined: Apr 2, 2011
Last Post: Feb 23, 2014
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From: Mexico

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Feb 21, 2014
Undergraduate / Stanford University Summer Session (International). [6]

Prompt: How will participating in Stanford Summer Session advance my future career, academic, or personal goals?

Maximum of 500 words in length.


Lorenzo Fernández
Junior in Industrial Design

To whom ever will be an influence to my acceptance as a student,

It's been a while since my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. For me it has been a roller coaster experience; ambivalent feelings begin to emerge... I feel sad but at the same time I'm grateful because of the fact that I've learned so much. Humans have control over so many things, yet we forget that just like any living thing on this planet, we are so vulnerable. We can take care of ourselves, but nothing is one hundred percent guaranteed. We can plan in advance, but we will never be able to predict what its actually going to happen in the future. Sometimes we spend a lot of time thinking instead of actually doing what we want right now. Negative thoughts are the main reason we restrain ourselves to do what our nature dictates us to do. Thinking about future accomplishments or having long-term plans is obviously something very important. But sometimes people plan so much they forget things and ideas change as time passes by. I think its better to stick to the plan knowing that nothing will ever stay the same. My plan is to do what I love right now and when the time comes Ill make a decision on what I want to do next. I'm in the pursuit of becoming a better person, and I will take any opportunity that helps me accomplish that. That's one of the main reason I'm applying for Summer Program, because I believe it will give me the knowledge and experience necessary to make great decisions in life.
Jul 18, 2011
Essays / The Kite Runner: A Marxist Perspective [4]

Hi Charlotte,

I think is very important that you take initiative and come up with ideas yourself.

This website might be helpful if you are looking for advise on how to develop a good thesis.
May 1, 2011
Research Papers / Research - Atomic Bomb in 1945 & Foreign Diplomacy [5]

My recommendation is that you should discuss this issue with someone who is currently studying or has studied history before. Then, write a draft and bring it here... :)
Apr 29, 2011
Writing Feedback / Language Breakdown in Philippines (we have more or less 130 languages) [3]

Hello Rebenrio,

I made some corrections, but don't think they are %100 right. I try my best, though sometimes I make mistakes.

I think you should cut this In the Philippines, a country with 7,107 islands, we havewhich has more or less 130 languages. Although, only Only thirteen are well known <-- where are they and known by who? . I happened to speak Cebuano, my dialect. It was widely spoken to in our village and I grew with it. If there were a speaker of another dialect, I doubt if he is a commoner. He's either having a vacation or just happens to pass by. Generally, I don't need a dictionary to learn a word since the language had already worn out my ears but, now, I think I need one.

I'm not the only one having this dilemma. My classmates are I think you should cut this off -->slowly affected by it, though they rarely notice.

It is really helpful in academic writing and scholarship essays, it is really helpful . It was also helpful in to communicate with other people outside the country.

Best Regards,
Apr 29, 2011
Undergraduate / Marching Band Leadership (past involvement/experience in marching band) [2]

Hello again,

Being a member of the Delran High School Golden Regiment has taught me essential qualities such as respect for others..

I think this sentence is too long, make it shorter. *.*

I have spent two years marching in the "Golden Regiment' and my senior year in high school will be my third, and sadly, last

My senior year will be the last of three consecutive years being a member of the Golden Regiment.

I think of the lessons what lessons? I have learned about being a partmember of a group group of what? and putting needs of others above yourself.

I have been honored to have the extremely rewarding feeling that comes with being a part member of a group what group? . I like this sentence =)

My years of marching on the filed field? as a bass drum and performing as a member of the pit percussion section have given me a new sense of pride that can not be earned any other way. are you sure that sense can not be earned any other way?

Best Regards,
Apr 29, 2011
Undergraduate / "to help others was an expectation" - OB/GYN SPELMAN COLLEGE [3]

Hello Ashley,

I made some corrections below- don't believe they are 100% correct. I try my best, but sometimes I make mistakes. =)

Whether it was with someone's home work, or even opening a door, I have always been dedicated to doing so.

I would write something like this: Whether it was helping someone with his or her homework, or opening the door for them, I have always been dedicated to doing so.

I feel helping others who can't help themselves is a very important virtue to have.

I'm always at the disposal of people who seek for help, and I think this is a valuable virtue.
Apr 28, 2011
Writing Feedback / there will always be a curse out of it; Computer Literacy is a Curse [6]

Hello Rebenrio,

Some of the sentences you wrote don't sound right to me.

Above are some sentences that I think had/needed to be edited/corrected according to my writing skills.

Even if you did, the same question appears in the next few months with the same person who asked it

Even if you did, after a few months, the same question would be repeated by the same person who had asked the same question before.

It is like an obligation to be computer literate rather than an asset.

Explain why. Oh, and I think is "its" instead of "it is". =)

I was patient in all aspects of life but they took that attribute from me

This sentence doesn't sound right to me. Who is they? *.*

To be a teacher was my childhood dream and my hero. But after having a glimpse of its insanity, I vowed not be one

I think you should take the "and my hero" part off. It doesn't sound right to me.
Explain "its insanity"

Best Regards,
Apr 28, 2011
Writing Feedback / "The creative arts are as necessary" - arts at school essay [3]

Hello William,

From my point of view, the way your write some of the sentences doesn't sound right when I read them.

In my opinion, and according to my writing skills, above are some sentences that I think had/needed to be edited/corrected:

While many schools do neglect the importance of the creative arts, they fail to realize that the creative arts are very important to the student's academic progress.

Many schools neglect the importance of creative arts courses, although creative arts could be as important as other courses.


While the so-called 'practical subjects" such as math, science, are important, the creative arts, such as music, are equally important. The creative arts, unlike the sciences, are tools by which individuals can channel their emotions, whether they be violent, happy or melancholy.

The so-called "practical subjects" such as math or science provide useful and basic knowledge to the students, and that allows them to make better decisions while they chose which career to pursue. However, I believe its important not to discard the creative arts from the list, because of the fact that...

Best regards,
Apr 28, 2011
Scholarship / Nursing and hospital - how you can contribute to the community [4]

Hello Phelisha,

From my point of view, I would say that the sentence, in the quote below, sounds like you are trying to compare yourself with others. That is not a bad thing, although I'm sure they receive many applications, like yours, so let them do the comparisons.

My opinion is that you should talk more about yourself, and not make comparisons.
Now, if you want to keep that sentence, make sure you write positive things about the people your comparing yourself with. :)

Many people choose careers when they're young but lack the motivation and passion to do so. I am pleased to say that choosing my career path was an easy decision for me.

This sentence doesn't sound right to me. *.*

My fours years in High School have been tough but thanks to my mentors, I have successfully pushed through difficult journeys

Instead, I would write this: My four years in High School have been tough. Thanks to my mentors, because if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have pushed myself through many difficult journeys.

Best Regards,
Apr 27, 2011
Student Talk / How can I contribute to this awesome website? [40]

One thing that I think hasn't been mentioned yet, is the fact that people not only develop new writing abilities, but they also learn new things from the content of the essays they read; each time I correct an essay I become a more informed individual.

Thanks EF for giving me the opportunity of becoming a wise person, including all of the privileges described at the top of this thread, which help me in the development of my English abilities.
Apr 26, 2011
Faq, Help / Adding a plagiarism filter. [7]

I lack of programming abilities. But, I believe its possible. If they have good programmers, I think they could build their own "plagiarism filter" and add it to the website. A program that searches, in the net, automatically and if it finds something similar to the text submited: plagiarism alert!

PS. sorry for the late reply, I haven't checked the site for days.
Apr 12, 2011
Faq, Help / Adding a plagiarism filter. [7]

Sorry for writing something non-related to the topic... I thought it would be a great idea to add a plagiarism filter for the threads... What do you think? (Kevin)
Apr 12, 2011
Undergraduate / Essay for a Summer Program of Architecture [5]

Hello Kevin :)

Thanks for the feedback!

I really appreciate your help.

Most of people who have read the essay tend to laugh in that part... haha

Best Regards,
Apr 11, 2011
Undergraduate / Essay for a Summer Program of Architecture [5]

This is how it looks now.

When I attended Midwinter Ball for the first time, I was curious as to where it would be held. I was told by a friend that Midwinter Ball is held at the gym. I didn't believe him because of the fact that the gym is for sports and there is no way it could be modified into a ball room. However, there is always a possibility and they did it-- the room didn't look like a gym anymore. The aesthetics of the room captivated me. Simple details, such as the light effects played an important role making a change in the atmosphere of the room.

The bleachers, which have always been on the sides of the gym, were impossible to distinguish, because they were pushed up against the wall and covered with white and blue curtains, and with Christmas lights. These lights added to the already-incredible scene within the gym. The floor was covered with floor mats and the tables were situated in placed away from the main dance floor, so as to allow more room for the actual dance. The basketball hoops were pulled away and replaced with Christmas lights which surrounded the disco ball situated at the center of the room. The size of the gym also played a big role in the event making it easier to move around and dance for hours without any difficulties.

The dates were asked to head over the gym after dinner. Meanwhile, my date was telling me how excited she was for the event. I was excited too, but I'm not the kind of person who talks a lot; I express what I feel with my eyes because they never lie. So, she kept talking, and talking, until we arrived at the gym. At the moment we entered the room everything was quiet. Now I was able to see real excitement through the eyes of my date, which express more than just words-- true emotions.

The main reason that this event was so successful was because of the amount of space available, which greatly added to the Ball as a whole. This relates to the subject of architecture itself, in that the physical environment played a major role in the event's outcome.
Apr 10, 2011
Undergraduate / Essay for a Summer Program of Architecture [5]

Added and edited a little...

When I attended Midwinter Ball for the first time, I was curious as to where it would be held. I was told by a friend that Midwinter Ball is held at the gym. I didn't believe him because of the fact that the gym is for sports and there is no way it could be modified into a ball room. However, there is always a possibility ...

Apr 10, 2011
Undergraduate / Essay for a Summer Program of Architecture [5]

This is the second yet not complete, of two essays I have to write for a summer program of architecture. I'm completely blank. I don't know what to add... so any help is welcomed. :)


Prompt Describe a compelling social occasion from your personal experience, where the physical environment played an important role in affecting the nature of that occasion. Pay close attention to the particular characteristics of the place.

Essay I didn't know where the ball was going to take place, until somebody told me that traditionally, midwinter ball is held at the gym. I didn't believe that for the fact that the gym is for sports and there is no way it could be modified into a ball room. However, there is always a possibility and they did it-- the room didn't look like a gym anymore. Details such as the disco ball, the lights, and the music made me forget I was in the gym. The aesthetic of the room captivated me.
Apr 7, 2011
Undergraduate / "I heard the term Psychology" - Research Assistant Application [2]

Ever since I heard the term Psychology in middle school, I have been fascinated to learn about the complex and even mysterious human behaviors and mental processes.

I am interested in a career as a psycologist. In fact Ive alwas been fascinated to learn about the complex and even mysterious behaviors and mental processes of the humans.

bon travail! :)
Apr 6, 2011
Undergraduate / "it's only a matter of will to overcome our obstacles" - admissions, college apps [12]

Don't say that you have little experience in the area. It's truthful, but does not help your case.

I thought the same thing but I left it that way because the summer program is for people who have little to no background in architecture. Should I still cut it off the essay or leave it that way?

Thanks for the help :)
Apr 4, 2011
Undergraduate / "it's only a matter of will to overcome our obstacles" - admissions, college apps [12]

Thanks a lot EF_Kevin and EricJ for your help. :)

Im also working on a different essay. However, this one is for a summer program admission. Its shorter.. hope you can give it a look and tell me what you think. Thanks!

Why do you wish to enroll in the Summer Academy of architecture?

I will form part of an undergraduate program of architecture next year, although, I have little experience in this area, I'm sure its what I want to do for my career. Art has been one of my favorite subjects since I was a kid. I think the fact I was raised by two artists, my father and my mother, plays a big role in the interest I acquired for art throughout my childhood. Although, art is divided in many branches, I didn't know which one to choose for my career, until last year. I was in ethics class and the teacher showed the class a video, which showed major characteristics of environmental issues. From that moment I decided I want to dedicate my life to design buildings which look good for the human eye, and more important, that respect the nature in the environment where they are built.

The key for an endurable life is to live with the nature, not apart of it.

I wish to enroll in the Summer Academy because I believe it will be a great opportunity to develop great skills in designing, and to use my creativity to work on the projects that teachers will assign to me as well. I want to prove myself of what I'm capable to do. Just like many people, I have initiative to start a project. What makes me different from others is the fact that I have the discipline to follow every step, taking in count every necessary detail, until the project is concluded.

I'm open to learn new things from the teachers, therefore come up with my own ideas, give them shape and save them just in case I need them for an assignment in a future event.

I want to prepare myself as much as I can for college, and nothing would be better than working in an environment where everyone who is working there has the same interests as me.
Apr 2, 2011
Writing Feedback / IELTS task 2: Developed nation should tackle refugee problem [8]

'One of the major problems facing the world today is the growing number of refugees'

Correction: The world is actually facing many problems, such as the incredibly number of refugees, which keeps growing continually..
Apr 2, 2011
Undergraduate / "it's only a matter of will to overcome our obstacles" - admissions, college apps [12]

This is one of many essays--the longest--that ive written for my college apps. Please read and share your opinion about it. Thanks!

In life we are presented with innumerable obstacles. An example of this is fear. Being afraid to face an impediment is very common in many situations, especially difficult encounters. Essentially, the world is divided into two groups of people: those who have the will to face the challenges that will be presented during the course of their lives, and those who are too afraid to confront them. The ability to face these barriers, other people, or sometimes even ourselves is developed with experiences where an individual must find a way to deal with a dilemma that won't let the individual accomplish a task or a mission in life.

The capacity of overcoming these barriers is measured with the abilities that I have developed in my life. When I first got to SJNMA, last January, my English was not as good as it is right now. There was an obvious lack of communication and understanding between the teachers and I. Therefore, I could not express myself very well. Sometimes they couldn't understand what I was trying to say. That was the first barrier I had to deal with. I live in an environment where everyone speaks English. It wasn't easy at the beginning, other students laughed at me when the teacher asked me to read a text from a book or when I tried to explain something. But I didn't care, because failure is not an option for me. I knew what my goal was and nothing would interfere with what I wanted. Months passed and I got better and better. I decided to take a course of English during summer which helped me improve my ability in reading and writing. Now that I am in English 4, I feel comfortable reading books that are more difficult to read as well as writing papers about them.

At the beginning of this school year I was invited to join Cadre, a military training program designed to provide and give structure to the leaders of the Corps of Cadets. One of the most difficult challenges was the obstacle course. We were assigned to do it with the intention of testing our problem-solving abilities.

I was one of the first members of the group to finish the task, but one of the team members was stuck on an obstacle. As a unit we had to help each other. I managed to encourage him, but he denied that he had the skill or ability to get through the obstacle. He could not see what I could. I was looking at an individual with all the necessary tools to overcome the obstacle but he was blinded by his fear. I had to come up with something that would ignite motivation in him. The first thing that came up to my mind was: "Cadet, this is an example of an obstacle that you are going to have to face within the course of your life. Believe that you are strong enough to conquer your fear and overcome this obstacle." Instantly, I could see the motivation in his eyes. He was no longer afraid of the wall, and did not doubt his abilities anymore.

Obstacles exist and we all have the capacity to overcome them; it's only a matter of will.
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