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Posts by ghafarimahsa
Joined: Jul 10, 2011
Last Post: Sep 15, 2011
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From: Islamic Republic of Iran

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Sep 15, 2011
Writing Feedback / Most of the students who take advantage of a good sense of humor are much happier in their life [3]

A good sense of human is one of the most important human qualities

Some people believe that a good sense of humor is one of the most significant human qualities, but others think that many other aspects of behaviour are more important or it is has detrimental effects. In my prospective, a good sense of humor can be counted as the most important human qualities, because of many results that it can cause.

According to the psychologist, the people who have a good sense of humor are more successful in their life, and most of them do not suffer from stress, anxiety and so forth. For example, a research conducted in universities of Canada shows that most of the students who take advantage of a good sense of humor are much happier in their life, and they are more successful in not-individual works. Besides, it shows that this kind of people has more abilities to be a leader of a group, because the members of group can trust on them better. Moreover, they can make friend easier, and due to this fact, they suffer from loneliness.

In courses related to business, the lecturers always highlight the importance of having a good sense of humor in a job. According o their states, the customer will trust to the businessman much easier, if he shows a good sense of humor, because it helps the customers to decide better when they are in dilemma. Besides, it is proved that another beneficial effect of a good sense of humor is that people will be more enthusiastic to continue their business with that man.

To sum up, a good sense of humor has many beneficial effects in our life. It can help people to be more successful not only in their social behaviour but also help them more in their jobs.
Sep 9, 2011
Writing Feedback / There is nothing that an uneducated person can teach an educated person. Do you agree [5]

Thank you in advance for any post.

A good teacher is not always a high-educated person. I utterly disagree with this claim that uneducated people cannot teach educated ones. To support my idea, there are some reasons, which are explained as follows.

First and foremost, during the life, everybody will face problems, which how to solve, pass and skirt the problems are rest on many reasons. Gradually, people will gain many experiments in their lives. Experiments are not limited in academic situations, all around us help us to challenge and get experiments. When children born, they enter to their families and learn how to live. Maybe their parents are not educated ones, but they teach their children the ways of living, how to eat, what to eat and so forth. No one can ignore the importance of family in teaching. For example, when I was eighteen my grandmother taught me how to cook, I was not too interested in learning, because I thought I could learn it via books whenever I need it. But, nowadays, whenever I cook, it summons of memories of my grandmother, which explained everything in detail about cooking, and this is why I am a good cook today.

Educated people try to find all details to prove why something is right. In some cases, which they could not prove a phenomenon, they prefer to ignore it. But many useful experiments rest on what our ancestors told us, Although they do not rest on substantiated assumptions, they works well. For example, it is said that if you have headache, you should eat a leave of Malure,which is a well-known tree in Iran. It really works, especially if you suffer from Migraine like me, but no doctor suggests it.

To sum up, there are many experiments and information that uneducated people can teach us and the teaching materials are not limited only in academic places.
Sep 9, 2011
Writing Feedback / TOEFL - The government should support science research [12]

SL Lee,
Your essay is so nice, in order to make it more meaningful I restate some of your sentences. I hope it will help you.

This is big deal, because, in the future, technologies equal money ( by upgrading technology, the country will be able to make more money)

Therefore, the government should invest inthe science studiesbecause of ready for the future. ( to guarantee the future of county

In conclusion, I claim that the government has to aid the scientists who studies nature science. It is because the science is father of the other study and it can be competitive power in the future.

Sep 9, 2011
Writing Feedback / "majority of men would like to see additional sports programs on television" KICK GRE [3]

"A nationwide survey reveals that a sizeable majority of men would like to see additional sports programs on television. After television station WACK increased its sports broadcasts, its share of the television audience in its viewing area almost doubled. To gain a larger audience share in our area, and thus increase company profits, KICK should also revise its broadcast schedule to include more sports coverage."

The writer of the argument, who is the manager of television station KICK, recommends that in order to gain a larger audience share in his area, KICK should also add more sports program. To support this recommendation, the manager cites a nationwide survey which shows that the majority of men are looking for additional sports programs on TV; moreover, he points out that television station WACK increased its sports broadcast, and its audience doubled in its area. However, this recommendation cannot be accepted as it is, because it rest on a number of assumption all of which can be challenged in one way or another.

The first problem with the argument is that it is not stated how many people took part in this survey. As you know, in surveys the grater the number of people in the sample, the more reliable and valid the findings are. Maybe in this study only ten people participated; hence, the findings of such a survey are neither reliable nor valid.

Even if it is assumed that enough people took part in this survey. There is still another problem with the sample. In a trustworthy survey, the finding can be generalized to the target population only if the sample used is representative of the concerned population in terms of age, sex, social class, culture, etc; however in his argument there is no evidence to show whether the sample used was representative of the target population. For instance, in this survey only men are considered although we know that most of the television audiences are women, especially housekeepers which prefer to watch other programs such as cooking programs. Maybe, this policy may result in decreasing the amount of time regarding to women, and reduces the number of women's audiences. It follows that the findings of this study cannot be applied to the member of the population without any reservation.

Another problem with the argument is that the manager assumes that the television audience in WACH doubled it increased its sports broadcasts. However, there is no evidence to definitely prove that the increase of audience happens because of added sports broadcasts. Maybe the increase of audience is due to other program, such as a popular TV serial. Perhaps at that time, Olympic Games started and people were more interested in the field of sports; therefore, it will reduce after the end of Olympic Games.

The final problem with the argument is that the writer assumes that all conditions in the WACK TV station are identical to KICK. However, there is no evidence to identify prove that this is the case. Maybe the WACK is a sports channel and it is essential for it to allot the majority of its programs to sports, but the KICK is a religious TV and its audiences count sports as an inane programs. It is entirely possible.

In the final analysis, the writer's recommendation cannot be taken to be correct because as it was shown in the body paragraphs above, it depends on a number of assumptions each of which is questionable. The recommendation can only be accepted if the weaknesses already referred to are all removed.
Aug 29, 2011
Writing Feedback / Childhood is the happiest time of a person's life, but it cannot be generalized. [3]

Dear friends, here is an essay that I wrote in 30 min. Actually, I can do my best in this limitation time. I dont know what shall I do... :(

Some people believe that the childhood is the happiest time of a person's life, others do not think so. I think that childhood may not be the best and happiest time for everyone. To explain why I take this position, there are some reasons, which are mentioned as follows.

Explanation the good or bad features of childhood is highly depended on our experience on that time. Some people believe that children cannot utterly understand what is happening around them, and it make them to be happy always. However, children can understand all in detail, actually their reactions are different. For example, my closed friend, Nasim, faced with many problems when she was child. After that the company of his father bankrupted, his father had a heart attack. After a few weeks, he passed away, while Nasim was studying in primary school. She was not good at showing her feeling, but I completely felt how much she is depressed. And now whenever I talk to her about the past, she tells me that her childhood was the worse time in her life.

Some people believe that childhood is the happiest time in person's life, because the children have no task and duty to do; moreover, there are less rules and regulation for them, but it is not true to some extent. Nowadays, many children around the world face problems due to poverty. Many of them have to work all day to make money, only to gain a little food to eat. How their childhood be counted as their happiest time?

To sum up, our experiences during the childhood may cause us count it as the happiest time, but it cannot be generalized.
Aug 28, 2011
Writing Feedback / "Mr. Charles Schade has been the music director" - GRE argument essay [NEW]

Help me to improve my writing skill, Thanks in advance for any post.

The following appeared in a memo from the chairperson of the school board in the town of Saluda.
"For the past five years, Mr. Charles Schade has been the music director at Steel City High school, and during that time the school band from Steel City High has won three regional band competitions. In addition, the quality of the music rehearsal facilities and musical instruments at Steel City High has improved markedly over the past five years. Because of such successes at Steel City High, the Saluda school board should hire Mr. Schade to plan and direct the general music education programs for the entire Salida school system."

The writer of argument recommends that in order to enhance musical program, the Saluda school board should hire Mr. Schade to manage the general music education programs. To support this recommendation the writer point out that his attempts led to win three regional band competitions and upgrading musical instrument at Steel City High School during the past five years. This argument rests on a series of unsubstantiated and controversial assumptions, which are discussed as follows.

The first problem with this argument is that the writer assumes that winning of three regional band competitions was due to management of Mr. Schade. However, there is no evidence to prove that these achievements actually happened because of him. For example, maybe the students of Steel City High School are so talented and in music and allot their time to rehearse at home. Perhaps these three competitions were for elementary musical students and they could be success easily among them.

Secondly, even if these three victories can be count as remarkable ones, the Saluda school board assume that upgrading the quality of musical instrument and other musical facilities was due to his music director. Perhaps the parents of students at Steel City School were so rich and donated a large amount of money for school renovation and upgrading musical instruments. Maybe the board of Steel City High School put money into musical activities for betterment of their performance in upcoming ceremonies. Or maybe Steel City High School is a music school and allot more money for musical activities, but the Sauluda school is an ordinary school which does not enough equipments to improve

Even assuming that all musical success and improvement of Steel City High school are attributed to Mr. Schade's attempts, the writer fails to consider possible differences between Steel City High and Saluda school. Maybe Steel High is a musical school with suitable facilities for their student and supports them in all respects, but Saluda is an ordinary one which they cannot afford the musical expenses. Perhaps the city which Steel City school is located is often regarded as the cradle of art and music and the residents pay more attention to the growth of music, but the dwellers around Saluda school have religious extremist beliefs who assume playing music as a inane activity.

Last but not least, writer assumes that things remain the same during the past five years. However, in most cases this is not true. Maybe nowadays, due to global economic recession, students prefer to study in money-making and guaranteed majors, such as medicine and people cannot afford to pay the high tuitions of music classes.

In the final analysis, the writer's recommendation cannot be taken to be correct because as it was shown in the body paragraphs above, it depends on a number of assumptions each of which is questionable. The recommendation can only be accepted if the weaknesses already referred to are all removed.
Aug 28, 2011
Writing Feedback / "He who hesitates is lost" + "modern technological world" - short compositions [3]

Fang Yu,
Your essay is great, here are some points to maket it better. let me know if I made any mistake.
this idiom describe that the man who can't (cannot) make '"Do not use contractions"

Some people hesitating or deliberating things too much may easily lose the critical time for making the action ( Too much hesitating and deliberating may lead to lose the critical time to make a decision)

I was prom to waste time ( I used to waste my time)

pollution is uncountable

creatures' habitats

To sum up, I think the whole environment has mostly been negatively (or detrimental affected that seems to need a long time for recovery ( I think growing technology has some detrimental effects on the environment that needs a long time to recovery)

Thank you for your post on my essay.
Aug 27, 2011
Writing Feedback / Toefl :Advance in transportation and communication like the airplane and the phone [4]

"Advance in transportation and communication like the airplane and the telephone have changed the way that nations interact with each other in a global society. Choose another technological innovation that you think is important. Give specific reason for your choice."

Nowadays, everyone can see the effect of technology on their life, especially on the way of transportations and communications such as the airplane and the telephone. There are lots of other effects of growing technology on transportations and communications, which are mentioned as follows.

First and foremost, email can be count as one of the most beneficial results of modern technology. Many years ago, peoples had to pay a great deal of money to post their letters, and their payements were related to the weight of their letters or boxes, and many accidents may cause problem that the post could not be delivered. But nowadays, all people can take advantage of internet to have their own email free, and send their emails to everyone in no time, besides they can be sure if their emails have been delivered or not.

Another important aspect on technology is transferring money. Today, students can apply for foreign universities much easier than before. Not only with the help of sending email, but also using credit cards to pay all necessary fees online. Therefore, with the (advent) of internet and online paying systems, you can do many thing at your home easily.

Another technological innovations which help people around the world is related to medical equipments. Biomedical engineers could make a significant effect on increasing life expectancy the world. For example, one of their inventions was related to artificial heart valves which can be count as a turning point in heart surgeries. In the past time doctors used pig heart's valve to implant, but the patient could not be alive more than 3 years after the replacement. But now, biomedical engineers can make artificial heart valves which works well and doctors can implant them easily.

To sum up, technology has helped us to have more comfortable life. You can see its effects on transportation, communication, medicine and so forth.
Aug 19, 2011
Writing Feedback / Teachers obligations are much greater that can be summarized only in compliment and punishment [9]

"The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones."

The writer states that the best way to teach includes two major points, acclaiming positive actions and ignoring negative ones. I do not agree with the assertion utterly and I believe that it needs to be discussed widely. Some questions may arise after reading this claim, such as the ways of teaching and whether ignoring negative actions works well is every situation. There are some reasons, based on my position, which are mentioned as follows.

First and foremost, praising or ignoring is only one part of teachers obligation, so it cannot necessarily be counted as the best way. Nowadays, teachers are looking for finding the best methods to teach students. A great deal of research has been conducted by psychologist to find out the best method of teaching. According to the one of their articles published in Associated Press, there is no best way to teach for all students. They found out that for every student there is only a way which can be counted as the best one and teachers should know all teaching methods and the best time to utilize them. At the first step, teachers should discover the students aptitudes and fit the techniques in germane to the students abilities. For instance, in the field of music, some students learn via their ears; It is enough for them to listen to a music several times then they can play the music well, others prefer to learn music based on traditional method, such as reading notes. Although both the ways should be taught, teachers should adopt a suitable approach to upgrade his educational styles for every student.

In the past time, teachers believed that best way to teach is punishing. This method had a detrimental effect on students and makes them escape from school. After a while, praising replaced punishment and it became an important turning point in educational methods. Nowadays, praising positive actions is counted as one of the best way which help student to improve, but ignoring all negative ones may not assist them to reform, in some cases they may consider their actions as a social accepted ones. For instance, children should learn moral values and social patterns as well as social constraints. If negative points of children behavior are not reformed, at the time they want to enroll social group, they will face will many problem, which are due to the differences between educated pattern and social values. Moreover, I believe that although praising in public help students to improve, criticizing has detrimental effects in this situation, such as social complexity. According to behaviorism, teachers should disregard negative action in public, and then criticize him or her in private.

So, based on all the above mentioned points, teachers obligations are much greater that can be summarized only in compliment and punishment. Moreover, ignoring negative points does not help students to reform their behaviors. Besides, students should not be criticized in public and teachers should consider their negative actions and talk about it later in private.
Aug 16, 2011
Undergraduate / "Learn as if you were to live forever" - SOP for Chemical Engineering [3]

Your essay is great, but I feel you translated some of your sentences from your mother tongue to english. It's a common problem that I have too. Try to think in English

my life I was always curious and asked

Even so much so that is a fundamental basis for understanding other disciplines, such as a biology and physics ??????

for the betterment of society.

Goooooooooooood luck
Aug 14, 2011
Writing Feedback / People should listen to others criticism and think if it's to worth accept it [2]

whether such advices or criticism IS suitable

In many cases where a team is working together and every team member has his/her own partrole

Moreover, although the advices are not required (advice is an uncountable noun

However, it is not say thatIt could not be said that every suggestion

Eric, your example about Harry Potter's author is so logical and reasonable, nice...

You are a good writer, Good luck

Aug 14, 2011
Writing Feedback / Greece - which country would you visit if you have 2 weeks free time? [3]

country, so if I had a chance to be free for two weeks I will travel to Greece
Greece is my first priority to visit it ,due to some reasons

Greece primarily has aM editerranean climate

healthiest countries ( so nice expression )

I have lived in a town whose weather is dirty... It is better to say contaminated air

Pooya, after full stop add space and start your new sentense with a capital letter : do the people have in that country.forcountry. For an elucidation,when

In 2011 Santorini was voted

Doctor Pooya, I hope you will be free enough to travel to Greece.

Aug 11, 2011
Writing Feedback / Our ever-increasing use of technology significantly reduces human interaction? [NEW]

Some people believe that our ever-increasing use of technology significantly reduces our opportunities for human interaction. Other people believe that technology provides us with new and better ways to communicate and connect with one another.

The author states that people can be divided in two parts according to their beliefs towards the effect of growing technology on people's communication. In the first group people who believe that technology will actually reduce their opportunities for human interaction are place and in other group you will face people who believe that growing technology provide their better ways to communicate with each other. I totally disagree with this controversial separation. Increasing use of technology led to both negative and positive effect on human interaction, which should be discussed widely.

In respect to the first group, I generally disagree with their attitude. For instance, I would like to speak about one of the most popular social networking service, Facebook, users may create a personal profile, add their friends to the profile, and exchange messages and pictures. It has a powerful search machine that one can find their old friends based on the name and the position, as well as your mutual friends. You can take advantageous of this website by sharing your ideas with your friend and chatting with them in a kindly virtual world. Moreover, in the past 30 years, phone conversations and letter writing were the only ways to communicate with someone in another country. People had to cost allot to connect each other from far distances. But now, one can make video call via internet easily and almost everyone can afford utilizing this technology to communicate in a very user-friendly way. Therefore, it is unfair not to seeing any advantageous of growing technology in communicating.

For the next group, who believe that technology provide us better and new ways to connect each other. I partially agree with the assertion to some extents. I actually believe that it is not always better ways to communicate and it highly depends on the situation. Although new arrival technology to communicate is so time and money saving in comparison to old ones, it is not suitable for every time. Admittedly, this ways are not suitable when one wants to communicate with their spouse or mother. If there is someone in our life, who is respectful and lovely, we should actually allot our time to have a face-to-face communicating to them. It is the oldest way of connecting, and best way for sharing feelings. Besides, some misunderstanding may occur when you use new ways of connecting such as chatting. Because the what you look and the way you speaking are not transferred when chatting, one will understand your meaning incorrectly. As a result, it cannot be count as the best ways always.

To sum up, neither agree nor disagree with the effects of phenomena is not the best way to settle it. The best way is using it to obviate our needs and do not let it control our life.
Aug 11, 2011
Writing Feedback / Communication through technology should replace all other forms of communication..... [3]

woooow, your essay is great like always, but let me tell you something
I always follow your essays. In general, I would like to talk to you about GRE topics. It will be better for you if you challenge with the topic that makes writing for you easier. In this topic words like ALL or REPLACE should be discussed more. We have face-to-face communicating, which your feeling can be transferred in the best way that your email, phone and so forth cannot be replaced at all. Your strategy is to do agree with all topics, why Bimala??? I see this kind of policy in your "ORIGINALITY" essay too. Take it easy my lovely friend

Be sure that you can save your time and support your essay easier in this way. When stating a preference, it is better to concede that the opposing view has merit ;)

Besides, I would like to thank you for your nice and helpful comments below my essays. Nice to see your correction always

Aug 11, 2011
Writing Feedback / The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system [4]

Hi guys, help me to improve my writing. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

"The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas-not to prepare them for a specific job"

The author asserts the idea that the goal of education should not be preparing students for a specific career, but providing them with partially a value system and a standard, as well as a set of idea. I generally disagree with this assertion that the only purpose of education is preparing students for having a moral life in the society. I believe that this claim should be divided into some parts: (1) the purpose of education and its influence in society; (2) study of importance of teaching value systems, moral standards and social limitations; and finally (3) why preparing students should be a part of educational duties.

The purpose of education should derive from the needs of society. Being familiar with a value system and a standard can be count as the primary goal of education. To use an analogy, it would be like entrancing a new place. Beforehand, one should learn all the rules and regulation governing there, as well as the customs people must respect. Therefore, making students ready to entrance the society is the first duty of education that includes all about rules, standard, limitation and so forth. Moreover, students should be ready to play their roles in society, and this is what educational systems should meet.

As I mentioned above, the primary goal of education is learning a value system and a suitable pattern for living. One should know all governing constraints and moral values, which make students to behave in a way that they do not harm other people. Besides, they should be aware of all social harm, such as addiction, and learn how to avoid it. Admittedly, students will face many problems in the future. A good educational system will prepare them to choose best strategies towards difficulties. As this rudimentary kind of information is necessary for all, it should be taught before pupils are graduated from high school.

I totally agree that pupils should be educated for a specific job. At the first step, the authorities ought to specify what is needed in country, due to obviate the needs, many jobs will announced to educational systems. Therefore, educational systems will do their best to prepare students for a career based on their interest and what jobs are needed in society. This process will indicate the future of a country, and it will definitely clarify the importance of educational centers. For instance, becoming a doctor requires many years of research, education and experience. Admittedly, if a medicine student is educated only some ideas, standards and values, how could they do a surgery in the future?

To sum up, one has two types of interaction in the real world. First and foremost, we should be aware of what the society expects us and what are the rules and values in gregarious life. Then, the needs of a society can be obviated only when people do their job perfectly. Admittedly, it is educational systems duty to prepare student not only for a value system, but also a specific job.
Aug 3, 2011
Writing Feedback / GRE:As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, humans thinking [2]

your essay is great, but I would like to tell u some points.
- start your essay with restating the topic than clear your possion...
- you stated that in some extent you agree with the author, but you do not expalin it at all
- choose different reasons to support your preference, you only explain about your software....

Aug 1, 2011
Writing Feedback / GRE: The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them [6]

The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries...

The author states that contemporaries are not able to understand the importance and greatness of individuals who live with them and it will found only by future people. I partly agree with this assertion that by time passing many ambiguities may become obvious, but in some cases, many great men have been acclaimed, when they were alive. I believe that this assertion highly depends on the social condition and religious beliefs that people have at that time, as well as subject area of the issue. There are some examples to support my preference, which are discussed below.

In many respects, people strongly believed to their religions. Religious fanaticism made them accept many superstitions as facts. Even being curious about these so-called facts was an illegitimate action. For instant, Galileo, a famous astronomer, lived in such situation that every questionable issue was answered by religious leaders. At that time people believed that the Earth is center of the world and every planets and stars, even the Sun, rotates around it and this assertion was written in religious books. During that particular time, Galileo devoted himself to studying about planets movement. After a great deal of attempts, he discovered a shocking fact. He stated that not only the Earth is not the center of the world, but also it rotates around the Sun. He actually deserved great acclaims, but unfortunately he called as a criminal person, who tried to ignore religious beliefs. Due to his claim, he was condemned to spend the rest of his life in prison.

On the other hand, nowadays, Bill Gates is well-known as one of the most successful and richest men in the world. He immersed himself in computer programming and his efforts became a turning point in computer science. Every one of us is taking advantages of his inventions during working with computers. Microsoft is the most popular computer-based corporation, which its chairman cannot be anyone but Gates. Moreover, he has been acclaimed in any ceremonies and people like to buy his trustworthy software.

Now some questions may arise in one's mind after reading the claim that no great man is highly praised by contemporaries. By having a more precise look at the reasons, we will find that being acclaimed is highly depends on the need of people on the time. Nowadays, improving at the dissemination of information and computer software is one of the most necessities that Gates put all his energy on it. On the other hand, the movement of earth did not only change the people lives but also would destroyed their religious beliefs. From other point of view, the authorities play an important roles to makes someone be famous or not. If one's theory would not be harmful, they may let it publish. Some assertions are like a threat for the authorities, which most of them are related to political or religious matters. Therefore, the field which great men work at, can cause them to improve or not. Artists, scientists and athletes who their improvements have no conflict with the bases on social beliefs and the authorities power have more chance to be acclaimed by their contemporaries.
Aug 1, 2011
Writing Feedback / "Your grandmother left you in her will 4 things to choose from" - Clep [3]

Therefore, there are no doubts that I will choose the diary written by my grandmother over other things, not only because it gives something to remember my grandmother, but more importantly, it offers great advices and suggestions, that I could benefit from in my entire life.

I really love your grandmother
Jul 26, 2011
Writing Feedback / TOEFL, The best things in life do not cost money, agree or disagree [9]

Dear hvthoteen,
I am really thanksful for your corrections, and I'll be so grateful if you could have a look to my other essays too.
I dont have enough time, my TOEFL exam is on 23th September. What shall I do now? Could you please introduce a suitable book to me?

Thank you in advance
Jul 25, 2011
Writing Feedback / TOEFL, The best things in life do not cost money, agree or disagree [9]

Nowadays, no one can neglect the importance of money in life. Having a great deal of money helps you overcome many problems like buying a house and educational tuitions, as well as paying taxes on time. But, the aroused question it is that whether the best things in life cost money or not. I totally believe that the most significant factors in our life do not cost money. There are some reasons due to my preference that are mentioned below.

Growing technology in the world tends people to be busier with earning money. They allot all the time to think about how can their expenses be paid and what is the best way to gain money rapidly. According to the psychologist, money is the first priority for many people nowadays, and this issue makes them be greedy. Based on a research conducted in United Stated, the majority of employees who immerse themselves in making money, have a psychological disorder, and that is due to not being satisfied from their life. The psychologists believe that most of them suffer from emotional problem, and by becoming a rich man they want to pretend being a successful one. Sometime, it is necessary to look back in our life and estimate what have higher preference in our life.

Being relaxed is one of the most important factors in every one life. Although expenditures can creates stress, enough money will never make you relaxed. How much the kindness of a mother cost? Of course, no one can answer this question because the best things which can makes you calm do not cost anything like love, kindness and forgiveness. For example, among the rich people, divorce is more common in comparison with the other levels of society. They believe that by money one can reach everything, but actually real love cannot be achieved by money. And it's the reason that unfaithfulness and infidelity are prevalent there.

To sum up, it is better to look for what are the best things in our life. However money is necessary in our life, it can never be replaced of love and kindness in our life.

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