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Posts by enigma33
Joined: Dec 19, 2012
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From: Yemen

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Dec 19, 2012
Undergraduate / That was the day of the grand Egyptian revolution / Common App: National Concern [9]

As a fellow Arab I can sympathize with all your emotions but I really can't seem to find a point in your essay. I mean I don't want to come off as harsh but I really think honesty is the best policy. You spend more time describing Morsi than you do yourself. There is no indication of what type of person you are or why you would be a good addition to their university except for the last sentence in the third paragraph. And you really do leave the reader on an edge, just when I expected it to get better you cut me off (the third paragraph ended abruptly). I was left asking myself "What did he do?!". `I advise you to revise your essay and I would be happy to critique it again. Again, I don't mean to be harsh but I'm just trying to give you constructive criticism :)
Dec 20, 2012
Undergraduate / That was the day of the grand Egyptian revolution / Common App: National Concern [9]

The previous two comments really said what I wanted to say. Especially with an event like this I can understand how hard it is to put your emotions into words. When I wrote mine I didn't care about the word limit, I just wrote. It turned out to be a bit over a thousand words but it's easier to mold your essay then as you have all your feelings on the paper instead of trying to quantize them from the start in 500 words. Try writing a whole other essay and then link them together?
Dec 21, 2012
Undergraduate / Chicken Farm & Family Business - Common App/ Significant Experience [5]

I really liked your beginning but I feel as if you went on too long about the chicken business as opposed to how it affected you. It was as though you were tight on words and rushed the ending. I suggest trying to include some of your EC's to provide further evidence on the effect the chicken business had/has on your life.
Dec 22, 2012
Undergraduate / Social Science Nerdiness ~ Why Northwestern? Essay [6]

There's nothing wrong with the essay itself, but the problem with the "Why us" supplements is that they don't really care about you as much as they do about them. I feel as though you don't address the prompt correctly because you didn't mention anything unique to Northwestern at all, bar the inNUvate program. All they want to hear is why you want things offered there and only there, try to be as specific as possible. The best advice I can give you is, after you write your essay ask yourself, "If I put that sentence in any other college's supplement would it still work?"
Dec 24, 2012
Undergraduate / "The Notebook" UVA Supp; (Discuss something you secretly like but...) [9]

To be honest I liked the part you took out where you talked about the hot rod and the gym as I feel it added humor. However, I think you should use a phrase other than "As a proud member of the male gender" to start of the sentence. Other than that, I like the essay but maybe UVA are looking for a response that talks about why you like the notebook and its effect on you as opposed to just stating that you secretly like it.
Dec 24, 2012
Undergraduate / Chicken Farm & Family Business - Common App/ Significant Experience [5]

I must say it is better but I felt the fourth paragraph was kind of hard to read through, with no real flow. I suggest you remove one of the EC's you mentioned as it felt like you were bragging when I had to read through all three. You also have to keep in mind that they know your resume so try to list only the ones that have a real connection to the values you were taught in your chicken farm. This allows you to talk more about how these values made you become the president of your high school's FLBA chapter. I also want to advise you to not worry about the word count too much as I feel as though it's constricting you, my personal statement was 600 words and I already got accepted into a really good university. All you have to do is make sure that there aren't any insignificant sentences in there and makes sure every word counts if you want to exceed the word limit. With mine, I felt as though if I removed one word the whole essay would collapse, so if you exceed the word limit by around 50 words and they are all necessary then so be it.
Dec 28, 2012
Undergraduate / Feel real/Citizens of the world; Princeton Supplement;Culture/Speech of Woodrow [14]

Ok so I have to choose one of the following prompts and I wrote an essay for each one as I really can't choose between them. I'll really appreciate it if you can critique both essays and tell me which one I should choose. Thanks in advance and I'm willing to help anybody who asks for it!

P.S. to keep my identity undisclosed I'm going to assume that the city I live in is called blue and the country I live in is called red.

Using the quotation below as a starting point, reflect on the role that culture plays in your life.
"Culture is what presents us with the kinds of valuable things that can fill a life. And insofar as we can recognize the value in those things and make them part of our lives, our lives are meaningful."

I'm a peculiar man; I'm attracted to seemingly unattractive things. All the soot in the air, the shouting, people crammed into unfathomably narrow sidewalks and the over-abundance of litter that makes me think the sidewalk is constructed out of garbage. I love downtown Blue.

Coming from a wealthy family and going to a school that is filled with members of the upper class of Blue, some might even be surprised that I've even been to downtown Blue or "XXX" (as us locals call it). Many of the students that go to my school have never been there and I fear it is because they think it is below them. I, however, insist upon going there at least twice a week, firstly, stopping by "XXX" for a bag of roasted chickpeas, which I quickly wash down with a Tamarind cocktail from "XXX". I wind down the road that leads to my favorite restaurant, "XXX" where I order meat pies and Kufta immersed in Tahini sauce. I thank XXX for the food and walk to "XXX" for Knafa (an Arabic dessert).

"Don't tell me you've been to the place that serves cat meat!" my mother says when I return, referring to how cheap the, I assure you, beef is. I am the first to admit, I love fancy dining, but out of all the sensations the five star and Michelin star restaurants give me, nothing compares to the one I feel when I am in "name of restaurant". There I feel the essence of what it means to be real. At (insert name of restaurant), everybody is united by having paid an equivalent of one USD for a hearty meal. I always insist upon sitting outside to savor the sheer rawness of downtown Blue, watching people working hard to put some food on their table for that night.

Every time I go to downtown Blue, I reminisce back to the time when I worked in a dump outside of Blue. The five other workers, whom along with me were responsible for segregating rubbish, often asked me: "Why are you working here? We're here to make enough money to eat for the day, but you don't need to do that." I would just smile, for I knew I was there because it made me feel real.

Essay 2
Using the statement below as a starting point, tell us about an event or experience that helped you define one of your values or changed how you approach the world.

"Princeton in the Nation's Service" was the title of a speech given by Woodrow Wilson on the 150th anniversary of the University. It became the unofficial Princeton motto and was expanded for the University's 250th anniversary to "Princeton in the nation's service and in the service of all nations."

"Aren't you German? Why are you running yourself ragged trying to help Red?" I asked Mr. XXX, the environmentalist that took me under his wing when I decided to start the first waste management system in Red for public schools. The reason I was so perplexed by his avid involvement in starting a recycling project in Red, albeit only earning a salary that can barely put food on his table, is the way I was brought up. Although Red is an Arab country and there are various schools of thought trying to unite the Arab countries, Red has, even since the days of King XXX, cared about the welfare of its people before that of the other Arab countries. King XXX always did what was best for Red without taking into consideration the other countries in the region. Having this mentality inculcated into my mind since I was a kid, meant I also developed the idea of sticking together as Redonians for Red only, which of course isolated me in a 'Red First' bubble. Such were my beliefs anyway, until I met Mr. Ibling.

The next six words I heard from my new mentor displaced me from my former community and inspired the way I currently view the world. "I am German, but this is my planet." Those words shook my mindset so powerfully that they sonicated and even shattered the belief that was engraved in my mind since birth. Today I am proud to say that I belong to a community that contains a relatively small number of people, and my role in this community is that of any other member. Our goal is to recruit others to the belief of commonality in order to share our ideology with the world by forgetting political borders, the color of one's skin and most importantly banishing the idea of bias towards a certain group. We must do our part to improve the community in which we live in because ultimately, it is our community. We are, after all... citizens of the world.
Dec 28, 2012
Undergraduate / Belongingness, Parents, Super ego; TUFTS - Why Tufts, Let your life speak, Nerdy side [4]

I read all three and I must say that the first one needs to be really improved, they want tangible reasons as to why you want to go therei.e. courses and things only they offer. Researching about the major you want to study at tufts should help..

The second one is my favorite but the "I'm here to talk about some of why it happened, and how those differences influenced me" is a bit misleading because you really don't go into detail as to why any of those happened, so if you have any words left try going into those if they say something about your personality. But I really like how your voice shines through in the end.

The third one is a really clever idea (I'm guessing you want to study something psychology related?) but to people who don't know all the references you make it can really become confusing at times. I mean i enjoyed it because i know who Ted is or who Eddard is etc... but the admissions officer might not and at times I felt the ideas were all over the place. Try including only what is necessary and clarify your ideas further.

I would really appreciate it if you take a look at my Princeton supplement!
Dec 28, 2012
Undergraduate / Working at an International Fair; GAP year Essay. What have you been doing? [4]

This is a really good essay because you talk about how each one affected you and I really get a good idea about who you are. I don't know how many words you have left but towards the end when you were talking about your hobbies, I felt as though you can expand a bit more instead of just listing them.

Oh and a minor grammatical mistake I found was "where I learned the Multi-Variable calculus" should be "where I learned Multi-Variable calculus"

I also thought that this quote form Oscar Wilde might be of use to you
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught."

Hope I was able to help :)
Dec 28, 2012
Undergraduate / Effect of my Tricultural Background - HKU Personal Statement [7]

Again, like the other essay I like how you talk about how you grew and how your journey in life has shaped your personality but it got kind of boring towards the end. The main reason I got bored was because you kept on listing things you did, I'd rather you write about a few significant things than just list. Also, in the third paragraph, when you wen from El Salvador to Taiwan and back to El Salvador made the essay weaker and it was as though you were all over the place. Try and talk about one place at a time and again remember to be concise. Dont include anything that isn't imperative to your message.
Dec 28, 2012
Undergraduate / "I Want that Dot!"; Common App - influence from a historical figure [4]

I really enjoyed reading your essay and this is coming from a guy who hates MUN. I really am against people writing about their MUN experience in their PS as I feel it is too generic but kudos to you for taking something so ordinary into a good essay. The only thing I would fix though is try to go more into your personality towards the end.

Hope I helped and I would really appreciate it if you looked over my princeton supplement.
Dec 28, 2012
Undergraduate / Chame-Lion; Common App Personal Statement [4]

This is a really good essay as it showcases your personality very well. A few suggestions though: "At times, I still do need my tree bark brown and leaf green hue to cover me up, just to maintain my sanity" I think you should remove this because even though I understand what you are talking about I don't think an admissions officer will appreciate it

I also didn't get the joke :| and one last thing the title (chamelion) made me expect to read something where you clearly state how you have become a leader (lion) but are still a chameleon, hence chamelion.

Hope I helped and can you please look over my Princeton supplement?
Dec 28, 2012
Undergraduate / Ranking,renowned faculty,programs& research opportunities; Columbia App:Why Columbia? [5]

You seem to not have a really good idea about how a "Why Us" essay should look like. Don't worry I had the same problem, trying to describe how my personality matched that of the university's but it isn't specific at all. They want you to talk about programs and things ONLY columbia offers. For instance, I could substitute Harvard in the first paragraph and nobody would notice the difference, and I could substitute NYU for the second and again nobody would notice. You have to write an essay where every sentence is Columbia specific and if you put a sentence in another essay it would seem out of place

Hope I helped! I would also really appreciate it if you took a look at my princeton essay!
Dec 28, 2012
Undergraduate / I have been persecuted all my life.; Common APP [11]

Well the main problem with your essay is that you didn't really describe the effect it had on your personality. It also took you too long to get to the message you want to convey to the extent where it was hard for me to read through it. They want to know how the piece has shaped you as opposed to what happened in your past, try focusing on your personal qualities and relating them to the piece.

I would also really appreciate it if you can take a look at my Princeton supplement
Dec 28, 2012
Undergraduate / I have been persecuted all my life.; Common APP [11]

It wasn't that I got bored at a certain point but the fact that you have such a unique condition and especially that this is a college essay I wanted to know more about you or how you overcame it etc... I was really looking forward to that but you kept going on and on describing how you were but the thing is I wanted to know who you are and why you are. This, I imagine, is also what the admissions officer wants to know.

As for the intro the only flaw I can find in it is this "Then I ran out, woke my parents up, and wiping my tears, murmured, "I want to see my cousins.". It was pretty confusing, why would you want to see your cousins?
Dec 29, 2012
Undergraduate / GRANDFATHER - my first teacher - person who influenced me [9]

I second what mzontario said, it felt as though you were all ove the place trying to describe everything that every happened with your grandfather. It would be better if you focus on one or two major events and go into them instead of just touching on everything. I also suggest you refine your language as you're putting very vague words in places where they should not be and it's misleading sometimes like "He is the person who taught me how to live and the meaning of life."

Also try to come up with a stronger ending than this "Apart from being a grandfather, grandpa has been my best friend and my role model. "
Dec 29, 2012
Undergraduate / 'An Unexpected Journey and Winning the Green Card' Common Application [33]

I agreee with all the other suggestions but my main problem with the essay was in the second to last paragraph I felt as though you had to explain how those traits formed instead of just listing them, remember they want to know more about you.

"but the third time turns you into an emotional wreck" try using something less drastic instead of emotional wreck
I also didn't get how you were tenacious You didn't mention anything about tenacity at all throughout your essay so unless you fix that I think you should change the title.

I hope this helps and can you please check out my Princeton supplement?
Dec 29, 2012
Undergraduate / passion for business, international diplomacy/Penn(Wharton) Sup; Engage academically? [8]

I think the first essay is spot on, you specifically go into why you want to wharton. It is the second one, however, that I don't like. Barring the last sentence you didn't state which type of person you were. I think it'd be better if you go I am movable because da da da and I am immovable because da da da instead of expecting the reader to piece it up as it got confusing at times. You also took too much time to give us an indication about which type of person you are and it broes the reader. Remember this is an admissions officer that has thousands of other essays to read through, the last thing you want to make him is broed.
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / Christmas Eve dinner; UChicago - Invent A Past For Present Supplement [23]


"...I [was] eager to escape backward again, to be off to invent a past for the present." -The Rose Rabbi by Daniel Stern

Present: pres-ent
1. Something that is offered, presented, or given as a gift

Let's stick with this definition. Unusual presents, accidental presents, metaphorical presents, re-gifted presents, etc. - pick any present you have ever received and invent a past for it.

P.S. This took me a long time to write and it was also pretty hard. But after writing it I still have a lot of uncertainties. Did I answer the prompt correctly? There isn't a word limit but is it long enough to bore the reader? Is it good? Is it too poetic? Did I go on too long about the beginning? Anything I should improve? How did it make you feel?

I would also appreciate any grammatical corrections and very insightful feedback. Thanks in advance!
To the rest of my family, it was a formality just like it is every year. However, I've been looking forward to this day every year ever since this 'formality' started. The day I look forward to each year is Christmas day and it isn't because of Christmas Eve dinner or the exchange of expensive gifts between the members of my extended family, but it is because of this 'formality'.

The visit we are paid every year by an employee of my father that still visits us even after my father left the house is the 'formality' in the eyes of my family. I long for this visit every year because the fact that Mr. XXX still visits us after my father left the house epitomizes his sincerity, by coming to our house he runs the risk of getting fired and that is a risk he definitely can not afford.

The bell rings and I quickly rush to the door. Mr. XXX and his son six year old, XXX, wearing the same worn out suit and button down shirt that they wear every year are at the door. After catching up with Mr. XXX and playing with XXX I am filled with glee because the time to exchange gifts has come. It is not the gifts that we present to Mr. Ahmad and Safa that define the experience but the tokens of appreciation that they offer us. One cannot possibly expect Mr. XXX to give us gifts of the same financial caliber as those we give him. But little does he know that they mean so much more to me than the money we offer him to get through the winter do to him and his family.

With a little nudge from his father, XXX gave me a parcel rapped in shiny wrapping that I later reveal to be a toy robot. This however, is no ordinary toy robot, which was apparent by his missing eye, missing arm and the dent in his chest. I rotate the robot only to find a "Made in Cambodia" sticker on it.

I can only but imagine the journey this toy robot has gone through, but why the obvious flaws? A fortnight long brutal journey from the sweatshop in rural Phnom Penh to Yemeni shores through the ports of monsoon India and finally driven through XXX to reach the safety of my hands might explain the dent in his chest but what about the eye and arm that were so obviously plucked out of their places with intent?

It was an unusually cold night in Phnom Penh with temperatures reaching a near zero, but there was nothing anomalous about the events of that night. Sakngea had just finished his shift at the factory where he spends all day putting together the same pieces in the same manner to produce the same result: a toy robot that he can only imagine playing with. On his way to his house, Sakngea passed by the library he always passes by but it looked different, there was a "now hiring" sign on the door. Ignoring the sign, Sakngea arrived at his door and wished that when he opened it he would find a rupture in his normal routine, but to no avail. He came back to his father screaming at his mother for the usual reasons: because he was drunk. He tossed the same old wages in the same old plate, trod the same old path and lay in the same old stained mattress whilst trying to ignore the same old argument because the last time he tried to break the routine it ended in a scar under his left eye.

This time, however, it was different. Lying down on the mattress, Sakngea felt... different. This strange power overtook him, a motivation of magnitude that he has never experienced before. This feeling that engulfed him made him want to do something. He felt as though he had to break the routine. In a moment of ordered chaos, Sakngea chose to take up his father on his constant threats, which entailed him leaving the house if he was disobeyed. Sakngea halted in his tracks and remembered that his mother's fate was in his hands and his decision had to be a calculated one. The internal struggle raged.

If he kicked his father out of the house he had to shoulder the financial responsibility of his family. He knew that working over time in the factory and dropping out of school was not the answer. The solution was knowledge. Be it academic knowledge or general knowledge, it was the only way he could indefinitely improve the quality of his family's life. It was that moment that he decided to take up the job at the library, he would be able to go to school and study whilst working. Not only that, but he would be able to satisfy his thirst for knowledge in the library by answering his unanswered questions that ranged from why emeralds are green to the origin of the cosmos.

But was he ready? His family could live on his and his mother's wages but could he shoulder the responsibility of being the only male figure in the family? He believed he could for he was no ordinary 13 year old. Seeing his father pass out drunken before him made him mature before his years. His father also provided him with the perfect role model of what not to be. He was not going to waste his potential sulking as his father did. He was not going to settle with what he had. He was not going to neglect anybody who needed help, be it a family member or a stranger. He was not going to remain uneducated. He is going to set himself ambitious goals that he is going to achieve. He is going to become a better person.

With that, he was ready. The thunder roared and the light drizzle turned to heavy rain that pounded on the metal roof. He felt it in his bones, he felt radioactive.

Sakngea got out of his bed and marched towards his father. With determination in his eyes he screamed at his father, "LEAVE NOW! We don't want you or need you anymore in this house! Leave my home and never come back." And with a sinister laugh his father grabbed the bottle of vodka and left.

His mother instantly burst to tears and held him. He couldn't decide whether they were tears of joy, but he could sense the fear in her cries, the fear of oblivion. He held his mom, looked in her eyes and told her that everything will be fine, he will help support the family by working at the library and will be the man she always needed in her life. It was then that her cries turned to sobs of pride. He threw away all the empty bottles and told his mother, "See things are looking up already, trust me when I tell you this is a new age." The cacophony caused by the droplets of water seized. He proceeded to embrace his mother once more and they both curled up on the mattress together.

The next day was his last day at the factory and he felt it was fitting that he break his routine. The first robot he made had one arm, one eye and a dent in his chest. The next robot and every robot after that, however, had no defects. He mutated the first robot to symbolize what he was, his destiny was not in his hands, he was blind to all the possibilities in life and he was hurt. That would be no more. For after last night he became a new man with his destiny as well as his mother's in his own hands, he realized his potential which created an inner fire in him that strived to succeed and he was on the way to healing the wound his father caused. All the other robots with no defects symbolized the new him.

After finishing 50 robots he put them all in a cardboard box, stamped the word (insert name country I live in) on it and hoped that the person who would receive the mutated toy would understand the purpose of all the defects and ultimately, relate to him. And relate to him I did.
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / Puke sky? Carnegie Mellon Supplementary Essay [11]

You did really well on every part except for explaining why Carnegie Mellon. As somebody else mentioned in the comments, it was very generic and I could have substituted any other university for CMU and it wouldnt change. They want to know the specific programs that are ONLY offered at CMU that made you choose it.

Hope I helped! And would you mind checking my Uchicago essay its pretty urgent?
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / I felt the inexplicable sense of achievement;Extracurricular Essay (Tutoring ) [4]

I second all of the changes ding377 made and it is a good essay but this part of the common app is for an activity that you didn't have the chance to talk about in the rest of your application so if this activity is it then go for it. The only reason I brought this up is because there are a lot of people who seem to forget that

Hope I helped! Can you please look over my Uchicago essay?
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / My reality after my best friend committed suicide; Common App/ Significant Influence [18]

I'm going to focus on the negatives in order to help you improve this so here goes. I was really confused in the beginning did he die or didn't he? who died? who survived, was it your grandfather or your friend? And to be honest this confusion stayed with me throughout the whole essay so it made me enjoy it less. Try rewriting the fist couple of paragraphs with a bit more clarity. Another thing is as nice of a story this is you have to remember this is a college essay and they want to know more about you and more specifically how you grew. You have a really good topic and event but the problem is you're focusing on the event more than you are on how it affected you and that's what an admissions officer wants. Try talking more about your growth and how it has shaped your aspirations.

Hope I helped!
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / Contribution to home country/ BEREA College APP; Educational Overview/ Plans [17]

I mean you have a good base but since you have another 150 words to go I really feel you should expand the ending. The last paragraph seems like blob and everything is in it... try splitting it up and talking more about each of the parts. Like have a paragraph about your time in the US then another about why you want to be a businessman and a defined conclusion where you talk about why poverty is important to you.

Hope I helped!
Can you please take a look at my Uchicago essay?
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / Nature of Northwestern's Communications Studies program; NORTHWESTERN Supp [6]

I don't mean to come off as harsh but you have to rethink your essay. Northwestern really want to know what you like about them that's only offered at Northwestern, try researching a lot more and thinking about what really attracts you to NU. They want to see how you can utilize their resources and engage academically.

Hope I helped! Can you please take a look at my Uchicago essay?
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / Stereotyping is a common thought process ; Amherst sup [4]

You have a good base but I think that you should talk more about how it affected you personally, like a certain significant event where you were prohibited form doing because you were a girl. I also don't think you should tell them that you "attend late night parties" as it might not bode well with the admissions officer. I guess what I'm trying to say is try to make ti personal, more about you. How you in specific were affected and how it changed you (I know you touched ont hat but try expanding).

Hope I helped! Can you please look over my Uchicago essay?
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / Chicago essay: So where's Waldo really?! [6]

It's a really good base for an essay but I feel as though you should add a lot more personal things to the essay. In the second paragraph for instance, talk about your waldo and your triumphs and failures. You have a lot of words so just expand on this and include a lot more personal details.

Hope I helped! Can you check you my Uchicago essay?
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / I have always longed to build my own software; NYU/ Academic interests? [8]

It's a good essay but I have a few suggestions. Firstly, I got what you were talking about in the beginning and I know you were trying to be creative but you need to clarify it a bit because I can see how that can confuse a reader. The second thing I would like to tell you is try to talk about something in NYUAD that is only specific to NYUAD (I dont know if J terms are NYU exclusive so if they are forgive me). If you take my considerations into mind I think you'll have a good essay that will enhance your chances of admission.

Hope I helped! Can you please take a look at my Uchicago essay?
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / I have been living the dream; it's time to share it ! -Stanford [4]

I mean you can adapt the essay to be either the first or third. Overall its a good essay but the problem I have with it, or rather and admissions officer would have with it, is that it's kind of generic. I mean Stanford get a lot of applicants and especially with these questions most of them are going to mention the poor. How about you stand by including something significant you did to achieve your version of success? Putting action to your words really vindicates them.

Hope I helped! Can you please look over my Uchicago essay?
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / Walk on the Wild Road;Personal Statement [11]

Overall it's a really good essay and the personal qualities that make you you really shine through. Just one minor correction would be to remove the "a shrill of feedback" it kind of ruins the flow of the essay. I like the 'maybe' though so I suggest you keep it.

Hope I was able to help! I would really appreciate it if you look at my Uchicago essay I need to submit it tomorrow and havent gotten a lot of constructive criticism.
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / hard work and dedication/ UVA Sup - World you come from [9]

It's a good essay but I feel as though you should expand the ending. Remember, they want to know about you and your growth so you have to focus on the part where you talk about how it affected you. Other than that you're set.

Hope I helped! Can you please go over my Uchicago essay? It's pretty urgent!
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / Christmas Eve dinner; UChicago - Invent A Past For Present Supplement [23]

Thanks a lot for your comments! I was pretty insecure about the grammar. There are times when I had to change tenses to signify Sakgnea's goals for the future and what he did in the present (but I realize it is grammatically incorrect). I'm not sure if you got the message I was trying to convey but it is somehow related to my common app essay (which isn't posted here) so I can understand you not getting it. In the end I was trying to help the reader draw parallels between my life and Sakgnea's.
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / I find myself surrounded by "model students"; Common App [12]

I've thought about writing something like this for some of my supplements but didn't do so because I got better ideas (in some cases) and was advised not to by a couple of my friends in the colleges I'm applying to. As some of the comments already said it really is a hit or miss but if you plan on submitting it (and to be honest this little voice inside me wants you to) I suggest you change your tone. When I read the part where you talk about other students I got a sense that you hated them or were jealous of them or thought you were better than them etc... and admissions officers really don't like that. Try and sound a bit more genuine and focus on yourself rather than the others in your class. I hope it's a hit and I wish you the best of luck

Can you please take a look at my Uchicago supplement? I'd really appreciate it!
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / Christmas Eve dinner; UChicago - Invent A Past For Present Supplement [23]

All the hints are in my commonapp essay as when I wrote this it was meant to be written to somebody who has read my personal statement. I wrote in a way that, if you read my personal statement, you would think it's me right through the middle and the sentence would vindicate it. Can you please tell me which parts are redundant because it's hard for me to cut out words from my own writing and I really want to cut it down as much as I can. Again thanks a lot for your feedback I really appreciate it
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / Christmas Eve dinner; UChicago - Invent A Past For Present Supplement [23]

It's around 1300 words but I was told that Uchicago won't mind that. My main concern was if it was unnecessary long but as you said I knew that removing too much would hurt the voice. I really needed help with removing the unnecessary parts and you just pinpointed them. I really can't thank you enough for all your help and your patience and if you need any help just say so. Best of luck with all your applications and I hope you get into your first choice :)

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Robot Rewrite ◳