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Posts by Arun0506
Joined: Jan 6, 2013
Last Post: May 5, 2014
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From: Singapore

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Jan 6, 2013
Writing Feedback / Young adults should be allowed to decide their profession on their own ; IELTS [11]

Question: Young people should be allowed to decide their profession on their own or Parents to should take care of choosing profession for them. Which one is the best thing do you feel?

There was a time when young people take up their family business or professions. However people had undergone much more social changes which leads them to explore the world thoroughly. Seeking for opportunity all over the world is the current fact which we cant deny.

Nowadays, youg people are having wide range of knowledge about the current market trends. Due to the advent of satellite television and internet, the workd has become a "Global Village" and people can get access to any part of the world with their gadget in hand.Based on the above said exposure to the present generation, it is always worth ti let them decide their own future and help them excel in their chosen profession.

Besides having good earing and secure living, young people cannot taste the fruit of self satisfaction and happiness through the obliged professions until otherwise. To provide you the real benefit of releasing young generation on their own, the best example to cite, look at Sachin Tendulkar who is called as master of cricket world has not yet completed his schooling yet. In addition, think about Bill Gates, a richest man in this world, has not holding any degree with him.

In contrast, industrialist Ambani brothers in India who chose to take care of their family business, also become successful in their career. By viewing on above said examples, it is clear that without the real interest within them should let them to achive this great success. Nevertheless, parents can faciliate their children to identify the opportunity around them and help them to get a clear perspective of their goal.

As a whole, in my opinion, parents should show way to young people to face their future and always provide moral support to nuture future generation for the benefit of the society. Young minds should pay attention to take the advantage of parent's knowledge from experinence and proceed on their own to choose profession which suits well.
Jan 7, 2013
Writing Feedback / Young adults should be allowed to decide their profession on their own ; IELTS [11]

. I am having IELTS exam on coming Saturday. Unfortunately I was not aware of this online forum so far. Kindly help me to improve my writing as much as you can through your feed backs. Thanks.

Thanks for your reply lilyraquel52
Is it possible for you to evaluate my sentence making on this essay and highlight the do's and dont's accordingly?
Jan 7, 2013
Writing Feedback / Young adults should be allowed to decide their profession on their own ; IELTS [11]

Thank you very much Essayman. I have done as you said by pasting in MS WORD and I am able to identify my mistakes. Almost everything is careless mistakes while typing with respect to spellings. Could you please point out the grammer mistakes in specific which will help me a lot. Thanks.
Jan 7, 2013
Writing Feedback / (IELTS essay) Internet reduces face-to-face contacts [6]

Hi Tessy,

Just now gone through your essay. Good range of vocabulary and coherency in your sentence. Great you are!!! wanna improve myself up to your level.


All the best.
Jan 7, 2013
Writing Feedback / Young adults should be allowed to decide their profession on their own ; IELTS [11]

Thanks Tessy. Will take in my mind for the next essay. Kindly provide me your genuine feedback. no matter if it is good commends, then only I can shape my writing as far as I could.

Hope you can understand. Need all your help for the next five days without fail. Thanks again.
Jan 7, 2013
Writing Feedback / Which matters more for the personality development?Born characteristics or Experience [6]

Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life.

Which do you consider to be the major influence?

Some people believe that the characteristics of a person immensely influenced by the birth nature, whereas others argue that it is all about the circumstances and surroundings which shape his or her thoughts and behaviors. I would say one's experience and encompassing conditions make a person to be good or bad.

Undoubtedly, we all can accept that everyone born in this world as a good soul. Nobody can inherit particular character right from the birth for any child. In addition, young champs are grasping the things from what they have observed around them. They try to imitate the same action slowly by themselves. Until there was a source of input, there is no way, a child can learn new things on its own. Moreover, there is a well-known fact that children who are grown among similar age group of babies tend to speak quickly as compare to others who are alone in home. This is due to the observation capability which is usually at much more higher level for children.

Further experience makes everyone what they are today. No matter under which family they are all born. We have many famous personalities in this world like Abraham Lincoln who father was a cobbler and many more successful industrialists who are all came from very poor families. Similarly, there are terrorists, who are highly educated in reputed universities like Bin Laden.

In contrast, I would agree, people who are highly talented in particular field such as sports or music might be influenced by nature of birth. Those people should have acquired some super natural talents by birth which helps them to reach the excellent position in their profession. In spite of consistent practices and training, it is highly difficult to overcome the people blessed with such natural talents. However, such talents also seem to become useless, if there is no chance of identifying their hidden talent due to their surrounding environment.

In conclusion, I would say characteristics of a person cannot be define by birth, rather than influenced by the experience encountered by them right from birth. Hence it is highly essential to take care of our behaviour in front of children for their benefit of their future.
Jan 7, 2013
Writing Feedback / Which matters more for the personality development?Born characteristics or Experience [6]

Dear Duminda and Tessy,
Thank you for your comments and time you spent to gothrough my essay.
Your comments keep boosting me a lot to correct my mistakes.
I am feeling confident that I could make some good progress in my writing before appearing for exam.
Thank you again.
Please keep sending me your comments.

Jan 7, 2013
Writing Feedback / 'not practical, not fair'; Equal numbers of male and female students [4]

Hi Emma,
I could see that you are using the same format of introduction paragraph in other essays as well.
Try some to have some more format in handy so that you can make use of it according to the type of essay. Thanks.

All the Best.
Jan 7, 2013
Writing Feedback / University education or Work experience? Uni is more helpful in getting a job; IELTS [10]

Many people say that the only way to guarantee getting a good job is to complete a course of university education. Other claims that it is better to start work after school and gain experience in the world of work. How far do you agree or disagree with the above views?

Today, university education has become a mandatory eligible criterion for almost all sectors, but some people find it hard to accept the fact. They believe students can start doing work after completing their schooling to gain real time experience. I would suggest having college or university studies is must, in order to obtain clear idea about the work life and to acquire in depth knowledge in a particular field of study.

There are many advantages one can get benefit through higher degree education. First of all, students are getting opportunity to simulate the exhibits as available in industry. Secondly, the college syllabus were framed with much more laboratory classes rather than having theory sessions alone as in schools. In addition, there are many chances of having Industrial visits and guest lectures from highly qualified professional from various industry. Moreover, in school education we cannot expect all these facilities to enhance one's knowledge practically.

However, there are people who are successfully handling the things in their work without having any relationship towards college education. Based on their own struggle in real time environment, they might have learnt various activities to sustain in the industry. Nevertheless, such real time experiences perhaps aid them to earn money and gain experience at their early stages. Those gains were overwhelmed after several years and cannot help to find themselves at upper level managerial positions, for which companies are looking for highly qualified degree holders.

Having view on both sides, as a whole it is good to have standard university degree which will always be best choice for students, in order to reach the better position over the period. Though, the school education can provide better foundation for the career start but for the long run.
Jan 8, 2013
Writing Feedback / University education or Work experience? Uni is more helpful in getting a job; IELTS [10]

Thanks Duminda. Noted your suggestion.

For everyone in this forum:

I would like to say something that I am not good in identifying the mistakes of other in English. Since I am not good in Grammar.

Hence please don't mistake that I am not help others to improve their English knowledge.
Kindly help me to prepare for my IELTS exam as far as you could for the next 3 days.
Jan 9, 2013
Writing Feedback / ( IELTS )Why student find it hard to study at university: Reasons and Solutions [9]


jobs with life or study. parent support to their children

Careless mistake --> Parent ( should be Caps )

I think "Children" sounds like school children or Pupil. I could be better if you refer them as "Young people"

Let me know if I am wrong.

In most of your essays you are often using the word " Academic "

Jan 9, 2013
Writing Feedback / Brain Drain; More and more qualified professionals move from poor to rich countries! [5]

More and more qualified people are moving from poor to rich countries to fill vacancies in specialist areas like engineering, computing and medicine.
Some people believe that by encouraging the movement of such people, rich countries are stealing from poor countries. Others feel that this is only part of the natural movement of workers around the world.

Today, world has become much more competitive as compared to few decades ago. Accordingly people are ready to cope with the existing volatile economic conditions. In the midst, an unresolved arguments prevailing among people about migration of people to aboard nations. Some argue to support such movements while others are not ready to agree with them.

People may think like seeking for opportunities other than their native country as an irresponsible act which is against their nation's welfare. According to me, there is nothing wrong in such activities as far as we are not spoiling our countries customs and values. Those people who are all tend to be in native place throughout their life and keep blaming on others perhaps due to the followings. First of all these people want to be in a secure zone and don't have mind set to accept any changes in their life. In addition, there might be no overseas opportunities in their professions like government employees. Beyond above said reasons, such people inherited with envy attitude.

However, there are several benefits which we can cite here in support to the immigration of people around different nations. Talented people moving around aboard will always help to improves native country's economy by bring projects to offshore, creating a dependency on them which in turns establishing more employment opportunities in their homeland. Above said trend has been in place in our software industry in countries such as India and China which handling most of the projects in Americas and EMEA regions.

Moreover people in poor countries can get versatile knowledge only by moving to other nations. Recently in one of the Singapore's newspaper stated that in 2013 Ministry of Manpower Singapore planning to setup 14 training centres in Sri Lanka and Philippines to get cheap labour and enough workforces for their construction sector. This clearly shows that both the parties are in mutual needs and dependency on each other.

In conclusion, I would say it good to explore the world for opportunities, no matter whoever is not accepting when thing about advantages.
Jan 9, 2013
Writing Feedback / ( IELTS )Why student find it hard to study at university: Reasons and Solutions [9]

itself, which help them to mold their future life without mixing jobs with life or study. parent Parent support to their children in

Hey buddy word after a full stop should start with Capital letter right. I am sure due to carelessness you committed this mistake.

Simple finding from my side :-)

Jan 9, 2013
Writing Feedback / Hardships of university studies than schools: IELTS prepartion essay [11]

Nowadays, students find it hard to study at university compared to school studies. Why this is happening? What is the solution to this problem?

Generally, many students are not performing well in their graduate studies as compared to their grades during school education. As it is one of the most significant issues persisting among many adolescents, let's have an eye on what are all the causes and its possible solutions.

Though many things could be the reasons for poor performance of students in colleges, following are more often noticed everywhere. Firstly, there is a lack of proper attention from parents once their children enter into college. Secondly, irresponsible behaviour of students towards studies, lethargic attitude, poor preparation for exams, innocence of challenges which are in pipeline in future.

Furthermore, when we take about parents, they feel much relaxed and fail to take care of their children's activities and performance in studies. In addition, students staying in hostels make use of the liberty as advantage and choose their way in wrong direction with influence of bad relations and habits. Besides all these deviations, many poor students have to carry their family's financial crunch in addition which results in losing their studies altogether.

All the above said causes can be rectified through the following measures. For example, parents should be in regular interaction with their champs, though they reached teenage hood. Teachers should be capable of creating good bonding with students and help them to catch clear clarity about life and their responsibilities. Government should provide financial support to poor students via scholarships based on their family background and educational qualifications.

In conclusion, as a whole we all have a responsible role to play in nurturing our future generations to lay better foundation for our society. Hence, parents and teachers should take prompt action on monitoring and encouraging young people in aspects of their life.
Jan 9, 2013
Writing Feedback / The trend that damages our quality of life: Multinational Companies [8]

Hi Tian,
Could you please evaluate my essay as well and help identifying my mistakes. Thanks :)

Tian has done thorough analysis on your essay. Hope no more evaluation required for this essay.
Keep trying until you reach the goal.

Good Luck!
Jan 9, 2013
Writing Feedback / Hardships of university studies than schools: IELTS prepartion essay [11]

Hi Tessy,
Thanks, I could get what does the following lines meant?

I asked your...b4. Bt now so late...
Mine somewhere in the forum..after exam search it if you want...)Ř›

I will come up with next essay tmrw. now here already crossed 2 AM

catch you trmw

Jan 9, 2013
Writing Feedback / Hardships of university studies than schools: IELTS prepartion essay [11]

Thanks for your time in evaluating my essay. I agree with most of your points. Will try to concentrate on those areas.
One thing which I don't understand is "Students dont stay in hostels"
But normally they stay in college hostels while they study at college. Even I too stayed in college hostel for taking my Bachelor Degree.
I hope this may not in practice at your place, I guess. In India most of the students get away from home and stay in hostel for their studies.

Thanks a lot Tian. Keep helping me in my writings.
Jan 10, 2013
Writing Feedback / First letter to my pen pal; IELTS TASK 1 [6]

You are writing your first letter to a pen pal. Describe your previous studies and work experience, your current activities, hobbies and interests.
Tell your pen pal that you will be visiting him/her.

Dear Eric,

I hope this find you and your family doing good. Hope you could remember me through our meeting at London for an international science seminar a month ago.

I am writing to extend our relationship by knowing each other in a better manner. To let you know about me, I am a Software Engineer by profession and completed my Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science by 2005 summer. I am working as a senior database administrator in which I have good experience for the past 7 years.

In addition, I am currently organizing environmental awareness programs within Singapore. I wonder whether you got a chance to hear about us in BBC news channel for our better achievement in expanding green space and reducing garbage.

Normally I spend most of my leisure time in planting sampling and encouraging the same to our locals.
By the way I am coming to your place next Monday. Hope to see you again.

Ring to my phone number mention below.

With best wishes,
Jan 10, 2013
Writing Feedback / Should children spend their free time on school work? IELTS [9]

Some people believe that children are given too much free time. They feel that this time should be used to do more school work. How do you think children should spend their free time?

There are people who perceive that children are having much more leisure hours as a whole in general and insisting to use those times to do work related to their studies. I agree with the view, it is however, the leisure hours can spend in a different ways, so that children able to realize their social responsibility and hidden potential.

Besides, academic curriculum, students should be encouraged to participate in building activities which will help them to understand the significance of unity. In addition, schools can initiate certain social awareness programs and engage student's volunteers to participate in order to simulate social awareness and their responsibility among entire student community. Apparently, these activities facilitate to lay better foundation for our future generation and in the same way utilizing their precious time in a fruitful manner.

Furthermore, children are capable of grasping the things in gallop. Eventually, encouraging children to learn extra-curricular activities such as dance, music and sports are the best feed for their free time. For example, countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and China organized student sport community centers, in order to improve their sports skills which led them gain more medals in Olympics, common wealth games etc...

There are always be supporters and critiques for all new initiatives, but the fact remains that though academic education is essential thing for students for their better career path, social awareness and exceptional talent add fuel to shape their personality to reach lime light in our society. In my opinion, it is our responsibility to align the students towards above said activities and aid them to make use of their leisure period in a productive way.
Jan 11, 2013
Writing Feedback / Should children spend their free time on school work? IELTS [9]

I think we are discussing about IELTS exam preparation tips which will be helpful for everybody here in forum.

I too dont want to spoil this forum as other Social media like FB and respect forum which helping me alot.
Jan 11, 2013
Writing Feedback / Should children spend their free time on school work? IELTS [9]

Hey Tessy,
It seems you have mistaken me. I am really sorry about it.
This may be due to my poor knowledge about conveying the things in English.
I was just trying to convince you that we are not talking anything other than studies
so that I thought you don't feel anything bad about our conversation.
Moreover I was really happy to gain good knowledgeable friends through this forum.
Especially you, Duminda and devaraj. you guys helped me a lot to gain confidence for my exam.

Really sorry about the things happened. if you want to reply to my notes please send it to aruna.manivannan@yahoo.co.in

Really I request you not to feel bad about my word. May I was wrongly convey the things with my poor English.
I hope you will understand what I am trying to say.

Take care. Thanks a lot for your guidance.

With sheer respect,

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