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'favorite art class' - College of Lake County - My application essay

Undergraduatekye009 - Sep 4, 2008kye009 - Sep 4, 2008
Success can lead people into danger by changing a person's personality

Writing FeedbackSATHelp - Sep 4, 2008EF_Team5 - Sep 4, 2008
This is list of my acrylic / pastel paintings - portfolio explanation

Writing Feedbackkye009 - Sep 3, 2008 -
past year of school - admission essay

Undergraduatedlvspw08 - Sep 3, 2008 -
Changing and staying the same in life. Which would you prefer?

Writing Feedbackjerry - Sep 3, 2008EF_Team5 - Sep 3, 2008
Help on argumentative research paper (RX, drugs)!

Research Paperscasey2264 - Dec 19, 2007EF_Team5 - Sep 3, 2008
'Colombia and the efforts of my parents' Meaningful event, experience, etc.-Narrative

UndergraduateNena011 - Sep 2, 2008EF_Team5 - Sep 3, 2008
STOP HURTING YOURSELF; FSU essay - "Vires, Artes, Mores"

Undergraduatenicextoxnoxyou - Sep 3, 2008 -
Digital Film making & Video Production ; Career goals/ Education@AI

Undergraduatejabbajuice - Sep 2, 2008 -
'Examinations'; A good teacher should assign homework. Agree or disagree?

Writing Feedbackhattrick3011 - Sep 2, 2008 -
Hingham, the meadow; Meaning of MY NAME

Undergraduatebiggirl - Sep 2, 2008biggirl - Sep 2, 2008
Family history, culture, or environment influenced - essay admissions

Undergraduatekuk1234 - Sep 2, 2008 -
Movies show us wonderful things and people who we cannot find in the real world

Writing Feedbackjerry - Sep 2, 2008EF_Team5 - Sep 2, 2008
"yes Sir and no Sir" - UCF. How has your environment influenced who you are?

Undergraduatedlb1670 - Sep 2, 2008 -
UF about my father and ulcerative colitis

Undergraduatebailey - Aug 31, 2008bailey - Sep 1, 2008
I am ready to further my commitment to NURSING!

Graduatesgrowcott - Aug 30, 2008sgrowcott - Sep 1, 2008
the most important reasons for Europeans to migrate to New Zealand, XVIII c

Writing Feedbacksylock232 - Sep 1, 2008 -
I used to fear the Night - essay

Writing Feedbacklearningtowrite - Sep 1, 2008 -
annual car and truck safety survey - An argument essay

Writing Feedbackfranklamparden - Sep 1, 2008 -
'Each of them applied to me' - FSU admission essay

Undergraduatetgn15 - Aug 30, 2008EF_Team5 - Aug 31, 2008
'Towards studying pharmacy' - concise narrative - Undergrad Admission essay

Undergraduatemary - Aug 27, 2008EF_Team5 - Aug 31, 2008
the Latin words, "Vires, Artes, Mores" - Florida State University

Undergraduatemnowak17 - Aug 31, 2008 -
learning about the Berkeley MBA program

Graduatejackson99 - Aug 30, 2008jackson99 - Aug 30, 2008
The Most Significant acccomplishment - transformation from a shy

Graduatejackson99 - Aug 30, 2008 -
Describe an innovative solution to address a specific challenge - MBA

Graduatejackson99 - Aug 30, 2008 -
Capital Punishment an Ethical solution to crime? - Research Paper

Research Papersmsturri64 - Aug 29, 2008EF_Team5 - Aug 29, 2008
Social Identity assignment

Writing Feedbackelibats - Aug 29, 2008EF_Team5 - Aug 29, 2008
'An Erases' Essay for Early Decision to Cornell Uni

UndergraduateWabbit - Aug 29, 2008 -
Beginner Writer Question; I have never written an essay in my life

Grammar, Usagemonkeyfishfrog - Aug 28, 2008monkeyfishfrog - Aug 28, 2008
Personal Response Essay On Lee Fong Gwo Case

Writing Feedbackken - Aug 27, 2008 -
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