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Posts by zowzow
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Jan 14, 2009
Undergraduate / My first Essay. how a college education will change your life [28]

sorry my intention wasn't to say that you should hide your religious beliefs - afterall, i wrote a conversation between me and God for one of my essays. But the position and the context of how you mentioned God was very abrupt and out of topic it seemed.
Jan 14, 2009
Undergraduate / Most significant academic experience - "interviewing the mayor in your house" [2]

describe your most significant academic experience

It is not an every day experience interviewing the mayor in your own house or seeing real-life impacts of your school project. These were the least expected outcomes of my year-long 'Senior Geography Project', a research task on a local issue of concern. I considered it as just another school assignment until mayor contacted me to tell me that improvements were being made at my local park due to the ideas raised in the project. I was stunned. This became more than school work, but a valuable life lesson that no matter how insignificant it may seem, one man can make an impact. One man, can change the world.

its only 100 words. Therefore, though it could be confusing, i didn't explain the school project itself because i don't think it was needed to support my argument. But if you think otherwise, plz let me know.

as always grammar check please!

and the ending - does it seem toooooo dramatic and overstated?

any suggestions are welcome! thanks a lot!
any help plz due today! thanks!
Jan 14, 2009
Undergraduate / Macalester supplement - 'minor problem with our cultural difference' [11]

well when i'm stuck for ideas i search around for an essay (usually on this site) for an essay of a simliar topic - in your case dealing with ethical/cultural differences.

Have a look around and see if you can find some ideas to improve your own essay

at the moment you do not have a clear point to make. I had no idea this essay was about music.

Though it is good that you are trying to use the taste of music as a difference in the cultures. You just need to make it consise, clear and interesting if you can. But more importance on the first two

good luck
Jan 14, 2009
Undergraduate / umich short answer 1 - "Qi Hui" [5]

There are so many things people like myself - who have a complete family - desire. Power, wealth and status are a few to name.

this sentence should be changed to

there are so many aspects for people like myself - who has a complete family - desire, to name a few, power, wealth and status.

Yet, it is such love that can last us past retirement

try to find a better word than retirement.

This experience made me respect people of less fortunate backgrounds.

I want to be able to add new colors to Michigan and create a more vibrant university life for everyone.

this conclusion sentence should be more dramatic and attention grabbing. Enough to leave an impact long after reading this essay

Just a suggetion

I don't just want to add new colors, but I want to become a brush that help mix them together to create a whole new color. I believe I can create a vibrant and lively Michigan university.

Something like that. Just something more striking

A contextual problem i see, i don't think that the paragraphs really support your argument. You talk about love and how it is innate. But the next paragraph you lead to a conclusion totally different from your statement and again in the last paragraph. I think you could work more on trying to connect your ideas together. At the moment it seems liek separate ideas stuck together.
Jan 14, 2009
Undergraduate / Macalester supplement - 'minor problem with our cultural difference' [11]

ok well i don't know if this is offencive or not because i didn't get it
i read it over twice but the essay was too hard to follow. It was too informal at times and too confusing. I'm not sure what the challenge was - the korean girl or the vietnamese children and i'm not sure how you overcame this challenge or learnt something from it

maybe its just me but this needs a lot of work
Jan 14, 2009
Undergraduate / CMC essay ("Leadership is a constant theme and emphasis") [14]

one slight problem. this essay does not sound interesting. you need more showing than telling. try to describe the activity instead of simply telling it. You try this at the start but i think it falls off a bit towards the end. Also you should try and get a stronger intro and a conclusion to capture the adcom's attention

good luck
Jan 14, 2009
Grammar, Usage / How to enrich my writing? [10]

moderators no, contributors read the contributors page at the bottom of this forum
shows you what you can/need to do to join

moderators can move posts, remove them etc
contributors are just extra helpers to moderators
Jan 14, 2009
Undergraduate / Essay : Issue of importance (about a pessimistic friend?) [16]

your voice is whats needed in this essay

have a look at other essays of your topic (i'm sure someone else has chosen this one for their common apps) and see how they have integrated their issue of choice with their beliefs, their stories etc

your essay is like this

issue about child labour
your view

your view and your voice needs to be strongly issued at the start or at least beginning few sentences. The adcoms need to knwo why this is important to you right from the start, not the last two paragraphs
Jan 14, 2009
Student Talk / Application Question January [127]

if you are a sure accepted students i.e. your results are in teh top 10% of the incoming class then optionals probably are not needed

however otherwise, if you are in the middle pack or on the borderline and if you they are choosing someone with optional essays and someone without optional, they'll probably choose the optional one unless the essay was horrible

usually optionals are not optional. Its your chance to show more about yourself and shows that you are more willing to go that extra yard to get that acceptance.

i did all my optional essays
Jan 14, 2009
Undergraduate / Common App and how to start the art supplement? [15]

I think you need to strenghten your introduction and draw better linkage into your second paragraph. Although it is perfectly fine to begin talking about your major of choice and your influence towards it, I don't think that your parents or cousins needs to be mentioned as your influenced.

Personally i'd describe your passion for art more rather than listing the support you have had. And second paragraph, as everyone always says, theres nothing wrong with being more specific. Mention a special program or professor etc

good luck
Jan 14, 2009
Undergraduate / Essay : Issue of importance (about a pessimistic friend?) [16]

im guessing this is for the common app application essay - one main problem i see with this essay. It is a bit too long. 1200 words is too long for an essay of this kind. I'd recommend shorter length of around 700.

Also you talk too much about the issue of child labour. Although the prompt asked for an issue of concern. It also asked you how it influenced you this is the most important part. The adcoms wants to know about you not about the child labour situation. you're using child labour as an issue, an insight towards your own self-beliefs and ideals.

You only begin to mention yourself in the last two paragraphs, a mere 200-300 words or so. this is not even a quatre of your essay. You should try to talk about yourself for at least half your essay.

Reduce some of the descriptions on child labour. Sure its well written but thats not what the adcoms are looking for. Strenghten your ideas about how it influenced you and maybe have an anecdote about a time when you began to recognize the problem or something

good luck
Jan 13, 2009
Undergraduate / My first Essay. how a college education will change your life [28]

Being a teacher for five years has learned me a lot

has taught me a lot

especially a child is unique. dont think you need this line

shining points. awkward word choice. look for alternatives here

caught my eye. too informal. something more like grabbed my attention or something like that

I am confident that Empire State College is my right choice. With convenient online courses, that will let me keep my Job, with God's will, I believe Empire will make my educational dreams come true.

now its good that you understood what i was saying and referred to the college. However you do not need to say the name of the college so many times. replace some with third person references maybe. Also in that last sentence, you should remove with God's will. Unless the college is christian school, you shouldn't express your religious beliefs directly in your essay. also remove the word educational, and change the sentence "that will let me keep my job" (job does not need to be capitalized) "with convenient online courses, which will allow me to study while working in my current job" or something like that.
Jan 12, 2009
Student Talk / How to improve English writing? Learning through reading. [130]

i found conversation most helpful. when i was out i talked to people as much as possible. and when i didnt no a word, i always asked my friends etc and learnt to use it in the context.

writing and vocab?? i just read heaps of books. Doesn't matter what language though, I used to read thousands of books in Korean and i think it helped my writing in English etc.
Jan 12, 2009
Undergraduate / My first Essay. how a college education will change your life [28]

this is a why us essay

main problem with this is you have not talked about Empire state college at all. Whether it is strong in the major of your choice, whether it has professors you would like to hear lectures from, special programs that interests you.

"topics or areas you hope to explore at Empire State College
your academic and personal experience, interests and strengths
your longer-term personal and professional goals"

this is the question you have written and sure you have answered it but subtly, this question is asking what kind of course do you want to pursue at OUR university, specific to OUR college. What do we have that others don't?

you did not meet this criteria at all and sorry for being harsh but your answer does not answer the question.

On this forum there are a lot of "why us" college essays. They may be of differnet universities/colleges you are applying to but you will be able to see what kind of answers they give and what kind of things they include in their essays. If you read many of them, you will see some similarities and aspects of their university that they mention. Look over them and make sure your essay mentions some of those things.

Some grammar errors

As a Teacher I ran into difficult situation on many occasions. For example, a student cried out loudly in my class: "My mother beats me with a whip every night. I am not going home anymore"! I was lost forwords. I felt so sorry for him, but I was not powerful enough to be able to help this child. It was this story, and many others that influenced me and encouraged me to learn how to understand human behavior better.

and to improve on the issues i have mentioned context wise, sentences such as these

I will pursue a College Degree in Psychology, and try to help the unfortunate rebuild their lives.
My goal is to become a professional Psychologist.

can be changed into

Empire State College's strong psychology department became of great interest once I decided to help the unfortunate rebuild their lives by becoming a Psychologist.

things like that

p.s. yes your essay needs to be much more than what it is now. it said minimum 250, then I would go for 500 - 700 as a good solid length to talk enough about the school and not bore the adcoms.

good luck
Jan 11, 2009
Undergraduate / Common App and how to start the art supplement? [15]

its best to ask your university
if your portfolio is on the web, i.e. your own website, then they want to see that
if not i think you indicate that you have sent the porfolio via mail

i'm not so sure though because i'm not a art person so i had nothing to do with this bit lol
Jan 11, 2009
Undergraduate / Common App and how to start the art supplement? [15]

by that do u mean that you have already applied using the school's application? then you should not send another one through common app, they will get confused as they will receive two applications instead of one.
Jan 11, 2009
Writing Feedback / The person I admire happens to be my rival - Essay on Role model [7]

if you don't feel like it then you don't need to
just refer to her as your cousin. but then again, using names might make it sound more personal
just make sure you don't the adcoms confused. keep it same - either cousin or the name.
Jan 11, 2009
Undergraduate / Title for college application essay? [16]

not necessarily. i'm sure there has been a similar thread about this a while back.

you don't have to have one but then theres nothing wrong with not having one.

the title isn't going to be determining a large, if not any portion of your essay
so if you can't think of anything, then you don't need one.

i only had one for my common apps essay
Jan 11, 2009
Student Talk / Application Question January [127]

dec 1 means your more than a month and a half ago. and application with no essay means you didn't make the deadline or fulfil the requirement for consideration

if you meant jan 1 - it still applies the same.
you need the essay otherwise your application is not complete and they don't accept something that is half a month overdue

sorry but i don't think you have any chance what so ever.
Jan 8, 2009
Undergraduate / "Leaders in the Making" - CMC Leadership - admission essay [13]

if you want sarcasm than you could put inverted commas around a little known

"a little known" man named ...

but still i don't think that humor is good enough to be in your essay. it detracts it a little actually, so best to get rid of it.
Jan 8, 2009
Essays / Common app personal essay: selecting a topic for significant experience [8]

[Moved from]: need analysis on a question

Describe your most significant academic experience 100 words

now does this mean like my main subject which influenced my major of choice etc? as in talk about an academic subject?
or school as a general idea and seeing school as an academic experience so anything that has to do with the environment?

i have no idea! need help plz! lol
Jan 8, 2009
Undergraduate / Why GWU? This new beginning. [6]

wow! thank you so much for the detailed replies!
so you don't think i should get rid of the first paragraph as a whole?
and i'll take your advices and put up the second version soon!
Jan 8, 2009
Undergraduate / Why GWU? This new beginning. [6]

500 word limit! (its at 499 now lol)

thanks guys!

needs a lot of work on grammar, awkward sentences etc! any help is greatly appreciated!

also is the first paragraph too weird? i tried to convey the point that GWU's surroundings are awesome etc in an interesting way.

With heavy textbooks in my bag, a camera hanging loosely around my neck and a small map in my hand, I wander down the street searching for my destination. With the United States Capitol behind me, I continue to stroll, absorbing the atmosphere, studying the surroundings, and becoming part of the crowd. As I walk, I am deeply amazed at the history, the culture, and the value these buildings represent and demand. None more so than the White House. I stand in awe and imagine myself working in such a place. Although a security guard stops me from approaching closer for a better picture, I continue to amble in high spirits. Before long, I approach the World Bank, where I push past the protesters. As I reflect on this path called Pennsylvania Avenue, I realize how wonderful it would be to do this every day, only to realize I have finally reached my destination. The sign reads, "Welcome to George Washington University."

As an international student who decided to attend university in a country he has never been before, I had big dreams. I dreamed of a place where I could walk the streets and become amazed at the milieu, filled with hope for the future and ultimately, inspired to achieve my best. I dreamed of a place where my childhood ambitions of serving the President in the Oval Office or working in a major international organization like World Bank would be just one step away; where my aspirations and aims would no longer be behind a television screen but so close that I can see it with my own eyes. (the use of semi colon - correct or incorrect?) Most of all, I dreamed of a place where the education and skills I obtain will take me closer to making my imaginings a reality. But I thought such place was fictional. I decided that my hopes were too abstract.

However, my attitude changed quickly. As I began my search on the Internet, I found a certain university. At first, its interesting name grabbed my attention and as I initiated a research about this university, I began to feel that this was the place. GWU not only satisfied the objective of my search but I was beginning to believe that at GWU, my dreams and imaginings could come true.

The shrinking process of globalization has brought everyone in the world closer together. This is why I believe we should be more aware and educated about our neighbors instead of ignoring them. GWU's Elliot school of International Affairs will help me to understand the world not only through books, but also with its diverse campus, through first-hand experience. Its immediate location of Washington DC will provide unique opportunities, enabling a special social and political network and providing unparalleled experiences that could one day lead to fulfillment of my dreams. I believe that GWU will prepare me to face any challenges and to lead this new beginning of our world.
Jan 7, 2009
Undergraduate / My first day at HUT, I felt an acute sense of disappointment; Significant Experience [8]

what sean was telling you is that sure your essay is good, it tells people about what happened. but it doesn't jump off the page and attract the reader. Especially for a process such as university application, it is best to make it interesting, encapsulating as the adcoms would have read thousands of essays by the time you hand this in. No matter how grammatically and structurally sound, if its not interesting enough as in it doesn't capture their attention, then it will be tougher to get in with someone else with similar stats to you but a more intriguing essay that keeps the audience's attention throughout.

Other than this, I have found it much easier, when writing essays myself, to focus on one significant experience/event and focusing on making it sound very interesting to read while making a strong voice so the adcoms will not be bored while reading my essay and they get to know a lot about me.

just my opinion. take it or leave it.
Jan 7, 2009
Undergraduate / Does financial aid count on the excellence of one's essays??? [7]

and if its need-based then only your financial situation matters
doesn't mean essays are not important though, most unis consider it of important or very important. They help you get in the uni first before you can worry about financial aid
Jan 7, 2009
Undergraduate / Common application-A topic of importance: GREED [5]

Greed can lead to three good qualities for society: ambition, innovation, and cooperation.

Greed can be called a more excessive ambition,

make this more like Greed can be alternatively termed as excessive ambition

It is true that ambition can go either way, but think about it. (too informal)

Almost everyone can agree (personally, i wouldn't be too defiant in such statement. more general one could be used like I believe that innovation is usually for the greater good or something along the lines) that innovation is mostly good thing.

but i think the main problem with the essay here is that you wrote it as if this was a typical essay for high school english literature class. you did not focus at all about yourself and explain why this is of significant importance to you and i'm not all so sure about greed being in the category for an issue. But this one i could be wrong, i was thinking of "issues" more as global warming etc. just my opinion.

But overall you need to change the focus of the essay from "greed" to you - the colleges want to know about you not about greed and your views on it. "greed" should be an example, a guide towards giving your insight. add more personal thoughts/ideas/reasons in this essay.
Jan 7, 2009
Undergraduate / 'Smart, fun, initiating' - VILLANOVA ESSAY [3]

just a suggestion

at the conclusion maybe replace you and your with I? as in make it more personal and first person like. nothing wrong with using you, just i think using I and me would make it more personal thats all

good ending though
Jan 7, 2009
Undergraduate / My expectation of college is more obvious, and my goal evolves gradually from uncertain to definite [2]

As I have graduated from high school for 1 year, I have considered more about college education and my personal and professional goals for longer period.

this intro sentence doesn't make any sense.
do you mean you have graduated a year ago? or you will be graduating in a year?

Back to view(this also doesn't make sense) the past 5 years I have experienced, I have to say that my expectation of college education gets more and more obvious, while my personal goal evolves gradually from uncertain to definite.
Jan 7, 2009
Essays / What are the "do's and dont's" of an introduction of an essay? [8]

then you should do the traditional essay intro of stating your thesis/hypothesis. define words you need to (i.e. portfolio investing) and give a general statement about this issue/argument

and no you should never write "in this essay i will discuss" as you know you must always find more subtle ways of saying so.

i'm not sure about other posts dealing with similar issue of yours
Jan 7, 2009
Undergraduate / 'Exam failure' - long essay of Michigan: setback [7]

yes you need to find different words to say the same thing - repeating a certain word makes it a little more dull than using a variety

but it doesn't mean you should go overboard and use up every word possible in the dictionary
too much high-level vocab can count against you

words like mistake, chances, opportunities, you should be able to change easily without changing the content too much. But i think you did use the word "correction fluid" too much. see if you can replace some of them with third person reference like it

it was run out. should be it ran out
Jan 7, 2009
Essays / "Confessions of a Student" [25]

well theres so many questions about the actual question

is this a joke question? or a serious one?
whos the audience?

sorry but i can't help without any sort of clarification
Jan 7, 2009
Essays / "Confessions of a Student" [25]

lol is that all the information you have about that question???
I mean i'd love to help but just with that one sentence its too vague

things like word limit? what uni? any extra clarifications to go with the question?

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