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Posts by gynn92
Joined: Nov 28, 2009
Last Post: Dec 28, 2011
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Nov 28, 2009
Undergraduate / UC PROMPT 2.- Important experience. [6]

Hi Guys =) I wrote about the experience that is important to me. How does it relate to the person you are? Am I on topic? How could I make it better? Thanks so much =)

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All kinds of thoughts ran through my head as I anxiously waited for the airplane to land. What if people do not understand me? What about racism? I tried to bottle up the anticipation and put it aside; however, I felt like Alice in Wonderland entering into a new dimension. Although my family assured me that I would fit in to America, I had tremendous doubts.

I began attending schools and adjusting to the new language. I was easily able to adapt to the American school curriculums that taught students to think creatively and openly for themselves. It was a new experience for me as I have learned to follow strictly from the teacher's instructions. However, the cultural barriers never slipped away in my mind. Why did Americans tip after eating at a restaurant? Why did they pay individually when they ate with a group? Thus, when my parents decided to spend the summer in Korea, I was overjoyed and thrilled.

A few weeks later, at Incheon International Airport, I felt the rush of comfort and a deep sense of relief. When I saw one of the elders had dropped his book, I ran to pick it up. Excited for what I have done, I greeted the elders and handed him his book. However, my elated state of mind soon subsided when the elders walked away, criticizing my demeanor of delivering the book with one hand. I had forgotten the Korean etiquette to use two hands to show respect for the elders. I tried to ignore it, but my sense of discomfort grew as I spent more days in Korea. My cousins had to get a haircut, as the Korean schools required all the students' hair to be cut to a proper length. Also, they could not wear any make-up or earrings. Because I only had gone to an elementary school in Korea, I was not cognizant of these stringent school rules. I thought of the independence given to American students and the usual American's courtesy in passing objects with one hand to the elders. Suddenly, these American customs now appeared rational to me. It was evident that aspects of American culture had been embedded in me.

Why had I not considered the admirable traits of America sooner? It was not the culture that had prevented me from adjusting; it was actually my unwillingness to look beyond my limitations. Although the differences were overwhelming and challenging to overcome, it helped me to become adaptable to changes. Now that I am capable of observing from the vantage point of two discrete, unique cultures, I have perspectives that others do not have. I will continue to seek out discrepancies between the two cultures and embrace them. After all, we are so different, yet the same.
Nov 28, 2009
Undergraduate / University of Washington "Describe an experience of cultural difference" prompt [5]

Hey! I'm also applying to UW as well! Ah, priority deadline is approaching! :(

Well, for your essay, I got the sense that your essay does not really describe what you have learned in details. The UW prompt asks what did you learn from it. You described what you learend in the end, but I think you need to add more personality in your essay. The description was good but you should add your voice. =)

Look at mine, too?
Nov 28, 2009
Undergraduate / "Club Advertisement" UC Prompt 2 [6]

Nice essay! I love how you wrapped up the conclusion.

If I could suggest one thing, you should let your voice be heard through the essay. I get the feeling that you are very sincere and proud of what you do, but it doesnt say who you are. Do you organize and oversee the homeless shelters just because you are the president of honor society? I think your essay accentuates too much about your role as a president. Show them you are passionate about this activity even if you werent the president. =)

Look at mine too?
Nov 28, 2009
Undergraduate / "My parents are pastors" - UC Prompt #1 - My World [18]

Hey! You chose a risky topic to write about. You emphasize the fact that your parents are pastors too much, but the essay is nicely written. Some of the information is redundant, so if you are short on words, you should take the repetitive parts out. =)

criticize mine from Korean perspectives? (check my profile)
Nov 28, 2009
Undergraduate / UC2: Falling in love with Fictional Men [4]

This is a unique essay! I loved the way you described what being human was about.
If I could suggest one thing, work on your conclusion a little bit more. like wrapping up. But I really liked your essay. I bet they havent seen anything like this before =)

Criticize my essay?
Nov 28, 2009
Undergraduate / Common App, Significant Expericence: Moving to Virginia [3]

I liked the description! Our essays are similar in a way.

If I could make suggestions, some of the phrases are redundant.

I get the sense that you want to accentuate the fact you joined the clubs, but it sounds repetitive.

Also, what Haru21 suggested. That sentence needs a clarification =)

Criticize my essay from Korean perspectives?
Nov 29, 2009
Undergraduate / "I want my career to be a pharmacist" - UC prompt #1 [3]

Hey there.
I really enjoyed reading your essay. I didn't plan on reading it but your words caught my eyes.

The way you described how people eating dinner with candles were romantic but not for your family, was nicely written. Throughout your essay, I could hear your voice.

If I could suggest one thing, I got the sense that you were rushing the essay in the end. You explained about your aunty and then the difficulties you faced in chemistry. Who is this aunty? Like an aunt, or a friend? Also, think of a better conclusion to tie your whole essay.

But overall, like I said, your essay kept me interested.

Criticize my essay from Korean perspectives? =)
Dec 23, 2009
Undergraduate / "to light the way for my students" - Take a look at my "Why Northwestern?" [5]

Hello friends :)

Here is my draft of Why Northwestern. Please be harsh. Hurt my feelings! Haha. I know, I need to work on my word choices... Suggestions are welcome! Thank you for your help

Date: September, 2030
As I ran my fingers across an old faded photograph of myself standing in Ryan Field, I reminisced about my years in college. I could vividly remember myself heading towards Annenberg Hall to attend a lecture. Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a bell, attracting the students to enter my classroom.

"Ms.Lee, is that you?" one of the students asked, glancing at the picture.
"Yes, it was during my college years." I smiled.
"Tell us about your college experience!" Soon, there was a crowd gathered around my desk.
"Yeah, tell us why you became a teacher!" The questions came endlessly.
"Oh, alright." I gave in and began my story...

"Ever since I was young, I knew I wanted to teach. During high school, I volunteered as a peer tutor, camp counselor, and assistant teacher. These indispensable activities shaped my passion for teaching. Just like the quote, "A teacher is like a candle; it consumes itself to light the way for others," it was remarkable how I was able to guide the students to reach their educational goals. Whether they needed help solving a simple math problem or analyzing a book's theme, it was as if I held the key to the next step. No other activity was as fulfilling and satisfying to me as working with the students. So it was only natural that my affection for teaching led me to Northwestern University."

"Why? Does Northwestern have a good teaching program?" One of the students courageously asked the big question.
"For me, the question was 'Why not Northwestern?' Northwestern was my home for developing my interests and talents. My rationale for attending Northwestern had to do with the School of Education & Social Policy. From the beginning, I knew it was the perfect match for me. And I was right. SESP not only prepared me with the best secondary teacher program, but also in human development and psychological services, where my other passion lies. It was truly amazing as I learned the social impacts on human growth.

"Anyways, SESP is known for its close community. The small classes fostered strong relationship between the professors and the students. It was my ideal learning environment, because I believe engaging in discussions broaden and expands the students' reflection. Also, I always had someone to converse with, whether it was for academic or personal purposes. I still keep in touch with advisors and professors that I became close to during those years.

"Yes, Alex," I called upon a student whose arm was raised.
"I have a sister who goes to Northwestern and she told me about the practicum in School of Education. What did you do?" Alex asked.

"Out of an abundance of opportunities SESP offered, the most valuable adventure was the summer field studies. I was given a chance to explore my potential career at the Department of Education in Washington D.C. As my courses were concentrated specifically towards social policy and human services, I utilized my knowledge in designing education curriculums. I was in the right place as I helped to outline modules that taught students to think creatively and openly for themselves. The feeling of leaving my footprints on a student's life was ineffable and I believe no other university would have provided such an opportunity like Northwestern did.

"Let's get back to class. We're going to be discussing childhood development and adolescence," I concluded. As I stepped toward the podium, I inwardly thanked Northwestern University for opening the doors for me. As Northwestern was a candle to my education, I will continue to light the way for my students, with knowledge.
Dec 23, 2009
Undergraduate / Cornell Arts and Sciences- History Major [3]

I liked your essay. You described your evolution pretty well. The essay isn't boring. It kept me entertained. I especially love how you started the essay. If I could make suggestion, you should elaborate more on why Cornell. What you have now is a little vague. Explain more. Other than that, I loved it =)

Good luck!

Take a look at mine too? Thank you!
Dec 23, 2009
Undergraduate / to study journalism - Northwestern Supplement [7]

Your introduction needs some work. Many people start their intro like that. You wrote how NU will help you succeed pretty well. Maybe write how you will contribute to NU? Other than that, it looks great.

Will you take a look at mine too?

Thank you =)
Dec 23, 2009
Undergraduate / "Stronger" - Name an influential person: My Father (Common app essay) [7]

Hey! Nice way to start your essay. I like it! I read both of your drafts and I have to admit, the rewrite is much better. It's more concise and from the beginning, it catches my attention. But I think you need to write more about your relationship with your father. You mention that the relationship between you two have grew apart, but you should elaborate more on how your father influenced you. But this is a nice draft.

And I can totally relate to your story. I'm a Korean myself and I know how stressful it is for fathers.. :(
Dec 23, 2009
Undergraduate / "MY OWN CURIOUS CASE " Feedbacks on my admission essay... [13]

Nice essay! I especially like the comparison with the clock. The way you write your essay is rather comical than informative, which is a good thing. It keeps the readers entertained.

I would take this out : I thought God must have had played a trick on me. In revenge, I planned to trick God instead.

Some might find it offensive. But other than that, your essay is nicely written.
Good luck =)

Take a look at mine?

Thank you!
Dec 24, 2009
Undergraduate / Common App short answer about theatre [5]

I like your edit. I know there's a word limit, but you should elaborate more on how it influenced you. But I love the ending. The essay is concise and entertaining.

Take a look at mine?
Dec 29, 2009
Undergraduate / Northwestern Supplement Seeking the Relationships Between the Outerworld Help [17]

Hello there =]

And I thought my Why NU essay was long. Haha, just kidding.

Your beauty idea is very descriptive and captivating. It shows how you are passionate about NU, but I felt like you focused too much with describing the definition of beauty in the first paragraph. Try to find more of NU's characteristics that appeal to you and connect it with your definition of beauty.

Your passion is lucidly shown throughout the essay. I like your fourth paragraph. It shows your interest.

I think the last two sentences are fine. It's cheesy but funny. I think it's better than having a dull end.

Anyways, I liked your essay. Will you take a look at mine? Ugh, don't you wish NU's deadline was on the 15th instead of 1st? :(
Dec 29, 2009
Undergraduate / Brown- why essay (an awesome place to hang out) [6]

Hello =)

Ugh, stupid word limit! lol

Um, I don't know much about Brown, but your approach is interesting. Even though it's a diary entry, I feel it's too colloquial.

I think you should take out the first sentence and write more about Brown's characteristics that appeal to you. You mention your interest to Brown's programs like PLME and the chance to meet the US diplomat lady, but it's very brief. Instead of writing "Oh man I slept near 3 and so on" , explain your reasons why those interest you in detail.

I strongly suggest you explain more about the activities. Good luck =)

Will you take a look at mine?

Thank you
Dec 29, 2009
Undergraduate / I Cheated on My Wife (Number). U of I essay. [11]

Wow, one of the unique essays I've read.

I like your essay the way it is, but if you have to take it out, then... I would take out "give up on math...". I think you explained your purpose with the other quotes. But hey that's already more than 15 words!

I think you can shorten this sentence, "Even though I took all the hardest math classes my school had to offer and some from a community college"

I think you can cut this out: Confucius once said "If you find enjoy what you do, you will never work another day in your life."

take out Barnes and Noble.

:) Cute essay! I'm jealou! Haha

Will you take a look at mine? Maybe you can help me add humor in my essay!
Dec 30, 2009
Undergraduate / My selection of Major and Why. JHU's essay, Also Cornell's essay. [4]

Hello there.

I really liked your first sentence. It's interesting. It made me wonder what does the writer mean by being a habitual explorer. And you lucidly explain in the first paragraph. But I dont think you would need the every monday, at 8 pm part. I'm not a science person, so I can't really comment on the content. But the structure is awesome. You start the essay very generally then going into the details. I liked it.

Will you take a look at mine?

Thank you and good luck =)
Dec 30, 2009
Undergraduate / Upenn Supplement: Bioengineering + EWB [12]

Hey there =)

Nice first paragraph. Definitely catched my attention. You should add how you will contribute to the Penn community in your second paragraph.

Will you take a look at mine?
Dec 30, 2009
Undergraduate / Are you different from your peers - The Sidewalk [10]

Hey =)

The essay is interesting. But I feel like it's distracting your main purpose. I don't see much connection with your essay and being a doctor. Try to elaborate on it.

Will you take a look at my essay?
Dec 30, 2009
Undergraduate / "Red, my favorite color" - Common App Essay Draft- Needs critiquing [7]

You know, I've never read a "color" essay before, but this is GOOD. lol

Suggestion: take out, "ever since I was child"
I like I carry with me the connotation and the very last sentence. Very unique.

Will you check my essay?

Thank you and good luck!
Dec 30, 2009
Undergraduate / Being in a book club - only 150 words =) [3]

Hello =)
Any suggestions? Be harsh! I will take a look at your essay too. =) Thank you!

The fresh scent of paper and the sound of the turning pages welcome me. There is no other activity that quenches my thirst for knowledge more than curling up by the fireplace to read. Every week, the Literature Club members and I gather around to select a book. Last week, I was introduced to Jane Eyre. I instantly connect with Jane, as I have struggled to find my place of belonging in America. I realize Jane and I overcame obstacles in similar manners. As the members and I share our conceptions, different perspectives of the novel are assimilated. Not only am I able to connect with the character, but I also acquire the opinions of the others. Participating in a book club has provided me with pleasure, knowledge, and inspiration to communicate with others intellectually. Our next victim is Emma. I cannot wait to hear how the members regard the proud, but kind and passionate Emma...
Dec 30, 2009
Undergraduate / U Va app: Elaborate Activity--emceeing; LoTF that challanged me; Favorite Word [7]

Hey there =)

Your 150 word essay: I like this one. It's descriptive. But try rewording your third sentence. It's a little awkward. I'm too lazy to check the word limit, but try to add in what you learned from the activity a little bit more.

Your third essay: Try to elaborate on the last sentence.

Will you take a look at mine?

Thank you!
Dec 28, 2011
Undergraduate / "Don't send me to America!": Evaluate a significant experience [14]

I really like how you incorporated the "wish" theme throughout the essay.
Some parts seem general though. Be more specific on the "financial burden," "doubling efforts," and "helping out at the restaurant."

Also, write more about how it shaped you, and how you're different now.
If you refine those, I think it'll be phenomenal essay! :)
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