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Posts by lynzee22
Name: Lindsay Rowden
Joined: Mar 3, 2015
Last Post: Dec 30, 2016
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From: United States of America

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Mar 3, 2015
Essays / MANY teenagers today do not listen to adults' advice do not have a sense of responsibillity [3]

A good place to start would be to state your opinion. Do you agree or disagree. Then you need to find three points to support your argument. For example: I believe that teenagers do not take adults' advice or have a sense of responsibility. They expect their parents to give them everything, they do not have to have jobs like teenagers used to, and they do not think they need to write their own essays.

Then you take each point, and make a paragraph with it. Use specific details to back up your argument.
Lastly you need to write a conclusion. Restate your introduction paragraph, but rephrase it.
Hope this helped.
Mar 3, 2015
Research Papers / Nella Larsen's Passing - what to write about? [4]

I have not read that book, but if you send me a little more information about what you want to write about I can help you,

If you are completely stuck, here are some suggestions for writers block. Just start writing what ever comes to mind about the book. Don't worry if it is bad, just write whatever you think. Then read it over. Find a point that can be argued and base your thesis off of that.

Another idea is to write out each of your ideas for a thesis and list your arguments for that idea under it. This gives you an idea of which point you have the most back up for.

Hope this helps
Mar 3, 2015
Scholarship / Essay on choosing Scotland - as a "good place to be", robotics and university [2]

The area you most need to work on is organization.
I think it would be helpful for you to have paragraphs - an opening, middle paragraphs and a conclusion.
Your opening paragraph should clearly state why you want to go to Scotland, and your reasons for choosing this institution and subject. ex: I want to go to Scotland because.... I choose to study at this institution because it supports new research and ... I have a passion for robotics and this institution has a great robotics program.

Then your next paragraph will focus and expand on why you want to go to Scotland. Your third paragraph expands on why you picked that institution. Your next paragraph focuses on why you picked robotics.

Last you have your conclusion, where you bring it all together. You restate your major points, but make it more powerful. You can talk about your work experience here to end with why you would be great for this institution. It would make for a powerful ending.

Also, please check for grammar mistakes. Sometimes, you are missing the subject of the sentence.
Hope this helps
Mar 3, 2015
Book Reports / I am writing a thesis paper on Oedipus the King and I think my thesis statment. Needs some work [3]

these seem like supporting facts rather than a thesis. It sounds like your thesis is more like "Blindness in Oedipus Rex represents peoples inability to see the truth until it is too late" Or "Blindness represents how people often refuse to see horrible truths that happen right in front of them". Your supporting facts will be 1)Oedipus is "blind" throughout the story by his inability to understand that the prophecy has come true and scorns the ones who try to guide him;

2)however, Tiresias' physical blindness leads him to "see" the truth; and
3)Jocasta is blind to realize that she is married and has had children with her son.
Oedipus and Jocasta refuse to see how they have acted in ways that made the prophecy. However, the only man who is physically blind can see the truth, demonstrating how physical sight does not mean people can see the truth.

I think this will become a great essay if you organize it right. Good luck!
Mar 3, 2015
Letters / My good academic record and motivation make me a strong recommendation for a place at this program. [2]

This essay was well written overall. You had great organization and good enthusiasm. I made some technical edits for you, but please review again and make sure all the grammatical mistakes are corrected.

Dear Sir/MadamTo Whom It May Concern, ,
With this letter, I hereby would like to express my motivation for ato participate in a PhD programme in geology offered by your University.
Many scholarships were offered for Syrian students but your programme is the only programme which full coverage for my major in one of the most important University in the world.I would not mention this in your essay. This topic is not appropriate for this type of essay

With a major in geophysics studies as an undergraduateBA in geophysics , and Masters in geophysics, I would now like to concentrate on studying structural geology by interpretation geophysical data and satellite imagery. I am particularly interested in Arabian plate movement, Ghab depression, and Palmyride anticline.

The use of gravity and magnetic methods in studying structural setting of northern Ghab Area became the subject for my essay which accepted in 22th October 2014 in Damascus university journal for basic science and it will publicationbe published soon.

In my studies towardfor a PhD degree, I wish to Construct the structural model for northern Palmyride in Syria based on geophysical interpretations and satellite imagery. Because there haveis not an integrated visualization of past and future of the Palmyride tectonic movements as a part of Arabian plate.

I have been working in many geological and geophysical studies in my present and previous work and get good experience in geological and tectonic of Syria and using geological, geophysics, satellite imagery, and geographic information system programs. Which will help me in Implementation my PhD plan.

Inone the other hand, I have been worked in many general organizations in last 10 years as a geophysicist and as ain the head of documentation department in last two years, so I have very good experience in networking with other external actors and very good experience in data management. with good experience in train others because I worked as a teacher in Damascus university for 3 years.

I visited your university website and findfound that there are many professors on school of geology have most important geological and geophysical researches in the world, and it's my opportunity to get my dream. I would like to say that I am eager to gain new experiences, improve my skills, and I am persuaded that studying in your PHD program would contribute to my development as a specialist of international level in the best possible way.

In a few years, I see myself teaching geophysics in one of Syrian universities and one of petroleum section leaders in Syria. PhD program offered by your scholarship would be valuable to me in several ways. First, your teaching assistantship program would provide me with the practical experience I am eager to acquire. Further, earning a Ph.D. in Geophysics would support my other career goals by adding to my creative skills, in my technical work. Ultimately, however, I see the Ph.D. as an end in itself, as well as a professional milestone; I enjoy studying geophysics for its own sake and would like to continue my studies on the level demanded by the Ph.D. program.

To my knowledge, this program is very competitive, attracting highly motivated students, but I am convinced that my good academic record and my motivation make me a strong recommendation for a place at it. I would be honored if you decide to accept my candidateship to be Ph.D. student at your Universities.[/quote]
Mar 3, 2015
Writing Feedback / Car ownership, public transport and environment protection - Ielts2 [2]

Here are some edits for what you have. A good point to make is that, not only does the pollution caused my cars harm people, but it harms the environment as well.

With the enormous spread of private cars, people find themselves in front of a sensitive problem: should car ownership be restricted? From my perspective, the efforts to control the use of car will face reasonable obstacles; however the control needs to be assumed, at least partly.

In contrast,with buses and subway trains, which go only to scheduled places and at a scheduled time, while a car provides accessibility to a large amount of destinations and the opportunity to be independent from the schedule.

Moreover, scientists have linked the alertness and the disruption of sleeping patterns that citizens experience to the noise pollution produced by horns honking and the sound of working motors.

In order to lighten people's carbon dioxide and noise footprintpollution , the number of cars operated needs to be reduced.

In conclusion, I believe that, although difficult, car ownership should be restricted. In an effort to decrease the number of cars on the streets, governments need to encourage the use of public transportation by developing additional destinations of buses and subway trains and lower ing the prices of tickets.

Hope this helps
Mar 4, 2015
Undergraduate / Growth of Resilience - UC Personal Statement 2 [4]

The organization and grammar in this essay are overall very good.
However, I have some suggestions about the content. First of all, I would not criticize yourself in the essay. Calling yourself "pathetic," for example, sounds like you are seeking sympathy too much.

I would also incorporate your final point throughout your essay. At the end you say you "simply grew up". Elaborate more on what you mean by this. Also, I would not use that phrase. I would say "I learned to smile at criticism even though it hurt me. I knew if I listened, and tried to improve on what the person said I would become a better person/student etc." Add sentences throughout like this one, demonstrating how you learned from each of these experiences as a child.

If you add stuff like this, I think your essay will turn out very good.
I hope this helped.
Mar 6, 2015
Writing Feedback / Cultures .. one view of their dynamics; Pilgrims of Eastern origin [2]

You bring up interesting points in this essay. However, the organization is a bit confusing.
First, you main points do not seem to be connected. It might be helpful to read this over and find what your thesis is, and put that at the beginning instead of the theoretical questions. And from there create an outline

It seems as though your main points are 1) If North America had been discovered by another culture, it would have been very different
2) The unique situation gave the founders a good chance to make a change in the world.
3) How this benefits the world.
It would be helpful to write simple sentences (after creating an outline) about your supporting facts and create paragraphs off of that.

Also, please watch out for wordiness and word order. A lot of your sentences are hard to follow. EX: "What is sweeping over the world is the discovery which happened in that country" could be shortened to "The discovery that happened in that country is sweeping over the world"

I hope this helped
Mar 6, 2015
Research Papers / How to weigh the cost and benefits of reloading your own ammunition [2]


I am not sure what the questions was exactly, but from your post it seems as though it wants to know the pros and cons of reloading your ammunition.

First off, I would like to say that your essay was well written. However, you talk about HOW to reload your ammunition and how much it will cost etc. You do not actually make an argument for reloading your own ammunition rather than buying it from the store.

You could make a thesis saying something like "Reloading your own ammunition is more cost effective and shows more responsibility as a gun owner because it teaches you about your firearm, you become a more accurate shooter and it is cheaper.

Then you would make paragraphs arguing why these three points (or any points you think are important) make it a better choice.
It would also be good to present the counter argument. EX: Some people think that it is not a better choice because it is too difficult (or whatever argument people have against your point of view) Be sure to rebut the counter argument. This will make your paper much stronger.

I think a lot of the points you made in this essay will be good for supporting your argument, you just may want to restructure it so it has a clearer argument.

Hope this helped
Mar 6, 2015
Essays / Write a story based on: "U have let me down for the last time" - he roared [5]

This quote seems to be said in anger at someone. You could write about any relationship that is going through a difficult time, EX: a friend who repeatedly lets you down, a parent who was negligent, a sibling who always got into trouble and expected you to help them out.

One direction you could go in terms of meaning is how complicated human relationships are. We are constantly let down by the people around us, yet we continue to try to make our relationships with them work. Also, we let others down. Not out of spite, but just because we are human and make mistakes.

You could start the story off in a fight, and do a flashback type set up where you explain how the characters got into the current situation as you progress. Or you can start from the beginning.

I think you have the potential to write a very good story off of this.
Hope this helped
Mar 6, 2015
Grammar, Usage / Future perfect continuous tense and its usage! [5]

The grammar in this sentence is correct. However, you need background in order for it to make since. For example, She has already been singing for seven years, and you have just started. Therefore, by the time you have been singing for seven years...

It would also be helpful to explain why this is relevant. Is this person trying to compete with the person who has been singing for longer?

I hope this helped
Mar 7, 2015
Scholarship / The value of education is something I have understood since a very young age. Scholarship statement. [3]

The fist suggestion I would make would be to organize the first part. I would keep the parts about how you understand how important education is and how you challenged yourself together. Then I would transition to the money situation.

Also, I think instead of waiting until the end to start talking about why you deserve the award, I would add that within your essay. You can say things like I have always challenged myself to do better, thus making me a perfect candidate for the scholarship.

for the end I would just reword and restate your main points about why you are deserving of the award.
Once you finished that, just edit it for grammar and I think you will have a very strong essay. It seems like you are a very dedicated and eager student and it shows through in your paper. Good luck!
Mar 8, 2015
Graduate / Life's meaning is not defined by its length or the material abundance - Special Education SOP [2]

That was a very well written essay.
I would suggest that you state why you want to go to the university earlier. They say that this is very important so I would work it in from the beginning.

I would suggest that after the very first paragraph you add a "Thesis" statement stating why you want to go there. EX: I love working with children and believe that the program at your university will be very will suited to help me achieve this goal" or something like this.

Then add in other sentences in each paragragh to reinforce this. I would add these sentences in at the end of the paragraph so it sticks in their mind.

Other than that it was a great essay. If you stick just a little more to the guidlines and make sure they understand from the beginning why you want to go there I think it will be a great essay.

Hope this helped
Mar 8, 2015
Scholarship / Losing My Grandmother To Depression - Scholarship Essay [2]

I have a few suggestions
1) a lot of children see really bad things, so I would take out the part that says they don't. Unfortunately, that is just not how life is.

2) do not end on a negative note. You are angry with your grandmother and that is fine, but end on a note saying how this taught you to deal with the problems of life and that you see how depression and suicide affect others so strongly.

Lastly, your harshness towards depression shows that you do not understand it and have not researched it. I would not let on that you do not know what it is. It is classified as a disease, and if this is an essay for a college entrance acceptance, the people reading will most likely be somewhat knowledgeable about the disease. Also, negativity like that does not look good in this type of essay.

If you are still emotionally hurt, you may not be ready to write about this. I know I had to change my personal statement because I was trying to write about something I was not ready to write about. Just some food for thought.

Hope this helped.
Mar 9, 2015
Undergraduate / "I am a psychopath" Psychiatry dep. accepting essays from people with disorders on their experiences [2]

So I suppose I don't need to tell you your essay is well written. However, I would make one suggestion. The end sounds like you have just kind of given up. Like your just going to allow yourself to be defeated by your psychological condition. I think the university will be looking for people who want to overcome it. Even if you have not found that answer yet, at least show that you are trying, determined, and have no intention of giving into the abyss of loneliness.

The part about self-awareness is great. You know who you are, you accept what is wrong and its limitations, but again, you just give into it. You sound a LITTLE like you are using it as an excuse (and I don't mean this to sound insensitive, I have severe depression and severe PTSD, so I know what it is to fight against a psychological disorder)

But I think it is important to show you are fighting back. Otherwise, why should they pick you over the thousands of people with these disorders who are fighting and overcoming?

Other than that, great job
Mar 9, 2015
Undergraduate / "Gay man of color"; It is imperative for me to be a sinner - Stanford essay [7]

What you have written is well written and poetic. However, you need to expand on each of your ideas and stick to the prompt more clearly. The prompt is what matters to you and why. So use that language to clarify. Say directly it matters to me to be a part of the LGBTQ community and to find self-acceptance." or something like that. then incorporate that into your essay throughout.

Then the why. why do you want to go to Stanford to find this? Talk about how the experiences of your friends making fun of you affected you. Did you further reject yourself? How did you come to accept yourself? Or, if you have not yet, what part of the process are you in? If you are still searching, talk about that search.

The part about the government "killing all the fun" - change that. It sounds a little strange in this essay.
Mar 10, 2015
Undergraduate / I spent most of my adolescence reviewing literature about flight principles [3]

be careful will dangling modifiers. I had added in some corrections below, but please edit for more errors.

Prompted by this fascination and my innate curiosity

This fascination and innate curiosity led me to ....

Not only did this internship[quote=ismaelmatamoros]didinternshipdid give me the opportunity to demonstrate

During a laboratory session on flight management and guidance systems (FMGS) at ENAC I was learninged the principles used by on-board systems to guide the aircraft along its intended path. Prompted byas a result of my eagerness to learn more about the topic,[/quote]

Other than a few grammatical errors, this essay was well written. Good luck
Hope this helped
Mar 12, 2015
Writing Feedback / Children of helicopter parents are more likely to feel depressed and less satisfied with their lives [3]

I know this is only a proposal, but you still need to have a clear thesis and 2-3 main ideas that you will use to back up your thesis. This should be in the first paragraph, or, in this case, a few sentences in. You want the reader to know exactly what you are arguing.

You also need to make the rebuttals clearer. A rebuttal is bringing in an argument FOR helicopter parenting and how it will help the child, and THEN rebutting it to back up your argument.

Also, I would work on organization. You should explain what helicopter parenting is and how it developed in the first paragraph. Then you would have at least one paragraph per main point and per rebuttal. Make sure you have sufficient evidence to back up your points.

IN the case of the rebuttal, have evidence both for and against your argument. Bringing validity to the counter argument and then thoroughly debunking it makes your argument stronger. A lot stronger.

Be careful with word choice:

During the younger years, this is definitely a needednecessary characteristic for parents, however, if this style of authority reveals to be a security clutch for the guardianthis style of authority is often a security clutch for the gaurdian , itand can causemajorhave negative effects on the child's adolescent and adult years.

Lastly, your paragraph about how this started as a way to make up for being absent seems like you are overgeneralizing. I know many stay at home moms (who were raised by stay at home moms) who are helicopter moms. and many dads who are helicopter dads. Do you have evidence to support the claims you make in this paragraph? If not I would revise it to something that you can back up.
Mar 12, 2015
Scholarship / "deserving party" - I am aware that only a limited number of students are granted scholarships [9]

Start with to "Whom It May Concern" It sounds more professional while sir or madam sounds very fancy and kind of frivolous.

Dear Sir or Madam ,To Whom It May Concern,

I would like to apply for a scholarship for the duration of my studies at ABC. I am aware that only a limited number of students are granted scholarships. However, I am sure you will find me a deserving party.because.... (add three main points here. This will also allow your reader to follow your essay clearly

I have always been a consistent performer in my academics and have always been able to maintained an excellent score of 80 % and above right from my higher secondary to my undergrad degree.
Mar 12, 2015
Essays / Overprotection leeds to Destructive behaviours in children [5]

There are many directions you can go with this topic.
1) leads to low self-esteem
2) these children tend to be less successful because they do not know how to handle challenges in life
3) this behavior is often linked to some emotional issue with the parent. In this case, they will pass on some of their emotional baggage as well as low self-esteem problems, giving their kid more issues

4) these children are often "afraid" of the world
5) they have poor skills working on a team because they do not know how to compromise
6) they have a hard time holding jobs
and many more points about this.
Hope that helped
Mar 12, 2015
Writing Feedback / Critique practice GRE "Analyze an Argument"(head of household) [2]

Your essay is a little hard to follow. I think if you write a clearer thesis it will be easier to understand. State your opinion and all of your supporting main points. Then follow with your main points in the order you said them in your thesis.

Also, for each main point, use the language they used in the prompt to clarify which part you are answering.
Advice for writing a timed essay: write down all your main ideas first on a separate paper and write your thesis from that. This makes a really rough outline. Once you have that write a paragraph for each sentence. It helps you organize in a timely manner.
Mar 13, 2015
Writing Feedback / The carbon cycle in our life - from fossil fuels to photosynthesis [3]

The diagram illustrates the way in which the how carbon is recycled in the daily life. It can be seen that there are three stages in the process, beginning withthe exploration of fossil fuels and decomposition of natural resources, (step two, and step three) .

To begin, the fossil fuels are exploited from the earth's layer which layer? there are many by the factory. This process is produceds air pollutionone of which consists ofis carbon dioxide. Other ways to produce this gas is from the vehicles which are generated the carbon dioxide to the air and how breathing process works repeatedly . Vehicles also produce this gas and contribute to air pollution.

Following this, the amount of the carbon dioxide in the air is becomes one of the materials to do photosynthesisI am not sure what you mean by the rest of this sentence , which leaves keep the gas, and this process is generated energy for plant life. The plants also are got the food offeed animals. Due to the decaying, after the natural resources was done, they experienced the decomposition process. This process can be saved the carbon dioxide in the land. Furthermore, the process of decaying can save carbon dioxide in the land.

Hope this helps
Mar 13, 2015
Scholarship / Bullying/ threatening/ comrades; GATES Scholarship; Unfairly treated [2]

Several months after I migrated to the United States from Benin, during the summer ofin 2010, I was put in summer school

I was reluctant of goingto go , mainly because summer school was the hub for poorly behavinged kids who thought fighting and bullying was a sign of ultimate supremacy.

I reckon the incident happeninged onin a hot day towards the end of summer school.

One kidof my classmates, ]from my class named Gilbert, who also belonged to my original school , had a nformer altercation with anothe classmatewith a kid in the hallways, whose name I don't recall .

This is an interesting essay. I have a few suggesations. First, do not use kid. It is slang and inappropriate for a college entrance essay. Second, I would not refer to your classmates as comrades. Comrads are like brothers, people who know each other well, and a lot of you are obviously not close.
Mar 13, 2015
Writing Feedback / Opening scenes of God Father 1 & 2 ; NCEA Level 3 English Film Study Essay [3]

This is very well written. You do a great job explaining the scenes to the reader. You could do a little better explaining the relevance though. The whole paragraph is explanation and very little relevance. You should add a few more sentences about how the things you describe demonstrate the movie is about revenge. For example, when you are talking about the mother and the camera angles showing her, I am not sure how it pertains to your main point.

Perhaps if you described the scene first, and then spend 60% of the paragraph explaining relevance.

Here are some grammatical corrections,
You do not need a comma after scenes 1 and 2.
mourners are in the mercy of a greater power- either God or a Don

I hope this helped
Mar 13, 2015
Scholarship / My life has always fixated on robotics - one of reason why I chose study in Scotland. [3]

Your first sentence should be two sentences. Also, be careful with capitalization and punctuation. You capitalize a few things in the middle of the sentence and you use a colon instead of a comma in a few places.

Also, your word order is a little off. Be careful with this because it makes reading your essay hard to follow. I have given some examples of corrections below.

would help me in contributingto the development of mankind which is like giving back what I have

grown because of them

In this state am elated to embark toScotland not

only because of Scottish universityies leading in the world rankings, but also the country whichis always showing willingness to support researchers.

Your opening and closing paragraphs are good. I can see you worked hard on those, but the wording in your body needs work still. It is difficult to follow. please use the above examples to help you re word the body.

Hope this helped
Mar 14, 2015
Undergraduate / I started clicking all the different tabs; My Stanford "Intellectual Vitality" [2]

your story is very well written and very interesting. You start off very well, but the end is a little lacking. I would suggest going into more detail about what you did while you dad was gone. How did you find out what to do? what exactly did you learn?

Also, add more about what you are interested in now, other than gas prices. what do you want to do with economics.

I am not sure if this is a college entrance essay, but if it is, you need to work in a thesis and organize your essay through main points. You can use your story to start your essay, but you need to go into more detail about why you should be accepted into their university. You need more than that you became interested in economics. How did this guide you in high school and your younger years? what did you do that was related to economics? etc.

Hope this helped.
Mar 17, 2015
Writing Feedback / Information technology enables many people to do their work outside their workplace [4]

Your conclusion counters everything you said in the paper. In the essay you said that working at home is not good. but in your conclusion, you said that it depends on the person. You give counter arguments for working at home, and then go against what you said by saying that it is okay to work from home if you have the right personality. (I would also change the argument about the woman working at home. It is an over generalization. I am a woman working from home, but I don't have kids, so that statement doesn't apply)

hope this helped
Mar 17, 2015
Essays / FAMU College Entrance Essay about myself and my future contribution to the school community [4]

Strong transitions utilize the first sentence of one paragraph and the last sentence of another to help the paper flow smoothly. They often use the same language (at least one word that is similar or the same) to connect the two main ideas of the paragraphs.

Colleges like to here about something that makes you human. They can see your accomplishments and all that on the rest of your application. For the essay you want to show them something that makes you uniquely you. I was advised to write about a hard time that I overcame, and talk about the main characteristic that helped you through that time. Colleges want to see that you are a person that can over come difficulties as well as perform well in school.

I wouldn't write about race unless you were a direct victim of racial discrimination - it is a very common topic to pick and I think (and many professors that helped me write my essay think as well) that it is overdone. Again, if you were a victim of some sort of hate crime or a teacher treated you poorly or something then by all means, tell your story.

I hope this helped
Mar 17, 2015
Undergraduate / Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park experience - Applying for Japanese Studies and Sociology [4]

The world changed forever when Hiroshima was destroyed by an atomic bomb; my perspective on life was significantly altered when I set foot on Ground Zero. My parents and I visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park in November 2007. I remember being stunned when I saw the park for the first time. As a little girl, it was very hard for me to understand how this beautiful and serene place had once witnessed one of the most horrific moments in history. The A-Bomb Dome was definitely a sight seared into my memory. Unlike any other tourist sites where tourists typically leave after posing for a photograph, I noticed many people standing in silence as they reflected upon the terrors that the now skeletal structure of the former Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall had encountered . Some were even moved to tears. A strange cocktail of anger, sadness and tranquility bubbled within me and wrestled for dominance as I said a prayer for the victims. After leaving the A-Bomb Dome, we made our way to the Peace Memorial Museum. The museum itself served as a poignant memoir for visitors. Both the details of the bombing and its aftermath as well as the survivors' stories were well-documented. There were numerous disturbing displays clearly reminding us of the atrocities of the catastrophe: shadows of the vaporized victims imprinted on various surfaces due to thermal radiation, watches literally frozen in time at precisely 8.15 a.m. (the time of the explosion) , macabre wax figures with rotting skin and badly charred items . I was transfixed when I saw a blackened lunchbox. The simple contents of Shigeru Orimen's lunchbox not only mirrored the food shortage endured during wartime but also painted a moving portrait of a mother's love. A year later, I chronicled my humbling experience at Ground Zero in an essay for the International Essay Writing Contest for Young People. Even though I did not win any prize, nonetheless the valuable insights I have gained regarding the importance of humanity were priceless. I hope that I shall be able to pursue the Japanese Studies and Sociology courses offered at FASS because I believe that there is interconnectedness between Japanese culture and the relevance of peace to this era which has been unfortunately besmirched with hurtful stereotypes and terrorism . Therefore, without a doubt a well-rounded education at NUS will equip me with the necessary skills to make a positive impact in the world.

Wow, this is amazing. I was an East Asian Studies major, so I found this really interesting. I hate that you have to shorten it! I took out some things that I thought you could do without, but if you need to shorten it more, I would pick what you think is your weakest point and take it out. For me, that would be the part about saying a prayer (I like it a lot though...it is hard to pick)

How much to you need to shorten it by?

I hope this helped!
Mar 17, 2015
Writing Feedback / The components of a thermos flask to maintain hot liquid (IELTS 1) [4]

Hello, I have done some edits below. I hope this helps. Please be careful with wording. You add some words that are not necessary. Also, if you are only going to use one word (thermos or flask) use thermos. Just because flask is the portable bottle that you carry alcohol in. It is just a connotation issue. Other than that, your description of the thermos was really well written.

However, it has an essential function to keep water still warm.

In general, the thermos flask is arranged ofhas two layers, both in its body and lid.

First, the inner part, consistings of a silvered glass envelope having less an infrared radiation and a poor conductor, is the vacuum flask.

The main element of this, that is the insulated support, is positioned in the bottom between the vacuum flask and outer case.

It has possibilitythe abilityto keep hot liquids on the inside of the bottle still warm within some hours.

Moving to a more detailed analysis from, the picture reveals the thermos bottle is formed from cap and cup, composed of plastic .

By opening the cup, people can consume the water.
Mar 17, 2015
Undergraduate / Science is a wonderful and amazing subject that helps us to explain the world. My favorite class [6]

My favorite class is science because I like doing the experiment, learning something new after each labs .

All of these questions can be answered by using the knowledge from science.

From learningBy studying science, I can get many experience and knowledge.

OnIn lab, one reaction can create another reaction.

If the people who were doing the experiment are not careful, they might get the wrong reaction and repeating it again.

Science is an interesting subject ,developing my patience and diligence, and gained valuable experience when doing lad and project.It helps develop my patience and diligence and teaches me valuable experiences while in lab and doing projects.

Please be careful with grammar and word choice. There are simple errors in your writing that can be fixed by a careful read through.
Also, stay on topic. The prompt is WHY is this your favorite class. You explain WHAT science is. Not WHY you like it. You talk about why at the very end. You need to say why from the beginning. Use specific examples of why you like science, and then use the words, I like it because.... It facinates me becasue... or something like that

Mar 17, 2015
Writing Feedback / Columbia and Yamhill - population in the state of Oregon by Country - IELTS writing [3]

Overall, it is immediately apparent that Washington was the most country in term of population sincehad the highest population from 1940 untilto 2000.

In 1940, Columbia and Yamhill were athad a fairly similar population of 30,000 and 28,000 people . Meanwhile, Washington stood at 75,000 andmade this country to become the top between those three countries., making this county the mosat populated in the state of Oregon.

Be careful with countRy and county. Washington is not a countRy. In this case, it is a county in the state of Oregon. Make sure you specify that because Washington is also a state.

Also, be careful with wordiness. Some of your sentences have too many words or awkward word order.
Other than that it was well written.
Hope this helped.

Mar 17, 2015
Scholarship / I do believe in maximizing my potential for success. Major experience and its influence on me. [3]

While I am not an advocate of spreading ones self too thin, I do believe in maximizing my potential for success.

As a result, I have put many things on my plate, thus sacrificing both adequate rest and leisure time so that I may lay the groundwork for my future medical career .thus learning to balance both my personal life and my professional life adequately.

My epiphany arrived I discovered I was passionate about medicine while I was volunteering at a local hospital. I enjoyed being able to make a difference in the hospital's daily routine.

... ultimately encouraging me to pursue a career in the medical field.

It still needs to be cut by about 35 words, but I cut it down as much as I could.
Also, you do not stick with the prompt very well. You can cut everything out except for the part about the hospital. talk more about what happened while you were there instead of talking about how you have sacrificed leisure time (that does not sound good)

Hope this helped

Mar 17, 2015
Writing Feedback / "Grades" - immense educational pressure put on the little children in our South Asian societies [4]

This is a very interesting story. I did not see any major grammatical errors, but it is always good to read through a few more times to check.

One thing I would do is explain what those letters are and what she did exactly that is going to let her parents down. Maybe it is obvious to you, but I have no idea what she did.

It is intriguing not to mention what she did in the beginning, so I would mention it towards the end to keep the readers interest. Maybe right before she runs to her mom for comfort.

You could also spice up that last sentence a bit. Maybe talk about how, even though she is strict, her mother is a good and comforting mother as well. Despite that she is afraid of letting her mom down, she can also seek comfort in her.

One thing I would change is the part where you ask "Should an 11-year-old be thinking about..." Either take it out or expand on it.
Mar 17, 2015
Scholarship / I saw various doctors in the news coverage of the conflicts in Europe and Middle East [5]

After completing my college applicationeducation? I will be able to apply my gained knowledge to practical purposes use it in and through my years in medical school.

You say, "I am committed to completing my college education" a few times. Change the wording so it is not reduntant.

Last but no least, I am interested in MSMP because it will allow me to go to a place I have never tobeen before, and learn from individuals who I would not been able to learn from were not for this generous opportunity.

This is a very well written essay. Great job! I hope you get into this university.
I have given some suggestions above. Overall you did a great job, but there were just some word choice options that needed fixing.
Also, be careful with using phrases multiple times. Sometimes you are a little redundant.
Hope this helped.

Mar 17, 2015
Scholarship / "deserving party" - I am aware that only a limited number of students are granted scholarships [9]

sorry about the mistake earlier, but I am glad that my corrections were still of some help to you.
Here is some more feed back:
Your thesis is good. I can follow your points clearly from that. Great job!
You also have a strong conclusion. One correction: Once again, I am grateful foryou are considering my application and ...

Overall, you did a great job. Just a few grammitcal and technical suggestions below.

I have been a consistent performer in my academics

During my tenure as a school leader of ( you do not need to mention the years attended here. That should be in the rest of your application.

colleagues and I have organized a wide range of events like school day,
Mar 17, 2015
Scholarship / What is an intellectual concept that you find stimulating and what does it tell us about you? [3]

First introduced to the concept in world history class, existentialism fascinates me. I was first introduced to the concept of existentialism in world history class, and I became immediately fascinated.

Existentialism dictates that every person has an individual sense of truth and free will they are able to act upon candidly .

This is a good start to explaining existentialism. But maybe you could add more about the history. When did it start? Who started it? Where did it start? How did is spread?

A good thing to ask is the 5 W's and H questions. Who, what, when, where, why, how? Answer all of these in as much detail as you can and you have a good descriptive essay.

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