Jan 8, 2009
Essays / "Confessions of a Student" [25]
You can always make up something for this sort of essay. It seems odd, though, that you would prefer to confess to a wrong you haven't done rather than one you have, unless you have either never done anything wrong or have done only very serious wrongs! It is generally easier to write about things that have actually happened as opposed to those that you are inventing, though the latter can be easier to make interesting. In any event, the best way to start is by starting. Write down whatever comes to mind, and go into as much detail as you can. This will give you a very rough first draft that you can post for more feedback.
You can always make up something for this sort of essay. It seems odd, though, that you would prefer to confess to a wrong you haven't done rather than one you have, unless you have either never done anything wrong or have done only very serious wrongs! It is generally easier to write about things that have actually happened as opposed to those that you are inventing, though the latter can be easier to make interesting. In any event, the best way to start is by starting. Write down whatever comes to mind, and go into as much detail as you can. This will give you a very rough first draft that you can post for more feedback.