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Posts by RomanKoch
Name: Roman Koch
Joined: May 4, 2020
Last Post: Sep 2, 2020
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Sep 2, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS Writing Task 2: The consumption of the world's resources ( oil, and water etc) [3]

Hi, your second paragraph is just a list of causes of overconsumption, and the last sentence gives the consequences. I think better way would be to choose two causes from your list and explain them in details. You can fit it in 5 or 6 sentences. Your last sentence about the consequences is not necessary in my opinion, as the task did not ask about this.

Similar problem is with the third paragraph, you list solutions without explaining how exactly they will help to solve the overconsumption problem.
Jul 15, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS Writing 1 - The graphs below show the number of men and women employed in Australia [2]

The graphs below show the number of men and women in full and part-time employment in Australia between 1973 and 1993.

The line graphs compare the percentages of males and females of different ages working full and part-time in Australia in 1973 and 1993. In general, the highest percentage of full-time employment was recorded among men in 1973, while females were busier in this type of employment in 1993. As for part-timers, this sector was more pronounced in 1993 for both genders and teenagers.

To begin with, around 80% to 90% of men between 25 and 59 were occupying stable jobs in 1973, but this figure was lower by 10% in 1993. Females, in contrast, peaked at 55% at around 20 years old, then went through a 15%-20% dip before peaking again in their forties. Besides, after the first peak, the graph shows more working women in 1993 by one-tenth.

While full-time employment of the youngest generation was the lowest, it was booming among underemployed, especially in 1993. The trend of males was the opposite to that of full-timers, with the peak of 22% and 8% for 1993 and 1973 among teenagers, respectively. Women, however, experienced two high points of a third of the part-time working population in their adolescence and thirties in 1993. Finally, in 1973, only a fifth of females aged 29 to 40 had flexible hours.

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Jul 9, 2020
Writing Feedback / The line graph indicates how the birth rates of China and the USA fluctuated from 1920 to 2000 [4]

The first thing that looks a little strange is that neither the task nor the graph provides the units for birth rates. I see you used percentage, I am not saying it is a mistake, but there is no indication that it is percentages. Usually, birth rates are measured in births per 1000 population, but yet again, here no measure units at all, strange. Hope the contributor can clarify what units to use, if any, in such cases.

fluctuated considerably, although it always remained above 10%. above 10% is a little vague, you can use "remained between 10% and 15%" to indicate the upper limits too.

which fell to 7% by the year 2000 I think it should be in the past perfect "which had fallen to 7% by the year 2000"
Jul 3, 2020
Writing Feedback / Young generations now spend more time and money following fashion trends. To what extend do you agre [7]

You wrote While I agree that this trend might benefit their social relationship but nobody said that in the task, you agreed with something that you created. You should have agreed or disagreed with the statement Young generations now spend more time and money following fashion trends.

Also, you talk about benefits and drawbacks, but the task did not ask you about that, the question was whether you agree or disagree with the first statement.

Your first body paragraph is not talking about young generations spending more money on fashion, you need to answer the questiion in the task.

Your second body explains that it is bad for teenagers. Again - not what the question asked you about.

But on the bright side - I learned a new word "beautify", I have never heard it before and dictionaries say it is real.
Jun 23, 2020
Student Talk / Requirements for IELTS Writing Tasks (Academic). How strict and true are they? [4]

I have learned many suggestions on how to write essays from many great teachers, including on this website. However, sometimes the suggestions are opposite to one another and leave me a bit confused. I would like to ask students and teachers here to share their thoughts on the most common advice for writing essays.

The most important question - Where are the requirements listed?

Task 1 (chart graph diagram)
1. Where the "overview" part should be located - at the beginning, at the end or it does not matter?
I have seen essays with an overview in both parts but can not find any rules about it.

2. Is it necessary to include measurement units (like $ billion, kilometres, etc.) in the overview or the paraphrasing sentence?
Some teachers ask for it, some do not. But the test gives only one chance to make it right.

Task 2 (essay)

1. Is it necessary to include a "general statement sentence" in the introduction?
General statement here means that it generalises the topic for the reader convenience but is not mentioned in the prompt question at all. And the second and third sentences where the actual prompt paraphrasing occurs.

2. Some websites suggest explaining your position in the introduction with "This essay will discuss...why I agree/disagree".
Is it a good or a bad idea?

I ask everyone not to look at this as a critique, I do not mean to offend anyone but to clarify some issues I have with understanding IELTS writing. I am willing to follow anyrules that will help me to get an acceptable band score.
Jun 7, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS Writing 1 Hydroelectric power station [3]

Summarize information from the diagram

The diagram illustrates the process of electricity production by a hydroelectric power plant. Overall, the power station harnesses the energy of a river by utilizing the water flow from higher to lower grounds. The station works in two regimes, that allow it to utilize day and night times for electricity generation.

As the diagram reveals, the first facility is a dam, that blocks the river and creates a high-level reservoir upstream. During the day the dam opens its intake at the bottom and allows free flow of water towards a power station with an electricity generator. As the water passes the turbines of the generator, it spins them, thus producing energy that is diverted to national grid via power lines. The water ends its day cycle in a low-level reservoir.

The second operational mode of the plant uses the generator in reverse as a pump. This results in lifting the water from the downstream body of water upstream to the high-level reservoir through the same route as it came to the generator. In order to fill the dam again before the day cycle, the intakes at its bottom are closed at nights.

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May 29, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS task1: Your friend has had his/her first book published [5]

I must admit, I do not know the requirements for this task, but few things look out of place in this letter.

It has been a while since we exchanged our text. So it has been a while since you heard from him, ok. But in the next paragraph, you said: I recall your hard work and effort you took to achieve your first book published seems a little contradictory, how do you know about his efforts if you haven't talked?

The main issue I have with your phrase: , thanks mate, the letter is so warm, kind and respectful, but you tainted it with this informal phrase. I do not think mate, dude, etc is acceptable.
May 28, 2020
Writing Feedback / The gap between the developed and the developing nations is increasing rapidly [3]

This is an issue that calls for immediate action. In my opinion, this sentence is not necessary. The prompt does not say anything about immediate action, just asks about the cause and solutions.

Also, the question asks for "the cause", but in your restatement you use plural "causes". In the essay you describe one cause - education. Maybe it's beter to use singular "the cause" in your prompt restatement.

People are not educated in ...
This whole sentence is confusing. Maybe separate it onto shorter or add commas. The first part, for example, can be - "People are not educated enough to make their country's economy flourish."
May 25, 2020
Writing Feedback / Problems caused by aging population and some solutions to solve it [6]

has lengthened (in) recent years

First, elderly people----------------------You stated the first problem
In addition, people claiming -You stated the second problem
Second, the old generation---You stated the third problem, but you called it second
And I think it is better to use First-ly and Second-ly

To recapitulate, this sounds so strange to me, maybe just use something simple like "in conclusion"
May 23, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS 2 It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment [2]

It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment, such as the South Pole.

What are advantages and disadvantages of this development?

Advancements in all spheres of life have opened new horizons for people. One of these is access to the South Pole and other new destinations for researchers and common people. While it is advantageous as it allows scientists to collect valuable data and give new experiences for tourists, it has drawbacks such as polluting these intact regions.

There are advantages for both scientists and ordinary visitors. For the latter it means more travel destinations, new unforgettable experiences and new photos on their social media accounts. For the former it gives access to unique data sources that can reveal the secrets of our planet. For instance, samples collected from beneath kilometer-thick layers of the Antarctic ice sheet can tell about how Earth looked like billions of years ago. Therefore, the journey there will lead to more scientific discoveries.

The drawback of accessible travel is that people tend to pollute places where they go. Travellers need to bring a lot of clothes, food, and equipment to such remote locations as the South Pole. Most of these things eventually become waste that will end up discarded around the area. While this littering tendency might not be so pronounced for scientists, it is more prevalent in tourism. It has happened before, as previously accessible only to the few bravest and fittest alpinists, Mount Everest is now gathering queues of tourists at its summit. This influx of people has resulted in tonnes of trash scattered around the paths, leaving a heavy footprint on the ecology of this formerly pristine region.

In conclusion, tourists together with scientists now have easier access to remote locations. On the positive side there is plenty of potential for research and leisure experiences there. But it has its disadvantages as people bring pollution with them.
May 23, 2020
Writing Feedback / Traffic on roads has become a problem in nearly every in the world [3]

There is a pressure to include more advanced words in essays to score higher. In my uneducated opinion you included too many and not all of them are suitable, and some not even real words. Our task is to try to include advanced words in suitable situations. Wait for the contributor to correct this situation. For me it was hard to read because of too many fancy words and exaggerations but I am not a native speaker, just a student as you are.

In this age of downfall...number of vehicles on roads are spreading like a fire... I have an impression that the world is ending and cars are invading the planet. It is too dramatic. The task says that traffic is a problem.

to make our roads smoother smooth roads - leass holes and bumps, flat. Not less congested.
betterment It is not a real word.
May 22, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2 - The government should spend more money on medical research to protect citizens health [8]


There is no mention of environmental protection in the task. Your answer and the task you posted do not match.

Prompt says The government should spend more money on medical research to protect citizens health but you paraphrazed this as Some people argue that more financial resource should be allocated to medical research rather than to the protection of the environment and then proceeded with adiing the environmental topic in your essay.

At least to me, each paragraph separately looks great and convincing, but when combined in one essay they do not make much sense as the essay do not answer the given task.
May 21, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS Writing 2 - adapting to the climate crisis rather than trying to prevent it from happening [3]


Thank you for the feedbacks, really helpful!

Shame to admit but my abilities are not as good as you thought in regards to the last sentence of the second paragraph. There were no much thought in that phrase from my side. Unfortunately it was simply because I finished my point too early, run out of things to say, but noticed that the paragraph was too short, panicked, and added that one.
May 21, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS Writing 2 - adapting to the climate crisis rather than trying to prevent it from happening [3]

Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Climate crisis is one of the most serious global issues today. For many people the preferred course of action is to adapt to it rather than to try to prevent it from happening. I completely disagree with this idea as it is will be harder to find a suitable place to live for humans and adaptation is unattainable for other species.

To begin with, without actions the climate change will gradually worsen and people will not be able to live with it. As the global temperature rises, some places will become too hostile for people and they will be forced to move somewhere else. People's ability to adapt and survive has its limits. For instance, the expansion of deserts has already sped up and many tropical islands are sinking under the ocean level. Global crisis leads to the disappearance of lands suitable for human settlements.

Even if the humankind survives, animals and plants will not. Our planet's ecosystem is extremely fragile and many species of flora and fauna, in contrast to humans, cannot find a way to adapt to rapid changes in temperatures and will go extinct. Photos of starving polar bears have already shown the dire consecuences of elevated temperatures. In some regions of Arctic, these animals are unable to find food as their prey have migrated to cooler northern regions, leaving the bears behind.

There is a thought that a suitable way to deal with global warming is to find a way to tolerate it, instead of taking actions to stop it. However, this approach will not only result in disappearance of areas suitable for humans, but also will aloow animal and plant life to go extinct. Therefore, I strongly disagree with accepting this approach.
May 11, 2020
Writing Feedback / Color of goods and sales - Essay - IELTS_Writing task 2 [3]

@Ly Na
Usually it is recommended to include questions answers in the introduction. You have a statement and two questions How true is this statement? How much does colour influence us when we buy something?

So you can write your answers in general in the introduction.

Your last body paragraph has two opposite statements, better to wait for the contributor to check, but I do not think it is ok to write

... whether they will buy the product
and in the same paragraph give an example that contradicts this topic sentence
92.6 per cent said that they considered a ...

You managed to write 350+ words, it seems too many words as you will have only 40 minutes.
May 10, 2020
Writing Feedback / British people to spend time on phone calls - Writing Task 1 - Bar chart [3]

As the contributor said you did not indicate the measurement type, if you did you would have noticed that in your essay you were using % instead of minutes (billions).

You used the end of the period too many times, better to paraphrase to avoid repetitions.
May 9, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2 Technology and traditional cultures are incompatible - the loss of cultural norms [3]

It is inevitable that traditional cultures will be lost as technology develops. Technology and traditional cultures are incompatible.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

Development of technology makes some people believe that separate cultures will soon become extinct. This development leads to globalization and traditional cultures will disappear. This essay will reveal why I mostly disagree with this fear as it is in human nature to be different and to belong to a certain group so those cultures will survive.

Technology jeopardizes the existence of unique cultures. When going online people have many options to choose from. This is a threat to a local culture as people lean towards the most popular and trending things in the media, and replace local attributes with universal. Also, the world is so connected that it resembles a mixing pot that can result in one uniformed international society. This is happening right now as the globally used English language is considered an international by many and is even replacing some local languages as the official in several countries.

However, local cultural and national bonds are stronger than technology. It is in the human nature to belong to a certain group that shares similar values. The expansion of technology and foreign influence triggers a defensive response in these groups and they start to protect their own by cherishing their culture. Moreover, individuals like to be different so while the advancing globalization is stripping separate unique nations of their individual features, it only boosts local interest and support of their own attributes that make them unique. For example, Indians are often proud to wear sarees when abroad, Italians cook tomatoes only in their own way and Chinese would tell their foreign friends how great and different their cuisine is.

In conclusion, communication technology is considered a threat to traditional cultures. However, I rather disagree that it can make these cultures disappear as human desire for individualism and group bonding will prevail.
May 9, 2020
Writing Feedback / University graduates in Canada - IELTS WRITING Task 1 Question and Answer [3]

A glance at I don't think it is a formal expression, better find another way to start the task description.

Overall, it can be seen that, despite some fluctuations, over the period as a whole the number of graduates rose in male and female Looks like these words are unnecessary here, the meaning does not change without them.

10000 graduates you missed one zero, adding commas should help to avoid such mistakes. 10,000 and 100,000 is easier to spot.

Turning to the boy boy (or boys) is not formal, and you are talking about males or men not boys.

You might miss the word count if the examiner excludes unnecessary words. To be safe, better to write more than 150, maybe 170.
May 8, 2020
Writing Feedback / The bar chart and table below give information about health care resources and life expectancy [4]

@Nhu Ngoc
You can upload images here, add the task images next time.

The bar chart illustrates how many beds per thousand people in hospitals there are,This part you should change because it is not clear what the bar chart illustrates. Maybe something like this The bar chart illustrates how many beds per thousand people there are in hospitals in seven (or eight) different countries.

the more hospital beds one a country has "one" here sounds like you are talking about a person who owns a hospital, not a country.

the higher the life expectancy of its citizens is are
The last part of this sentence I don't understand

least number of hospital beds is in the US

In addition, there are around 4, 4, 3, and 4 beds in Australia, Canada, Spain, and the UK per 1000 people respectively. This make no sense, maybe try to write two separate sentences to explain these four countries.

3481 dollars are paid for health to keep people alive This is scary, try to translate this into your native language and you will see why. Just paid for healthcare sounds better.
May 8, 2020
Writing Feedback / Causes and solutions of teenager's bad behavior which get them into trouble. [4]

For IELTS essays you need to write an introduction paragraph.
For example:
1 Sentence - Restate the given prompt. The disruptive behaviour of adolescents has become a serious problem in many nations around the world.
2-3 Sentence - Tell what are you going to write about in the essay. Among the major causes are the lack of control from parents and the excess of violence in the media. To resolve this problem governments should create more opportunities for the young generation to express themselves and parents must be more involved as well.

Your second paragraph can be shorter and the third longer.
I do not completely understand how addiction to smartphones and the Internet can lead to risky behaviour. Probably you need to explain this point more. Or you can delete this part completely as I think two reasons like violence in the media and bad parenting should be enough for causes.

One sentence in conclusion is not enough, try to summarise your essay in 2-3 at least.
May 8, 2020
Writing Feedback / Is the financial support from developed countries to those poor nations satisfactory? [8]

Thank you for your response, I highly value your answeres. To get a professional opinion and correction is the main goal for me here, please do not feel that I value other opinions more or do not want to hear tutors. My goal is to understand where my mistakes are, so your posts help a lot. And I hope you still going to give your opinions in the future.

You are right, I do rush and think while writing.
May 8, 2020
Writing Feedback / Is the financial support from developed countries to those poor nations satisfactory? [8]

Thank you for such a detailed review, highly appreciate it. Seems I have this problem with direct answering the prompt question and I really do not understand at this point what should I have written. I am including the prompt ance again for clarity, as the thread name has changed for some reason.

Before starting writing I was hesitating between answering should or should not rich countries offer other ways to help orhow else rich countries can help (addressing corruption, lack of ways to earn money, like underdeveloped industry etc.). I assumed that it is the former case so I procceded to answer why I think they should help in other ways, but now I am confused as your point is convincing.

I agree with your suggestion Your two reasons are good, but does not answer the prompt directly. They answer why you think more developed countries should aid less developed ones, not why you prefer other non-monetary assistance forms

But I can argue that your ideas are not precisely answering the prompt too if I try very hard, it is so confusing now. For example, you are stating two resons why monetary aid is ineffective. The prompt did not ask this in my opinion. The fact that monetary aid is ineffective is given as a fact and no questions whythere.

Rich countries often give money to poorer countries, but it does not solve poverty.

My knowledge in international relations and economy is limited, I would like to understand what is the correct answer/ideas/reasons for this prompt.

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May 7, 2020
Writing Feedback / Is the financial support from developed countries to those poor nations satisfactory? [8]

Rich countries often give money to poorer countries, but it does not solve poverty.

Therefore, developed countries should give other types of help to the poor countries rather than financial aid.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There is currently a large wealth disparity between countries in the world. In order to aid poor nations, their wealthy counterparts provide them with financial help but the problem of poverty there remains. There is a belief that some other ways of support should to be offered instead. This essay will expand on why I mostly agree with this idea in detail.

First and foremost, it is a morally right thing to help those in need. Provided that financial support does not work, developed nations have a moral obligation to support their less fortunate counterparts in other ways. Indeed, if someone notices a person lying on the street, a good and moral reaction would be to find a way to help that person not just give money and hope for the best. I think the same works at a larger scale with nations and while it is not easy to help a whole country but it is morally right to do so.

Besides, it is in the interest of rich countries to end poverty, particularly in adjacent countries, for their own safety. Unfortunately, poverty goes along with high crime rates, and many criminals from impoverished areas may sneak to a wealthier state to find luck. If rich countries find a way to lift their neighbors out of poverty, the threat of imported crime will decrease. This way, for instance, was chosen by the core states of the European Union as they implemented strategies to bring their newly accepted countries from Eastern Europe to a higher level.

In conclusion, developed nations should aid poor ones as it is morally right, and it is safer to have a well-off neighbor than a poor one. Therefore, I predominantly agree that if this cannot be achieved with financial suport, other soulutions need to be found.
May 7, 2020
Writing Feedback / Some high schools forced their students to do volunteer work in order to graduate. Give your opinion [3]

Although this trend is not without the advantages, the downsides will justify these From the essay I understand that you are against compulsory volunteering, but this sentence is confusing.

Anyways, the prompt asks for your opinion only, not advantages/disadvantages.
Maybe you could have just said in your second sentence - In my opinion, it is a bad idea in a more creative way than me, of course.

The second paragraph makes sense and supports your opinion against forceful volunteering. Despite some grammar mistakes, in my opinion, this paragraph is good.

The next paragraph is not so clear maybe you were in a rush while writing it.
May 6, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS Writing Task 2 Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment [5]

Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment; only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The responsibility of environment

Today it is clear that the health of our planet is in a dire situation. Some people believe that they personally can not change this fact and only corporations and governments are able to improve the environment. This essay will discuss in depth why I completely disagree with this notion.

The idea that individuals are helpless is blatantly wrong and extremely lazy. People in general are the reason of the deterioration of the environment. Therefore, if they are capabe to worsen the situation, they are surely in power to make the opposite effect. A person can toss a plastic botlle on a lawn, for example, but the same person is also capable of collecting trash from the same lawn to a trash bin. Moreover, there is a plethora of things that people can do ranging from collecting rubbish and sorting it to prodicing less of waste and wisely and economically using the utilities. These measures have long been stated by environmentalists as the most effective.

Governments and corporations can undoubtedly make a difference and individuals can and should force them to take the action. Provided that large companies are working for profit, they are not particularly interested in the environmental issues. However, their business is sensitive to the public opinion and if there is enough effort from their customers they will have no choice but to contribute. The same can be said about governments. These institutions are there to serve people, and are chosen by people. So it is their job to listen to their nations desires and problems and react accordingly. On the other hand it is the duty of an individual to reach to a politician, for instance, by means of protests, demonstrations or petitions that demand environmental legislation.

This essay discussed the reasons why the idea that individuals can not change the environmental crisis is inaccurate. Therefore, I strongly disagree that not individuals but politicians and large businesses are the only ones that can reduce pollution.
May 6, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1 + 2: The amount of electricity produced from different energy sources [2]

I believe there should be only one essay per post. Also for Task 1 you should upload the actual graph, there is a button for adding images.

Task 1
Check you tenses. You should not use the present simple as all the data comes from the past. is was generated from

kilowatt-hours are were generated

You are overusing over the period variations: the same research period; at the end of the period; throughout the research period; the remainder of the time surveyed
May 6, 2020
Writing Feedback / Writing task 1:The graph shows the number of marriages and divorces in the UK between 1975 and 2000. [3]

The line chart enumerates the proportion of marriages
It is in thousands not a percentage.
As an overall trend, while ...
You missed one line of data in your overall description.
I suppose it should be "350 thousand first marriages".
divorces from 50 thousand in1975 to ...
It is clear from the graph the number is not 50 thousand, more likely 75 thousand. But I have no idea whether examiners would mark this as a mistake.

eventhough it was so much lower than ...
This sentence is redundant, no new information presented.
May 5, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1 Consumption and production of potatoes [3]

Potatoes' supply and demand

Task: The tables below provide information about the consumption and production of potatoes in five parts of the world in 2006.

The two tables reveal how much potatoes people from five different regions ate and the production rates of this crop by the same regions in 2006. The former number is measured in kilograms per person and the latter in million tonnes. Overall, the highest consumption of potatoes was recorded in Europe and the lowest in Africa. In terms of production, the leading position was held by Asia, while South and Central America contributed the least to the potato market.

As the first table shows, a person from Europe, on average, ate around 96 kg of potatoes in 2006, followed by North Americans with slightly under 60 kg per person. Only a fraction of that, 14 kg per person, was consumed by Africans, whilst people in South and Central America and Asia showed similar eating preferences with around 25 kg for each region.

According to the second table, Asia and Europe were the world's leading potato suppliers accounting for 131.2 and 126.3 million tonnes respectively. The production figures for the other three countries were significantly lower, standing at 15.6 million in South and Central America, just over 16 million in Africa and around 25 million tonnes in North America.

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May 5, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS WRITING TASK 2 - Celebrities earn more money than politicians. [4]

The introduction seems too short and not precisely focused on one issue - celebrities earning more than politicians.
However (,) I strongly believed that ...
The question was about money, not attention.

The conclusion does not make much sense, you were focused too much on creating complex sentences.
Typically recommended conclusions look like this:
1. A general statement, here you can paraphrase the problem again.
2. Answer the question from the prompt that you think it is a bad development that celebrities earn more than politicians.
May 5, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS WRITING TASK 2: It is true to blame working mothers on the increasing of youth crimes ? [4]

Your third paragraph is not clear, at least to me. First two sentences tell about families where both parents work, so I assume this paragraph backs up the main topic which is ok. But then the last sentence about the responsibility does not fit here. Not that I disagree but it is not what the paragraph seems to be about and not what the topic of this essay is.

Your third paragraph is too short in my opinion, three sentences usually is not enough. It is even shorter than the introduction.
May 4, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS Writing Task 1 The graph below shows the average temperature in Antarctica in June 2015. [2]

temperature changes in Antarctica

The graph below shows the average temperature in Antarctica in June 2015.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The chart provides information about the temperature changes in Antarctica during June of 2015.

Overall, the temperatures were considerably fluctuating throughout the month with every low point followed by a peak.

As the data illustrates, the coldest day recorded was the first day of the month with almost minus 60 degrees Celsius on the thermometer. The weather started to improve during the next several days and entered the first, albeit smaller, peak of June reaching minus 54 degrees between June 5 and June 9. After falling down by three degrees by June 13, the situation significantly improved once again and Antarctica witnessed the second period of relative warmth. This time it was the warmest period when the temperature climbed to nearly -50 degrees C on June 21. During the rest of the month, the continent experienced a prolonged downward trend with the coldest days in the end of June when the measurements indicated a total drop by 8 degrees from the previous highest record.

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