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Posts by justivy03
Name: Ivy Maye Favor
Joined: Apr 8, 2015
Last Post: Dec 2, 2016
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Posts: 2279  
From: Singapore
School: PATTS College of Aeronautics

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Aug 23, 2015
Scholarship / About whether someone sent to prison before should talk to students about the danger of crimes [5]

- Many people believe that good residents who wasare sent to prison
- before are the most suitable people to communicatecommunicating with students
- about bad outcomes of crimes.
- Personally I tend tokind of agree to that.

- ...and people who commited crimes is proper,
- In an other words ,
- ...to deter criminal tryintentions from students,
- which will eventually reduce the rate of youth crime to some extendextent .

@Wuyi, there you have it, I worked on the part of the essay that needs more attention.
It's a good essay and you were able to make your point however I don't think that people who were convicted of such crime should speak to children or anyone about what they did, I don;t see this as an act to help reduce crime rate.
Aug 23, 2015
Undergraduate / Health fair in the San Ysidro community - the story of becoming an adult person [3]

- I found myself on July 19, 2015;I think I have an obsession with punctuation marks and on this part of the sentence you just need a comma)

- I saw the gleamingglow in each of these peoples eyes;,
- ...their gratitude and appreciativeness forto us being there
- Their emotions ledmade me to the point where I realized that this
- ...do in the near future;, this is where I became matureanadult .
- ...not have access to the same opportunities I have had.

@jac, indeed the transition of stages in our lives into adulthood is quiet challenging and it helps when we expose ourselves to experiences that will teach us lessons, lessons that we will cherish and learn from all our lives.

Going thru your essay, I believe you did very well, it's just a few remarks that I made and I hope it helps.
Aug 23, 2015
Research Papers / Research topics on data mining - suggestions? [33]

@Anjana, I'm not a geek nor an expert in technology but I know that "datamining" is a popular part time job that most tech people do this days.

As far as my research goes, data mining has something to do with the following;

- collecting data such as company name, phone number, email and anything that will link the company to a vendor or a potential client
- scanning thru a volume of telemarketing data
- input information on a spreadsheet and use it for business purposes

Needless to say, there's a lot to write about data mining, at some point you have to cite examples of how data mining jobs helped a lot of home stay moms or students get a few bucks out of doing part time data mining. Data mining is also one of the best marketing strategies that help businesses market their products. There are a lot of real world advantages that data mining has brought about and it's absolutely working. I know a friend who is data mining and submits it to his online employer and she earns couple of hundred form doing this in her spare time.

Technology has really turn our world 360 degrees and as much advantages as it creates it's also accompanied with negative hoes.
The moment you get your draft, post it here on EF and we will help you further.
Aug 23, 2015
Essays / Landscapes; geographical concepts of Place and Scale. Need some Guideline on how to write this essay [7]

@CK, first of all, the topic you chose is really good, there are a lot of things about geography, landscape and concepts that you can write about.

I have a few tips for you to ponder on as you go along with your writing;

- define the subject
- do your research
- draw the line of your ideas
- stick to your ideas
- choose one particular space that you want to work on
- the feasibility of your essay will only be defined by how you will write it
- be objective
- cite examples
- your step by step process and the mechanism that will drive you to reach your goal
- your back up plan if the original blue print doesn't work
- most of all your facts and figures

There you have it, you should be able to draft your essay and post it here on EF so we can help you further.
Aug 23, 2015
Undergraduate / Blank is the new blank. What's in, what's out, and why is it being replaced? UChicago essay help [5]

- Mentally supporting this stigmaPublic support of this mentality could help all sorts of people,
- even those who are not directly affected.
- Just to start with, accepting darkblack as the new light
- ...or unable to apply what they do know to practical use.

- These expenses get transferred to the common citizen through taxes.
- Many of thesethis (it's ok not to express the words that much because your point is obvious )( very
- ...but it wouldwill also help focus theirthem focus on listening and awareness.

@pat, I know that you mean well in writing this essay, if you ask my thoughts on this, I say it's far fetched. It can be done however it will take a whole lot of effort, energy and countless hours of debates, justification and God willing you pull it through, there will be a lot of years of getting used to. Change may be the only constant thing in this world but no kidding, it's not an easy job to do.
Aug 23, 2015
Undergraduate / Apply Texas Essay C, How my Achievements have prepared me for mechanical engineering [3]

- Falling asleep or texting in class wasn't an option;, my teacher
- Energy consumption was something that botheredinterests me,
- ...why things do what they do; and how to make them do what I want them tofunction as they are suppose to .
- WithA degree in mechanical engineering,

@Aubrey, I can see that you're application is written well, however I'm not sure that if it's strong enough to grant you a scholarship.

I suggest you write a few more sentences with the following;
- cite more of your strength
- keep a focus on your goals
- what are the things or programs you would like to contribute to the institution

Draft it and post it here on EF so we can help you further.
Aug 23, 2015

- It was a gift that was bestowed untoupon me
- that I have been obligedgrateful for and ever willing to share with others.
- Because of thisArmed with my love for music my lifetime goal is to influence
- the lives of young adults as a music educatorambassador .
- ...their non- scholastic endeavors.
- WhileM y participation in my high...

@Kathleen, I believe your first paragraph or your introduction is quite strong, I hope it follows thru the whole essay, just make sure that you stick to the idea of the subject and always be objective. With regards to your concern on bragging about your talent, it's not really bragging, it's writing about yourself to become inspiration to others. We will be looking forward for the next part of this prompt.
Aug 23, 2015
Undergraduate / My goals will change more than I will be able to keep up with. [3]

- No, life isn't perfect;, it is a crazy and heck-it messy life.
- Sean is my husband's name;, ( I'm not sure if this is typo but be careful with your punctuation marks) he works
- Currently, I am not working but I'm looking to get a part time job soon.
- Most of my days for me consist of money managing,
- ..for the future areis to take one day at a time.
- After,As soon as I receive my associates degree my plan is

- For the five years that I have been married every day is progress.
- My goals will change more than I will be able to keep up with.

Congratulations on a happy life, I wish everybody will look at life the way you and I do, life's precious moments are not done overnight, baby steps is the key and taking one day at a time will result to a much healthy lifestyle.
Aug 23, 2015
Undergraduate / Apply Texas Essay B-- How my feelings were changed by Personal Interactions [3]

Aubrey, let me help you out with your essay;

- Ever since I wasAs a little kid,
- I was ambivalent:, ( punctuation marks are minor remarks however it's better to correct them) I still
- some light forto them and...
- ...I learned that none of them wanted to live dependantdepending on someone else's money.

I hope the corrections above help. Reading thru your essay, I feel like people who are homeless should stretch what they have and if they approach people, I believe they will be able to find a job, there's no better satisfaction than earning your own money and not wait for the government supplies. I know some people who would work 12 hours a day, maintain 3 jobs and yet they still find ways to get better. It will also help if they form a habit of not expecting help from others. I read a few papers where junk are turned into cash, this may not be much but it will help alleviate the current situation. My hopes is the same as yours, for the world to be equal for everyone.
Aug 23, 2015
Undergraduate / All of my goals derive from my passion for problem solving and helping others. College Application [4]

- Because of this,( starting your sentence with "because" is not the best way to start it I aspire to
- By takingI take advanced courses,
- ...while also maintainingmanaging time for other important things

- UIL Academic competitions were fantastic forin helping me...

- I plan on majoringtaking a major in psychology
- because doing so will expand my knowledge ofon human
- It is important tofor me that I learn as much as I can,...
- AllWith everything considered, I am confident that

One thing that I notice in your application is your use of the linking verbs, to, into, for, at, and a few others, this is very minor remarks however it will help if you practice more. Overall, I believe you have the best shot for this college application, best of luck!!!
Aug 23, 2015
Undergraduate / Asian Family / Self-Esteem - 'Bump in the road' UCF ESSAY HELP [5]

- My life soSo far, my life has had many "bumps"..
- ...I'm sure other cultures it is the same.
- ...it's not like Iit hasn't happened before.
- ButwW hen I got home...
- But(it's not good to start a sentence with a negative "but" when you can start it with something positive that connotes the same idea) They...

- ...I know they wake up really early to go to work,
- I feel they should have put more trust in to mefelt like they should trust me more that they do .
- Even if I have the courage to lash out I have thata little voice
- ...always telling me that's its rude
- ...because atmost of the time I can become
- ButHowever towards my friends...
- ...My family would always be putshut me down like my relatives
- I often clamcalm ( be careful of your words, proof reading helps) myself down by insulting..
- I rarely will get in to any verbal fight because...
- I feel if there's nothing nice to say in front of someone you shouldn't say it at all.

Well, reading your essay just makes me feel sad, simply because no one should experience the feelings you have right now, learn to be yourself and when you are yourself, everything follows. I hope the remarks I made helps.
Aug 21, 2015
Undergraduate / "Traveling outgrows its motives..." Dreams of wondering / Semester at Sea [4]

- Since I wasAs a child, I had been introduced
- to an immersion of cultures through dancing,
- atin the beginnigbeginning (be careful with your spelling) the
- streets were full of music,...
- Acapulco is now an empty streets,
- the international media is always talking about
- the violentviolence and dangerous it is ,
- advising people not to visit this place...

* neverthless - nevertheless
* oppotunity - opportunity
* dont - don't ( punctuation marks may be minor but it's better to have them when deem fit)

- At beingBeing passionate about...
- And Semester at Sea is this anthe only once opportunity at being surrounded by people with an alike purpose...

The best of luck Ruby and I hope the remarks I made help out.
Aug 21, 2015
Undergraduate / "A cat. Several spitballs. A game." Seeking help for Carleton supplyment essay; Why Carleton [4]

@glk, as your struggling in your essay, I'm just very confused.
Your essay seem to combine a lot of different elements of writing such as poetry, personal statement and direct translation.
I say you start drafting ideas, proof read them and give it a little finish, that's when you publish it here on EF.
Here's a few points;

- what is your subject
- how does your subject affect the entirety of the essay
- what is special about your subject
- the body of the essay should also remain true to it's purpose
- site a few examples, comparisons, contrast and similarities
- to conclude, what is the lesson that a reader will pick up from the essay.

Answering the questions and points above should help you revise your essay, post it back here so we can help you further.
Aug 21, 2015
Letters / 'I hope my dream-study in America will come true'. How to introduce myself in this letter? [4]

Natalii, I agree with EF_Kevin, your English is good but not perfect which is absolutely fine because everyday is a chance to be good and hopefully perfect the language.

Let's disect your essay;

- iI ( make sure that you capitalize "I" regardless of how you use it ) go to the
- number 1 public school #1( avoid using symbols and abbreviations in your essay unless instructed to) ,
- iI am in the 11th grade .
- iI study very well, especially i am good at history
- because that's my favorite subjectand I'm good at it .
- iI am always trying to do my best
- and reach tomy goals ,
- for now my dream is to study in the United States of America
- and that's why i amI'm writing this letter.
- i amI'm trying to improve...
- ...most important thing in the life is education
- so i want to get a really good education ,
- for this i need to go in Americathe US .
- If i will get in Americamake it to the US i will see
- how does american family liveliving is ,
- what kind of tradition does they have,

As what they say, "If you can dream it, you can make it", so believe in yourself and and work hard in reaching your goals. Practice more and read a lot.
Aug 21, 2015
Undergraduate / Valuing things that requred hard word - Write an essay on the following prompt. [2]

- Valuing things that requredrequires hard wordwork ( be careful of your spelling)
- Earlier I used to wonder how good life would...
- ...all those objectsmaterial things I received as gifts or all those things
- that I got without any hard work just gave me temporary satisfaction be cause after
- And then I realizedRealizing how important all the negative aspects of life
- are be cause if sadness wouldn't have been there
- we couldwould have never realized the true meaning of happiness ,

I hope the above remarks help, just be careful of your spelling and the usage of words, it sounds as if you have scarcity of words that you use the same words all through out the essay.

Overall, it's a very well written essay.
Aug 20, 2015
Graduate / A Postcolonial feminist reading on Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea [2]

Mafiislam, I notice a few points that you might want to consider;

- word usage, you tend to use the same words to start your paragraph.
* However, the Dominican...( Using "however" in this paragraph is good but it should not be use in the next following paragraphs)
* However, aA ( you can omit "however " completely ) larger portion of the male citizens of Bangladesh..
* HoweverOn the other hand , the Westerners disdain...
* However, Islamist fundamentalism is one of the main reasons...

- They are deprived fromof the basic rights both..
- From the birthday they were bornto the"till death...
- ...violence against women but thosethey are not sufficient.
- People have to be more conscious to reduce let alone abolish the oppression against women.
- Also the womenWomen have to be more educated as well
- as self-reliant in order to change their current poor situation.

I hope the remarks I made helps.
Aug 20, 2015
Undergraduate / Troubles in a middle school and how to deal with them - USAFA Writing Sample [2]

- ..I begunbegan to associate with the troublemakers..
- My counselor sat me down and(this is unnecessary) was very honest with me,
- ...what I had said earlier for school record.
- Every few days or so I ponder what would've happened hadif I continued...
- I learned a valuable lesson that is timeless.

Very well written and learning such values at a very young age means you will be better citizen than most people.
This lessons is something to ponder on in our lifetime and it is definitely for greater good.
Aug 20, 2015
Undergraduate / 'To thine own self be untrue' - Common App Prompt #2 [3]

Kingdraco, let me work on the area of the essay were you need help the most;

- I changed my hairstyle to the way I liked it,
- I bought a new assortment of clotheswhole new wardrobe ,
- worked out to bewith more comfortable withfit for my body,
- and changed almost everything about meI turned a whole 360 degree angle in reinventing myself .
- On that first fatefulThat very first day of high school,
- I felt truly myselfvery good about myself, such a relief, I am myself again .
- I felt truly happy, and I have been ever since.

Reading thru your essay made me feel so happy, now that you found yourself, the person you really want to be, is the most rewarding thing you can ever do in this lifetime. Be yourself and never let anyone rule your life, let go of any insecurities, it will never do any good. Live life the way you want it, the way you love it and the way you see yourself into.
Aug 20, 2015
Grammar, Usage / What do DEADLY SILENCE usually indicate? Read Between the Lines. [3]

Samuel, the "deadly silence" has a lot of meaning, often negative however interesting to write.
I have a few sentences that may spark in your writing;

"Deadly silence", something strange, scary and often connotes negative activities brewing in the mind of a rather peaceful being. An act to conceal a deadly and inhumane aspirations towards it's target. However, "deadly silence" can also mean the shout of justice, justice that lies in the hands of people who doesn't trust the justice system anymore, people who lost hope, people who got tired of listening to false testimonies and waiting in vain for the much awaited justice. Yes, it can be regarded as "karma", some sort of belief, belief that is strengthened by that spirit and willingness to let that "deadly silence" within them.

There you have it, a few sentences from my end, I hope you follow thru and always remember to be objective in your writing.
Aug 20, 2015
Undergraduate / Riverbend Retreat Camp - Apply Texas B, "Describe a conflict, how you resolved it?" [2]

- This has made getting..
- The most frustrating situation at the camp for me was when
- ...one of our counselor's for her words of wisdom.
- Our adults in lifeAdults can sometimes be the..
- most valuable resources that we take for granted.
- I asked Shelby isif we could speak privately.
- This friction between Shelby and I was soothed by theresolved with a heart-to-heart talk that we had shared.
- I am grateful that I asked our adultsenior counselor for her...
- I certainly know certainly that Shelby and I

It seems to me that this weekend turned out very well, you have learned valuable lessons in life that will help you become a better person than you are now.
Aug 20, 2015
Undergraduate / Thoughts per day - my personal essay describes me and shows my uniqueness [3]

1st paragraph
- ...was a cycle of never ending thoughts;, (be mindful of your punctuation marks) thoughts
- In SurroundingsThe surrounding that I had never been capable

2nd paragraph
- ...understood that thoughts were a constant cycle of ideas
- ...interrupt my thoughts process was an eye opener.
- That simple realization was a momentousspectacular moment..

Last paragraph
- Even though analytic and reasoning are still true passions of mine,
- that seemlyseemingly small pause altered my perception
- ...it is equally significant to not to ignore the answers...
- ...but there will be rarelybe solutions just waiting to be heard.

Indeed, thoughts are constant mind creations that we are suppose to wander about but not to the point that will drive you crazy.
Aug 20, 2015
Research Papers / Benefits of Preschool Prior to Kindergarten [2]

Here are my points;

- Citations are made to cite a study, proof of fact and should be supported by page numbers and the likes, make sure that you include all of this information.

3rd paragraph
- ...to make sure it meets athe child's needs is also just as important.
- ...indoor and outdoor playrecreational equipment,
- The classroom should have a set of curriculum..
- ...that the chosen preschool chosen uses various...

2nd to the last paragraph
- ...preschool is to see the results after kindergarten stage of how children
-...bias study shouldwill show parents
- This again is justyet anothermore information

Last paragraph
- ...should look into the various amounts of information...
- and interactions with other kids maybeand preschool isn'tmay not be needed for that one child.
- ByIn doing such actionthis they will
- realize that preschool sets in motion valuable...

I hope the above remarks help.
Aug 19, 2015
Research Papers / 'Research paper topic' - Writing a process paragraph [3]

To add to @Icturn87, I have a few remarks below;

- ChoosingTo choose a topic for a research
- ..but sometimes it is complicated for the beginners.
- ...the topic is newshould be precise and unique,
- and the topic should fulfills the class requirement.
- Then, keeping the topic original necessitatesis necessary to avoid the same writings.
- ...and friends will assistssuffice to obtain the great ideas.

Few additional remarks for you and indeed, writing a research paper is a little bit challenging, there are a lot of things to consider.
I believe an extensive research about the topic is a must, one more thing to consider is plagiarism, make sure that what you do is original and you stay true to the purpose of the research.
Aug 19, 2015
Essays / How to write a common app / essay about faith and religious topics? [5]

@pjb, there is definitely a lot of topics to write about experiences and beliefs and to start one will definitely lead you to other ideas that surrounds the original topic. Here are a few points I would like you to consider before starting to write;

- know your topic
- do an extensive research
- know your facts
- be objective
- site examples
- differentiate angles and comparison
- know the limit and the extent of what to share and what not to
- remain true to your idea

Lastly, enjoy writing your essay, give it your heart and your knowledge.
Aug 19, 2015
Undergraduate / Why Georgia Tech? - scientific skills further development, legion of extracurricular activities [3]

- ...problems easily and thus, enhance my
-ThoughBesides the fact that I am member of a science community...
- I believe my scientific skills will be pushed to the limittested at Georgia Tech.
- Moreover, as an enthusiast of debatingdebate activities at my school,
- the diverse student bodies provide a legion of extracurricular activities,
- which will givegave me the
- Therefore, I am interested in the opportunity to study at Georgia Tech.

Few remarks that can hopefully help and I hope you can still add a few more sentences into this essay.
I know you can still write more.
Aug 19, 2015
Undergraduate / Indonesian student in SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY: CommonApp Questions [3]

Proof reading;

1. Briefly describe how you learned about Santa Clara University. (150 words maximum)
- I want to remain associatingassociated with a diverse community,
- which is an additional element that assisted incompleted my discovery of SCU.
-...and diversity - excitingit excites me to embrace my potential new home.

2. Santa Clara University's strategic vision promises to educate citizens and leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion and cultivate knowledge and faith to build a more humane, just, and sustainable world. What aspect of SCU's strategic vision appeals to you? Why? (between 150 - 300 words)

- ...and speak English, it is probablethere is a probability that they..
- ...difference between the two social classes; education "education" and ???, because you said two social classes) .
- ...at a disadvantage inwith regards to the quality because of their social status.
- I believe that the key for a decline in poverty in Indonesia is a supreme education
- for not only for the well-off districts,

Basic and minor remarks only.
Aug 19, 2015
Undergraduate / The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later succes. Common application, Apply Texas [4]

@RithamB, since you ask for the conclusion to be polished, I'll work on that, rest assured that I read the whole essay with the focus on the conclusion;

- Overcoming this fear and apprehension was really the greatest obstacle I had to overcomereward .
- ...and perseverance manifold ,
- as seeing the effort these people took in doing simple daily tasks
- really inspired me to aspire and strive higher .

I suggest the following sentences;
I believe overcoming this fear made me more of who I want to be, like be myself and be the person that I want to be. It's like opening a window of my soul that I definitely didn't expect to have such an impact to my life. My fear will now be a part of my past and my future will mean success.

I hope this help strengthen your application.
Aug 19, 2015
Scholarship / 'Love to learning about the world' - QuestBridge Scholarship Short Answer Question: Career Goals [2]

@gvarela, this prompt is quiet short but hopefully we can further it.

- As a child, and up to this dayIt has been my unwaveringI have lovedof learning about the world that urge me to keep going .

- I always wanted to visit places like India and Brazil but have been unable to afford to .
- ...that I am interested in:, global learning,..

I hope to include the following sentences;

Learning and traveling are two things that I will definitely devote myself into. My passion and interest lies in this two worlds, learning about health and being able to travel are just two things that will complete me and will give me that sense of direction. I am pursuing this goal because I know this is the path I want to take and it will never mean like a job to me, it will be my playground and a place I can share with others too.

I believe I will be able to achieve this goals, with hard work and determination, and the help of the institution, I will reach this career goals.

I know you can still elaborate your career goals further, maybe add a few more sentences and you should be good to go.
Aug 19, 2015
Undergraduate / A woman in Computer Sciences. University of Washington Transfer Statement: "Aim for Diversity." [4]

- ...else scientific as a bond between me and my father and I .
- From then on I knew that I wanted to do something inwith science.
- ...more about how my dad's computers workeds .
- I had lacked direction for some time,
- until one evening a news story came up on the tv about gender
- ...to explore these more men-dominated fields on the basis of gender stereotypes.
- ...things --, my family lives on the raggedrugged edge of the middle class,
- I planned to transfer here because...
- It's prided as aprides itself with a challenging
- environment that delivers direct experience forto the real word,

There you have it, I hope this helps enhance your letter and the best of luck on your application.
Aug 19, 2015
Scholarship / 'The best Physician Family' - Questbridge Biographical Essay [3]

- However, because my dad wasis so hard
- ..homework, but he was very inpatientimpatient .
- ...with him I was determined to not get questions wrongnot to have wrong answers to the questions .
- ...and I held a grudge.
- My relationship with my dad is still repairing itselfcoping ,
- Because [font#0000FF( it's not good to start a sentence with the word "because") I know that I have such a strong support system,

@atorres, it is indeed a very rewarding feeling to see people happy, especially when you are part of their happiness.
This act of kindness that you do now, will have an effect to people's lives that you have touched, I believe thats one magic that one person can give while making themselves happy at the same time. Good luck on your pursuit of dreams and never change your kindness towards yourself and to others.
Aug 19, 2015
Undergraduate / I look back at my 'misfortune' and smile. One of the prompts in Texas application. [2]

- Among the other topics that would come up atto the table
- was my dad's talk oflitany about work,
- ...she would say totell my sister and meI .
- ...she'd heard them all countless times before.
- ...surrounded by my four of my favorite beings,
- ...of an "accidental" phone call tofrom my mother,
- I hugged( this is a repeated action, it's better to keep it in a present tense) her
- ...you'd think I'd think of him as a different person.

There you have it @justbelieve, I hope this few remarks help.
Aug 18, 2015
Undergraduate / Movie role choice question - University of Florida 2016 Undergraduate Essay [3]

- ...and be an advocate for those who are lacking advocatesself esteem .
- Thus, beganThis is the beginning of my interest in these true tragic heroes.
- Villains always get the bad repreputation ( never abbreviate when writing an essay, not all your readers will get what you mean) ,

I agree with @Icturn, you have to have a role that you think will suit you and something that you will love to play. It should not stress you or make you feel like you need to do it, it should be fun. This way you will be able to play it nicely and with pride.

Also, a little bit of research about your role will help a lot when it comes to portraying it. On the other hand, villains are born in plays and movies to spice things up and make the story interesting. The villain does not only challenges the main character but will also keep the viewers entertained and get submerged into the story, this is one way of promoting the story and make it known to other could-be viewers who haven't seen the play or the movie. Nonetheless, all the characters are vital to the package of the story.
Aug 18, 2015
Undergraduate / What are the most important qualities in becoming a successful USMA cadet? 250-500 words [2]

- An USMA cadet is...
- ...live bywith the basic concept...
- ...commitment that a cadet has to the army.

@Candidate, there you have it, a little help from me. Your essay is written well, I know you can write far more than this one but with the word count, somehow it limits your ideas with your writing.

Nevertheless, it's very well written, straight forward and definitely in line with it's purpose.
Integrity, should be one of the qualities not only for cadets but to everybody, it's one of those traits that should be instilled to everyone.
Aug 18, 2015
Undergraduate / Visas to America - obstacle or "bump in the road," in your academic or personal life [3]

- Arriving to American ,
-...words carefully;, ( be careful of your punctuation marks, this is minor remarks but its better to avoid them) these
- words would resonates with me and
- slowly overtime I noticed myself using the word with my classmates.

Congratulations Van, there's no surprise that you will be able to overcome such obstacle, all it takes is perseverance and determination towards your goals. Never give up and always be positive. Learning a second language can be very tough however, for a determined one like you, there's a lot more to learn and never give up. Keep learning.
Aug 18, 2015
Essays / SWOT analysis thesis statement, APA sources, conclusion What say? [3]

Lemondragon, I made a quick search on APA format and it's basically a citation writing style, in your project.
Now, the SWOT analysis is as you said, the analysis of the company's strength, weaknesses, opportunity and threats.
In writing your analysis, you can start by writing the company's profile, their make and the purpose of the company's existence.
It's quiet an interesting and challenging topic to write about. An extensive round of research should be done in order to make this project worthwhile.

When it comes to writing, all you have to remember is the facts, always make sure that the facts are kept as they are, no more no less.

Also, stay objective and true to the purpose of your article, the project you're about to submit should be meaningful and worth your patience and time of research.

Nevertheless, we expect you to have fun while doing your project and when you're done, post it here and we will help you further.
Aug 18, 2015
Essays / Homework question regarding data into regression model chart? [3]

Thatonekid, this is indeed quiet a tough one. It's like a series of question that gets harder as you solve it.
I believe you can explain it better if you do some research on this process, the regression analysis and how the analysis is done.
The series of merging the files should also be explained step by step as this is critical to the process.
Remember, once the process is not explained properly it always end up with a not so good result, so in order to avoid this, make sure that you will do an extensive research.

When it comes to the validity of the process and the data management, I believe you will be better off with understanding its meanings first then go from there.

I'm sorry if this is not much of help, I'm just not so into tech stuff however I hope I was able to give you a few points to consider.
Aug 18, 2015
Undergraduate / My whole life I've beaten the odds; Fsu essay [3]

- My whole life, I've beaten the odds.
- I was born prematurely at 26 weeks,
- I suffered a complication.
- ..the same way others havehas given to me.
- ...experiences I have had has been caring for my grandfather.
- I feel I can enhancelive up to my purpose in the
- world atwith the help of Florida State University..

There you have it, I hope my remarks help.
Aug 18, 2015
Essays / Select an inspirational quote that you would put on the wall of your room. Collage essay. [4]

Viona, first of all, EF will not write an essay for you, we are here to help out and give you ideas on how to enhance your essay.

I have a few points that can jumpstart this essay of yours;

- what is the quote that inspires you, something that keeps your world positive
- why did you pick this quote
- how does this quote affect your daily life
- site examples that best influence this quote

There are a lot of quotes that are actually quiet moving, I for one live by this quote; "life is a matter of choice", and as I grow older and wiser, it is indeed a matter of choice, destiny is one but you are still the one who makes decisions for your life at the end of the line.

We hope you will be able to write a good piece of essay, post it here and we will help you further.
Aug 15, 2015
Undergraduate / Challenging transition - College essay/personal statement [3]

- I was used to many people sharing the same beliefs as meI do .
- I never realized how many differingdifferent opinions there could be on one subject,
- By beingBeing accepted into the People to People program,

This closing is somewhat aggressive and demanding, let me rephrase it;
- I should be accepted into ______________________'sThis program will further mybecause I can bring a passion for my major and for learning everything I can about it.

- I am a responsible, passionate, open minded and determined student who will work hard togather my best to achieve her goals and pursue my passions, and

- I truly believe that _____________________ would beis the best schoolinstitution to help me get the most out of my college. experience .

There you have it, my little help towards your fruitful future.
Aug 15, 2015
Essays / Should be 1500 word essay on why king Lear is considered one of the four tragedies. [3]

Coco, first of all, the topic for this essay is good and interesting enough for you to play with words and should not be bothered with the word count.

Now, you post your essay here, we proof read it, review and will chip in what we think will enhance your essay.
I hope this key points will help;
- who is King Lear
- what is the four tragedies
- how did King Lear become known or considered as one of the four tragedies
- what effect does this labelling has in his character
- how will he manage this set back in is character
- why was he considered one of them
- how will he make a difference

We will look forward to your post.

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