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Posts by Maitouyen282
Name: Hkcjkgv
Joined: Feb 21, 2017
Last Post: Mar 29, 2017
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From: Aruba
School: Hkdki

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Mar 28, 2017
Writing Feedback / Ielts task 1 Wi-fi café, internet express and café cool in New York [7]

The prompt says:The graph shows the income of four cafes in Newyork over last year. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make the comparisons where relevant

Internet Expenses

The line graph gives the breakdown of the profit in millions of dollar of the tea room, Wi-fi café, internet express and café cool in New York over the previous year. Overall, it is clear that while the profit of four café experienced some fluctuations, the general trend climbed, more than twice in a region of 250 million in January to 500 million in December. While the pay of Café cool, Internet Express and especially Wi-fi café jumped steadily, the tea room declined enormously.

There was a dramatic rise in the income of Wi-fi café. Between January to December, there was more than fourfold, 50 million to 190 million, respectively, with peaking in September approximately 60 million of dollars. By contrast, the tendency of the tea room which was the only earnings was downwards, decreasing from160 million in January to nearly 50 million, a reduction of sixteen out of five.

By comparison, the income of internet express experienced a smaller rise than Wifi café from January to December, an increase of seven out of six, 120million and 140 million, in turn. While the trend of four months between April and July was flat, approximately 80 million, the proportion in August started staging a recovery. Similarly, the tendency for café cool was moderately upwards, growing from 30 million of salary to 100 million, respectively, more than three in ten

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Mar 28, 2017
Writing Feedback / IELTS: energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in an average Australian household [7]

Hi! it is amazing because i did do your prompts and you could go to my page and check i hope you will take some experiences from it,

firstly, i think this essay is not really goo because you did miss so many thing that not only on the pie charts but also on the you should know that this is the academic essay so you have to do analyze, which is not on the grap but you have to find by your self

Secondly, this is the manner, you should fowlow this which I am not so sure.
on the over view you should give the overal information,
on the body you should give the statement, data and comment
Mar 28, 2017
Writing Feedback / Writing Task 2: art-based subject can improve students' performance in secondary school. [6]

Hi! your grammar is serious problem that you should pay attention to. For example, in this essay do not use another tense beside present tense because what you are doing is discussing the Curriculum. Secondly, I think you should not bring some social barely evidence, because when you are taking the test maybe you do not know that and no exam is similar so try to find something that similar to life such as the result or something else.

Thirdly, i do not see your conclusion i think in this kind of this essay you should have 1 paragraph for you oppinion and 1 for conclusion , it will help your score. Try to find some connection betewn for body and your overview. some words you should try to find
Mar 28, 2017
Writing Feedback / Learning to play team sports is an important part of a child's education. [3]

Hi I am really excited about your work because I am studying IELTS too. from my point of view, your work is really amazing but you should look at some drawbacks which going to less your score.

Nowadays, there are various reason that make people become less exercising, they become tired, not energetic any more, so doing something outdoors is really good for their held, however so many people that discuss we should pay attention to some academic work because it will help them become success but they forgot that health is really important, they need help because it will decide success not money so learning sport is good

You should use more connection words such as by comparison or on the other hand, put some academic vocabuary show how much you understand english
Mar 25, 2017
Writing Feedback / Ielts task 2 - An increasing trend of living or studing abroad [4]

The prompt says: These days, more and more people are going to another country for significant periods of time, either to find a job or to study. There are clearly many benefits to doing this, but people who live abroad can also face some difficulties. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in the foreign country.

The life/work outside of the home country

Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about living and studying and working overseas. While spending the meaningful periods of time abroad is profitable, especially the young generation, they have to deal with hardship which probably happens. This essay will discuss the profits and the drawbacks of moving to another country.

Living abroad has so many positive aspects which are really impressive. The first greatest merit of living and working oversea is to boost the knowledge which is really important for whatever purposes. For example, every year, while the demand of finding the job is increasing, the chance to get the career is enormously decreasing, so to have a good job is not really easy. People go to another country to study and get necessary certifications which are required in the job application. Therefore, people will improve their living standard, with a better life.

Secondly, not only is living in the foreign country to boost the knowledge but also it helps people become independent and mature. Living away from family, people need to be able to possess the basic skills which meet their need, for example how to do chores. If they do not know that, they have done research or practice themselves to prepare for their own future simply because they can't rely on anyone. After the periods of time, they are confident and have a guarantee that they grew up and can live alone.

On the other hand, living abroad can lead so many disadvantageous problems. Firstly, the most serious problem is that people can't adapt to a new and strange environment. For example, nostalgia is the factor that is able to have a bad effect on human's life, especially the youth who have not been far away from their family can't pay attention to study or work. Consequently, receiving the bad result, they feel tragic because of wasting time and money.

Similarly, culture shock is the second dangerous drawback. For example, there are so many differences from language to ways of life. If they can't get used to and keep pace with them, they will isolate themselves from society, which is really hazardous because they will suffer from consequences relating mentality.

To conclude, living abroad which has the balance between the positive and negative aspects is not really easy. Personally, I think people need to prepare from strong spirit to knowledge about that country and basic skills before going to the foreign country.
Mar 25, 2017
Writing Feedback / IELTS writing task 2. Do you think it is important to protect animals? What measures can be taken? [6]

Hi! I am a student and I am learning IELTS too. Therefore I will give you some better advice.

In the introduction, you should write: Nowaday, people use all the space to develop the big cities, to build so many buildings or architecture, Not only they do that but also the law is not really strong enough for people destroy forest illegally.consequently, That is really dangerous because There are a thousand of pieces of trees and animals. if they disappear, the world will become collapse, something like that, people will not have oxi to breath

you should use more beneficial words for your essay such as therefore, consequently or such as to connect your idea or you sentences. you should give two problems and two solutions. I think it will gain your score
Mar 19, 2017
Writing Feedback / Factors which have an influence on men and women [3]

The prompt: The charts below show the results of a survey about what men and women say makes them most happy. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

What makes people happy?

The two different pie charts illustrate the percentage of factors which have an influence on women and men happiness. Overall, it is clear that while the factor that makes the former happy is being with family, achievement at work is the main factor affecting the latter joy.

With regard to women, being with family makes up the bulk of the pie chart, accounting for the largest proportion, approximately 37%. Financial security allocates to a slightly larger amount than good appearance 12% and 11%, respectively, with 25% being comprised achievement at work. By contrast, other factors occupy an average share, in the region of 15%.

This is contrast sharply with man gladness, where achievement at work amount constitutes the highest proportion, indicating the virtually identical level with women, nearly 25%. Likewise, there is the difference in other elements. While supporting a successful sports team represent a marginally taller share than doing hobbies, 18% and 17%, in turn, financial security and other factors both account for more than they did at women happiness, 15% and 24% respectively.

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Mar 19, 2017
Writing Feedback / IELTS Writing Task 1 - Reference Letter for a job - Request from a Teacher [4]

Hi! I am learning IELTS and i really like to practise just like you . This kind of essay is really strange because i have not heard about this in ielts in fact i just know about pie chart or line chart or something relevant to chart. But I will give you some advise such as when you are writing ielts you should use accademic words. You are lack of this so it will make your essay become bad score. secondly use some adv that makes your essay become smoothly. For example respectively, marginally, in th region of , that will score your essay.

Secondly, your essay is leean because it lacks idea. You can not just answer or the question without more information about that question. for example, you should say about this question why you want it, you should try to explan the mininum sentence your interest 1 sentence , society because it can make you earn so many money, your parent
Mar 19, 2017
Scholarship / "I've always been a book lover" KGSP Letter of Self-Introduction [6]

Hi! i think in this kind of work what you should do is do not talk so much about personal life, instead talk about what are you professional about?

For example, after talking about where you wre born how is your childhood, you should contain it in 1 to 2 sentences, then talk about where you did graduated from or how many certifications you did get. It is may be useful than talk so much about so much about your personal

Talking about certification, you should tell them how much effort you did put on it , how important it is for their company, How many profit it will make for them

Your grammar it not really bad but you should look at your tense when you use it for example I've always been a book lover and books played a no you should use have instead of been
Mar 18, 2017
Writing Feedback / Household expenditure in Hong Kong and Britain - charts give the breakdown of the percentage [4]

The prompt say: The pie charts below show average household expenditure in Hong Kong and Britain in the year 2000

domestic spending in Hong Kong and Britain

The two different charts give the breakdown of the percentage of domestic spending in Hong Kong and Britain in 2000. Overall, it is clear that while the main expenditure of the former was other goods, the main disbursement of the latter was housing. This was the similar trend that clothing was the smallest cost in Britain and Hong Kong.

With regard to household disbursement in Britain in 2000, other goods were the highest proportion, more than twice the housing amount, 36% and 18% respectively. Spending on food constituted a little larger than transport fees, approximately 22% of the former, with 17% being made up the latter. By contrast, clothing consisted of the smallest proportion of expenditure, in the region of 7%.

This contrast sharply with the expenditure for Hong Kong in the same year, where the housing amount made up the bulk of expenditure, accounting for the largest proportion of spending, approximately 32%.While food and transport costs comprised more than they did in Britain, 27% and 9%, in turn, other goods were less than it did in Britain nearly 8 %, with being occupied 28%. In comparison, clothing still was the lowest expenditure, devoting to 4%.

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Mar 18, 2017
Writing Feedback / Lights and shadows of being a known person [4]

Hi I am learning ielts so i am really glad to help you in this essay. firstly, you should use more complex grammar instruction, for example, Not only..But also or while ..... by contrast or some words that connect your sentence such as on the other hand.

Secondly, your essay is lack of voccabuary , you should some new words by taking a note . For exple try to use well known, famous people, magaxine, photogengetic, private, public, those words are really helpful for your essay

Thirdly, you essay lacks of ideea that it should have your oppinion in it for example. being famous people is prolem because they do not have private life or can not have private relaxing day
Mar 18, 2017
Graduate / To be able to handle a business takes time and experience. KGSP - SELF INTRODUCTION [4]

Hi! I am not really professional in this kind of work so I just can give you an advice about your idea. If you want to write a good introduction you need:

Start with an example: you should let us know more about you, not only your finance. for example, your interest, the reason why you need to write this introduction or where did you find the pursuit to write this introduction,

Secondly, you should use some words that make the connection such as on the other hand consequently or some word that are the adj or adv, for example slightly smothly that will make your work more smoothly
Mar 11, 2017
Writing Feedback / The three different charts present the percentage of four different categories of foods utilized [7]

the prompt says: The pie charts show the average consumption of food in the world in 2008 compared to two countries; China and India

statistics of utilized foods over the world in 2008

The three different charts illustrate the percentage of four different categories of foods utilized over the globe in 2008, especially the comparison between China and India. Overall, it is clear that in China, India and the world, the vast majority of food consumed was processed food. By contrast, nuts and seeds are the lowest consumption.

With the regard to the most prevalent foods, approximately 41% of processed food in the world was utilized, compared to about 34% and 39%, respectively in China and India. In the planet, the consumption of vegetables and fruits gained 29%. The figure of vegetables and fruits in India occupied 23% while the number of fruits and vegetables represented more 9% in China, nearly 32%

The consumption of animal food stood at 15% in China. The world and India indicated the virtually identical level of use of animal food, between 26% and 27% successively. While people in the world utilized slight the figure of nuts and seeds, in the region of 4%, Chinese and Indian customers used considerably the number of nuts and seeds, at 19% and 11%, in turn.

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Mar 11, 2017
Scholarship / Letter of Self Introduction: KGSP, majoring in human resource and management [4]

Hi, I am really interested in your work. However, I have some advice to give you to improve your work. First of it is the idea, you should give us why education becomes so important. Maybe it will give you good future or give you a good job.Or it will make the world develop.it will reduce the crime.

Secondly, How bad if education is not popular in the world. you should give some example too. For example, people do not know what that disease is and they can not find a way to save people life.How do you feel when you are going to college. Is that excited .may be the feeling will gain the score.

Do not use With perseverance and optimism instead say with the regard to, you should use more words like therefore because of to give us the reason or so to give us the result.I have always wanted to study in Korea because I wanted to pursue higher education Never have go with wanted . it will score bad poin

Givw us a id what id your course of life is having a good job is not a bad idea but please give us the detail
Mar 11, 2017
Writing Feedback / Plethora numbers of criminal activities - causes of crime rate and effort to prevent them [4]

Hi! I am learning IELTS too. Therefore, I give you some advice. Firstly, the cause of crime. Nowadays, when the world has been developing, also there are some drawbacks which are appearing and having a bad effect on our life.People think that security is not important is the firt cause. for example, they are comfortably wear the bag or inside them ther are so much money without wondering.

What so we should do in that situation? we should give them a advice. Secondly , maybe bad well being make poor people become thief. they do not have engough money to live so they have to steel, we should improve stand of life. Or maybe because there are somany people who are lazy they do not want to work but they want have a good life ,they become thief. therefore we have to force them with strong law.
Mar 8, 2017
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1 Other worker's salaries, teacher's salaries and furniture and equipment [6]

In this essay, in the body , how about the detail paragraph 1 , I will make comparison between teacher's salaries and other worker's salaries .
In the detail paragraph 2 , I will make the comparison between insurance , resources books and furniture and equipment. If it is not good please tell me what I should do in detail parapragh 1 and 2 ( the maner for any pie charts which more than 2 pie charts)
Mar 7, 2017
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1 Other worker's salaries, teacher's salaries and furniture and equipment [6]

annual disbursement of UK school

The three different charts illustrate the yearly disbursement of UK school and it is measured in percentage between 1981, 1991 and 2001. Overall, the proportion of expenditure spent on has considerably varied movement. Over 3 decades, while teacher's salaries were still highest proportion, insurance was still lowest spending.

Other worker's salaries, teacher's salaries and furniture and equipment were the largest proportion. In 1981, approximately 40% of the teacher's salaries spent, compared to about 28% and 15% respectively of other worker's salaries and furniture and equipment. 1991 witnessed a virtually identically decline of furniture and equipment and other worker's salaries, at 5% and 22% respectively. In the same year, teacher's salaries indicated the sharp plunge at 50%.On the other hand, 2001 witnessed the similar fluctuation of other worker's salaries and teacher's salaries. While the figure of other worker's salaries and teacher's salaries dramatically dropped, at 15% and 45%respectively, the percentage of furniture and equipment enormously increased, at 23% approximately.

On the other hand, the insurance and resources books had a virtually similar trend. In 1981, the amount of insurance and resources books stood up 2% and 15% respectively. In 1991, the percentage of them experienced a sharp growth, at 3% and 20% respectively.2001 witnessed their similarity, between 8% and 9% successively.

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Mar 7, 2017
Scholarship / My essay for an OFID scholarship application to do my masters at UNESCO-IHE [6]

Hi! your scholarship was great but you have some problem.Firstly ,your voccabuary, you should use mor words such as Therefore, consequently or however, you should use all of them , maybe it will make your work is more influency and connected.

Secondly , your grammar , your sentences are too long and make me a little confused suh as this sentence have recently received a conditional admission to UNESCO-IHE to pursue Master Programme in Water Science and Engineering . May be I can understand what it means but the position of them has little estimated.

You should give the effort or promise in this work . What will you do after recieving this scholarship . So.ething like will work hard or put or the headline in this
Mar 7, 2017
Scholarship / I intend to apply for the Chevening 2018-19 scholarship - Career Plan question [8]

@Jopa 1
Hi I am learning english too.Your scholarship has some problem . Fisrly the content, you should give reasons why you are intersted in Sierra Leone . May be because now doctors are the wonderful job which can help people or save them from death. Or may be some factors such as you want to deaign some thing that you did in your dream when you are a little kid.

Secondly,you did use so many academic words. It id good for you because it can give us mor information but it also makes people become little tired when they have to read all of that stuff .

Thirdly, your grammar has a little problem that you should control it . For example : I am granted this scholarship i promise to give in return as much as i can you are using if please give will or should
Mar 3, 2017
Writing Feedback / The percentage of four different type of films distributed in Australia and Britain in 2001 [9]

numbers of cinema tickets purchased and movies displayed

The bar chart illustrates the percentage of four different type of films distributed in Australia and Britain in 2001. The line graph indicates the figure of cinema tickets bought in millions between 1980 and 2001. Overall, the most popular form of cinema markets in Britain and Australia was the US films. The number of British audiences choosing to go to the cinema was more than Australian viewers.

In 2001, both Australian and British people preferred watching the US films. In Britain, approximately 78% of the US films screened, compared to about 70% in Australia. While the number for the British films was more popular for British than Australia audiences, at 20% and 7% respectively, the Australian films have most popularity in Australia, at 10%. British people did not watch the Australian films at all. The percentage of the others in Australia stood around at 15%. By contrast, the figure of the others in Britain only reached 1%.

The number of people going to the cinema in Australia and Britain both climbed enormously. In 1980, the amount of people who went to the cinema was at 100 million and 40 million respectively in Australia and Britain. In 1984, the number of cinema tickets bought by Australian and British audiences decreased dramatically, at 60% and 255 respectively. In 2000, the percentage of British viewers went on 160 million, whereas the figure of Australian viewers made up 90 million.
Mar 2, 2017

Your essay is acadamic so you should use more acadamic words.in this situa tion you do not express youe oppinion yet. Instead you did try to illustate the idea that it is imppossible.

For example, first paregh teanager life happy beacause give the reason then analysis.beacause they can enjoy life without stress.they di not have go to work. Think about money

Pragh 2 adult are happy because they can do what ever they . Want They do not have to go to school. Do not have test. Instead they can do with thier money
Mar 2, 2017
Writing Feedback / Students should take priority to living away from home than sharing place with their parents [7]

Hi! I am studying Ielts too. So have some advice. Fristy , in this prompt , do not say you completely agree.
Because it will not score you higher .Instead tbat say in the introductory. The sentence is justified .

And then pharapgh 1 give the idea why do you agree. Why do you not agree ad then third paragragh give your oppinion. Your paragragh 1 and 2 is the same .

I mean it such as parapgh 1 is a big sentence and paragh 2 is a example . If in your way , paragh 1 should be more skills.
Paragph 2 should be mature. Tr to use word consequently , therfore or so .you fer more grammar.It will make you have better score
Feb 22, 2017
Writing Feedback / The ways used to dispose of the harmful garbage in Korea, Sweden and United Kingdom [3]

recycling of the toxic materials

The charts illustrate the ways used to dispose of the harmful garbage in Korea, Sweden and United King dom. The data indicates the main method used in each country.

In Korea, the majority of dangerous waste products are recycled. By contrast, most of the harmful wastes are buried underground in Sweden and UK. The United Kingdom is the country that has most ways utilized to dispose of hazardous materials.

In Korea, around 69% of dangerous harmful products are recycled, compared to about 25% in Sweden and 0% in the UK. In the United Kingdom, recycling is not popular and not employed. However, the UK people prefer burying dangerous waste materials instead. The percentage of underground made up 82% in the UK, while it stands at 22% in Korea and 55% in Sweden.

Besides that, chemical treatment and dumping at sea which are not mentioned on the pie chart of Korea and Sweden are used in the United Kingdom. They are not really popular and stand at a similar percentage, 8%. 20% of hazardous waste products went on incineration in Sweden. By contrast, it reaches 9% and 2% in Korea and UK.

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Feb 21, 2017
Scholarship / Photography and computers were my fields of interest since my childhood. Self Introduction KGSP 2017 [19]

Hi i am not good at english but i can help you by my best . Remember if you want to introduce yourself for something such scholarship or work please do not star your field first . In my opinion that like you are talking the meaningless thing.Instead of that please say how photography and computer effect your life .First give us the reason and then tell us how it effect on you .Secondly,you use so many academic words which interviewer do not like it because maybe they do not really know about all that stuff you are talking about and then you will fail.Instead use formal word. You have serious problem about you grammar such as about sentence . Your sentence is really long and make someone fell not understand .

Apart from my final year project I have also worked on semester projects related to try to separate it
Feb 21, 2017
Writing Feedback / The bar chart indicates the figure of time spent in billions of minutes by UK people on phone calls [8]



HI EVERY ONE !Can you help me with my work ?
google =number+of+telephone+ielts+task+1: it is no way I can coppy the image please fowwloww thes

The bar chart indicates the figure of time spent in billions of minutes by UK people on phone calls, namely local -fixed line, national and international- fixed line and mobiles between 1995 and 2002. The comparison of three categories will be shown in next paragraphs.

The proportion of minutes which people in the UK spent on telephone calls had considerably varied movement. While the number for mobiles and national and international -fixed line increased steadily over a period of 7 years, local calls leaped from 1995 to 1999 and dropped from 1999 to 2002. The lowest figure on the chart was for mobiles and the highest number was for local- fixed line.

In 1995, around 70 billion minutes were used for local calls, compared to about 35 billion minutes of national and international calls and 5 billion minutes of mobiles. In 1999, people preferred using fixed line for local calls. The data illustrated that amount of time which was spent on local calls by UK people reached the highest point at almost 90 billion minutes. The possible reason for this change is that maybe local telephone's fee became chip. Mobiles and national/international land line still went up enormously.

In 2002, minutes of national/international and mobile calls stood around at 60 and 55 billion minutes. Potentially due to UK people started to spread their market, associate and invest in another countries. By contrast, the minutes of local calls plunged at the figure they began in 1995, ate around 70 billion.

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