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Posts by ash5005 [Suspended]
Joined: Dec 21, 2012
Last Post: Jan 19, 2013
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From: India

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Jan 19, 2013
Writing Feedback / (IELTS essay) inborn talents vs trained talents. [7]

It is generally believed that people are born with certain talents,for instance for sport or music,and others are not. However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

It is said that, some talents confined to an individual such as sports and music are innate. However, many people argue that, these talents can be earned by recurrent training. In this essay, i am going to state that talents in music and sports can be learned by training but inborn talents in music and sports make them perfect in these fields.

To begin with the argument about innate talents, especially in many sports persons and musicians. According to this aspect many individuals believe that all these forms of skills can only be achieved by genetically and there is no play of continual training. For instance, carnatic music is generally known as classical music, which is very hard to learn for everyone. However, some talented person learns it and becomes master in it without much trouble.

On the contrary, people can acquire some talents by taking lots of grooming.
Because practicing certain things for a long duration makes some people perfect in that concerned activity. For example some sportspersons become legengs in their respective events only because of their hardwork. In this case hard work plays bigger roles than inborn skills.

As far as i am concerned, eventhough some talents can be learned by cevere training or practice, it will not make a person perfect in it if the person does not have an inborn taste in it. These talents are only confined to some gifted people and it is their duty to make use of these skills.
Jan 18, 2013
Writing Feedback / (IELTS) factors affecting job satisfaction in adulthood [3]

As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work,job satisfaction is an important element of individual welbeing.what factors contribute to job satisfaction?

Adulthood is considered to be a significant period of an individuals life. Because during this time, a person works hard both physically and mentally. Thereforet a satisfied job is the crying need of every adult individual. This essay focusses on some of the factors contribute for job satisfaction.

To begin with some material elements like money which affect positively on one's work contempt. Since money has got a great role in man's life, a convenient wage system in work sector is crucial in imparting job satisfaction toy everyone. For instance, a person who always prefer working with firms those give higher salary and other priviliages to that of those give less. Thus money can be written as the important factor to impart job satisfaction.

More over, certain psychological factors such as interest, attitude towards work can influence in a satisfied working. Lack of interest or passion give negative results in our job situation. For example, pursuing an uninterested job leaves higher level of stress which will not allow the people to be excellent in that field.

Finally some social factors like colleagues nature, respect and attitude towards work also crucial in generating a feeling of wellbeing in work sector. It can be described as, an individual's behavioury towards both junior and senior staffs and vice versa have great impact on his goodness in working with that particular place.

In general, job satisfaction is highly necessary in an individuals working age .Unsatisfied job environment leaves much trouble both physically and psychologically. So let us hope to achieve a well work-satisfied generation in the comming future.
Jan 17, 2013
Writing Feedback / (IELTS ESSAY) success in life based on hardwork or luck? [2]

People succeed because of hard work and luck has nothing to do with success.do u agree or disagree with this view?.

There has been lots of debates taking place about one's success. There is an opinion that success in our life is a matter of hardwork and no room for luck to become succeed. However, i do assert an opposite argument that one's success is based on many factors including hardwork,luck,happiness,attitude and certain level of skills.

Hard work has a significant role in winning life. It is considered to be one of the prominent elements contributing to determine one's future. Today success is measured on the basis of money and fame. For instance,if we work hard,we can learn alot of money or become famous.Thus people assume that only money can make them wealthy or success in life.

A person who's success should not be calculated on his/her wealth. There are many other factor such as love, a good family,friends, those can define very clearly what is success.One human being cant be recognised as a self content person with out having an inner peace evenif he gets alot of money. So one's success can be defined as the fullfillment of physical,psychological,spiritual and social needs of an individual.so material achievements together cant make a person succeed in life.

Luck has got a great significance in getting succeed. Because life is considered to be a game. A game winning is associated with the element luck. Similar in life situation too. For instance, a poor person's life can chage by winning a lottery. So luck has its own importance.

Thus success in life is a much more complicated issue. Moreover, harwork and luck have significant role in one's success along with certain other elements. So it is not the matter of only hardwork and luck also has its own importance in getting succeed in life.
Jan 14, 2013
Writing Feedback / ( IELTS essay) education is a life long task; agree/disagree [4]

i do agree that education is a life long task..

Reason. 1
1) Education is an autonomous process.
2)we learn by ourselves with the help of our sensory organs day by day even if we don't put as much interest.
3) example

Reason 2

1) In this competitive era, learning has become an important and endless practice..
2) for getting good job,for getting promotion in a job..etc..
Jan 2, 2013
Writing Feedback / (IELTS ESSAY) differences between e-learning and conventional learning. [5]

Some people say that online learning is the most effective and convenient way to learn.Others say that online learning will never be as effective as learning at a real school,in person .discuss both these views and give your own opinion

Due to the advent of computers and the internet, the practice of online learning has emerged all around the world. Many people support this way of learning,however many people prefer conventional schooling methods .In this essay i am going to discuss both these views and will make an opinion in favor of traditional learning with the application of electronic help.

Online learning is associated with studying things by sitting at home with the help of computer devices and the internet.Many people have started adopting this method of learning from elementary schooling to higher studies.This electronic learning provides as much genuine information we needed within a fraction of second.More over it doesn't require going to an institution and paying lots of money for learning.However this mode of learning causes serious problems in learners in their psychological as well as social developments due to lack of communication and peer group interaction.For example ,if a person continuously sitting at home studying through online makes him socially incompetent and shows poor adjusting with the society as well as diminished social-moral values.

When it comes to traditional schooling method,All go to school or college regularly, interact with teachers and friends also participate in various arts and games make them more perfect in all aspects.Ones success in life is not only depend up on what ever knowledge he has but also the all overall developments such as inter-personal relationship, social values, morals,discipline. All these components can be acquired only by the influence of teachers and friends.

So, in my opinion, since both these mode of learning has its own benefits, it is better to adopt a new system of learning by mixing these two. For instance,by making class rooms available for electronic learning, students are able to get an over all development as well as higher success in their academics without any doubt.Thus we can generate a new generation of super-talented citizens in the long run.
Jan 2, 2013
Writing Feedback / Should all people access advanced medical treatment? Yes ; IELTS [2]

Advanced medical treatments are generally expensive.People's access to proper health care should not depend upon their level of income.All people have the right to access the best medicine available.

To what extend do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Due to the surge in the cost of medicines and other medical services, many poor people are not able to take treatment even for their major ailments.In this essay i am going to agree to the opinion that medical interventions should be implemented not according to public's level of income. More over, all human being has the right to get the best medicines available now.

In current medical sector, there have been huge developments taking place by inventing new-new treatment methods. Some of the new modes of treatments such as bio-technology, genetic engineering are the best examples of these and many more experiments are daily carried out in the field of medicine.But majority of these advanced treatments are only afforded by financially sound citizens.When it comes to a large proportion of poor people,these technologies become futile.In many developing countries,poor people are dying of cancers and other major diseases due to the lack of treatments day by day.For instance, Chemotherapy and surgical procedures have become much more costlier than before.

The present condition should change in the field of medical treatment in a way that all people do access the ultimate mode of treatment in-dependent of their financial status.Some suggestions can be put forward to make it happen. Firstly the government should take serious concern in this matter and provide these treatment to the poor in a very convenient way. One another thing is that, by initiating insurance for all people and provide medical needs as many developed countries do.By this way we can save many poor families from getting more poor.Medical insurance should be mandatory for all citizens in the country can bring serious outcome in providing better treatments equally among the public.

In a nutshell,as a civilian all people have the right to treatment irrespective of their financial status. TO make it happen,the authority should take better initiatives and make our country free from all sorts of diseases in the coming future.
Jan 1, 2013
Writing Feedback / Effects of international travelling on nations/ IELTS [3]

International travelers can cause problems to the countries to which they travel.On the other hand,international travelers can bring real advantages with them. Are the problem international travelers cause greater than the advantages they bring?

By the advent of globalization,industrialization and increased tourism promotion,many people have started travelling across the world very frequently. These international travels can have both positive and negative impacts on the host world.In this essay i am going to stress much on the advantages of international tourism than its minor drawbacks.

International travels are beneficial to both the travelers and the host nations in several aspects such as social,financial and educational.It helps to understand different lifestyles of different societies, and people are able to adopt good cultural practice and social values through cultural exchange.These are finally contributing to overall social development.When it comes to financial aspects, the host nations can yield a large proportion of revenue by means visa charges,taxes and other expenses.Nowadays international tourism has become one of the booming industries in many countries. Finally, foreigners can influence a minority of host countries educational standards especially in learning different languages from distinct guests.

The major draw back of international travel is the potential for terrorism activities in the host nations.The bomb blast happened in Bombay last year is the best example for international terrorism due to less stringent immigration policies. Extreme flow of foreigners to a particular place cause some sort of cultural damage to the host world. the people may try to imitate the foreign culture due to the over exposure foreigners can lead to disappearance of some sort of traditionally inherited cultural values of host countries. moreover the rush of many people to a particular place of ecological importance,can be destroyed by excessive waste disposal and thereby changes to the ecological harmony.

In conclusion, as the merits of foreign travel over-weigh the demerits, it is necessary to support foreigners to come to our country for the overall development of us. However there should be a clear monitoring of foreigners is needed in order to avoid the up coming misfortunes.
Jan 1, 2013
Writing Feedback / Aadvantages and disadvantages of sending children work or travel just be;IELTS [3]

some people think that school graduates
should travel or work for a period of time
instead of going directly to study at

discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of both approaches

Nowadays,many changes have taken place
in the theam of curriculam due to the
advancements in lifestyle. it is often
argued that, after finishing
schooling,young people must go to do
some job or a journey without directly
getting into a uniersity life. in this essay i
would like to listdown some advantages
and disadvantages concerning the above
mentioned argument.

To begin with the positive out comes of
students taking a break before joining
unversity. Firstly, by doing some job for a
short period can make a child more
concious about the value of money ,
punctuaity and team work. this can
influence postively on his/her higher
studies. Going to a journey for a short
span makes the person to acquire a
better perspective of the world. which
also improves the confidence,
communication skills in them.

However, there are many cons can be
pointed out regarding this argument. first
point is that, lagging a period of time in
studies can influence negatively on the
future of a child especially in the era of
extreme rat race. in addition to that
going for a journey at a young age alone is
not a safe practice and there might be a
chance for ending in big troubes such as
burglary, bad peer group influence and
stress. working enviroment can influence
ones further studies badly. there by
children loose their interest in studies.
finally,it is difficult for a teenager to
endure heavy work pressure at his
immature age.

in conclusion, even if a child is sent to a
job or travel before higher studies brings
more potential. it also creates many
drawbacks..so in my opinion it is better
to fullfill children's academic carrier
instead imposing a job or travel alone.
lets hope all work better in near future.
Dec 23, 2012
Writing Feedback / External/ internal Reasons for School dropouts & possible measures ;IELTS [4]

Q: Many students do not finish school.Why does it happen and how can the problem be solved?

Students dropouts has become one of the prominent issues that many international communities facing today. Even though most students complete schools, it is conspicuous that many pupils quit schooling and indulge in many activities. In this essay i would like to list out the reasons as well as the possible measures of this woeful plight.

Firstly, the reasons for school dropouts can be discriminate as: external reasons as well as internal reasons.External reasons consist of family problems, poverty,taboo,influence of rituals etcetera. Some students can not complete their schooling because of their family problems such as broken homes.Lack of financial support for studies and taking care of family responsibilities also some crucial reasons for quiting the studies. Finally certain communities does not allow girl child to study and forcing to marry instead as part of their cultural practices.Certain Internal reasons such as psychological distress, lack of interest, bad habits and unhealthy peer group relationships are also instrumental in increasing students dropouts.

When it comes to some measures, firstly we can implement some awareness campaign about the need of education.Secondly government should initiate free education to some extend especially for backward classes.

Moreover, it is necessary to stringent the rules to completely prohibit the child labor as well as child marriage in order to reduce the ongoing school quits.Finally by making parents aware about the need of education can also reduce the surging school dropouts.

In conclusion, i would like to warn children that lack of education may lead them nowhere and it will be quite hard to get a job in future. so it is highly significant avoiding school dropouts.Lets hope that we can tackle this problem in order to the betterment of the coming generation.

Dec 23, 2012
Writing Feedback / (IELTS ESSAY) merits and demerits of MNCs in developing countries.. [3]

Q: Should MNCs (Multinational companies) be welcomed to our country? What are the merits and demerits of MNCs in a country?

foreign investments in developing markets

Nowadays, due to the influence of globalisation, many multinational companies are mushrooming in developing countries.There are serious arguments for and against inviting MNCs in a developing world.In this essay,i would like to argue that there is no serious problem in promoting MNCs in developing nations rather than getting prosperous.

To begin with,today the proportion of the number of foreign companies has surged significantly than it was in eighties or nineties. From hotels to huge automobile construction plants of international standard are establishing day by day. Owing to the higher cost for labour and resources makes companies focusing on developing nations.It is a fundamental principle of economics that business flourishes where there all the four factors that is: land,labour,capital and entrepreneurship exist.

Concerning the advantages, it is obvious that an MNC can provide lots of job opportunities to the native job aspirants and many efficient professionals can have better job environment. In addition to that, there is huge amount of revenue received as a means of taxes and other stuffs are instrumental in the over-all development of the host country.Finally now people can access many of the international brands in their own countries without losing much money on customs duty.

However, a small proportion of nationalists are arguing against the implementation of MNCs saying that which will abolish countries tradition as well as social values.

Changes due to the developments and advancements make them feel so.Moreover, local brands face business loss due to the direct entry of international one as the influence of consumerism and aggressive materialism.

In a nut shell, though MNC causes a relatively small proportion of harms,which creates huge benefits to the host country.So it is essential to invite more MNCs to our country to get us more developed.
Dec 21, 2012
Undergraduate / CORNELL/ Eng Idea,Interest &Cornell Education;"Mech Eng is the mother of Engineering" [2]

Whenever there is a malfunction of any gadgets at home, I usually watch my dad, a Mechanical Engineer, who fix the problem and make it work again. While assisting him, he teaches me how things work and the science and engineering behind the working of machines. This made me realize that an engineer's work can be found in every basic aspect of both life and nature. For instance the intricate web woven by a spider or Weaver bird's cozy nest.
Dec 21, 2012
Writing Feedback / (IELTS essay) Effect of action movies on young children/ Solutions [7]

Q: Action movies inspire youngsters to imitate risky things like car races and stunts they watch in movies.what should be done to discourage this form of imitation?

Nowadays, action movies have got much more popularity among young generation. These movies exhibit lots of violence and stunts which have been imitated by these kids and become more insensitive in nature,which finally leads to a great threat to our society.In this essay i would like to point out some solutions in order to reduce children's affinity towards such films.

First and foremost, a good parenting is significant in developing good qualities in children. Parents are the first teacher so it is necessary that parents should teach their children about good moralities one should possess. Also minor people are thought about the extreme actions which present on films are not real, and never allow kids to watch uncensored movies. instead, they should be encouraged to watch child oriented t v shows such as cartoons(non-violent) and documentaries.

Secondly, the next phase of treatment starts from schools. Every schools can have a special subject concerning the moral development in children. Provide well training to teachers especially to address this issue. more over, during play time, children should be diverted to intellectual game rather than things dangerous in nature, and restrict the use of computer playing furious games. Schooling is the crucial stage of children therefore it is necessary to motivate them for both curricular as well as extra-curricular excellence.

Final contribution for reducing children's craziness towards hostile movies can be done by the government by make sure the authorized production of action films,avoiding lashing visuals on television news,and proper functioning of censor board. In addition to that, the implementation of variety of young oriented programs which are contributing to generate good qualities are also fundamental in diverting kids from these evil-medium.

To put it in a nutshell, today's children are tomorrows citizen. So the way they are treated in their childhood will reflect on them when they will grow up. Today's media affects wrongly on younger generation therefor let us contribute as much as we can for the development of our children and making them as a better citizen.
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