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Posts by Desty22
Name: Desty Febria
Joined: Mar 14, 2016
Last Post: Apr 7, 2016
Threads: 13
Posts: 19  
From: Indonesia
School: Universitas Negeri Padang

Displayed posts: 32
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Apr 7, 2016
Writing Feedback / Task 2 - Non renewable energy should change to alternative energy sources [2]

Alternative energy sources that use the natural power of the wind, waves, sun are too expensive and complicated to replace the coal, oil and gas that we use to power our cities and transport. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people believe that environmentally and friendly energy resources such as wind, waver, sun should be executed by government. However, other individuals oppose this case because it spends much money and tough to charge non renewable energy, for instance, fuel, oil and gas. I do believe that this is the effective way gradually altering non renewable energy to alternative energy since it will bring positive impact to the society and environment.

To begin, people have been using non renewable energy to support their activities every day. It would be hard action to substitute non renewable energy to renewable energy in the matter of cost and time. Firstly, since our country have not sufficient tools regarding environmentally and friendly energy resources, it will spend a huge of money to accommodate some facilities. For example, building solar panel consumes million dollars because we need to import some materials from overseas. Next, it also affects government's focus since it will need long period to build and control it .Despite on focus in the process of alternative energy, it would be better to focus on the other things that have not be done yet by government.

However, it is very essential to establish environmentally and friendly energy resources for long term positive impact and preserve our environment. The first notion is the long term impact that we can reach from wind, sun and wave power. Due to number of non renewable energy supply decrease gradually, it would be better to maintain our energy power to other sources from present time. Then, as we know that global warming is caused by non renewable energy such fuel from our transportation and pollutions from manufactures. Afterwards, decreasing number of that non renewable energy and substitute it to eco-friendly ones will generate less pollution to our environment.

To conclude, the advantages of using renewable energy will affect us, if we can gradually apply it to our transportation and city in order for betterment in the future life.
Apr 5, 2016
Writing Feedback / Decrease number of overweight needs further solutions by educating the importance of nutrients [3]

Obesity is now a major global epidemic. What can be done to tackle this increasingly common problem?

One current a healthy issue is overweight in the world. This problem is not only occur in developing countries, but it also immerges in some developed countries such US and Europe. Then, Decrease number of overweight needs further solutions by educating the importance of nutrients to keep human body fit and promoting the advantages life healthier.

To begin, eating habit effect the percentage of obesity at this time. Individuals tend consuming fast food than healthy meal because it is the easy one find and have lower price. For example, the fast food restaurant has been developing well by using franchise system and the number still counting until now. Since this food has less beneficial nutrients to human body and enormous fat percentage, it gives bigger contribution to our healthy system such as debilitating illness, cardiovascular and cancer.

In term of solutions, there are several ways to solve this issue. Firstly, it is the vital that state provides sufficient number of sport facilities with better structure. It would attract persons to have daily routine to exercise. Secondly, it would be better if government provide information regarding to beneficial thing having healthy life style. In detailed, state can use the power of media such as television and social media to promote healthy life style effect with what you have ate regularly

To conclude, some causes present the impact of overweight so that ministry and society should work together regarding decrease number of overweight in the world.
Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / The pie chart presented the plus points and problems the most general categories of Fairmont Islands [2]

The pie chart presented the plus points and problems the most general categories of Fairmont islands based on survey to the visitors. The most obvious places of information were that good accommodation and food quality in the current survey.

In the category the things that people liked about the people, the scenery, good accommodation and also culture. Good accommodation witnessed the largest number at forty percent; while another category was culture experiencing three percent lower than it. Next, 12 witnessed by the scenery and minimum number was the people at 11%

Some categories for problems were weather, high cost of living, entertainment and food quality. Food quality described then the largest percentage among other categories in forty five percent. There was weather in the second position with 30%, while almost a half number of food quality placed by entertainment field. Then entertainment stood at the last category below ten percent.

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Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / There is no consensus about the learning foreign language age for children among experts. [4]

]In spite of a lot of experience and studies , one of the insovable matters is learning foreign language age for children at the present time.

... on the other hand,some other experts have the reverse opinion. From my point of view , learning foreign language has both benefits and drawbacks for a variety of reasons.

experiences and studies
learning foreign language
other experts
my point of view

thanks =)
Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / There are many advantages if state cover whole cost of education and health systems for everyone [2]

All education and healthcare should be funded by the government and free for everyone. to what extent do your agree or disagree?
Education and healthcare have been proving as the main factors of society welfare over the years. Therefore, every education and health system should be fully funded by state and make it free for society. I do believe that this would bring some positive impacts for several reasons.

The first benefit shows every people would get equal services especially in healthcare. As we know that, mostly developing countries have biggest gap issue between rich and poor family to get the same access equally since poor family have not sufficient money to pay the fee. However, a rich family usually gets better access to accept first service in hospital. Therefore, state needs fully cover cost in those fields to in order to make poor family and rich family have the same right to receive treatment.

Every school also has opportunity to improve their quality in several facilities. Despite of some issue private schools have better in quality than public schools, so fully number of subsidize increases the quality of public schools. For example, building library and adding various kinds of books.

In conclusion, there are many advantages if state cover whole cost in education and health systems.
Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / From the chart: Native Australia experienced the largest number entering Movie Theater at 70% [2]

The chart witnessed some places that visited by various people who live in Australia. Overall, it can be seen that, cinema showed the highest percentage among theatre, library and zoo.

Native Australia experienced the largest number entering Movie Theater at 70%, while new immigrants born in English-speaking countries saw five percent lower than it. Then the last placed by new immigrants born in the other countries a half the same category. In library, new migrants born in other countries reached the top number at 55%, then followed by new immigrants born in English-speaking countries (40%) and new migrants born in English speaking countries was a slice below it.

New migrants born in English-speaking countries surprisingly placed the best rank in visiting zoo (50%); however born in Australia in second range forty one percent then the rest type was only thirty five percent. Another category was theater which had minimum percentage almost in the various type of persons. New migrants in English-speaking countries stood at a half of fifty, then followed by other categories below it.

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Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / Punishment is given to someone who breaks the rule; fixed punishment for all kinds of crimes? [2]

Many people believe that having a fixed punishment for all crimes is more efficient. What are the advantages and dis advantages of having a fixed punishment?

Punishment is given to someone who breaks the rule and this is how the country makes conducive conditions. Then some people believe that having a fixed punishment for all kinds of crimes is more efficient, but I strongly agree it brings dire effects than positive effects in society. In spite of effective and efficiency, the background and motivation of criminal have been considering as factors to decide the sentence.

The term of efficiency brings the more beneficial case if punishment had been fixed before. Firstly, the spending of court has stable budget .Judges just need to read the sentence to defendant without accepting the refuse notions because everyone also already knew they will get this punishment if did certain crimes. Then, efficiency of time if deciding punishment , prisoner do not need spending longer time in court, while it would be better if faster enter the jailed. Then judges can do another job to other kind of crimes, rather than spending much time just in one case

However, the motive and situation behind someone commit the crime also considerably factors, law is the most basic requirement of human morality first, we should know the background and situation behind the crime. As we know, someone might commit the crime because it is the only way to continue their life. For example, father did fraud because they don't have a job, so as the person who has responsibility in their family, they did it the crime. Next, the gender rule in their family, fixed economy will be hard if someone going to jailed is father. Consequently, their family will lose financial income since their father in the prisons.

To conclude, punishment have to apply a the sense of justice, but as the sense of morality brings more harm if the punishment is a fixed based on crime
Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / Task 2 - Schools should cut art and music out of the curriculum [2]

The role of education is to prepare children for the modern world. Schools should cut art and music out of the curriculum so that children can focus on useful subjects such as information and technology. To what extent do you agree?

Education is essential part for human being to achieve. This is the way to make our kids ready in advanced world; however many people believe that it would be better if school excluded art and music materials in the school. They believe it will make students more focus on other necessary subjects such as information and technology, but I do not believe that this will bring positive development for the following reasons.

To begin, advanced era has been growing up faster in several developments such as technology, science and infrastructure, thus another people stand their children gaining more knowledge in information and technology. It will make students more ready to face job field in the future. As they believe in term of modern era, it would give bigger chance in certain subjects that also gives betterment life. For example, Google office as technology manufacture shows better rank in subsidize their worker in health insurance, higher salary even budget for holiday.

However, it would be better if art and music curriculum have the same chance as well as other subjects in the school. One of the biggest reasons is art and music would help emerging students 'sensitivity as human being. This ability is not easily found in other curriculum since those just need ability to think logically in learning process such as mathematics and science. Meanwhile art and music build sense of felling to create wonderful creatures; for example, pianist experiences in several tuts keyboards in order to create music by combining sense of felling and mind. Next, definition as talented students is not only in science and technology, but also in art and music subjects due to individuals have different capability such as musician Picasso with incredible output.

All in all, it is clear to me that although there are several reasons in cutting art and music in curriculum system, there are also plenty of benefit in art and music. Government should give larger analysis in curriculum system then
Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / Task 2- Walking is known to be beneficial for health and yet fewer and fewer people are walking thes [2]

Walking is known to be beneficial for health and yet fewer and fewer people are walking these days. What are the reasons for this? What can be done to tackle this problem?

Despite giving some benefits, the number of walker has been falling in the recent years. This essay will examine the reasons why number of pedestrian is falling such as high mobility and currently bad facilities, then discuss some possible solutions to solve this issue like promote the function of walking and building good facilities.

The majority factor causes falling number of pedestrians is high mobility and spending much time in working. This significantly affects the number of walker rarely found in weekdays; meanwhile on the weekend they are keen on spending their time with relative even working overtime. For example, mostly workers have to attend the office at 8 am until 4 pm from Sunday to Friday. Next lack of facilities especially walking track also improve the issue. People likely do something if the facilities are available and safety; however mostly society discover that route of walking path is not comfortable, then many rider also ride their motorcycle of walking track in the rush hour.

In term of solutions, there are several ways to solve this issue. Firstly, it is the vital that state provides sufficient number of walking track with better structure. It would attract persons to have daily routine to walk. Secondly, it would be better if government provide information regarding to beneficial things do walking activity regularly. In detailed, state can use the power of media such as television and social media to promote healthy life style begin with one first step of walking habit.

In conclusion, it is clear that the problems caused by falling number of walker in certain countries are serious case. State needs to keep attention current problems of walker while people have be remained to oversee it.
Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / Recently the television has become a medium where people can study about overseas [3]

Watching can make people to know [...] to study about foreign country.

Watching would help people understanding more about worldwide because screen provides several information related to other countries. for instance, in china, some persons utilize television as tool to study about foreign countries.

trying to change people with other words with the same meaning such as individuals, person and society

thanks =)
Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 2: The phenomenon of a global trade in the worldwide [4]

Firstly, many entrepreneurs in the small business can lose their costumers since almost people switch their fondness in the global market. - give explanation why?

for example, this is because imported product have good quality with lower price than local goods, so it would attract consumer enthusiast to purchase it.

Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / TASK 2 IELTS: The violent crime among youngsters since parents and teachers [3]


The youth age tends to joint in criminalization by the new data release in which the statement from a psychologist that this impact becomes by parents and teacher do not take care the children.

A psychologist released data that the young persons tend to do commit criminal actions as impact of less attention of their parents and teachers.
i think, it is better to write your position in introduction agree or not such as i do believe that..... or i strongly agree
Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / taks 1 : travel by using train in Great Britain from 1950 to 2004/5 [2]


The line graph illustrates commuters who travel [...] particularly in train in the end of period.

the graph presented commuters traveling by suing train in Great Britain from 1950- 2004. Overall, it can be seen that there showed the rising trend, especially London become the most famous transportation the rest period.
Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / Why many people replace older products (although they are still working well) with a new ones? [2]

Many people buy products that they do not really need and replace old products with new ones unnecessarily. Why do people buy things they do not really need? Do you think this is a good thing?

Growing up media brings larger chance for manufactures to sell their products via social media, newspaper even television. It also attracts consumer buying unnecessary items that exactly they really do not need. This essay will discuss some reasons why this has occurred and examine the consequences of this worrying trend.

The main cause of this problem is the powerful effect of advertising. Advertisement is used to promote company's products by using certain tools effectively. For example, commercial in television shows various items using famous artist to endorse them products. Then, some companies also do the promotion using jingle regularly in radio by using persuasive words. The number of advertising is ubiquitous finding, so persons would easily influence by that way. As a result, unrealized consumer purchases some unessential goods in order to meet their desire.

The effects of this have been and will continue to be very serious. Firstly, there has been increase number of consumerism level in certain countries. This gives dire effects to make easily influence and become follower to certain goods. For example, society will be impulsive to purchase the latest version of mobile phone because the power of advertisement. Even thought they already have mobile phone which is having the same basic functions to communicate. In addition, society has unbalanced economic system that runs them into lavish individuals. They cannot separate whether useful things to buy or not in the certain condition; due to buying new mobile phone, they likely choose to postpone paying tuition fee.

In brief, advertisement becomes the major factor to encourage individuals purchasing useless goods.
Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / Children... May they work at certain age or no? "IELTS 2" [2]

hi, let me give suggestion =)

you should differentiate between teenager and children since in your essay explained in the same way
i think the the keyword is children, children labor in certain countries especially in developing countries such as Africa

Apr 3, 2016
Writing Feedback / Money is the key to happiness - it is one of the important necessities in human life [5]

hi, let me give suggestions =)
Happiness is difficult to define because it means something different to each individual person - just choose one, individual or person

Money is one of the important necessities in human life...

Money shows the essentials things in human live, some people believe that money brings happiness; meanwhile other persons have different idea. i do believe that money is not everything, a lot of aspects gaining happiness

Mar 27, 2016
Writing Feedback / TASK 2 - 1. Some people think that the government is responsible for the rise in obesity in children [2]

At present, debilitating illness is one of the major healthy issues in the world since overweight trigger some of diabetes case. As related, number of overweight has been growing up especially in children. Some people believe that government has responsibility for the rising , another part of society blame that parents have the biggest portion to their children, I believe that government and parents have take into the account about this conditions.

To begin, this is government task since number of overweight in children increase significantly. One of the major reasons is raising amount of junk food restaurant in the whole country. For example, the fast food restaurant has been developing well by using franchise system and the number still counting until now. Since this food has less beneficial nutrients to human body and enormous fat percentage, government needs restricting the policy about it. Then government also takes a part in making the rule to educate the individuals about having balance nutrients. In fact, government provides little information about healthy foods. For instance, rarely society find in media about how essential is healthy food in control obesity.

Besides the government, parents also experience the higher portions in educating their child about food, health, and school. Firstly, the philosophy about everything begins from home, it makes sense that environment of home reflect to children habit. For example, mostly overweight children have uncontrolled eating habit by their parents, so children prefer consuming sweet and potatoes without knowing the dire effects to their body. Secondly, parents are busy in working, so they cannot manage well about their children meal such as they just provide some money to their children for having a lunch.

To conclude, I confirm that ministry and parents probably make conditions of overweight in children worse. Therefore, government and parents need to work together in order to decrease the illness.
Mar 15, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1 - Comparison of Energy Production [3]

The picture described the differences of energy output happened in 1995 and 2005. Overall, it can be seen that generally the use of coal and gas witnessed the most dominant for energy production among other different resources.

In 1995 and 2005, coal and gas still showed the highest percentage, while the other items significantly changed. However, coal presented slightly on the peak compare to the gas; it was reaching 30.93% and 30.30% respectively. In contrast, there significantly decreased of petro number rather it had been produced in numerous ranges before. In addition, the proportion of petro production illustrated virtually the same figure with coal and gas in 1995, but it dramatically decreased in 19.55% over the subsequent ten years.

Less change was seen in the remaining two aspects, nuclear and other. In 1995, the production of nuclear experienced minimum number at 6.40%, but it went up over ten percent in ten years later. Besides, the same treatment also happened with output of other sector which had risen by roughly 6%.

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Mar 15, 2016
Writing Feedback / Some say, government funding help fluorish arts; others that it threatens it's integrity - GRE issue [2]

Hello Ban
I suggest you to make some variations in your writing by putting compound and complex senteces in order to make it flawless essay
For example :

Many historical piece ... a help from government. However, it has been common for many historical arts and culture objects lost even it was smuggled around the world . Then, it really needs government ...
Mar 15, 2016
Undergraduate / Two essays. My main achievement and My best team experience. Need your opinion! [3]

... we all experience failures in our pursuit of goalsin pursuit our goals

the second topic is you best team experience, however it better to give the one example about one unforgettable experience when problem was solved by you as leader in team. what have you learned from that and got specific moral value for yourself
Mar 15, 2016
Writing Feedback / Task 1- Process of reuse rainwater - recycling method [2]

The picture illustrated the process of using rainwater to the house and it generally categorized by three kinds of water storages; water treatment plant, rainwater tank and recycled water. Although, the function of water is similar, it can be seen that the differences process of water to utilize.

First, rainwater directly goes to dam called as dam water and it is saved by water treatment plant. Then, drinking water source is delivered from water treatment plant to the house. Another house water source is rainwater tank, located nearly house. This rainwater is storage in the tank and distributed to the house. Moreover, rainwater tank and water treatment plant sources are processed to household wastewater.

The following step, household wastewater is send to the wastewater treatment plant, then it is reused again by recycling method. Afterwards, recycled water is distributed to the house and the result of recycled water is distributed to wastewater treatment plant so the residue of that, namely excess treated water. Finally, excess treated water goes through the river and also gather with stormwater treatment which are not used by house.

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Mar 14, 2016
Writing Feedback / Task 1- Comparison kind of movies watched in UK and US [2]

The bar chart illustrates the number of film watched in England and Australia in 2001, categorized by US, UK Australian films and others; the line graph describes movie theater entry for thirty years. Overall, the majority films showed in both UK and Australia were US films, while England and Canberra witnessed the highest number in selling ticket in 2005.

US films considerably presented higher rate than others in both country. It represented more than 75% in UK and ten percent below of UK figure in Australia. Next, UK movies reached almost a fifth percent in UK, but less than ten percent screened in Canberra. The Australian films experienced the minority among all categories in its own country. The last category was other films was watched about 17% in Australia and screened five percent in UK.In 2005, UK and Australia showed the highest spectators for cinema, followed by 180 and 100 millions. However, UK and Australia had the same pattern from 1975 to 2005.

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