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Name: Mary Rose
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Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 21, 2016
Undergraduate / My village and its customs that changed my life! [25]

Here is how I think you can transition the sentence. You can start with:
... discovered that the cause of her illness cause was the shock she received on getting married at the early age. When she got better, my father decided that it was time to move our family to Kathmandu. From time to time, I would go back to Kaudena for a visit.

One of my visits to Kaudena...

As I recall, your family moved when you were 8 right? So you have to reference that in your essay so that the reviewer will know that there is a transition coming up. What you wrote was the actual information in a new paragraph. When you are writing a narrative essay such as this, you always need to prepare a transition sentence or sentences because without it, the reader tends to get confused and lose his place while reading. In this case, a simple, yet informative transition is required just to make the change of topic seamless.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 21, 2016
Scholarship / "Happiness is only true when shared with others" Chevening Networking Question [19]

I don't think that the quote and the story that you are using as the introduction of the essay is relevant. There is no information about your friend's leukemia that relates to your networking abilities. Even the quote that you chose to use doesn't really seem related to the prompt. So I believe that you should omit those parts and just opt to begin your essay with what is now the second paragraph. In order to make your essay seem shorter, combine your first to fifth networking experience into one paragraph. That is allowable since they are related, numerical discussions. It makes it easier to read the information and also allows for a smoother flow in terms of relating information. Aside from the aforementioned adjustments that I suggest you make to the essay, the only thing left to do with it is clean up the grammar mistakes. Something that is better done when the final order of the essay is completed.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 21, 2016
Scholarship / I wasn't born with the leadership qualities, nor could I influence others... Chevening Scholarship [3]

Altan, I like the way that you developed the vision of your leadership skills at the start. Opening with that negative statement and then closing it on such a positive note is exactly the kind of hook that benefits your essay. I would advise you though, to present your leadership skills in chronological order. Meaning you talk about college before you talk about your leadership skills as a teacher. Try to expound more on the medal that you received. Provide a background as to the leadership skills that were involved which led to the award. This is the most important award that you can discuss in this essay because it deals with your present leadership role. So shed more light on it. Make it a true highlight.

I don't believe that mentioning pop culture, even if it relates to your leadership skills is something that you should present in the essay. That is too trivial and doesn't really have any cultural relevance to the topic. Now, your leadership of the Chelsea club, the minute you mentioned that it was involved in charity activities, became the more important organization to discuss. Mention the charity activities you led and how you led it in order to show that you are also a socio-civic leader and not just an academic one.

Your last paragraph is not as important as the ones I have previously mentioned so you can skip that part if you are comfortable with it. Make a more impressive conclusion based upon the more important leadership activities that you have participated in.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / Smokers should find other places to smoke, thus have respect to non-smokers [3]

Russel, I am not sure what you mean by the constant use of the word "respective". It does not fit in the overall context of the sentence / paragraph. What exactly are you trying to say? Do you mean that smokers should "respect" non-smokers? If you mean that, then change the word to "respectful" or "respect" depending how you need to use it in the sentence. Those sentences need to be improved in order to clarify your meaning or reasoning. Your conclusion needs to be better developed. It cannot be just a single, long closing sentence. You will lose points for that. Look at the samples here in order for you to get an idea as to how to better conclude your essay.

Overall though, you have shown that you understand the prompt and are capable of offering an insightful discussion, based on facts, regarding the topic presented. The proof of your comprehension skills, regardless of the problem with the grammar is sure to earn you some consideration on the part of the examiner when it comes to your final score.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / 'They are not ready psychologically'. Writing Task II; Children are Encouraged to Have Paid Work [4]

Husnul, your discussion is not very well developed. Your first paragraph takes on the form of a defense in support of having children work. However, your line of reasoning doesn't really offer the correct data in terms of the benefits that children may get from the activity. You say that the more work the children do, the better kind of person they will be. You should only choose one evidence to support this claim and properly discuss it. You have presented a number of claims in the paragraph that doesn't really offer a clear discussion and valid reasoning. For example, when you say:

... children who help their neighbor selling goods in a market and earning money definitely have many conversations with new people more than ordinary children have.

What is the point of this sentence? How does this prove that children who work have better skills than those who don't work? Doesn't working make the children more psychologically responsible given the fact that they interact with people older than themselves? This paragraph needs further development.

Your second paragraph dictates that children should go to school at an early age. That is not exactly the kind of discussion that you should be presenting. If you feel that children should be going to school instead of going to work then you should indicate that line of reasoning within the opening sentence of the next paragraph. This paragraph has deviated from the given prompt as of the moment.

The final two paragraphs of the essay work well though and deliver a clear train of thought. It is the only part of the essay that is properly developed and presented somewhat properly.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / Children development and Tv - essay for ielts task 2 [4]

Abdullah, your thought process is very good. You show a clear understanding of the prompt and you are able to defend your stand on the issue even though you are using broken English to do so. That sort of clarity of thought can help you gain an improved IELTS task 2 score. You need to concentrate on developing your written English skills though. Think carefully about the words you want to use and make sure to proof read your work before submission.

Don't forget that you are also scored on punctuation and knowledge of English grammar rules. For example, in the middle of one of your sentences, you wrote the word Children with the first word capitalized. Since this word was located within a given sentence, the word should not be capitalized. Only the first word of the start of every sentence, as well as proper nouns are capitalized within a sentence. You also need to lengthen your concluding sentences in order to gain a proper score for that part of the essay. It is too short. Always aim for at least 3 sentences minimum.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 21, 2016
Undergraduate / My village and its customs that changed my life! [25]

One day, on UPON asking the psychiatrist who treated my mother...
- You need to prepare a transition sentence or two here that will prepare the reader for the fact that you will refer to a previous visit. Mention that you moved away after your mother got well as part of the transition sentence.

... insisted I must be married offer but my ...
... of her illness cause was the shock shereceived on CAUSE BY getting married ...
of an advanced ARRANGED marriage themselves.
I remember thinking to myself [...] proud on me in the near future.
- The only thing the reviewer needs to know is that your father saved you from an early marriage. You don't need to discuss his character in detail as that does not relate to the prompt anymore.

about their marriage at AS their teenage as I did.
awareness among THE local community about...
I want to someday work for societies such as mine.
- I'm not sure what you mean by this. Do you mean to want to work to change the societies such as the one you came from? I think you need to revise the sentence to give it a clearer meaning.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 21, 2016
Undergraduate / Say Yes to Saying No by Melody Jung [6]

Jung, here is my version of your essay for your consideration. I hope it helps.

Most people view the word "No" on the negative side. For others though, the same word signifies a sense of liberation and strength. I was a people pleaser when I was growing up. So my most used word at the time was "Yes". Mostly because I did not want to say no and earn the ire of the person I was speaking to. It was because I often said "Yes" that I ended up in tight situations, oftentimes finding myself in situations I could barely handle. That was when I came to realize that I did not have to keep saying "Yes."

So I began to say "No" to certain things in my life. From bad friendships to classroom assignments, the word "No" offered me the guidance that I needed to succeed in life. I learned how to express my opinion even if it is contradictory to others. It is the word that liberated me from a life of fear and weakness. Saying "Yes" is the default response to most questions. It shows a fear of disappointing people and a weakness of character. In the end, I realized that saying "No" is what really shows individuality and courage in a person.

Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 21, 2016
Undergraduate / 'Growing up I had separated parents' - What was the environment you were raised? [2]

Anthony, the essay is good and almost on the mark in terms of discussing the kind of environment and how it shaped who you are today. I particularly like your comment about how living in two different households and how you are a product of the best that your parents are. When it came to discussing the environment, in terms of where you were raised, your description was not as effective.

You successfully described the environment you were raised in from California to Texas. You were able to describe the kind of places these were and the attitude of the people. So I was expecting to read more about how these two environments influenced your development as a person. Aside from your parents, the cities were you were raised and the people you mingled with also influenced your development as a person. There is very little description as to the kind of person you have become based upon the best influence that you have had from the cities.

Exposure to two different environments and lifestyles was a huge opportunity for me because I experienced what it's like to transition from a contrasting environment and I saw that people living entirely different lifestyles can still fill their hearts with joy doing different things.

That is the paragraph that is the most important when it comes to describing the influence the cities had on you. You witnessed how different the lives of the people living in each city was. How did you adapt to it? Weren't you affected by culture shock? How would you describe yourself in relation to the varying influences you were exposed to in terms of social development due to the influence of the cities and its residents? As far as I can tell, that is the only part of the essay that you should pay attention to in terms of using it to better deliver the prompt requirements.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 21, 2016
Undergraduate / Occidental College; a vital stepping-stone in focusing my interests and shaping my view of the world [4]

Camille, I am a bit confused here. Are you trying to transfer schools or change majors ? The majority of the essay seems to be about changing majors but then later on, you mention something about building upon a semester gained at a different school. Which is which? Please clarify so that we will know from what point of view to consider your writing.

Generally, you build strongly upon the reasons for your transfer and how you hope to achieve your objectives. As a reviewer, I would want to learn how you plan to use the university to achieve those objectives. The discussion is too common place and does not really shed light on how Occidental can help you achieve those goals. Perhaps mentioning specific classes, in relation to your goals can help to better support your reasons for transferring to Occidental?

Now, as I am not sure if you are shifting majors or actually changing universities at this point, I will leave my comments at this point. Once I am sure of what it is you are really doing, I can better assess and comment on what you have written.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / Writing Task II, Contributing factors of working in the same company [2]

Russel, you really are good at developing your reasons in support of a discussion. However, this strength of yours is held back by your improper grammar. Let me help you correct some of those below:

It is often accepted that being convenient AT EASE

... co-workers and the boos BOSS

... are loyal to work in the same place FOR more than a decade.
their partners helps them to reach their job prospectwell FULL POTENTIAL.

... their workplace encourage them to reduce the great pressure on FEEL LESS PRESSURE TO their work ...
... face the A huge problem. The present PRESENCE of loyal friends and AN understanding ...
... is the virtual factor to THAT createS loyalty of the employees.

... that helps the jobholders WORKERS find their soul DESIRE to work in the same company.
... flexible lawS make theM interested ... as retirement funds and the free time or holidayS.
...organisation who gives their workers the constant holidayS can be the way for ALLOW the employees to ...
The given clear regulations by the companies are the ...

... not the only part to THAT motivateS the employee ..., and the unburden RELAXED EMPLOYMENT laws are possible to be the other aspect THAT encourages the people TO keep working ...

enterprise FOR more ...
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 21, 2016
Undergraduate / Syracuse University never interested me. My passion for social work and helping others changed it. [4]

Kara, there does not really seem to be a strong influence regarding your desire to enroll at Syracuse. There is a lack of personal connection between your plans and the decision to choose the university. That doesn't mean that the essay is useless to you though. You just have to adjust the content in order to create a deeper and more impressive connection within it. My idea for revising your essay has a pattern that looks like this:

1. my mom would come home telling me stories about students she had, stories which I thought only happened in movies.... My mom constantly fought to get him out...

2. I decided to pursue a degree in social work... what he did.
3. While deep...across Syracuse University.

At this point you mention that your cousin also attends the school and that you had a talk with your cousin regarding the university and what struck you the most was the compassion and desire to learn that your cousin had (or something to that effect). Mention that you were introduced by your cousin to other students of the university (Don't say internet research. That doesn't really impress the reviewer) and it was this interaction that inspired you to attend Syracuse.

If you decide to consider my suggestions, you just might end up better developing your response to the prompt.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 21, 2016
Undergraduate / "Not Just a Job" Transition to adulthood. Entrance essay for Ohio State. [4]

Since you are supposed to talk about your transition to adulthood, why not concentrate on the job aspect from the very start? You could start with a discussion of you either being bored because you had nothing to do after class or having something that you wanted to buy that your parents refused to purchase for you. Or even your father sitting you down for a discussion about maturity and the need for you to get a job if you want to have more spending money. Show the reader who you were before you got the job. That way the lessons that you learned once you got the job, from learning how to manage your money all the way to developing compassion for others, makes sense in the overall context.

The best premise for the start of your essay in my opinion would be the following statement from your current work:
Prior to starting working, I focused on my social life and let my grades fall below where they should have been. After over a year and a half of this irresponsible lifestyle, I began to realize I was not going to be successful if I continued on this path. I made the decision to get a job.

If you expand upon the social life and sliding grades by explaining why it happened, your realization will show that you had a true epiphany in terms of how successful you want to be in the future. This is the transition point for you within the essay.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / Writing Task II , Relocating giant industries to regional area [2]

Russel, you actually crafted your essay in a manner that shows an understanding of the prompt. You were able to discuss, in your own way, the advantages and disadvantages of relocating giant industries. Your reasons are logical and commonly known. However, the paragraphs would have created a better discussion if you had managed to offer more than just an overview of the advantages and disadvantages through a more thorough discussion of the topics you presented. Maybe offering at least 3 discussion sentences as part of each reason. Like i said though, the essay is good enough as it stands, but it could have been better.

Also, when you present the essay content, remember to follow the format that the prompt provides it in. Therefore, the advantages should have been presented before the disadvantages. That is because the disadvantage discussion is the main focus of the essay. Being the actual topic means that the disadvantage discussion should have been presented as the stronger discussion towards the middle of the essay. That way your concluding paragraph is better helped by the previous statement.

Your conclusion is also too short. Try to make it longer next time by doing an actual summary of the prompt before restating your facts and closing sentence. That is the normal format for a conclusion that should always be followed.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Scholarship / Leadership is my passion. Chevening Application [4]

Ahmadu, have you given any consideration to presenting a more solid idea of your leadership skills so that your abilities and character would be better portrayed in the essay and to the reader? I can see that you have a true potential to read based upon the overview of this essay. However, the scholarship reviewer does not need an overview of your skills. He needs to realize that you have at least one leadership skill, trait, or character that would set you apart from the rest of the applicants. I believe that it would be in the best interest of your essay if you could choose what you believe to be your most important leadership trait, skill, or character based upon the event of most importance that happened to you in the academic setting upon your assumption to office. If you concentrate on presenting your strongest skill and developing that image, you stand a better chance of creating a memorable paper for your application. You don't need to discuss so many events in the shortest manner possible. What you need to do, is discuss your best asset in the best way possible. Your paper will definitely be better for it.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Scholarship / Motivation for Thesis Abroad Scholarship [2]

Luca, I don't really see any motivation in your essay at this point. You are right about it being too long and sadly, it is too long without accomplishing its purpose. The motivation for your desire to go abroad for this scholarship thesis should be represented early on in the essay. The first paragraph needs to immediately infer the topic for your thesis. The second paragraph, should discuss why you feel that this thesis is important and in the third, explain how going to Barcelona will accomplish this for you.

You have too much information in your essay that makes me think that you are still undecided about what your thesis should be. That is why your essay lacks focus and direction. You need to decide on a single thesis topic, develop the statement, then present it in the essay. If you try to present 2 thesis statements, your motivation will never become clear nor solid to the reader. Basically, you need to pick one thesis and stick to it. I do believe that it would be best if you just write a totally new motivation essay at this point because this version will be hard to fix in order to make it follow the proper format.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Essays / Help me in "Introduce two person to know each other" [3]

Sean, the dialogue can be cleaned up in terms of proper grammar. Let me show you my idea as to how this conversation could go:

Me: Hi Batman. This is Ironman. Do you know him?
Batman: Hi Ironman. Batman is a good friend... We met at Groden City ten years ago.
Ironman: Nice to meet you Batman.
Me: Ironman is the richest person .... He made a suit that makes him fly.
Batman: Wow! That's amazing ! ...
Ironman: It depends on your need and purpose.
Me: That's something you have in common. Batman...
Ironman: Great ! What kind of suit do you need?
Me: Now you have something in common...

Sean, there was a character missing in the dialogue and that was the character doing the introducing. So I gave a marker as to when that person was speaking. Also, you should always use the full name of a person / character unless there is a specification that a nickname can be used within the dialogue. Remember to use the correct punctuation marks as well. You had instances when you used a period in place of an exclamation point which would have been the correct punctuation mark to use.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Scholarship / What knowledge, skills and abilities do you hope to gain as a result of participating in this progra [3]

Tebo, if you want to deliver the correct impression about your desire to join this program, you need to expand on the content of your essay. You have given an overview of the skills and abilities that you hope to gain through your participation in the program. That is good. It was direct to the point. However, the essay lacks a convincing aspect in terms of your ability to actually participate effectively in this program. As such, I am advising you to lengthen the essay by including some necessary points.

First of all, you must make mention of how you developed the basis of your skills and abilities. What previous experience do you have in the past that would serve as the foundation of your skills and abilities? How do you feel the program can help you gain more training or experience in this aspect? By adding to your discussion, you will be able to better portray your skills and abilities that you hope to gain as a program participant. Don't forget to mention if you lack a certain skill or ability at present. You can explain how you hope the program can help you improve upon that shortcoming of yours.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Scholarship / Ideas on Scholarship essay - your plans for the future. [9]

You have deviated from the required discussion of the essay. You chose to concentrate solely on your early background, your current work, and a little on the future of your career. What the essay would like you to is discuss each course and university that you have chosen in greater detail. This is where the discussion of your future career comes into play. You need to be sure to show the reviewer that you have given great thought to your future and how you plan to achieve it. That can be done by discussing the university course, its related studies, and your expected career path that it can relate to.

As I see it, your first paragraph is irrelevant to the topic provided and should not be included. You should however, use the second paragraph as the introduction since it delivers on providing an insight as to why you might be interested in the following 3 careers. From there, you need to offer a paragraph each discussion of the course and the reason you chose the university to study in. You cannot group the areas of study under a common reason. You must reflect an analysis of your future career and an expectation of learning from each university you have chosen.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Writing Feedback / Learning language by children is very beneficial. It is my essay for IELTS writing task 2 [6]

I am sad to say this but I would score you a 4 using the IELTS scoring band. The reason for such a low score as far as I am concerned, relates to your problems with developing the essay and presenting your thought process. You tried to discuss the task provided but you failed to do so in a relevant manner. It was confusing and inaccurate at some points. The ideas presented lacked coherency and a logical presentation as well. Most importantly, your lack of proper grammar made the essay difficult for me to understand as I read it. As I am sure that this is just one of your first tests, I would advise you not to worry about it. Just keep practicing and you should improve over time. Remember, gaining control or proper use of the English language happens over time. So you just need to be patient and not give up. You will definitely only get better from here.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Scholarship / Networking, whether formal or informal style, needs to establish cognition... [15]

Phoowadon, I believe that you should be concentrating the essay more on your networking skills that became evident at the National Research Council. This particular part of your experience delves on your professional aspect and proves the important networking skills that are required for in-demand positions and events. The Animal Husbandry club networking that you did is not nearly as impressive as the latter. Therefore, it would be in your best interest to use the experience that will best show off your networking skills. All you have to do is better develop your duties and responsibilities during this time. Ensure that the information you will be delivering will always go back to the importance and quality of your networking skills.

Don't use the part about your networking school. From what I read, it speaks and provides more information about the school rather than your participation in a networking ability. Always make sure that you are at the center of the essay. There is no need to discuss the accomplishments of your school. All that matters, are your accomplishments in relation to networking. Keep the spotlight on that topic.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Writing Feedback / Learning language by children is very beneficial. It is my essay for IELTS writing task 2 [6]

Abdullah, your response does not make too much sense in terms of reasoning and logic. Your presentation of each reason does not really create a valid reason for your belief in the benefits of learning a language from an early age. Take for instance your discussion about learning about other cultures and gaining from that experience. I am not sure how to process your reason because you did not clearly explain how having friends in other countries or obtaining a profitable experience from this justifies early language learning. You need to better develop your reasoning skills. Even in the academic side, there is a sense of confusion when you use the term "strange books". What exactly are these books that you consider strange? I can understand how your classmate had an advantage over the others in a common sense way that does not relate to your line of reasoning. Your final reason though, is flawed as not all jobs require one to have knowledge of a foreign language in order to be employed. Unless you are seeking employment in a call center. So you should rethink that particular part of your essay and revise it as necessary. Your conclusion is acceptable enough though and is actually the only part of your essay that currently makes proper sense.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Writing Feedback / Climate change: human's role and effects - exploratory essay [4]

Khoa, your instructor is trying to teach you how to do research. That is why he asked you to choose a topic that you would be interested in writing. Now, I can see that you chose the topic Climate Change for your paper. That is a highly interesting topic indeed. But he is right, it is too broad. You see, there are sub-topics under Climate change that you should have chosen from in order to concentrate on one particular issue related to climate change. An example of the sub-topics you could have chosen from include the greenhouse effect and the melting polar ice caps. In order to create a truly informative exploratory essay, you should have narrowed down your topic of research. Trying to report on Climate Change in general is a disservice to those reading your essay.

Do a research on Climate Change and its related topics for discussion. From that list, you can opt for one topic to discuss in your revised essay. Developing a singular, but related topic to Climate Change will allow you to better find your 5 sources and present a better discussion of the topic from all available points of view. I believe that this will be the best way to narrow down your topic for research as your instructor has requested you to do.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Scholarship / This my essay for Chevening scholarship about Leadership and influence... [3]

I believe that your essay doesn't deliver the requirements of the essay. I do not really see any leadership traits being shared here. Probably because your essay is under developed and does not really delve into a leadership discussion in relation to your application. I believe that you should write a new essay that is based upon this statement that you wrote:

For me being a leader means lead someone else to a good path and bring someone else life to happiness.

In my opinion, this really reflects your idea of leadership and it is a statement that can benefit from your experience as a teacher. Mostly because teachers are leaders by default in the classroom and you are expected to inspire your students to lead better lives through learning. Why not touch on a topic of a difficult student whose learning attitude was touched or inspired by the way you treated him as a student? Show your natural abilities as a teacher in relation to leadership. That would probably be the simplest and most accurate way for you to display your leadership skills in this essay.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Scholarship / Chevening Leadership and Influence Question. Have a look, it would be very very nice of you. [5]

My advice is, don't go for the textbook definition of what or who a leader is or should be. Define leadership on a personal basis because the idea behind any leadership varies on a case to case basis. Actually, a leader is someone who is able to inspire people, who think the same way as him, to develop and implement solutions to a given problem. Therefore, you are partially correct, there cannot be a leader if there is no team. However, if a leader does not have a vision that can inspire others, then he can never have a team to lead. Do you understand what I am trying to explain?

You have a pretty good topic regarding leadership in terms of how you discovered that you actually have the ability to lead a team. Therefore, what you should be doing is relating how your idea of leadership helped to inspire these people who, believing the same as you, decided that you should be their leader. Explain why they believed that you were the right person to lead the team. Then explain how you led them towards success. That is all you have to do within the essay. It doesn't need to be over analyzed or over edited. Keep the language simple. Make sure you reflect your leadership traits in the essay. That is all that is required of you.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Scholarship / Future plans & Networking Skill Essay Suggestions need. [2]

Meroona, I am not sure what you are trying to portray in this essay. Your first paragraph seems to be a call to arms for some reason. There is no need to define networking for the reader. Even the story that you tell about the place in the world where you come from doesn't resonate with the requirement of the essay which is to highlight your networking skills.

Your second paragraph works towards responding to the prompt but falls short of actually showing that you have the ability to create networks that can be useful to you because you did not expand upon that discussion. You only gave an overview of your process when you should have dedicated an intricate paragraph discussion on the topic. I believe that if you eliminate the first paragraph and just develop the paragraphs after that, then you will be able to better develop the idea behind your networking skill development.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Scholarship / Chevening Leadership and Influence Question. Have a look, it would be very very nice of you. [5]

Ruslan, your essay doesn't really respond to the question regarding your leadership qualifications. You are spending the essay discussing topics that do not shine a light upon your ability to be a leader. You speak instead, of how you know how to work with a team. That is not what the essay is asking you to discuss. The terms you use are also wrong. For example:

Leader is a team: The mistake in this term is that a team needs a leader. The leader is not a team. The correct term is "Team Leader" which means a person who put together a team and is leading his people in a particular direction. A leader can never be a team.

Leader is a result, which is achieved by the team. : No. This sentence does not make any sense. A leader achieves results with the help of his team. A leader can never be a result achieved by a team. The solution to the problem is achieved by the team through the guidance of their leader.

You are trying to portray yourself as a reluctant leader in the essay. However, your leadership role is not clear because you always speak in terms of team achievement rather than your leadership skills that led to the results. Remember, you have to explain how you embody the leadership requirements of the scholarship. I don't really see that reflected in this essay.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Letters / A [Job Application] Cover Letter: Why consulting is for me, and why this firm is the right place [4]

You are not writing a college application essay. You are applying for a job at a consulting firm. The recruitment team is not interested in reading your autobiography related to how you came to the US and your educational background. They are interested in your skills, related experience, and specialized skills that you can offer the company should you be hired for the job. Your long term goals are irrelevant at this point. Most of the information you have sounds more like you are applying for school admission instead of supplying a cover letter for a job application.

A cover letter for a job application should only offer bullet points on the important parts of the resume that you will be submitting to the company. It is meant to call attention to your specialized skills and work related experience. Traditionally, a cover letter is no more than 5 paragraphs long and uses bullet points whenever necessary to make your point or bring the attention of the reader to what you believe are your core strengths as an employee. I suggest that you consider revising your letter to make it shorter and more informative as a supporting document for your CV.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Undergraduate / Painting for the school art show and a disaster. Common app: Describe a problem you've solved. [2]

This is quite a strong narrative essay in response to the prompt. However, it seems to start at the climax instead of at the beginning of the story. I would have liked to have read something about the background regarding the painting. What were you painting it for? Was it for a competition or an art class? Of course the importance of the painting after the accident is clear to the reader. But, what was the importance of this painting to you prior to the accident? The reason I ask is because you come across as calm and composed after the accident. So it would be interesting to know why your attitude was like that.

It would also be interesting to know if you react this way to all problems that come your way, or if you only reacted that way in this particular instance. Any comparison you can make to your reaction to similar problems prior to this one will create a clearer picture of you as a person and how you deal with problems. It makes you sound 3 dimensional in the narrative. Right now, there is just one character portrayed and it is not as interesting as I feel it can be.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Undergraduate / "Not Just a Job" Transition to adulthood. Entrance essay for Ohio State. [4]

Kara, when writing this sort of essay, you need to focus on the biggest accomplishment that you have accomplished in your life instead of trying to discuss many topics as you are trying to do here. It is always better to discuss just a single accomplishment that can best reflect your transition to adulthood instead of trying to explain your transition using various situations. That leaves the essay with an under developed discussion process and does not allow the reader to thoroughly feel the transition that you underwent.

My opinion, is that you should remove the sections referring to the letter to your future self. It doesn't really serve a purpose in this essay. You need to instead, present how your previous lifestyle was such an epic failure that when you realized how bad your situation was, you decided to take charge of your life and become a better person. These realization aspects of maturing are always impressive to the reader because it shows who you were and how far you have come in terms of becoming an adult. I believe that if you just concentrate on this process -- the challenge of having 2 jobs and what this taught you, aside from becoming a more financially responsible individual, then the essay will focus better on your transition process.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Writing Feedback / Robots and machines are gradually replacing people in their works. [3]

Chau, your essay tries to convey an analysis of a given topic which was not properly developed although properly understood by you. As such, the essay comes across as scatterbrained or lacking in focus. I believe that you wrote this essay using a timer so you just kept on typing without giving any though to the words that you were typing. So the misspelling of certain words ended up making your statements difficult to understand, leaving the reader to piece together that it is that you really want to say. For example that you did not mean to say "undiniale". You meant to say "undeniable." Do you see how your lack of focus on vocabulary use is a weakness when it comes to your writing? There are other similar mistakes that can be found throughout your essay.

You also need to learn to use transition sentences in the final parts of every paragraph. If you do not ease your reader into the next paragraph topic, you end up with this kind of essay. Something that does not seem to have a clear direction in terms of discussion. Looking into how you can connect your paragraphs will help you create a more informative essay.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Undergraduate / Moving to America and getting more freedom [5]

I'm not sure what you mean to explain based upon the title of your essay. The title gives the implication that you were restricted in movement and freedom in India. The restrictions that held you back were not related at all in the essay aside from you saying that your brother had more freedom than you did. What restrictions were these? The essay could be improved, based upon the title, if you explained what the restrictions upon you were in the first two paragraphs of the essay. Then, you could have done a comparison of those restrictions compared to the implied freedom that you enjoyed in America. Right now, you clearly explain your freedom in the new country, but did not really explain why you felt that you were experiencing freedom when compared to your previous life. For example, you can say, "As a woman growing up in India, I was not allowed to..." then compare it by saying, "However, when I came to the United States, I found that this was an acceptable behavior because..." The closing statement is quite strong and compelling. I believe that, with proper editing, it could be the strongest way to close your discussion.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 20, 2016
Graduate / Motivation Letter for Master - 'to help develop my country, Yemen and the world' [5]

Sanaa, I think you need to be more specific about the last paragraph since it is also an important part of the essay try to be more specific towards the activities that you look forward to doing. For example, when you mention going back home with 4 languages learned, why don't you mention what languages those are? Would you consider talking about what you already know about the culture of the country where you hope to gain the scholarship? Remember, your enjoyment of the cultural experience will also depend upon the specific interests you have in the country you will be living in.

Normally students dream of studying in a particular country because of their interest in the culture and traditions of the country. They know that by studying there, they will also fulfill their dream of getting to know more about the culture that intrigues them. So I think that the last paragraph needs to be more definitive in content by relaying certain specific information about the culture that you look forward to gaining more knowledge about. That is, aside from the academic experience. The last paragraph should be all about how you will unwind and relax and have a different learning experience.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 19, 2016
Undergraduate / Description about me as a personal statement [9]

Here are the corrections that I suggest you apply to your work:

...My aim is to polish my knowledge I acquired during my academic years in THE university and to perceive GAIN new perspectives of NE ... programs in OFFERED BY UNIST. Particularly,

I desire to be BECOME competent ENOUGH to design a real reactor by THROUGH neutron behavior analyzing ANALYSIS.
... it is HAS BECOME necessary for me to study coding and METHODS OF simulating A reactor core. Doubtlessly, by reason of WITH THE HELP AND the assistance of professors ... achieve those skills with no obstacles. WITHOUT DELAY OR ENCUMBRANCE

In brief, UNIST education programs [...] as well as personality there.

The last line is not necessary in my opinion. You already stated that in the earlier parts in better detail.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 19, 2016
Undergraduate / 'Vagrant naked kids. Roads covered with the horrors of cow dungs.' NOV 1 help in editing.... [9]

Try to revise the opening paragraph to provide a better opening statement. I think it works better if you open by saying:
Kaudena, a village located at the south of Nepal, is the place where my mother was married at the tender age of 16. It is located in a very rural area and barely has any facilities that the capital Kathmandu has. When I was 10, I had to see my mother in the hospital for one whole year ... married at the early age.

I thought of adding a few sentences to what would become your second paragraph. I think it should be revised to say:
I almost became a child bride myself at the age of 13, when my grandfather insisted I must be married offer but my father thought otherwise. He wanted me to have a better future than the other girls from our village. He wanted me to have the freedom to choose my husband even though my parents were a result of an advanced marriage themselves. The day I overheard the conversation between my father and grandfather, and considering what had happened to my mother, I became determined that in the days to come...

Then close it with:
I like to think I have already started my journey....

You can remove the phrase you closed the essay with because it doesn't really have a meaning that can properly close the essay. See if this works for you and it it does, you can further develop it.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 19, 2016
Writing Feedback / Why do you think people decide to go to school? Use specific reasons and examples. [5]

Rick, you have shown a very good understanding of the prompt that was given. The essay you presented followed the format to the letter and in the process, you achieved a well discussed and presented written piece. However, there are a number of grammatical errors present that should be addressed in order to beef up the presentation of the work.

In the contemporary society, the number of all types of schools even including , colleges a...
Schools are considered to be good places for children to learn ...
As what was just said, there THERE are a variety of good ...
Among those reasons, I would like to point out THE two greatest advantages of schools that can be offered to many individuals, not only just children...

... for people , including children ...
... be improved and thereby SO THAT students are able to understand and get GAIN a better perception of how others think about a particular topic .

... interactive class activities usually caused TAUGHT by their teachers or instructors. Basically all of them are recommended THE STUDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED to form a group ...

From this exercise, people will become aware of how to efficiently perform AS a team work .
... gain in valuable benefits ...

... to schools simply for basic academic education. Schools are known for their generous helping in terms ...
... those but also teach them practically PRACTICAL LESSONS THAT CAN BE USED IN EVERYDAY LIFE; ...

... schools are AN integral part of people'S life LIVES because interpersonal ...
... and basic education can support HELP someone early in their childhood to discover their true talents.
... however, IS the amount ... each of student putS into their ...
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 19, 2016
Graduate / Motivation Letter for Master - 'to help develop my country, Yemen and the world' [5]

Sanaa, your essay is really well thought out and developed. In fact, it is a little bit over developed because it lost its way, in terms of keeping on track of your motivation after the fourth paragraph. My opinion, is that the first four paragraphs of your essay are quite strong in terms of its ability to properly present your motivation for further studies in this field. It not only presents the basis for your motivation in terms of your past work, but also accurately represents your motivation in terms of your future growth as a professional. It is refreshing to read a motivation letter that requires only minor editing (in terms of length and substance) and grammar correction in order to polish the content into a final, usable essay.

The last 2 paragraphs don't really work for the essay because it already talks about what you expect to experience as a student involved in the program and the exposure / immersion you hope to enjoy as a foreign student in the country. Those types of information are in no way related to your academic motivation to become part of the program. I believe that is part of your the social motivation which should not be part of this academic motivation letter. All that you speak of in these paragraphs are already a given or an expected part of the learning experience and doesn't necessarily have to be pointed out in your motivation letter. Again, that is just my opinion so I hope you consider it.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 19, 2016
Scholarship / Letter of Motivation - ErasmusMundus Scholarship - MS in BDMA [3]

Hi Saleha. I believe that the first part that you wrote in the essay does not relate at all to your personal motivation for wanting to undergo MS studies. It sounds like information that is best presented in a personal statement or background essay, not a motivation letter. Your essay should be busy presenting your college achievements or professional experience that create the foundation for the belief that your career path in the future will benefit from your MS studies in BDMA. I think the essay should start by saying instead that you graduated with a degree in Computer Engineering as that immediately informs the reader that your chosen career is something you have planned from the start and is not an unrelated career switch for you.

In terms of your experience, always mention the company you worked for. Don't be so vague as to simply say that you worked at a software house. The name of the company also adds credence to your claim regarding your motivation for higher studies in the field. Also, you don't have to inform the reader that you are applying for the scholarship. That is a given since you are writing these essays as part of the application. You would not be writing this essay if you weren't applying. Stating the obvious doesn't move your essay forward.

Basically, you need to just edit the essay for length and content. I believe that the advice I have given you can start you off on the right track towards that.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 19, 2016
Graduate / SOP: applying for Masters in Big Data. [2]

Hi Karthick, I think that your essay needs to be shortened. You have so many portions that don't really matter to the reader of the essay because it does not concentrate on the purpose of your interest in applying for the course. What I would like to do is have you revise your essay in such a manner that it tightens the content and concentrates on the development and purpose of the interest that you have. My suggestions for the actual content of your essay is as follows:

Even though I am an Electrical Engineering graduate, I understand the importance of effective data handling... As Mr. W. Edwards Deming says "... 93% of companies to improve customer experience...advantage of their asset.

... industry propelled me to accept ... where I have worked on major components of ... I also delivered work related to the use of ... During this time, I also concentrated on gaining and receiving my Oracle Implementation Specialist Certification.

... decision making, which solidified my decision to concentrate my future focus of learning on Big Data Computing Science. I strongly believe that Simon Fraser University has the best program related to Big Data and Analytics and offers me the best opportunity to learn and advance in my chosen field.

I hope that I was able to clearly show you or give you an idea as to how to edit your essay for clarity and immediate presentation of purpose.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Oct 19, 2016
Scholarship / Ideas on Scholarship essay - your plans for the future. [9]

Hi Nethiyaa, it seems to me like the essay is asking you to pick 3 career paths based upon your interests or the college degree that you completed. You see, for each college or university that you choose to discuss in your essay, you should be able to justify your interest in the university through a connection with a future career path. So the essay, in my opinion, or rather, an example of your essay should look something like this:

1. I am interested in attending Le Cordon Bleu because of its well known Pastry program. In the future, I plan to become a pastry chef and.....

2. The classes at the Culinary Arts Institute appeal to me because, should I fail to become a pastry chef, my other plan is to open a restaurant...

3. The thought of attending Kendall College of Culinary Arts became obvious to me as a culinary graduate because of their...

Notice that all of the courses relate to that of a culinary major entering into masters degree studies. That is how it should be approached. Setting out 3 different career paths, which all happen to be related to a branch of your college degree. That will make it easier for you to write the statement because all of the topics go back to your completed degree and related work , academic, or internship experiences.

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