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Posts by justivy03
Name: Ivy Maye Favor
Joined: Apr 8, 2015
Last Post: Dec 2, 2016
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Posts: 2279  
From: Singapore
School: PATTS College of Aeronautics

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Oct 25, 2015
Undergraduate / 'I was forced to think for myself' - UCF Undergraduate Personal Statment on a 'bump in the road' [3]

- Growing up, my learning

- Consequently for the first time in my life I was forcedhad to think for myself. ( saying that you were forced to do something is like saying that your family has inflicted a negative impact in your life and you don't want this to be one information that your UCF admissions officer will think about your family )

- Furthermore, I became so resourceful that
- even when our house was foreclosed on and my parents were
- constantly fighting against each other, I would still find a
- use the school computers forto looking up

Why did you choose to apply to UCF?

- During my time in this program I did not only
- learned how to program in C,
- who were majoringare seeking major in Computer
- Further more it is because of the
- Ideal place where I would end up studyingin taking up Computer Science.

Yeshua, what I can say with your essay is that, it has a good flow, a structure that made sense and a comprehensive idea that leads to only one goal, your academic success.

I hope my remarks help.
Oct 25, 2015
Undergraduate / "Terps are diverse" University of Maryland-College Park/Diversity Essay/Outsider [5]

Kerry, I agree that the revision you made is a well written one.
However, I have a few inputs for the last 2 paragraphs of the essay.

- Now, I incorporate my Congolese values

- I will accomplish suchthese goals through

There you have it Kerry, I hope this helps.
The last two paragraphs were my focus as they are the ones that needs further enhancement, honestly the conclusion or your final sentences didn't really have much of an impact to me but I believe they answered what the prompt is asking you to fulfill.
Oct 25, 2015
Undergraduate / Common App Essay Rough Draft - 'meaningful identity' [3]

- understanding myself as I am and developing myself into the person I want to be.
- I am not prone to denial or shame;, I prefer to

- Because of this, I began the process of coming out began with my close friends,

- This lead to a many-yearyears if barrage, of passive aggression,
- Even thoughA s time goes on,
- my parents have beca me slightly more comfortable with my
- sexuality -, at the very least,
- they are not actively trying to change it -, even

-part of my character;, one that I may not have if
- I wasn't bisexual ( make sure you don't abbreviate words in your essay ) ,
- or if I hadn't haddidn't to grow up in

Codi, the only way to be happy and content with life, is when you feel happy being you. The first step for people to accept you as the person you are is for you to accept yourself first and having achieved this is the very step that you took early than most people would, what can I say, congratulations and I'm happy that you are one with your family and they have accepted you whole heartedly.

Now, on your essay, I believe you were able to cover the prompt and you have strongly incorporated life's struggles with your essay.

I wish you the best of luck.
Oct 25, 2015
Scholarship / CHEVENING Work in organization focused on kids with HIV/AIDS/ full scholarship award from an Embassy [5]

Sunika, honestly, your essay made my eyes hurt.
I hope you understand that though this may not be your final essay or we may not be the admission staff that will let you know if you make the cut or not, you have to make sure that the format of the essay you present is good enough for the editors and contributors to hook their time in helping you to come up with a better essay for submission.

Here's what I suggest

- write the prompt clearly, highlight them or do a different font in writing the prompt or the topic of the essay
- keep a paragraph just like how you write a formal essay
- figure out the sequence and the flow of your sentences, ideas and thought for the topic and make sure that you have a good logical structure

- make sure that you understand what is asked in the prompt
- do your research on how the prompt is to be answered, read some student essays regarding the same topic, this will help you fine tune yours and make it stand out

Lastly, share your personal opinion of the topic and proof read it, post it here ob EF so we can assist you further.
Oct 25, 2015
Scholarship / "Leadership is not a genetic grant", Chevening Scholarship Questions [4]

Nafyza, I'd like to share my thoughts in your essay, I do understand that you made your research before coming up with this essay and if you have free time, try to scan here on EF as well, as we have quiet a few applicants aiming for the Chevening Scholarship too.

Leadership and Influence Question:

- the head of the gangteam ,

- I was a student leader in student council,

- However, perhaps the most significant
- role in my self- growth occurred

- I think, that's the advantage of working in an SME( I suggest that you write the meanings of the word "SME")

So far, your essay response to the prompt is written strong, you have a focus on what you want your essay to go and that is a very good characteristic of a writer nonetheless as a person.

I will continue with the second prompt in a moment.
Oct 25, 2015
Undergraduate / Macaron Process for Common App Essay 2015 Prompt 1? [4]

Zachery, what you have written is your eagerness to try what people look at as a very daunting task to do, but question is this what the prompt is asking or this is your essay on proving that you can do something that people struggle to succeed.

Well, I must say I feel like I'm reading a cooking preparation, only in very detailed process, step by step that what they call it, this process is coupled with your writer base words that adds color to what seemed like a cooking technique for Macaroons.

As much as I enjoyed reading the essay, you cannot ignore the fact that this essay does not suffice the prompt.
The prompt is asking for an in - depth recollection of anything that you do, lets say cooking or baking, how does this hobby make your life meaningful or give a smile in your face and will this be good enough to talk about or to mention in your application essay, will this be able amp up your application, this are the questions you need to answer so that the essay will be accepted as an answer to the prompt and of course, remember that this is part of your application and all other prompts is looked at and screened by the admissions staff, never leave a reason for them not to grant you the admission, so revise the essay and make it work. Post it here on EF so we can assist you further.
Oct 25, 2015
Undergraduate / Common App/ Challenged A Belief/ "If my child was gay, then I would put them up for adoption." [7]

2nd to the last paragraph
- History in my sophomore year.

Last paragraph
- I chose not to interact with my friends as much from theirwhen it comes their
- treatment ofto others.
- I was able to proved that when I put my core values above all, I will not be biased and will be fair in dealing with situations in life .

Kerry, it's always hard to break the norms, what people is accustomed to is what we call tradition, bound by culture and greatly influenced by beliefs and life's circumstances, breaking this will take a lot of courage, but hey what you proved in your essay is that we don't have to break norms, we need to respect them and blend them in with the current situation of the society in itself.

Aside from the remarks I made, I must say your essay is written very well, you made sure that you comprehend the prompt and what is asked was delivered accordingly.

Good luck!!!
Oct 25, 2015
Graduate / How will you embody this vision as a future physical therapist? Physical therapy graduate school. [8]

2nd paragraph
- In order to demonstrate how I will illicitexecute these
- changes in the society as a physical therapist,
- I need to first discuss

3rd paragraph
- My brother reiceivedrecieved his DPT

Aaron, as much as we want to embody our profession, it takes a lot of hard work, dedication and the passion to drive you to where you want to be.

Going back to your essay, I'm just not sure if it's strong enough to seek admission to APTA, I made a few remarks on the 2nd paragraph and a typo error on the 3rd, be careful in writing and proof read it before submitting. I believe you could've done better in your essay by portraying or elaborating how you find physical therapy not as a profession but a dedication to help and serve others, educate them, share your knowledge and make physical therapy known as a way of life and as a way to embrace our bodies physical capacity.

Good luck!!!
Oct 25, 2015
Undergraduate / "How is service to others important in your life?" Virginia Tech Application Essay [4]

- The 4H club introduced me to manya lot of new opportunities-, the most important being community service.

- Volunteering withAs a volunteer, 4H opened
- me opened me up to many possibilities, and
- With these clubs I have participated in Angel Tree,
- Volunteering withRendering my service with these

- InOver all, service
- life that I will continue with foreverfor as long as I can ( using the word "forever" is just pushing it too hard, use a more sensible word ) .

Courtney, this are my thoughts on your essay, I hope it helps! Remember, community service is not only on papers they should be done from the heart and with all your genuine effort to help others and for the greater welfare of the society. You are young and full of energy and a good use of time will not only give you satisfaction but will create a network of could be lifelong relationships.
Oct 25, 2015
Graduate / Song that expresses who you are and why (250 words) [9]

Anita, I read your essay and correct me if I'm wrong but if you go back to what the essay is asking, you need to choose one song that means a lot to you and represents you. One song that you think can move you and make your day easier that it is. What you have done in this essay is, you chose a song, wrote an essay about it and dice it into a detailed essay.

I suggest that you revise or maybe write a totally different essay and choose one song that best describes you and how this song affects you.

Say for example, my song, Until I fall in love again by David Pomeranz, this song brings a whole new meaning to my outlook in love and life as a whole. This song made me realize that there is always a second chance and as a person you should never let go and there always hope in each and everything you do. This song also reminds me that love can move you in every single way, never waver and never lt go of that good feeling that you have in your heart, this song keeps me calm, peaceful and gives me the amp to live more and have more fun in life while I can.

Something like this sentences should be in your essay.
Following my example, you should be able to come up with a strong essay.

I wish to see your revised essay so we can assist you further.
Oct 25, 2015
Undergraduate / The Big Move to Jordan at the age of eight. Common App 2015-2016 Prompt College Essay. [3]

Well, tacolol, since this particular college gave you a topic to write about, you have to abide by it, otherwise you can always choose a different college or organization.

Now, let's tackle your essay;

- It's funny if I think about it ..., ( never add a continuous period on your essay )
- I can remember it clearlyas day ,
- like as if it happened only just yesterday.

- Before I arrived toin Jordan,
- Shyness had overcomereigned on me,
- I did not know why, I seemed to feelfelt excluded

- what would have been like if I had stayed in America
- not evernever known about
- shaped who I am today, giving me an identity of who I really am.
- Ever sS ince then, I've become

There you have it, I hope my remarks helped. Be careful of your word usage, in writing an essay, choose the words that can denote a positive outcome on your essay and this will transcend to the admissions staff.

I wish you the best of luck!!!
Oct 24, 2015
Undergraduate / Penn State Activities Essay! Tell me if I should include more or revise it! [3]

- One of my favoritethe activities
- that I enjoy doing the most is
- being a part of the
- I took it upon myself to preparethe responsibility of preparing food
- a dish to then send to a shelter in a local town.
- sells ice cream is that it makes people smile!
- Keeping me busy and involved brings theut most joy out of meto my life .
- I like challenges that require me to solve something .

Marco, I believe you have elaborated the activities you enjoy doing in this essay, should you have any hobby or anything that you would like to try later on, you might want to include that too, check if the Penn State has any field or space for other activities that you think you want to be involved in like lawn tennis or any sports that you haven't tried, this is a good way to incorporate the school in your essay.

I wish you the best of luck and I hope I was able to help.
Oct 23, 2015
Scholarship / Briefly outline your vocational goals. Describe the factors that have motivated you to pursue your v [2]

- This career decision wasis largely made after
- impeded the growth of a productthe market ,

- Ghana for my high school andthrough college education ,
- the lengthenedlong commutes due to poor roads were irksome.
- got me interested in building a neighborhoods that foster
- community fellowship by making

Oforiwaa, I hope my humble remarks help. Most of the remarks I made is very minor, just to patch a few words that can enhance your essay.

Going back to the prompt, I believe you have covered what is asked in the prompt, I'm not sure if you have a word limit though, reason I say this is because I would also like to suggest that you build your reason on choosing this scholarship and aside form the future goals what will be your short term steps in order to get to your long term goals, I wish you all the best in this application.
Oct 23, 2015
Undergraduate / READMISSION ESSAY - why did you leave NYU, what were you doing then, how you finish your course now? [7]

Esther, first of all to be part of NYU is an achievement, having left for your gap year is not the best thing but hey, you do what you have to do and bounce right back up. Failing is a challenge one has to go through to determine what's in store for them and this is a challenge to be taken up and not to be soaked into.

Now, in writing your essay, write as much as you can, you don't need to be answering the prompt in bullet points or in numbers but your essay should give the admissions officer to admit you back in NYU. The questions are guidelines for you to be able to come up with an essay that comprise the information that the admission officer need to know. Don't worry, if they are not content with your essay or if you don't feel that the essay is good enough because the officer will let you know and will tell you what to do next, normally they will let you come in for a follow up interview to verify a few information that will justify re- admission.

I may not be an expert in re-admitting students but here's what I can say, your essay is more of the details why you failed and continue failing, this leaves a negative impact on your application, the admission staff will look for your eagerness to get back on track, go back to school, continue learning and make the best out of your time in NYU.In writing so, you have to prove that you have full dedication in your education and unwavering support to NYU and NYU alone.

Along with your will to go back to the university, make sure that you prove a strong desire to learn and make a difference not only to yourself but to the community as a whole.

I hope to see a revised essay here on EF so we can assist you further.
Oct 23, 2015
Scholarship / Experiences on living in San Francisco and Panama City - Motivation for Pursuing Graduate School [11]

- narrative snapshots taken offrom the botanical
- tropical botany:, a moment
- In my future research, I am interested in researching and in documenting

As I read through your essay, it felt like an opening of what will soon be a research on a scientific breakthrough, this is no joke, you have nailed and figured what to input in your essay and what matters most in the scientific field. Indeed, the young generation is the future generation, a lot of students keep aspiring for the impossible, writing it, acting upon it and continuously learning about it, fueled with passion and the desire to help for greater welfare.

Aside from the remarks I made above, I believe you should be able to give your essay a go.

Best of luck and we'd love to hear from you.
Oct 23, 2015
Grammar, Usage / 'Be involved in strengthening community bonds...' How do I paraphrase this statement? [4]

- encouragingencourage volunteerism and philanthropy,
- engaging the youth,
- resilient society,( no need to add a comma if the phrase is followed by the word "and") and deepen
- the sense of national identity and affinity forto its country.

Ashly, this is quiet a long sentence for you to put together, I suggest not only re-phrasing them but also to cut them into 3 sentences instead of 2.

The remarks I made should be able to have you come up with another sentence in order to break them down, it's like a bunch of thoughts and ideas, crunched in a couple of sentences building a rather confusing statement.

I hope my humble remarks helped.
Oct 23, 2015
Scholarship / "You can lead a horse to water trail, but you can't make it drink" Chevening Scholarship Fall 2016 [3]

Vignesh, I must say, I enjoyed reading your essay, it's written pretty well.
However, I got a little bit confused on the main goal of the essay, in the body of the essay, it seemed to have lost focus, let me just say it went out of way from the supposed to be origin of the essay. The transition of the essay may be good but not really supporting the flow of the paragraph, you have to make sure that the sentences remain focused and has only one straight path to get to.

I understand that you are able to answer the prompt and your essay will stand out in the admissions desk, I'm not saying that you are sure to get granted the scholarship, I wish I van tell you that, what I suggest is go and proof read your essay maybe one or few more times and try to tweak the second paragraph to creat a good flow, transitioning to your balance of career and your passion.

I hope to see the revised essay here on EF so we can help you further.
Oct 23, 2015
Scholarship / A time when I overcame one significant obstacles that I were able to improve other people's lives [4]

Samuel, I may not be Louisa but I'd like to let you know that us, being contributors here in EF, we can only coach you as much as we can and of course provide a strong and constructive criticism.

Now, what I advice you to do is to follow a few guidelines in order to come up with a good essay.

- having this unfortunate event that caused your family all your harvest, what do you think you could've done to alleviate the situation
- did this help your family in any way
- how can you consider yourself being a breadwinner
- do you think this helped your family overcome such hurdle

Lastly, what is the effect of this action to your family, more importantly to yourself.

I hope with this guidelines you will be able to come up with a good essay and I wish to see it posted here in EF so we can help you further.
Oct 23, 2015
Undergraduate / A dream reflects one's unconscious emotional state and life goal - VT personal statement [3]

- Many people have a dreams while they are sleeping.
- The dream has wide range of nature from freightn ing to happy.
- Young people without rich family background get
- poor reward compared to the amount
- many people say that the life is unfair.
- people get what they have doneworked for it .
- Therefore, I cannot actualize dream of people who wants to achieve their goal but do not give an attempt to earn that.Having this super powers will give me the chance to reward those deserving. (233)

JunHee, honestly, I still want more from your essay, it lacks that detail or the image that will stand out in response to the prompt, remember this is for VT, it will support your application and the admissions officer will look into all your essays and roll them all together and they will come up with the decision for admission or a grade scale.

I say, you revise the beginning and the ending of the essay and I hope to see the revised essay here on EF so we can help you further.
Oct 23, 2015
Undergraduate / Motivation Myself to Live Stronger in Life [4]

- MotivationMotivate Myself to Live Stronger in Life

Tiffany, as you can see the first hit of your essay is in the title and this is not so good for your essay and to you as the author of the essay, you have to be very careful and make sure that you review your work before someone else does, however, us in EF will do all that we can to make sure that you have a well written essay, so let me try to help you out;

- me to live a meaningful in life .
- The first thing I need to do is motivatedto motivate myself.
- I treat everyday as final day of the life.
- myself thatto try to do
- I work six days a week,
- I just need to get started
- you will falling in love with it.
- I know that to do odd things
- can make my life will become more beautiful and more meaningful.

Tiffany, I'd like to stop making remarks from here, I'd like you to see the difference of the sentences after the remarks so you can see how it is, I hope you follow through, the reason I'm doing this as well is for you to be able to construct your own sentences using the base form of the verb or word because this is where your sentences fall apart and one more thing, I believe the closing sentence of the essay is not posted, we would love to read that too.

I hope to see your revised essay complete with your closing sentences.
Oct 23, 2015
Graduate / There are many reasons in my life on behalf of which I can say that childhood is the best time. [4]

- There are many reasonevents in my life
- and on behalf of them I can saythat will attest

- First reason , which support my statement is when we were in our childhood we
- were not havingdon't have any
- responsibili ties and

- For eg. if we we used to go to school and
- due tofor some reason the school bus
- has not come,and instead of thinkingtreating the situation
- this as a problem we used to enjoy by playing games
- also it was also our parents responsibility
- And alsoW e used

Anu, life as a child is indeed very memorable, the best times of our lives, we are carefree, no worries at all, but now were grown up, fully aware of what's wrong and right, of course now we are educated and knows a lot more things than we can equip ourselves with. As you can see in your essay, there's quiet a lot of work to be done, I hope my remarks help and you follow through, your essay has facts and actions that are done in the past but this doesn't mean that you have to use all the verbs in past form, you are writing a memory of the past and actions are continuous so it should take the present form of the verb.
Oct 23, 2015
Undergraduate / I finally knew I was done searching; I was going to be a Hokie. [4]

Courtney, I believe you did your research and here on EF, a lot of students seek for constructive criticism and we do all there is that we can to help out but of course it will not hurt to research and compare notes, so I urge you to read a few of the students essays and answers to the prompt and you might just see that there's a difference and you can d better.

Now let me see if you need some help;

- I thought Virginia
- I finally knew I was done searching;, I was going to be a Hokie.
- While touring the campus inFrom a tour in September,
- involved in 4H since theat age of nine.
- I also wasam also fascinated with
- the community, and I loved it!
- They also have manysecure safety
- precautions to make students and parents feel safe and securepeaceful while they

Courtney, overall your essay is good and honestly what I would include as a reason in choosing VT as my school of choice is the relation to my academic goals, like writing about a course you aim at taking in VT and then you follow through with the rest of the reasons you have in this essay.

I hope I was able to help.
Oct 23, 2015
Writing Feedback / ESSAY HELP FOR ENGLISH 101 - a curiosity project for every week [4]

Ali, the assignment is simply asking you for two things;

- write something that you know you want to write about ( e.g. fashion, arts and craft, language, culture,..etc.)
- write as long as you have said enough and you convinced yourself that you have written all there is that you want to write

That's it, this is just what the prompt wants you to do, think of a topic close to your heart, something that you think you can write about all your time.

In doing so, make sure that the guidelines of the English language are met and you can have some of the guidelines to follow through;

- what is the topic all about
- what can this topic relate to you as a person
- how will this article affect the general public
- gather the facts and figures
- let your readers know that spending time reading your essay is worth their while
- make sure that you are objective
- cite examples, this normally helps to elaborate the subject at hand

Close the topic with your personal view of the matter.

I wish to see your essay here on EF so we can help you further.
Oct 22, 2015
Graduate / "IF YOU CAN DREAM IT, YOU CAN DO IT" and I know I can do it. Applying for Masters in MIS. [5]

Monica, I read through your SOP and I'd like to share my views on the final part of your paper.

- Meanwhile my interests were not only confined to academics;, I always

- The indispensa ble need of

- to which I will definitely contribute during my time theremy years in the institution .
- and students will help transformassist my transformationit
- into excellence that will make a lasting impression on in the world.
- Thanking you and eagerly looking forward for your acceptanceconsideration .

As my remarks may be minor, they are vital in enhancing your essay and hopefully help with your application.
What I noticed in your essay is your lack of words to use in your essay, some of the words are commonly placed and this gives an awkward understanding in your application, I'm not saying that you have to use big words but at least try to experiment and make your application stand out.
Oct 22, 2015
Scholarship / "We each have the responsibility of leadership and everyone must Strive for excellence" Chevening. [3]

- were always emphasized upon and the
- most respectable issuevaluable lesson I learned

- My first leadership experience came from being Heal th Project
- I'm responsible

- we succeeded to achieve foron getting
- 15 medical assistant and 76 promoters healthier

- Currently, in myMy current position as
- the head of the department
- at the university,
- I am responsible for carrying
- I hired, and evaluated, the performance of staff in the department.

- RegardingWith regards to research duties,
- we Performedperform high quality

Sahare, to tell you honestly, I'm not that confident with your essay.
I believe you could've done more in your essay than this one, I made a few remarks on your essay and I hope it helped.

What I would suggest in reference to your revision, write some steps you have taken that lead to influencing students to push farther and aim higher, I believe this will help a lot.

I wish to see your revised paper here on EF so we can help you further.
Oct 22, 2015
Undergraduate / Top Architecture school, so prideful that simply creates a palpable electricity - why to be a Hokie? [4]

- from their inescapable school of colors to their Hokie pride;

- I became interested in this school when I found out it was ranked
- My passion it to become anlies in Interior Designer,
- While touring the schoolGathering familiarity in the school , I became
- does not lack any school spirit.
- Hokies bind together forming lifelong friendship and remain

Sarah, aside from the fact that your essay only has a few grammar corrections, I don't see any more remarks to be done in the essay, however, it would help us enhance your essay further if you have written the prompt. Well, as I understand though, the purpose of this essay is for admission to Virginia Tech and if I'm correct than you have to add a few more sentences about your academic background and what drives you in applying in VT, I hope to see a revision with the prompt included.
Oct 22, 2015
Undergraduate / Sleep Paralysis - Essay on having a meaningful 'thing' which completes you as a person [6]

Josh, as I read through your essay, I believe the first 4 paragraphs are already good and we have to focus on the last 2 paragraphs.

5th paragraph

- The inevitable failures hit hard:,
- I got the wrong questions wrong ,
- received a 40% on a test, and I still choke
- fostering a maturationmature stand that challenged my limits.
- I dug into my textbook, held pre - calculus practice sessions,

6th paragraph

- As I resist the insecurities from tying me down,
- in my own flawedflaws and imperfection ,

There you have it, my final remarks for your essay, again this is just my suggestions and what you think is the best for you will be the one that will matter.

What I think will help you more is to practice writing, review the language rules and read a lot to enhance your vocabulary.
Oct 22, 2015
Scholarship / "It is the art of getting someone to do what you want to do because he wants to do it" Chevening app [4]

@Yegzie1, I hope my remarks is not too late.

- and had to apply these skills in carrying
- out mythe assignment as the leader of those teams .

- ​I assumed leadership position early on in life,
- especially on the home front being the
- first and eldest( "first and eldest" is synonym to each other )
- child in the family beingI am held responsible

- ​I was selected to be a group leader
- There were 45 groups in all as the class consisted 3 departments.( this information may not be necessary )
- there was a need to work hard.
- I applied the leadership skills of strategic thinking skills ,
- Then weWe then selected the most eloquent of us.
- I simply mobilized and, coordinated and organized my team,

Aside from my remarks above, I believe your essay is written well. So far yours is the shortest essay I read in taking up the Chevening Scholarship.

I must say that yours is also precise and with just the right information needed for the prompt.

I wish you the best of luck and post your revision here on EF so we can help you further.
Oct 22, 2015
Undergraduate / I was born in Guangzhou, China and I moved to the United States when I was three years old. UC essay [5]

Laurie, your essay is quiet confusing, it's an essay application for UC and what I get out of your essay is your not - so - colorful childhood and all through out the essay, you were talking about your family background, how you perform poorly in your academics and how almost all your childhood life was not really that rewarding

Now, the essay should have the following;

- your academic background (which you have in the essay but it should be the rewarding part )
- your academic goals
- what is your motivation to meet this goals
- the courses or course that you want to pursue in UC
- how UC will help you in achieving your goals
- what can you do or contribute to UC
- what can you contribute to the community as a whole

Lastly, how will your cultural background raise your hopes for success.

This are my input, I believe answering this questions will help you come up with a better essay that will be your ticket to UC.

I hope to see your essay here on EF so we can help you further.
Oct 21, 2015
Graduate / Computer databases - review my SOP for Masters in CS [3]

Aviya, as I read through your essay, I felt like it is a very slow pace or the process of going to the point as it asked in your prompt is quiet slow.

I would appreciate and for sure the admissions officer too, if you can go direct to the point and answer the prompt.
Besides, this is a statement of purpose and the purpose is for you to be able to write and justify why you chose the course and the university as a whole.

I'd like to share my thought on the first three paragraphs, i hope you follow thru;

- I am applying to Indiana University for admission to the MS program in Computer Science as my aspiration and goal is to apply and hone my ability to deconstruct, analyze, and apply through academics alongside peers or through research with faculty members. I am of the opinion that the university's graduate program is an important first step in achieving this objective.( I'd like to re-phrase this first paragraph;

I am writing for an admission to the University of Indiana for MS Program in Computer Science, I believe the institution will hone my ability to....(here you can continue with the paragraph )

- The Computer Science department there exposed me to itsdisplayed a whole lot of excellent courses,
- which havehas given me a
- firm grounding in all the

- I am of the opinion that excelling inI believe that the study of technology
- requires a firm groundinggood foundation in theory
- and Databases gave me a firmstable theoretical base
- My performance in laboratory courses
- I have been involved in many course projects involvingworking closely with a group
- of students where I have beenoften stand a the team leader often .
- It also helped me provokechallenge my

Aviya, I must say that you don't have that much choice of words that you use in this essay, avoid using the same words or phrases all the time, this will lower the interest of your readers, not only that but this can also cause a great deal of misunderstanding in your essay, for example, the word "provoke" denotes a very negative idea when in fact you don't mean any harm but you mean you are being challenged, correct me if I'm wrong but this is how I see your essay.

Anyhow, I made a few remarks, I hope you follow through and the best of luck to you.
Oct 21, 2015
Graduate / An outline of your future career plans and intentions - Cambridge [6]

- Thirdly , Cambridge
- the diversity of cultures and cultivate personal characteristics such as being
- to expand my outlooks and learn
- Therefore, Cambridge ensures

- FourthlyLastly , the well-rounded
- ColorfulEngaging campus activities provide

- In sum,I conclude that my study in Cambridge

Ying, this is the final remarks for your essay, your essay is written pretty good but I'm still not convince, there's something missing from the details of your essay.

What is missing is the part were you have to share what you can do and share to the Cambridge community, I understand that you will be a great addition to the institution, however, what can you do to be of help maintain the Cambridge that is known to many as one of the best institutions. This information can be crucial to your application so I suggest that you insert a few sentences about this matter and you should be good to go.
Oct 21, 2015
Graduate / An outline of your future career plans and intentions - Cambridge [6]

Ying, first of all, the structure of your essay is nowhere near what is asked in the prompt, indeed it asked for an outline of your career plans and this should should be written in paragraph form and not like a calendar planner.

For the body of your essay, we will take it one paragraph at a time.

- Firstly , the rigorous
- which is vital for work analysis work .

- SecondlyNext , the dissertation
- I will establish a solid model by applying what I will have
- learned during the
- Besides, I will receive thea professional guidance
- The discussion with my supervisor will prevent me from diverging
- projects conduction in my career.

So this is the first part of my remarks, I'll get back to you for the rest of the essay.
Oct 21, 2015
Undergraduate / I AM NOT AN OUTSIDER. I'm not a typical Egyptian. Common app essay [5]

Kayan, I read your essay and here's my observation.

- the prompt was partly answered, partly because you did write about the incident that will remain in your memory forever and is a part of your struggle as well as success, however, the prompt is also asking for something that you think will complete your application. You shared a story of struggle, of survival but not of an event that will answer what the prompt is asking.

- the logical order of your essay is quiet challenging to comprehend too, you went from a multilingual appreciation and diversity of your nature to the war in Egypt and ended to a book shelf of memory, what do you want your readers to understand, what is the message of your essay?, this are the questions I have.

- what I get out of your essay is you being diverse and multilingual but I still don't get it, see yourself as a reader of your essay and you will understand what I mean.

Now, I wish to see a complete revision of your essay here on EF so we can assist you further, the part where you were proving that you're bilingual is a good part other than that the whole piece should be revised.
Oct 21, 2015
Undergraduate / At times Blood is not thicker than water [4]

Fatou, I did, as what you can see, just a few remarks on your essay. It is written pretty good and I believe you did write this from the heart. You're a person willing to share time, effort and knowledge to those who need them badly and those who merely have any, I hope you continue this humble practice and keep moving.

With your essay, it has very good logic too, there is a good flow and the reader knows exactly where the essay is going, more over you answered the prompt to the best of your ability which is a very good characteristic of a writer who knows what they are writing about.

I wish you the best of luck in your application and do let us know what happens.
Oct 21, 2015
Undergraduate / Volunteering and tutoring - my contribution to the UIC Honors College community [5]

- I will helped contribute to the UIC Honors College Program in countless ways.

- I am passionate ofin assisting

- departments that need those thingswho need them .
- I have contributed over 400 hours of service;, I know
- I plan on making the university acontinuing the warm, welcoming place
- for any student or even civilianthat the university have for both students, visitors and civilians alike .
- as makehelp the university ato be safer , memorable place.

- I hopeknow that the university
- helpswill hone me to become
- getting into their medical school.

There you have it, my remarks for your essay. Grade for your essay I'd say 85% over a 100%, you have great aspirations for the profession and for the community as well, this is very evident in your essay, though this is not the only reason that the admission officer is going to see but this will definitely help a lot in your application. More so, you have written this piece very well and answered the prompt properly, I wish you the best of luck!!!
Oct 21, 2015
Scholarship / 'I took some practical steps to choose the proposed universities' - Chevening: Studying in UK Essay [5]

Luthfi, I'd like to help out, here are my points you may use as a guide to enhance your essay.

- the scholarship is about you studying in the UK and why did you come to choose it
- its asking for the relation of your university course choices to your future academic goals as well as professional goals
- go straight to the point, this will signify that you understood the prompt and you exactly know what you are doing
- this is a prompt of your admissions for the scholarship and dotting them in numbers will not be advisable, I'd rather that you present it in bullets

- as much as you love UK as a country, you have to see how to incorporate this in your success or your road towards achieving your goals

- the last 2 paragraphs needs revision as well, they are in a very awkward part of your essay and also never itemize the universities as to rank, leave it to the admissions officer to rank them for you, all you have to do is to justify your choices.

Lastly, check the other students here on EF who did their paper for Chevening too, this will give you an idea of what will and should be in your essay, I'm not saying that you copy but at least you have a wider research before you launch your own application.

I wish to see your revised essay here on EF so we can assist you further.
Oct 21, 2015
Scholarship / Leadership, Networking, Studying in UK, and Post-Career Plan - Chevening Scholarship essays [6]

- 4. a crowdfunding platform specifically forfocused on education,
- co-founders; and this experience
- further reinforced the power
- of investingincorporating others in ideas
- that serves the betterment ofas a helping hand to others.

- them un till we
- attain milestones of both small and big successes.
- I have seen my students prove possibletheand perceived the impossible.
- AndL astly, I continue to lead and bring out

Well, there you have it, a few more remarks on this art of the essay, what I found and I would like to stress is that, you have to avoid the use of sentence that is directly translated by your thoughts, you have to come up with sentences that best explains your ideas and pen them down.

To close this remarks, I wish you the best of luck on this application and I hope you continue your humble efforts on sharing and giving good education for the youth.
Oct 21, 2015
Scholarship / Leadership, Networking, Studying in UK, and Post-Career Plan - Chevening Scholarship essays [6]

Hi Karthik, as I go through your essay, I saw how you turned your paper to an almost complete revision with the help of EF which is very good, this only means that you accept constructive criticism. Now, I'd like to share my thoughts and I'd like to take it per paragraph.

1st paragraph
- others to the betterment of themselvesfor greater welfare .
- and subsequently joiningjoined Teach
- For Malaysia's inaugural cohort to teach in a high-needvery demanding school for two years.
- staff member, as a
- fundraiser to scale upelevate the

1. 2Two of my students
- It tookThis thought me dedication,
- resilience and convictionreliability in my
- students'( omit the apostrophe on the word "students" ) potential
- I invest them in my vision for them,encouraged them to see my vision for them and how
- them in finaliz ing the goals
- we set as a class; and ultimately

2. time analyz ing and
- I realiz ed even the
- admin to formaliz e the approach, and saw my

As you can see Karthik, there's quiet a lot of remarks I made, I made this very thorough to help you out and make sure we leave no error in your essay.

Mind your spelling mistakes, this can be minor but this can make a difference in your essay.

I'll get back to you for the rest of the essay.
Oct 21, 2015
Undergraduate / 'great programs for pre-medical studies' - My interest to study in Illinois Institute of Technology [4]

- I was continuously searching and searching
- Finally, I sawfound it.
- I was intrigued by thewith these facts

- students who wantaims to study medicine.
- This organization wouldwill help me
- are interested in pursing a major in anythingany aspects .
- HearingWith all the programs and organizations
- advantage of the opportunities provided therein your institution .

Arjun, reason being this paper on a restricted word count is that it will only take a few sentences for you to justify why you choose the IIT to be your institution in continuing your academic career. Overall, the essay is written well, just a few revision on the words used and verb tenses. For future reference, when a word is an ongoing or denotes future action it should take the present tense of the verb.

I wish you the best of luck!!!
Oct 19, 2015
Undergraduate / I love.... fish tanks -- Columbia Essay [3]

- It seems so trivial toand I enjoy
- attracts me to a fish
- is what the collection of fishit represents.
- plants is truly mesmerizing.and Columbia offers me just the same, the vital diversity that I desire.

- the older one is the higher up to hierarchy one isranks high ,

Well, the analogy that you put in the fish tank is very interesting and you're right, the fish tank is like a school, a university, an institution, only not for humans but for fish but it denotes the same environment, a tank of hope that someday, equality will reign and everybody will be treated equal, angel fish and ballast shark alike.

Your essay is written well, I know that you could've done more but this should suffice the prompt.

I hope my humble remarks helped and I wish you the best of luck!!!

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