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Name: Louisa, EssayForum Contributor
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Nov 10, 2014
Undergraduate / KOD: Knowledge on Display - Kalamazoo Supplemental Essay [7]

Kaitlyn, I've got a few suggestions for changes to the content. I hope you will consider using them :-)

... how to continue expanding on my education and compelling it's students to delve into hands on experiences to research topics we've never considered before.

- ...to continue expanding my education by compelling me and my fellow students to delve into hands on ... experiences on research topics...

... that our professor would cover during the yearand presentingit in front of the class

- ... the yearto present in front...

Do my suggestions work for you? We can further tweak the essay. We have plenty of room to move around in :-)
Nov 10, 2014
Undergraduate / KOD: Knowledge on Display - Kalamazoo Supplemental Essay [7]

The K-Plan at Kalamazoo is a wonderful example

- Kaitlyn, you should use this paragraph as your introductory statement because it immediately presents the answer to the prompt which is " how Kalamazoo's College approach to education will help you explore your ideas."

The closest comparison I can draw ...

- Find a way to take the most important points of this particular educational system and relate it to the Kalamazoo method of teaching. By doing so, you will show a familiarity with the their educational system and how it can help you develop further as a person. Let me know if you need help with this part and I will show yo ua sample of how that can be done for you to use as a template.

The concluding statement is alright at this point. Once the essay has been revised, we will be able to better develop the essay and polish it in terms of content :-) Don't worry about the word count if there is one. We can deal with that later.
Nov 10, 2014
Writing Feedback / People's life expectancy is getting longer and longer due to many external factors [6]

Shon, you still need to do more work on this essay. Please refer to my notes as suggestions for further improvement:

It is not a surprise that these days' people tend to [...] clarify all the mentioned above reasons.

- It not surprising that people tend to live longer these days. Owing to the healthier foods that are readily available and the manner by which people consume them, and the way that medical science has advanced in the realm of disease prevention and cure, people have found themselves living healthier for a much longer period of time than the previous generations have.

Generally speaking, the amount of foods [...] body will be healthier and healthier each day.

- These days, even reading materials have been influencing people to eat healthy. By educating people about how to eat healthy and what comprises a healthy diet, nutritionists have been able to contribute to the lowering of bad eating habit incidences of health problems. Organic foods are now known to most people and advice about how to best improve one's diet has become more readily and more importantly, freely available. The result of the open education system about the value of food and nutrition with regards to ones health is a healthier lifestyle that leads to a longer life.

Another huge contribution of life expectancy is our [...] be able to maintain your life for a long time.

- Along with the advances in food science, medical science has also come a long way in treating food and environment related illnesses. By developing medical treatments and drugs that can address even the simplest health related issue such as the human cold, the predicted life expectancy of people have increased a thousandfold. As such, people now live longer and in a healthier state of physical well-being.

The aforementioned reasons examine that [...] ourselves from many diseases and illneseas.

- Keeping in mind the way that people have managed to circumvent death by learning to eat healthy and the way that medical science has improved the health and well being of people through the use of medical breakthroughs and chemical discoveries, it becomes easier to understand how people have come to live longer than previously expected.

I hope you take something positive away from the way I revised your essay :-)
Nov 10, 2014
Graduate / I have always been so close-minded - University of San Francisco Essay - Jesuit Mission [7]

Jennifer,I am guessing that you did not grow up in a religious family since you are not familiar with the way the mission and vision of the Catholic schools merge with the way that they teach their students. The prompt is not really that difficult to understand. Each Catholic school, just like the ordinary colleges and universities, also present themselves to the applicants with a specific vision about how their students should act on campus. Known as "core values" in the non religious colleges and universities, this essay prompt is asking you to explain how your education as a Jesuit will help you become a better, more charitable person in the future. They already present their core values as part of the essay prompt. You just need to discuss how you see yourself applying those to your activities in daily life as a person, professional, and a caring member of society. Remember the term "Pay if forward" ? That is exactly what you have to discuss in this essay. How do you plan to help spread the Jesuit mission by "paying it forward" and affecting the lives of others?
Nov 10, 2014
Undergraduate / Not much happens in a town that can be completely mapped out in someone's head; essay choice [3]

Sarah, although I am not sure about what essay prompt you are answering, I can tell you that the first essay you drafted has more appeal than the second once. At least that is my opinion on the matter. The reason I chose the first one for you is because it shows and actual development and growth in your character while also presenting the observant side of your personality which will not normally be presented in other essay prompts. The second one feels kind of generic because you related a story that can be developed through other common apps. The first one however, shows that you have come a very long way in life and you have managed to learn some things about the people around you and how different you are from them. Those are qualities and traits that often call out to an admission officer in an essay. While there are grammatical errors in the first essay, it also presents room for further discussion development. I hope you opt to do that if you choose to use the first essay. It can really be a powerful essay once revised :-)
Nov 10, 2014
Undergraduate / The Appeal - Some students have a background story that is so central to their identity [4]

Amanuel, this essay would be more compelling if you did not use the backdrop of the meeting to start it. That is one reason that your word count went over the limit. You were discussing two themes instead of one. By removing the back story related to the meeting, you will find that you will be able to bring the word count down to 785 at once. Then, by adjusting the content of your essay to center immediately on your failure during the exam and what you did about it, you will be able to bring the word count some more. You don't need the additional information of how your friends came to you and you logged into the results page, etc. By removing that, the word count will go down further to 706 words. Bringing you far closer to your word count limit of 650.

If you can manage to make those major adjustments to the content of your essay, you will find a way to bring the word count down further to your goal of 650. We can also help you achieve that word goal after you have made the revisions to your paper. Maybe we can find a way to work together to edit some of the content for wordiness and perhaps eliminate more unnecessary sentences. At this point, I do not dare do that for you because I do not want to accidentally remove something that may be of importance to the paper. Only you can tell which parts are superfluous and therefore, deletable. I can jump in with more help after you have done your part in editing the paper :-)

While this new essay is greatly improved, it is still overly dramatic. The over dramatization of events on your part has caused the essay to lose the strong impact it should have had. I believe that once the dramatics are lessened, the content of the essay will be viewed seriously and with great consideration for what happened to you. This is an academic essay which also serves as part of your interview process. So you need not be so creative in telling your story. Instead, be direct to the point and provide only the necessary information pertaining to how you solved the problem. Do you need help in choosing the salient points of your essay? I can make suggestions regarding which paragraphs you should keep and what you should omit. The suggestions should help you further take down the word count and create a tighter, more informative, and direct to the point essay :-) Let me know if you require that kind of help :-)
Nov 10, 2014
Undergraduate / I own my own practice and employ many others who also help families reunite - my accomplishments [2]

- Tiera, don't be modest in this essay. You are supposed to be presenting your ten year career plan in it. Assuming that 10 years have passed and you have achieved the ability to travel to different countries to help those in poverty, you must therefore be a part of a well known NGO already. Mention any non profit organization membership you are looking at becoming a part of in the future and mention those here. It will help you show how successful you have become.

- I now have a masters degree as a Family and Marriage Counselor and own my practice which employs others who also wish to help families unite. While my business started small, it is now quite successful in achieving the mission and vision that I have set out for it.

Helping people has always been a main priority in my life...

- Merge the contents of this paragraph with your first paragraph as they fall into the same criteria and theme of successfully helping those who need help overseas.
Nov 10, 2014
Undergraduate / I come from a family whose most common cause of death is cancer. Rutgers Undergrad Admission 2015 [4]

Dan, the cancer story is a good one that readers can somehow relate to. I will advice you to add another page to the essay though. A short essay is normally 2 paragraphs in length when used in a college application. The first paragraph is your introduction that also contains an overview of your answer to the prompt while the second paragraph includes an expanded explanation of the first answer and the concluding statement. In this case, you need to develop the cancer story in the second paragraph by explaining how dealing with cancer has helped prepare you to attend Rutgers University. This means that you will discuss how cancer affected your life in a way that shows a continuing sense of growth as a person. The growth should cover the emotional, social, and (whenever applicable) academic aspect of your maturity. After all, you mentioned wanting to beat the illness as one of the reasons you want to attend medical school. So one can assume that you have some sort of (simple) background that already applies to that desire. Present it in the paper in the best way that you can :-)
Nov 10, 2014
Undergraduate / My blind friends and I (common app essay prompt4) [2]

Kirin, you totally missed the point of the prompt. You need to choose a specific place that you frequent and spend time in. It could be any place as familiar as your bedroom or a place the seeing people are not familiar with such as a braille library. The place you choose to present in this essay needs to help describe who you are as a person because you are going to have to explain why that particular place is meaningful to you. The essay that you presented is good, but cannot be applied to this essay because you are supposed to talk about only one place and how it relates to you. You need to revise this essay in order to better fit the question. Remember, this can be a any place that you choose, as long as you frequent it. You could even choose to write about a place that exists only in your mind where you run off to each time you feel bad or weighed down by your condition. It can be abstract if you wish. You just have to go to that place often. It cannot be a one time place or a 2 month event place. You need to be visiting the place on a regular basis. I hope my comments and suggestions help you out :-)
Nov 10, 2014
Writing Feedback / The best form of care for the elderly depends on the family situation [4]

Pham, you have written a pretty generic essay about elderly care. It contains the rudimentary information about how they were cared for in the past but does not look towards the current and future trends in caring for the elderly. Perhaps you should be discussing that in the essay as well? That is just an opinion that I developed based upon the current format and content of your essay. Since you did not provide us with the essay prompt, it is difficult for me to make more accurate comments which can provide a good review for your essay. Is there a chance you can provide us with a copy of the prompt so that we can offer you a better essay review and comments? We really want to help you polish this essay, which shows your potential to write creatively and informatively, at the soonest possible time :-) We are awaiting the essay prompt.
Nov 10, 2014
Writing Feedback / People's life expectancy is getting longer and longer due to many external factors [6]

People's life expectancy is getting longer and [...] clarify all the mentioned above reasons.

- Shon, your introduction is weak. When you say that life expectancy is prolonged by foods, you should give an idea as to what kind of food you are talking about. Remember, the introduction is the overview of the content of your discussion. Use it wisely and give a proper introduction to the topics you will be discussing.

Foods has played a leading role when it comes [...] foods to consume ,unlike, people in the ancient time.

- If you must discuss food, do it from the modern point of view pertaining to the abundance of health foods and the consciousness of people regarding the health effects of various foods that they consume. Explain how the healthy eating habits of people have helped to improve life expectancy in the process.

Another contribution to our long life expectancy [...] medicines and treatments slow down our aging.

- It is not medicine but scientific research that has helped prolong life. It is the medical treatments available, the technology used, and the medicines prescribed to patients that have helped to further prolong life. Discuss the scientific aspect using those life prolonging contributions.

The aforementioned reasons examine that because [...] help us as human beings to live longer.

- Remember the rules, no new ideas can be presented in the conclusion. You constantly make this mistake. You need to be conscious of your conclusion and know how to close it properly. Stop presenting new ideas at the end of the essay.
Nov 10, 2014
Writing Feedback / 'The definition of the word globalization' - Introductory Paragraph for Essay on Globalization [5]

Tamara, the introductory paragraph is quite interesting int he sense that it seems to present an idea of globalization from your point of view. In my opinion though, I feel that the introductory statement would have been better strengthened if you had given a series of definitions about the term since you already said that it is defined differently depending upon the point of view of a person. The immediate reaction to that statement would be to present a few definitions of the word based upon the various points of view of the people. Then you can present your personal definition using the beverage example that you presented in the latter part of the paragraph. By doing that, you will be able to present a solid introductory statement that gives the reader an idea of what the essay prompt is about and what possible topics will be discussed later on in the essay.
Nov 10, 2014
Writing Feedback / Technology is the tool that reinforce people to get numerous knowledge overnight [8]

Shon, it will certainly boost your essay score because it will show that you are comfortable with the English language, since you did not use those common filler words, and you are confident in your knowledge of the prompt provided. By always answering the essay in a direct manner, you show an authority over the use of the written language. Using those filler words are equivalent to saying "Uhm..." in the spoken English language. Those words are used by people who are trying to delay what they want to say because they either have nothing to say or they know that their reasoning is weak. The use of those words also change the tone of the essay from academic to confrontation in certain instances (depending upon the topic being discussed) which is why I always ask that it be omitted in essay writing as much as possible. Those words are also used to just fill the page, it adds to your word count when you are uncertain about your discussion and deducts important word count when you are absolutely confident about your discussion. Do you understand what I am trying to point out? Feel free to ask more questions if you have any. I am more than happy to answer them for you :-)
Nov 10, 2014
Letters / 'I was one of his master thesis defense committee member' - Letter of recommendation [4]

In the last sentence in paragraph 1, do you mean " he will make an excellent addition to your mastered study student roster"??

- Wayne, I mean exactly what I wrote, masteral degree. It is the correct term for a student taking up masters studies. Look it up :-) However, I noticed that this is for a PhD enrollment already so the term should not be masteral but instead Doctoral. So the sentence should read "He will make an excellent addition to your doctorate student roster." instead. Dcotorate is the correct term for a person taking up doctoral or PhD studies.

xxxxxxx has the ability to work independently or collaboratively on designing experiments. Providing valuable assistance and advice whenever needed. One of my PhD students often worked with Hsiao-Lun on testing and constructing the high-speed measurement system such as the VCSEL eye-diagram demonstration, photodiode bandwidth calibration, as well as the device scattering parameters analysis . Ultimately, Hsiao-Lun's ability surpassed his peers and he provided excellent and caring guidance to my graduate students. Just one example was his assistance on the GaN LED electrical and optical microwave analysis where he proposed an idea to build up corresponding compact model by extracting the device resistance and capacitance.

- Do not provide information in your recommendation that the student should be presenting himself in his application essays. Just talk about him in general terms. That is all that is required from you.

In short, xxxxxxxx is a very rare student. (Not many students, for example, publish two academy papers in just one year.) His combination of intelligence, commitment, perseverance and enthusiastic character will certainly make him a valuable member of the Ph.D program in your school. I encourage you to look favorably upon his application.

- Sentence about his academic papers being published should not be in a parenthesis. This is a major part of his quality as a student and should be highlighted instead of an afterthought. Take out the parenthesis and discuss and overview of the topic he discussed in the published work and why it impressed you.
Nov 10, 2014
Undergraduate / Explain how Kalamazoo College's approach to education will help you explore your ideas [17]

Do I think this essay is ok? Not really since I asked you to flip around the paragraphs in an effort to better suit the prompt but you decided not to do that. I feel that my suggestion makes it better but since you have your own opinion, which can over ride my own, I will accept this essay as ready in its current form. This is what you are comfortable with so you should go with it. I can only offer an opinion and you can take it or leave it. If you are satisfied with this version and you feel sure that it meets the prompt requirements then use it. It is not my job to force you to use the version I am suggesting. Neither should I insist that you change your writing style from what you are comfortable with. This is the version you are comfortable with. Therefore, this is the version that you should submit regardless of what I think. The final decision is yours to make. This is your paper after all. I am only here to review and advice you :-)
Nov 9, 2014
Undergraduate / I failed... but at least next year's team will get the chance to succeed where I haven't. [4]

Danah, this is a good essay that is only dimmed by the imbalance between the story of failure and the lessons you learned. Your essay would be greatly helped if you could find a way to lessen the story of the failure, say cutting it down to only half the page so that you can use the remaining half of the page to discuss the lessons that you learned from what happened. This is a very good story to tell, unfortunately, the lessons that you learned went under developed and almost seems like a mere after thought. The lessons that you learned should share the spotlight with the failure that you incurred. You don't need to be very detailed about the failures if you cannot be as detailed in discussing the lessons from each failure. All the essay needs to properly work is balance. Balance the negative (failure) with the positive (lessons learned) in order to effectively show that you were learning an important lesson with every failure that came your way. Once you manage to do that, the essay will not only be balanced, but also offer a deeper insight into how the failure helped you develop as a person :-)
Nov 9, 2014
Undergraduate / I always enjoyed the fashion world since I was a little girl. Fashion runs in my family. [6]

Erika, I will be posting a whittled down version of your essay that makes it tighter and closer to prompt adherence. This is going to be the version that you can play around with and revise to better suit your needs. Here it goes :-)

I'm coming from a multicultural family with German - Chilean background.
I always enjoyed the fashion world since I was a little girl. Fashion runs in my family.
My grandparents had their own business as dressmakers in Chile, they worked day and night to make beautiful tailored clothes for their costumers .Since I was little I used to play with my grandmother's sawing machine she inherited from her grandmother , she taught me how to sew and how to make clothes for my dolls.

When I was 10 years old I moved with my parents to Germany. In Germany I never had the opportunity or money to go into fashion school .I thought a job in the fashion industry was something that I could never reach. I kept fashion as my hobby, like an illusion , an unreachable dream.

After I finished school I decided to take a break from studying to start working like all my family did. In September 2010 I came to New York City for three months. The main reason was to find myself, to take a break from my life in Germany and think about what I want to do with my life .

Soon I found myself dreaming again ,that is exactly what this city does to you , it allows you to dream and to pursue your dreams.One day I walked around fashion avenue until I was standing right in front of FIT, knowing about your fashion school reputation I imidiately started to fantasize that one day I could attend this amazing school.

Back at home it only took me a few months after I decided to finally move to New York City to follow my dreams. I felt this was meant to happen to me. Since moving to New York City I have been pursuing and accomplished every single step I needed to apply to FIT.

I would love to assist to the school of Business and Technology, therefor I choose Production Management: Fashion and related Industries. One of the many reasons I felt in love with this mayor is because it reflects my dream job in every single aspect.

I have a fascination with how things are made and I always find myself looking for ways to know how products come alive , I never give up searching for answers.

I'm interested in how products are manufactured , I want to understand the entire process of making a product. I'm inspired by the transformation, the development of ideas and resources.

For the past 3 years I have been working full-time ,going to school, and also finding ways and time to educate myself in fashion by reading books, magazines, visiting galleries and museums, watching videos, sawing, knitting, and experimenting on my own .

I strongly believe that Fashion Institute Of Technology is the best place to get a degree in Fashion and provides the best Production Management: fashion and related industries program .

This version comes in at 491 words. I want you to review this essay. I removed the portions that are unimportant to your application in order to provide you with more room to develop other aspects of your essay. Which aspects should you improve? Your review of the essay should show you the portions you would want to improve or expand upon. I can't tell you which portions that should be. Take your time in revising the essay. We have time to polish it :-) No rush necessary.
Nov 9, 2014
Undergraduate / I always enjoyed the fashion world since I was a little girl. Fashion runs in my family. [6]

Erika, I can see the essay now. Where is the prompt or essay question you are trying to answer? I need to know what you are being asked so that I can tell if you are properly answering the prompt or not. Kindly supply it as soon as possible in the meantime, I will give you an overview of the essay. These are preliminary comments that will not affect the overall essay but need to be addressed in order to improve the essay just the same.

The first problem of your essay is that you are providing too much information that do not necessarily relate to each other as answers. I will be able to pick out which portions are actually necessary for your essay once you provide the prompt. Right now, we are going from a personal statement, to a statement of purpose, to an idea of how the school will be able to help you, all in one, long essay. Not all essays need to be this informative. Some of this information can be used in other common app essays that will accompany your application. So right now, we need to decide which portions to retain and which to delete, based upon the essay prompt from FIT.

I will reserve the rest of my comments and suggestions regarding grammar and content until after I have a clear idea of what we are dealing with in relation to the theme of the essay. I hope to read the prompt soon. I will try to get back to you as soon as I can :-) This is an excellent effort though. It just needs to be adjusted and tweaked in order to make it work better as an academic essay :-)
Nov 9, 2014
Writing Feedback / Technology is the tool that reinforce people to get numerous knowledge overnight [8]

Shon, I found some problems with the essay that need to be addressed. Let's see if we can get this more polished shall we? :-)

Technology has always played a leading role when it comes to students.

-... to students education .

In fact, utilizingtechnologies is the ideal learning method because it helps and encourages students to study more and more in many ways.

- Learning through technology is the ideal...

Today, as a result of technologies, students are getting more and more knowledgeable,

In fact,teachers now are the people who have to worry about themselves because ,nowadays , students can easily surpass their master by utilizing technologies.

- Teachers now have to worry ...

Consequently,these days' teachers should always be in touch with the current events.

Moreover, leaning process has become a fun activity for many students due to technologies.

- The learning process...

The internet, for example, has an abundance of games and interactive rooms to entertain or to discuss about a definite topic.

People who desires to learn more than just the basis can use them to broaden their mind.

-... more than just the basics ...

Furthermore,, by using technologies you can

- By using technologies...

Shon, I have decided to let your writing style remain in order to help you understand why you need to improve your writing abilities. I hope you take note of the corrections I mentioned while you are revising this essay :-) You are showing some improvement already so keep it up :-)
Nov 9, 2014
Undergraduate / I always enjoyed the fashion world since I was a little girl. Fashion runs in my family. [6]

Erika, I can sense your anxiety and strong desire to receive help. However, you forgot to upload the essay so I won't be able to help you just yet. Once you post the essay we can get started. Remember to post the essay prompt / question along with your essay so we can accurately review the content of the essay in terms of your response and other concerns. Don't be afraid. We are here to help you out. Be it with grammatical problems, sentence structures, word count problems, or even just the polishing of the content, we will make sure to assist you until you feel confident enough to submit your paper. Remember you do the writing, we do the helping :-) By working together, you should be able to accurately meet the essay requirements of the university :-) So please, upload the essay so we can get started with helping you calm your nerves :-)
Nov 9, 2014
Undergraduate / "What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail"? Common App Questions for VCU [6]

Yes, I think I found a portion of the essay that we can replace instead. I believe we can do away with the following portion:

Beginning of senior year I was asked the question: "What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail"? The answer I gave myself - to forever be confident. As a result, I am securely able to balance school, volunteering, work-study, choir performances, and a part-time job. The only difference I wish I could done made is to start out confident and believe in myself so I could have succeeded early in high school. Although, from my change not only do I build upon myself, I inspire my peers to be proud of whom they are.

The reason that I chose this paragraph in particular is because I want you to concentrate on proving how the comment about you not being able to enter college became the catalyst for change in your life. You can explain how that statement inspired you to prove your detractors wrong and push yourself to achieve more than people who belittled you said you could achieve. Do you think that would work for you?
Nov 9, 2014
Undergraduate / I always had an affinity for animals, and I was often called the animal/pet whisperer by my parents [3]

During my Sophomore and Junior year of high school, my mother had Stage 3 Colon Cancer. Periodically, she went to the UW hospital to receive chemotherapy and radiation. I accompanied her on those trips, and while going through the city of Madison I would always, and still do, admire the beautiful academic buildings that make up the city itself. Along with the diverse group of students that are seen laughing together in groups, running down the sidewalks trying to get to their next class, or even the group of student cyclists speeding down the busy streets. The student life is the key to Madisons' attractiveness to the outside world, and my mind and heart have been ensnared by it's diversity.
In order to acquire my ultimate goal, which is to be accepted into Madison's School of Veterinary Medicine, I would take advantage of the biology, chemistry and physics classes that are offered in order to obtain a major in Animal Science or Zoology.

- Amani, this should be your first paragraph because it represents the familiarity that you have with UW-Madison and immediately addresses the question of the prompt pertaining to what part of the academic and extra curricular offerings you will be taking advantage of. Once you have presented this, you can follow up the next paragraph with the following:

Growing up as a child I always had an affinity for animals, and I was often called the animal/pet whisperer by my parents. There was always that basic question asked while I was in elementary school, "What do you want to be when you grow up?", and I always responded by saying a Veterinarian. It seems cliche in some way, but that same response comes to mind when asked the same thing now a days. As I began to learn and advance in my education I established an understanding on what exactly my future goal was in life. I had been told most kids my age were not even sure if they would graduate high school, let alone go to college!

Then you can close the essay quite strongly with the following paragraph:

I have already taken the recommended courses to help prepare myself for the future, and I have also interviewed and secured an internship at our local veterinarian clinic. I am prepared for my future and have taken things into my own hands to make sure it transpires.
I am enthralled with UW-Madison and have not let my personal life hinder my future. I crave to be that student running down the sidewalk in the middle of a snowstorm worried about being late to class. I crave to be a part of the group of friends laughing about how we all failed that Chemistry test. I crave to feel like I am one with the city itself and I know, without a doubt, that I belong at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

This is a very strong essay that offers a concise answer to the prompt. You just need to make a few adjustments in order to make it flow better :-) I hope my suggestions help.
Nov 9, 2014
Undergraduate / Explain how Kalamazoo College's approach to education will help you explore your ideas [17]

Prabitha, I understand your apprehension and agree with you. At this point the essay should make you feel comfortable when you read it. You have the final say when it comes to the final look, feel, and content of the essay. If you feel that this version of the essay is something you approve of and you feel that it best represents you as a person in written form, then go ahead and use it. It already answers the essay prompt in a way so as long as you are accepting of the content of the essay, then it is as ready as it can be. There is no way of assuring the way an essay will be accepted by the admissions officer. Just be confident that you have done your best and let the cards fall where they may after you have submitted it for consideration :-) Good luck with your application.
Nov 9, 2014
Undergraduate / Discipline; At the time, I was unaware of my father's drug and alcohol addiction - UC Prompt #2 [7]

Genesis, the essay is much better now. However, we are still posed with problems regarding your second and third paragraphs. We need to connect each paragraph with your thesis which is the life experiences you had taught you all about the importance of self-discipline. We need to highlight that aspect in every paragraph by offering a self - discipline learning experience on your part. Do you think you can come up with something along those lines to help the essay along? The rest of the essay actually works fine. Don't worry about the word count if there is one, we can work on bringing that down later on. Right now, I would like to concentrate on helping you create a seamless connection between your life experiences and the development of your self-discipline as an important aspect of your personality :-)
Nov 9, 2014
Undergraduate / Neurodegenerative disease and its impact on a person - Washington and Lee Essay [4]

Lauren, I just noticed some grammar problems with the essay you probably committed in the rush to revise the essay. Please note those below :-)

the closer we can become to cures and worlds

- the closer we can come to ...

I would hold seminars educating the public on the realities of neurodegenerative disorders and potentially reach out to the younger generation using social media.

- I will hold seminars...
Nov 9, 2014
Undergraduate / Growing up with an orphan - background or story vs identity essay [7]

Saiara, I brought it down to 621 words and included some grammar revisions already. Let me know if this works for you or if you have any questions :-)

My cousin Raiyan and I were six years old when his father passed away. I was left at Raiyan's house with strict instructions to not tell him what was happening.Two days had gone by with all of us keeping Raiyan in the dark. The absence of his father was making him grow more and more anxious until he finally started lashing out. Unable to obtain answers from the adults, he looked towards me in desperation and asked, "You won't lie to me. Please, where is he?" I decided to do what I thought was right and responded, "I'm very sorry Raiyan, but he isn't coming back." I was moved to another room immediately as he began crying uncontrollably. A sea of guilt swept over me.

That was the day I took it upon myself to do whatever it took to make Raiyan's life easier. I realized the need to develop a sense of maturity and empathy. I tried to be the best friend I could be to him, ensuring he had someone to play with whenever he felt alone. I learned to tolerate his random fits and to calm him down. I taught myself ways to keep him distracted while his mother left for work. We bonded over puzzles, books and a daily game of pretend, where we embarked on imaginary adventures as scientists, astronauts, or racecar drivers.

Keeping my promise became difficult by the time we became teenagers. As I got more occupied with school and new friends, Raiyan fell victim to obesity and bullying. His frustration made his grades fall. Watching him suffer made me feel helpless. Defending him on every occasion was neither possible for me, nor preferred by him. For a while, there was nothing I could do other than encouraging him to just be patient.

Things started to change for the better when I sparked his interest in doing extracurricular activities with me. I challenged myself to participate in as many vigorous pursuits as possible in order to have him do so as well. I joined the football team and convinced him to join the basketball team. I joined the community service club in an effort to start campaigns against bullying; he joined the business club to improve his interactive skills. We introduced each other to our friends and made time to study together. As I watched him become healthier and happier, I noticed myself feeling more content and optimistic.

It was only a few months ago when he paid me a random visit to say, "You may not remember this, but the day my father died, you were the only person who chose to be honest to me. I'm glad it was you who broke it to me."

Although his words were meant to give me closure, I still don't know whether what I did that day was right or wrong. However, seeing his accomplishments today, I am no longer bothered. He is now a shining example for hope and hard work among his peers, being the best student in his class and having the biggest heart.

Experiencing the death of a loved one at an early age is an incomprehensible ordeal that can lead children to lose their way and make poor life choices. I am proud to say that that is not the case with Raiyan. The loss of my uncle did shape the people that he and I are today, but our efforts are equally responsible. Witnessing his positive transformation helped me form my own identity. Because of him, I have learned the significance of kindness and that I shouldn't be afraid of making my own choices. I only hope that I continue learning and sharing lessons like these in the future.

Nov 9, 2014
Graduate / 'I was always beaten' - my awards - Personal Statement for all applicants Essay [2]

Jennifer, you need to rework the essay to present the achievement that you got from the Law Academy and immediately explain why it is the most important award you received. It is important to answer the essay prompt as fast as possible because the admissions officer does not have a lot of time to read papers and he will base his interest in reading the rest of your paper upon your first paragraph. So make it interesting by providing the answer at once. After your provide the answer, you can work backwards and explain the basis for the importance of this award to you and how it relates to the person you are.
Nov 9, 2014
Undergraduate / "What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail"? Common App Questions for VCU [6]

It may be a very rough first draft but it is definitely the way the you want this essay to portray you. This challenge that you posed is something that could have resulted in your being defeated and dropping out of high school. Instead you chose to use the statement of "fact" from that person as a challenge to prove him wrong. There is nothing I would change about the content of this essay. Even with grammatical errors, the essence of your success is there. The best thing that you can do for this essay is to develop it some more. Explain why you felt the need to take on the challenge posed by the statement and how it continues to drive you to succeed in life. Close the essay by indicating that you now feel vindicated and that you look forward to meeting the person who said you would not get to college so you can thank him for inspiring you to get into college. That should add a nice touch the ending of your essay :-)
Nov 9, 2014
Undergraduate / Where I come from does not define who I am. I come from a loving home in Richmond, California [2]

Jennifer, the essay does not sound like it has already ended. There was no real sentence at the end to signify the end of the essay. I also have a piece of advice for you, don't spend so much time talking about your parents experience as illegal immigrants unless you can find a way to relate it to the life lessons that have helped shaped your ambitions and dreams for the future. The essay itself is not bad. It just needs to be edited for improvement. For example, that day at the courthouse, you said you witnessed your father become a terrified stranger. Expand upon that and the impact that experience had on you. How does it relate to your current dreams and ambitions? Also, you need to go further than just saying that your dreams and aspirations have been shaped by your parents struggle to put food on the table. Dig deeper into yourself. How did the life struggle of your parents truly impact your dreams and ambitions? How do you see yourself in the future owing your your parents and your past life experiences? Revise the essay and I will do my best to help you get it to answer the prompt requirements.
Nov 9, 2014
Graduate / I have always been so close-minded - University of San Francisco Essay - Jesuit Mission [7]

I became more open-minded about things my senior year,

- Jennifer, you need to expand upon this sentence as a separate paragraph. While we know the reasons why you were close minded, we need to learn the reasons why you became open minded as well :-)

I wish to be apart of the University's mission

- I wish to be a part of...
- Word meaning: apart - to separate or divide , a part - to join in

Being from Richmond, California ..

- This is a very bad paragraph in the sense that you sound like a smart aleck who is trying to glide by on a nonsensical answer. Do not say you are not familiar with the Jesuit traditions. What you should be saying instead is that because of your exposure to various religions throughout life as a public school student, you feel that you will be able to bring more to the Jesuit tradition by taking all of the good parts of those various religions and applying it further to the traditions of the Jesuits. Thus showing an evolution in the positive impact of the Jesuit traditions in the 21st century.

Even if I am majoring in nursing..

- These paragraphs are not relevant to the prompt about the Jesuit tradition and should not be included in the essay. Never provide information in an essay that is not being asked for because it will lessen the impact of the paper and show that you do not understand the prompt totally or you do not care for the prompt they provided to you.
Nov 9, 2014
Graduate / My intellectual passion is in the computer sciences. Florida Tech Essay [2]

The essay you presented says a lot without actually answering the prompt. You were supposed to discuss how the facilities and opportunities offered by Florida Tech would be able to help you enhance your learning experience. The answer to the prompt needs to contain references to the various student programs, internships, mentor programs, and other learning avenues available to the students at Florida Tech. There were no references to such academic and hands on training programs in your essay. So you were not able to satisfy the prompt. I suggest that you do a little research about the university programs in relation to your major and use the results of that to rewrite your essay in a way that better adheres to the requirements of the essay. Since you mention that you have college credits, you should already have an idea as to what kind of academic and training programs will be required for your major. So look into those programs. Ask your professor for further advice if needed :-) He should be able to get you onto the right track with the revision. Ask him what kind of academic subjects and training programs would be relevant to your chosen major and go from there.
Nov 9, 2014
Writing Feedback / I'm more than meets the eye. I am unique. Describe yourself in 140 characters? [3]

Alexis, this is good but it can be better. Cut out the part where you say that growing up you thought you were average. Use the portion where you say that you realized that you were unique as you matured. Use the remaining characters to describe why you realized you were unique in the best way that you can. For example say "Growing up, I began to realize I was unique because I could do back flips when others could not." That is only an example, I did not mean to trivialize your uniqueness. I just wanted to give you an idea as to how to approach the statement within 140 characters :-) It is possible to give a complete description of yourself using the correct terms and within 140 characters.
Nov 9, 2014
Undergraduate / "if only I weren't blind..." - St. Mary college essay about transformative experience [4]

Kirin, your story should be admired. It touches a chord in the reader that should be able to help you gain consideration at the college of your choice for admission. I only adjusted the necessary parts and replcaed the words that needed to be replaced in order to improve the essay :-) Good luck with your application!

It was sometimes during late morning on May fifth, 2010 that I woke up and found myself in utter darkness. This abrupt loss of my sight was the opposite of what everyone was expecting after the operation. This was only a couple of days from when the doctors had removed the tumor found in my brain. From that day, my eyesight was suppose to improve, which it did until that morning where it just simply vanished! Even the doctors seemed to be lost for words, so after a few months of no change, everyone seemed to accept silently that my sight may never return.

-... during the late morning... on the fifth of May in 2010, ... a couple of days after the doctors had... until that morning when it just...

The loss of my ability to see brought with it an enormous change in my attitude. Surprisingly, I did not have to struggle with accepting my blindness as much as with letting go of my ego. I always have high standard of myself and like to work alone to achieve it. However, becoming blind, I realized I have also become dependent on others, at least to a certain extent. This thought made the act of asking for helpsfelt very uncomfortable for me. Moreover, even after succeeding in speaking out my needs, I then often struggled with lowering my standard. Being a perfectionist, as my dad said I am, pushes me to work hard, but in these cases, all it does is to make me even more frustrated . It is just so difficult to make things perfect when you can't do them by yourself!

- I had always set high standards for myself... and liked to work ... succeeding in voicing out... lowering my standards ... even more frustrated ...

Nonetheless, when I think about it, I realized these necessary adaptations have helped me to become more flexible and open-minded. I finally accepted that eventually, I would have to learn to work with others. I became aware that, my comfort zone can only expand when I step out of it. As a result, although I still bite my lip from time to time when having to ask for helps , I would finally do it, and with more ease each time.

- ... these necessary adjustments have helped...

My blindness also teaches me to be optimistic with life and problems. It is not as if all the problems I faced derived from being blind; Some of them are just teen issues that anyone who are teens have to face. The real issue is the fact it is often easier for me to just blame them all on my disability. I often think, "if only I weren't blind, I would do better, I would not be this stress ..." and so on. Unfortunately, I am also aware that I am blaming the problems on something over which I have no control, and often is not even the real cause of the problem. Thus, over time, I have trained my thinking to search for the bright side of things and to appreciate whatever my blindness gives me. Today, whenever the thought of, "if only I weren't blind..." pops up, I would complete it with something positive like, "I wouldn't have such a fantastic life!"

- ... blindness taught me to be... problems I faced stemmed from being... I would not be this stressed ... I have trained myself ...
Nov 9, 2014
Undergraduate / There is nothing that I want more than to follow my dreams of being a retail buyer - FIDM Essay [4]

Maya, here is the thing, the essay prompt provides you with 4 specific questions to answer via discussion in your application essay. Instead, your essay reads like a high school research paper. You need to simply address the questions being asked in the most direct method possible. There is no need to discuss any of your other interests and activities that are not related to the question. Those kinds of information will not help make the essay remarkable or memorable to the admissions officer. If you will just answer the questions they provided, you will end up with a tight, informative, and interesting essay that will provide only the information that the admissions officer requires you to present in this essay app. Try to write a new version of the essay that answers the questions only. Nothing more, nothing less. You need to stay as close to the prompt requirements as possible in order to ensure that the admissions officer will finish reading your essay instead of simply setting it aside because your answer is not what they expected to read based upon the prompt provided. Don't worry, we will help you with the revision of the essay. You just have to write it first so that we can review it for content and prompt adherence :-)
Nov 9, 2014
Writing Feedback / Topic: Causes Reducing the amount of book-reading "READING-CULTURE WHETHER IT STILL EXISTS" [4]

Thien, it is important that you learn how to outline your essay before you write the draft. The outline will help you clean up your discussion and give it a tighter direction regarding the discussion. By using an outline, you will be able to think of the proper thesis statement and then list down the topics that you want to discuss in relation to it. By listing down everything that you will cover in the essay, you will also be able to discover which topics are unnecessary and which topics can either be shortened or eliminated from the essay. Since you developed the essay in this manner, you will also be able to envision the conclusion for your essay. Remember, you need to keep your discussion interesting but short. So the outline will definitely help you achieve that. I have found that by using an outline, I am able to better discuss the essays that I write. Try it out. It might work for you. By the way, don't be afraid to ask questions, I'll be glad to answer your concerns and help you out in any way that I can :-)
Nov 9, 2014
Undergraduate / What does your Oberlin look like? - Supplemental Essay for Oberlin College [5]

This essay is asking you to envision the kind of college that you want to attend. In this case, you should explain what Oberlin should be like if you were the one who created the university. In other words, you need to explain how the university would function if you were the one in charge of it. You could discuss something about the size of classes, extra curricular activities, or student community in relation to the way you envision Oberlin as a learning and social community. Think of it this way, look at the positive aspects of Oberlin that attracted you to the university in the first place. Now, think about how you can further improve the university experience. Those ideas are what will be the answer to the essay prompt for you :-)
Nov 9, 2014
Writing Feedback / Technology is the tool that reinforce people to get numerous knowledge overnight [8]

Shon, there is actually another way to write this essay in a much simpler manner. Simply agree with the statement and then reinforce your stance by using the current learning methods of students. Explain how technology has leveled the learning field between teachers and students. These days, information is merely a Google search away for students so the teachers need to always be on their toes and try to always know more than the students. Technology is the tool by which students have managed to become as learned as their teachers in almost all aspects of learning. You can also explain that students learn more quickly with the help of technology because they are allowed to learn their lessons using a method of learning that they are comfortable with. Learning using technology has made learning a fun activity. The internet has videos, games, and interactive chat rooms where people who wish to talk about a certain topic can gather and learn more than just the fundamentals of a topic. Try to discuss the essay from that point of view using the evidence I suggested and it should make the essay work better :-)
Nov 9, 2014
Undergraduate / Discipline; At the time, I was unaware of my father's drug and alcohol addiction - UC Prompt #2 [7]

Genesis, the essay actually answers the prompt. The problem is that you have it set up in a reverse discussion. Here is what I think you should do to make the essay work for you in the format that you need. Bring up the statement where you say that you learned about the importance of discipline. After you bring up those related paragraphs, we can explain the back story as your father's addiction causing this discovery on your part. That will make the essay look like it is all about you and what you learned and why you are proud of this accomplishment. Currently, the essay spends too much time dwelling on your father and his addiction and how he used it to control you. By reversing the format, the essay becomes more about you than him. Can you do the essay in the way that I explained it to you and post it here? That way we can see how the essay looks and feels and we can help you adjust it to suit the essay some more :-)
Nov 9, 2014
Essays / Need Help on Essay Topic ( Chinese Revolution / Mao Zedong) [5]

When you outline this essay, I suggest that you concentrate on the Cultural Revolution of Mao Zedong and discuss the reasons behind its failure. Discuss his ascension to power through the party and the reasons why he thought the cultural revolution was important as a tool for retraining the people of China in the communist ways. Present the reasons that the program failed and instead resulted in the numerous deaths and failed attempts at disciplining the Chinese people at the time. Then move on to the current point of view about the cultural revolution and the image of Mao. Concentrate on the collective opinion that he caused the biggest failure in Chinese history and present new found evidence to help support your claims. These should serve well to help you create an outline for the topics you want to discuss in the essay.
Nov 9, 2014
Undergraduate / My volunteer activity at a Korean-Japanese museum in Tokyo - UIUC ESSAY [2]

While this a good essay, it deviates a bit from the essay prompt. It is my belief that you will better answer the essay and also lessen your word count if, rather than discussing the work that you did at the museum, you instead discussed how working at the museum help you reconnect with your Korean roots and taught you some things about your heritage that you would not learn from school, history lessons, or your family members. That way you truly present a unique experience that helps the admissions officer to get to know you better as an individual. After all, the job at the museum is interesting, but your connection to the job and why it proved to be high interest and value to you is more important than the work that you did as a tourist guide at the museum :-)

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