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Posts by nsahmad
Name: ahmad sapoan
Joined: Nov 9, 2015
Last Post: Nov 25, 2015
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From: Indonesia

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Nov 10, 2015
Writing Feedback / IELTS task 2 : harmful junk food and education, discuss both views and give opinion. [2]

Scientists say we eat too much junk food and that is harmful to our health. Some people believe the answer to this question lies with education, but others argue education is useless. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Experts believe that junk food consumption highly is bad for our body. Few people argue that education can be one of solutions to avoid them of it, whereas other think contrarily, it is not important to reduce the number of junk food consumer. This essay will discuss both points of view.

With regard to education in harmful junk food, people are provided to know how the food cannot be processed as fast as other food, it leads to people protecting their selves to eat too much junk food. Furthermore, it is believed by some that junk food is produced with chemical foodstuffs, which is danger for their body. Substances carcinogen in pizza junk food for example, it gives rise to cancer for them who eat the food. As a result, knowledge about it can fight them off eating junk food.

However, I do not believe these arguments stand up to scrutiny, the first reason is that junk food is easy to obtain in our environment, it has been enormous producing over the last decades. Secondly, it has provided really delicious taste, so few of them can make a stand their mouth to consume the food, even they do not have more time to prepare their healthy food at home. Finally, it has also been proven that education cannot effect people to eat junk food. Plenty of them really have knowledge about drawbacks of junk food, while they cannot avoid their habit to eat it. Therefore, aware of health is needed to be able keeping off to eat the food.

To sum up, although some people think that education is useful for avoiding junk food, I would argue that they cannot have healthy lifestyle if they are not really caring with their body.
Nov 10, 2015
Writing Feedback / IELTS-TASK1: Integritation problems according to people's ages who living abroad. [4]

Happy to be share with you bro.

The bar chart illustrated the percentage of some problems that are experienced by people who live abroad according the range of ages.

*using present in the first sentence in your introduction because it is like you explain the question directly in your writing.
*making clearly time in your writing, decision using past or present, it influences your verb in body paragraph.
*making sure word in writing task 1 at most 200 word.

Hope helpful.
Nov 10, 2015
Writing Feedback / Writting Ielts task 1 : the charts show number of student who did not go into full time job. [3]

The charts below show what UK graduate and post graduate and post graduate students who did not into time work did after leaving collage in 2008.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons were relevant.
A comparison regarding what UK graduates and post graduates students who do not have full-time job after finishing collage in 2008 is showed by charts. Overall, it can be seen that the most popular activity after finishing their collage was continuing study. Clearly, the number of student who did not have full-day job represented the lowest number as volunteers, while the figures for being jobless and having voluntary jobs witnessed high number.

To begin, most graduate students who did not go into full-time work continued their study in UK, at 29.665. Compared with postgraduate students, it was under 3.000. So, the gap number between these qualifications had widened. Interestingly, part-time job was recorded as the second highest of daily student activity in both qualifications.

Turning to remaining destination, the lowest number of students was as voluntary job just less than 500 post graduate students. In stark contrast to activity graduates at more than 3.000. So, the both number had seen really far. Unfortunately, the figures for unemployment in UK presented spreading up in plenty of places. However, Whereas they had a high qualification, the number of postgraduate jobless in this country revealed 1.623 students in 2008.

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Nov 11, 2015
Writing Feedback / Out of country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to prevention [3]

Good writing brother, but Happy to discuss making more clearly.
Let me give sort sugestion.

In this globalization era, many people argue that charge of country's health should be spent for treatment regarding health educations and preventive measures in immense portion. In my personal view, I believe healthy determent will bring wide range of advantages in life, although directed treatment is precise way for mankind.

in this task, trying to make thesis starement depending question, do not be off from large proportion budget.

To sum up,,,,,,

The contain of conclution is paraphrase of TS and sugestion or your solution like this, in this case of course both of them related to country's health budget. Hope helpful.
Nov 12, 2015
Writing Feedback / Ielts task 2: international trade, positive or negative development? [2]

Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy some products anywhere in the world.

Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Globalization trade recently has been changing how the way people buy or sell product. Marketing products all countries in the world tends to be the same, so society can buy the product wherever they live. Highlight, this circumstance can be seen as positive development, although a great deal of drawbacks can be appeared with the situation.

Generally, international trade is the best news for people who want to develop their trade business. Businessman can introduce their own - label product in the world market, as high - profitable opportunity can open widely. Not only this, with the situation also, competitive manufactory can be more highly, the qualities of product automatically are preparing better product in a country's trade market. Moreover, society can be purchasing branded product in their country without spending more money to go abroad. Therefore, these can develop public welfare in the country.

On the other hand, the occurrences give rise to negative effect for several facts. Firstly, local products, less prepared facing the situation, acquire heavy competition global tread, it will go likely bankrupt. Secondly, some even can still be able to face the modern trade threateningly less profit because of competition with big producer around the world. Also, the phenomenon of a really worrying is that inhabitants cannot be affordable the price of product provided market. They are just becoming onlooker developing in their country without getting financial or pleasurable with the change.

To sum up, there is no evident that societies obtain plenty of advantages for processing business, but it would spread out deprivation for several local public. I would argue that it would be the best if governments have to make sure their societies ready to face the situation.
Nov 12, 2015
Writing Feedback / ielts task 1 - different levels of post-school qualifications in Australia [2]

Overall, it can be seen that the percentage of men who attendattended a skilled vocational diploma were dominance than women, while the bachelor's degree and undergraduate diploma showshowed the reverse.

comment : make sure your tenses in your introduction.

I try to give suggestion overall.

Overall, it can be seen that man and woman revealed different domination in percentage of proportion both genders in Australia post - school qualification. In any case, the percentage of men who attended a skilled vocational diploma were more dominant than women, while the bachelor's degree and undergraduate diploma showed the reverse.
Nov 12, 2015
Writing Feedback / Ielts task 1 : UK telephone calls divided into three categories, 1995 - 2002. [NEW]


An explanation regarding the total number of minutes (in billions) of the total calls in the UK divided into three categories, local - fixed line, national and international - fixed line and mobiles. between 1995 and 2002 is represented in the bart chart. Overall, it can be seen that each category of telephone calls in UK resident presented different time. In any case, local - fixed line had dominated telephone calls in UK, while mobile telephone call increased rapidly over the period.

According to the data, the most popular telephone calls in UK was local - fixed line over the years. In 1995, the telephone call stood at 70 minutes. Compared with national and international - fixed line was under 40 minutes. So the gap time these types had widened. Following this, the number of both telephone calls went up by 18 minutes (local) and 12 minutes (national and international) in the next four years. 2002 saw a dramatic growth in the national and international - fixed line UK resident calls, whereas, there was a significant decrease in local calls.

Turning to remaining category, there was a maximal increase in mobile - mixed line. The telephone call revealed 3 minutes in the beginning years, which was the lowest time in the period. Interestingly, following this, it rocketed up over the time to 45 minutes in 2002.

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Nov 15, 2015
Writing Feedback / IELTS task 1 - enrolled educator for regularly job in Ontario [5]

Hi meli Happy to discuss with you.

The line graph displays the percentage of English and French languages enrolled educators in Ontario from 2001 to 2007.

*Mention the type of graph.
*tenses in overall follow the time of the graph.
*try to make overview with two sentences, it is better for IELTS exam.
*avoid to mention number detail in overview. Just for tipic trend.

Hope helpful.
Nov 15, 2015
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 1: Information regarding recruitment of English teachers and French teachers in Ontario [3]

Hi brobra, happy to discuss with you.

Overall, it can be seen that the number of French and English teachers saw the similar percentage at the beginning of the period. However, in the end of the period, the percentage of French-language teachers rose slightly and English-language teachers fell dramatically.

You can use this optional sentence.

Overall, it can be seen that both recruitments revealed a big different change in the number of language teachers. In any case, although French and English teachers saw the similar percentage at the beginning of the period, these contrasted in the next half decade of the time.
Nov 15, 2015
Writing Feedback / A breakdown of the proportion of student attending four secondary schools had changed each year. [NEW]

A breakdown of the proportion of student attendance in four different types of secondary schools from 2000 to 2009, a nine-year period is presented in the table. Overall, it can be seen that attendance of students in all of school types had changed each year. In any case, by far the most significant growth in the number of attendance in community's student, whereas the figure for remaining three school types displayed a progressive decrease in pupil attendance over the period.

According to the data, the most popular schools to be attended by student was voluntary-controlled schools, at 52% in the beginning period, it rocketed down by 32% over the next nine years. Compared with specialist and grammar schools represented at under 25% in 2000, so the gap number between these schools had really widened. Then, both schools fell considerably in almost the same number of student in the end of period.

A more detail look at the table reveals that the opposite was true in the case of community schools. Differently, although starting the time with only a small minority of students was at 12%, there was rose dramatically over half of pupils during the following nine years, which was the highest number over the time.

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Nov 16, 2015
Writing Feedback / Theater satisfaction - what two groups of people think of a new theatre? ielts task 1 [3]

Hi soyoung, Happy to discuss with you.

Looking at the first table which showShows the production quality of the theatre, both club members and the general public rated presesent similarly about 70% in excellent, and equally 18% in satisfactory.

*Gerund/Verb-ing as subject is singular.
*need verb in your second sentence.

Moving on to the information about the plays/performances, it shows the highest rating in excellent among the three features, -88% of the general public and 72% of club members, while only 10% and 23% respectively rate it as "satisfactory".

* no verb in your 2nd sentence.
* whlie form ; Subject Verb, while Subject Verb. Or, while S+V, S+V.

Hope helpful.
Nov 16, 2015
Undergraduate / USC undergraduate admissions - business, with a focus on finance and entrepreneurship [5]

Hi chaddono happy to read your writing.
I have some suggestion for you.

My intended field of study at USC is business, with a focus on finance and entrepreneurship. I believe that a curriculum in finance and entrepreneurship ample prepares prepare an individual to be successful in any field of business. My interest in business developedappears since I was young age and I haven't stopped questioning, learning, and researching business related topics since.

*using conjuntion to make readers enjoy reading your writing.

I look forward to taking classes such as Advanced Practicum in Investment Management (FBE453a/b) and Venture Management (BAEP 453), as I believe that these classes will provide me with invaluable hands-on experience in wealth management and entrepreneurship, while also improving my ability to work with others in a team .

*after to + Verb infinite.
*conjuction while form; Subject Verb, while Subject Verb. Or While SV,SV.

Hope helpful.
Nov 17, 2015
Writing Feedback / IELTS : satisfaction customer levels in US airlines. Task 1. [2]

Helping correction.

A comparison regarding customer satisfaction levels in the US with airlines and aspects of air travel in three different time is presented in the chart and table. Overall, it can be seen that satisfied feeling was revealed by people in nations major and service done on the job. In any case customers have been dominated with enjoyable flight because of airlines services. And clearly, courtesy of flight attendance was the highest satisfied item in flying experience over the periods.

According to the data, the safest was felt by customers over the time in 1999, traveler's satisfaction stood at 65 %, it was in stark to unsafe felt by people. It saw a different distance of percentage. Interestingly, satisfied rates increased dramatically over the period, while dissatisfied presentation was lower until 2007.

Turning to the specific aspect, courtesy of flight attendance was the most enjoyable felt by customers in 1999, at 88 %. It went up until the last of period, compared to another aspects, so these had widened range of percentage. Moreover, courtesy of check - in ticket and schedule did not have a significant change all periods, while comfortable on the seats was recorded as the lowest percentage in the last period.

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Nov 18, 2015
Writing Feedback / IELTS task 2 - Media like to expose famous people activities [3]

Hi meli, happy to read you writing.
Let me give some suggestion.

I argue that report more on ordinary people are more valuable than celebrities' lives.

comment :
1. Support your Thesis Statement with idea in body paragraph, hence, TS should be linear with both body paragraph.
2. in 3rd paragraph, it supports why media shows celebrities, it's no sense with your TS.
3. Some grammatical issues.

She inspired

*make sure your tenses.

to enhanced

*after to + Verb infinite

Hope helpful.
Nov 18, 2015
Writing Feedback / Ielts task 2 - the aim of university education [4]

Hi ngong, happy to read your writing.
let me give some suggestions.

However, there are much wider benefits of having university degree for both individuals and society must be counted subsequenta wide number of benefits for them who have university qualification.
First, people who study in university have better social skills and more confident because of living away from home. A case in point is that many students have moved to hostel and met new friends.

*much for noun uncountable, so no S in the last word.
*perfect tense form : have/has V3.
* "and" is parallel word, hence it should be the same form.

Hope helpful.
Nov 18, 2015
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2: Charge in museum - it should be balanced with a better service [2]

Many museum charge for admission while others are free.
Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages?


Museums have a variety of purposes and budgets, it causes them having difference in charge. Improving museum facility and limiting financial budget are reasons to decide it. In my view, museums would obtain more advantages with some fees than no cost to enter in.

There are several reasons why charge in a museum is imposed. Firstly, there is low or no proportion government subsidies for public or private museum, it affects the entrance cost in the museum. Another reason is to maintenance, conservation and museum improvement. For example, additional some guardians should be hired to protect the museum, and some air conditions or fire alarms have to be installed to provide enjoyable visitor. As a result, it requires some investment from tourist. However, it could be danger if museum have greater charge, it would discourage societies for visiting the museum.

From this evidence, valuable-public places should not provide entrance fees for visitors, it influences enthusiasm people visiting the place, because this is important to keep new generation visiting the museum as learning historical life in the past. However, museums, no charge, tend to have plenty of tourists, several of them cannot control the visitor. So museum authorities decide to make small charge to restrict the visitors in order to have better education process and feel enjoying in the place.

To sum up, despite there are possible adverse effects that may arise due to charge in museum entrench, I believe that it can be balanced with better service in the museums. Government should participate in it by providing more subsidies in the public places like museums.
Nov 19, 2015
Writing Feedback / The most popular attraction places visited by tourists in England [NEW]

Tourist who visited four different attractions in Brighton - IELTS task 1.

A breakdown of the proportion of tourists to England who visited four different location of attraction in Brighton, Art Gallery, Pavilion, Pier and Festival during three decades is presented in the line chart. Overall, it can be seen that four location had shown the different percentage of visitors over the period. In any case, although the percentage of visitors in Pier and Festival showed constantly, there was a dramatic decrease in remaining location after representing rise in each time of the both places.

As per data, the most popular attraction place visited by tourists was Festival 1980, at 3% visitors. Compared with attraction in Pavilion, the gap between both locations had narrowed. Interestingly, in the next a half decade, Pavilion had the highest number of tourists over the history. However, Festival unchanged relatively until the next three decades, which was recorded as the second highest in the last time.

Turning to the last couple locations, Art Gallery and Pier witnessed the same pattern in previous two decades. While the both places had big gap at the time, Pier undertook the number of visitors in Art Gallery in 2005. In contrast, Art Gallery, starting at 20%, finished to the lowest in the end of period.

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Nov 20, 2015
Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1 : The two pie charts illustrate the most common drawbacks and benefits of Fairmont Isla [2]

Hi broibra, happy to read your writing.
I try to give you suggestion, hoping it will help you.

The weather condition and entertainment are two aspects tourists WHO are not enjoyed, representing at around 20% and 30% respectively.It needs conjunction to make your sentence enjoying to read.

On the other hand, the other(it is better to use another here, because remaining one pie) pie chart shows four points ...

40% of the tourists cite the people on the island as an advantage,(here, you need verb) and the second major is ...

Nov 20, 2015
Writing Feedback / Teaching method will not exist in 2050, agree or disagree? Ielts task 2. [3]

Some people say that the teaching method with a teacher and students in a classroom will not exist by the year 2050.
To what extend do you agree or disagree?

Over recent years there as been an enormous increase in the speculation ideas regarding education. Plenty of people predict that education process with a teacher and student in a classroom will disappear in 2050. This paper is partly agree with the statement. Although a great deal factors perhaps people will leave the system, learning process in the school still will become major choice for children to obtain more knowledge.

The number of criminal behaviors in school showed by media in worldwide over the last decade force some parents to withdraw their children of the school, it will affect that they will seek out more efficient system for their relatives. Home schooling may be an appropriate alternative to this case, the system, known as one-to-one lessons allow much faster progress, will be specially interested to be implemented in the future. Also, sophisticated technology which provides a wide amount of information and knowledge will change the way people studying in the next decade.

However, there are number of reasons why people will keep consistently using the method. Firstly, the system - with a teacher and many student in a classroom - offers knowledge and moral values such as tolerance and sharing, which prepares student to be a ready member of society. In addition, parents who do not have more time to protect their children will still believe this tract as method for studying. Therefore, the process will remain intact in the future.

To sum up, it is evident that teaching method invests constantly positive effect for students, while many optional ways can be chosen to obtain knowledge in the future. Government should have careful planning about this trend to create terrific future generations.
Nov 24, 2015
Writing Feedback / Relults of a survey : Purpose of UK resident visit, IELTS task 1. [2]

A breakdown of the results of a survey which sampled cross-section in 100,000 of UK residents asking if they travel abroad and why they travel for is presented in the table, while the bart chart shows the number of traveler based on purpose tourisms from 1994 to 1998. Overall, people were more likely to go abroad for holiday, clearly, Western Europe become destinations where was the highest visitor over the periods.

As per the data, Holiday had dominated the reasons why people went to foreign country, the number of traveler accounted more than 14.000 over the history. This was in stark contrast to the proportion of other reasons hitting a low of around a thousand. Moreover, purposing to business and Visiting relatives represented a difference number, while the number of visitors for business went up over the time, it was a fluctuation in figures for keeping in touch to their friends and families.

Turning to destinations visited by UK residents, the most popular tourism was Western Europe. 24.519 in 1998 became reaching a peak of proportions. Compared to North America and Other Areas, these had widened range of figure for travelers. Interestingly, in 1995, the number of tourists decreased steadily in all of areas, while there were a significant increase in next three years.

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Nov 25, 2015
Writing Feedback / Task 1 - How the weather information is collected by Australian Bureau of Meteorology [2]

Hi Irfan, happy to read your writing.
I try to give you some sugestions.

Moving to a more detailed analysis, satellite technology offers photos globally include analysing and forecasting including analysis and forecast, (comma) while radar is observed to radar screen which is gained from the inhabitants' houses.

all in all, you have good grammar, but trying to use short sentence to make clear meaning. In your sentence, there are two conjuctions, while and which, it makes your readers breathless for reading your hand writing, using comma or dot to tackle this issue. And some double verb is that I have tried to give more optional word. Hoping helpful.
Nov 25, 2015
Writing Feedback / The growing number of people aged 65 and more... [2]

Hi hasbi, happy to read your writting, I try to give you some feedbacks.

In 1940, the proportion of Americans was ... .

In 1940, the proportion of American in the 65 or above age group stood at 9%. This was in stark contrast to Swedish and Japanese just about 7% and 5%, the gap between these countries had represented a narrow range of percentage. Over the next 50 years, the number of USA and Sweden increased gradually, reaching the same number to 15%, while the figures for Japan Unchanged consistently in 1990 .

Nov 25, 2015
Writing Feedback / Percentage of mobile phone sales in the world, IELTS Task 1. [2]

A breakdown of the proportion of mobile phone sales worldwide between 2005 and 2006 is presented in the table. Overall, it can be seen that all of mobile phone types revealed a minimal change over the time. In any case, although the worldwide market share has been dominated by Nokia, there was a sharp increase in the percentage sales.

To begin, the most popular device in the beginning period was Nokia, at 32,5 % market share. Compared with selling of Motorola and Other brands presented less than 20%, so the gap between these mobile had widened range of sales. Interestingly, both of them saw a rapid rise by 30% in the next a year. In the same time, Nokia was still recorded as the highest sales in the worldwide market share.

Turning to the remaining brands, starting at under 15% all of types showed a various change. There was a minimal growth in Sony Ericsson market share to 7,4% in 2006. In contrast, Samsung, L.G and BenQ Mobile represented a sharp down, even one of them became the lowest percentage in the worldwide market share in the last period.

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