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Posts by ah_zafari [Contributor]
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ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 8, 2012
Letters / 'student of computer and programming' - IELTS 1, A letter to my tutor [2]

The essay consists of 145 words, while it should include at least 150 words. This fact may drastically decrease your mark.

This is a letter to your tutor. So, I think you should replace Mr/Madam with the surname of your tutor. I know that this is not a real situation but in the IELTS writing you can lie and you can use a fictional name :).

I have enrolled in your history class...


Finding a job is not a bad event. I think it is not necessary to start the paragraph with this word. You can use the word "However",

I found a full time job with a good salary in the citythat I need to work onfrom Saturday to Monday . In addition, the work starts at 8 AM toand finishes at 3 PM. . (Sometimes, it is better to explain your idea in more than one sentence to make it more clear).

so thatThe work/It can help me to pay the university tuition fee in time

Unfortunately, I found a full time job with good salary in the city from Saturday to Monday 8 AM to 3 PM, so that can help me to pay the university tuition in time, in addition to save some extra money for the next term, consequently that job will prevent me to attend your class.

All this paragraph is just one sentence. Break it down to several parts as I told you above.


Do not start a sentence with "Because".

Because of your reputation and my insisting to attend your class and do not miss any of it(as a suggestion u can use this sentence:" As the history course is one of my favourite subjects and I do not want to lose the chance for attending your exceptional class" , I am writing to ask...

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon


ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 8, 2012
Grammar, Usage / A question about the term "in a nutshell"? [3]

I think the term is informal, because we cannot ignore Longman dictionary which is one of the best dictionaries. But, there is still this question that why some academics use this phrase in their articles????
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 8, 2012
Grammar, Usage / A question about the term "in a nutshell"? [3]

I asked the question that I wrote below from two Moderators but I could not get any answer. Now I would like to ask it from all people in here. Please help me.

The question is about the term "in a nutshell". Longman Advanced American Dictionary reveals that this phrase is informal. I also searched this term in various websites and, almost, in all of them the phrase have been defined as an informal one. However, my sister (she has got an M.A degree in Applied Linguistic) told me that this sentence is commonly used in academic papers and articles and it is a formal one. I was wandering if you would mind helping me in this respect and I really need to know your views about this term. Is it an informal/formal sentence?

Thanks in advance
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 7, 2012
Writing Feedback / Globalization leads to cultures identity loss? [5]


My name is Ahmad. Please feel free call me Ahmad :)
If you want to be successful in the test, you should pay more attention to the organization of an essay. This issue is even more important than vocabulary or grammar. What I told you was the thing that I learned from my perfect teacher, who was a native English speaker, and my sister, who is an expert in this field. Any way, you should decide to choose a way for writing an essay, your style or what I told you.

Good luck
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 7, 2012
Dissertations / Master's degree thesis - Scientific methods for conservation of cultural heritage [2]


I think you should also explain the standard condition in more detail.

dried into a stove at the temperature of 60°C

cooled into drier with blue silica gel. --> u should mention the rate of cooling. For this purpose you can add an adverb such as "rapidly" or "gradually" to the sentence.

The choice of this temperature is owed to need to do not cause alterations of materials used for treatments on the samples. --> this sentence is confusing. I suggest u this one :"This temperature was chosen because through which the materials' xxxx properties (mention which properties. eg . chemical and physical) used for treating the samples could keep intact."

After drying process, samples were weighed to obtain their initial dry weight and were put into labelled beakersthereafter. .

Distilled water was slowly poured slowly into the beakers until the specimens were completely immersed and covered ofwith water.

Specimens were removed from water and wiped out any traces of water with damp cloth and then weighed again.

After eachthe measurement of weight, samples were immersed again into water and weighedagain.and tT he weighing procedure was repeated untilso thatreaching of constantthe masses of the samples remained constant .

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 6, 2012
Writing Feedback / IELTS - national consumer expenditure on different goods in 5 different countries in 2002 [2]


In the introduction you should state that how many items were investigated.

At the end of the introduction you should add the general trend of the table.

Note: In writing you should write the numbers below 10 in words (Five instead of 5).

The year stated in the topic is "2002". So, the required tens is "past simple".

In the writing task 1, you should not just write about the maximum and minimum points. You should compare different results and data. The comparison should not limit to the highest and the lowest pints, but it may also encompass the similar results.

If I were you, I would allocate each paragraph for comparing different countries spending on a specific item. In this way, a reader could easily follow the essay.

For more information about the IELTS writing task 1, I strongly recommend you to study the book entitled "Preparation and Practice-Reading and Writing (Academic Module)" by : Wendy Sahanaya, Jeremy Lindeck, and Richard Stewart.

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 6, 2012
Writing Feedback / Globalization leads to cultures identity loss? [5]

lead to total loss of cultural identity,

Do not copy the topic, you should reword it. In addition, the term "lead to" was repeated two times in one row. Try to use other terms such as "steer to", "contribute to", etc.

The arguments surrounding such issue will hence be discussed in this essay.

I would like to draw your attention to the last part of the topic : "To what extend do you agree or disagree"
This topic is an "agree or disagree" type. You should state that you agree with the topic or not. Then in the body you should support your opinion (agree or disagree) through three paragraphs. At the boy, you discussed two opposite viewpoints. This is very wrong!!!!!!. The topic did not ask you to discuss two viewpoints, but it asked your own opinion.

The structure of this type of topic should be like what I wrote below:
1) Introduction (Motivator, Reword topic, State your opinion. Not: You should choose one, either agree or disagree. Do no do both as you are not going to discuss or compare two views. )

2) Body (Three paragraphs. In each paragraph try to write about an idea which shows why you agree or disagree with the topic)

3) conclusion: (Restate the topic or introduction, and then write an ending statement called "clincher")

I did not read the rest of the essay, because you should completely change the structure of the essay. Be careful about the true organization of different types of topics.

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 5, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'leading enviable lives to have a deeper education' [4]

I think you should improve the words using in an essay, because lexical resource is one of the main criteria for scoring an essay. Secondly, you should increase your information about the organization of an essay and the structure of a paragraph.

I think this essay would get the band score of 5.5 to 6, not more.

Before rewording the topic in the introduction, you should open the first paragraph with a motivator.

Throughout most of the 20th century, those who manage to finish primary or junior high school acquired sufficient skills and knowledge to handle most basic tasks and address working problems on a daily basis, when most large companies equipped their employees with fundamental skills through their own internal training and development programs.

All this is just one sentence!!! it is too long.

Each paragraph should open with an appropriate topic sentence and then support the topic statement with some examples and descriptions. Do not mix the topic sentence and supports as one sentence.

working in the same companies throughout entiretheir lives.

the world undergoes a transformation, which put an end to thosetransition from those traditional thought s and new life styles

As workers jump ships(this is an informal term. Do not use it in an essay) more frequently

more companies directing their budgets tokeep the money used to train freshinexperienced workers, which acts as a catalyst for a change in job markets

The third paragraph is revolving around job rather than education. I think you a little deviated form the topic.

Make the supports stronger with providing some examples.

So, although there are quite success stories in which those without a college education carve out a successful career, it is more likely to experience an inferior life compared with those who have.

In this paragraph you should expand your own idea. Moreover, this part of the essay has no support. Be careful about the structures of the paragraphs and essay.

Hence, it is wise, if one has such a chance, to gain a college degree.

This sentence is too short as a conclusion. At the first part of a conclusion you should restate the topic or first paragraph and then write an ending statement called "clincher".

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 5, 2012
Writing Feedback / TOEFL Essay: machine made goods are cheaper and more durable than handmade ones [7]

They did not use any types of technology or any machines for thisdoing their works
All workscan bewere done (or conducted) by hand like ("such as" is a better term here instead of "like", in the process of making furniture, through which they have to cut the wood, shaped it, fixed it and then polished it ( If I were you, I would write the sentence like this: "cutting, shaping, fixing and polishing wood were sequentially conducted through the process")

As the number ofworkforceworkers increases , price of the product can also increasesrise up (use synonym) and. therefore,price of handmade items may become moreare costly than machine made goods.

As I told you previously, try to support your ideas at three separate paragraphs

I would prefer to choose items made by machines rather than handmade ones

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 4, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'Some people ignore the importance of history' - IELTS essay [5]

I think the structure of the essay is not appropriate, and u could not cover all parts of the topic. The topic asked u to discuss two opposite viewpoints. Therefor, you should write about the first and second views as the second and third paragraphs, respectively. At the fourth paragraph u should expand your own idea. Finally, write a conclusion.

Vocabulary and grammar of the essay looks fine, but the score of the essay cannot be higher than 5.5 because of a wrong organization.

Before rewording the topic in the introduction, you need to open the first paragraph with a motivator or thesis statement to attract attention of a reader.

For example, as mankind create

You opened a paragraph with an example!!! this is wrong. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence.

When American troops released

many countries abandoned their plan of making nuclear weapon asresulting in their sawobservation of the history

The two last paragraphs can be considered as conclusions. I could not find out which one is a conclusion. You should, start a conclusion with a term like "in conclusion", to distinguish the final paragraph of an essay. In addition, in a conclusion, you should restate the topic or the first paragraph and then write an ending statement.

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 4, 2012
Writing Feedback / Should artists be given total freedom? [4]

The positive points of the essay were the use of strong words and complex sentences. Grammar was also good. I have some suggestions that u can find them below:

world-renowned artist

My view is that the government should draw the line at the freedom of expression for them.

You should briefly mention why you think like that.

each citizenindividuals/citizens in a society have the right to express their own opinions

statements or messages could be conveyed to viewersothers

Also artists are a parts of the society and, thus, they cannotnot be an exception

The idea in the second paragraph is good, but you should add some examples to make your idea more clear. For example, you can talk about the effects of artists and their works on the social behavior of people, especially young people. For another example, you can state that how movies can influence the social values and cultural norms of a society.

Considering such profound influences their ways of life exert on normal people

The topic is about the art works not the life styles of artists.

This may sound true to a certain extent; however, the truth is that in an effort to yield enormous profits for themselves there are, nowadays, a number of artists who are likely to abuse their sole prerogative to cross the line, producing sex-arousing imagines, bias-provoking novels or obscene movies in disguise of the artworks

This sentence is too long. Break it down to several parts.

In the third paragraph u also mentioned good ideas with good examples. However, I think you should delete the first two lines, because you just want to state that the freedom of artists through their works should be controlled. Thus, the last lines of the paragraph are enough to support this opinion.

In the type of "agree or disagree" you should support your opinion under three paragraphs. Of course, two paragraphs in the body is fine, but it is not perfect. Try to add the third paragraph in the body:)

Hope the comments help

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 4, 2012
Writing Feedback / Natural energy sources are limited, and cannot be replenished - alternative sources are important [2]

there is an alarming issue that nowadays governments, at present, are too reliant on gas, oil, coalfossil fuels.

The burning of these carbon-based fuels is causingleads to the emission of high-scale greenhouse gasesemissionsuch as carbon dioxide (stating an example can make the support stronger) which, in fact, is the main reason of global warming effects .

accidents in efforts of transporting these sources may lead to a serious environmental pollution to environment

Oil spill pollution in sea water has caused thousands of ...

While sun or wind isare clean and everlasting sources of energy and it doesthey do not not pollute the environment

Each paragraph should have a conclusion. Add an statement as a conclusion at the end of second paragraph in the body.

Although they are sold at affordable price at presents , thereprice is consistently climbing

The body should include at least three paragraphs.

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 4, 2012
Writing Feedback / TOEFL; House OR Business? I would purchase a house if I have money [2]

It is easy to spend it but makeing money is too difficult,
say what'swhich one is better,
we should exactly estimate ourthe possibilitiesyand various facets of the issue
there aren't risks of losinge money
then sell it out
if we purchase a business

but if we purchase business, we will have much more income

when I read this sentence, I though You are going to say that you prefer business rather than house. I think this part should be revised. For example you could say :"Although setting a business may provide more income, but I prefer to have a house rather than a business."

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 4, 2012
Writing Feedback / TOEFL(Physical exercise is more important for older people than for younger people) [4]

I think you should be more careful about the coherency of sentences. Make your supports stronger and just focus on what you state in the topic sentence of each paragraph. In some paragraphs you stated many different matters which confused me. Finally, try to support your opinion in three paragraphs. This essay has two paragraphs as the body
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 3, 2012
Writing Feedback / IELTS essay about CDs or DVDs in the libraries [6]

You should not copy the topic, but also you must restate it. The structure of an introduction for this type of the topic should be like what I wrote below:

1. Motivator/thesis statement: Write a sentence to attract the attention of a reader (this can be one of the following statements :"attractive question", "quotation", "description", "an attractive event or fact", etc

2. Reword the topic. In this way you can show that the essay is going to focus on what.
3. Give your own opinion (agree and disagree). You should briefly mention the reasons why you agree or disagree with the topic.

Good luck
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 3, 2012
Writing Feedback / IELTS essay about CDs or DVDs in the libraries [6]


I start with the introduction. In this part u could not convey the main idea of the topic and it is a little vague. U should say which type of debate has created among people and why? In addition this essay is an "agree or disagree" type not "advantages and disadvantages". U should apparently mention your own idea in the introduction (agree or disagree). So, the use of "pros and cons " in this essay is not suitable.

Personally,I totally disagree with this perspective.

stating agree or disagree in the body is not a good choice. You should state that in the introduction and then in the body support your opinion through at least three paragraphs.

In "agree or disagree" type u should choose one side (agree or disagree), do not do both, and try to support the opinion in three paragraphs

The third paragraph is too short and the supports are not adequate. Furthermore, in this paragraph you wrote some ideas that you previously mentioned in the second paragraph (do not repeat yourself)

advantages of providing CDs or DVDs in libraries outweigh the disadvantages obviously.

This sentence shows that u confused the topic with this one "Do you think the advantages of the statement outweigh the disadvantages?".

Be careful about the types of topics. I hope the comments be useful

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 2, 2012
Writing Feedback / Hat culture in Britain essay. [5]

Hi, If it is an article, putting some pictures is OK and it helps readers to become familiar with hats, but in an essay it is not common to insert the picture of somethings (in this case the pictures of the hats)
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 2, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'Exercising indoors or outdoors?' -TOEFL essay review [2]

The essay has only one paragraph at the body. A body should involve at least three paragraphs. I think you should improve the structure of the essay at the first step. The topic asks to discuss two viewpoints and compare them. So, the structure that I wrote below, can be an appropriate one for writing about such topic:

1) Introduction:Motivator+restate the topic+blueprint
2) Body (consists of three paragraphs: a) discuss the first viewpoint, b)discuss the second viewpoint, and c) compare the views and give your opinion. You should also mention that you agree with which one)

3) conclusion (Reword the first paragraph or the topic and then write an ending statement

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 2, 2012
Writing Feedback / Hat culture in Britain essay. [5]

There are interesting information in this essay. Thank u for this great information.

Not onlyBeside Royal hats and Bowler hat, there are also baker boy cap, top hats, boaters, deerstalkers and countless ladies creations which have been worn by Royal family and commoners alike through the centuries.

In conclusion, u can restate the topic at first and then write an ending statement. For instance: "In summary, one of the interesting features of the culture of England is various types of hat. Different factors have affected this aspect of British culture such as the attitude of Royal Family toward the issue, which could make the "Hat" as a symbol of the UK.

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 2, 2012
Writing Feedback / Computer is an electronic device made by the humans for the welfare of human being. [4]

There are several important points that you should consider. 1) Each paragraph has three main parts: "topic sentence", "body or supports" and conclusion. The paragraphs of this essay have no conclusion. 2) Use transitional words and phrases for connecting sentences. 3) Repetition is apparently observed in the essay, 4) Use stronger vocabulary and complex sentences. 5) Finally, there were some defects with regard to the structure of the essay that I mentioned them at the text below.
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 1, 2012
Writing Feedback / TOEFL Essay: machine made goods are cheaper and more durable than handmade ones [7]

This essay has only one paragraph at the body. If you write like this, you will lose mark. Try to support your opinion through three paragraphs. For example, you could expand your opinion about durability and appearance of items in two separate paragraphs

Finally, I believe that items which are made by machines have a long life than items made by hand plus these are cheaper and stronger. Mainly it saves our time and energy. So I would prefer to choose items made by machines.
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 1, 2012
Undergraduate / Study objectives (project management and business engineering) [4]

for thean effective and successful management of a business unit

from California State University San Bernardino.I could encounter an excellent academic experience thathas given me in addition to the finance coursework, which has given me a firm background of the fundamentals in management. (u can also use "managerial principals" instead the green term.

from different political and economical perspectives

The economy in my home country, Tunisia, after the revolution ishas facinged a constantly changing environment which has influencesed the behavior of business and it has also enablesed significant transformations

, thus the need tofor being able to quickly and accurately adapt quickly and accurately to the changingable political and economical regulations...
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
Jun 1, 2012
Writing Feedback / TOEFL Essay: Advantages and disadvantages of sports. [8]

My opinion about opening the first paragraph (introduction) with a question is in contrast to others. Each introduction should be started with a motivator . There are different types of motivators that a question is one of them . But, you should know that the question must be attractive, and in the most of the times it is too difficult to propound such question. If you think you are able to ask an alluring question at the beginning of the introduction, I recommend it to you.

What I stated above was a thing that I learned from my teacher, who was an native English-speaker, and my sister, who has got an MA degree in Applied Linguistic.

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
May 31, 2012
Writing Feedback / Eating home-made food is better than eating out in restaurants or food stands [3]

I think you should work on vocabulary. In addition, you should try to use complex sentences. All the sentences that u used were simple and too short, and you may lose mark because of that. Another significant point is that you should write an essay by passive sentences.

A lot of house wives work or participate theirin different social activities.
Depends on situation
...because of following reasons; it can make meits positive effects on the issues such as health states and economic conditions of individuals.healthier and I can save my money and time.

I prefer to eat home because ofI believe it can make my life healthiermy healthy life
In writing try to use passive sentences and reduce the use of "I" in the essay. For example u can change the sentence "If I eat dinner out, I cannot control my calories" to this one :"Eating dinner at a restaurant may increase the level of calorie in the body". In addition, the use of term "my calories" is wrong.

too much amount of food bettermore than I can eat
However, if I go to the restaurant, I can not(the structure of this sentence is not suitable. you can write:"at restaurants I have not such chance to do that")

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
May 31, 2012
Writing Feedback / Writing report about "Convenient Computers" - feedback [3]

There is no relationship between the first sentence of the introduction and what you wrote in the other parts. I think you should change it to make the sentences more coherent. You should mark the key words of the topic. The topic is not about computers and children. In the first paragraph you should prepare the mind of a reader about the main idea of the topic.

U used the word "convenient" several times. try to use synonyms
computers are used whenfor shopping
People who go to thea shop
...to purchase a stuffproduct (stuff is not formal) .
People pay by cash fromviathe ATM or credit cards which are read by the computers in the stores
(You wrote about ATM in the second paragraph. So, it is not appropriate to restate this issue in the third one. You should discuss another aspect of the issue in the third part of the essay.)

They can see and choose goodsOo nline can view , select and then pay for productsthemby the Internetonline without the needing to go to aattend stores .

At the third paragraph you are talking about what u have previously explained. In fact, all three paragraphs are conveying the same message. Use various reasons and try to consider different facets of the topic.

At the conclusion you should reword the topic, before stating an ending statement.

Hope this helps
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
May 31, 2012
Writing Feedback / Gandhi - About a World Leader [5]

(We should know the whole parts of the topic to find out its type. I stated this because, as u know, the structure of an essay can be varied from one type to another one)

I think your essay is really good, but the main problem is that you repeated some words and terms for several times.

In conclusion it would be right to say that Gandhi was a true world leader. With his principles and beliefs he has was able to inspire millions and give freedom to Indiaianfrom the British rule .

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
May 30, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'important to make large amount to money' - essay [3]

I just focused on the introduction and I have some suggestions. I hope the comments be useful

Even though some people might be satisfied with the amount of money required for a living, I feel that it is important to make large amounts of money(use synonym. you previously used this term) (why do you think it is important??)(When you use the term "even though", the first sentence must be in variance with the second one. But in the first sentence of the introduction both parts of the statement are similar. Correct this!!) . Nowadays importance of money has increased due to the soaring prices which gives an impression an impression aboutimpacts the people's lives in the future (I think you should move this sentences at the beginning of the introduction. Because this sentence is talking about some general issues. In addition, you should mention your opinion in the last part of the introduction) .

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
May 30, 2012
Writing Feedback / Crime news should not be reported in newspapers or tv [7]


Hey guys, what's wrong with you. We are here to help each other, not to show who is better. I think we must be criticizable. Elena you should also consider that contributors are not expert and the title of "contributor" must not make you proud. Mr/Ms Saidakhror you must be more polite toward a person who tried to help you.

We should learn respect others' opinions

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
May 28, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'Science deserves more attention' - IELTS Task2 [4]

I think you should improve your information about an appropriate structure of a paragraph and you should organize your essay in a better way. In the type of "agree and disagree" essay, it would be better to be in agreement with the topic or on the opposite side. Do not choose both (agree and disagree) becasue you are not going to compare two things. In face you are going to support your opinion in three paragraphs.

You should be careful about grammar, especially parts of speech.

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
May 26, 2012
Writing Feedback / The loss of many traditional values and customs due to the working hard of modern men [3]


your essay looks good, but I have some suggestions about the introduction and conclusion.

In pursuit of material comforts, modern man strives to achieve better financial status. This may be, sometime at the cost of traditional values and customs. This essay will consider this issue.(At the last part of the introduction you must apparently state that you agree or disagree with the topic and why)

To conclude, (At the first part of a conclusion you should restate the introduction or topic and then write an ending statement) Personally I believe that in order to satisfy the quest for material prosperity, individuals have to compromise their time which leading to the loss of traditional values and customs.


ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
May 26, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'traditions of predecessors and society' - IELTS TASK 2 [3]

This essay consists of 219 words which is lower than the limit considered for IELTS writing Task 2 (at least 250 words). This fact can drastically decrease the score.

I think u should improve the structure of the essay. This is an "agree or disagree" type. The structure of this type should be like what I have stated below:

Introduction: (Motivator+restate the topic and at the last part you should say you agree or disagree with the topic. You should choose one, either agree or disagree, do not explain both because your are not going to compare two things (If you agree with the statement you should support this opinion in three paragraphs in the body and the same structure is also true if you disagree with the topic)

Body (it should include three separate paragraphs. At each one you must support a part of your opinion (agree or disagree)
Conclusion: (Restate the introduction or topic and then write an ending statement (clincher))

ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
May 23, 2012
Writing Feedback / [IELTS task 2 essay] Should we first explore our own countries? Discuss? [6]

Hi, If you write in this way you would get the band score of 5 in writing. You should write in a way by which a reader be able to follow the topic in your essay.

Should we first explore our own countries---> I answer it in the conclusion: I take my own stance that foreign travel should take a back seat

You answered one of the main parts of the topic just in one line and in the conclusion. This is really strange. If you want to be successful in the IELTS test you should change your style in writing.

Any way this is your decision, you can continue this way.
Good luck
ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
May 23, 2012
Writing Feedback / [IELTS task 2 essay] Should we first explore our own countries? Discuss? [6]

I reviewed you essay, and I found out that the structure of the essay is not suitable
In the introduction you did not mention what the first part of the topic asked. as a part of the introduction you should reword the topic and you should cover all parts of it.

This topic is a "multiple question" type. the structure of an essay for this type should be like what I wrote below:

1. Introduction (Motivator+reworded topic+ blueprint)
2. Answer to the first question (in this case you should state what we can learn through traveling in general. e.g. Learning about various cultures (a way for overcoming ethnocentrism), the main souvenirs of a place, learning about the diversification of accents and dialects of a country, and the like

3, Answer to the second question (the topic asked "should we explore our countries at first?. You must decide that you agree or disagree with this statement. If you agree, you should write that people should first travel to the different parts of their countries, and then support what you claim by several reasons and examples.if you think this is not a good thing, you should say that "Some say people should travel to the different parts of their countries. However, it can have some negative aspects which make it inappropriate idea." then explain about the negative points and support them.

4. conclusion (restate the first paragraph, give your own idea (you can also give your idea as a separate paragraph in the body) , And at the final part of the conclusion writ an ending statement called clincher)

Be careful about the organization of your essays. The use of an appropriate structure for an essay is even more important than vocabulary and grammar.

I hop this helps


ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
May 22, 2012
Writing Feedback / IELTS ESSAY1 : a complaining letter about broken equipment you bought [3]

she will call the store manager and they shouldwill(the structures of the sentences must be the same before and after the word "and") follow your problem

AsSince the machine is still under warranty, Iitam entitlesdme to ask for replacing and repairing the machineit to be replaced or repaired,.I have diceded that i would like a replacement of the washing machine,(I have made my decision to replace the washing machine with a new one).

in addition I would like you to phone me personaly when you recieve this letter,(In a letter u should be more courteous and you should not show that you are too angry. As a result, I think the sentence would be changed with this one:" I was wandering if you would consider this problem and I would be appreciated if you call me in this concern as soon as you can."

I am looking forward to forward tohearing your prompt response.
Moreover, you should be more careful about punctuation. You had several mistakes with regard to punctuation which had made the sentences hard to understand


ah_zafari  [Contributor]  
May 20, 2012
Writing Feedback / Cell phones, make life easier or make human depend on it? [4]

Hi , I have some suggestions that you can find them below:
1. I think you should work on vocabulary. The words that u used in the essay are a little simple, try to use stronger words.
2. You did not argue the topic!!. The topic was about the long hours that people spending on texting rather than communicating face to face. But, what you wrote was about advantages and disadvantage of cell phone. You, even did not focus on advantages and disadvantages of texting. You could mention these ideas:a) use of texting instead face to face interaction may have negative effects on people's relationships, b) some time it may change into an addiction and a permanent habit which negatively impact many aspects of life, ranging from productivity of employees and social isolation. c) This habit also cause people cannot interact with elderly people who do not know how to use this technology.

3. This topic is "agree and disagree". In this type you should give your opinion and explain your ideas through at least three paragraphs.

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