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Posts by justivy03
Name: Ivy Maye Favor
Joined: Apr 8, 2015
Last Post: Dec 2, 2016
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Posts: 2279  
From: Singapore
School: PATTS College of Aeronautics

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Dec 5, 2015
Undergraduate / Students have a background, talent or passion that they feel they must write about. [4]

Hui, I read through your essay, it's very creative and true to the purpose of the prompt,
however, I suggest that you compress the paragraphs and keep it to at least 2 if you can.
When compressing, make sure that you don't delete anything that is relevant to the essay.

Overall, I must say that you have a detailed essay, it's also written to answer the prompt
properly and have the relevant information to create a good flow of the essay.

That's it for me, there not much to criticize, you have grown to love the English language and it
shows on your writing, I wish you the best of luck and do let us know what comes out of your application.
Dec 5, 2015
Undergraduate / Students identify Lafayette as an excellent fit for countless reasons. Why Lafayette? (20-200 words) [3]

Ornela, as this essay is very critical and specific to what they're looking, which I guess is true to all prompts, I will try

to help out as much as I can.

First, to simplify things, what the panel of admission is the influence, the drive and the dedication you have in
choosing Lafayette.

- I find it importantcrucial for students to feel a sense of belonging,
- and view college as a second home, yet, at the same time
- have the ability to get out of yourthe comfort zone and be independent.
- AtThe Lafayette the programs,
- Lafayette's small( never mention a quantitative value specially if it's small) student
- I could( be optimistic when talking about your future with Lafayette ) see myself
- attending The Rivalry and fully supporting and cheering onfor the football team.
- Lafayette's beautifulconducive campus facilities and resources
- canwill ensure that I will enjoy my experience
- will grant me a degree and beand graduate as a strong and independent young woman.

There you have it Ornela, I hope my remarks helped.
Dec 5, 2015
Undergraduate / Being the first chair saxophone player in our marching band - Apply Texas Topic C [2]

Emma, as I read through your essay, I must say that you did well on the first few paragraphs,
so let me help you out on the remaining part of the essay in order to keep the strength of the idea running.

- WhenAs I entered high school, everything had changed.
- The old shy me was replaced byis now an outstanding leader
- but also our schoolinstitution .

- Looking back at my 6 and a half years of band( we have already established the timeline so the time frame is not necessary) I can see a

- Although I am still not done withIt's my last year of band,
- I know that what is to come will only help me more. B,b ecause of the
- band I now know that Ilearned that when I pursue my career
- in the future I will try to become anI will be an even greater leader.
- I will not give up when things get tough and will fight to finish. I will set an example
- for everyone and show them that if I can do it so can they.

There you have it Emma, I hope my remarks helped!
Dec 5, 2015
Graduate / SOP for MS in Petroleum Engineering: Fall'16: US universities [6]

Ankit, as you are doing your revision now, I'd like to remind you that
when you do delete or try to shrink your paragraphs, make sure that you keep
the necessary information and leave out the ones that are not necessary.

Also, try to change the words that you choose to incorporate in your essay, make sure that they're
strong enough to support your essay and strengthen for the panel.
Don't push on cutting down your essay if it will affect the essay's content and the message
that you want to convey.

I hope my remarks helped and I hope to see your revised essay very soon.
Dec 5, 2015
Essays / The feminist literary criticism - need help with my introduction. [3]

Jonathan, to be honest, I'm surprise that you choose this topic for your essay,
this topic is quiet complex, interesting and very broad, however, very good topic to
write about.

Here' what I have for your essay.

- address women as Female and not Females

- Throughout history, Females have always
- been striving for equality with Males .

- The word that is supposed to represent gender equality derived from the word feminine, ironic is it not?
- Gender equality includes both male and female.( this part of the introduction does not flow properly, add a few more insights on this part and continue on the summary of the essay and it's purpose )

There you have it Jonathan, I hope my remarks helped.
Dec 5, 2015
Undergraduate / Share experiences that have shaped you and provide insight as to who you want to be in the future. [4]

Pallak, I'm still not sold with the way how the essay is presented, I'm not sure if this is just how you post it here on EF

but I would put a space in between the paragraphs, this will serve as a breather to your reader and will give them time
to grasp the essay and further comprehend in order to lead them to the message of the incoming paragraph.

Furthermore, below are a few revisions;

- Next, I organized another
- This exposure gave me and idea of how I
- contribute towards the upliftment of the society by creatingalleviate the creation of job opportunities
- to the differently-able people as wellwith special needs .

- Outside of school, I have been involved in many volunteer/service activities.

- My home country, India( don't forget your punctuation marks ) is the

- The lessons I learned in India, and perhaps most importantly the values I acquired growing up here , are the most valuable qualities I'll bring to Rutgers.

There you have it Pallak, I hope my additional remarks helped!
Dec 5, 2015
Undergraduate / "Diversity is the key to change" - Columbia Supplement [4]

Well Kennedy, structure wise, the essay is fine due to the fact that this type of prompt does not really need anything else
other than the answer to the prompt itself. Columbia put it the simplest way possible, they want to know your drive, your influence
in choosing the institution to be your home and you did just that so I believe it's a well written essay.

Grammar notes, I made in my first remarks already, however, I suggest that you do the practice that I do,
when coming up with a sentence, read it aloud and when it sounds off, that means there's something wrong with it.
This practice is proven effective to keep you from writing a grammatically wrong sentence. The incorporation of your
sentences are good and they answer the prompt direct to the point.

I must say with the remarks I made, I hope you will be able to come up
with a good and ready for submission essay.

Best of luck.
Dec 5, 2015
Undergraduate / "Ok let's go!" - Yale essay: reflect on personal interests, experience [5]

Jasmine, let's make your last paragraph stronger, kindly find my remarks below.

Final paragraph
- Long boarding ( write it in 2 words) has increaseddeveloped my confidence,
- made me happy, and leddrive me into new exotic places.
- Thus I hope to continue this in college and share this joy with other people.,
- After a long week of classes, a couple of us could go skating and exploringexplore the City of New Haven, we - We can teach each others tricks, bonding over our love for skating and our love for Yale.

There you have it Jasmine, I hope the modifications done in the last paragraph, helped!
Dec 5, 2015
Undergraduate / 'a jigsaw puzzle' - Common Application - first question choice [3]

dBres, to address your first dilemma on the title of your essay, I believe " A Jigsaw Puzzle " as a title is good, it creates an illusion and trickery of the essay, this usually draws attention from the readers more so from the panel.

Now, as I always tell students here on EF, segmented paragraphs or keeping your paragraphs short but many, does not merit anything rather
than keeping your essay look trying so hard, it also does not leave a good impression to the panel who will scrutinize your essay, so I suggest you

merge the paragraphs and keep it to the minimum of 3 paragraphs if you can.

Once you write your revision, please make sure that you don't delete the necessary paragraphs that strengthens the essay.

I'd like to help you out on the last 2 paragraphs of your essay.

3rd paragraph
- Until only recently, my friends would roll
- projects, homework, exams, and curiositiescuriousness .
- "Don't be boorishboring .

Last paragraph
- amI'm aware
- that there are other strangely looking pieces that atake part incomprises the puzzle.
- But nowHowever, I'm just getting too sentimental and blah so I'll end with this somewhat unrelatedso I leave you with this quote

- said byfrom the energetic, awkward and optimistic Princess Anna of Arendelle: "Do you want to build a snowman?"

Well, there you have it dBres, I believe your essay is quiet fascinating and it will take a good load of creative juices to comprehend and be able to uncover where you're coming from.
Dec 5, 2015
Research Papers / If there's a will, is there a way? Obesity essay [3]

Jaime, after reading through your paper, I can say that it is written well, here's a detailed analysis of your work.

- that research is good , you were able to gather facts that will guarantee a good back up
and justification on the generated figures and analysis

- the way you formatted the paper is also good, it made the essay look and presented well,
it's like a content of a much more complex scientific study

- the works cited is also well written as you written the citation in this format, ( sentences...( work citation )...sentence)
the whole paper makes more sense but of course you still have to create the citation list at the end of the essay, which is exactly what you did.

Overall, the research is done well, it has all the elements of a research paper, if you can just keep percentage into figures, this will make more

presentation effect on your paper.

I hope my remarks helped.
Dec 3, 2015
Graduate / SOP for MS in Petroleum Engineering: Fall'16: US universities [6]

Ankit, I may not be an expert in Petroleum Eng. but here's what I think of your essay and the answers to your questions.

Does it look too long?
Yes, it is too long but this doesn't mean that you omit the necessary information
of your essay, if you do a revision, proof read your essay and see which of the information should be included
in your essay, remember, paragraphs and sentences that influenced you to conquer this field are the most essential part of the essay.

should I skip some information?
Yes, skip the information that does not depict or convey your agenda towards the course

I have tried to explain about my bad grades, does it look negative?
This area where you talked about your grades, is not necessary but this does not mean that you can
delete them altogether, what you can do is, revise them and talk about your bad grades in a general perspective.

I have explained about my passion to go into managerial roles in the industry - does it sound negative that i am not going for research or technical role?

Ankit, regardless of what role you want to take on after your masters, it does not matter at all, the only that matter is that you have a

firm purpose of why you're taking on the Masters study and this is definite.

I have mentioned a no. of professors, should I decrease the names?
Citing your professors in the essay is fine, this just goes to show that you have them as your role model, someone that you look into and someone that can verify your capacity if needed.

Overall, I believe your essay is not that strong but it's not weak either, you just have to change a few segments of a few paragraphs and some sentences that are not necessary should be deleted too.

I hope my remarks helped.
Dec 3, 2015
Undergraduate / Share experiences that have shaped you and provide insight as to who you want to be in the future. [4]

Pallack, rest assured your essay answers what the prompt is asking you to do.

However, I have one question, is this how you want to present your prompt, because I found quiet a
lot of modifications that can be done to add strength to your essay.

- the segmented paragraphs will not help your essay at all, it just makes your essay look so crowded
and messy, I suggest merging the paragraphs into full ones and keep it to a maximum of 4 paragraphs,
this way you will maintain the professional presentation of your essay.

- the sentence structure can be enhanced by creating that flow of story that you want your readers to understand.

- more importantly, omit unnecessary information and details that does not really compensate the length of the essay.

I hope my remarks helped.
Dec 3, 2015
Undergraduate / "Ok let's go!" - Yale essay: reflect on personal interests, experience [5]

Jasmine, after reading your essay, I believe it's written to the point that everybody would understand what
you exactly mean.

As much as the essay is written to respond to the prompt and the purpose of your essay,
I see at as a pre mature writing piece right now, it needs a little revision on the side of your
choice of words, the strength of your essay is not as much as it could be in order to make it
to the admissions.

Now, what I suggest that you do is, change a few words that are not so strong, words such as "I'm trying", change them to,

" I made sure " or " I surpassed quiet strong", this words does not only indicate a stronger you,
it also boost the quality of your essay.

I believe you can do better, re - write and post it back here on EF so we can assist you further.
Dec 3, 2015
Undergraduate / The Fashion business has always been in my plans. Advertising and Marketing Communications - FIT [2]

Elena, I remember there were a few students rooting for FIT and I believe they did well in this field too.
I suggest you do a little research and do a healthy comparison on your essays, this way you will be able to have
insights on what your essay should contain, I know the content of the essay is given in the prompt but it will still
help to see others work.

I'd like to work on your introduction.

There you have it Elena, my conclusion towards your essay it that, your choice of words is quiet weak, try to change the words you have in your sentences.

Choose the words that will strongly send the message that you want to send to the panel of FIT, make sure that you justify what is asked of the prompt and you will see the difference, it will make you more confident in submitting your essay.

Best of luck to you.
Dec 3, 2015
Scholarship / Everyone has faced some sort of obstacle in his life. Texas State essay topic B [3]

Gabriella, first impression on your essay, it's quiet short.

However, short doesn't mean that the essay does not merit your admission for transfer, now, let me help you out.

- I believe everyone has faced some sort of obstacle in life regardless of how young you areof age .
- Luckyly I have been very fortunate
- small the obstacle is an obstacle is an obstacle.( be careful with your typo.

- Many timesMost of the time I felt that I had pushed
- I practice as if I was running a meetmarathon ( I know that we call it "meet" in the track world but not all the readers will know this )

- any injuries and better,yet not only did
- I make it to the district but I made it passed district becoming a regional qualifier.

- Obstacle can equate to motivation once they are conquered,
- commitment and dedication are essentials .
- As aI strive to do my best academically
- I will always recall on this obstaclelook back and
- remember not to never give up and always work hard for what I want!

There you have it Gabriella, I hope I was able to help.
Dec 3, 2015
Undergraduate / "Diversity is the key to change" - Columbia Supplement [4]

Kennedy, I'd like to share my views on your essay.

- but merelythis is because I'm fascinated by people.
- So, being located in bustlingHaving lived in New York City provides
- whom help me to expand my
-The dynamics of Columbia's classes
- I'm driven to the higher-level education
- at Columbia for more than just prestige.
- It is because bB eing a part of a marginalized ethnicity
- It is because eE ducation is the instrument of social change
- , and everything in me wants to guide that changeand I want to be a part of this change .

I hope the remarks I made helped.
Dec 3, 2015
Undergraduate / Advocacy for LGBTQ Individuals in the East - Common App "Why Transfer" [4]

Fazeel, I don't know what happened but most of the essays I read so far today is absolutely capable
for submission but the conclusion is the one that is not so strong or not helping the essay at all.
I think what happens is that, your doing so good in the body and the overall essay but not with ending
the essay, it's like you want to add more but it's conclusion already and you're confused on how to do it.

Having said that, here's what I suggest for your conclusion.

- Besides lacking my intended major, I have no other complaints about Drexel.( this is not necessary )
- I have been able to smoothly transition smoothly into college life,
- and I have been met with enthusiastic professors willing
- to helpassist me at a moment's call,
- At Drexel, I amwas involved in the African Student Association,
- Muslim Student Association, and Pakistani Student Association,and several other association and
- am in the midstprocess of starting a Middle Eastern and Arabic club.
- At my new school,With your institution, I hope to be just as involved as I am at Drexel, plus some more;
- Finally, at my new school,More importantly, I hope to be intellectually
- challenged and surrounded by fellow students who inspire me to work harder everyday.

There you have it Fazeel, the confusing part of your conclusion is the fact that you still associate the previous institution to the target one, at this point of the essay

you should be able to establish the eagerness to be as successful as you are from the previous one.

I hope my remarks helped.
Dec 3, 2015
Graduate / SOP PhD Interdisciplinary biosciences. Methods to answer fundamental questions on how organisms work [12]

Athanasios, as I proof read your essay, I see that it fits well with the purpose of your essay.
You're gunning for interdisciplinary bioscience and I believe the essay showcase how passionate
you are in this course and to your future career in this field, though you have a different background,
you are still able to pull it through in very professional manner without turning your back on engineering.

Now, since you are having doubts on your conclusion, let me help you out.

- I am excited to live in an era thatleaning forward to technological advances
- offerand the opportunity to study animals in such depth.
- As a DPhil student in bioscience with background in engineering, I will aim to provide a fresh approach
- and applyapplication to interdisciplinary methods to answer fundamental questions on how organisms workin this field .

There you have it, I believe with the corrections above, your conclusion is more established now and ready to complete the entire essay for submission.

I hope my remarks helped.
Dec 3, 2015
Graduate / The Sun Club for students at my undergraduate institute formed with support from Sun Microsystems. [2]

Saha, as I finish proof reading your essay, I conclude that it's written quiet well,
you did what is asked of the prompt and made sure that it is in full details.

However, as much as I like the fact that you went all the way and wrote all the
information and the details of your extra ordinary curricular activity, I believe there
are some details that should not be included in the essay. Some information
that would rather be deleted, information like the "only satisfactory " outcome on
what of your activities, this can be kept. You can still put this detail rather in a more general
way like, " This activities fuels our passion to conduct more seminars and share our expertise in order
to hone young talents", something like this.

Also, I suggest that you merge some of the small paragraphs into big or full paragraphs, segmented
paragraphs like you did here is just too crowded to be presented.

I hope to read your revised essay soon.
Dec 3, 2015
Undergraduate / How are you and St. Olaf a good fit for each other? (100 words) [3]

HI Roshan, I'd like to share my views on your supplement essay.

- would helpwill assist me to reach my destination.
- The discursive and argumentative platform thatof St. Olaf
- possesses would provide me
- that St. Olafthe institution provides wouldwill aid me
- I wantA world class education in a diverse campus community
- and I believeof St. Olaf will
- helphone me to develop skills and
- abilities that I can take with me forever and thusassociate in my contribution to greater welfarefor the mankind .

There you have it Roshan, I changed a few words in your essay, this is the key to convey a strong appeal on this type

of essay, it's short, simple, precise and straight to the point. This suggestion will possibly boost the essay and take it to the next level.

I wish you good luck and do let is know what happens, we'd love to hear from you.
Dec 3, 2015
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2: Consuming so much junk food is one of complex problems in health for citizens [2]

Hi Akbar, I'd like to share my thoughts on your essay.

-Consuming so much junk food is one of complex problems in health
- for citizens and make a growth ofresults to a number of the citizens who have
- the junk food related health issues assince majority of consumers
- is richare affluent people so thatthe rising the levy does not influence them to consume it.

Akbar, I stop my corrections from here so that you will follow through, I understand that this may not be your first essay,
there's a lot more writing strokes that you have to learn and it's fine, writing is not as easy as it looks.

I suggest that you focus on the word choice, sentence construction and making sure that your idea transpires in your writing.
That being said, practice writing more, read a lot and do a little digging for essay samples and other articles, this practice helps a lot

in order for you to come up with a well written essay.
Dec 2, 2015
Graduate / Applying to the master's program in Public Administration - personal statement for MPA [6]

Nurul, I can see that you have garnered some corrections here for your essay, what I can add are the following;

Your essay's purpose is to write a personal statement which you did just right, however, I would like to add that as much as we

want to put all the personal information and challenges that we have overcome, you also need to bear in mind that part
of the purpose of the essay to showcase your academic background on the essay.

You should be able to strengthen the academic and career goals of the essay as well as boost
your potential in your chosen field, remember that what comes out of this application will be your ticket to
get admission in MPA in order to study and learn the strokes of your chosen field and career development.

I hope to see the revised essay with more conviction and detail on your academic side.
Dec 2, 2015
Undergraduate / Not all hardships in life come with warning signs. Common App Essay - Overcoming a hardship [2]

Brooke, as I finish reading your essay, I believe it's written quiet well.
You have answered the prompt properly and made sure that as much personal as you can get
in writing the prompt, you also made sure that you include information on academics and
scholastic achievements as well as realizations.

What minor detail I'd like you to pay attention to is the presentation of your essay, make sure
that the paragraphs don't look to crowded as this will mean that you are just covering for the length
of the essay, which is not bad, however, it would be best if you can merge a few of the segmented paragraphs and
turn it into a minimum of 4 paragraphs in order to streamline focus and not to have your essay all over the place.

There's not much revision to be made, I just hope you write more and we will be here to assist you.
Dec 2, 2015
Graduate / Machine Learning (ML). Statement of Purpose for Computer Science Doctoral Program | CS Ph.D. [5]

Lucas, for the length of the essay and looking at how you will be able to shrink or the manageable
paragraph for your essay will be a minimum of 4 paragraphs.
Make sure that when you delete the unnecessary sentences, they are the sentences that will
not affect the content of your SoP, because sometimes, you want to come up with a nicely presented
essay and you forgot the idea or the sentences does not really answer the prompt anymore, so be very careful.

Keep your paragraphs, strong and bold, let the sentences convey the message that you want to send and you want
your readers to comprehend properly so make sure that your choice of words are also
strong enough for the prompt.

I wish to read your essay here on EF very soon.
Dec 2, 2015
Scholarship / 'Great enthusiasm' - letter of motivation for Erasmus Mandus Marhba Scholarship Master Program [3]

Noman, first things firt, the presentation of your essay needs to be fixed.
Merge the small paragraphs and make at least a minimum of 4 or three if you can,
segmented paragraphs in your essay will not help in bringing up or giving a strong image of your essay.

Now, the word choice you have can still be enhanced, your words are somehow weak and does not really
convey a strong personality, when you work on your words, check the structure of your sentences as well,
make sure that you have a smooth flow of ideas and logical order of the progress of the essay.

Next, focus on the final paragraph of your essay and I suggest to do the following modification.

- As I understand, thisI believe the program is very competitive,
- attracting highly motivated students, but I am convinced that my goodand with my record at the
- University,and determination to succeed givewill provide me a strong recommendation
- for a place at it.in the institution.
- Therefore, I would be honored if you decide to accept my candidateship forto be a part of the Master studies program .
- In the same time I am aware of possible challenges and high investments of effort I will have to place in order to successfully complete this courses.( this sentence is not necessary )

There you have it Noman, I hope my remarks helped.
Dec 1, 2015
Undergraduate / FAMILY HISTORY ESSAY - very wise and ambitious grandmother [3]

Sasha, I'd like to share my thoughts on your essay.

- However,I share the same love my grandmother
- isshe's special to me because she

- My grandmother is aware of this

- Because ofWith her infinite determination,

- especially inwith regards to pursuing my dreams.
- Therefore, I am so grateful to have a figure like her in my life,

There you have is Sasha, a few corrections for your essay, overall, it's written well, just a few remarks and your revised one should

have that content that the prompt is asking you to write about, mind your linking verbs when you do your revision.
Dec 1, 2015
Undergraduate / 'the smell of arroz con pollo and freshly made lumpia' - Different Experiences Essay [3]

Calvin, as I finish proof reading your essay, I conclude that it's quiet premature to submit your essay at this point.

I have a few guidelines for you in order to revise your essay and make it strong.

- although the essay ask to differentiate the background that you've known to the world where you are now,
please omit unnecessary details
- go straight to the point and make sure you answer the prompt properly
- structure your sentences in a way that the reader can follow the story and will comprehend on the message
that you're sending out, kind of like a story you tell a kid but with a higher professional level

I don't mean that you write a totally new essay, just revise your essay in a way that it will not look like it's done by a high school student,

step it up a level higher and more to the professional side.

I hope to read your revised essay soon here on EF so we can assist you further.
Dec 1, 2015
Undergraduate / UT Essay Topic C: Coloring in my Character [6]

That's good to hear that we were able to help, so Alisha, below are my remarks for the conclusive part of the essay.

- drawing to digitally painting,
- my skillsgrew alongside meimproved with time .
- Because of my experience( we have already established that you are an artist)
- A s an artist,
- I saw the importance of that 110%,( I'm quiet puzzled here, importance of what? )
- I'm lessNow, I'm not afraid to engage in a new environment,
- and I understand the intricacy of a specific subject. Ll ike how I continue to prosper, so will my skills.
- As long as I adhere to mythese principalsprinciples and continue on my path,
- I'll become an exemplary individual who understands plight and difficulty, no matter whatregardless of the field I embark.

There you have it Alisha, this part of your essay is indeed confusing and as you can see, there's a lot of work to be done.

One thing with you is that, you have an idea on what to write, you just don't know how to incorporate these ideas into your

paragraphs and make it a strong essay.

I hope my remarks helped.
Dec 1, 2015
Undergraduate / UT Essay Topic C: Coloring in my Character [6]

Alisha, I'd like to share my thoughts in your essay.
I will work on the parts that you are having quiet a doubt with.

- During( you can't say during your entire career because we are talking about the entirety of your academic years )
- M y entire academic career,
- from the playfulness of elementary school to the rigorousness of high school,
- MoldedHoned by multiple outside factors and experiences,
- mythis growth led me to becoming the capable person I am today.
-As I continued through my lifemoved on ,
-CoincidingWith my physical growth was mycomes an increasingly
- carnivorousmomentous craving for that pencil to and paper interaction.
- Drawing enveloped me;engulfed me and I learned valuable lessons,

I believe the corrections above made a difference in your introduction, what I did was re - structure the sentences and put together
a set of strong words that created an impact in this part of the essay.

I'll get back to you for the conclusion.
Dec 1, 2015
Scholarship / 'I developed a slight tendency towards project management.' Mundus Scholarship letter [9]

Qamar, I'd like to step in and share my thoughts on the part of the essay where we are having a little bit of doubt.

- I was first exposed to the concepts of project management in the Undergraduate courses of Business Administration.
-I developed a keen interest in Project management becausethis field as it clearly
- defines a project's deliverable nature and evaluates
- risks involved in a given timeline.
- I t divides a given project into the phases
- The concepts of time management, change management, risk management and quality management
- furthered my interest in the subject,because they helped me to evaluate risks involvedenhance my evaluation skills ,
- check quality assurance and overcome
- the hurdles in the completion of the project in a timelinetimely manner .

There you have it Qamar, you can see the difference it makes when you choose the right words and put them together in a sentence.

I hope my remarks helped.
Dec 1, 2015
Graduate / Machine Learning (ML). Statement of Purpose for Computer Science Doctoral Program | CS Ph.D. [5]

Lucas, the length of you SoP is quiet far from what an SoP should be, that's one thing I noticed in your essay.

Next, as a statement of purpose, the idea is too much for what is asked for you to write.
A statement of purpose, however in detail, should have a focus on what you learned about the
study of the influence that draw you to choose what program or course you want to take in your
chosen institution.

I suggest that you re-write your essay to some degree of deleting a few information, I believe you can omit
the part of the internship and do a general background of work that you did prior to choosing a career or a
professional goal.

I hope to read your revised essay very soon.
Dec 1, 2015
Graduate / The task is to draw upon experiences which have occurred in the past three years. MIT Sloan essay [2]

Shiyun, after proof reading your essay, I believe this is going to be a long stretch for MIT.
Don't get me wrong, your essay have the making of a good one, I just need you to tweak
your words a little bit, strengthen them by using big bold words but make sure that it is easy to comprehend,
you don't really want your essay to be that creative for it not to be understood.

Now of all the paragraphs that I had gone through, I see the final paragraph to be easily fixed by the following modification.

- My current education may beis enough for me to realize my short term goal in China.
- ButHowever in order to realize my dream of becoming an economist,
- The rigorous curriculum of your program and an outstandingthe conducive learning atmosphere
- Therefore, I am longing to join your esteemed program, whereShould my admission to the program be possible,
- I can absorb the knowledge I will quickly acquire and utilize
- will be dedicated to my strength to build up a strong network.

There you have it Shiyun, I hope my corrections help.
I wish you the best of luck and let us know how it went, we'd love to hear from you.
Dec 1, 2015
Undergraduate / Motivation letter for bsc Economics. Can someone check it if its good or not? [4]

Gzsofi, as I proofread your essay, here's my remarks.

- the essay is quiet weak, very premature for submission but it's fine, as you said, you're still working on it
- you lack the choice of words that will give the essay a conviction to convey the message and the application as a whole
- when addressing sir or madaam, write it this way, Dear Sir / Ma'am,
- you have the idea on what to write in your application, however, you structured the ideas that are
jumping all over the place, make sure that when you re- write your essay, keep in mind to have a smooth flow or transition of your essay.

On the other hand, the good thing about your essay is, as mentioned, you have the idea, the foundation of your essay is there.
One thing that you have to consider before revision is this, make a guideline on what to write first, second and next...this way you will create

a good flow of your essay and somehow the logic will be established.

Finally, for your last 2 sentences, I modified it to this;

- I believeShould I be admitted to the undergraduate program, my language competency,
curious personality will provide a good base for my future academic and professional improvement. Therefore, I am motivated to pursue my ambitions by getting an undergraduateand eventually earn a degree in Economics.

Thank you for considering my application. and for your time

That's it for me Gzsofi, I hope my remarks helped!
Dec 1, 2015
Undergraduate / Building a bridge from my visions to my reality - Claremont McKenna Short Essay Question [3]

Dustin, I'd like to share my thoughts on your essay.
As much as you want to write in further detail, the first challenge here is the word count restriction,
200 words is definitely not enough to showcase your influence and the inspiration behind your application.
However, the best way to approach such essay with a very definite number of words, will be to write
in direct and straight forward manner.
You have to be able to incorporate your thoughts and answer the prompt properly and yes, it will help boost your
essay if you have a good strong choice of words that will convey your goal in submitting this application.

So, here's what I suggest;

- That burning desire tothat fueled my passion was so deeply rooted in me. Enteringto conquer the business field and following my dreams was what I so desperately wanted to do.

- My visions ofI envision my future as a successful entrepreneur.
- needed a bridge to connect it to what was on the other side: my reality.( this phrase is unnecessary )
- With my unchanging plansArmed with unwavering desire to major in Business,
- I have fallen in lovewill work hand in hand with Claremont McKenna.
- and The Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, especially, quickly drew me
- in, with their ability to helpassist me achieve my dream:( this punctuation mark is unnecessary)
- beginningto start my own business.
- The immense collection of knowledge that I'd be able to gainwill acquire from
- the business field is what I hopewill work for.
- ByB eing able to provide me with
- is somethingthe Institution that I'd like to be a part of in order to fuel my burning passion for the world of business, more specificallyand entrepreneurship.

There you have it Dustin, I took the liberty to modify, delete unnecessary words and characters in you essay in order to maximize you word count with the needed words that will strengthen your essay.

I hope I was able to help.
Dec 1, 2015
Undergraduate / Standing Alone/ Common App challenge a belief/idea [3]

Dawson, first things first on your essay.
The segmented or small paragraphs on your essay does not work very well,if the goal is to create an illusion
that there are a lot of sentences or paragraphs, that's not how it works.
I suggest that we merge a few segmented paragraphs together and enhance the sentences from there.

Here's what we can do;

- It was then I startedThis truth led me to start my personal protest
- by never again eating meat, dairy, eggs, or any other food that comes from animals- just fruits, legumes, grains and vegetables. I hadand become a vegan.

- some kid making a joke aboutto what I ate.

- based foods in your diet.

- Although I could appreciate that their advice was of good intensionsI appreciate the fact that they mean well and

- Even though no one else in my school community has joined me in protestthis quest ,
- I still remain've been a vegan for three years later and have never regretted it.
- The experience has taught me to stand up for what I believe in, even if it means I'm standing alone.

There you have it Dawson, I hope my remarks helped your essay and for future reference, make your essay stand out by choosing the right

words, words with conviction, words that will convey the purpose of your essay.
Dec 1, 2015
Undergraduate / The Beauty of Equality, my religious pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia (Personal Statement for UW) [2]

Mrahman, I'd like to share my insights to your essay.

- My chest beats rapidly, as I near theto sound of thundering chants.

- As I walk anxiously walk into the Grand Mosque's open courtyard,

- TravellingTraveling ( mind your spelling ) halfway across the globe,
- to experience the ideal world of my religion being exemplified, taught me
- to comprehend diverse cultures, in Islam and around the world, usingwith a holistic perspective.

There you have it Mrahman, I hope my modifications helped.

Overall, your essay is written well, this personal statement definitely showcase the person that you are and
how you approach your faith, different cultures and life in general.

I just hope that you have more sentences explaining how your enlightenment and pilgrimage influenced you
to become who you are and your aspirations in life.

I wish you the best of luck!
Nov 30, 2015
Research Papers / Thimerosal and Autism: Myth or Fact [3]

Taylor, as much as you mentioned that you don't want a critique on the research as a whole,
I must say that the research is done quiet well, I believe you will insert the citation at the end
of the paper but it will also help if you will write essay on a parenthesis and incorporate it in the
paper itself.

I see that you have a few contributors that modified your paper already and I believe the enhancements are
necessary to strengthen your paper.
On the writing skills, you have written the paper quiet well, the presentation of the essay is good,
the paragraphs are not segmented nor lengthy and the information that you have in the research are gathered
properly, theories, practical applications and the thing that stood as I proof read your essay is that you had
an introduction that serves it's purpose, an introduction to the study and the final paragraph is your personal input.

I hope you my insights help and keep up the good job!!!
Nov 30, 2015
Undergraduate / "What if this truck ran me over?" - UC Personal Statement about Overcoming Depression [2]

- I have struggled with depression and anxiety for the majority of my teenage years. Because of, with the stigma
- ByIn the beginning of my sophomore

- it was the hardestmost challenging thing I have ever done, butand I will I never gavegive ( the verb takes the present continuous form as the action is a continuos process) up.

Sarah, as you can see I took the liberty of modifying your essay, it enhanced the strength of your essay to another level,
you actually have a good essay overall, you just need to learn how to incorporate stronger words to use in order to create
that impact in your essay.

I hope to see the revision posted here on EF so we can assist you further.
Nov 30, 2015
Scholarship / Life time goals and how are my actions now contributing to this goal [3]

Gabriella, as I finish proof reading your essay, I conclude that you have the idea for a well written essay.
Your essay has a lot of potential to be stronger essay, right now, it needs a lot of improvement on the part of
your word choice and how you incorporate this words on your sentences.

I suggest that you revise your essay, dig a little deeper on what you want to write in your essay, research and do a healthy comparison and

use a different set of words that are strong and will justify your ideas towards the fulfillment of your dreams and
aspirations, academically and professionally.

I hope to see your revised essay soon and I hope my insights helped!
Nov 30, 2015
Undergraduate / The day I was born, my parents immediately had tremendous aspirations for me - UC Application [5]

Parker, as I finish reading your essay, I conclude that you did a good job in responding to the prompt,
Precise, direct to the point and just enough level of information that is right for what the prompt is asking for.

Now, does your essay need enhancement?, yes it does.
I believe you can do better with cutting down a few sentences that tells about your childhood, keep
it as a background and leave it like that, then add a few more sentences about the transition that you have
in learning technology and the use of PC or desktops back then and how this fueled your goals
for the future.

Keep the essay as it is, short and simple, just a few revision as I mentioned earlier, I hope to see your
revised essay soon.

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