Oct 15, 2009
Research Papers / Stuck on ideas for Research Paper (argumentative research topic) 100 class [6]
There are tons of topics you could pick from:
gun control
public health care
stem cell research
global warming
racial profiling
home schooling
violence in television/video games
the validity of game theory
And so on. But if you want to focus on something related to literature, why not argue for or against one of these positions:
popular literature is less valuable than classical literature
reading literature is a waste of time
books that deal with controversial topics should be banned from the classroom.
There are tons of topics you could pick from:
gun control
public health care
stem cell research
global warming
racial profiling
home schooling
violence in television/video games
the validity of game theory
And so on. But if you want to focus on something related to literature, why not argue for or against one of these positions:
popular literature is less valuable than classical literature
reading literature is a waste of time
books that deal with controversial topics should be banned from the classroom.