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Posts by jkjeremy
Joined: Jan 13, 2013
Last Post: Aug 27, 2013
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From: United States of America

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Aug 26, 2013
Graduate / Fashion has always been a big part of my life; Fashion Management at Domus Academy [3]

Hello friends, I am applying for the Fashion Management program at Domus Academy and need help with my motivation letter. The application didn't specify how long it should be so I just typed all the important facts without being too wordy.

Hi to you, too!

At least from what you say here, they're asking for what motivates you to go into fashion management. I'd prefer that you show me the exact prompt before you follow my suggestions below.

Look at the screen name you've chosen for yourself and then read this paper. The writing here is fine but aside from part of the first paragraph it doesn't tell me much about you that couldn't apply (pardon the pun) to any number of prospect students.

For as long as I could remember fashion has always been a big part of my life. Fashion is something that I am very passionate about and I enjoy every aspect that it has to offer.

---Define "big."
---Tell me about some different aspects of fashion that you find intriguing, interesting, etc. (More important, tell me WHY these things appeal to you.)

Keep all the brand names out of it.
Aug 26, 2013
Undergraduate / How Blogging Changed My Life- UC Admissions Personal Statement [5]

What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

Can you list at least ten different phrases, clauses, or sentences pertaining to the question above? If not, we have a problem. (I think what I'm telling you is that the first paragraph seems to take up space better spent on developing some of the ideas you allude to later in the paper.)

I see some slang here ("put myself out there") as well as at least one cliché ("sight for sore eyes").

The good news is that this is a GREAT subject to write about.
Aug 25, 2013
Essays / Perfection is a privilege - essay to tell my school about me? [6]

For your first draft, try this:

Tell a little bit about your childhood.

Tell about your life today. You might discuss your family life, your attitudes toward school, your extracurricular life...whatever.

How do you view your future?
Aug 23, 2013
Undergraduate / My Hair; Common App Essay (Share Your Story) [5]

Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

Duh. I should've known that.

If I'm not mistaken, the Common App limits you to 500 words.

This looks to have somewhere around 650. You need to remove some stuff---there are quite a few facts that I don't regard as "central to [your] identity." In other words (although, admittedly I'm an outsider), some of these facts don't seem as important as others.

Don't remove anything involving feelings or attitudes.

Also, remove the verb "rocked" where you really meant "wore." Slang is a no-no on the CA.
Aug 22, 2013
Graduate / ELL and Bilingual Speech Therapy-SOP for Masters Speech Pathology program [3]

'm having lots of trouble structuring my statement around one main idea/reason for why I want to do speech pathology

The main idea is that speech pathology is your passion, your purpose. You need to provide reasons WHY you feel compelled to pursue this field. By "reasons," I refer not to events (like what you did with Kay and Thomas) but to feelings, attitudes, etcetera.

Also it seems to need more a hook.

Actually, it needs less of a hook. The stuff about Kay is nice, even useful, but with all due respect the essay's about YOUR purpose, not Kay's struggle. Lose most of that stuff.
Aug 21, 2013
Undergraduate / Conquering a Vacuum ; Common App Failure Essay [4]

This is a clever and descriptive piece of writing, but I'm not sure its tone is suitable for this kind of task.

If you decide to keep it, remove the cliches. There are three in one sentence:

My heart is pounding
moment of truth
hits me square in the face
Aug 20, 2013
Graduate / Exercise and living a healthy lifestyle is my greatest passion in life; PT 2013 [3]

This essay has its moments, but it's pretty scattershot.

You need to outline your response.

I. Step one in the process of choosing this career. (This needs to be a feeling, idea, or REALIZATION.)
1. Cite an event involved in that step
a. Why that event was important?
2. If necessary, cite another event involved in this step.
b. Why was that event important?

II. Step TWO in the process of choosing this career. (This needs to be a feeling, idea, or REALIZATION.)
1. Cite an event involved in that step
a. Why that event was important?
2. If necessary, cite another event involved in this step.
b. Why was that event important?
Aug 20, 2013
Undergraduate / feel honored to be a youth in this day and age; FSU [3]

I can't tell whether you've answered the question (and thus whether you've written an effective essay) until I know what the question is.

What I can tell you is that this looks to be about 250 words, which is about a third longer than necessary given that you tend the same things more than once.

Also, there's at least one place where you don't talk about yourself at all:

Where I live now there is a group of people who get together once a week...

Aug 20, 2013
Undergraduate / Arriving in Seattle was like a dream; University of Washington-Seattle [4]

You're welcome.

The short answer to your question is YES.

If I'm understanding this correctly, you need to write about a situation that affected your life. Note that there is no "s" after the word "situation."

There are the beginnings of several essays here. You could have written about any of the following:

Your difficulty adjusting to school
Your time at Lane Tech
Your TRIP to Oregon
Your impressions of Oregon State

If you're writing about your visit to the city of Seattle, you need to focus on that. None of the above is relevant.

1. Tell that you went to Seatlle.

2. Discuss one WAY in which your visit affected you.

3. Discuss ANOTHER way in which it affected you.


4. In your conclusion, briefly tell why YOU belong in the city of Seatlle.
Aug 20, 2013
Undergraduate / Arriving in Seattle was like a dream; University of Washington-Seattle [4]

You're right to feel as though this is a bit scattered.

With a couple phrasing changes, the essay could have started here...

I fell asleep for quite some time and when I woke up I was in this foggy wonderland.

...or even here:

Arriving in Seattle was like a dream.

What made the campus beautiful?
In what ways was the experience similar to one's first kiss?

Also, what do you mean by these phrases?

a part of the world.

do something with my life

holistic values

They had their own idea of success

How, in your view, does the "idea of success" among Seattleites differ from that of people in other cities?
Aug 14, 2013
Undergraduate / My past is what made me who I am; UW personal Statement [7]

I'm not clear on the assignment.

Are you saying that you need to write about each of the "required" sections within ONE essay?

And please focus on the overall structure for now, I am actually a pretty good writer and can fix the run on sentances and grammatical issues later, looking for suggestions on how to make the message stronger

You are correct that structure and content must be addressed first, but I see several writing problems, each pertaining to word choice or grammar.

(Grammar and punctuation are not the same things.)
Aug 11, 2013
Undergraduate / I went through some small personal difficulties; Personal essay - UT [7]

What's the exact question you're answering here?

Also, what's the length requirement?

This has its moments but it's quite a lot longer than it needs to be.

I'll be glad to help you with the grammar (which will solve the problem I mentioned above) but I first want to ensure that you've addressed the prompt completely and thoroughly.
Aug 8, 2013
Undergraduate / NO TWO PEOPLE ARE THE SAME; FAMU Essay Prompt. [5]

This is a good start, BUT...

Almost every college student is diligent. How are YOU different from every other kid? How will YOU be different from EVERY other FAMU student?

How do YOU define success?

In other words, despite having acknowledged that "no two people are the same," the way you've defined yourself defines lots of other students.

PS I think it's awesome that you're seeking to become a first-generation college student! You might not realize how unusual that is.

(That might be a hint as to what to add to your essay.)
Jul 31, 2013
Writing Feedback / 1.) Prompt: Again and again we hear the complaint that we have no heroes anymore. [4]

Answer these questions in as few words as possible:

1. Is it possible to be a hero in the modern world? I'll answer this one for you: YES

2. Give me one reason (in one sentence) WHY it's possible to be a hero today.

3. Give me another reason (in one sentence) WHY it's possible to be a hero today.
Jul 31, 2013
Writing Feedback / Increasing amount of violence on TV has a negative impact on children's behavior [5]

Because i do not want a repeatation of the word "negative" so i try to use another one

You were smart to avoid repeating the word "negative." However, you can't just "use another one."

No two words mean the same thing.

The whole essay is about TV being a "negative" influence.

Each body paragraph needs to deal with a different negative thing:

Tell me (right now if you'd like) what IDEA each body paragraph focuses on. The fact that I can't easily tell indicates that there's a problem.
Jul 30, 2013
Writing Feedback / ILETS: Should Crime be penalized with fixed or variable sentences ? [10]

This is a little like asking, "Where can I get feedback regarding happiness?"

Search online for the phrase "basic English grammar errors." That's probably as good a place to start as any.

However, becoming fluent in any foreign language---especially in its written form---requires years of exposure.

Start watching American television, listening to American talk radio, and reading modern American nonfiction.
Jul 29, 2013
Writing Feedback / Everyone makes 100s of simple,spontaneous decisions daily;2 Most Difficult Options [6]

Everyone of us needs to make tons of decisions throughout our lives . Most of the decisions are easy to make , while a few of them require much more careful considerations. Choosing the university major is definitely the hardest decision to make , as very often people are faced with two options - the major that interests them but provides a less bright future, and the one that has a better future prospect yet is less interesting. The reasons for this are thatpeople are concerned about money, social status and their own abilities.<---Why waste space and time writing something you're just going to repeat? I know...everyone does this. Check out the average essay score on ANY standardized test before deciding to do what "everybody" does.

First, the major that we are interested in may require a larger sum of tuition but less financially rewarding in the long term than other option. Consider my own situation, I was wondering whether to study biochemistry or medicine (which is offered as an undergraduate course in my country) during my college application. Becoming a scientist and conducting research is my childhood dream, but being a doctor can enjoy a higher job security and salary. Besides, to study science in the best place in the world - the US, requires more than $50k a year, which is a couple times more expensive than to study medicine. This sad reality makes me wonder if I should pursue my dream as a scientist.

Second, one option of college major may lead to a career that has a higher social status than the one people really interested in. Take studying law and literature as an example, the former is usually more respected by people, because professionals are usually perceived to be more successful. Those who study literature might be looked down by society, unless they become Nobel Laureates in the future. Given the potential low social status, people may find it hard to decide whether to do the things they enjoy or go and seek a higher social status, which is the concern of many people.

Third, people may be uncertain of their abilities in more advanced study if they choose the major they are interested in. What we study in high schools is just introductory stuff, while the materials covered in college or even grad schools may require more natural talent. For instance, students who become fascinated by physics and aspire to become physicists after studying Newton's Laws in high school may re-consider their ambitions again after they discover that many undergraduates fail to comprehend the more advanced theories in college. They doubt their own abilities may not be sufficient to handle the major they really like.

Most people are told to choose the fields that are interested and passionate to study, but in reality the decision does not depend on one's interests only. Therefore, when faced with the options of interests versus future prospects when applying for college, many people find that making the appropriate decision, which can have profound impacts on their latter lives, very difficult.

---You need to use fewer words to convey your thoughts.
---You need to expand each paragraph by conveying MORE thoughts.

For reasons I don't understand, you've focused entirely on academic matters (as though that's what the prompt asked you to do).

You could and should have focused ONE paragraph on school-related stuff and then another one or two on different kinds of decisions.
Jul 28, 2013
Scholarship / I did not have an American dream; QuestBridge Scholarship / Biographical essay [11]

We had calefaction problems

Despite anything I wrote above, your writing style is engaging and readable.

However, you should avoid words that your reader has never seen or heard. In my case, the word "calefaction" is one.

If you're using a thesaurus, you might want to read this. Usually, the bigger word isn't the right word.
Jul 28, 2013
Scholarship / I did not have an American dream; QuestBridge Scholarship / Biographical essay [11]

Please describe the factors and challenges that have most shaped your personal life and aspirations. How have these factors caused you to grow?

If I were to ask you to LIST sentences that pertain to "factors and challenges," could you do it?

The stuff about the guitar is fun to read (and that's a compliment), but it doesn't really connect to the prompt.

You can mention the guitar, but as it stands I'm not sure whether guitar playing qualifies as a challenge.
Jul 28, 2013
Undergraduate / Why I'm a top cadidate for Einstein MC Philadelphia program - Radiologic Technology [7]

While working at Temple University Hospital, I became intrigued with the human anatomy and physiology.

I made a typo above. This is what I really meant:

While working at Temple University Hospital, I became intrigued with human anatomy and physiology.

I forgot to delete the word "the."

Sorry about that.
Jul 28, 2013
Undergraduate / Why I'm a top cadidate for Einstein MC Philadelphia program - Radiologic Technology [7]

​I am pursuing a career in radiologic technology because while working at Temple University Hospital, I have had the opportunity to observe multiple radiologic procedures as well as being treated as a patient for a shoulder dislocation.

Having watched someone perform radiology isn't a reason to spend the rest of your life doing it.

The grammar problem here is that almost every sentence begins with the word "I" (and the one that doesn't begins with "my").

Check this out:

​I am pursuing a career in radiologic technology because while working at Temple University Hospital, I have had the opportunity to observe multiple radiologic procedures as well as being treated as a patient for a shoulder dislocation. I am very intrigued with how the studies reveal the anatomy and physiology of the human body

While working at Temple University Hospital, I became intrigued with the human anatomy and physiology.
Jul 28, 2013
Scholarship / I'm applying 4 cosmetology scholarships. I haven't been in school inover 10yr S.O.S [4]

Is there a length requirement for this?

You have the beginnings of a strong essay.

Answer the following questions:

Enrolling in to cosmetology is a biggest accomplishment for me that I am proud of

1. How is it a big accomplishment?

2. Why does it make you proud?

Right after high school I entered the work force not really thinking about the future.

3. What kind of person were you ten years ago? How have you changed?

I have spent the past couple of years thinking about my passion in life and always come back to cosmetology.

4. Why cosmetology as opposed to, say, fashion design. In other words, why THIS career?

As I got older I started wanting a career.

5. In your mind, what's the difference between a job and a career?
Jul 27, 2013
Undergraduate / Yes, I'm a maverick; Personal Statement [8]

I'll be glad to, but I'd rather see the remainder of your paper first.

To identify errors at this point would complicate matters and make your job more difficult (which is the last thing I'd want to do).

This much I will tell you now: far too many sentences begin with first-person pronouns like "I."
Jul 25, 2013
Undergraduate / Yes, I'm a maverick; Personal Statement [8]

Hyphenate "seventeen year" and than add the word "old."

I forgot to tell you to hyphenate the "old," too:

Jul 25, 2013
Undergraduate / Yes, I'm a maverick; Personal Statement [8]

Thank you so much for the help. I will post the next two paragraphs by tomorrow. Would you please, proof read paragraphs too?

Of course.

Although I'd rather edit and proofread it at my own site (which I've just created), I'll do it here if you'd prefer.

Wherever, so long as you get this done properly.

Keep in mind that I generally don't do a lot of this on Fridays and Saturdays, but I'll try to check in.
Jul 25, 2013
Writing Feedback / 'all round education is vital to a studen' - GRE Issue Essay [3]

This is a five. Nice work.

Here's what precludes a six:

---a couple of questionable word choices
---some repetition (more than would occur in a six)
---sentence variety (above average but not superior)

As you can imagine, It's hard to get a perfect score. I've written a little about this here. (The article focuses on the SAT but it's true of all timed essays.)
Jul 25, 2013
Undergraduate / Yes, I'm a maverick; Personal Statement [8]

What's the essay prompt?

For the most part, your usage is fine. Most of the mistakes I caught wouldn't have been noticed by admissions readers.

I'm not an average senior in High School.

Don't capitalize "high school."

epitome of people

You can't be the epitome of "people." Ideas, not people, are epitomized.

the war and it's

There's no apostrophe in this form of "its."

I'm a seventeen year homosexual

Hyphenate "seventeen year" and than add the word "old."

safe, until

no comma

made me acknowledge with a fact that I was aware of but was also in denial of

Do you mean...

forced me to acknowledge a fact of which I was aware but that I had denied ?

safe, until

no comma here

person who I'd always

"Who" is redundant. All people are "whos."

There may be a couple more, but mostly these are pretty subtle errors.

Stylistically, there are a couple more serious issues. Whether you want them solved depends on how important this paper is.

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