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Posts by Yusuf05
Name: Muhammad Yusuf
Joined: Aug 10, 2016
Last Post: Sep 5, 2016
Threads: 11
Posts: 14  
From: Indonesia
School: State University of Makassar

Displayed posts: 25
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Sep 5, 2016

The diagram presents the principles of a wind turbine in generating electricity. To generate the power, a wind turbine is mainly ran by four series of components. Further detail indicates that a wind turbine is required certain level of heights to maximize energy resource.

As the first mechanism, the propeller blade which made of fibreglass or wood and propped by a steel tower is forced by the wind flows. This stage starts up the other parts. Following this, the sensor of the wind turbine is activated causing the wind sensor records air current whilst it sends information to computer. Next, the direction and the angle of turbine blades will be navigated and suited based on the wind flows. Once it has been adjusted, the constant rotation which generates from the spin will supply electricity.

It is interesting to note that the varied power which generated by the wind turbine depends on where the turbine placed on. For the short-tall domestic turbine, the generator produces 100 kilowatts. On the other hand, the wind turbine which set above sea level or mounted on the higher place will produce more power up to 1.5 megawatts electricity.
Sep 5, 2016
Writing Feedback / Summary 'how we unearthed the spinosaurus' [2]

Hi Fadhila,
Here is my general feedback to your writing.

Be careful with pronoun. Focus who is the subject!
He told about their several expedition ...
..Based on their expedition...

He told about theirhis several expedition with ...
Based on their expedition, he reveals ...

Here is also some refinement:
The animals are called Spinosaurs. It has special characteristics , for instance big andhad tall spines in their back...

The mission area is categorised as ahigh-riskdangerousplacedue to the sand storms which may suddenly appear...

That's all from me Dilla.
Hopes that help
Sep 5, 2016
Writing Feedback / The mechanism of wind turbine in generating electricity and several possible location of this system [2]

Hi Naoki,

I'm glad to read your writing. Yet allow me to address some suggestion to your wiriting.

First, I am afraid I can't find "in generating" in the collocation dictionary however you can use "to generate" as the alternative.

....several possible locations
... resulted is heavily relied on certain location -> you can choose certain locations or a certain location but in this context I suspect you intend to say several locations

can adjust the blade (just remember when mentioning uncertain item try to put "the" before the word)

While for the second paragraph, I guess you should organise it be more clearly and describe the most important point. Taking ...it is easy to get almost because there is no obstacle...as the example, for me it sounds rather complicated to follow the thought.

Finally, it is important to leave one space for each paragraph in order to separate each thoughts.

That's all from me.
Keep spirit!
Sep 2, 2016
Writing Feedback / How does people use water in Gulf Countries? Here is the answer [5]

Hello everyone!
If you do not mind to spend a minute, please look at my following IELTS Task practice.

The table gives information on how six gulf countries consume water for the different purposes in 2000 and is measured in the percentage. It is noticeable that, with the exception of Kuwait, all countries consume water predominantly for agriculture and it is followed with domestic need, while water use far less for industrial.

With the regards to the volume of water use for farming, both Saudi Arabia and Oman had the highest use of water, range at a very large majority. Accounting for a slightly lower amount of use was Bahrain and Kuwait just under a fifth and nearly two-fifths respectively.

Turning to the second biggest use was in the field of domestic, Kuwait, spent the highest consumption, stood at 63% and followed by Bahrain with a large proportion of use. Interestingly though, Saudi Arabia and Oman had particularly high levels for agriculture, both of these countries crawled at a small proportion. The median domestic consumption was UAE at 35% and Qatar at 30%.

Finally, water used for industrial by all gulf countries was a tiny proportion, the exception being Kuwait at just under 20%.

Please note me as well, whether the writing has covered the most significant information or not.
Thanks in advance

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Sep 2, 2016

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Hello Bams,

If you don't mind to spend a minute for this, allow me to address my feedback here.

Don't forget the article to refer to uncertain place -> There is a scared place...
Careful with the spelling -> ...in P eru, sitt ing hight in the A ndes mountains.
"There is scared place in peru, siting hight in the andes mountains." I guess you intend to say "There is a scared place in Peru, setting highly in the Andes mountain ."

The scared place was rediscovered by archeologist hiram brimingham [again spelling] archaeologist Hiram Brimingham in 1911. The name of the scared places is M achu P ichu or old peak in I nca languages. The I ncas built precisely together from heavy block of granite fitted. Nowadays,itthe place drawattract many tourists to visit it because as it is not only regarded as a scared place but also has many marvels...

Tourist can reach Machu Pichu with more than one way, but the most recommended way is via Peruvians government by hiking.
...preserve the environment

That's from me.
Hope that help mate!
Sep 2, 2016
Writing Feedback / Oman and Saudi Arabia spent four-fifths water on agriculture, less on domestic and industrial needs [2]

Hi Aida,
After reading you writing, allow me to address the alternatives.

First and foremost, we usually begin our introduction by usingpresent simple tenseto illustrate what are on the chart.
So, it should be:

-> The bar chart illustrates the water use..
->..Oman, UEA, and Saudi Arabia dominated themostly use of water in for agricultural e .
-> While Bahrain and Quwait [careful with the spelling: KUWAIT ] spent [SPEND - SPENT - SPENT] more water in domestic use.

The rest of paragraphs we use "the tense" in accordance with the indicated time frame.
As the data takes place in 2000, the we assume it occur in the past time (v2).

-> Oman and Saudi Arabia spent four-fifths water in agriculture, but therethese countries spent (...) in domestic and industrial. Likewise, UAE and Qatar spent...
-> ...but very small number is seen infor industrial.
-> ...while the number of spent for industrial was similarly .
-> ...Agriculture water use in Bahrain was double than Kuwait.
... industrial water in Bahrain was less than Kuwait.

Make sure that you always apply one tense in a sentence.
The other important point is
, I agree if you say it is sometimes difficult, instead just describe the trend, you better try to analyse it. Pick up the important part to discuss.

That's all from me.
Hopes that help!
Aug 31, 2016
Writing Feedback / The addiction to the Internet seems to be a concerning issue, and many people suffer from it [2]

Distinguish contributors and fellow writers, please asses my writing.
Any feedbacks would be help

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The affair of individuals is mindlessly to accomplish in line with the anchor of the internet. This essay will stand to encounter such notion on the basis of cyber crime and over reliance induced by the internet.

It is undeniable that the internet crime perpetrated by inhabitants has been growing rapidly. Every single person is able to publish any kind information provoking potential perpetrators to get ones' personal details and committing perpetration through virtual milieu. Taking social media for example, in stage with the proliferation of its users, several cases regarding to personal account abuse were reported. Hacking Facebook account became widespread at the recent times resulted on more of loss to its members. At the end, the internet seems to be associated with the increasing number of criminals.

Furthermore, the dependency of mankind with the internet may consider as highly critical as well. Since the internet spoiled users with disparate features, there is, then, a tendency that human who intensively surf the website is likely relied too much on its provided services. It will be easy to describe by looking at how students in particularly use online translator to translate a passage into their native language, making the process of comprehending task become effortless. As the consequence, the degree of learners' acquaintances tend to be solely stored on device. Thus, it is true to argue that the excessive number of the internet services leads human being to be dependance.

To sum up, perpetration and addiction on the internet seems to be a concerning issue suffered by inhabitants lately. Hence, human need to be wisely in utilising any sort of devices for prompting their activities.

*if possible, please indicates how far I've done with my stance

Thanks in advance.
Aug 30, 2016
Writing Feedback / Malte Spitz: Your phone company is watching [4]

Hi Eka!
Here are my feedbacks to your writing summary.

Through mobile phone makes people seems possible to find out many new activities.
...our mobile networks provideroffered .
...for several times but the firm company rejected -> alternatives:[/b]refused, declined , although the company granted it a few months later.
...it is important for him because it concerns his live.
...what had been done by himself .
...to secure their privacy.

My highlight to you: pay attention to the use of pronoun (my, your, his, her, their etc. always used together with noun : his book , while mine, him, her, etc usually placed after verb or preposition and stand alone).

Well done! Keep writing and break a leg.
Aug 29, 2016
Writing Feedback / Stepping to IELTS Writing: Conclusion, Body, and Example [2]

Hello IELTS writers and conquerors!
The following is my essay practice divided into three separated sections: Conclusion, Body, and Example.
I really welcome some feedbacks, comments, and any kinds of suggestion (partial or full are appreciated).

For Conclusion part

Exercise 2
Question 1
As global trade increases, many goods, including those we use on a daily basis, are produced in other countries and have to be transported long distances.

As afore discussed reasons, despite the fact inter-continent commerce hold important position in escalating the GDPs, the downsides of the strategy is likely higher than its merits. As such, it should be driven that a nation pay more concern to reinforce the production of local products to exploit fully its resources.

Question 2
In many countries, children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong while others consider it as valuable work experience.

Discuss both opinions and give your opinion.

In conclusion, to say that the viewpoints of accepting children's labour as their pathway for practical grounding could be worth value. However, I firmly believe that a child timeline is a precious moment to develop positive characters for their brighter future. Therefore, it is not considered to be wise to engage children to work in their early age.

Question 3
Unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programs (for example, working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood, or teaching sports to younger children).

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In brief, voluntary work is crucial to expand the social awareness of young learners as to form their emotional intelligence. My stance is clearly to support such notion and to prop up the integration of that learning scheme.

This one is for Body
Exercise 3

Write down two paragraphs (one idea and multiple idea paragraph) opposing the following essay question:
There have been major advances in technology over recent decades and this has led to significant improvements in people's lives.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

One idea paragraph
However, the idea of technology bringing many considerable advantages is not the most valued by some people. Since technology employed excessively in almost every field of humans' live, then it is true to say that people at these days relied much on its harness. Mankind depends so badly with automation and make a process of achieving particular affair become effortless. It will be easy to describe by looking at educational milleu on how learners fall into the trap of using media learning. Making a compound sentence or translating a complex passage, for instance, can be done by a single click through an online translator, bringing the sense of analysing contexts less appreciated even among advanced language learners. As a result, the degree of human foreign language acquaintances are more likely stored on devices rather than instilled as individual's skills or capabilities instead. Therefore, it true to say that the instant process offered by technology at this current digital era eventually leads most individuals become too reliant on technology.

Multiple idea paragraph
However, for some people technology may be regarded to whip more disadvantages in the way people thrive. The underpinning of technology in our daily routine encourage individuals to be less socialising. Children who addictive with online games usually spends hours their time at home and become a solitary person. In addition, the constant passive life cycle also provides risk on one's health. As a consequence, people keep staying on their zone resulted on their minimum time for sports and sort of rehearsals which at the end lead them to particularly susceptible disease. Also, by looking up the trend of online trading, nowadays people tend to buy and make their transaction via online and this is, without no doubt, cutting the number of workers require on job field as well as bring them to gain less chance for job vacancy.

The last part for example
There have been major advances in technology over recent decades and this has led to significant improvements in people's lives.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Points for

The spread of the internet is a positive development because everyone has easy access to an abundance of information. A good example of this is the flows of scholarship information through websites, blogs, and social media. Online forums provide readily available to people to receive quickly numerous updates and even the scholarships' deadline reminder. Some websites associated their features with one fast track, allowing their subscribers to get every important message from email and ensuring them to follow the scheme. All in all, the broad array of information which spread to user at these days, making people easier to gain details and relevant updates.

Against for
However, there are also drawbacks because of the easy access to dangerous sites. For instance, in social media such as Facebook or Twitter, users are free to share any kinds of information, including posting a link that associated with pornography website on their wall. Through a "share" feature, pictures and videos contained with adult content are readable to millions of connected users across the globe, not to mention, those are under 18 years old. This is without no doubt can potentially harm the growth characters and attitude of the young generation. As aforementioned points, then it is true to say that open virtual access also provides threat to its users.
Aug 29, 2016
Writing Feedback / The Challenge of Starting Introductory Writing, Will You Address Some Suggestions? [3]

Hello Mr Ichan,

Thank you very much for such bright suggestions. I do really need bunch of feedbacks from different "well- experienced IELTSer" here.

Well sir, in writing I usually find it confusing to fulfil the task achievement for some tasks. I am heading to practice the body now, yet I must admit that I still can't clearly define how far I should state my stance in introduction.

"Discuss both opinions and give your opinion" and "To what extent do you agree or disagree?" for instance.

Somehow it sounds flexible instruction to me.
So sir for such question how far the thesis statement should I develop?

And also because I still find it difficult to manage my 20 minutes, I mostly state general statement in opening while I strive to satisfy the task achievement. Thus, what piece of advices that I can get relating to this?

Thanks in advance!
Aug 25, 2016
Writing Feedback / The Challenge of Starting Introductory Writing, Will You Address Some Suggestions? [3]

Hello fellow writers, please examined my following writing-practices regarding to an introductory essay for IELTS.

Question 1
As global trade increases, many goods, including those we use on a daily basis, are produced in other countries and have to be transported long distances.

Do the benefits of this trend outweigh the drawbacks?

In every day demand, plenty of commodities are manufactured in certain nations and exported away to other part of the world in fulfilling the needs of international business. While it is generally accepted that international trade plays the most significant roles to the country's economical growth, I would stand to propose my declination that such policy may issue more deterioration than its advantages.

Question 2
In many countries, children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong while others consider it as valuable work experience.

Discuss both opinions and give your opinion.
In some part of the world, there are several youngster involved in particular jobs. There are therefore some people value it as a mistake, while some regard it as rewarding professional experience. As such, I will discuss both perspectives in the following paragraphs.

Question 3
Unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programs (for example, working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood, or teaching sports to younger children).

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Non-profit organisation roles ideally adopted as middle school obligatory services. While social engagement is pivotal to develop in return for acquaring social quotient from school. I would stand on the proponent side to support as such policy due to the following reasons.
Aug 23, 2016
Writing Feedback / KPU urges govt to speed up e-KTP for Feb. elections [3]

Your feedback is very welcome.

As a form of revitalisation in electoral system, the General Elections Commission (KPU), has advised the authority to accelerate the substitution of regular identity card of about 41.8 million Indonesian into electronic identity card (e-KTP) by the next February. Despite the instruction to use e-KTP for voting, however, there are approximately 5 million voters remaining in printed ID modes.

Individuals who are not meet the requirement -whether to hold an e-KTP or residence certificate in election- will automatically loss their right to vote. Furthermore, Hadar Nafis Gumay stated that it is the duty of the government to arrange a well-structured procedure for each citizen in order to prod the easiness in turning over the ID.

In fact, some troubles may still be encountered by Indonesians in getting e-KTPs. The Indonesian Consumer Foundation in the previous month argued that several reports had received regarding to inadequacy of an e-KTP blank forms. As a result, an accumulation in the system took the operation two to three months longer than expected. However, the idea of obliging e-KTP in elections projected to be implemented in 2019.
Aug 23, 2016
Writing Feedback / How can we speak powerfully to make change in the world? [6]

Hello neighbour!

...serious introspection on ourselves .
... our habit that make us not listened[alternative: resistance] . ...such as gossiping, prejudicing (...) someone with our opinion (dogmatism). Following this, it is insufficient if we only avoid this ...

He argues... (who is him?)

In addition to make easier the readers following your thoughts, it is better to separate your ideas through paragraph..
Keep writing pal!
Aug 19, 2016
Writing Feedback / The elusive demographic bonus - boon or bust? [2]

This is my other writing,

Indonesia has projected to deal with the demographic bonus by 2025. For some, the escalation of what so-called "the golden age" may attract a considerable concern. Supposedly, we all, the Indonesian, make a full inquiry to ourselves; are we well-prepared enough to deal with the future booming populution? What sort of lessons we can draw from the past?

In related to aforementioned questions, the global research by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and headed by Citi Foundation in January-April 2015 conducted a study to the youth from 35 disparate prominent cities worldwide, including Jakarta. The outcome was surprising.

Jakarta stood at the fifth in regarding to the confidence of the young people for being welfare and successful. However, it was abominable due to the fact that the GDP/capita cities was cradled at the bottom.

The other pivotal point was the educational experiences. The research revealed that from 35 sample cities, Jakarta placed at 28th among. Such a low level of education can hamper the ones enthusiasm at the first place.

The last significant aspect should be the quality of the human and social capital itself. Without no doubt, the powerful degree of certain citizens will determine how resistant ones nation in the midst of global threats to thrive.

Therefore, all those priorities should be measured thoroughly for the ideal dream of the future nation.

Just feel free to leave your feedback below.
Aug 19, 2016
Writing Feedback / Growth in number of Indonesia businesses slowing down in last decade [6]

Hello mate,
Glad to read your writing back to the forum

I fond of your way to report the business news, I believe a gradual practice will lead your writing excellent. At this moment, allow me to put forth my suggestion to your summary.

Well, there are actually a sort of lexical that can be used to describe the data trend, instead of using "grew" monotonously. You can vary it with go up, rise, increase, and reach a plateau. You can also add significantly, dramatically or slightly to indicate the state of the changes.

While for the contrast trend (downward), you may want to colourise your report with fell, decline, or drop.

Now for the summary,
I found this for you:

From thosethe data it can be seen that the additional number ...

Hope it help mate.
Break a leg!
Aug 18, 2016
Writing Feedback / Nowadays, information and communication technology are really important in education [3]

Hello BBC!
The following is my short feedback to you (you can take or leave it):

...considering the fact that technology can make lesson much more interesting and to facilitate the study experiences.

You need to connect your thought to the next sentence -> However, ...our learning resources may start to be taken over technology and the automated system, and therefore, we no longer need the heavy books to be regularly brought from home to school....

The others may put forth better thought and better refinement, so I just leave my comments to the top paragraph.
Hope it help.
Aug 17, 2016
Writing Feedback / Fighting for Aleppo, who is the target? [2]

I have no idea whether the following writing will be welcomed in news column or not, but I try to sound like a journalist. Here is the inscription:

The two most concern countries with Syrian flame, Rusia and the U.S, signed to light up the fuse of aggression in Aleppo.

The Russian spokespersons, in one hand, are said to devote more time to resolve the problems by every means with the American delegates. Striking for Aleppo has become the major attention of the country.

However, the U.S. remarked that there is still a gradual arbitration for both hands and no grant resulted.

In fact, the orchestration of combating the radical groups by both countries indicated uncertainty who they will be targeted for.
Russia claimed that its party has deprecated the U.S. disinclination to exhort the rebels on the ground. Therefore, the coalition needs to cop out the onset from the militants.

Your refinement and feedback will be widely welcomed.Gracias!

||- news resources: time.com/4453589/russia-aleppo-deal-us/ -||

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Aug 17, 2016
Writing Feedback / The youth in many countries is unskilled. Compulsory military service is good and necessary for them [3]

Hello Lupin the following is my suggestion:

I served in the army for a year in Taiwan, but either I or my partners did not learn any useful skills there. ->did not acquire adequate practical grounding.

My view is that serving compulsorily in the armed forces is bad and not necessary. -> demanding and full of risk
Here are my reasons.

The general suggestion, in my mind, you would better to select proper words to remark your thought.

Hope that help.

Keep practice ^_^
Aug 17, 2016

Hello my speaking partner!

I found your writing is well developed and a reliable information. My suggestion is only related to the quotation, you know, instead of you remark that you acquire the information from particular website, why not try to put the full address like as nulislagi.com/hapuslagi/ to make us ease to locate the resource.

You also make a minor repetition there:
The other the other Belgium waffle...

Hope it help Permata!
Keep cheerful and break the legs ^_^
Aug 17, 2016
Writing Feedback / Mystery of déjŕ vu explained - it's how we check our memories [4]

Hello mate!

I always find your summary is a great resource to broaden my horizons. But this one that you've done definitely address me novel information of science. Read it like as from the scientist ^_^

My highlight to you perhaps only related to what I call as "the paragraph transition" (I'm not quite sure with the name, just skip if you find it confusing)..well, you know...something like as however, moreover, therefore..etc in order to make your writing more decorated and sound much more scientist.

Hope it help mate.
Keep amazing!
Aug 15, 2016
Writing Feedback / The leaders of Turkey and Russia appear to be making up [3]

The Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been criticised by the national press of Russia to the decision of Turkish forces shot down a Russian jet near the Syrian border. This incident resulted in the dramatic decline of a number of Russian tourists visiting Turkey: prior at 3.6m Russians visited Turkey in 2015, drop at 184,000 since the first half of 2016.

However, the concerned incident no longer affects the relationship between Russia and Turkey - during the course of his most recent visit to Russia, Erdogan apologized to Putin for what had happened. The meeting closed being signed to restore the economic relation between both countries.

Politicians worry that the meeting shows Turkey's intention to reconsider its policy towards the EU. Moreover, the strained situation between Turkey and America due to Fethullah Gulen who is believed to have masterminded the army's attempt to overthrow Erdogan on July 15th. Turkey demands Mr Gulen's extradition while in the US refuses to cooperate, in this respect, arguing that this will be for its courts, not its political leaders, to decide.

Thanks all for the useful refinement. I learn much from the feedback.

Best regards
Aug 15, 2016
Writing Feedback / Retirement Saving Doesn't Have to Be So Stressful [3]

Have you planned properly your retirement? If it not, then you need to know this..

The retirement savings of Americans at this time and age is a doodle case to be depicted; mostly frustrating on the way of investing their money for retirement. Study conducted by Schwab Survey reveals that four of ten Americans face a stressful time building sufficient retirement savings (24% allocating for labour insurance, 21% for credit card arrears, 20% for monthly cost).

In fact, people is about to be stressful for retire decades ahead, yet 38% put stress in the prior moment for worry, 26% struggle to cover the credit card loan, and 24% repress to costs of school.

The question that arise then how people can arrange their financial for future retirement properly? Schwab implied that the third plan should stop to escalate their contribution rate. The proper allotment for contribution rate better divided into 1% or 2% annually until it peaks at 12% to 15% of pay.

||- essay resources:
time.com/money/4448639/retirement-saving-doesnt-have-to-be-so-stressful/ -||
Aug 15, 2016
Writing Feedback / Fiji Wins First Ever Olympic Medal [7]

Hello mate!
Here are my comments for you!

First let your subject and predicate agree each other:
Fiji's rugby has won the first medal in Olympic, Rio De Janeiro

Second, keep "the tenses" is parallel
Aug 11, 2016
Writing Feedback / The leaders of Turkey and Russia appear to be making up [3]

Second assignment for online class. Your feedback will be very welcome

The president of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been criticised by the national press of Russia concerning to the decision of Turkish forces shot down a Russian jet near the Syrian border. While the trade proposal which reducing the flows of the tourist to the land: prior at 3.6m Russians visited Turkey in 2015, drop at 184,000 since the first half of 2016.

However the two state leaders organised their meeting in St Petersburg followed on Erdogan official apologising Putin. The meeting closed with the agreement to restore the economic relations for both countries.

Politicians worry that the meeting shows Turkey's track to segragate from the European countries. Moreover, the strained situation between Turkey and America due to Fethullah Gulen who plotting the attemption of overthrowing the governement on July 15th. Turkey demands Mr Gulen's extradition while in contrary America so far has refused, arguing that this will be for its courts, not its political leaders, to decide.

||- essay resources: economist.com/news/europe/21704768-recep-tayyip-erdogans-first-trip-abroad-failed-coup-meet-vladimir-putin
Aug 10, 2016
Writing Feedback / A chronicle Abuse' at Australia's Nauru Immigration Camp [2]

The confidential files revealed a massive reports of sexual abuse committed on the assylum seekers' camp facility in Nauru, Australia. The victims who were mostly women and children had been sexually abused, brutally attacks, and threatened in a poor living situations. The news even leak how a girl had her lips sewn together and many children experienced a series of molestation.

The further examination by The Guardian also highlighted that the mental of assylum seekers had got worse since they were imprisoned in the camp and supplied with a very limited basic needs, not to mention, a small number of tents for refugees' dwelling.

In fact, the critics of detenting by U.N put the place as a low standard for regional neighbors. It has been since long in 2015 indicating that Australia's government set badly the management of detention camp prior from New Guinea to the latest in Nauru Island.

||- essay resources time.com/4445992/australia-nauru-asylum-camp-abuse/ -||
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