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Posts by ItsokaytoGaga
Joined: Jan 3, 2011
Last Post: Jan 18, 2012
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From: India

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Dec 21, 2011
Undergraduate / 'multiple times' + 'raised in Jamaica' + 'strenuous exercise' Stanford Supplements [6]

Hey Richard!

Okay here goes -

Essay 1:
Your essay started at a seemingly trivial experience, but by the end of the essay it shows that it had a much more impact on you. Great job! It was really amusing in bits. However, I am still not completely convinced if this shows your growth as an intellectual to its full capacity. May be I am wrong, but it's well written nevertheless! :) :)

Essay 2:
This one is really amusing. :) I like it! I suggest you get rid of "Hello Future Roommate" cause I have seen it in almost every Stanford essay! :o Start with something really off the regular. It would definitely elevate your essay more!


Therefore you should expect that I'm not a sore winner but can sometimes be a sore loser, but I'm sure you'll warm up to me. I am also a very opinionated person so I'm sure we'll enjoy some heated debates. I am open to knowledge, so I'm sure I'll be able to learn from you and hopefully share in your interests too.

there's nothing wrong with this, but I you've used "I'm sure" three times in three consecutive sentences. It kind of puts your writing down and makes it sound less cohesive.

If you could rephrase these sentences, it would help! :)

Essay 3:
This essay is fine, but somewhere I feel it's not on par with your other two essays. For you - it's family, friends, love, soccer and most importantly happiness that matters most right? These are really great things to write about. If you could work at this essay more I think you would be great! :)

I hope I could help you enough!

PLEASE read the edited response to my commonapp essay and critique it if you could. I would really appreciate your help! Thanks!
Dec 21, 2011
Undergraduate / 'Thanksgiving 2011' - Harvard Essay [8]

Hey Jingyi!

Great essay! It really talks in depth about your need to contribute to society in some way. And not just telling, but also showing how. :) There are certain structural errors

I could discern...

Thanksgiving is a process for me to give my thanks back to my society, a holiday that has lasted through the entirety of 2011 and will continue for a lifetime.

This sentence seems a bit 'off'. I can't really say what exactly. May be you should rephrase it.

Because of my upbringing, it is not only my pleasure but also my responsibility to promote friendships between China and the U.S

Here you seem to have taken the role of promoting Sino-US understanding all in your hands. The word pleasure takes the flow out of this sentence. I suggest you work at this sentence too.

While folding brochures, I discovered these brochures, which were to be given to Chinese officials, were completely in English.

Awkwardly phrased, "I discovered that these brochures, which were given to Chinese officials...

There are a few unnecessary words here and there, so consider revising till you get a near-perfect essay! :)

I hope I could help in any way possible.
PLEASE read the edited response to my CommonApp essay and critique it as harshly as you could. I would really appreciate any help!!
Dec 21, 2011
Undergraduate / 'encounter with a jellyfish' - Cornell Supplement- (Biological Sciences) [4]

Hey DongJun!

This essay is really good! It's strange how a jellyfish sting actually inspired you to pursue biology! Anyone else would have been mortified!
You talk about your interest in the subject in good detail and also manage to have a personal voice. And yes you do sound eager to go to Cornell! :) Good Job!

PLEASE read the edited response of my common app essay and critique it if you could. I would really be grateful! :) Thanks!
Jan 1, 2012
Undergraduate / 'What is home' - Bowdoin - Connection to place [3]

My essay is due tonight, please help me edit anything extraneous. And please tell me what you feel about the essay. Be harsh if needed. Thanks a lot for your help!

Bowdoin students and alumni often cite world-class faculty and opportunities for intellectual engagement, the College's commitment to the Common Good, and the special quality of life on the coast of Maine as important aspects of the Bowdoin experience. Reflecting on your own interests and experiences, please comment on one of the following:

1. Intellectual engagement
2. The Common Good
3. Connection to place

Word Limit: 250 words

We were like nomads, moving place to place - making each new city our home. This was how my family lived for most part of my childhood. Thus, I could not call a certain place "home" for long enough. Even though we moved often, I still had enough time to gather many memories without having to feel uprooted or fragmented.

So what is home?
For me, it is in the smell of my mother's dals and curries; in her embarrassing yet endearing jokes and the warmth of her comforting hug. It is my intellectual discussions with Dad; and in the silence and sternness of his disciplinarian nature. Home is my fights with my brother over toys in the McDonald's Happy Meal. It is our bonding over the wannabe attempts to be the next gourmet critique by ravaging the city's restaurants and fast food joints. Home is where I made new friends. Delhi or Mumbai or Pune, it made no difference. Home does not have to be something tangible or concrete; 'Home' to me is the amorphous bundle of memories I hold. They are what made me who I am today. They are the strong connection I have to the people I love and the places I lived in. And yet again, as I move ahead in life and strive to move away for college, I will add to my collection innumerable and invaluable memories. And no other place seems as right as Bowdoin for this.

This is about 244 words. Does it work well to address the prompt? Thanks again! :)
Jan 1, 2012
Undergraduate / By dint forging does one become a Blacksmith [NEW]

Prompt: "Rigorous reasoning is crucial in mathematics, and insight plays an important secondary role these days. In the natural sciences, I would say that the order of these two virtues is reversed. Rigor is, of course, very important. But the most important value is insight--insight into the workings of the world. It may be because there is another guarantor of correctness in the sciences, namely, the empirical evidence from observation and experiments."

"C'est en forge ant qu'on devient forgeron."(By dint forging does one become a Blacksmith.)
This was what my French teacher said to me after my disappointment over not being able to express myself with clarity after months of working hard at speaking French better. I knew all my grammar rules, and my vocabulary was adequate. Then why was it that I was unable form a clear picture of what she wished to express? My strong acquaintance with English, Marathi and Hindi failed to help me in this prospect.

I reflected on the axiom all night, trying to figure out what it meant by myself. It was as if all I required was a little pondering upon before the meaning of the proverb became clearer to me. Practice makes perfect! So simply and beautifully put. Such is the beauty of language that it allows us to express ourselves in ways so unique. I realized that the problem lied not in my insufficient diction, rather in my pedantic approach towards learning an entirely different manner of perceiving and expressing.

In science, I learnt that black is the most optimal to absorb most part of the visible electromagnetic spectrum. This idea is aptly used in the design for photovoltaic cells which are completely black to absorb large amounts of energy. Then why were plants green and not black? Wouldn't black be a more efficient energy absorber? It seemed to me like evolution had made a wrong choice of colour. My reasoning had again left me perplexed rather than settled.

Learning requires two things: Knowledge and Reasoning. But there is a third thing between knowledge and reasoning called insight. Whether it is a science or a language, insight has always been my best friend out of the three. Even if it may not explain why plants are green, at least it allows me to realize that they could have been black.

Do you think I answered the prompt well? Do I stick to it or sound tangential or diffused? Please be harsh and I'm welcome to any suggestions/corrections. Thanks a ton! :)
Jan 2, 2012
Undergraduate / 'individuality and self-exploration' - Why Oberlin College? [3]

I think I am crazy. At least I've been told I'm crazy, just about as many times as Norman Bates talks to his dead mother in the movie, "Psycho" (so apt). This is because,

I sit all night long watching Animal Planet and mockumentaries on Dragons. I read till my eyes hurt and cry for sleep. Some books one might find in my bookshelf are World War Z, Rebecca, The Kite Runner, Sophie's World, and The Diary of a Wimpy Kid (you may wonder about my eclectic reading choices). Midnight snacking is my favourite bedtime hobby. Though I cannot go long without losing all the calories I put on by going for my regular jogs and dance class. In addition to being an avid anime buff and a big sci-fi junkie who spends hours reading about possibilities of extra-terrestrial life, I manage to find just about enough time to complete my work. I love studying what I like especially Biology and anything space related, a quality my friends find rather unsettling and to an extent annoying.

Above all, I believe in doing things that I love and that womb chairs are the best spots to catch sleep in. So for all of my above mentioned traits, I feel a deep connection to Oberlin College. After learning about Oberlin, I fervently perused through the college site, devoured the official blog, and stalked Oberlin on every social networking medium possible. The more I learnt about the college, the more I fell in love with its quirky and intellectually charged atmosphere. It excites me to read about ExCo that is yet another learning platform for an Obie which combines fun and learning.

Oberlin celebrates individuality and self-exploration. That's what makes Oberlin my premier college choice. All I dream now is about is about acorns, womb chairs, white squirrels and even the freaky, obese Orange Squirrel that roams the grasses of Tappan Square!

Hi there, I just finished writing this. Please help me edit. Do I show my interest in Oberlin well? Please feel free to offer any advice or suggestions. Thanks a ton for reading!
Jan 2, 2012
Undergraduate / UChicago Favorite Things Essay - "Lolita/Frank Sinatra" [5]

Hi Grace,
Both of them are very well written!! :) I like the imagery in the second essay.
You got me wanting to read Lolita!

Please check my Oberlin essay, and also my latest post in my Common App thread if possible. Thanks! :)
Jan 2, 2012
Undergraduate / ' New Schools, New Me' - Common App Essay #5 [8]

Hi Bryan, great work!
I like how you described your transition from a rigid catholic environment to a more liberal one.
However, like the first comment says you need to either stick to your transition or how being a Chicano and first generation of college aspirant from your family is important to you. Also, I'm not sure if a reader can gauge your thought process by this essay completely. While I see this is well written, I'm not entirely clear your personality shine through well enough.

I hope you could make use of whatever I had to say. :) Other than that, good job! Good luck!

Please check my latest post in my CommonApp essay thread. I would really be grateful. Thanks! :)
Jan 2, 2012
Undergraduate / 'shine brighter in Mexico' - Cornell supplement (Arts and Sciences essay question) [3]

Hey Spencer, great essay!
You've managed to show your love for history well. However, I feel that you could do away with descriptions about your AP classes and high school because that's something which would be evident from your transcripts, application etc.

Try writing more about history and more specifically about Cornell. I think then you should be fine. :) Grammar wise, I think your fine.
Good Luck!

Please check my latest post in my CommonApp essay thread and my Oberlin supplement essay if possible. Thanks! :)
Jan 3, 2012
Undergraduate / 'unconventional essay prompts' - why uchicago essay [11]

Hi Jeselle!

Your "Why UChicago" essay is really well written. :) It shows succinctly why you want to be there.

Your second essay is very abstract. But an intelligent reader would see how smart and insightful you are. Though I'm not really sure if you need to just write to given prompt or even try to portray your personality with your writing (which you do with your first essay anyhow). Either way, it's very well written. Your essay has a sort of dark tone to it which leaves me intrigued. :)

Good job and good luck!

PLEASE check my common app, and also my supplemental essays for Williams, Bowdoin and ConnColl. Thanks a lot! :)
Jan 3, 2012
Undergraduate / Core program at the University of Chicago brings the undergraduates closer for a global conversation [13]

Hi Kenneth!
Good work! This is well put together. You sufficiently describe why you want to be a part of UChicago. But mind me if I offer you some suggestions... I've been reading plenty of UChicago essays today and most of them are very well written. The best ones manage to get their personality across with the most clarity. While I'm not saying yours doesn't I'm just not sure if it's memorable enough. Unless other your other UChi essays are standouts this doesn't matter. But I suggest you could work on this to make it a superb essay showing both your interest in the college and you as a person.

Don't be obliged to follow this, it's just what I feel. Good job anyway and good luck! :)

PLEASE have a look at my Common App essay and also my supplements for Williams, Bowdoin and ConnColl. I would really appreciate your help! :)
Jan 3, 2012
Undergraduate / (Nerdy myself / Bicycle together) - Tufts [4]

Hey Alexandra! Thanks for commenting on my essays. :) You gave some helpful advice.

Your "why tufts" essay seems fine, but I think the above post gives you all the pointers to make it better.

...to find my mom waiting for me at the front door, my papi moved out

Moved out? why?

Otherwise the essay shows show personality well and your love for your family. Great job! Just revise both your essays a couple of times and they'll be perfect :)

I just posted my optional Tufts essay. PLEASE PLEASE have a look. :)
Thanks a ton again!
Jan 3, 2012
Undergraduate / 'living & dreaming' - University of Chicago Essay [4]

Hi there! I think Jeselle made the necessary corrections.
You're essay has a very strong conclusion :) I was a bit lost, wondering where your story was heading. But in the end it makes perfect sense.

However, if you encounter an authoritative adcom you don't want to leaning him/her wondering for most part as to where your writing seems to be heading. Just what I feel. Don't be obliged to follow through it. :)

Great work and good luck!! :)

PLEASE READ my Tufts supplement!!! I really wish to have it reviewed. Any help would be appreciated.
And if you get the chance, please also check my Williams, Bowdoin and Conn Coll supplements as well. Thanks a lot! :)
Jan 3, 2012
Writing Feedback / Interesting essay about weird poem (my favorite anything) [6]

Hey Sonya! Wow, your analysis of something so simple is so intriguing and well put together. You have a strong insight and this clearly shows through your writing. :)

Really great work! :)

PLEASE have a look at my Tufts supplement! I really could use your help.
If possible do also check my Williams, Bowdoin and Conn Coll Supplements as well. Thanks a lot! Good Luck!
Jan 3, 2012
Undergraduate / 'a band geek' - Tufts Short Response #3 [3]

hey Timothy!
Well written essay! Good job :) I don't see any major errors or anything. Good Luck!

Please check my Tufts optional supplement essay. I really could use some help. Thanks! :)
Jan 3, 2012
Undergraduate / *WHO RUNS THE WORLD?* - TUFTS optional supplement essay [11]

Hey there!
I have the tufts supplement due tonight. It has an optional essay part. I need help reviewing/editing it. Please give any suggestion/correction or critique. And as always, BE BRUTAL. :)

Prompt : 3) Celebrate your nerdy side. (250 - 500 words)


Modern science has changed the way we perceive life and nature. The theory of Evolution has long inspired my grey-cells and left me daydreaming for hours. It makes my love for Biology deeper still. The theory has inspired me to write this poem which shows how all of us are the progeny of a bundle of organic chemicals that suddenly came to life billions of years ago.

I sit here in the park on my favourite tree,
Inspired by this famous theory
Which says that you, me and all of us
Come from a ball as small as a speck of dust.

Cells, as they call it, are what we are talking about
Formed eons ago in a primordial soup of organically rich compounds.
Certainly odd, don't you think?
How this 'ball' suddenly came to life...
First came the R, then the NA, and that's how you get RNA
But no one liked it as much as the all time popular DNA.
Natural Selection they say was the cause of this sudden change,
Making the Rs less common but giving the Ds much of a gain.

Cell division and expansion gave rise to numerous cells,
That covered our planet in numbers no one could tell.
First came Prokayotes, Chemooautotrophs and others with fancy names
And some of them exist, even till this very day!
Time goes on but things move slow,
So do not get any more bored.
Let's move on and forward the clock
Tick-tock, tick-tock and here we stop.

Few million years have now passed
And our cells have worked very hard,
Picking up many new traits
The Cyanobacteria, we call them, know to reduced water straight.
But oops! They did it again,
The cells have made a big mistake.
The oxygen they produce as waste product from water
Will kill them without telling them about the matter.
So new cells rise and life moves on
In the race of evolution, Eukaryotes have certainly won.
They give rise to multicellularity and reproduction
That have sped up the rate of evolution.
The accumulated oxygen dissolves iron in the oceans and lakes
Forming iron ore that allows us to construct buildings great.
The ozone layer now allows the life
To start colonizing the lands without any plight.
So come the Fungi and the Alga
Followed by the Porifera and Antozoa.

Life keeps becoming complex still
The evidence we see in the fossils.
Fish rule the seas, Aves dominate air
Leaving the Reptiles and Mammals with the lands to care.
The timeline adds more groups and classes
And our Classification Table of living keeps growing like wild grasses!

So where do we come? You may ask
But solving this confusion of cells and tables was not an easy task
We are Homo Sapiens of the class Primate
Who believe that we run the entire Planet.
But let me remind you what we are inside -
Not only are we siblings of the same origin but a mere assortment of same cells packed tight.
(506 words)

How well do you think this answers the prompt? I probably cannot show my love for Biology in any other way. It didn't turn out exactly as I had planned, but I'm still happy with it. Please tell me what you fell? Thanks a ton! :) I'll help back definitely.
Jan 6, 2012
Undergraduate / 'I indulge in silence' - my commapp [10]

Hi Uchenna!
You're essay is very well written. It has a distinct voice and manages to paint your portrait as a person well. :)
But like some others have pointed out, the essay seems a bit jumpy at some points. No it isn't abstract. You've connected your ideas with concrete examples and inferences. It does however tend to become a sort of 'list' about your characteristics. Since you're writing under "Topic of your choice", you have the liberty to write as you wish. Most essays either revolve around a significant experience. Your essay is different because it just talks about something not as significant as building schools for underprivileged in some country, but something that you experience everyday. Your silence. Your thoughts and outlook towards life. It's simple but well written and has a lot of potential.

I suggest you work on it a bit more. Expand on a few ideas. Being succinct is great, however not at the cost of being discordant. Improve on your flow and your essay will shine. Other than that, great work! Good Luck! Hope I could help. :)

And PLEASE, I request you to check both my threads and give me some reviews/advice/suggestions if possible. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks! :)
Jan 6, 2012
Undergraduate / "God is great, God is good, Prayer" - Why Brown? [5]

Hey Landon,
What a unique way to answer the prompt. You're applying as a transfer and this essay works well for your situation. :) As the first comment says, you need to be a little more specific. Even your revised version seems a little lacking there. You need to convince the reader that you know why you love Brown. A point or two more would do the job well.

I really like the way you end the essay. However, it seems a little ironic that you say you'd pray to be accepted at Brown but are out of practice. But the way you've worded the end seems like a little petition/prayer in itself. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just my opinion. :) But then again, which "why (this college) ?" essay doesn't become a borderline request. Anyway, without further digression I would say keep at this if you have time. Just revise and include more precise details about Brown. You'll have a great essay. :)

PLEASE, I request you to check both my thread and give me some opinion/critique/suggestions if possible. I could really use any help. Thanks!
Jan 6, 2012
Undergraduate / "I'm a cupcake" - Emerson supplement [3]

Hi Lila!

Your essay is so sweet. ;) It's very well written and works well with the prompt. :) I think the limit given is a bit unjust because you cannot expand your writing to include more concrete details. But I guess you don't need to do that.

My suggestion : reading the title, I expected some vivid imagery as part of your essay's tone. If you could incorporate that it would be really great. :)

But I'm guessing your deadline's up. If you get the chance though, do try to work on this.
Good job, and good luck!

PLEASE, do read both my threads and comment on my essays if possible. I would really appreciate your help. Thanks!!
Jan 7, 2012
Undergraduate / 'a costume to wear for one year of my life' - Common App [11]

I can't think of anything worse than being stuck in something that is hard to move in and makes me overheat all the time

shouldn't it be overheated?

There are many ways in which being a Jedi warrior for a year would be awesome.

Try 'reasons' instead of ways. Ways seems like a wrong choice of word here. SO try to edit accordingly after that.

Wearing a Jedi costume interferes with very little with my current day-to-day schedule

Also you've used "Epic light saber battles" twice in the essay. It seems to spoil the flow, edit that if possible :)

I'd be able to continue my conditioning training just fine.

Conditioning Training? Does this have a connotation for a daily activity? Or is it an esoteric Star Wars term? Help me here. :/ This seems vague.

I like your Jedi costume idea. But please don't mind me if I give you some constructive criticism.
Your essay starts with great promise. I feel almost compelled to read it further. So a plus there!! :)
As I progress and you mention your choice of costume - A Jedi's disguise, I feel more intrigued. However, as I read on about the reasons behind picking this costume, I feel a bit let down because it fails to satisfy me on a more than just shallow point of view. Do you get what I mean? I don't get to hear your voice much, or your inner thoughts and your dilemmas or inner conflicts.

The way to go about this is trying to put in more reasoning to your choice behind your Jedi costume. Its hidden/deeper implications on your daily life more than the obvious ones. More of your insight, and though process while wearing the costume. And then also incorporate the fun elements of your costume. It would truly make your essay a very strong piece of writing.

Now, to me this essay seems like it has a lot of potential and promise, but fails to deliver as much. These are just my suggestions, you're not obliged to follow them through please! :)

Good job and Good luck!!!!

I would really be grateful if you commented on BOTH my threads if possible. I could really use help reviewing my essays.
Jan 7, 2012
Undergraduate / 'what type of leadership you portray' - RA Leadership Essay [6]

You're essay is great! :) It has some very strong ideas. However, I feel you've quoted quite a lot. I may be wrong. :)

If you could look over both my threads if possible and leave a comment, I would really be grateful. :) Thanks!
Good Luck and good job!
Jan 7, 2012
Undergraduate / 'U.S. failed to secure a decisive victory to end the conflict' - Georgetown SFS essay [3]

Hey Dylan,
First of all, I echo to what the first comment says. What's the topic or focus of your essay?
Regardless, your argument seems strong. You seem very knowledgeable in current world issues. Great! :)

Could you please look over both my threads? I could really use some more reviewing of my essays. Thanks a lot!
Good luck!
Jan 7, 2012
Undergraduate / 'My sister and I were born in Morocco' - Letter of special circumstances for college [15]

Your essay is very well written. But it sounds a bit self-important when you talk about your achievements and also the hardships you've been through. Please don't mind me, I don't in any way wish to diminish or devalue the problems you've faced.

Your English is great for a third language! I can understand the difficulties in learning a new language. French is my fourth language, and I really wish to perfect it someday and speak well.

Other than that, it is heart-rendering to know what your mother did to secure a better future for you and your sister. I think if you could incorporate your teacher's idea and the reasons for you wanting to attend Purdue, your essay would truly stand out. There are many people who have faced such adversities that only make ours look smaller. It would really help your essay to show how you wish to overcome it by 'repaying' (if that word exists in a mother's dictionary) your mother by obtaining a worthwhile college education and become a better son.

Good Luck! And good job! :)

I would really appreciate if you looked at both my threads and left a comment. I could really use help reviewing my essays. Thanks a ton!
Jan 8, 2012
Undergraduate / 'what type of leadership you portray' - RA Leadership Essay [6]

Thanks a lot Erica! :) I think I tried staying to the word limit (max. 500 words) Though, yes it was on the longer end.

I realized later that you must have had to quote a lot. The prompt itself suggests it. :) Good work!!
I would really like you to read and comment on my second thread if possible. I would truly be grateful to you! :) Thanks again!
Jan 8, 2012
Scholarship / 'new places and new people' - About Self Scholarship Essay [4]

Nevertheless, there were some people who underestimate about my decision, but it would not let me down

remove the about; try using another word for 'underestimate'. I know what you want to say, but the word seems wrong in this context. How about 'demeaned'/'spurned'/denigrated' ? :)

I always like to take part in any organizations which supports my passions

subject-verb error. 'Any' is singular and goes with 'supports'.

It is a challenge for me in working with the people because every individual has different characteristics and my job is to adjust myself into their characteristics in order to make a great team work and accomplish team's goal

'in working' is idiomatically wrong. 'to work' is better. :) the second time, try using another word for 'characteristics'... 'requirements' is a better word choice I feel.

Always be creative and try to think out of the box, those are my principle.

'Being creative and thinking outside the box are my principles.' The above sentence seems a bit passive.

Just like my favorite quotation, "There is always something", means that everything happens for a reason and there is not only one solution to solve it. That's the way I am living my life.

Rephrase this: "There is always something," which means that everything happens for a reason and there are multiple solutions to one problem. This quote reflects my outlook on life and this is how I choose to lead it. (Okay, this is just my addition. Feel free to use it or not. :) )

Otherwise, nice work! I tried to address whatever I could.
Keep revising!

Please look over both my threads if possible. I would really appreciate any more reviews for my essays. :) Thanks a ton!!
Jan 8, 2012
Undergraduate / (bus ride to Project R.I.S.E. / love-hate relationship with football) Common App [5]

Hey Zachary!
Your essays are very strong. Particularly your CommonApp essay. Very Well written!! :) It talks sufficiently about your love for football, your commitment towards the sport and most importantly the way it shaped you as a person without being too verbose about one particular aspect of it. Overall a very good read.

There aren't any major mistakes I can point out, just keep revising till you submit for the most-error free essay.
Good Job and Good Luck!!

Please look over both my threads if possible. I could use some help reviewing my essays! Thanks a lot!
Jan 14, 2012
Undergraduate / (academics and social life / speak life / house) - Tufts essayds [6]

Hey John! Your essays are really great! Good work! :)
Your writing shows to its full exent the kind of person you are. I particularly liked your "world within" essay. Nice idea.. :)

I'm applying to Tufts too! I hope you get in. All the Best! Don't worry, you've done great job :)

If you like you could read my Tufts optional supplement and leave a comment. I would appreciate your opinion about it. Thanks! :)
Jan 18, 2012
Undergraduate / 'the liberty to write a novel' - Oberlin Supplement [5]

While you describe your interests/reasons for applying to Oberlin and how Oberlin would help you obtain the sort of education your looking for perfectly, your have exceeded the word limit way too much.

As far as I remember it was around 250 words right? This is well worded and in addition to your Mohawk essay may do good to your application, but if I remember well you've crossed suggested word limit there too, right? Now, I am not saying I am up for not crossing the word limit (I've done it my CommonApp essay!). I understand how difficult it is to express yourself in a small space. However, doing so could either be a plus for your application (in terms of letting the admission officers getting a better perspective of you) or be a setback. Setback because the adcoms wish to see applicant's ability to express themselves succinctly. Considering your essays, this could be detrimental to your application because it would not be fair to judge you on them while others have stuck to the suggested limits. It would be like giving you an inadvertent advantage over others. I hope you understand me on this.

I may be wrong, of course. This essay could do great if they look at it in the positive light. But I just wanted to give you my opinion about it. I think the essay is written well.

Good Luck, fellow (prospective) Obie! ;)

I would really appreciate if you could read my Tufts Optional Supplement essay thread and leave a comment. :) Thanks!

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